HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-26, Page 3eel 4.. MAFFIKING'S FOOD SUPPLY. TheGarr'SOn Prepared to Endure the Siege for -That . '�pa Length of Time==Cola Ylumer's Force Length Strengthened, Landon, Wednesday; April 18.—News from 112afeking of date' of April 7 re- ports that the gorrisonthere was then resigning itself to endure the slogs as tong as the food Mete, which was ex peeled to be for two nton,tJis more. Commandant Snyman has. been replac- ed by young Commandant Botha, Con - (Adorable 'Boer reinforcements had lately arrived, and something of ime portanae was evidently proceeding among the besiegers, There was a vigorous bombardment of the town at iWtervals with guns of greater velocity than Lha Boers have used singe the oommenoemenb of .the siege, Colonel PJemer'a foroe was strongly entrenched to the north-west. A despatch from Salisbury, Rhodesia, dated April 11, states that three offi- cers and 100 cd the J3ritish South Afri- ca Company' s; Mounted Police have. left Salisburyto join Colonel Plumate Col. Fltiimter fought with at Cr000dile pools, The Deere, too, are well mount- ed and well dressed, and =teeth. look- ing patrols. The grain and other props In the district are'exoelloht, se the T'antivaelers are not& likely to suffer from scarcity of food) for a long time, ' Piuma'or'$ little forts is now strongly entrenched north-westt of Mafeking• The country hereabouts is much easier traversed then that the ltho- (Mepu7ls Piro operating in. The total casualties Saturday, were 78 but many are convaleeeing. Men and horses are =Moving in health ea the winter itp- prroaches. Natives report that the inhabitants of Mafoking, are very hungry. Should a flying aoluman be despatched to their relief it will find the country well grassed and watered as it proceeds nor thereat. Tee body of Captain armee hap been handed aver to Colonel Baden-Powell and buried in Mafeking cemetery. The Boers are being bolstered up by all sorts of stories from Pretoria, amongthem reports that, Russia and France have declared war against Great Britain, A SUCCESSFUL SCOUT. Mafeking, April 7.—The success of Lieut.Smith-Eman, the Rhodesian scout, who, with the exception of Resuter's correspondent, a cyclist, is the .only white nnan who has entered l efeking since uhc siege began, is likely to prove of great value to Col.. Plumer, to whom he has returned with despatches, should Plainer decide to raise the siege of Mafeking in earnest. A Scottish crofter bas introduced a method of making nourishing porridge with oat bran, 'which is a great boon, and is solving the question of feeding the natives, We are now confident of holding out two months longer, The man in the trenches are determined to play the game Lo the end. BOERS IN GOOD CONDITION. Plumer's Camp, Friday, April 0, via Lorenzo Marques, Tuesday, April; 17.— A. letter has been received here fro=• Commandant Snyman with reference to the British wounded and prisoners at the Boer Mager after the engage- ment of March 31, from which it is learned tbat.Capt, Crewe died of his wounds. Lieut. Milligan is not a pris- oner, and is believed to be among those the. Doers buried, The British casual- ties were 2 otfioere and Omen killed, 3 offioers and 85.mon wounded, and 1 of- ficer and 11 men made prisoners. The Boar artillery about Mafeking well horsed. Their pompoms are . mounted ow light 'four -wheeled car- riages, each drawn' by four smart horses, in marked °entrust with those, THE NEWS SUMMARY, CANADA, Owen Sound will erect a school cost- ing 018,000 at Qwen Sound. Mr, L. 5, Bllsonnette, deputy high constable of Montreal, is dead, Letter -carriers wile lleroaitor ride tens on the Street oars in London. About. 20 per cente of the seed of lvlanitoba's aoxt whtset oro is under ground. Bunker and Dominion animus, in the Klondike, wall this spring clean up 34,500,000. The Dominion Cotton Company, of Montreal, will ensue $1,000,000 worth of new stock, J. W. lvlaivlaltou, wanted at Geneva, Neb., for ollegod fraud, is ander arrest al Winnipeg, Dn,wslira petitioned theDo- mpnIon Government .for Federal re- preeentationon.City A unmauge was reoeived in Kingston annonnoing that the Welland Canal would open on May 1, Jamee !dews was suffocated ,at Montreal by a small fire that started in a room where he was sleeping. Condoiotore and motormen of the Hamilton, Grimsby & J3earnsVille Elec- tric lco-tric Railway want increased wages. Felix Guurdeau, a well known Que- bec tanner, has disappeared, leaving Liabilities in the neighborhood of $50,000. Montreal police have trapped a gang of thieves who have committed a score of •burglaries within the past . six montlie. Officers of the 47th Battalion have suheoribed $50 towards a monument Kat ] ingeton to Lhe late Sir George Kirkpatrick. A train of four section, parrying 770 settlers from Ontario and 0127000 worth of effects, has arrived in Win- nipeg. The Winnipeg Eleotric Company an- nounces that after May lst•'the price .01 gas will be reduced to $1.85 per 1,000 feet to cash customers. