HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-12, Page 7A
APitii. 12, 1900.
t*hv adventures oR Pare. ?ono W.
Bruner, of San i!rane:sect, in an out-of-
the-way path to the frozen Klondike
needle a story of pluck and endurance
will be an iiisplra'tiun, to we-
Inon, line of whioll, mein might well be
proud' ,
ts grandmother through mother, a rreinarkably
yearug one, and her father was once
well known ie San Tiranoisca aa "Opdi
lr" Bruner, owner of the l;amaua
Qphir mine.. Her entire life blas been
one of intense mental and pbysloal 0o-
Levity, She hers travelled in all caun-
tries and speaks many languageslute
been a bu0cesaful journalist. and novel-
la, and When her health began to
ahaw slight symptoms of breaking
down in 1888 bar friends were not, sur-.
prised to hear her suddenly declare her
Intention of going to Dawson City;
whore she .had friends.
She embarked on tee Leelanan in
August, with the expectation of mak-
ing a week trip, but the boat laid up
jj at St. Michael for repairs, and her pas-
sengers were met with the surprising
news trhat the boat which was to car-
ry them up the river from that point
$SUS ?O$T.
From Pain to stealth,
OF •
Their only recourse was to take
passage on a tramp steamer called the
Evtana, which took 25 days on the
trip from St. liliehmei to Rampart
0117, with the add of the passengers,
who went aohore every day to cut
wood for the engines and built bon -
Liras on shore to Gook their meals. •
AL Rampart City the ice had closed
;n so that it was i'mposeibes to proceed
any further, and Mrs. Bruner found
110010lf an absolute stranger in the
ramshackle Lawn Without a dollar, All
.bier friends were in Dawson, and three
pairs el blankets, two pillows, a fry-
ing pan and a tin can, together wile
canned meats and deldoaaies for a
month, but no flour, were all the re-
•somrces she head counted upon need-
ing. Fortunately she had about $2,-
008 worth of jewelry and clothing, and
to these' sb;a naturally turned.
..Be acnident she found a man who
had. known one of her sons-bn-law, and
he secured her shelter, which was Lhe
scarcest commodity In the place, un-
der peculiar conditions. The room be..
longed 1 u a young main what tended bar
Lu a seluan and slept during the day.
She had the use at the mace at night,
with fuel and water free, but agreed
to keep the fire going through the day
while he slept, As it was a tiny sheet
iron stove, she found she had become a
slave and meld do absolutely nothing
but sit in front of the insatiable little
monster and poke fuel into it. She
declares it was the dearest rent she
ever paid, and she tattled a lady friend
who took her plana for a day while
8113 went out and sold, some of her
For her best dress, a blue satin, em-
bossed with velvet, she received $40
from the squatty, wife of a river pilot,
and invested the money in real estate.
From that time on she earned her
Living in v0riaus ways. She played
the piano and the guitar and she sang,
and these accomplishments were in de-
mand. She cocked and mended, and
ate the end of the season had twelve
whole claims and three half claims on
the best oreeke aground Rampart, two
cabins in the town and money In her
pocket. Whenever new diggings
were announced she joined the stam-
pede and secured a claim, often tramp-
ing 20 miles a day, with the mercury
at. 52 degrees below.
After 10 months in Rampart City she
went to Nome when 'the excitement
over that place wee at its height, and
on the day of her arrival bought out a
Tittle resbaurant on the beach and
I111040 $150 u week, tvith a tent, six
knives and an equal number of forks,
cups and plates as her sole equip-
ment. She had, set up a tent. in the
town and taken up u town lot on her
arrival. This tetra Lot she soon sold
for $250, and got two men to work the
lot on which her tent stood, securing
as her share several hundred dollars.
1 She was the first woman to vote in
None, and wee chiefly instrumental in
scouting that privilege for her sex.
