HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-26, Page 5fABIt
APRIL 20, 1900
,THE l3RL/88
cent. P. Brue
! loeuor of Marriage L.iooneoe, Of.
o urn err trent u
Cao at Grocery, T n y street, Ile seals,
L•U• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
North of the Standard Bank. Ladies' and
Children's hair oatting a specialty,
i Mamas/nu hoe several good Farms for
sale pad to rent, easy berme in Townships
of Morris and'Grey, 11' B, sbOTT,Braeeele
Issuer, of Marriage Licenses,
esmaxTp8f1T S, ONT-
L. O. M.,
Aoademlo graduate of London conserve•
tory of Mnelo, also Member of the Aesooioted'
INusioian0 of Ontario, oto prepared to receive
on he piano number
iued to prepare pupils tor.
the PripoipaVO Form in the Conservatory of.
Music, Brussels,' Ontario,
4..x. Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
o Co. Huron; Conveyancer Notary Pune,
'Laud,Loan rand ncoa; Atie -
ser. Funds invested andtoaLoan, Collec-
tions made.
-tionemado. Office in G7abam'siBl0Cic,Brue
h • nun, will Bell for better prices, to
better men, In lees time and less obargee
than any other Auctioneer 11i East limo Or
he won't charge anything, Dotes and orders
can always
e arranged
rras ed at this office or by
(YonMEima OY 8BAYolimn)
Graduate of R. O. D S., Toronto ; Post Grad-
uate worse at Huskers School, Obiongo, in
orownand bridge work. r3Prioe0 same as
in eorrounding towns.
Office over A.R. Smith's etore,Brnsselo.
• Honor Graiduatfthe Ontario Vet-
Oollege, prepared
eases of domesticated- animals lin a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary D•ntletry. Calle promptly at-
North oto.
bridge Turudbo ry 01 , Brussels. bore
• Barrietor, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Odloe—B tewart'a Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
. Solicitor, &o. Office over 5iand-
ard Bank• Solicitor for Village o1 Brussels,
Money to Loan at lowestratep.
i ,r •
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron)) Barrister r .4',3olioitor, Goderlob
Ont. Office Ham,. ''a street, opposite OM.
borne Hotel. ,
uw'e• 01, D.. o. 111.,0
' and Surgeons Royal
;l Member of of tho 001
logo of Pbyeioiane andSnrgeone. of Ontario.
Diseases of Women and Ohildren a special-
opposite 1experience.
0t glish ohurohD,Brueeelres-
111. b., C. 1,.,
Toiuity Uuilereity, Follow Trinity Medical
Collego,Member Oollege of Pbyeioiaue and
Surgeons, Ont. Li cent into of the Royal 001 -
lege o! Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
eifory,Rdinburgh, I Tolopbo8e No,11,
lletidonoe—Mill-street, Brussels.
P1Y0IOIAN, BDIt011001 AND A0000011EUD,
(Successor to Ile. F. Il. Kalbuolse%)
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med,0111., New
York ; M D 0,MVictoria .University, Torou-
to ; Member of the College of Pliyelolans and
Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid
to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and
throat. 10.11
• D. F. SMITH,
M. D. C. M.,
Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &,,
&o, Alt specialty work satisfactorily treat-
ed, Oileo upebaire. lu the-Sbretton Block
Office boure, 0 to 12 0, m,, and 7 10 10 p. m.
Specialist work, such rte for eye, ear,. throat,
&o„ lb the officio at his residence, lllikabeth
street, from 2 to 0 p m. All medroiuea will
be dispensed personally by the Dr, or wader
hie direst. supervision.
