HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-26, Page 4T1IE 13ltil.SS,ELS POST
TILURS.P4Y, APR, 26, 1900.
(Continued from last week )
The carriages in use here would cause
a emilo if soon on Canadian roads, though
they answer the purpose ]sere admirably.
The most common kinde are two wheelere
and are called quilez and oerrometos and
are ovally distinguished, The former hes
but one seat across the body of the box
end slightly in rear 00 the axle. While
the oodaere site en a little seat close be.
hind the steed. The latter have two
ante running lengthwise and capable of
holding four paesengere while the other
one only carry two. In a oarrometo
with four paeseugers, even of medium
height, their knees are interlocked. and
heath; not far apart while the °ochero
site out in front and feeds his quadruped
"long oats" pretty steadily in order to
convey the impreeoion that he is making
good time. The 000hero is almost always
one of the most guileless looking individ.
uale ever seen but he will never let a fare
off without trying to get 3 times as much
as he is legally entitled to. It ie seldom
that he emotes a sucker nowadays ex.
Dept some new comer who hoe not been
posted ae to the rate of hire, a list of
wbioh each oochero is obliged by law to
have hung in a prominent part of hie
The ponies which. are raieed here do
not average more than 11 hands or weigh
over 300 lbs. No mares or geldings are
seen in the city eo the cooheroe have to
keep a continual watch on their animals
when waiting for a fare or there will
surely be a fight. Splendid ponies can be
bought in the proviocee for 310 or 315
Mexican °errancy which is about,} valve
of 13. S., wuioh would bring from 360 to
3100 here. All animals used for draft
purposes are branded, and the certificate
of registration or transfer is the only
legal proof any one can bring to sub-
etaotlate a claim of ownership. One
strong and prominent feature of these
ponies is their balking. Ninety nine out
of one hundred can safely be depended
upon to balk at least twice in going five
miles and the oochero takes it as a matter
of oonrse, simply chirruping a little more
assiduously and applying the whip some-
what more emphatically until finally the
animal finds out where he ie at and
again takes up the forward movement.,
facilitate the pieking of the prop. Oa
one:oecasio0 we had need felt a ooupla of
treee to be used on a bridge lie a ooupla of
0000anut trees were felled and pone one,
Out of curiosity, mounted the nuts on ono
tree and found there were over 250 some
newly formed while others were fully
ripe. T'wiee we saw piles of nuts about
20 ft. wide and more than 100 00. I°ug
and piled up to a peak, while small pilon
of 15 or 20 bushels were so aumeroae
that no one paid any attention to them.
Iota of soft places in .the roads the
hullo were used for filling and it is olatm-
ed that they make a better roadway than
anything else used for that purpose silica
the Americans first started Go repair the
roads in the arohlpelego.
OLIvOn Buren,
(Continued next week-)
4 Brt,ssellte in Chicago,
The draft animal of the country is, by
all odds, the oaraboa, one of the slowest
and most unintelligent which can be well
imagined. They are said to be very
powerful but if so I must always have
seen them at a great disadvantage. On
good roads with a good Dart behind them
346 lbs. was the greatest load I ever saw
put on. They require a great deal of
bathing, clean water not being essential,
bat simply damp enough to wet. Failing
their baths they are very liable to go mad
with the heat when they tear things end-
ways, lowering their heads until the nose
is between the fore lege and the Borns
projecting oat in front, they start on a
dead run and keep it up until they drop,
generally dead and always worthless so
that they have to be killed. The flesh is
much relished by the Filipinos, but
foreigners are chary of using it and rots
very quiokiy beside having a very peouliar
odor even when freshly killed. It lives
principally on the marsh grass, which is
very abundant, rice, sugar cane and
banana shoots, as do also the native
ponies though these latter are very fond
of molaaees too.
From about 11 a. m. to 2 p. in. daily
the principal planes of business are closed
and they eojoy the midday siesta, but
from the latter hour until close on the
curfew hour every thing is as lively as
any one Gould wish. The only places
which do not conform to the above ous•
tom are the bar rooms whose business is
generally so briak that they have no time
to shut up shop until the onrfew hour.
This is more noticeable since the new
Hume order went into effect ae it closed
up a large number of the smaller places,
the price being too high for them to pay.
