HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-19, Page 5to
i9, 1900
',S, SCOTT, Homely,
7 Y • IeAner of Marriage Licenses. 01.
floe at Greoery, 1uruberry street, Brussels.
Nor * of Tbbe Stolid rd i3 a kboP`N ieet� deor
North t Ladies' aud
Children's hair cutting a NBeofaitYr
nflne0ONHn has several good Farms for
gale end to rent, °pay terms, in Townships
01 Morris and Grey, F S. 80UTT,Bruesels
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
SR.-rTS5257TrS, OMB,D.
L.. O. M.
',epidemic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Mesio, also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a. limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupil a for
the Prinoipa1e Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan ,and Insurance Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds invented and to' loan. eolith -
tions made. Office in Grabam'eiBlock, Brus-
• HER, will sell for better prices, to
better mon in lase time and loco charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Buren or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
(mamma Or BnA8011Tn)
Graduate of R. C. D S., Toronto ; Pod Grad-
uate course at flashel's. Sohool, 0hieago, in
Drown and bridgo work. ISrPrices same as
In•sarrounding towns. 21•
Office over A, B. Smith's store, 13 russets.
', Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
00009 of domesticated animals lin a compet-
entmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. OfMee and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Bolfottor, Conveyancer,
Notary Pubilo, &o. Office—S tewart'a Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
• Solicitor, &o. Omar over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Lon at lowest rates.
• (Formerly of Cameron, Ho11 &
Cameron) Barrister and Solioitor, Godoriclt
Ont. Office—Hamiltca Street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
111. D., C.
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Eingetoo ; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of Women and Children a special-
ty. Nine years' experience. Office and res-
idence, opposite English 'church, Brussels.
M. L., G. )1.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College,Member Colleg0 of Phyeiolane and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
• wlfery,Edinburgh. 13Tolephoue No.14,
Beeidouce—Mill street, Brussels.
(Snccensor to Dr.F. 11. 1(tttbllelscht
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col;, New
York ; M D 0 M Viotoria University, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario. Simla' attention paid
to diseases of women, eye, Oar, 0080 and
throat. 19.11
M. O. C. M..
Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &„
&0, All speolalty work eaWBlaotorily treat-
ed. Officio upstairs in the. Stratton Block.
Moe hours, 9 to 12 a, in., and 7 to lO p. m,
Specialist work, ouch a8 for eye, oar, throat,
&o„ in the office at his residence, Elizabeth
etreot. from 2 to O p m. All medicines will
be dioponeod personally by the Cr, or under
hie direct supervision.
undersigned wit/ keep for servioo on
hie farm, Ethel, an improved Yerkehlro hug,.
with registered pedigree. Terme, 8100, to
bo paid at time of servioowith privilege of
returning It nooeneary, 09.4
0, 1009MI1)11, Proprietor.
000.0 0ltan has for Bervioe on Lot 13,
Con 9, they, a Moro' bred Yorkshire hog,
bred by ftobt. Nichol, of Morrie, They also
have a thorn' Borkollloo, purchased frtom M,
McAllister, of Stan199, on Lot 15, Oon.. O,
Grey, Pedigrees may bo soon on appllaa.
tion, Torino for each, 5100, to bo paid at
time of eervioe with privilege of returning
if mummery. ML'NA==Y & BON,
08.0 Proprietors.
Writ° lo-duy for Our Catalo uo l
5firrti'for ,.Ortt
Students are in attendance this year
from Canada, United State, and New-
foundland. Our graduates are always
enooeeeful in getting good situations.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
11i3istrici Flatus.
The Ladloo' Symphony Orchestra, of
Boston,, held forth in Oardno's Hall
on the evening of the 17119, under the
auspices of the Citizens' Star Course.
On Good Friday evening the "Arch of
Fame" was presented in the Methodist
°huroh,together with a splendid program
of vooal and instrumental music &o. Tea
waft served in the basement from 6 to 8
The A. 0. U. W. of this plaoe intend
giving an "At Home" in their lodge room
on the evening of April 24th, when a first.
°lase musical and literary program will
be presented. A good time is promised
to members and their friends
At the Millinery Openings our met,
chants made a grand display of Spring
millinery. It is impossible to describe i
all the creations of lace and 'ribbon, chit.
