HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-19, Page 8J! T3 U$SE,LS POS rani, 9, 1„900 BiCYCLit V OA$ I uV I Tc ooaet on a Wheel and yet keep your feet on the Pedalo ie what you oan do if you buy one of one Creeeent i3ieyolee fitted with a Morrow Oases and Brake, The beet thing out, When Yea are going down krill you simply atop pedalling ; wben you:nd yourself going too fast yeti bank pedal wbioh applies the brake. You oan go down the steepest bill with safety: Bide 50 miles and pedal 85 is about wbat you oan do, .'Ron Oen buy a Crescent High grade Bloyole fitted with this brake for lees money than yon can bey many others, or $10 lege witboul it, . Let ue thew you our stook of Crescent. Bloyolae at from $18.00 to $40.00. G.A. Deadman, fruggtst and Graduate optician; Brussels, Ont. MONTREAL Wail Papers. TORONTO Wall Papers, Weeteleob ono Wall Papers from both Toronto and Montreal and oan give you the best ranee from botb, Let es show you ear stook, t RANNO TRUNK RAILWAY. sooTHERN EXTREME W. O. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gerrie 900011. GOMNM NORTH. 'Express 710 a.m.I Mail 2.10 p.m Mixed9:45 a,m. Depress ......10:17 p.m ,add .Ca>OCR n . A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it. Panora schools reopen next Monday. Toupee and Wednesday's showers will do good. Steam and ohab are being caught in the Maitland. SPRING plowing, in sod, begun this week with a few farmers. BowLmS Club organization meeting on Thursday evening of this week. R. Wmo:.utn has purchaeed a trim black roadster, giving him a matched team now. AN addition bee been built to Philip Ament'e et tble and will be utilized for horses and poultry. JNo. Soon shipped 2 cars of cattle on Monday from Bruenele. There were some dand.ee in the shipment. Ray. R. ]rano, Obairmao of the Board of Heath, has a public notice in this is- sue that all should read andgovern them- selves accordingly. FOUR -IN RAND neckties, which are an loud an the explosion of a Boer "Long Tom," are on sale here. The design is that of a Union Jaok in colors, with red and blue endo. TENDERS will be received for the new Agricultural Hall np to 7 p. m, on Satur- day of this week and will be opened on Monday next at 4 p. m., wben the Grey Branob Directors will meet. Tay Listowel Standard says :-The Mountain Remedy 00., represented by Lorne Hunter, was in town ibis week, introducing this remedy. He disposed of`tbe enormous lot of 325 paokagee of the remedy in towo. F. S. SCOTT in giving hie newly acquir. el residence, William street, a complete overhauling before moving in. The house he is leaving will receive an out. fitting too before beingtaken possession of by Jno. Leckie anfamily, of Toronto. PEOPLE Wn° TRAvEL,-T. Farrow, C. P. R. agent sold tiokets during the past week as follows :-Mine Ida McNichol, Miss Phemie McMillan and J. J. Coates, to Shoshone, Idaho ; Albert Berfellz, to St. Paul, Minn. ; H. R. Elliott, and N. Platt, to Gladstone, Man.; Robt. Mo. Oatoheon, to Alameda, Assa. ; Will. Forbes, to Binscarth, Man. ; Mrs. Geo. Werner and Miss Werner, to Lethbridge, Alberta. Pnosrnors of business brieking np at the Ronald Fire Engine Works are favor- able. Nameroue orders for repairs to engines art ooming in and Mr, Ronald is figuring an several tenders for new mach- ines. People oan talk as they like but when it comes down to the real business of fighting a fire the "Ronald" proves its superiority every time. One bigfire soon destroys more property than would par. chase a half dozen steam enginee. ROBERT WENN DEAD, -On March 22th, at Sylvia, N. O., the spirit of Robert Wynn took its flight. Deceased was aged 04 years and 7 months. La grippe and pleurisy was the cause of death. He leaves a brother and 7 sisters to mourn bis demise and a widow, who is blind. The family havethesympathy of many friends in Brueeels