The restaurants too have no time to
close as the foreign element will eat dur-
ing the day, and the number of patrons
is not decreasing any if the atatemente
_ ) made by more than one proprietor are
to be believed. Goad meale can be had
for 50 cents gold even though meats, but
ter, potatoaa, pickles, preserved fruits,
&o., have to be imported, principally
from Australia, and heavy duties have to
be paid.
I've seen miles upon miles of farming
. land on this island whioh hag no superior
any where on the globe. Superb Drops of
Indian 0080 0.re raised from whioh fall
grown ears can be plucked 80 days after
planting, 8 crops a year, manuring un.
necessary. Rice is grown in very large
`0, quantities, bot the hulling process ae well
tits wmpoi i 1re. primitlye„ in floe- ex-
nie. The plows are bu' little better
gen sharp pointed sticks with a covering
of iron, end the .harrow is identical
:with those in nee in Biblical times.
in a few of the more important places
Moll rice mule, operated by steam or
-ater power, are in operation, but by far
e largest part is hulled by hand 1n a
"e made of mortar and pounded with
avy round ended slab with a smeller
rtfon 1n the centre of ire length, very
doh like an attenuated honr•glase.
've seen thousands of bushels
of unhnlled rice spread on mate in the
an to get it dry and brittle so that the
fills would Dome off more easily, and
de of hulle several feet thick and yarde
extent in venous portions of the
iitry while around the mills the beaps
g'a'mbled nothing so much as the heaps
3dawdnet around a country saw mill
)uriug January, while out with Gen.
thwan's column through the provincea
6f Manila, Cavite, Batangas, and Laguna,
We; were for 3 &aye travelling through
donntry whioh wart almost literally, one
large orango orchard • and to say that we
filled up on the juioyfruit would be well
Within the troth. Ocoasionally we would
0em0 On a email banana plantation or a
foci' betel out trees. Later we were going
through & portion of country where no
other alga of#ifs auataining plants than
occoanate were visible and eel far as the
eye could 800501085 on either aide of the
road the p antatfone extended in perfeotly
straight rows with regular distances eaoh
way. Some tjmee ae many as 50 or 75
deco would be connected near the tops by
bamboo .oleo strung from tree 00 tree to
To th e. Editor of Tun Posw
The tine has now arrived to enable me
to give you a few nettle ou the elby of Chi-
cag0, No doubt many of your readers have
had tbe pleasure ere this to visit the
windy Clty," but I presume not all of
your subscribers have had thfe pleasant. op
portunity, I am nuder the impression that
It is wellfor anyone who has the means to
ocaosion0Oly visit some important centre.
The most expensive thing In the world
ie running/1i a rub and that often num
from staying at home. The ours is to go to
market. Buyers are attracted by new
things and will pay haudomety 00r
uove;ties and the 'latest style. Fresh
ideas in all things are worth money,.
Chicago never sleeps but is wide awake
both night and day. The populattou of this
city is estimated at prevent about 2 million
and i9 inereasiul &tumidly at the rase of
150,000. The area of the city is 187,188
miles, Thera are 902 miles of street rail-
roads and 647 churches, western Avenue,
the 1085001 street, measures 22 miles
The oily is the greatest live stook market
iu bbo world, as well as the greatest grata
market, It has 9 great English daily news-
papers. Phere is more than 8200,000,000
vested in manufacturing estabiisbmeute
and the volume of wholesalebusiness ex-
rneeds 0500,000,000 annually, I uodereta.,d
that overa mi'lioe ploees of mail -pass
daily through the post of9oe, More than
8.000 lake vessels enter and leave the
port of Chicago eye17 year.
In the style and character of its archi-
tectural structures Chicago must be ad-
mitted to stand without rival among the
cities of the American continent. This
oily is the native home of 'sky 000o00rs."
The hydraulic elevator which made the
'lofty buildings feasible, was the invention
of a Chicago man. In bulldieg, the steel
frame is now substituted for the solid or
stone structures of earlier days and not
a few of them contain over 500 rooms
The Maeoulo Temple is ane blithest of
these "sky scrapers" and is 21 stories. To
appreciate this lofty building one meet take
the elevator and go up and down. There is
a roof -garden on top of the building where
man yspend a pleasant boar lo the Summer
Chicago is noted for the number and
excellence of its great hospitals, The Cook
County hospital is the largest and most
importa0 t of the public charities of the
oity. It is a large building, built of tel
brink, d.0., and 000upise a 12 acre traot of
land, Any patient who has not the money
to secure treatment at °'.other hospital or
at his home, is rooeived here, The staff of
competent one.° Here Halls kindshofoniaedical
and surgical casae are treated, too numer-
ous to mention. It is wonderful how suc-
cessful the nurses are in the children and
baby wards. Many a mother could learn
valuable lessons from these noises how to
nurse a child especially when sick.
