The Brussels Post, 1900-4-12, Page 5A'RtL i , 19Q0
t$$ELS to$T
Cent. V.S. b0G
bfi, iiae sale
I -I. 11faORAOIf I+7N--•
• Iosuer of Marriage Iileensos, Of•
Rae at Grocery, Turnherry Etrecb, Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist, Shep—Next door
Nm' n of the Standard Bank. Lodloo' acid
Children's hair gutting a opoelalty.
Da:mutt/no several F f
D h00y of gond armh1pl
bale and to rent, easy corm! In 'fawn oee10
Of Morrie and Grey, F 8; 8b0T'1',13raeealq
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
L, O. M.,
Academic graduate of Loudon Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the Aeeociated
Muoielane,ol Ontario, is prepared to reealve
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brueeola, Galena,
-cm- Clerk of the• Fourth Division court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public',
Land, Loan 'and Iosuranoe Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds invested- and to loan. . Collee-
tione made. Office in Graham'elBlook,Brue-
.1r3: er.•SOOTT AS AN AUCTION• • 8xn,wil1 sell for better prices, to
better men in less time and leap ab to
than any other 'Auctioneer in Past 0ur00 or
Ire won't charge anything. Dates and order;
can always be arranged at this o0lee or by
portional application.
(Tolima= or. aneson1a)
Graduate of R. 0. D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad.
nate course at Hooker', School, Ohioan°, in
arown.und bridge work. IS-Prioes same as
insarroundiog town'. 11-
Office over A. R. Smith's store, B rowels.
13 • -Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
,. urinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domestloated animals lin a compet-
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Calls promptlyat-
tended to. Office and Infrniary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brunets.
• Barrister, Soitoltor,'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Office -8 towart'e Block
1 door North of Oentral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village. of Brunets.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solloitor, Godorioh
Ont. Office—Hamilton street, opposite 001.
borne Hotel
M. D., C. Do_
Licentiate of Royal College of Phyeiolane
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the 001 -
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
' Dieeaeoe of Women and Children a speoial-
ty. Nine years' experience. Office and res-
idence, opposite .l 7nglishlohuroh, Brussels.
M. D., E. M,
)trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College,Mombor ()allege of Physioiane and
Surgeons, Ont. Lioontiato of the .Ito al C I -
101G0 of Phyyolclana and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery,ltdinburgh, I.sTelophoueNo.lf,-
Residence-1,1111. street, Brussels.
coveroIAN, 001101103 AND A00o00I001,
(SuOe00SO1 10 Go. 2'. 0. Italbeclscli)
D. Bellevue Hospital Med. col„ New
York • 1*1 D 0 M Victoria Uuivereity,'roron-
to ; Member of the College of Phyeioiane and
Surgeons of Ontario. Swath] : attention paid
to diseases of woman, eye, ear, nose and
throat. - 10-tf
M. O. C. M.,
Graduate of MoGill Oolloge, Montreal, &„
&o. All epooialty work satisfactorily treat-
ed. Oflleo upstairs lu the Stratton Block,
Office hours, 0 to 12 0. 01., and 7 to 10 p. m.
Specialist work, Buell as for eye, earthroat,
&o,. in the office at his realdenee, Elisabeth
street, from 2 to 0 p in. All medloluce will
be (Repainted personally by the Or. or under
his, threat supervision.
DOASIONoD has for aer'vIOe on Lot 10,
Gen 0, (boy, a (hero' bred Yorkshire hog,
bred by Bolt. Nichol, of Morris. They oleo
have a there' Berk*hlre, purchased from M.
MoAlIloter,' of Stanley, on Lot 12, Oon. 0,
Grey. Pedigrees may be seen on applies, -
tion, Terms for gaol, 91.00, to be paid at
rim o of service with privilege of returning
it necessary. •MNNM.tY & SON,
81.0 - Proprietors,
Write To -day for Our Caf,10 uo 1
SElNTbRsi L6 A" At
Students are in atteudanoe this year
trom Oa ado United St
foundland, Our graduate are always
suoces*fol in gutting good situabit:ns.
W. J. ELLIOTT,'i i
1 nolpaJ.
Gorr ie.