and locality. Mr. Wynn's death is the second break in a family of nine ohildren of the late Wm. Wynn, of Brunie. Fuer CAPE TOWN. -A letter was MeV- ea last week from Thos. Bloomfield, written at Cape Town, South Africa, on Maroh 9th. In it be sage we hada, eine trip, 000npying nearly 4 weeks from Liverpool to Cape Town. An enjoyable time was put in on the voyage, two oan. carts a week being on the program. Oat of 1,000 horses we ware taking ont we only fed 55 of them to the sharks an the trip. We were highly commended by the British Government officers far land. leg our cargo in so healthy a condition after 60long a journey and the greet 'change in climate. When we loaded at Liverpool the animals were white with anew and eleaking with the cold and the borate, that died went down with lung trouble. (Jape Town is a beautiful place and 'coke mule like the Old Country, with the Salvation Army at the street cotnen. The weather is warm bob the nights are cool, Tbere are 5 or 6 boats belonging to the same Company we acme on out here at present. The Boer women Mad children'who were taken from Lady. smith are here, many of them sleeping on the bare ground and eating fish they nabob along the shore. daps Town people give them food and clothing. This ie a very exciting place to live in just now and Brusgelitee don't know any thing thee te war r at it is totnethin g terrible to witness the sighte bee at pree• ent. liar. Bloomfield Was not aerate of llfs mother's death when lie wrote and addreoeed his lebtet to her, Tom hag gone on to Bteomfontoin to delve an am• bulauoe, 2ND HAND BICYCLES... We have two Crescent Bipyoles, new last yeer, guaranteed in perfeot condition, with Dunlop tires, for $15 lase than when new. These are bargains. We bavealeo one run two years, for 517,50, with Dan. lop tires, guaranteed perfect. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Crescent Bioyolee. eaaa. MAPLE syrup. T114 Sag drill girls were photographed at both galleries on Wednesday after, noon. $5.75 was paid for the shipment of bogs by Messrs. Banker & Vanstone: on Tues- day. Thio ie a big price. A CRAM letter from Dr. Kalbfieisob, Chicago, and other newsy matter is crowded out of this ieene but will appear next week, S. WILTON le the proud poseeseor of a line "Costumer" foal from his "Saranac" mare. The young fellow should be something pretty splay. Gnomic Roan has been doing a whole- sale business over the 0, P. R. express line, vla bis stage to Wroxeter and part of the time under adverse cironmetaneee owing to the bad condition of the roads. S. T. Pram bas the addition to bis blaokemibh shop, Flora street, about oom. plated. It is 9x60 feet with a comfort- able office in front and is a big improve. meet to the comfort and oonveoienos of the place. Bnossnae FLAX MILL WILL RUN. -This pleasing intimation was made public on Monday by the issuance of posters an. nouncing that Beed will be given out at Brussels mill. The boniness will be ran under the name of Livingston & Co. and will be managed by P. Hogg, who is an experienced band at the work. He in meeting with a very bearey response from the farmers and the running of the mill will be good news to the towns. peoplego well owing to the large amount of work to be done in handling the crop. It is expected that from 800 to 400 baehelo of seed will be given out and $10 00 per fou ie offered for the flax if of good quality and properly harvested. The market has brightened op consider• ably and we hope, for all concerned, that it may continue to improve. See Mania ger Hogg if you want any information about the flex business, DIED AT LatDEM-At Lauder, elan i tuba, on April 011, the spirit of John Albert Burgess passed away to the Great Be- yond. Mr. Bargees was the oldest son of Mrs. Wm. Cornish, formerly of Morris township, now of Mitchell. Deceased