There le no doubt such ineiltutione are a
ble0e1ng to a large city. Foreiguere of all
tongues axe located in this hospital. Pre
I often wish 11e could more languages,
however, Ido very well with my English
and German, not 'reminding a few Outflows
of Geo lin.
It may be of interest to some of your
readers to mention something about the
big atones. I will only be able to g,ve 70110
short deeorlptionof one stere that is eon -
earned the largest in the world. It is call-
ed "The Fair." It iv a moweive structure of
0 stories and employe 9,000 salespeople and
a fair average estimate of tbe number of
shopper, that throng the store daily iu 40,-
0;090. 13 paeaenger and 7 freight elevators
are in use in the building, It has nearly 6
miles of counters. The stock and assort-
ments are necessarily very largo, with
everything needed to clothe man, woman
or child from head to foot or to furnish a
house from top to bottom. The store has a
complete fire department of its own con-
sisting of 13 companies, or 295 mon, each
company under the commaod of a Captain
or Lieutenant and eaob company haying a
Owlet messenger, all louder toe direct con-
trol Mild supervielon of a Chief and assist-
ant. The fire department is drilled twice a
week and is always on excellent shape for
any emergency that might arise. There
are 19 chemical truths, 1 ohemioal engine,
58 extinguishers of all kinds, 30 buckets al-
waysfilled with water and 20 barrels also
filled, 98 reels with 4 inch regulation fire
hose of 100 feet in length, ropes, ladders, in
foot everything needed by a fire brigade.
All alarms are signalled by fire gongs.
What drew myattentionvery foroiblY
dab passing throe& this mammoth
uieh twas school for cash girls
The school 50 presided Oyer. by Airs.
Fen Gallagher, in therestaurant, eachmoraing from 8 to
10 o'eloc k. It was found-
ed 10 years ago and has continued ever
since without interruption. It is one of the
most interesting parte of this establish-
ment. Little girls with bright faces, 00111 -
pelted to work, receive a good common
eohool education Each lesson *loans with
singing, and the music of the children is,
pleasing to all within sound of their voices
It is the ouet0m to promote the scholars of
this eohool to be clerks, cashiers and inspeo-
employeea Obtainerow d their and edneatfun f atnthe
"Fair" eohool.
There are any number of Public Parks in
Olio city. It is tto early in the season to
euioy these pleasant locations. I only
visaed one and that was Lincoln Park. It
lies 2 miles North of the centre of the city
and is reached by the North Clark 8t. and
_ells 8t, oars. The Park mouthing 300 antes
and has 4 lake frontage of 11 miles. There
are 10 miles of driven, 12 miles of walke,7
bridges, 2 tunnels and over 20 cores of in.
lend lake surface. Title Park ooutains the
ooly Zoological garden la Chicago, It is a
pleasure to the the animals. I wan greatly
amused ono day watching the trainers in
their attempt to train the uamele. They
are apparently as hard to train as a kicking
broncho, but more awkward and have a bad
fashion at times of spitting over the
train ere, which often brings forth the whip
and not a little profanity from their
mestere, The Horticultural garden in this
Park ia simply grand. It contains plants
from all over the world. The largo boa•
constrictors, rattlesnakes, &o., were asleep
while there, The attendants told me they
sleep for wockg when they awake and ale
then fed. The Humane society took oh-
1008100 to animals being Pod to tinge rep-
tiles in a live state and considered such
footling a cruelty. Taoso large boaoon•
etrlotors have very little trouble in Swallow-
ing a live chicken, leathers add all, The
buffaloes, whioh are getting extinct, can
also be seen here.
Now, ear. Editor, there are a good many
other points of interest whioh I mould dwell
on, but knowing that your space 111 Tam
Pony Is always well taken up, I am com-
ilis weelk a regular t,tio lard 1,088, which
they tell We never mothered before 10 tufe
pity at this time of the galleon.
Yours truly,
lla. F, H, kAr,narooeo ,
Chicago, April 1481o,1000.
nt *wont.