Gunnell I'ivatte.-Tbe Vidette woe
the planing of o look letterbox at the
C. P. R. depot: Division court was held
in the town hall on Tuesday of last week.
A sawing match was held in Gerrie on
Friday, April 6th.—Arnold Tate is upend.
ing hie holidays under the parental roof.
—Robb. Ashton burned the first kiln of
the nano in this vioinity.—While work.
ing in Mr. Strong's been, jaet North of
this village. Eli Bowyer had the mis-
fortune to out hie foot rather severely,
The Court of Appeal was asked Friday
by W, D. McPherson, representing the
petitioner, and W. Muadonald, represent,
ing Hon. J. T. Grrrow, to Ox a date for
the hearing of the labter's appeal against
the deolaii n nuseatiug him ae member
for West Huron, They stated that both
parties were anxious to have the ease
determined, and suggested that it be
heard daring the second week of the
May sittings. The court adjourned Fri-
day for three weeks, and if the fall bench
of five Judges necessary for the hearing
of an election appeal can be enured for
the May sittings the ease will go on. It
is hops& that Sir George Barton, Chief
Justice will be recovered by that time.
[Intended for.last week.]
NEWSY NOTE;,-Tbe meeting in the
Methodist obnroh was well attended on
Thursday evening. The visitors from
Mayne delivered a very interesting pro
gram to an attentive audience.—The
sporting club have purchased aeet of
boxing gloves for evening amaeement.
The sporting gallery is well lit up in the
evenings, Any one wishing to take part
in the sport oan do eo by banding over to
the treasurer 25 cents.—Master L. Mo.
Allister, eon of Robt. McAllister, bad the
misfortune to be kioked by a horse on
Friday last.—Jae. A. Elliott intends
moving book to the village again to etart
the tailoring bueinees. Jim is a Orst.olaas
tailor as we are all aware. Give him a
trial and be oonvinoed.—James Vance
bas rented his farm to Messrs. Barnet &
Felker for three years. Jim "started for
Neepawa Monday morning. — Stewart
Bros. have commenced auger making
again. They have about 450 trees tapped.
—Edward Mitchell and his sister visited
relatives near Wroxeter on Sunday.
N1ws1—Tbe concert in the
Preebyterisu ohm oh was well attended,
Gavin Spence and Miss Laing, Sootoh
vooatiste, furnished the entertainment.
The receipts were in the neighborhood of
$110.—Mrs. U. Shark, of town, is ill from
au attaok of hemorrhage of the lungs.—
Wingham will have a munioipal nominee
tion, and probably an eleotiou at an early
dale, to fill the vaoanoy caused by the
resignation and removal of Councillor
Goliey.—Miee Jennie, daughter of David
Campbell, of this town, is home from
Toronto, where she has been employed
for nine years in Mflbarn's drug ;stab.
liobment. For the past three years she
Inn been suffering from an affection in
her eyes, which seriously impaired her
sight. Bo far she has not been able to
obtain relief.—Two young Wingbamites
left here last week for the West. Geo.
Salts goes to Carman, Mao., and Gua. Mo.
Lauoblin goes to Indian Head, N. W. T.
Both young men have been residents of
Wingham from their youth and are high.
ly respected by the people of town. We
wish them snouts in their Western
homes,—S. E. Kent bas moved his house-
hold effeots to Southampton.—Oliver
Gilchrist has so far recovered as to be
able to go out driving,—The Wingbam
Fire company is busy malting arrange.
menta for a celebration on May 24111.—
At the Connell meeting ib was decided to
commence the work of laying new side-
walks earlier this season.
Seventeen Years of Torture.
"I had a bad wash for seventeen years
writes hire. Sam'l Hamilton, of Lawn.
vile, Tenn. "No doctor or medicine oould
onre it until one year ago I began to use Dr,
King's New Discovery for consumption,
whiob did me more good than all other
medicine I ever need. It is truly grand
Dare for stubborn coughs, •Colds and
Throat and Lung troubles." Positively
cures Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip,
Bronchitis, Aetbms, Hay Fever and
Oroap. Prise 50o and $1 00. Goarap.
teed. Trial bottles free at G.' A. Dead.
man's drug store.