W 'sono but she
She /over reached Da.
returned to San Franciscwith a
pocket fall of money, and intends to
go beck to Nome in iS3ay with a co-op-
• educated
eaTL1VA colonyL
.women, who, she , will obtain
boot health and wealth in the frozen
"The mane
a to be
made in Noma,
y i
she sues, "but I care most for my
"It is the prettiest cabin on the Fu-
kon-really a lovely home. Built of
pine Logs, with a pole roof, I lined the
oeiLing with white drilling and put
heavy chocolate -tinted building paper
over the walls, fastening it with big-
headed tinned tacks. In front it has
a pretty porch inclosed with poles, and
my front door, only four and a hall
tent High, is ce marvel of beauty, built.
Sneered From /Hart 'freebie for 'retire --
Hoe bMIA0ry Further Aggravated lir
lildney and 9totueelt Trouble,
In the village of Chuppewa, and
along the Niagara frontier, there is
probably no batter' Known or respect-
ed residents than Mr, and Mve. ,David
Sae:bel. Both are of German dee
want and display Inuoh of that old-
fashioned hospitality so often found
in the fatherland. To a correspond-
ent of the St. Catharines Star, who
recently oohed at Mr, Sohabol's home
Mr's. Sohabel related the following
story :-"Years ago my physiolan
told me I 'had heart disease. I have
been troubled at intervals with pal-
pitation and severe pains, and some-
times my heart would almost cease
to beat. I would become dizzy, rest-
less and frightened, At other times I
slept badly and had troublesome
dreams. 1 lingered in this state un-
til last winter when exposure to cold
affected any kidneys and completely
prostrated me. The spring came,
When my complaints were further
aggravated by stomach trouble. I
Loathed food and could realize that I
was daily growing weaker. Illy
physioian's treatment would some-
times slightly benefit me, then again
I was worse than ever. Finally, af-
ter all hope was apparently gone and
a large sum of money, had been
thrown away for medicines that did
me no good, a friend strongly advis-
ed me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
two boxes of whloh were brought me
at the beginning of the summer of
1$99. I used them wee to my joy no-
ticed improvement. I' continued the
use of the pills faithfully until lead
taken eight boxes. I am now able to
attend to all my housework, feeling
entirely cared, I have never had bet-
ter health than I am now enjoying,
and since discontinuing the pills have
had no symptoms of the old com-
uner life-
long obligationstfo C the am efit Ihave
derived from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and will continue to praise them when
opportunity offers."
Main room are urlmbore of borne and
skulls of wild emanate, Mete of tee°
stele of the Owner in the (haste It ie
thought the worst posalble breath a1
etiquette tori a duan to hang on his
walls any Reade at anllnaft eave those
The Mish'mi howeee have to be large
to ao0ommodale the many teivea of .the
,man, J8ao11, man counts hes fortune
by the number oil his wives. The price
of a wife ranges from one sheep to
twentyoxen, but when a Mistu aII has
not the neuessary stock he creeps clown
to valley, kidnaps a woman, stud
drags her off to his home. As fighting
mon the Misleads rely on primitive
weapons, "'hey gamy sworde fasten-
ed round their waists, and long, heavy
hawse, When on warlike expeditions
they have groat spears, 'ea their Meet
"feel -Ivo weapons are poisoned arrows.
IL does not take 'eauole provocation to
set there fighting.
Prince Heine d'Orleans was one of
thio few white men who entered their
Land, Wean lig reached there he at
first congratulated hlnpself on meet-
ing a tribe which had so valiantly re-
stated British intlunece. But the Prince
aeon had reason to alter Ills tone. One
of eerie nem ding up a few potal060 near
a lout, The ownersaw him, and at
once drew his kale and rushed at the
ppy o.1en or. I1 took very hetet
measures to prav'eat bluodehed,
Few white, people have visited the
Mislvmde. Captain Wilcox penetrated
into their country in 1827, but was
forced to reetern alter going a very
short way. Dr. Grilfitbs followed his
exaanple in 1838,
Nearly twenty years afterward two
French uhisaiouaries, Fathers Krioh
and IBoussy,_tied to make their way
through the Wished country to Thi -
bet. One or the native chiefs murder-
ed them; whereupon' a military expe-
dition invaded the land and captured
the elefei and his followers. From: then
Lill 1885 travellers taught shy of these
people, but during the last fifteen
years several .Europeans have evade
their way thither. The reception giv-
en them bast ditfared, the people be-
yond this DU River being generally hos-
IAa Might be expiated, these moun-
taineers are abjectly superstitious.