,L _—
BAlt. FOt SIi RVIOB'•' -T TIE.
nuaor0igned;wi'l keep for..:ervice 00
hill hum, ltthel,ao improvedYorlt biro hog,
with real Iter od peruse 0e Ternil4 0100, to
be paid at time of eeiw100 w14' rVrivilege. 01
rotiriung if 2 edam,., 00.1
O.1e .hRrlt,410prietor,
tAOR , ,, 1I. Eni-
1 Bien VICE. P
n(bey, an has tut ,0d drirsh 0 Lot 10,
Con 0, (bey, a thorn' btod 'L'drk8ldre hog,
bred by Robt, Nlaltel, of moot. They Also
hove a thorn' bo7•kehire, 1'brdhaeed 1:001 101..
McAllister, ti' 1,qt 10, bon.'0,
star, of Stanley, '41/410,,"' applioa•
Grey, Pedigrees ,ntay b 10g,oe pall At
tieu, Nino for 00017,!]Ide of retu7•ping.
t heathe e of tet'vioo with priv. W-51. @EON,
11 ueeB S Awry. kf]1NA iteriotors,'
Writ!) '10 -day far Our. Catalaguo
ii f
, J
Students are in attendance this year
from Canada, United States .and Neve,
foundland. Our graduates are always
euooeeeful in getting good situations,
W J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Dotal Naos
ONIONS, acoording to a leading pbyoi.
(ion, are more nourishing than any other
vegetable. It ba: long been known, how.
ever, that they make people strong.
THE Seaforth Sun credits all the Die,
blot news it fobblee from exohangeo "Our
own Correspondent," Tun Pos'r borrows
what it ohooee from its contemporaries but
don't give credit ae we rarely receive it.
A. FARMER near Beaton, Ont., was re-
oently fined $10 and Coate, in all $26.60,
for harboring and Belling a etray cove
without advertising her. The law re,
quires that stray stook shall be advertised.
Witness of Birtle, Man„ of April 10th
seri 1—"Birtle base ball olub organized
for the season on Wednesday evening.
Interest taken shows that players and
oitize,ie are muoh alive for the game and
we trust the club will make a good record
this year. Officers; elected were D. D.
MoAribue, Patron 1J, A. Flower, pros. ;
W. J. Small, let vioe`; A. H. Fitzpatrick,
2ad vioe and manager." Mr.Fitzpatrick
ie wellknown in Brnseele being a former
resident and we 18800 ie " first
g ot. ht
on the diamond in town.
SWINDLED,—An Exchange Gaye : We
understand that some of our citizens
ltv,ve been very nicely duped by an enter-
prising epeotoole peddler, who euooeeded
in pereu'tdine some liberal minded people
to pay him $7 and 98 a pair for common
gilt eprotaeles.. We have no .sympathy
whatever for people who are thus begun -
ed, who prefer to patronize every tramp.
that comae along in proferenoe to dealers
at home, who they know, will treat them
fairly, and this time, Re it neually' is,
some of the fooled ones belong to that
clever set who always know a good thing
when they see IL—Deal with people who
advertise in the looal newspapers and
yon will not be swindled.
FREE TIM To PARIS—or its equivalent
in oaeh.—A free triptoParis and return
will be given by Tae ILLUSTRATED AME,•
00AN, of New York, to the pereon making
the Iargeetlist of words by using only
these eight lettere "A -M E R•I O•A-N,"
for example : arm, MOD, rice, nice, eta.
An elegant upright Piano for eaoh second
and third largest lute. A. high grade
Bicycle for each of the next five largest.
Lias. A Graphaphone for each of the
neat ten largest liete. A Morrie Elegy
Chair, handsomely upholstered,' tor earth
of the next twenty•five largest lista and a
abeioe of either a beautiful Silk Drees
Pattern or a China Dinner Set for each
of the next fifty largest lints. In eaee of
a tie for any prize the cash equivalent
will be equally' divided among those en•
titled to it, and all ononeesful Canadian
contestants will receive prizes free of duty.