01,mAN2003.—Jobn Skalilzky has gone
to asedms charge of the Oottam obsess
fodtory, Essex 0o.—Fred. WVynn, was
dangerously ill of inflamma*ion of the
lungs at Neepawa, Mab., whither he
went from attending the Ontario School
of Pbarmaoy,—•Robert Campbell, for
many years with ft. Y, Hoar, has rented
the blacksmith shop, South of the G. T.
R than and will parry on ba.inee there.
— Wan, Wilson, of Wbiteoburoh, wdi
returu to Atwood and assume the foreman-
ship of the Atwood notion gang, in the
plan of Edward Greeneidee, retired,—
Louie Bartel, eon of Adam Berlet, bad
the misfortune to tunic his left arm at
the school grounds. Only one of the
forearm bones is broken, so that the
break is not so bad as it might have been.
— Rey. W. H. Harvey, B. A„ of Fergus,
ntertained a fairly large audience Tuce'
ay night of last week in the Methodist
hard) with a lecture on "The Sunny
outb," being a graphio deaoription of
is trip to the Bonthern States some
It is reported that Hamilton oibizens' years ago.—Geo, Currie hat bought a lot
who oppose the Isaeo of 'Durham ball from Wm, Brown, opposite the sobool
grounds are going to test the legality of House, and will build thereon a handsome
the matter, briok residence next Summer. He nae
already soma of the material on the
ground. --Tsars will be a special Exeter
eervloeln St, Alb 'n o ohlu'ch, oonduoted
by the pastor, on Geed J.rriday, at 7;80 0;
al service Mu oleo 8 Phil 1 n ei Yie 1
, drat a un the follow.
ing Buuday fateeneou, at 11 o'P(o°k, and
service and Oommuniou in the evening,
Servioo and OPmmunion at IIenfryn at'
1I P. m,
Y•i �'•l. 10 feet will be added to Dan. Eelkmler'o
barns after they have bean lifted and
moved together, D. Oo1e will have the
j of moving the buildings and 11. At.
wood will build the stone stabling ' that
Will be put underneath. The carpenter
work has not been let yet. Our friend
Eokmier has the happy faculty of jog•
ging.along withoutmuob fuse and yet
101'nwishrng' thoontlnuings aboobed500
wit0085.h profit. We
Mo0001,Y RaroIT•—Tbe following shows
the standing of pupils in the Sevier Dept.
of Ethel Pgblio aohool for the month of
March. The names are in order of
merit ;—,Ir, IIT.—EIla Remould, Eva
t)ober, Mina Elliott, Glover Gill, L slie
Fugal, Stanley Dunbar, Emma Kerr,
Maggie ()barna. .Sr. LII—Geri Eokmler
Dials Davies, Minnie Bateman, Eva Mo.
Allister, Lily Simpson, Mamie McAllister,
Mabel Goatee, Olive Ravnerd, Tom Fo.
gal, Oliver Lindsay. IV—Will. Free..
man, Maud Badglsy, 0,r1 MaAllistsr,
Stella Dunbar, Willie Coates, Bea Owe,
Henry Qperrin, Willie Lindsay, Willie
MoDonald. V—Bernioe Blemnton, Will.
Eekminn, Helen Barr, Mamie Hanonld,
Annie Bateman, Howard McAllister
Edna Baynard. Gao, Dooeott,
Will wort( AL Night.
Countless thousands have found a
blessing to the body in Dr. Ring's New
Lite Pills, which positively cure Consti-
pation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaun.
dice, Malaria Fever and Ague and all
Liver and Stomaob troubles. Purely
vegetable : never gripe or weaken. Only.
25o at G. A. Deadman'; ding store.
NEWSY Norse.—Dr. W. M. B. Smale
and Miss Alberta haveleftfor a few
weeks' visit with friends in Montreal.
Some people say the young Dr. will not
return alone,—Mrs. Stafford has returned
from Montreal. Her sister there is now
getting better after a very severe illness.