was born on Lot 80, Cora 7, Morrie, and for a number of years lived in the home now 000npied by Hugh R. Elliott, in Grabamville. He was united in marriage to Mies Ellen Purvis, of Morris, 15 years ago, and went to the West in the year 1889 here he has pared on his comfor- table m profP P table farm homestead. Mn. Bargees was a man possessed of a robust oonetitntion and had known very little illness until about 4 months ago, when he was taken with typhoid lever, wbioh was followed by a complication of diseases, wbioh in spite of medical skill and careful atten• dance, won the mastery. He suffered greatly during the latter period of his illness but bore all with Ohriatian forti- tude, and was never known to oomplaia. Jost before hie death he sang, "We that' meet me that evergreen ebors," and bis last words were, "Weep not for me, dear wife, nor grieve that I am gone, trust in our leavenly Father and meet me there.' Deceased was a oomparatively young mac, being only 26 years, 6 months and 7 days et age. He leaves a widow and 7 abildren, (Mrs. Cornish, Mitchell,) his mother and 3 brothers, (William, of Guelph ; Fred., of Clinton, and Walter, of Mitchell,) to mourn his death, The sorrowing relatives have the eympatby of a large circle of Wanda in Morris, Bros. sale and vicinity. Bawled DIATOM-A000rdiug to anno0noe• meat the annual sawing match took plane at Brussels on Friday afternoon of last week and attracted a large crowd, probably numbering 800 to 1000 people. The contest took place on the market square adjoining the Town Hall. There were 12 entries and splendid work was done throughout. The log wee a green beeob, with comparatively little taper to it. Followiug is the order of the sawing and the time of earth : NA.= 1sT 001 21n) Cur TOTAL McFadzean Bros 54$ 000 44 - 08 Maxwell &Rands 00 801- 964 Barnard '& Barnard G9 " 41 -100 Fowler & Ruby 89 " Did not caw Logan & Logan 481 " 891- 804 Sternal & sternal 88 " 47 -117 Stewart & 1larris 45 " 891- 704 OorealitnBros 40 80 - 86 Ireland & Barnard 19 040- 771 Harris & Ram say 04 ' 28 -- 02 Williamson Broil - 40 " 81 - 714 Manser & B eewitberiok.,40 " 404-924 The four prizes were awarded as follows i let, Hands & Ramsay, of Grey township ; 2nd, Williamson, Bros., of Grey town. ship ; 3rd, Ireland & Barnard, of Wrox• stet ; 4th, Stewart & Harris, of Grey township, Messrs. Harris &Ramsay had a handicap of 0 seconds placed upon them but had no trouble in winning.. W. M. Sinclair and W. F. Scott were time keep. ere and 'darters I N. F. Gerry announced out finished and the other members of the Oommittee were J. T. Rosa and R. Johnston. Several looal matches were made up after the big oonteet was over and the orose.cats were going after 6 o'ulook, Grey township appears to be the home ofthe sawyers and ales of the Stere. The 1st prize winners will have to rehire on their well earned honors as an inoreaeed liandioap of 5 or 10 geoonde over Friday's match would practi- cally dile them out or make it a very 049800 teat for them. It would be a difficult matter to get twelve nave to do mob better wotk than the exhibition given at the Metall bete, Tot roar gives the newel no dotlbt ebeet that. A. R. Suloo'e nary awning ie the "lend* eel" tbiug la town, Ocut atentL travellore are as think as bug tit the swarming, Mee, Jno. McKenzie and daughter (Taut Beater with friends at Guelph. Goma TO AXLto ii. -R, Route Lbs well known horseman, who bas bandied sopte Of the best etrings of rage home both on this Ooutinenb and Europe, -leaves -on Monday for Aylmer, Ont„ where be will take oharge of the fast stook belonging to w eyndicabe there for the coming season and if it is in the animitle tba driver will see that the let money comae to hiefiier%, Jas. O'Geary'o 4 bersee, that Mr, Rothe was training bare during the Winter, were Bent to their owner et •Pebrolia. Mrs. Bootee