Forward your list of words (correctly
numbered) with fifteen 2 cent Canadian
or U. S. stamps for a three months trigs
subscription, and you will receive full
portionlare and notification of the result
as anon as award is made. Over $250,000
has been expended during tbe past twelve
years to secure for The Illustrated Amer-
ican it's position in theforemost ranks of
American publiootione and 9100,000 more
ie to be spent to obtaio for it the largest
bona•fide circulation of any high elan
magazine in the world. Every successful
contestant ie to recommend into their
friends and assist in increasing ite already
large annual oiroulation. The oompeti.
tion opens April 1810, and (loses May 31,
1900. Five teachers from the New York
Public Sohoole will be invited to aot as a
committee of final award. Write your
list of words with name and address
plainly, and forward promptly. Address:
Amerioan Traot Society Building, New
(Illinois) Star of April let, speaks as fol.
lows of a former well known Braeeelite :
—Tbe home of George Hingeton, 107
Bartleeon street, was last night the scene
of one of the almost brilliant and intellect
nalgatheringe that Joliet hoe ever seen.
Tbe,ocoasion was a surprise party given
by the Will County bar and the oounty
and circuit court officials, in honor of 11r.
Hingeton, who has been for twenty years
the oourt reporter and who leave% Hay
Let for his new home in Spokane, Wan:
ingbon, where ho will 0ngrge in frait
farming. It wee a oomplete 8000000 both
as a :00101 event and ae a atomise to Mr.
Megaton. At 7:80 the company met at
the homo of Attorney A. b'. Knox, ae.
cording t0 the committee's arrengemeot,
where eaoh man shouldered hie chair and
marched to the none of Ration. To Bay
that 01r. Hiegeton was eurprieed is put-
ting it mildly, He was astonished. But
ho soon recovered and performed hie
dntfee 08 host in a manner that left noth.
ing to be desired. Cards and cigarenoon.
pied the attention of the oompany during
the early part of 1118 01eni09 and at 10:46
rafreshmeole were served. At the con
elusion of this the nines were cleared,
Attorney D, F. Huggins waeghoeen toast -
muster nod speeches were called for. In
response to this Attorney d. L. O'Dounell
rose and in behalf of the gentlemen pees -
ant, said to Mr. TIingoton : "We did not
come to make speeches!, but to bid you a
cheerful farewell. There ie a rumor a•
round that re have traded your type-
writer for a Wiooheater rifle, and some
say that yon ore going to quit making
quail traolie and goafter bear tracks, I
don't know bow that ie, bet they were
going to atop you themselves, and have
brought the sheriff along. One proposed
to get out a "oapiaa od reepondendum,"
but Judge Dibell decided that that would
only apply to a fellow that wouldn't pay
hie lawyer, while Judge Marshall decided
that a Writ of "ne exeat ream" was to
keep a married men home nights. So I
don't know how we lire going to hold you.
You have eejo ed the dietlnotion of being
the y
pioneer ptanogrn;7lmr .of the Will
County bar, For twenty years some of to
have been alongeide of you, and your
position required the highest degree of in.
tegrfty and Iidolily to duty. And ant
Week, no mattCwhether yep go into
politite, or wbatevet dfegrime(ul pranks
t t , eh writean
Want Into i bank d
You 4 get ,
8 1
moral A F+
send affidavit Of good 79 al Oiler Ot.t
e dans !t o
and wo_will 0ign ith witlteut readingit,
We have 00010 10 takefarewell of you and
wish you Godspeed, and to tole you to
always oonalder unae your rendetandd
we want ogive you a little token o
mind you • always 05 long as you live of
the good Mabee of the Will County Bar,"
At the oonulueion of thio speech Mr.
Donnell Minded Mr, Ringetou en elegant
gold watch ohain to whiny was ettaohed
a handsome oharm with a diamond sot.
ting. To tyle expression of friendship
and good will Mr. 11ingotoo reeponded
feelingly. He was gratified that his la
bors had been appreciated and proud that'
be earned the esteem of men whom it it:
an hodor even to know; Sliort epeeehee
were alert made by Judge Dibell and At.
