HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-29, Page 8IVa Papers
11111 soon be ell the go• We
have a largo aesartment to eeleot from.
We hay both in Toronto and Montreal.
A. nice selection of Igraine,
Ride 50 Miles,
Pedal 35....
That .ie what the Morrow
Coaster anti Brake will do for you, Buy
a Creeoent Bicyclic) and have it fitted with
thie Coastal' and Brake.
G. A. Deadman,
nrugc9ist and Graduate Optician!
Brussels, Ont.
$17 50 will buy e. One Crescent I:iiay.
ole. Dunlop tires.
22 50 will bay a Oresoent Bioyole,
new•laet year, Dunlop tires;
37 50 will buy same B ioyole, new
25 00 will buy Crescent Wbeel new
last year, Dunlop tires.
40 00 will bay same wheel, new,
/0 00 extra with Morrow coaster
and Brake. The best thing
37 50 for a Ladies'Wheel, Dunlop
tires, new.
Any of the above would be at least
$5.00 less with obeeper tires. When
buying a Wheel it pays to get the beet.
G. A. Deadman,
Agent for Oreeoent Bicycles.
5001313111 exameION W. fi. & a.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
Gorse 80 U'111, GOING NORTH.
1'lxpreee 710 a.m,Mail 2;10 p.m
Mixed ......... 9:46. a.m. I Express 10:17 p.m
Paid gthas Pins.
A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
MAi'LE syeOp.
ler of Aril next Sunday.
SATURDAY was a busy day in town.
Hosea FFir Thursday of next week.
BRUSSELS Council next Monday even.
READ all the advertisements in Tin
Gar the snow off your share of the side.
Tem Meath winds have been hard at
work at their trada•tanning.
Farm hands are likely to be scarce and
wages correspondingly graded.
ROUTE bills printed on short notice and
at moderate rates ab THE Posr.
BUTTER Rnd eggs have taken a drop
and are consequently a little unsteady.
Trot 0. 0. F. of Brussels, is arranging
for the holding of an "At Home" in the
near future.
AUCTION sale of Smele bleak and real•
deans on Wednesday, April llbh at 1 p.
m., at American Hotel.
KEEP your eyes wide open for Wilton &
Turnbull's advertisement of Sherwin &
Williams' refute next week in Tun Posx.
THE POST hoe a number of copies of an
illustrated pamphlet dealing with good
roads and streets, drainage, &o. Call in
and get one as they may be had for the
Masses. 21oNE111 & Puma, of town, were
awarded th., contract for the brickwork
and plasterrog of the new block of stores
to be erected in Blyth to replace those
recently de+troyed by fire.
Oen reporter was in error teat week as
to Mrs. F. Baines' removing to British
Columbia. It should have read Pennsyl-
vania. Sb,+ will hold an auctionsale of
furniture, &o., at her residence on Satur-
day afternoon of next week. F. S. Scott,
APPLICATION was made to the Judge, in
Chambers tt Goderiob, last Friday, for
an order to displace R. L. Taylor as
tenant of A Ellie' brick booze, William
street, Brneeels, reoently sold to F. S.
Scott, Wil, wants possession. The
Judge set April 15th all the date of the
moving to be followed by the onytomary
ooaree if net observed.
Naw FIRox. We have pleasure in an-
nounoiog that E. 0. Danford, the well
known Tailfr, Clothier, &a., of Brussels,
bite taken bis son, Lorne, into partner-
ship, the
artnership,the firm name now standing E. 0.
Danford & Son. The latter has been
closely assoliated with the business for
several yea.re and is aoneequently well
acquainted with all the details. Their
ehangeof advt. calling attention to new
Spring suitings, hate and nape, gents'
furnishings. &a., came to hand too late
for this issue but will appearnext week.
Tna Pear wishee the new firm animas
and believes the combination is a good one
and quite the proper thing to do.
Fool BAL',.—Friday evening a meeting
of those mast interested in 'foot ball in
Bruaeele Po" 1900 was held in the Council
Chamber, Duna. MaLanohlin 000upying
the chair. It was deoided to reorganize
and the following offioere were chosen
Hon. Pres., J. Irwin ; President, P.
Ferguson ; Tice President, Geo. MoOtel.
len ; Senret..ry-Treasurer, H. Bartliff '
Captain, D. McLaaohlin ; Managing
Committee, Secretary, Oaptein, Tony
Sample and Juo. Pepper ; Oanvaeaing
Committee, Geo, McClellan and Geo.
Irwin. The Blob ask that all uniforms
be handed in so that an' inventory may
betaken of the outfit. R. Fergneoo,
Bert. Geri sr and Joe MoKay will be
missed from 1900 team but Ira Gerry and
the youthful material coming up will be
drafted in •o fill the vaoanaiee and a
good team will be put in the field.