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL - LESSON, APRIL 29. "Jesus and John th- e RaptIst." Lune 7. 18.28. ;:olden. Text. .(nark 7.07. PRACTICAL NOTES. Verse 18. Showed him of ell these things. '0f fill ,what things The Sermon on the Mount, the beating of the centurion's servant at.Caperna- um, the raising of the widow's sen at Nein, and other teachings and mira- cle/I. 10. John. 'Phe Baptist, who was now; imprisoned by Herod Antipas to the depths of the lonely wilderness width he had so long made his home. for the present,, at ,least, euro to be We have not yet studied the feats that ire to Jesus. They, might have pre - led to his Imprisonment ; they will judices against, John, and our Lord came before us on June 10; but most wished to correct any wall prejudi- pupils will remember how he had in- nes. purred the enmity of the king of Gap- 25. A man clothed in soft raiment? ilea, and especially of rhe king's bad 1't suns neither u weak man with ohangofwl dispositions nor acourtier— wife, by rebuking their sin,'and low thatt is, a politician—who sought to partly to protect him, and partly be- 'keep on, the right side of power. They cause be hated hien, the king had look- which are gorgeously appareled, and ed him up in the vault of lifachusrtus. love delicately„ are in kings- courts. Calling unto hire two at his dieeipies, IC you had' been seeking a politician, have gone to the wild - Although at Sohn's own • Suggestion, you would not. erness ;for him. aortae of his disciples hr ;,followed Jos- 30. A. prophet? Yea, I say unto us, others clung t''Miten SU death. Art You, and much more than a prophet. thou ho khat shrt; comet or look we Inc another7,sihn had. believed Jesus Lo be the ,lddsiah, and had so pro- plaimed, nm,' but Jesus is not assume ing T;• ,vsianie sovereignty. John had Idmetified himself tvit'h Jesus's inter- ,d}J'ht' but Jesus la ignoring Join.% ..4u.elerings. IL is high time for the lefessiah to do something worthy of himself, and it he continues to teach the peasants of Galilee, John seems to think he should renounce his Mes- sianic professions. For what pur- pose does God send a 11lessiah? On ;lin throne in Tiberias is a villain who should be in this dungeon, not John, in Jerusalem aro pagau soldiers defil- ing the holy place. The.evils all saw SO clearly years ago are intensifying 13B SSELS OST. anon of hie ,boo'ke, II, IL Pitcher, ate Oakland, Cal„ banker, blew out his brains, The Assistant (food Commissioner of Chicago say! the demand for cheap goods is largely responsible for adule PLENTY OF WATER. Rains Have Removed One of Gen, Robert°' Chief Diffieuities. aeration. Bloem£ontein,'April, 19.—During the The House of Representatives at lust ten days there have been constant Washington voted 240 to lc in favor ra)lis, and an enormous quantity of of the election of Senators by adir•ect vote of, the people, I welter has fallen. These conditions, al- Major Armes, of the United States though extremely unoomlortable as army, court-martialled eleven times, far as the soidiera are oonrcrned, have has written a book charging persecn, had their advantages, for every dtitn tion and ovrruption, 1, President McKinley' will deliver un in the couniry round about is filled, address before the Protestant'Eeamc- and the question of water, which kith- notal conference on foreign missions onto during the march of the army has at New York on April 24. been one of great difficulty, is now Yellow pine is becoming scarce in stumbltag in .me." This strange way in which the Messiah had come was to the Jews a stumbling -block. Blous- ed indeed is he who has the spiritual insight to discern that it is more god- like to dispense love than wrath. 