and family will not remove from Brussels, we are pleased to know. TbsAylmer people will find "Dick"a fair, equare man, well up in hie business and gentlemanly to ,t marked degree, What he don't know about a horse could be pat in a small specie. LIOEESE Ootitllsoionsas,=Cuesday of this week East Huron License Board met at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, T, Gib. son in the chair. The following hotel licenses were granted :-Beimore, loo, Lamonby ; Lakelet, Joseph J, Emel ; Fordwioh, Alex, Orr • Gude, Geo, Brown and Robert White ; Wroxeter, Jno. Gotten and A. Walker ; Bluevale, granted to house if suitable teuaut-is seonred ; Bulgrave, Jno. Soandrett Jamestown, Thoe. Molwen, beer and wine ; Mole*worth, Ohas, Seebaver • Ethel, M. Henry ; Oraabrook, Jacob Long ; Brnseels, 0. Zilliex, Stratton Bros., and Inc. Ament ; Walton, Pars, 0. Sage ; Leadbury, Thos. Jones; Dublin, Joseph Webber. The last named is the only new appltoant. After attending to other business, Board adjourned to meet at the Central Hotel, ernasels, on Wed. nesday, May 2nd, at 1 o'clock. 33aD BATT. CoNoosT.-.-Arrangements are being ootnpieted for the bolding of a aeries of firet•olase oonoerts to be held at Goderioh, Olinton, Wingharo, Brussels and Seaforth. The talent is goo:1 and consists of Misses Eva May and Laura Acheson, eolaist and violinist ; Miss Ella Fisher, elocutionist, all of Gaderieb, with Mies Bally Oombe, of Olinion, as pianist. Ooaoert will be held here on an evening in the first week of May. Pro. coeds of the series will go toward a fund t0 better the camp arrangements of the privates of 38rd Batt, No doubt a good house will greet the talent here. A few local numbers may be added. Further particulars may be obtained by oonvereiug with W. M. Sinclair, who takes a lively interest in military affairs. He will have hie egnad out to drill on Viotoria Park next Monday eveniug if the ground is eaffioiently dried np for puede. ANNrvensLne.-The annual anniversary entertainment of the Methodist Sabbath eobool was held in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, on the evening of Good Friday and attracted a large eudienoe. Rev. John Holmes presided and performed the duties pleasantly. Program was varied so as to give the different departments of the eobool a share in the evening's pro• oeedings and was as follows :-Opening clients, "There'sa Royal Banner" • prayer, Rev. R. Paul ; song, "Launch oat Into the deep," Lottie Blaebill ; retie tation, "Sand," Ruby Plum ; song"I'm a little soldier," Tom Burk,FrankGerry, Cleve Denbow, Oarl Peebles ; recitation, "Boys," Cheater Armstrong ; solo, "Fishers of Men," Pearl Lowry ; retie talion, "Torch of Liberty," Mildred Scott; chorus, "A band of Reapers,' Maggie Cardiff, Alice Booe, Minnie Dud. ley, Annie Lowry, Annie Bozell and Alice Kendall ; recitation, "Joe," Mise illaggie Rozell ; song, "Rainy day," Hazel Rozell, Orma Gerrie, Nellie Peebles. Pearl Baeker, Clara Simmons, Florenoe and Violet McKenzie;instrumental emstrum nt l duet,et violin and piano, "Thmerry Anetioan maroh," 31. L. Jackson and Miss Jean MaLaoeblin ; recitation, "The Storm," Ella Fansbon ; "The conquering Orme," a musical exercise by 30 pereone, chorus and orobeetra ; Nolo, "We'll stand by the flag," Leslie Herr ; recitation, 'Little Will," Pearl Sharp ; solo, "Believe," atlas Degge • recitation, "The first set- tler's story, Mies Brook ; flag drill and song, "We'll fight for the grand old flag," Risen Lizzie Downing, Lan. Holmes,. Lula Davis, Thurso Gerry, Annie Smith, Lily Mooney, Kate Rozell, Mabel Hayeroft, Nora Mau adore, Lizzie Leather - dale, Lily Sharp, Eva Mo0raoken, Leo Curry, Carrie Hiogaton, Olara Crawford and Berrie Denbow ; National anthem. The program was varied, well rendered on the whole, and the interest maintained to the end, In "The Conquering