Their religion ounsists of
The Indian War PrutntsON to Be a 10nngt•r-
Gue and Exciting Expedition - The
Mantels, a Tribe to the North east 0'
&seam, . Are a Wartlike People and
Love to Eight.
Attention hats 'been so absorbed by
the 1601 in. South A.Lrica that the cam-
paign now progressing in Northeast
India has been overlooked in England,
says the London Daily Mail. Yet the
Tureen war promises to be as exciting
and dangerous as any of the expedl,-
Lions on the frontier of the Asian Em-
Late last year the Indian govern-
ment came to the conclusion that it
could no longer endure the doings of
the blishmis, a tribe to the northeast
of Assam.
The DZishins had stolen and raided
and murdered time alter time. Wo-
men and children repeatedly disappear-
ed from neighboring villages, kidnap-
ped and sold into slavery, by them.
When the Commissioner remonstrat-
ed the nebulae laughed in his face.
When he threatened they sent back in-
solent messages. The Indian govern-
ment never lights outlying tribes ex-
qept as a last resort, but the moment
came when Lighting was necessary.
The Mishmds began fortifying their
stockades and preparing their poisoned
spea re.
The British authorities fitted out a
little army of about a thousand men,
selected tram the Forty-second and
Forty-fourth Gurkhas, specially train-
ed for such
services, the
ed Bengal infancy, .
a body
police and some two
dozen English of-
It was known at the outset .that this
anmy bad no holiday trip beforeit.
The country is exoecdingly mountain-
ous and diiLisult of amass. The 1ttish-
mis are very warlike and love nothing
so gnuah as a fight. They Gan p
quite a thnnsand man in the i101d, and,
though- they laok modern weapons,
they are adepts at every trick in
It was intended to make Bonjore the
English base of operations and to es-
tablish a further .military centre in
the Miami hills.
The latest details from the front are
Lhut progress has been very slow, ow -
lug to the absence of coolie carriers,
adoration of this god of destruction
and appeals to "the fairies of the
wood." They sacrifice pigs and fowls
Le tbxeir deities and they make divine -
teens with fowls' - tongues on eggs.
Their priests play all they can on their
When one of their people dies they
/lake great lamentation. If it should
be a leading man all his dependents
gather routed and spend hours working
themselves up into a great passion
against the gods who have so afflicted
thorn. The weapons and clothes of the
departed are laid on his grave or buri-
ed with hila.
No one quite knows the nature of
their government. They bave forms
of rule, but ohiefly the head ofthe
house or clan reigns supreme over his
own people, Families make alliances
wale each other and symbolize their
union by changing clothes. Once this
is done they DT 0.0 one, and the quar-
rols of Dither are the common concern
of both,.
The Indian government long tried to
leave these troublesome tribesmen
alone. Even Dalhousie, great ruler as
he turas, thoteght the only thing possi-
ble with such folk was to ignore them
and send them' to a kind of political
Coventry. But in recent times the
English have been obliged, for the safe-
ty et the peaceful people around who
look to them for protection, to attempt
to oiv'ilize the Nlislemis. Probably the
present cemparign, by breaking down
their patriarchal rule, will do much to
help on new influences.
ill displace all .Japan Tea the same -as
Salado leachis displacing all other
black teas,
Need of Goad been to Preach 00 Soldiers in
Time of liar.