24. When the, messengers of John were departed,/ ha began to speak un- to rhe( people concerning John. Not that he deprecated; the messengere hearing what he said, but they having Dome oat an important mission, he speeded diem; bock to their =titer, What rwentt ye out ;alto the wilder- ness for Lo see? The intense drama- tis character of most of our Lord's teachings is too little recognized, and what follawsi is a gond example of 1t. A reed shaken• with the wind'( The answer to this question .is not given; it to implied. John's message seemed to go, back on Iris former testimony concerning Jesus. These ,people' were Early in this career John had fulfilled a series of remarkable prophecies that pointed to the forerunner of the Mes- siah, and later he had revealed a char - meter the mural brilliance of which has been lost in the rays of the ris- ing Sun of. righteousness. How great John was we cannot know; that he was surpassingly great is plainly de- clared, and it the rays 02 Jesus have temporarily obscured his brightness, we knowat leastthat it is of a sort to shine through all eternity. See John 3. 26-3'2. 28. Among those that aro born of Amon there is not a greater pro- phet than John. The Revised Ver- sion shows that what Jesus said was "Plliore is none greater than John," and a fair interpretation regards gide as an estimate of his intellectual abilities,. his honorable 'position and prerogatives, his moral exoe.11enoe, But he that is Joust in the kingdom of God is greater than he. The Greek The Montreal municipal scandals are growing worse. Two city officials are under ur'reet, and there is evidence pointing to gross corruption in several departments. Manitoba hotelkeepers are discuss- ing the attitude they shall take in the event of prohibition ueouming law. It is said they have agreed to close all the leading hotels throughout the pro- vince The Massey -Harris Oompany have notified the Brantford authorities that, unless adequate protection from spring freshets is afforded they will consider the advisability of moving to some other ally. a 'Southern Staten, and mills in practically solved. The troops will ah he able 10 010Y0 in any direction with a Georgia, South Carolina and J'loridu certainty .of finding a sufrlelent Nur will run on two-thirds time. ply of water. According to a report sent to" the , P110 whole regular and .volunteer Navy Department at Washington, the drafts have arrived, and the Highland' 27 prizes taken by American' warships . brigade is now at its full strength. in the Spanish war realized $000,000.' Lady Roberts and her daughters ul. 0. Hyder, aged . 84 years, for 30 have arrived at Bloemfontein, years superintendent of poor at Mar- shall,-1VIiob,, is .held for trial on a charge of stealing $10,000 from the £undo, T.he American) Navy Department ba signed a contract with the Holten Submarine Torpedo Boat( Company fo the, addition, of some of their boats t the navy. and multiplying with the passage of is "Cie that: is lesser,' dr'but Little in time, Whore, is the fire that shall the kingdolm• Ile that is in the heart .burn up the dross 4 Where is the hand of our Lord's spiritual ki.ngdoln, bow - ever little he may bo himself, has to swing Lhe ant `to nue root of the greater advantages, greater privi' trwo 4 Where is the winnower to leper- leges, higher prerogatives, than John ate the wheat from the chaff 4 Why Yes, he will know snore concerning dally in obemtre c,villages when one flim that ie to come than John min bold stroke would liberate the nation, know. The statue may not be so glorify God, hurl infamous ,wretches large, but the Pedestal. will be higher. Leona high places, and set good men on pedestals the the tvhOle nation over? 20. He that should opine or "Ile that DEN WARREN RECALLED. Order Said to ave been. Cab1 ed to • South Africa. London, April 18,—It is said that a peremptory Order for the return of Another case of boodling comes to Light in Montreal municipal politics. Huokaters in the markets have been Paying bonuses ranging from $20 to 060 for favorite positions to a clerk named Tessier, who claims that all the cash was banded over to various aldermen. The two new vessels for the Quebec, Hamilton and Fort William Naviga- tion Company, which are being built in England, are 225 feet in length, and will be christened Winona and Stratbt- cona. One boat will bring acargo of scoria blocky from Middleboro, Eng., to Toronto. The Oataraqui Mining and Develop- ment Company contemplate establish- ing 0300,000 smelting works at King- ston, where the city has offered them 04,000 a year for 15 years and partial relief from taxation. The Kingston Board of Trade has asked the council to loan the Kingeton Locomotive 'Works 375,000, without interest. GREAT 1313;ITAUN. The Duke of Connaught, may sue coed the late Sir William) Lockhart a Commander-in-Ohief in India. The British North America and Wast Indies squadron is to be increas- ed by a battleship, two cruisers and several torpedo boats. 