Ione, &o. The MoFaul 0o. presented a
beautiful window, as did also the
Pickard Company and the Abel &
Ortwein establishment. All the displays
did great credit to the ladies who are en•
gaged in the manufaatare of ladies' head-
NEWBY NOTED.—Mise Wiggins, of To-
routo,leoturer and organizer for the W.
0. T. U., will lecture in St. Andrew's
church, Blyth, under the auspices of the
local W. C. T. U., on Tuesday afternoon
and evening, April 24th. Everybody
invited.—Blyth has a by-law against
riding bioyolee on the sidewalks, the floe
is $5 aud oosee.—Daniel Cuoningbam,
who has been employed on the Blyth
Beaton of the Grand Trunk for many
years, has received the appointment of
foreman of the Clandeboye section and
moved hie family to that village.—All
those desirous of joining a company of
the 33rd Batt. (Huron infantry) are re-
quested to Goll on Capt. Rance forthwith
and sign the eervioe roll. Applicants
most be five feet four inches in height,
over 18 years of age, good physique and
oharaoter. Term of enlistment, three
years. Drill to commence e,5 soon as
company roll is completed.—The young.
est child of Alex. Butler fell into an old
well ander the wood shed and was rescued
by its mother, who jumped in after ie.
The little one had a close call from
drowning.—A foot ball club, to be kuowo
as the Blyth Alerts, was organized at the
Central hotel with the following officers :
—Hon, president, James MaMarohie ;
president, Reeve Carter ; vice•president,
Capt. Rance ; manager and treasurer,
Thomas Wateon t secretary, Alex. Den.
niacin ; managing committee, Wm.
Mason, W. J. Scott and S. Crawford ;
oaptain, John Hirone.
.\ Poor Millionaire
Lately starved in London because he
could not digest his food. Early use of
Dr. King's New Lite Pills would have
saved him. They strengthen the atom.
nob, aid digeetion, promote assimilation,
improve appetite. Price 25a, Money
bank it not satisfied. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, drnggiet.
NEWSY FANaoes.—The special collection
which was taken up in the Presbyterian
Sabbath School in aid of the Indian
Famine Fund amounted to nearly 618.00.
Mre. J. A. Johnston visited her eon,
Robert, at Jamestown, who has been on
the siok list but ie now improving.—
While teaming in the bush, Jos. Johnston
of the Oth con, received a revere kick
from one of hie home, wbioh broke hie
left arm between the wrist and the elbow.
—James G. Matthews bee again com-
menced work on tbie (motion of the C. P.
R, traok.—Bervioe was held in Trinity
Church on Good Friday at 2.30 p. m. A
collection was taken op for the evangeli•
zation of the Jaen. The vestry meeting
of the same oburoh was held on Monday
morning at 10.30.—Dr. Spence is at pres-
ent Buffering from a felon on one of hie
fingers.—A meeting was held in L. G.
Hooey's hardware store, for the purpose
of re -organizing the Maple Leaf Foot
Ball Club. The President, L. G. Hooey,
occupied the chair and received the re.
ports of last year's otl'Ioers, wbioh ehowed
a balance on hand of $6.00. The election
of new Officers was then proceeded with
and resulted as follows :—Hon. Pres., B.
S. Cools ; Pres., James Loren ; Seo., lzra
Rieke ; Treas., john Argue ; Managing
Com., L. G. Hooey and John M. Thom-
son ; Capt., George Rattan.
BRIEFLY TOLD.—David Bradnook hae.
purohesed the fine brick dwelling on Vic.
toria street, now occupied by J. F. Jar.
dine.—T.W, Fotheringbam, who bas been
clerking in N. MoLanghlin'e drug store
for the past year and a half has enured
a lecrative position in Orangeville.— R.
C. Sperling to on the mend,—Annie, the
only daughter of Rabt. Cunningham, is
seriously ill with appendioitie,—Leonard
Armstrong, ha( taken a situation behind
the counter in the drug etore.—Joe. Mo-
L'tughlin ie having eleotrio lights placed
in his reeideno.': Chas. Fawoet, of Matra
itoba, ono of the old pioneers of Hotviok,
10 renewing old acquaintances in end
around town. Mt. Fawoet lived on lot 7,
con, 6, now owned by P. P. Ayleeworth.