Cross" oontata, Mies Brook took the leading part as the "Spirit of Missions" and did excellently. Ella Funotoo represented a Hindu ; Oharlie Hingeboo, a Chinese ; Pearl Lowry, a Mexioan ; Eva Denbow, a Japanese ; and Marble Lowry, an Armenian, and in their costumes looked quite the aorreotthing, giving their reoi• Cations and song well. Ira Gerry was "War": MiesJosieBuchanan, "Wealth" ; Will. McCracken, "Power" ; Mies Annie Maunders, "Learning,' offering, ree- peotively, their gifts to the Spirit of Missions to uplift the world, all being declined. Mies Minnie McNaughton presented a arses whit% was accepted. Miss Oarrie Hingston rendering the solo, "0 t Conquering Oroes" very acceptably and W. E.. Kerr sang "Not by Might noc by Power," The ahorusee by the school were heartily sung and were lead by the S. S. Orchestra, oonducted by H. L, Jaok. son. Miss Bva Degge was warmly greet- ed in her solo, "Believe," by Geo, Tan- nerill, which was exceedingly well nen- tiered, and beartily enoored, wi'Iingly responding with "Fiorenstiue" with good effect. seldom has a prettier eoene been presented than the flag drill with the 16 young ladies in white, with tri•oolored seethes and eacb oarrying two flags. They sang the patriotio song in good style and were raptarcooly encored, in respone0 to which they repeated the last Mee "When the Boers in the far off Transvaal 'Gainer Britain took up acme, Our own brave boys feared not to face Grim battle's dread alarms ; They baekied on their kaapeaoke They fetidly bade adieu, And one bright day they marobed away To eloow what our boys oan do." Votes of thanks were paged to those misting, particularly Mies Degge and Wee Jean SloLauchlio, the latter being pianist, and and Mrs, VV. Ii, Kerr for her tronble and time intraining for the drill, &a. The proceeds totalled nearly $40,00 which Wee very good considering that the admission fee was only 10 an 15 Dente, the primary pupils being admit, tad free, C11WI(OU UIIMEte. Rev.,R.Paul preaobed at Atwood last' Sunday. Servide in 11. Q. ehtirob next Sabbath morning, Rev. J. 1lohnee will prea0h next bob. bath evening oil "Tho sig 01.Gambling, " A oolleob'top in aid of the India Fetnine Fund will be taken in Melville Sabbath sohool pu Aptil 29th, Thursday a',s..teg St, Jehu'e young people deal with the topic" The Center.. lane servant Healed." "Serving Ged joyfully" will be the in. Wresting topic at Melville Endeavor and the Epworth League next Sabbath even - "The Oenturian's s,rvanb healed" will be the topio of the Sabbath School hewn for next Sunday, See notes on page 3 oe Tan POST. Christ, the power and Wisdom of God" was Bev. Mr. MaKay's eabjeot last Sabbath morning in Melville church from wbioh lee'preaobed a profitable di000eree, The session bas engaged Mr. Malty to supply Melville pulpit during Rev. Mr. Ross'' holidaying in the Sommer, .The pastor preaobed an appropriate Easter dimness in the evening, the ohoir con tributing several eeleotione in keepiug with the occasion. The annual vestry meeting of St. Johns oburoh was held on Monday after- noon. The auditors' statement showed a balsam on band of $39.00, The Ladies' Guild receipts for the year were $43.85. The S. S..receipte were $57.94 ; expenditure 545.29,' leaving b•.inncs on hand of $12.65. Daring the ye•.r $800,00 has been paid on the Reobory S'oud leav- ing eaving a balance of $100 00, folly eabaoribed, to be paid next Deoember. The officers for the ooming year are :-Reator's Warden, Jas. Irwin ; Peopls'e Warden, Wm• Bryan Sidesmen,.Fred. Cardiff and Harry Bartliiff ; Aesiotant Sidemen, Ohae. Pollard and George Manning; Treasurer, Thos. Maxwell ; Vestry Olerk, G. S. Rogers. The Rector's report Elbow- ed 880 parochial visite during the peat Year ; 7 baptisms ; 8 marriages and 9 funerals. The reverend gentleman fell greatly encouraged with the general