'Phe Prince of Wales, who is visiting Copenhagen, to suffering from an af- fection of the throat and has been obliged to consult a specialist. Sir William Overend Priestley, mem bee of Parliament• for the Universe ties of Edinburgh and St. Andrety' since1890, end termer President of th Obstetrical Society of London, is dead Dr. Joseph ]fenny, for many years n conspicuous figure in the Irish Par- nellite movement, is dead. He, with the late Mr, Biggar, handled all the funds of the organization, and sat in Perliastent fur len years, resigning to become ooroner of Dublin, A strauge fatality seems to follow the servants of the Marquis of Lon- donderry. Last Friday four went out to sail on $!t.rangford lough, and on Sunday the boat was found upturned over theodrowned bodies. of the whole party. Five years ago sae of London- derry's servants were drowned in a sail. boat in the some place. . The birthday of the ;Rev. William Booth, General of the Salvation Army, who was born at Nottingham, ]Eng- land, April le, 1820, was signalized on Tuesday by the receipt of hundreds of congratulations from all parts of the world, and the presentation of 0 purse of $200.000, as the result of the collections made during the self -do- vial week of the Army, just concluded. UNITJEl) STATES. , A vessel sailed from Philadelphia bound for the port of Vladivo- stock, Russia, where she will land a cargo of 31 locomotives and tenders, which are valued at $430,200. tugual the amount of money neee9- At Naples a landslide from San sary to :pay the award. Portugal Gennaro Hill buried an artificial goal courteously deolined the loanon the, factory. The manager and seven ground that the money had already workmen were killed, five others be- ing wounded. Heavy rains caused the been provided. disaster. The Government intends to protest Sheriffs' deputies and striking work- against the action of the British in men on, the big Groton dant near New sending Gen. Ce•onje and the other York came' into oonfliet on Saturday; Boer prisoners to St, Helena. several shots were exchanged and two According to Boer reports, there is men wounded. Troops have been or- a steady flow of foreign volunteers to dared cut, the Transvaal. Hitherto these adven- The Earl of Warwick, Lord Herbert turers have been attached to the var- Vane Tempest land P, 'De C. W. Oak= tons commandoes. Now it is said they ley, arrived at New York on Wednes- are to be formed into a special legion day, and have chartered Perry Bel- with Continental offioers, and there is moat's yacht, the Satanella, and will a rumor that the command will be fish for tarpon in Peruvian waters, given to a distinguished French sol - GENERAL. dier lately retired, who is now in the Transvaal, PRETORIA PROTESTS. Thinks Great Britain Had No Right to Send Prisoners to St. Helena. Pretoria, April 17.—As soon as the award of the arbitrators in the mat- ter of the seizure of the Delagoa bay railway was known 'here, the Trans- vaal Government offered to loan Por - cometh;' was a title given particular- ly to the expected Messiah. Or look we for another4 The well of despair. No Haslet, thought John, would par - sue such a career as that of Jesus. But Jesus had filled the earlier con- dptions of the expected sptriltaul and Lieut, -General Sir CharlesWarren, tompoeut 'raper. He was now asap_ 'poinding the long -cherished Mopes of the commander of the fifth division of the nation, Why? 21..In that acme hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and ot1 evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight,Ile continued vital be hied been, doing for days and weeks and months oaring for indivi- dual cases, when John wanted Mem to General Woodgate was wounded until apply labs fever to the rnation., .'Jhot'ne croft svee a otnled to 22. Go year way, Return, Tell John Colonel1 y I p Whist things ye htave seen anal =surd. the position, ,and whose heliograph The olimaetic emphasis is put on what messages to General Warren crtused they heard, To the poor', the goSpo.i is General huller to appoint J.horney- preached. O1,. as the Revised Version croft to t he command, was placed on has 11, " good tidings." ' hole pet, to -day. 29. Bi0esed is he, whosoever shell,ie, Private information received from: not be offended In me: 'Nerds with lnrewsl,Ury to -day is to the effect (hat for more of comfort than rebuke, in General Gatacrts is leaving South Atte- them, The ilevisad Version is, "Who- ere this week to Immune command of n ,eaevev shall find none occaillon of , local dtslrict, the South Africa field forces, was cabled to South Mr'ica this morning. The War. Office declined to give any information in .regard to the rumour. Colonel Orofton, who was in cont - mated at Spion kop• front the time Yellow fever is epidemic in San Sal- vador. Russia and Germany fear a coal famine. Fremantle, Western, Australia, has a case of bubonic plague. All the fruit ports have been noti- fied otafied that yellow fever is epidemic in San Salvador. It is officially announced that 111 oases and 88 deaths from bubonic LOSSES AT WEPENER. Since the Investment British Have Had 20 Killed, 100 Wounded. Maseru, Appal, 17.