Winston Ohurohill, 111 a letter to
the London Morning Post while lee
was wall the farces of Gen. Buller,
advancing to Ladysmith, said:
It le a solemn Sunday, and the camp
With. its tents looking snug and
peaceful in the sunlight, bolds its
breath that the beating of its heart
may net be hoard. On ouch a day ae
this the servtees of religion would ap-
peal with passionate force to thous-
ands. I attended a church parade
this morning. What a chance this
was for a man of great soul who
feared God. On every side were
drawn up deep masses of soldiery,
rank behind rank -perhaps, in all, 5,-
000. In the hollow square stood the
general, the man on whom all depend-
ed. A11 around were men who within
the week had been face to face with
death, and were going to face him
again in a few hours. Lite seemed
very pueoarious,. in spite of the sun-
lit landscape. What was it all for8
What was the good of human effort?
Saw, should it befall a man who died
et spruce a.nd paneled• with building There is heavy snow' on the lolls, and
paper fastened on with the same big the first big pass Lhe expedition had
tacks, with bulrush scenes painted on Lo march through was eight thousand
thlepanels. The walls are hung with feet above the ase level. The scouts
my awn oil sketches. In one corner 'and spies say that. the Mishmis are
(herb is a good Yukon stove, in an- now prepared fora stubborn resist-
c•I her a closet, in another my bed, three Unca, 'bol 'Colonel MulesWortb, who
feet high from the floor, forming a eommaitds (be expedition, well uncler-
storehvuse beneath for my trunk and stands the need of mutton and thor-
odds and ends, while iia high side oughuess in carrying out his work,
makes a ba.ak :Ear u long bench that :All who know anything of the
slamde.before it, covered with a gray stretch of country lying between in-
, blankest and forming a lustful amok. Ma, Assam and Talbot have long bean
Titers is a charming a1 .•h.:li 1 inn aware that snarl' an expedition as the
struoted of rough boatels 1.14 101101 present would one day be necessary,
with tea matting, and my , 2h 1(1..11mis hive the reputation of be-
WIL11dnW has a bread sill which + 'tcjA ,..t: • u. u. the most troublesome and
for writing desk land sewing table, ac- pugn;,tt;aus of all the fighting hill
cording to my passing needs.
'I never enjoyed a winter anywhere
no much in my life. The wit is cool
and dry, end nobody catches cold or
tr:ires in the northeast. Very few Eu-
ropsans halo penetrated their land,
and several who have ventured
there have seerifieed their lives. The
deems to be alieng. The atmosphere is Weems orb a short, sturdy race, ne-.
invig,.ra Gag, and thr scenery nr,:ng the Live and unset tied, of light brown
river sublime. There is little ruin& complexion, find are evidently a c0088
and (I% snow was never deep. Except between Bindles and Mongolians. Their
for a fur outer garment 1 wore in high cheekbones acre cdstinetly Chi-
caning, en exquisite garment made by nese.
o e ilitil. 'There are
I hie Indian twommn, I dressed differ I F'hai, houses pe t
eel ly up there• tram what I do hire few big villages, most einelies prefer-
leve for Ihe,ur hoixl covering my tetra, firing 10 live "part in lonely jungle
and the covering of my feet, I. wore houses oil the hillside. These Ileuses
limbs' Weal socks, Arctic Socks over
1 hero, and 0101• 'hare heavy German: -
knit Led. welts, with lung loops inside
Ihen my m00001tina• alld when going
dor 1n Long walk wrapped blankets and
straw around the whole."
are long and nttlmw, resting pertly
en I he hillside and partly on piles.
'Chem i5 UaaeeIlJ' lino big ?MOM, the
living apartment of tile bend of the
family, Hurl a number of email moms
at the sides, 18101111d the. %vales 0.t the
Experts in baby farming recant,
mend the 060 o1 milk from the ealne
VOW, and hence the little daughters
of the Czar take their oowa w1(.11 them
When they travel. During the visit of
tela Czar to Germany a palatial sow
oar with two Holstein Caws was al-
beheld to the imperial train,
Ln a quarrel he did not understand?