—Frank Woken, of the 2nd con., Turn.
berry, while driving some cattle into bis
stable one day, bad the miefortone to slip
on the ice and fall, breaking his arm.—
Reeve Hemphill is meeting with some
diffioulty in getting in the amounts
promised towards enuring telephone
connection for the village.—Wm. Knox
bas now 25 lambs from 16 ewes, all doing
well. — Mo3ifohael Bros. shipped 85
horses, two carloads, from the station
here on Tuesday of last week for Qu Ap•
palls, N. W. T.—An eleotrin light has
been planed on the bridge so as to keep
an eye on the gate at the dam during the
Spring freshet. —A gang was set to work
nutting away the loo above the gates at
the dam last week, so as to get it away
without damage. .
N11w011 Bsiays.—Mies Maggie Diament
has returned to Toronto. --Fred. Waeman
has taken a situation in John Kerr's
store in Wingham.—Mies Maude Paul,
of Morrie, was visiting friends in Blue -
vale last week.—Mrs. Rogers visited her
mother in Wroxeter. — Mies Jemina
Jameson, of Fordwioh, was visiting Mrs.
George Oaeemore.—Doff & Stuart were
shipping rollers last week.—Mies Jsseie
Robertson, of Wroxeter, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Robert Blank.—Mise Graham
returned to Toronto on Wednesday more.
of last week after an extended visit to
her alder, Mrs. (Dr.) Toole.—Daniel
Lewis is in very poor health at present
but we hope soon to hear of bis recovery.
Tnatinosov CouN0m.—Council met in
Maguire's hall, Blaeval°, on Monday,
April god. Members all present; the
Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meet-
ing were read, approved and signed., A
oommnnioation was read from the solioi•
tors of the 0. P. R. re Armstrong drain.
Oonpland—Musgrove—That Bylaw No.
9, 1900, be passed for the appointment of
the following ratepayers as fenoe•viewers
for the current year :—John Rutherford,
Thos. Goy, on. 12 ; Thos. Aitken, con.
10 ; John Robertson, oou. 8; S. Van.
stone, con. 7 ; Jae Elliott, non. 4 ; . John
McNaughton, con 2 ; Peter Soott and
Robt. Leathern ooa. 1 ; and Wm.
Homuth, con. B. .carried. Coupland—
Lovell—That By-law No. 10, 1900, be
passed for the appointment of the follow-
ing ratepayers ae pound -keepers for
current year ; Jobn Little, con.. 121;
Thos. - Gilmour, non. 8; Allan Fraliak,
non. 3 ; Geo. Bremner, con. 0 ; G. B.
Scott, con. 11; Henry Wheeler, non. 4,
Donald. Stewart, non. 8 ; Peter Scott,
John Diment, jr., . W. Maxwell, con. 1 ;
Gavini n
W leo goo. B ; Rm.Fitt
Fir 1
N Osd
W. T. P.—carried. IYlibobell-Mnsgrove
-That By law No. 11, 1900, be passed
for the appointment of the following
ratepayers as pathmaetero for the current
year :—Geo. Bremner, John Weiler, Wm.
Aibkens, G. Bryne, John Little, Wm.
Ring, Jobtr McKinnon, Thos, MoOreight,
Jas. Godkin, Ralph Metoalf, R. Stokes,
Jahn Metcalf, John Hatton, Richard
Porter, JobnJobneton, Amulet Homuth,
R. Molntoeb, Alex. Forgie, Peter Hast-
ings, Hugh Tucker, Frank Carruthers,
Wm, Deans, A. Kelly, 0. Homuth, Jho.
Wylie, Alex. MoPbereon, Robert
Weir, jr,,Sami. Vanetone, Ruoben Sanborn,
jr., Jae. Hooper, jr., Jas. Elliott, Alex.
Hanle, 1. Wanks, Jobe Hamilton;
Gideon Parks, John MoEwen, James
Hislop, Peter Scott, Chris. Moffatt, Jno.
Meeaer, Peter. King, Wm. Stewart, H.
Beeman, Wm. Maxwell, Danoau Ander•
son, R. Leathorn, Win. Churohill, Geo.