at. tendance at divine service, especially Ooze held during the Lenten season, Sabbath morning last a children's sera vine was held in the Methodist °burro, Rev. Mr. Holmes preaching a very appro., Male dieoourse from the text "Ooasider the flowers of the field." He showed the physical and moral benefit of Sowers and pointed out three lessons learned from them, (1)They suggested God's wisdom and oars ; (2)The frailty of life (8)The reaorreotion. The contrast between wild and garden lowers was pointed out, drawing the lesson that the lives of Christiane should be better than those making no profession. Our aim in life should be to °nitivete the beet there is in ns. Pleasing reference was made to the language of flowers and the Eden of both earth and heaven, °ailing attention to the fact that the church was the plaoe for finwere. Iu the evening "Integrity and Uprigbuness" was the theme. There was a floe oolleotion of flowers and foliage plants. Easter anthems were rendered by the choir at the seating service. Business Locals. Casa for butter and eggs. A. Oousley. Ctovza and Timothy seed at Mo- Craoken's. Carmen and Timothy seed for sale at Banker & Vaostone'e. Brumes repaired oarefnliy and prompt- ly at the Electric • Light Works, Brunie. Cause weaving. Satiefaotion guaran. teed. Robert Anderson, Ellen street, Brunetti. POTTHn Beed peas for sale. Over 41, grown to a0 lain bushels g the re layear. Aux. MOLAnOHLIN, Lot 80, Con. 4, Morrie. Honed., hernese, buggy, nutter, robes, &o., for sale at a bargain. Good driver and new rigs. Apply to W. Oriob, Brussels. MRs. BALLANTYNE will take orders for ont flowers and fioraldesigne-oitygreen. houses. See the fine bedroom sate and chinaware at her grocery. JUST IN -A oar of Manitoba f oar and bran, from the Beautiful Plains Milling do., Neepawa. Now is the time to put in your stook for Summer. Damn & VANsTONE. When in Wingbam call and see our new Spring goods. We carry the largest steak in town. Quality and style equal to any in the city. From certain actions of the largest egg dealers of New York and Montreal, do not be anrprieed to see eggs as good all Summer as batter hal been all Winter. Feed those bene. Eggs still 12c. G. E. KING, Wiogham. • MORN.. ALrEe.-Io Grey, on April 6tb, to Mr. and Mre. Joseph Ames, a daughter. BBEortnNnlnoE,-In Morris, on April 40b, to Mr. and Mrs. D. lreekeoridge, a eon. Ponca, -In Molaillop, on April 1811, to Mr. and Mre. Hugh Fulton, a eon. McALLloxnn.-In Grey, on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister, a eon. ST4Jr1),4RD .731,7YK Or adx.tv4 ealieexartaaia=0,a-x=ez 6.3704- HEAD OFFICE, e TORONTO OAVITAL PAID 51le (One Million Dollars) ' 51,000,000 BBSERVB FUND • .. 5600,000 rtgsnotes fit alt prinefead points in Ontario, Qatebeo, Manitoba, United States t$ England. f .71ri79!.sms 3eavr ff. A General Banking Busiueas Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Toned' sod Collections mads on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed oe deposits of $1,00 and npwarde, SPEOIAL ATTENT;ON30033 TO TEE c)os4l001.I0N 00 B'Aansne' SALA NoTnsI Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a dietanoe. J, N. GORDON, ACW7Ne AGENT, DeRae•s :,5 air.a.xeacft'ae, t. Fall' Wheat 60 63 Barley88 Peas 58 Oats 26 Butter, tubs and rolls ,12 Sggs per dozen 9 Flour per barrel" 4.00 Potatoes (per bus) 20 Apples (per bag) 1 00 Salt per bbl,, retail,1 00 Hay per ton 7 00 Hides trimmed 6 Hides rough 6 Sheep skins, each 80 Lamb eking emote 25 Hoge, Live 6 50 Wool 8 40 60 27 18 10 450 20 1 00 70 7 00 04 5 1 00 25 5 60 18 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. MONEY to loan, private funds, on farm security. Apply at THE Poem. OEoroE seed potatoes for Bale. 16 var- ieties to uhooee from. EDWARD GARVIN, Lot 1, Con. 11, Grey. 89-8 4 TEAR old mare for sale, broken to drive or work. 680. 