111 the anxious questionings of
weak spirits. It was one of those oc-
casions when a fine preacher might
have given comfort and strength
where both were sorely needed, and
have printed on many minds a per-
manent impression. The bridegroom
opportunity had Dome. But the
church had her lamp untrimmed. A
ohaplain with a raucous voles dis-
coursed on the details of "The siege
and surrender of Jericho." The sol-
diers froze into apathy, and after a
while the formal perfunctory service
reached its welcome conclusion. As
I marched 'home en officer said to me:
"Why is it, when the church spends
so much on missionary work among
heathens she does not take the trouble
to send good men to preach in' time
of war? The medical profession is re-
presented' by some of its greatest ex-
ponents, \Vlny are men's wounded
souls left to the care of a village
practitioner?" Nor could I answer;
but I remembered the venerable fig-
ure and noble character of Father
Brindle in the River War, and won-
dered whether Rome was again seizing
the opportunity which Canterbury
disdained -the opportunity of telling
the glad tidings to soldiers about to
—•-• --
The Boers at Pretoria are making
vast preparations for the threatened
siege. All burghers from 15 to 60
years of age have been called to arms.
Guaranteed Cure for Catarrh, Bron-
chitis, Asthma, Throat
Irritation, Colds, &o.
Don't let that Catarrh or Bronchitis
run on. Root it out before it becomes
chronic. The best, simplest, and
quickest remedy for these complaints
is "Catarrhozone." It costs nothing
to test, for we will send you, free, a 25
cent outfit, sufficient in many eases
to cure, and one thousand testimonials,
Enclose 10 cents for boxing, postage,
&c. Polson & Co„ i lttngston, Ont.
A " disputatious cgs s" is one who
fancies he has discovered the philoso-
pher's stone. But he seldom wins oth-
ers over to his belief.
Invigorates and Strengthens.
Veterans of the wiz of 1804, at S hhn-
gen, Rhenish Prussia, will present Pre -
Kruger with aswo
rd of ho
A Petrolea Lady Vanquishes a
Stubborn and Persistent
She Was for Mouths a Martyr to tw•
flaantatnry Sheuurat,sm-Dodd'N
Kidney Mb. Cured Her.
Petrolea, April 2. -No lady resident
this town is more wider
in i known, Y
and more highly esteemed for her
many good qualities, than is Mrs. A.
Fletcher, of the Fletcher House.
Throughout the ad"
district also,
she has a very wide IIo-
All who know this estimable lady,
know that for months past, she has
flemmatory Rheumatism. So sev-
ere did the disease beoome
that her finger joints and
fingers were so terribly swollen that
she could not bend them. So was
unable to get downstairs without as-
sistance, and every impending change
of weather brought her the .most in-
describable agony.
Many remedies were used, in efforts
to affect a cure. Different medical
men were galled in to attend her, but
all failed dismally.
At length Mrs. Fletcher, having rend
of Dodd's Kidney P111s decided to give
them a trial -as a final effort. She
dirt so and the only possible result
Followed. The first dose soothed her
awful pain, Every .succeeding dose.
did more and more. good, and five
boxes left her a sound and healthy
woman, Nat a vestigel of her old
disease rema ens.
lihelamutism has no terrors, tvhen
Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. Dodd's
Kidney Pills cure Rheumatism, and
all other. Kidney Diseases, just as
certainly, easily, quickly and natural-
ly ase a drink of tvater cures' thirst.
Nell -Do you know, I really think I
will marry Harry. He is good -look -
log, rich, and i nm rather fond of
Belle -I didn't know you were en-
ge god.
Nell -Oh I it's not formal yeti but
he hes told me that I seem different
from other girls,
Who nre these veru people that are
moving inti' 0{111 Ouse next door?
I tlon'I know, but: I inn sure we shall
get along spleniiitlly with than. They
have jus( /deeded a wheelbarrow and
n lawn mower.
"Pharaoh 100." 0I .r 5100801 .
The individual who climbs to fame
and fortune over the shoulders of oth-
ers must look downn on -their hatred.