Yen, Jno. 3. Moffatt, R. Hogg, John
Mulvey, Walter Rtilohingon, Andrew
Gemmill, Prber McTavish, Rob*, Miller,
Bob*. Moffatt, Tiros. Netterfleld, John
Mitchell, Peter Murdoch, A. Swindle.
buret, John Cameron and Hiram Smith,
—carried. Mu;grove--Mitchell—That
Drainage By-law No. 8, 1900, be pro.
visionally adopted for opening new out-
let and repairs t0 the drain known as
the Armstrong drain and for assessment
and oolleotion of the sum of eight hun-
dred and forty-seven dollars, the esti,
mated Dost for ooropleting the same —
Carried. poepland — Lovell—That the
Clerk be inetruoted to notify the town•
ship Engineer' to attend the Court of lie.
vision for the Armstrong drain, to be
held in Maguire's hall, lliuovalo, on
Monday, May 7111, 1900, at 10 o'clock a.
ro.—Carried, Musgrove—Lovell— That
the Clerk be instructed to get Drainage No, 8, 1000, printed in pamphlet
tom with notice of Court of Revision
and served on ail parties aseeseod,—
Carried, Conpland,,,.t Musgrove.—lhat
th(0 meeting do now adjourn to meet in
Maguire's ball, Biuovale, PP Monday,
May 28, 1900, at 10 O'Plook, and as a
Court of Revision of aoseesment roll at
1 o'Plpals p, m.—Carried.
30110 Bunoxas, Clerk.
I31 rt1..
Surae Notgs.—James Ireland moved
his family to Durham last week,—Mrs,
Alex. Nichol, Meter of James and John
Barr, of Blyth, died 01 her borne in Sea•
forth, from heart trouble, Web followed
la grippe. She was only dials 5101 day,
-Rev, C. L, Mille was ron-ntly the
reeipienb of a load of oats from the mem•
here of Trion)), °Mirah, Beigrave, on the
Morrie aids. -2. volunteer company was
organized in Blyth with 20 members.
Ernest Begun is the 05010)81y of the
oompaey.—Wateen & Emigh bought a
white Dorhatn steer from John Hawkins,
of Hay, that tipped the smarm at 2000
pounds, The price paid was 9130. The
steer was ebipped to a butcher at Quebec,
—Harry and Wm. Kelly, who have
recently securedlarge timber limits in
Louisiana, have rented their farm, lot 15,
non. 13, Llullebt.—Harry and Mrs. Rally
gave a farewell party bo 75 pf their young
friends at their home in Hallett. They
will leave fur the State of Louisiana in a
week or so.—Matt. Floody, who has been
a resident of Louisiana for the past six
menthe, returned to town on Monday of
last week. When he left the annoy South
the flowers were in fall bloom and the
thermomiaor was registering from 90 to
100 degrees in the shade.
He Fooled The Surgeene.
All doctors told Reniok Hamilton, of
West J,fferoou, 0., after suffering 18
months from RectalFistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per-
formed ; but be oared himself with Bnok•
Ian's Arnica Salve, the beet in the world.
Surest Pile sere on earth. 25o a box.
Bold by G. A. Deadman, druggist.
Gr a v.
Will. McNeil, formerly of the 14th
eon„ who has' been living in Seattle,
Wa'bingbon Territory, will go this
month to Alaska where his brother,
Peter H., is working. The boys may
take a run up to Dawson before the Sum-
mer is over. We wish them good luck
in their eearoli for the precious metal and
won't put on saokolotb and ashes if they
send us a 1000.
Senor. Runlet —The following is the
report of S. B. No. 9, Grey, for the month
of March. The names are arranged in
orderof merit.—Br. 4th.—Verne Mo.
Nangbt, Els MoNaught, Russel Robert.
eon. Jr. 401.—Rob. Detwiller, Lorenzo
Bray, Willie garrison, Ethel MoNaught.
Sr. Ord.—Willie Mann, Olive Oliver,
Nellie Harbottle, Frank Harrison. Jr.
Ord.—Wilbert Bray, Harry MoNangbt,
George Mann, Willie Mann, Norman
MoNaught, Wesley McKay, Henry Ma -
Kay, Willie Hanley. Br. 2nd.—Katie
Harbottle, Robbie MoKay, Maggie Mann,
Hannah Motley. Jr. 2nd.—Sadie Mo
Kay, Winnie MoNangbt. Sr. Part II,—
Alfred Mohan. Jr. Part II.—Ferese
MoNaught, Ella Bray, Rae Roes. Sr.