Nome. — .gent Ileyd sold over 60
Easter holiday tickets,. -0. a, Wynn,
formerly of Atwood, hoe been appointed
Bailiff and Aivisiou Court Olerk ab Nee.
pawa, Man., wlliah position he filled tem.
porarily.during the paet Winter, --3, W.
and Mrs. Ward, of Mildmay, were the
gurete of J, 1'1' and Mre, IYioBain. Mr,
Ward attended the Ontario Tetobers'
Convention is Terouto,•-David Dunlop,
for the peat two years learning drug
business with J, A. Mitchell, luta acoept.
ed a signiori position in Walkerton, prior
to attending the Ontario School of Phar•
many,—Rw, and Mrs. lrear.spent Easter
at Aylmer.—llarvey 13, Camerae, of Mid.
land, has taken a eituetion on the Ben
staff. Mr. Cameron, although not .17
years of age, is a notable lad, having won
three valuable ewimming trophies, and ie
the proud possessor of the Royal Humane
Soolety'e medal for reeouing Mise Lillie
Smith from drowuiee fn the Georgian
Bay last Summer. His eldest brother,
Walter F.., ie fighting with the drat Can..
adian contingent an South Africa,
while hie grandfather, was of Napoleou'e
gnarl at St, Helena.—About 1.80 a. m•,
Tuesday morning of last week, Alex.
Eeudersoa'e house, 14th on„ wile des-
troyed by tire, the oouupante barely es
oapiug with their lives. Both house nod
contents were totally destroyed. It wits
a frame etruoture 0. stories, and was
insured for 3300 in the Elmo, Mutual fie.
(Ie.—James Gray disposed of a fine span
of heavy draught horses, well matched
bright bays, to Kidd Bros., Listowel, for
the handsome sum of 3350 sash. They
are for export.—The anneal vestries of
Trinity Ohuroh, Elms, and Christ Church
Milverton, were held on Monday laet
at 6 p, no. and 8 p. m., respectively. At
Trinity cborob after the receiving of re.
porta and other bueiuese the following
of0uere were elected ; J. E. Herat, min-
ister's }warden ; Rola Roe, people's war-
den ; sidemen, 0. Barrett, 0. MoMane,
R. Donovan and W. Struthers. Immed•
lately after the vestry a meeting of the
Congregation was held at which Robert
Roe was appointed to represent the people
at the Synod io Landon in June. 'I he
financial report showed a debt remaining
of about 370. A committee was appoint-
ed consisting of A. MaMane, 3, Barr and
8. MoOourt to try and have this amount
raised by the end of June Ea order that
the church may be consecrated in Sep.
tember. The meeting then closed.
Eleven to Ator„s.
The old idea that the body eometimee
needs a powerful deraetio purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life 101119, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate the liver and bowels to
expel all the poisonous matter, cleanse
the system and absolutely cure Coostipa•
tion and 8iok Headache. Only 250 at
G. A. De/Oman's drug store,
ea.lort h.
[Intended for last week.]
CONDENSED ITEtfe,—The Arch of Fame
wan presented in the Methodist oburoh
here on the evening of Good Friday, by
the Bebbath eohool. The program oon•
sieted of the Arob of Fame contact, in-
terspersed with addressee, reoitatiooa,
solos, &o. Tea was served to the school
in the basement from 6 l0 8 o'clock, to
which a large number did ample jnetioe.
There was a large orowd present, the
oburoh and gallery being filled to the
doors and the excellently rendered pro.
gram reamed great oredit on those who
labored so earnestly for ire preparation,-
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" held down the
boards at Oardno'e Etali on Monday even-
ing and were greeted by a fair house, but
like most of these travelling cheap ebowe
the bills and street proaneston were the
beet part of the exbibition.—The Ladies'
Symphony Orchestra, of Boston, appear-
ed in Oerdno'e Hall on Tuesday night
ander the au picas of the Citizens' Star
Coarse, and despite the heavy rain had a
good house, which is always the case
wherever they go, and presented a first•.
alaee program. A'tboagh it "coats mon-
ey" to bring each a °Iasi of entertainers
as these to town, the public was well re•
paid in the excellence of the eutertein.