Take Laxative Aroma Quinine Tablets. All
d000011ta refund the money if 10 falls to cure.
116600.. i0. w. Grove's tlgoature ie on each box.
The first International Exhibition of
Cats opens in Berlin next month.
There a more Catarrh in this emotion of rho
conabry than all other diseases put together,
and /aril the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. Fora groat many years dootore pro.
nouncodit alocal disease ,end proscribed l0001
1rediesby aoaltreatmentt, pronounced itiincurable. Sot.
once has proven catarrh to be a aodstltutioual
disease, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment, Iiall'S Catarrh 0ure maoufaot0red
by F. J. °honey & 07., Toledo, dhio, is the Only
constitutional cure on the market, IC to taken
internally in doses from 10 drone 1.0,1 (005050U'
ful. Itaclodiraatlyon tete bloo 1 and mimeos
surfaces of the system. They oar ono hund-
red do fare for any ones ft i'Lls toauro Send
for oi004110 a and testimonials.
Hall's lramlly Pills are tho.best.
Sydm'ay, N S. W., hart. had Its fourth
death from bubonic plague.
IT i8 THE HEET_Always pure—always the same
Lead packages, a5, 3o, 40, go and $ac.
"Canada's eatest Seed House."
Is in using the best seeds at all tones, because you secure mere
tons per acre in the yield of route• When you use obeaplyproWn seeds
you sacrifice byoor yield In crop and inferior qualliy Qrroc. tOoo7
Num the coot of good seed,
''11 improved Short White"
The King of Field Carrots, largest cropper, heaviest and
cleanest roots, most easily harvested of any Carrot grown.
Use Steele, Briggs' Sealed Packages only (son
cue), then you got the genuine sort.
Prise (post-paid) } lb., 20e, ; lb., 30o.; lb., 50.o.
"Steele, Briggs' Money Makers"
Have been perfected by repeated selections of seed roots
during several years past, thus securing the finest strains that
can be obtained. Growers who value their Mengel Crop will
use Steele, Briggs'
"Prize Mammoth or Giant Long Red"
"Giant Yellow Oval" and
"Giant Yellow Globe."
Prise, such, by mull (poat•paid), 20e. lb.; In 5 lb. Tots
or more, 27e. lb.
A new and distinct variety, roots rose color, very large,
clean, easily harvested and beau est cropper of any Sugar Beet
known. Every grower should try it.
Oan only be haat In (1 Ib.) Sealed packages (see
Price (post-paid) 50e. per lb.
Steele, Briggs' Field Root Seeds are all produced from specially
selected roots and with unusual care, that the Canadian grower may secure
the most profitable result from his crop. Steele, Briggs' Seeds may be
obtained from local dealers who consider the growers' best interest, rather
than the small increased profits to themselves by supplying "cheaply "
grown seeds.
Secure STEELS, BRIGGS' Seed?
If not obtainable from your resident merchant, send your orders direct,
that you may have the best.
The e1o, Bpiggs seedCoDTORONTO,
, Ont.
,T,phe " Balmoral,"tup
Free Bus p wi
rubel Carsiake Europeen Plsm. Boum,
y from 5n o dal up. Opp
O.T.R. otitic/, Montrone. Geo. Ou•elokoa Co., Prop's.
AVENUE ROUSE—rag—Collage Avenue
Femiiy Hotel rotes ®1.00
per dol,
ST. JAMES' HOTEL•'iw°o,=i;omnrit:
Railway. Ft tblsu Oommeroial House, Modern Im-
prorm.nfa--Rahe moderato,
A man's gallantry crops out when he
is entertaining a woman who is not
to Ihi,mt
related. e
. IV. P. C. 1018.
Carbolic alai nfectants, Soaps, Dint.
moot, Tooth Powders. etc., have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent infoo01.
yourto t
ova diseases. Ask
enyply. Lista mailed free an application.
rass a
FX1-o.WartV YC.1:02r1A1641,1bAM. 'al 41.4 tea:. m,.®. ®,In.ra•a
Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc.