Part I.—Alex. Mann, Walter Noble. Jr.
Part I.—Pearl Harrison, Aline McKay,
Lizzie Lucas, Melburne Bray.
Mies N. J. IsMMBIBE, Teacher.
Senn REPonT.—The following is the
report of U. 8. S. No. 4 for the mouth of
March, names in order of merit ; 5th
olaso—Dora Shannon, Willie Peter, Ores -
ea Stevenson. Jr. 4th clues—Harry
Shannon, Scott Peebles, Thos. Gaynor,
Walter Hamilton. Sr. Ord olase—Myrtle
Wilson, Willie Donaldson, Jennie Baw.
tlnbeimtr, Jr, 3rd glade (1)—Alvyn Shan.
Don, Juin Nettierootb, Walter Peebles,
Jr, Sr*( Plan (2)—Adella Nethercott, Wm.
Whiting, e v o
W I l g, 1 r d Ste ens a, Lloyd Nether.
colt, ltus.el Annett. 2nd olase--Lizzie
Bawtiubelmer, Burt Wilson and Jessie
Donaldeen equal, John Wilpop, Mary
Laidlaw, 8r, Pt, 2nd Wass—Willie Han.
na, Tom Whiting, Peroy Annett, Jr, Pt,
2nd glass—Mrrjory Stevenson, Wesley
Hanna, Maggie Laidlaw, Maggie Pop.
aldson, Aline Hamilton, Eddie Gooding,
let ohm—Bert Amsnb.
S nog oron'r —TI e
0 h R i olio I
f w ng le the
report of S. S. No, 1, Grey, for the month
of March :—P, S. Leaving,—V, Arm.
strong, 282 ; W, Armstrong, 310 ; G.
Bielby, 238 ; 0. A'metrong, 91. -IV
Olase—D, Davidson, 040 ; E. Black, 627 ;
W, Switzer, 626 ; 3, Rozell, 028 ; E.
Hollinger, 010 ; B, Armstrong, 595 ; A,
Diokson, 528 ; J. Biobby, 000, Sr. II2.—
L. Dickson, 549; T. Bislby, 547 F.
Davidson, 640 ; B. Davidson, 521 ; M.
Cardiff, 509 ; W. Stevenson, 887, Jr, ILI,
—3. Rands, 829 ; J. Hoggard, 821 ; W.
Glaoefer, 815 ; G. Dark, 312 ; A. Lawson,
801 ; M Dark, 290, Br. 1I,-111. Hoge „
385 All, Glassier, 806 ; A. Glasele ,178;
A. Gordon, 239 ; B. Dark, 207. Jr. IL—
L.—L. Bake, 874 ; J. Stevenson, 298 ; H.
Roue11, 259 ; L. Grant, 213. 2od Part—
S. Armstrong, 889 ; 3'. Lawson, 847 ; Jno,
Dickson, 845 ; Jae. Diokson, 344 ; J.
Armebroug, 311 ; N. Alcock, 301: R.
Oraig, 281. S. R, Cann, Teaoher.
ItO IS a Wender,
A11 who see Mr. 0. F. Collier, of Ober.
okee, Lows, as be is now, obeerful, erect,
vigorous, without an ache, oould hardly
believe be is the same man who, a short
time ago, had to sit in a obair, propped
up by cushions, suffering intensely from
an aching back, in agony if he tried to stoop
—all paused by chronic) kidney trouble,
that no medicine helped until be used
Electric Bitbere and was wholly cured by
three bottles. Positively Duras Backache,
Nervousness, Lose of Appetite, all kidney
troubles. Only 50o at G. A. Deadman'o
drug store.
A young eon of Jas. Sanley was drown-
ed at Guelph.
Here you will find at all times a
Ohoice Assortment of
Oranges, Lemons,
Choice Confectionery,
Nuts, Ice Cream,&c.
Goods delivered to any
part of the town,
C. H. Bartliff.
Spring Prints
P. K. & Gini: hams
All Spring Goods at
Old Prices at....