Corney Haley. E. W. Hudson, of Engle.
wood, rendered several vocal eeleotloue,
wbioh were roundly applauded. Those
pre•ent. were ; Judge Dorranoe Diboll,
Judge A, 0. Marshall, Attorneys J, T,
Donahoe, J, L. O'Donnell,' A. F. Knox,
0. B. ()beadle, G. D. McKenzie, 0. A.
Hill, Geo. W. Young, P. C. Haley, 0, E.
B. Cutler, S. 0.Riekeon, Peter Shotte,
E. G. Purkhieer, S. P. Avery, G. J. (low.
ing, H. M. Snapp, D. F. Higgins, J, B.
Fiibian, 0011 MoNaughton, Oirouit Clerk
Vendor Bogart, Sheriff Mottinger, Conn
ty Superintendent Nevins, Recorder 0
Noble, Court Reporter E. 0. Shaw, A. E.
Boadley, A, J. Lingren, H, P. Sheets,
A. E. Green and A. W, Hudson.
[Intended for last week ]
Samuel MoPhereon has beettlaid up
for a week with sciatica.
Joshua Dennison, 14th non., has corn
meooed operations for the erection 0f a
new brick house.
Danny Sneohtel 'sod Harold Young,
both of the 1410 con., are recovering from
an attack of inflammation of the lunge.
What might have been a very serious
accident mouthed to John Munn last
Saturday. While working near the en-
gine in the sex/ mill, a pelt snook him on
the head,inflicting so .severe a wound
that a doctorwassummoned who found
that several stitches were necessary.
Mr. Munn is getting along as well as
could be expected under the circum•
[Intended for teat week.)
The Easter song and flower service in
the Methodist church last Sunday morn.
jag was quite intereeting. The pastor
bee annouuned for a Temperance sermon
next Sabbath evening.
PERSONAL.—Wm. 11. Stewart end wife,
of New Hamburg, visited our village dur-
Ing Eeeter•—Mise Ball, of Brussels, was
the gloat of 'Mrs. T. J. Watt.—Albert
Denman, of Chatham, and E. J. ()mites,
of Ripley, were home for vaoation.—We
are pleased to note an improvement in
the health of John Diment, sr., who has
been oonfinedto his room for some weeks.
—Mre. R. Musgrove visited friends at
Niagara Falls. R. and Mrs. MoPbereon
were visiting at Poieley: Mies Nellie
Biokle fe visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo.
P0000k, in Eon Wawanoeh.—Mrs. Fred.
MoOraokeu and ohildren, of Brnseele,
spent, Easter at John Gardiner's.—Mies
Ethel King, of Wiogham, is visiting her
aunt, Mra. Geo. MoDonald.—Mrs. Ma.
guire spent Good Friday at her home in
Listowel.—Mise Mary Scott ie visiting
in Seeforth.—Ed. Gray, of Denville,
Oot., spent Easter with hie father in
Blaevale.—Jno. and Mre. Holmes and
children, of Algoma, are visiting Mr.
Holmes' brother, Andrew, in•Bluevale.—
hire. (Rev.) West was at Belgrave this
week.—L. B. Duff, who has been in
Toronto Short Hand School since Christ-
mas, returned home ou Friday evening
and went on the "Times" staff on pion•
day.—Mise Alice Duff is home from
Clinton High eohool.—Mr:. Lowry, of
Wroxeter, is visiting her dangh ter, Mrs.
(Rev.) D. Rogers.
Sentenced To 1lontl*.
"Von are in the last stages of Ooneump•
tion and aonnot live more than %month "
were the words of doom heard by Mrs.
Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N.
0., from her doctors, "but she began to
use Dr. King's New Discovery" writes R.
L. Deughton, of that place, "and was
wholly oured by it. She is now a stout,
well woman." It's the supreme cure for
desperate diseases of throat end longe.
Infallible for Coughs, Colds; Bronobitie,
Asthma,' Croup, Whooping Cough.