—Colonel Dalgety's oasualLies since he has been besieged at Wepener have beau twenLy killed plague have occurred at Sydney, N. and one hundred wounded. The Boer S. W. losses are reported to have been eon - Owing to an outbreak of smallpox on the excursion steamer Nqw Eng- land, many American tourists were abandoned at Naples by the steamer. Tho Polilisohe Correspondenz says Germany is now the third nation com- mercially withJapan, adding that in the Boar leaders. Some want Lo attack 1890 German imports were 20,000,000 again, while others refuse to du so. yen, and in 1809 almost 32,000,000 yen. Desultory cannon firing and " snip - Berlin papers express indignation ing"' continues. at recent. .English charges that the The Caledon is rising, which alarms German Government favors baiting , the Boers, who are now on both sides England and attacks upon the Queen of the river, and might be out off if and the Prince" of Wyles. alterably heavier.. After the night attack on April 12 the dead, were left on the field where they still lie unburied. There is a conflict of opinion among m In the Chamber of Deputies at Brus- sels the Premier read a oonlunica- tion from King Leopold, in which His Majestey presented to the nation the whole of his real estate. By a plan whish it is hoped to carry into effect at the International Agri- ooltural Conference in Paris, July 9 to 16, itis proposed to ask the farmers of the world to reduce their wheat out- put by 20 per cent. and not to sell a bushel for loss than a dollar. Leon Gaget, a Paris (stark, has been =Inured by the French Government in the apt of selling French.military secrets to Germany. He neglected to the stream was to become flooded. Five Boer guns are believed to be disabled. APPEAL TO AFRIKANDERS. Boer Government Circulating a Mani- festo in Cape Colony. Cape Town, April 17.—The. Been Gov- ornment is circulating the following mllnifesto to the Afrikandars through- out Capei Colony:— "We feel that our fate, and the fate of the, whole of Afrikanderdom,is at place sufficient postage on one of his stake, and 71-e appeal to you to stand letters to the German officials and his and fight shoulder to shoulder with us. conspiracy was discovered, He says he sold Germany false information. The U. S. Navy is testing oil as fuel for ahi•ps. Smallpox is epidemic at Auburn Centre, Pa. ('ivy thousand oigarmakers are lock, ed:: oul.i in New York. Striking builders in Chicago are as- seulting non-union men. American subaoribers were alloted 33,000,000 of .the British war loan. Several Cihieago business houses forbid the use of ot!garettos by em pooyes. The United States has morn money per capita, more gold and mora silver, than ever before. Dr. 0, A, Briggs says heresy sou- victions are merely partisan judg- ments by a mnjority. Between April 1 and August 1, it is estimated that 75,000 people schism? for Europe' from the United States. The tug firemen at Cleveland' threat- en to slrile° for more pay and to tie up ,ill the harbor Lugs on the lakes. Lord Curzon, `Viceroy of Indite, re - Lo an address at Bombay, eulo- gized the loyalty of the Sikh soldiers, Daring the progress of an. examin- AMBULANCE CORPS. The Chicago "Nurses" Are Now Fight- ing With the Boers. London, Thursday, April 19,—The Daily Mail's correspondent at Lorenzo Marques says that nearly half of the members of the ambulance corps from Chicago, on' reaching Pretoria, accept- ed biauser rifles and removed their Red cross badges. Mr. Hay, the American Consul, noti- fned the Transvaal Government that he must' report Lhe circumstance to the authorities at W'ash'iunitan, EARTH'S CENTRE. You cannot. you may not, allow the tyrant to extinguish forever your finest Gratis of character as anation, With you on our side the issue can- not be doubtful. We must conquer. God grant that love for your country and your liberty, and the noble virtues of men that/ free, may induce you to join us in the hour of our supreme struggle." • FULL OF e¢ e W Uc,e1.v ialkill BOERS' LAST DITCH.. Swaziland Said be Chosen For Re- treat if Pretoria is Taken. London, April 19.