It to now over 30 years B3000 he sold out
and hitched up his teats and drove to
Manitoba. Very many ohangee have
taken plait in Howiok Binge then. Many
of hie old eeighboro are sleeping the Memo
that knows, no wolfing:—Tho sawing Don.
test here on the 6th inst., drew quite a
large, orowd to town notwithstanding the
had rondo and Unfavorable weather, a
drizzling taro falling moot of the day,
The outting was done on a bard maple
about 23 inched through at the butt and
tnpertng to about 23 inobeo at the top
end, Jamie Mangier and Jacob 135909ith,
eriok won first money, making the butt
oat in 1;44f and the top out to 11211• ;
J e and r wood, oB hand Edward Barnard d e o d mit,
ting site butt in 2:02 and the tope out
1:27} ;_the third prize was won by Few.
ler and 'Why, making their firat out in
7:1 7 and the, second in 1;01, Stewart
and Bing tirade their first out ip 2;34•
Mit did not 55109 their oeoond,
r..,i pto W 01.
LITTLE Noxos,—Will. Jenkiue, =r-
eliant tailor, was called to Hamilten last
week owing to hie wite'e illneeo,—Brune
Rouald has purohaoed the building which
he emeupieO ou Main street as a barber
ebop from J, H. Maodonald.—The Lie•
towel chair faotory started up last week,
---G. 3, Stevenson, of Tara, formerly of
Listowel, hoe returned to town and en -
Mired into partnership with J. T. Mo -
Keever, in the meat business.—Building
operations have commenced. 3, S. Gee,
on mount of his growing .trade, has
toned it neoeseary'to build quite a largo
addition to hie dry goods store,—Patter.
eon & Ellie, of 81. Mo.ys, were in town
looking up a site to start the manufaoture
of sewer pipe, aementculverts, etc.—Jae.
A. Adams, of the 3rd oouaeesiop, Wallaoe,
le the owner of a pelf which is something
of 0 monstrosity. Ito weight when only
a few hours old was 93 lbs. It wan
dropped one day last weak, its mother
being a Durham grade of ordinary size.
It is strong and bealthy, and Mr, Adams
expecte that it will yet rival the mammoth
ox on exhibition at the big fairs last Fall,
—R, Martin was galled to Hamilton by
the serious illness of hie brother, Thomas
Martinwhose death took place shortly
after hie arrival there. The deceased
was in his 72nd year, and was for many
years in the railway m eervioe on the
Hamilton & Northwestern. He leaves a
grown-up family. The funeral took plane
at Hamilton on Sunday.
et Girdles The Globe.
The fame of Buoklen's Arnica Salve,
as the beet in the world, extends round
the earth. It'e the one perfeot healer of
Cute, Corns, Burns, Soren, Scalds, Boils,
Ulcers, Pelona, Aohee, Paine and all Skin
Eruptions. Only infallible Pile Dore.
25o a box at G. A. Deadman's drug store.
NEwBY NooEs.—The d, ath of Fred
Wynn, eon of Arthur Wynn, of Newry,
took place at Neepawa, Manitoba, on Fri•
day, 6th inst, after a brief illneee with
pneumonia. Deceased was employed as
a druggist when he took ill. Hie father,
upon being notified of his soo'e illneee,
immediately started for Neepawa, but
only arrived in time to return with the
remains, The funeral took plane on
Tuesday afternoon of last week to the At.
wood cemetery, and was °Deducted by the
Oddfellowe lodges of Atwood and Listow.
el. The deoeaeed was well known in
town, and deep regret is felt for hie Bud•
den demise.—Saturday night, 7th inst.,
Mre. James Wilson was •Beized with a
stroke of paralysis of the right Bide and
the left aide of the brain, rendering her
perfectly helpless and epeeohleee, though
seemingly retaining ooneoiuusnese. It
was a rude ehook to her daughter Bate to
find her thus Sunday morning when she
entered her mother's room.— Alex, Situp.
eon has bought a farm at Fannystelle,
Man., opposite the farms recently Bold by
Widdie Jackson and Gomer Green. Mr.