Guaranteed bottles 60o and 91.00. Trial
bottles tree at G. A. Deadman'e drag
[tntended for last week.]
special meeting of the Court Ethel In-
dependent Order of Foresters, No. 175,
the following resolution was passed which
speaks for itself :—"Chambers of Court
Ethel, No. 175, L 0. F. Whereto, it has
pleased Almighty God, the Supreme
Ruler of the uoiverse, to remove from our
midst onr esteemed ire. and friend, Jae.
A. Young, and whereas, 11 ie meet that
we should give publio expreseion to oar
grief at this great bereavement, it is
therefore resolved, that in the death of
Bro. Young this Conn has lost a worthy
melnber; gooiety an ornament ; and hie
family an affectionatehneband and father.
Resolved, that while we mourn under
this great affliction that hes fallen upon
us we cannot but bow with submission to
this ineuroiible deoree. Beeolved, that
we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the
widow and family of our deceased broth•
er. Resolved, that a copy of these regio•
lotions be vent to the bereaved family."
Ethel, April 17th, 1000.
51oO ANNIVEnBARY. — Ethel Division
Sons of Temperance, No, 140, celebrated
the 51st anniversary of the founding of
the Grand Division of Ontario by having
an open meeting last Friday evening. A
general invitation watt not extended to
the public as it was feered that too large
a crowd would render the building un.
safe. Each member was allowed to in.
vita one and as a result the Hall was
comfortably filled by an intelligent and
appreciative audience. Shortly after 8
o'ulook the W, P. opened the meeting in
the ueual way and the following pro.
gram was then carried out 1—Ohorne,
Glee Club ; reading, Mies Ethyl
Mftahell; 00101 11. Reiohord ; dialogue,
"The bridal' wine cup Miesee Ida Cole,
D, Mito:olf and G, W,oliard,IMO.JIMO.-
men and W. Spence ; instrumental, Mies
Alice Myles; solo, Miss Lizzie Fletcher;
speech, J. Cobol ; quartette, ."Mortgage
the farm" Misses Spence and E. Caber
and Tl, Reiobard i reading, Geo. M,
Aitgh II dont MT ue
a arid Misee
Dvlea ; dialogue, "Which
side are
You on" Mise Ella Cantlon and Joseph
DMivdR(.o n Spence te
Lelitan; ars, 5. llaere ; solo,
Cele, Every one who took part in the
e n• well andn
program did exon dl ly we many
who heard it say it was Well worth 26
cents. We hope to see many who are
not yet members of our Division, eo.
peoially the yoeng men, come and join
uo. Wo ogery
enjoyablehave timegood every prFridayrama eveningenda.vIt
le a very profitable way of spending one
evening mob weelt.
Iter 1101241 A Prheiot.
"Large sores covered the head and fate
Of our Mind," writes C. D, Iehill, of Mor.
ganton,'I'enn7., "that no treatment helped
till we used Baaltlen's 'Arnioe, Salve,
whiobquickly oured her." Iufallible in
Eruptions, Bruiser:, Anoidento and Plies.
Cure guaranteed. Only 26o at G. A.
Deadmon'a drug store.
Kidneys that Won't
Do Kidney Work.
It is a short time (oonnted in days)
since Dr. Pitoher'e Baokaohe Kidney
Tablets firetcame to Bruesela. It was
said they were something entirely out of
the common as a epeoifto for Beckaobe
and Kidney oomplainte, and that they
acted very quickly and made
puree of oases that all other remedies
tailed to influence. Brussels people are
quickly coming to the front to substan-
tiate this statement. One of them ie
Wilber Baker, Tarnberry St., who sayo :
—"Some time ago 1 had a severe back-
ache or lumbago, so called, due to a cold
that settled in the small of the bank and
bothered me in moving not a little. I
moored a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache
Kidney Tablets at the drug store of Jae.
Fox and am glad to say lees than one
bottle stopped all the soreness and pain.
I have bad no return since using them."