—Mr. Prevost -Bat- tersby wires to the Morning Post from Bloemfontein under date of April 17:— "Observation might profitably be kept on the intentions of the Boers revealing Swaziland. The alternative '— plan of operations following on defeat at Pretoria includes the employment theorywas but lately hold that of Swaziland for the retirement of Thehalf of the Boer forces, while the oth- the' center oiE the earth WAS "ocou-, ar half falls bank to Zoutpansberg, ' bybut the recent; B i 1 d i .kat iC „pG"uil- .1 Z,cX'A400 JID`II,JrL,.1Gd1 „si, i M in Erred I$ Months --Had Given Up A,11. Hops of °ro ttin,g Well -A Remedy Found at Last to which lag Owe i,,' y Life." ' D Is Declared To De Hard ns a Diamond Dy Recent luvestlgalore. pied,' a vacuum, ger elnissar es area ren ,y n mud more general view has been that country endeavoring to purchase se- cret informative eonoerning the ea- verns in the greystone country, which are known only to the natives, with the object of aeoumulating pro- visions and ammunition," EXCITES BOER GRATITUDE. the interior of the globe, though part- ly liquid, is for the most part solid. Some have considered that a section through the earth would show the fol- lowing: 1, An outer solid envelope. 2. A semi -fluid envelope. 3, A fluid en- velope. 4. A semi-fluiu envelope. 5. A solid ntloleue. No. 1 results from a re- duced temperature only. No. 2 from pressure and temperature not quite sufficient for liquefaction. No. 3 from a temperature sufficiently high topro- d'uco complete liquefaction. No. 4from n, pressure so great as to prevent even the terrific heat which most certain- ly exists deep down in this earth from flounced Dutch newspapers. Mr. Dup- cotnplotely liquefying the material on Dun - which it wanks. No. 5 front a pressure, hossis, the secretary of the Boer Sick which overcomes completely the liquo- fund, has a letter in the Ons Laud to - tying power even of the ltuudmum heat of the interior. This pressure is esti- eked to be, at the center of the hofenoe has fully established the fact that all the nervous energy of our bodies is generated by nerve centres located near the base of the brain. 'When the supply of nerve force has teen. diminished either by excessive physical or mental labours, or owing to a derangement of the nerve oentree, we are firatconscious of a languor or tired and worn-out feeling, then of a mild form of nervousness, headache, or etomaoh trouble, which is perhapa suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic indigestion, and dyspepsia, and a, gen- eral sinking of the whole system, In this day of hurry, fret and worry, there are very few who enjoy perfect health; nearly everyone has some trouble, an aohe, or pain, a weakness, a nerve trouble, something wrong with the etomaoh and bowels, poor blood, heart disease, or sick headache ; all of which are brought on by a lack of nervous energy to enable the differentorgansof the body to perform their respective work. South Amerioaa Nervine Tonic, the marvellous nerve food and health giver, is asatisfying success, awondroue boon to tired, sick, and overworked men and women, who have suffered years of discouragement and tried all manner of remedies without benefit, It is a modern, a euientifio remedy, and in its wake follows abounding health, It is unlike all other remedies in that it le not designed to act on the different organa afthoted, but by its direct action on the nerve oentree, which are nature's little batteries, it ewauses an increased supply of nervus 1l0mna0 (lay In '95111012 Itrttasln Trent 111012' Stell Prisoners. Cape Towne April 19, 10,55 a.m.—The successful efforts of the military au- thorilies in fighting the fever epidemic among tine Boor prisoners has appealed to the gratitude of o wen the pro - tarn thoroughly oils, se it were, the machinery of the body, thereby en- abling it to perform perfectly its dif- ferent functions, and without the slightest friction, If you have been reading of the re- markable cures wrought by South American Nervine, accounts of which we publish from week to week, and are still sceptical, we ask you to in- vestigate them by correspondence, and become convinced that they are true to the•letter. Such a course may save you months, perhaps years, of suffer- ing and anxiety. The words that follow are strong] but they emanate from the heart, and speak the sentiments of thousands of women in the United States and Clan - ado. who know, through experience, of the healing virtues of the South' American Nervine Tonic. Harriet E. Hall, of Waynetowa, prominent and muck respected lady* writes as follows :— —� " I owe my life to the great Sontli American Nervine Tonic, I have been in bed for five menthe with a scrofulous tumour in my right sidey and suffered with indigestion and nervous prostration. Had givenngg all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors, with no relief. The first bottle of Nervine Tonic improved me so much that I was able to walk about, and a few bottles oared me en- tirely. I believe it is the best metli. cine in the world. I cannot recoil. mend it too highly." Tired women, can yon do betty"', than become acquainted with this energy to be generated, which in its truly great remedy Sold by G. A. Deadman. 