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
OVF,A10 WENT Atm STEEL .5C 11,11X0
0 oxoN ,, n,,1E50 PM. ,007N CTtt,v510
The Universal Favorite
Noxon Disc Harrow,
The only Disc Harrow that has adjust•
able pressure springs. This feature is
invaluable on hard or uneven ground.
New "'Wien”Cultivator
Spring Too lir
(fitted with grain and grass sowing
attachments if desired)
with reversible pointe, also thistle cutters
if ordered.
The lightest draft, batt working and
most easily operated cultivator mann.
Tbe teeth work directly ander the axle
and within the wheel line,
See rite New Spring Litt,
Noxell Drills S1ael IlO0a1Cr
� Spring I'ereOurC
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drilla are
eo well and favorably known that they
speak for themselves, There are now
over 60,000 in nee among the farmers of
this country.
We invite the closest inspection of our Farm IWplemente and Maohinery which
WO are mannfaoturiog for the coming eeeaon.
In addition to the above we gall special attention to our Now Victoria Binder
and No. 14 Oxford Clipper Front.ant ,lfowert also our patent Spring and Spike
Harrows and Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes, It will amply repay all intending
parohasere to see our linea before plaoing their orders elsewhere.
Serol ter 00rNew 1900 Catalogue.
.4 ENr.
THE N'OXON CO., .Limited,
iNQERSdf.L., 0N7',
i �'°�� sr
IG �
••y _ fir/ !I R
That man is well dressed who buyo hie Clothing Al this
store. That Le his soft or gosh will be just what 16 should be, stylish in
appearan0e,perfooebn fit, neat and dressy. It goes without Baying .hahemmer'the material will be dependable, hemmer' all ldborey's clothing ie made Of
dependable qualities, besides being,oarefoliy tailored and fashioned, Our
stook of Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Children's Clothing this Spring
surpasses anything we have ever shown, Don't think of buying your
Springsuit till you deo our stook.
— Boy'e 2 piece suite, in blue serge, Halifax tweed, end fancy
°hooka at 9125, $175, 92.00 and,92 50.
—0hildreo'e Brownie Finite in cheats and plain goods, sailor collar
and ve-too, trimmed with 'oolored braid, very cite little quite at
92 00, 92,50 and 93.00.
alloy's 8 piece suite, abort pants in fanoy checks and mixtures at
$2.50, $8.00, 94.00 and $4,50,
—Mon'o blue and blank serge suite at $3 50.
—Men's tweed suite, dark and light colors, 94.50.
—Men's fine Tweed suits in fancy overobeoke and mixtures at $5.00,
$0.00 and 90.50.
—Men's extra fine tweed suits in one patterns, best
French facings, 98.00, 910.00 and 912:00.
— Mao's heavy wool pante worth $1.25 for 90o.
— Men's heavy wool pants at $1.00,91.25 and 91,50.
—Men's heavy overalls worth 91.00 for 75o.
xxxxx xx
.xxxxx:cxxxx MILL
Stands in the front rank for Tiptop Flour
Our Manitoba Brand is First-
class, taking lst prize at the Fall Exhibition.
Chopping done by the Stone process, recognized as the
Best in use. Satisfaction assured.
Oatmeal always on band for sale or exchange for oats.
Dry ,Imeriean Corn by the Car Load.
,Film all kinds of Milt Feed.
Special Attention given to Gristing.—
Improvements have been made that add to our ability to do the
very best for our customers.
W. F. Stewart.
When It Comes to
We have something to say of special interest to everyone
who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a
.Parlor ,Suite, Couch,
Bedroom Suite, (Sideboard,
Extension Table, Rockers,
Dining Chairs,
Anything, Everything that is desirable.
We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs
and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten.
Picture Framing atten
stockded to carefully and large
of Mouldings to select from.
You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at
Ifaving purchased` the stock of Groceries, Fruits,
Crockery, Glassware, &c„ from my son I intend to carry
on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas-
urable and profitable to the public.
Grocery Stoop
Fresh -and
A Specialty TEAS.
made of
The Choicest Fruits
and Confectionery.
We take no second place.
Continued as usual and
Satisfaction assured.
The patronage of the public solicited clad we will do
our part to merit a continuance of your trade.