8PEIR, 86•tf, Lot 21, 4th line Morrie, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NOTICE 1 Any one driving over the Graaolithlo-Side- walka, unless at the regular crossings, will be prosecuted. 0100. THOMSON, Reeve.' IPiOR SALE. — A BEAUTIFUL home on Queen street ; also apian o very little used, one of the best maltee r three hundred and fifty dollars. Must be sold before the let of April. Apply to MISS M. CAMPBELL, Brussels. MAR.RS=L- Beses-Doxi.-On Wednesday, Marob 1ltb, by Rev. Par. Moore, of Listowel, Mies Agnes, daughter of Mr. Adam Duke, 4th 000., to Mr, Samuel Byers, of the Boundary. Boou.N-Pnnnnn.-By Rev. D. Rogers, on April 18th, at Hillside farm, the residence of the bride's parents, Mr, Henry M, Beeman to Mine Mary, soound dangbter of Mr. Henry Per. dee, all of Morris. OAatentcr,r-DALH,-In Tuakeremitb, on April 1011, by Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Walton, Mr. Jae. H. Campbell, of MoKillop, to Miss Harriet D,tle, of Tuolteremith. ORAveono•-•Gmect. At the residence of the bride's parents, on April 11th, by Rev, A. 0. Tiffin, Mr, W. T. Cray- ford, of 'Osborne township, to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. George Grigg, of Morrie. S31rTa-LAIDLAW. -'In Egmondvillei od April lith, by Rev, N. Shaw B. A., Me. John Smith, of Hallett, to Mae Ella Laidlaw, of Tuckerareibb. Youxo,-/n MountForeet, od April ', Mh, James A. Yonng,•formeriy of Ethel, (teed ears and 3 menthe. 47 y th Bnnoies.-Ab Lauder, on April 6th, John Albert Bargees, aged 86 ysare, 6 months and 7 bye. WreN.-At Sylvia, N. 0,,a1. Sean &carob 29th, Robert Wynn, aged 64 yoare and 7 menthe, A HUNTER, LICENSED AU0- • TfoNEEBtor the County- Exper- ience of over 14 years, and knowledge of who to sell to. Will guarantee. satisfaction. If you. want to sell or bay a farm oall on me. Money to loan at 40 ner cent. Public Notice I The residents of Brussels are hereby noti- fied that the time has come when all yards, water-ale:ete and other places mast be at- tended to and °leaned up, And further not- ion is given that the law will ne enforced in all eases where these matters areneglected, Signed R, PADL, , Chairman of the Board of Health. '-PLACER MiNiNfl CLAIMS IN THE YUICQN T I':RRITORY. • NOTIODis hereby given that ell of the placer ruining claims, whole and Area- tional, the property of the Orown, in the Yukon Territory, will be offered for sale at public auction at Dawson, by the Gold Com- , mrseioner, on the 2nd day of July, 1000. Twenty per cent. of the parobaso money shall be paid to the Gold. Commissioner at Dawson on the day of gala and the remaind- er within thirty days from that date. There will be 710 reotriotion es to the num- ber of olalme: which may be sold to any one person or persons holding a Flea ]wiper's Oerbideabe ; but nobydraulia claims will bne included in the Sala. So soon ne blie purohaeo moray hae been: paid in full, an'rios for the olalme .will -he of tbe granted in mining with provisions in force, wibb the exception of the provision so to the staking out ofolaimp, and the claims sold shall thereafter be subj sot to the placer mining s, A tutwoy ofregulatitheonolalme sold will be mads by the Department ab as early a data as ppee Bible, e, and tiro claims shall include ground the survey accordance with Surveyor may Agana by survey in mode iuoo wibh eaoh Regulations as may be mode in that behalf, and the de. oise a of the Gold d solonex. shall in respect thereof be final l anand oono,usivo. In cane for any reason it le deemed impos- Bible.by the Gold Commissioner to give title and posseeelon to any claim disposedofat such auctionsale, the Gold Commissioner will refund the deposit paid at the time of sale and no claim shall 11e against the Grown In respect to failure togive title or poeeoeelon. A second orth, n sale under the conditions on above set forth, will be at Dawson . on the 2nd day of August, 1900, of all claims nob disposed of lar the auction sale of the 20d. July, 1900, and of any other olaima which have in the meantime become the property of the Crown under the regulations in that behalf, - PERLBY G, HEYI1, Secr5etary. Depart anent oltho Interior, Ottawa, Mot February, 1000. REAL ESTATE. !