36 DIED IN HOSPITALS. All But Two of These Were Vietims of Fever. London, Aprie 18.—The War Offioe to -day printed a list of 36 names of soldiers who have died in various hos- pitals singe the last. report. Two of these deaths were the result of wounds; and others were from fevers.' The War Office also issued a list of 40 officers who have returned to duty, including Lieut. Caldwell, or the Can- adian contingent. A PRINCE AMONG SLAIN. day, int wbLtile he says that the British military authoi'itios deserve deep gratitude for their willingness to et - earth, 7,180,593,750 pounds to the ford every relief poest Ma. He adds square foot --a pressure so enormous or that fthe present: the friends and that no known substance could fuse' swat 101' zcr's of the Beer prisoners beneath it. Even hydrogen at the hi b- may rest assurced that everything' Nit possible tempernture W0111(1, under uer.etiorLor their comfort will be such conditions, become es herd as a! -done diamond, Ilonoo'it seems probable that _— _� r from phare being 0 vacuum at the i i s`al. the Paris Expost- ItI All the ext b L ofnintenselynsolidified 11matter there I elere a mass, an will be open Sundays. Circassian Nobleman Killed in the, British Victory at Boshof. London, Friday, April 20.—A de- spnLeth to the Daily News from Pre- toria, dated April 16, says that Prince Barastion Mograff, a Circassian noble - 00210, was killed at Doahof in the same engagement with the Britten in which Oal. de Villehois 1tareuil lost his life. Capt. Soratuff, who was Prince Ilor- gaff's comrade, will return to Russia forthwith, ASKS FOR ASSISTANCE. FEVER AT MAFEKING. Pretoria Despatch Says Disease is .•' Decimating the Garrison. Pretoria, April' 18, via Lorenzo Marie ques, April 19, 2 p.m.—The appointment of Senior Machado as Governor -Genn evil of Mozambique by the Portuguese Government is appreciated here. • A despatch sent from Metope yestei}. day says that fever is decimating thht British garrison at Mafeking, FOREIGN DOGS ARE BARRED. F.n211x11 Order Preventing 'Mein 11011!;; Brought Into the t:onntry. A despatch from London says :—Am erioan tourists who usually tslre thei pet dogs with them cannot tering the into England this year. The Board Agriculture has put Leith rigid onf meat an old order forbidding the:1 porary entrance into England of fe eign dogs• Rabies bus been extermj aped in Great; Britain. The, last' oast known was in 'Vales last November Only seven oases are recorded for 1•tl ding your. Eleven hundred dead;; preoe. of Mullen beings from he drophobti are on record in Great Britain durtinr --'—• the last 51 years. Under the meameritt taken by t.be Government the yea ons (tiding. numiser of deaths and erases have ll Moro, Gold Costa Colony, West diad to nothing. Now that the disease has Vanislit Africa, April 1.9.—The Governor, Sir the delerminalien is it, keep the dial I'reflerick Mitchell Hodgson, wires,ease ottl. of England, by keeping fete from Kumassio that the other tribes' eign dogs out, except. for breeding pure are rising astir and he asks for time' roses. , , Trimble tit Ashanti iteveloas Into a Se* sL stanza, � e` loyal Bekuis have been attacked TO PAY FOR THE NAVY. The oy 1 by the Asliautis, and 5110 have been , _. killed. it to feared this will compel" the rebellion. Evidently OuIs Taxes Avn11221110 2200 Those on tot. theist to join e y i terles 1,1221 Sloa100. the matter is extremely serious, and was minimized until it was too late. I Berlin, April, 19—The Government', —„- I alter looking into the various Earths, The strength of the Russian garri- I1g propuaitinus fon raising titres td non at en, and north includes %iernt, is oabout ! meet: the expenses of the naval alt e batt ry. 'ret n mthly e n battery, Previous reports greatly nx, mentation hill, now says that the male a erat.ed the amennt of the rein- taxes available) tor this purpose art fotgcements sent from the Citnoasu.s those on lotteries and Bourse kranalite district, i loons,