Simpson ie already in possession.—A
petition is being oiroulaled and liberally
signed by our oitizene, petitioning the
Bell Co. to retain the telephone bueineee
for Mr, Holmes. In the meantime he
will St up a temporary office for its re-
ception until hie new store is ready for
000upatiou.—Mrs. J. A. MOBain and J.
Pelton were visiting Detroit friende.—
Tbe Bell telephone plaut,•looated in Mr.
Holmen' store, was totally destroyed by
the fire Wednesday morning of last week.
Also a valuable new horn belonging to
the Atwood band was destroyed.—Mre.
R. S. Patton and Norma spent the Eas-
ter holidays with friends in Toronto.—T.
M. Wilson, B. 4., Paris, is spending his
Easter vacation at home.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not expreee the rapture of An.
ole Springer, of Philadelphia, Pa., when
Dr. King's New Discovery oared her of a
hacking Dough that for many years had
made lite a burden. She says ; "After
all other remedies and dootore had failed,
it soon removed the pain in my chest and
I can tow sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like eo0ndiog its praises throughout the
Universe." Dr. King's New Disoovery is
guaranteed to oure all tronblee of the
Throat, Chest and Longe. Price 500 and
61.00. Trial bottles free at G. A. Dead.
mao'e drug store.
NEtvsY Nomas.—Mrs. 308. Cowan lately
has had lettere from Iriend, in the Old
Country, after a silence of about fifty
years.—Robt. Black's now slipped into
the dam at the rear of hie reoidenae.
After considerab:e pulling and tagging
she was rescued in a half drowned con.
dition,—Arthur Wells has been busy
painting and papering the station build•
ing and putting it into habitable shape.—
Alex. Smith has purchased the house
now occupied by T. Gibson, jr., on Mill
etreof, for about 6400, from Mr, Touge,
Mr. Gibson will move into the oottage on
Howiok street, now occupied by George
Spotton.—Jas. Kirton, of Turnberry, bee
been in the dootor'e oare suffering with
la grippe, but is now recovering,—Law•
renoe Lovell left for the Northweet, He
hes the offer of a eitnation as Indian
inetruotor in the Prince Albert dietriot.—
Alex. Stewart, who has been vieitiug for
the Winter months with his uncle, D.
Forsyth, left for Winnipeg to visit friends
in various parte of the N. W.,T., and look
up a suitable location.
MATnrmoteran,—The following from the
Montreal Daily Star of April 7th, will be
of interest to the people of the locality
"A pretty wedding toot plaoe on Wednes•
day evening at 350 Sherbrooke street, the
home of the bride's pareoto, when Mims
Adelaide J. Molndoe, third daughter of
Andrew Malodor, and niece of D. Rogers,
M, 1'., Glen Logie, Kingston, was married
to Dr. W. M. B. Simla, only son of Dr,
S. 13. Smile, Wroxeter, Ontario. The
oeremony wee performed by Rev. Dr,
Campbell, of Bt. Gabriel's church. The
bride (oohed very pretty in a tailor.made
gown Of grey cloth. Mise Striate, ender
of the gtoom, who acted as bridesmaid,
was also charmingly attired in grey. A.
71. MoThdoe, brother' of the bride, Was
beet man, After the osromony a reeep•
tion was hold at which soma of the bride's
most intimate friends and relatives were
preeenl, Dr, and Mr9. Sinai° left on a
trip through the States. Mre, Smile was
the recipient of many valuable preesals
including eoveral cheques."
W.lyl,f to It rlr0,
Barony Tooq.—Q. Gllleepie le having
a number o1 cement egg vats bptlt at hie
egg warehouse pear the G. T. R,—The
following appeared in the Hamiltca news
of the Toronto Globe ;—Simeon Cline has
returned from Ween Virginia, where he
flied the olairn of ihs Canadian Clines to
rich estates left in that state by a relative
many years ago. The estates were valued
at $3,000,000 to $10,000,000. J A, and
Geo. W. Cline, of tide town, nim among
the olaimante.—John Brooks, who Iter
been working with W. H. Greon in eon.
neotton with the elootrit light worke met
with an experienoe 'which he will not
soon forget. Ile had been watohiog' the
dam to see that oothiug mane against it
that would in any way interfere with the
running of the water and in some way'
fell over. H s bar'
v e was carried some distance
down stream until he came t0 a tree, to
which he olung oath he had regained
strength and was able to put for the shore.