If you have the slightest symptom of
'Kidney or Bladder trouble you eau test
this great medicine free. Arrangements
hese been made whereby every reader of
this paper.oan obtain a trial paokage of
Dr. Piteher'e Backache Kidney Tablets
absolutely free by enclosing two cent
stamp for postage to The Pitober Tablet
Co., Toronto, Ont. When giving addreee
mention this paper.
If you are convinced that Pitcher's
Tablets are what you want, you can pm -
:these regular size for 50 cents per bottle.
It not obtainable at druggists, mailed free
on receipt of price.
Clio Con.
Newsy Noone.—Thureday evening of
last week al 7.30 o'clock fire was discov-
ered in Newoombe'e dry goods store, bot
ae the firemen were promptly on the
soe0e little damage was done. It was
started by the eleotrio wire entering
through the show window. The plate
glass front Buffered badly.—Wesley East,
only eon of William East, engineer at tbe
Fair flour mill, was accidentally drowned
on Wednesday afternoon of bet week in
What t,o nae Pairsond, In a
parry with another bay be went oat on a
raft, and both fell in, Hie oowPaniee
was aaved byGa Hiller. Young East'
father was one of the drat to reed: the
poene, and, although he euooeeded in lard,
ing the body, it wap too late to pave the
boy's life. Hewae about Vipers of age.
—here is alight deoreaes in the popu.
latiop of alinton e1n00 Leet year,—Mr.
Crooke, of Belgrave, was admitted to the
Roane of Refuge on Tueoday of last week,
Be was suffering from a broken leg, the
result of a kick from a horee end having
no plane to go had to seek tyle inetitu.
tion.—Upon learning .that W. O. Myers,
representative of the Temperance and
General Life Insurance Co. in this diie-
triet, was about to leave town, a number
of the male members of Rattenbury Ep-
worth League bold a farewell supper for
him at Mr. 'Mo0laaherty's restaurant
when a pleasant eveains wee spent. Mr.
Myers left for Brantford on Tuesday
morning of last week where he takes the
position of general manager of the: Temp
eranoe and General Life Iasuranoe Co,
A turkey weighing thirty-five ibe, nes
on exhibition atthe 'Royal Hotel, Seat•
ford. •
Mre. F. J. Young, of Wood:took, wbo
has been under treatment for brain
trouble, was found in the yard of her
residence burned to a crisp.
At Y Per Cent
Costs of Loan
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
Office over Standard Bank,
System Renovator
-AND 011iEE-
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near -
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronobibie, Oon•
enmption, Gall Stones, Jaandioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitne' Dance,
Female Irregularities and Gunnel De
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jas, Fox, Drngglet, Brn.sela
Spring Prints
P. K. & Gin hams
All Spring Goods at
Old Prices at....
Agent for 'Parker's
Dye Works.
LW BUFFALO 1ATLUr ALL.6TLLL 0160 11n1000
on w u X000I,AL 3,1010 100)0 Luurvero.
The Universal Favorite
Noxon Disc Harrow,
The only Digo Harrow that bas adjust•
able pressure springs. This feature is
invaluable on hard or uneven ground.
Spring Tooth
attsohmen e it doelred)rnse,owing
with reversible pointe, also thistle cutters
it ordered.
The lightest draft, best wonting and
most easily operated Cultivator mauu•
The teeth wok directly under the axle
and within the wheel line,
See the NOW Spring Lift.
Noxon Drills stea111e "-
Drills, Sprint'.turPressure
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drilla are
go well and favorably kuown that they
speak for themselves', There are now
over 60,000 in use among the farmers of
thio country.
We invite the closest inspection of our Farm Implements and Machinery which
we are manutaotnring for the coming season.
In addition to the above we call special attention to our 185w Victoria Binder
7Vo. 14 Oxford clipper Pront•Cut knower, also our patent Spring and Spike
%farrows and lerietion stud Ratchet Dump Rakes. It will amply repay all intending
pnrohaeere;to sea our linen before planing their orders elsewhere.
fiend for Oar Nev 1500 Catalogue.
McKI lelnn
. oN & Vtr
BL-Z'T .