meat given. This is the final number in
the Oitizeue' Course, and it is needless to
say tar exceeded anything whioh went be-
fore it this season.—The men have been
busy the past few days removing the re-
fuse from the streets. Look after your
back yards will be the next on the list.—
The funeral of the late Mrs. Patrick De
Canteloo, who died oil Sunday, took place
from 8t. James' church here on Tneeday
morning. The old lady underwent an
operation on Saturday from which ehe
never recovered. What makes the man,
recce still more ead is the fact that her
husband is very low, with but emallhopes
for hie recovery —Our enterprising mer.
pant B. B. Gann bas added a Millinery
o , 0 ,y
department t0 hie already large eelabtieh•
meat, having parohased the millinery
stook of the Abell & Ortweio Go. Ali
Mr. Gunn lacks now is a custom tailor
°bop, to have one of the largest, if not
the Iargeet eetabllohments in town. Elis
enterprise deserves the greatest e000ees.
—On Sunday morning about 3 o'clock
some sneak thieves went through the
"Grip House" here, but did not make
themselves rich. Tricks of "magic" like
these are alwaye performed just onoe too
often.—Mies Ida Tiernan, milliner, of St.
Thomas, is home at present recovering
from en attack of la grippe.—Nermoo
Hill spent Baster with Iriendn in town.
Norman makes "Daly" visite here.—Rev,
Jasper Wilson, of Goderiob, preached in
the ityethedfet altureh bare on .Sunday
morning end evening and gave two ex.
oellent disorient/a.
• 'Pro,hblee et A Modeller,
To benefit others Rev, 3. W, Verne.%
ofRartwoll, Go., writes; "leora long
time I bad a my* sore on my lee. 1.
tried many remedies without benefit, un.
bid I used a Bottle of Eleobrla Bitters and
a box of Bachlen's Arniee Palm, which
oared me sound and well." Beebe,Erap•.
tions, Totten. Salt Abeam s
"eam bow impure
bleed, Thousande have found in EIeo•
trlo Bitters a grand blood purifier that
absolutely °area these troubles. - Satie.
faction is guaranteed or money refunded
by G. A. Deadman, druggiet.
NOTICE is hereby given that alt of the.
placer minlrg claims, whole and trap
bonai, thepropertyof the Crowe, in the
Yukon Territory, will be offered for sale at
public anotfon at Dawson, by the Gold Com,
m158100er, on the 2nd day of July, 1010.
Twenty per oeat. 0f the pnrehase money
shell he paid to the C1014 COMM{ 8810110r ab
Dawson on the day of sale and the remaind-
er within thirty days from that date.
There will he norestrietion as to the num-
bar of claims wbieb me.y besold to any one
person or persons holding a Free Miner's
certificate ; but no hydraulic claims will be.
inaloded in the Bale,
80 soon as the purchase money has been
paid in full, entries for the claims will be
granted in accordance with the provisions
of the placer mining regslath ue then in.
fOroa, with the exception or. the in nvisiou as
to the staking out of claims, 51,1,1 the claims
aold shall thereafter be subject to the planer
A survey of the claims sold will be made
by the Department at as early a date ae
possible, and the claims shall include ground
the Government Surveyor may define by
survey in e000rda00e with such Regulations
05 may be made in that behalf, and the de.
Melon of the Gold Commissioner shell in
respect thereof be final and oonolueive.
1n ease tor any reason it is deemed impos-
sible by the Gold Commissioner to givetitle
and possession to any claim disposed of at
such auction sale, the Gold Commissioner
will refund the deposit paid at thetime of
sale, and no claim shall lie- against the
Crown in respeot to failure to give title or
A second auolion sale under the conditions
above set forth, will be held at Dawson on
the End day of August, 1900, of all claims not
disposed of fat the auction sale of the 2nd
July, 1000, and of any other airline which
have in the meantime become the property
of the Crown under the regulations to that
behalf. PERLEY G. KEYES,
Department, of the Interior,
Ottawa, 91st Febreary,1000.
Tile Business
Listowel 'College.
A thorough, complete and practical train•
login all branches of Commeroial work,
at ooneiderably lees than regular rates.
For full information apply
Booms df College over Post Omce.
. —a R1•
Sharples Ore.amr
Separator.. .
WANTED—At once e
raft lie man, with horse and rig,
to sell the Sharples Cream Separ-
ator in the Township of Grey.
dP.,tYlt The Sharples has no equal,
and wherever introduced is eary to
A pushing man can earn a
good income—Will pay Salary or
Write at once for particulars.