The aooideut happened just ae the people
were going from ohurah Sunday night.
and many were on hand to offer aerie.
Lance, but Mr. Brook got to dry land un-
aided, He might have been easily drown
ed as he had on a heavy overcoat and it
is a wonder that the weight of the aced
did not weigh him down.—Mise Hough-
ton and her attendants are now engaged
praotioing for the entertainment, Temple
of Fame, which is to be given in the
Town Hall, on Friday evening, April
27th. Some seventy people will take,part
in this eorertainment.—Robt, and Mrs.
Molndoo have returned borne after spend-
ing the Winter in different parte of Cali•
tondo.. They same home somewhat
earlier than they expected to, owing to
Moe. Mclndoo'e health not being as eatis-
tso'ory as it should be. Mr. Molndoo
reports having had a pleasant time while
in the Southern country.
Thousands of People Complain
of Persistent Backache in
the Spring Months.
Sometimes it's a pain, often extending
to the shoulders, t aocompanied by
headaobe and constipation. Sometimes
We just a dull ache or weak feeling • you
cannot sit easy oannot rest, bank all the
time calliog for support.
These are some of nature's kidney .
danger siguale that the traok of health is
not clear. These symptoms are the fore.
runners of serious Kidney trouble, and
you need the "Great Kidney Medioine,"
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablete
beoau'e it deals directly with and removes
the cause, faulty kidney action, and ite
results. Brunetti evidence is the kind
you can believe because so easy to prove,
and among the many who speak of Dr.
Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablet merit
is Mre. R. Hingeton, Mill et., who says :
—"At times for a long time I have been
troubled with a weak bank doe to a kid-
ney trouble. Some time ago I heard of
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets
and got a bottle at the drug store of Jae.
Fox. I think them an excellent medicine
as they acted well with me and at the
same time gently, easily and quickly,"
It you have the slightest symptom of
Kidney or Bladder trouble you, can test
tide great medicine tree, Arrangements
have keen rnade whereby every reader of
thie paper coo obtain a trial package of
I)r Pitol or'B Baoltapbo Kidney Tablets
absolutely free by enolosing two cent
stamp for postage to the Pitoher Tablet
Go, Zermatt), , ADE. When giving aadie
mention Glue paper.
If yon are 000vinped Pitpber's Tablete.
are what you want you can pnrobaee reg.
tiler size for 50 conte per bottle. It not
obtainable at druggiete, mailed free of
postage on receipt of prior.
Astounded The Editor.
Editor S. A. Brown, of Beunetteville,
S. Q., wee once item, tastily surprised.
"Through long suffering from Dyspepeia,"
he writes, "my wife was greatly run
down. She had no strength or vigor and
eufferod greet dietrese from her etomaob,
but elle tried Electric Bitters which help.
ed her at mum, and atter oeing four bot.
ties, ehe is entirely well, can eat anything.
It's a grand tonin, and its gentle IaXalive
qualities are splendid for torpid liver."
For Indigestion, Lose of Appetite, S om
aoh and Liver troubles it'a a posits. ,
guernnteed cure. Only 50o at 0, A.
Deadmau's Drug store.
Large numbers of American settlers
are going to the Portal dietriot, on the
Soo line. The 0. P, R. land department
sold 2,000 sores of land in that dietriot
to formers, acid 2,400 sores to Western
farmers going to the Weyburn dietriot on
At 4% Per Cent.
Costs of Loan
Very Reasonable.
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
Office over Standard Bank,
System Renovator
—AND 00000—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur•
algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitis, Oon•
somption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jas. Fox. Druggist, Brussel.
Spring Prints
P. K. & Ginghams
All Spring Goods at
Old Prices at....