Every Town can have a Barad
Lowest price, ever quoted. Pine catalogue 500 Maw
trio lou, wailed froo. Write us for anything In
Music or musical, Instruments.
whaley Royce & Go., WiToronto, n°iyoOnt,g, Dend
Boake, Roeerlsa, Ore -
08a0 olio Prayer olfixs,, 8aapulare,
11'21, 00 Pl05000, Statuary, and Ohnroh Ornamooti,
honncadonal worDk..0 J •BAU`LI1t9 R 00 °montrealn
Wholesale only, Long Distance Telophono1799.
and other PRODUCE, to e0sure beat results oonslg0 re.
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Oor. Weat•Marhot & Oollrorne et., Toronto,
e n611
It's a waste of paint, time and money
to use inferior /materials. The best costs
but little more, and lasts twice as long.
The reputation acquired by
RA' «„ SAY'S
which are sold by all first-class dealers, is
a guarantee of satisfaction.
use and one
Theyare mixed readyfor
gallon covers 36o square feet 2 coats.
A. RAMSAY & CON,paint makers.MONTRfiL. J Gstd f8
A ' u.
MUM, Mluo & Pintos
Barrlotors,etc., removed
to Wesley Bldgs„Rich•
mond 3t, W., Toronto,
We want good, S1LLInn0, ANNa08010 men lo
.uaroprosented dgtdms” throughout the Dominion to
roll our stock for investment, This stook guarantee,
good dividends payable half yearly, or adding to latest,
numb; also to secure applloatI0ns for good loans. We
p011110ral. uomluisalot.0 Apply,
Sun Savings and Loan Co Tanto.
Everyone needvnlouio medicine to Meanie rho blood,
brace the nerves, end revitalize, reinvigorate the whole
body, in the spring. 110 very best they con got is
Or. Arnold's English Toxin Pine,
They 1111 the germs of all diapason, purify and enrich
rho blood, ewe bolls, eruptions, skin diseases, remota
weakness, end all other germ disease%
by all
frla p, wtdt LOx 80, or
uet popad,0rospt opeby
The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited,
._._._Canada Life Bltrg Toronto.
— Yi?
r U
i m is lied". KILLS
Leu NN
1 f
Lt dugN, Rate And Mica Sold by all •'
Druggists, or 881 Queen W,'lbronto.
Carters COLD CURE 10o, Dams in a Ifay. P. Ma
Osrm000 0 Co., Agents, Montreal.
0. Rolland 0010 .soot for the Dominion. Send 8OL.
stamp for o0talogae. 973 St. Pard Street, Montroel
B . el g I Gleaning l
For tbo ver frost mend our work to the
Look for moot In your town, or send dirook
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec,.
Michigan Land for Sale.
es, Inco, Ogomew and Crawford Counties, Thinner.
tact. On Mlohigau ()antral, Detroit k Mankinac an
Loon Lake Railroads, at prince ranging front 52 to 81
per sere. Thuao Lauds aro Close to Enterprising Neel
Towns, Churches, Schools, oto , end will bo sold o0 ori
reasonable terms. Apply to
R. et. rIEaa01 A ant, Wet Bay Olty, Mieh.
Or J.W. Orli'TIS, Whittemore, Mloh.
To Introd'Os Dr, De .n _, 1 on Pills tor making blood
0, pale people, female weaknesses, aver and deice
disease 11lIpprrvo0mrese, 000010ers of Or a tem o., w
give FREE your alleles of n 14k doe Platen olob
plainer catgy lad, or m Gn, MetalW' ° La 100 tit
decalro(10s11 thus keeper, Warranted years.
The 01110 ire 300 per lar -53,10 for 10 Mixon Send
tine amount and yon Will mauve 10 hexes and the
watch ; or write for DDNrtlonlare,
Agents wetted In Moil town and city
THE DR. D50 Aa Ia(a NT PILL 9L, WO,
Toronto, Oat,