`I OOD. FARM FOR SALE.— Vf Apply to THE POST, Brussels. 86.8 37INE FARM FOR SALE.—BE- A.:Irro Lot 29. N 4 Con. 0. Morrie township, containing 08 acres of first -Mass land, There is shouse barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farmis well fenced. There are 86 acres hi Fall wheat; 1G 00008 in hay and 95 acres pasture. Possession could be given at once. Farm adjoins the 1111,004 of Brae. sale, For further particulars as to price, terms, ,to,, write to JAMBS LIVINGSTON, M. P., Baden, 22 -ti �SEASO SEASONABLE goQDSr . Bluestone, inseet Powder, Copperas, Moth Camphor, Chloride of Lime, Carbolic Acid, Little's Phenyle, Caustic Soda. We have them—Strietly one Quality -the best, at Fox's Drug Store. LARGE FARM FUR SALE. - 040' acme, complete motion, near Soubilwoot boundary of Manitoba, Over 100 mores under cultivation. .Fine two•etorey house eosting aver 81000. 8 miles from rail. way;; Ayer Souris panes through farm; near cheap coal supply. Price 09000. Apply to JNO, D. RONALD. .(FARM FOR SALE OR TO RnNT..430100 S 4 Lot 21.00n. 7, Morrie, containing 100 nares, more or lose.. 60 Acres seeded with timothy and clover ;. well water- ed with springs .and creek • bunt, fenced,.. roviding good feed for cattle, Possession'.'. given at any time. For particulars apply to ALEX. HYSLOP, Proprietor,, or RICHARD BEWLEY, Morrie. 89-4 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill street, Brussels. The bouse is a comfortable one, well fitted up, with cellar, hard and soft water, &a. There is also a good stable. Fruit - trees in garden : over one.quarter aore of land. For price, terms, &o. - apply to H. FINN, Rropnefetor, W or . H. BEER of Tme Po0T, ii t'00R SALE IN ETHEL . VIL- LAOS, -Oho property of the late John Elliott, consisting of a solid brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and. k sore of land all in first-Masscondition. If not sold will be rented. Pos. session at any time. For particulars apply to Wm. Saorto0, Ether; ALnx. FATTnneoy, Galt-; or TM, MoKELYEY, Mt. Forest 00tf P � IRST - CLASS FARM FOR .1.. SALE. -Lot 17, oom. 9, Township of Grey. 100 scree mono or lose. Situate 41 miles from;Bluseels and I miles trona village of Ethel. All cleared excepting 6 mime of hardwood bush. Buildings and fancies In good repair. Good wale. All Fall plowing done, Price aid terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M.8INAR 29-L1 BarnloberOL, 00.I, llrueeele.. "WARM FOR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South 1 and South 1 of the North 401 Lot 96, Con, 2, East Wawa - nosh, This is an excellent stook farm,boiag well supplied with good spring ,, water. It is. situated about miles from the thriving .Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under grass. Buildings and fiancee are in a falx state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information applybo 11-01 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. ....ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF. Men's, Boys' Ana Youths' AT A. R.. SMITH'S. Our Men's, Youths', Boys' and Little Gents' ox iF: ,." ,K. mil .- .. o#s Are Second to None. The Solid, Always the Best at the Price. A Heavy Shoe is just the Pll thing for this Weather. sin ing may come down in torrents, the streets may be coy- eyed with mud and water, but• you won't mind it if you have on one of our Rain Proof Coats and your feetencased in a pair of our Granby Rubbers, No Space to , quote prices. 1 SMITH3 Champion. Clothier, Brussels. tt 4