IsTow for Mouse Cl main I
We re have V madegreat proparatiouofor h0aee Oleanipgand bon:0
furniehing this oeaoon. At tine time of the year when Oarpete are taken
up and sleeted and Curtains taken down and washed, it is often found they
are pot' Bt to be mod again, and the thrifty houee•keeper begine to consid-
er where she oan.get the beet goods in the newest ptylee at the lowest
prloeo, and her tbonghte naturally turn to our mammoth establishment'
where she knows the beeb assortment of Oarpeta, Linoleum:, .Oil ()lotto,
Ourtaiee, Art Mulles, eta,, are to be found, and. it Epee without saying
the prloeo are always the 1pweot. Ali Qarpete over 25o, per yard will be
Out and Matched free of charge,
-Hemp Carpets, yard wide, at 12$0, 150, 20e and 25o.
—Deign Carpets, yard wide, at 25e, 30o, 86o and 50e.
—Wool Carpets, new patterue, at 75o, 90o and 91.
-Tapestry Oarpebe, new 00101 age, at 850, 60a and 660,
—Brussels carpets, new patterns and colors, 75o and 91.
—Japanese Matting, fine quality, at 20o and 25o.
—Laoe Curtains, 24 yardo long, at 190 and 25o.
—Laoe Curtains, 5 yards long, at 600 end 76o.
—Laoe Curtains, 54 yards long, 54 inches wide, look etitoh edges, new
floral designs, worth $1.25 for 91.
—Laoe Curtains, 84 yardo long, 64' to 60 in. wide, 91.00, $2 and $2,50.
—Art Muslin:, new patterns, at 5o, 8c, 10a, 124o and 75o,
—Floor 011 Cloth, 1, 14, 14 and 2 yards wide, 25e per square yard.
ILICINITON 8: Co., 33LrisrTit.
We a\ lie ■`showingthehast $1
Kid Gloves in the trade. Black
with two large dome fasteners, with black and also white silk
stitched backs, sizes 6 to 71.
Colors—A11 the new shades of Tans, Modes and Greys,
with two large dome fasteners, and silk stitched backs to
match, sizes 6 to 7i.
If you want the best value for your money be sure and get
the Albertine Kid Gloves at $1.00 per pair.
Crompton Corsets.
We keep a full line of the Crompton Corsets in the
Up-to-date" at 60c ; "Thelma" at 75c ; "Quebeh" at 95c ;
Victoria at $1.00 ; "Magnetic" and "Zatisi" at $1.25.
Also Childs' Waists and Misses' Corsets.
A. Strachan.
•0-4,31, 3/ JO '717.r :4.r
D. 0. ROSS, OSS, T
D. 0. ROSS' Boys' Clothing is not the
kind sold by most Clotting Stores and by the Dry
Goods and Department Stores—it's not the sort that
ie put together as cheaply es possible by the sweater
process—please don't Dome here for that kind.
If yon want honestly made, artistically tailored
garments for your boyo, we are at your service, and
at lower prime than other storm will sell yon,
Bring along your little fellow who has never had
a suit and we will fit him out to the Queen's taste.
Double.breaeted 2 -garment Boys' Middy Suite,
Knee Pant Suite, Boys' Knee Pante,
3 Garment Knee Pant Snits, Boys' Long Trouser:,
Boys' All -wool Reefers, Boys' end Young Men'e
Boys' Junior Suits, Saok Suite.
Boye' Sailor Sults,
1 'We also carry a Moe line of boys' White and
Colored Shiite. Collars and Ties in all sizes from
12 to 14.
Clothier and Furnisher.,
Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits,
Crockery, Glassware, &c., from my son I intend to carry
on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas-
urable and profitable to the public.
Grocery Stock
Fresh and up-to-date.
of TEAS.
The Choicest Fruits
and Confectionery.
We take no second place.
Continued as usual and
Satisfaction assured.
The patronage of the public solicited and we will do'.
our part to merit a continuance of your trade.