LONDE880110', ONT.
W 01 011T1 d B1 S
P1111111 Words I
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch.
I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sots•
sore, breadknives and other edged tools
In np-to date style.
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner. ;IIIntie.
faction aesured.
13 ggy The well known firm of
are to the front with .a
Large, Well Select-
ed and. Well finished
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc.,.
that they are seining at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed. of 7 Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself.
Special attention given, to Repairs,
Be -painting, Trimming, 'o.,
ancZ all Work Guarantee Z.
Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.
.A.P1iIL 20, 1900
Strictly One Price,
The Lowest.
That is the way' our Lace Curtains, come to us, h'o Wholesale Rouse has a profit
on them,, there's just one-ours—between the maker and the user. You'll see the bene-
fit of our direct buying in the values of our big Spring Curtain stock. The assortment
is generous the designs handsome and values such: as you :will find it bard to equal, let
get et better. g W
—Heavy Net Curtains, lace patterns, taped edges, 8 yards long, 60e.
--Extra fine Lace Curtains, full 3i yards long, taped edges strong firm net and good patterns,
a Curtain that will stand the wear, 85o.
—Lace Curtains, handsome designs, strong nets, very wide, Yards long, extra special value$1.
-Lace Curtains, extra quality, new designs, taped edges, full 83 yards long, $1.25.
y Fine Lace Curtains, choice designs, fine lacy patterns, strong net taped edge, full 81
yards long, special value $1.50.
—Nottingham -Lace Curtains, finestrong net, extra wide width p ,Yards long, in white only,
patterns suitable for any room, and the handsomest we have ever shown at the price $1,75.
—VeryFine and Handsome Lace Curtains, beautiful designs, qualities that usually sell for a
greatsplendid range ofpatterns
/� g�'deal g�+v, lran to select from, at $2, . 2.50 and $S.
�more mo1ley, a p ��^�'
—The Newest and Swellest of Window Draperies, elegant and unexpensive. They drape easily
p 1 get with no other Curtain. We will be pleased
and give an appearance to a room you. cal g v
to show them to you any time you are in the store.
—The Frilled Net by the yard at 80c.
NWT r$IRMSS ra. F.i =1:3X a- ..
—We've got the best Dress Goode stock for this Spring we've had for many a day. The Newest
Materials and most Popular Shades are represented in it, and Dress Goods Buyers should
not fail to see it. The special lines for our April sale are values you'll not equal, and
represent the best Dress Goods Values that have gone over our counters for a long time.
These two items to remind you of these special lines for April selling.
— 40 inch All Wool Serge, hard worsted finish, in blue and black only, will not catch dust, very
suitable for skirts, special 25c.
— 5 pieces 40 inch Figured Black Lustre, fine quality, bright finish, worth regular 85c., for
April selling 25e.
t' ,i 0 •
Cameron Bros.
Have a limited number of bushels of the
BEST DUTCH SEED for farmers in the
vicinity of Oranbrook who intend raising.
Flax during the coming season. which they
are prepared to deliver in quantities to suit
flax: growers.
Beed can be got et the Crinbroolc Flax
Mill at 51.60 per bushel. Order early and
secure a supply. For flax grown from this
$10.00 PER TON
will be paid, if of good growth, barvoeted in
proper season, and delivered at thetas mill
as soon as An for threshing.
I 'We.will rent a number of good sod
fields for the purpose of growing flax.
Preprietor% Cranbrook Flax 91111.
Proprietor, Brussels, Ont.
Barred, Buff and
White: stooks.
Eggs and Fowl for sale
in season
Eggs ,$1 00 per setting.
ICS Correspondence Solicited.
British Columbia
.iced Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furntehed for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Gueraute of.
P. AM'E N T,
Best Brands of
Is the best place to get your
Gristing done. We have
the best Chopping rig in the
County and we are satisfy-
ing everybody who comes.
First-class Flour in
Exchange for
Goof Wheat..
Manitoba Flour for pale, as well f s Ontario Flour
of first quality, and our popular M'i:3ced Flour gives
great satisfaction. It makes an excellent family Flour.
Oatmeal and all kinds of MiII Feed.
Always on hand.
Best DryAmerican Corn,
A�z r�cix�2 C .
Oats taken in Exchange
for Oatmeal.
IF --