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
00900 Ho. otalmO t0T1NT 014_180(10110.(1000'.
. n 10085101 .0800 100,8 ouovsrOR
The Universal Favorite
Noxon Disc Harrow,
The only Dien Harrow that has adjust•
able pressure epringe. This feature is
invaluable on bard or uneven ground.
----a Cultivator
t'I vl� for
Spring Toe tit Yi4 i Y W
(fitted with grain and grass Bowing
attaohmente it desired)
with reversible pointe, ileo thistle cutters
if ordered.
The lightfet draft, beet working and
most easily operated Cultivator mann.
The teeth work direotly under the axle
and within the wheel line.
See the Now Sprtug Ell't.
Noxon Drills Steel lleeaier
filming l9•essat•e
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are
so well and favorably known that they
speak for themselves. There are now
over 60,000 in use among the farmers of
tbie country.
We invite the closest inspeotion of our Farm Implements and Machinery whiolr
we are manufacturing for the coming season.
In addition to the above we call epeoial attention to our New Victoria Minder
No. 14 oxford Clipper Front.ent dfolrer, also oar patent Spring and Spike
Harrows and Ftiutioo and Ratchet Dump Rakes. It will amply repay all intending
purohasere to see our lines before planing their eiders elsewhere,
our New
y 0�A*� LONGthee Catalogue.TILE
` ry
9 ll� NOON G0, Liluite ,
M K iV
� � N N
That man is well dressed who buys hie Clothing M/ this
store. That is his suit or oat will be just what it should he, stylish in
appearance, perfeot in fit, peat and dressy. It gore without saying that
the material will be depeodable, because all Shorey'e Clothing is made Of
dependablequalitiee, besides being oarefglly tailored and fashioned, Our
steels of Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Ohildren'a Clothing thio Spring
eurpneeee anything we have ever shown. Don't think of buying your
Spring suit till you see our stook,
—Boy's 2 piece suite, in bine serge, Halifax tweed, and fano),
checks at 0120, 01.75, $2 00 and 62 50.
—Ohildreu's Brownie suite in obeaks and plain goods, Bailor Dollar
and ye -tee, trimmed with colored braid, very outs little suite pt
$2 00, $2.50 and $3,00.
—Boy's 8 piece suits, short pante in fanny checks and mixtures at
—.bled s2blue nd black00 and 04.50.
serge suits at 03 50.
—Men's tweed suite, dark and light colors, $4.50.
— Men's fine Tweed snits in fancy overoheoke and mixtures at 85.00,
( $0.00 and 66.50.
— Men's extra fine tweed suits in new patterns, beet Italian lining,
French faoinge, 08.00, $10.00 and $12.00.
— Mao's heavy wool pante worth $1.25 for 90o.
�) —Men'a heavy wool pants at $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50.
—Wen's heavy overalls worth 01.00 for 750.
xxxx MILL
Stands in the front rank for i�llp_ {-Op Flour.
Our Manitoba Brand is First JL U
class, taking 1st prize at the Fall Exhibition.
Chopping done by the Stone process, recognized as the
Best in use. Satisfaction assured.
Oatmeal always on hand for sale or exchange for oats.
Dry t,Imerican Corn by the Car Load.
.fl Gsn all hinds of MUG Feed,
Special Attention given to Gristing...46.....,
Improvements have been made that add to our ability to do the
very best for our customers.
W. F. Stewart.
f 2! iiif ti IIx9lytyF' a rMlrlip
�� 11W' 2,t5 1
When, It Comes to t'
We have something to say of special interest to everyone
who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a
Parlor Suite, Couch,
Bedroom Suite, 'Sideboard,
Extension Table, Bookers,
Dining Chairs,
Anything, Everything that is desirable.
We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs
and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten.
Picture Framing atten
stockded of Moulditongscarefully to selecandt ironslarge .
You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at
Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits,
Crockery, Glassware, tic„ from my son L intend to carry
on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas-
urable and profitable to the public.
Grocery Stook
Fresh:and up-to-date.
A Specialty
made of TEAS.
The Choicest Fruits
and Confectionery.
We take no second place.
Continued as usual and
Satisfaction assured.
The patronage of the public solicited and we
our part to merit a continuance of your trade.