SNIDER VS. MOKaLPEY.—The following
legal note from Monday's reports of !eget
oaeee at (long of Appeal will be of local
interest :—Garrow, Q. C., for defendant,
appealed fres judgment of Robertson, J.,
in Potion for injunotion and for damages
for past bre aohee of the covenant in an
, agreement in writing under seal ,dated
December 7, 1897, for the sale to plaintiff
for 92.000 et defendant's real estate and
also of his practice as a physician and
enrgeon, with the good -will thereof in the
Village of Brussels, The defendant
eoVenanted not to praotioein Brussels or
+within a radiee of five miles thereof for
five yeare from date of agreement, which
oleo oontaioed a clause by which the de.
fondant bound himself in the sum of 9400
in ease "he shall sat up or locate himself
in the praotioe of medicine or surgery
within Ave years . or within a
ratline of flee ranee from Bruaeels." The
trial Judge following Moaeep ve., Mason,
18 Go, 498 affirmed on appeal. Held,
that plaint t7 was entitled to both an in-
jonotion ar 1 damages. W. M. Sinolair,
Brussels, for plaintiff, opposed appeal,
O'udgutont reserved,
THE POST subscription aontinuea to
Gaon; SPENCE and Miss Laing Thurs-
day evening,
"Mumma DowN•TIarT I" is thea more
upon ue. Spring is evidently at band.
Punmio Library entertainment Tbure•
day evening of this week, Town Hall,
Founxn Division Court will be held in
Brussels, on Wedueeday of next week,
April 4113.
Mite, ROGERS' Millinery Opening Fri
day and Saturday of next week to wbioh
all are invited.
A DOUBLE decked oar of hogs and a oar.
of eagle were sbipped last Monday rnorn
ing by Geo. Beet.
75 CENTS gets Tan POST to the let of
next January. Tble is cheaper than
borrowing end more satisfactory to the
sabsariber. Tell your neighbor about it.
By advertisement it will be obeervod
that Mise Roddiok will bold her Spring
Millinery Opening on Friday and Bator•
day of oast week. No lady should forget
the date.
THE Minto Club was entertained at the
residence of R, H. Ferguson, Walton, on
Tuesday ' evening and had a royal time,
Of coarse a few gentlemen accompanied
the ladies to see that no evil befel them.
QUARTERLY Tea.—Tbe Third Quarterly
Tea in connection with the Ladies' Ald
of Brussels Methodist oharoh will be
bald next Tueeday evening in the chorob.
Musical and literary program will be
given. at 8 o'clock.
THERE was a rumor that it was Noble
F. Garry who bad bought the Blyth bard -
ware stock. This of wares is not correct
as Nelson B. Gerry is the purohaeer.
The eimilarity of the initial letters may
be confusing but Counoillor N. F. Gerry
is still doing business at the old stand in
Brussels, and ie likely to for some time
to come.
MARRIED,—By notice elsewhere it. will
be seen that Rev. R. Paul tied the matri-
monial boot between John Hill, a well
known resident of the 1031 am, of Grey,
and Mies Elms, Beam, of Morrie. Mr.
and Mre. Hill will take up their residence
in the house recently porahaaed on Queen
street, known as tbe Fear property, TEE
POST wishes them bappinees.
R. J. Him, teacher intheDundas High
Bohool, writes Tun Peer as follows I
attended tbe first pnblio school ever
tangbt in Bruaeele, (Ainleyville with the
poet office Dingle.) It stood near where
Knox Presbyterian ()berth formerly was
in the woods, and we bad to carry oar
drinking water from the Spring near Mr.
Ainley's house, on the river bank. I
wonder bow many of my old school mates
are in Brussels now 7 Some day I will
prepare you a desoripbion of the old
sobool, and oould give you some interest-
ing items of what your town was like
forty five years ago.
REospTIoN.—On Thursday, Marob 22nd,
a very pleasant evening was spent at the
home of A. E. and Mre. Milloy, 12 Mon-
tagne Place, Toronto, where a number
of friends were Invited to spend the even•
ing which was most enjoyable with
music, einging and games after wbioh
tea was served. Among the many friends
was Mre. Geo. Howarth, of Ethel. The
bride received several useful and hand-
some presents. Mr. and Mre. Stewart
were married in Guelph on Wednesday,
March 2let, arrived in Toronto the fol-
lowing day and remained in Toronto
with Mrs. Stewart's eousine, Mr. and
Mre. Milloy, until Wednesday, 28th inst„
when the happy couple left for their
future home in Fort William, Ont.
Bunn SOOIETY.—The following are the
amounts' collected by the respective oat.
looters in connection with Brussels
Branch of the Upper Canada Bible So.
eiety far tbe past year
Collection at annual meeting
Brussels East, Mre Donaldson and
Miss Leatberdale 7 65
Brussels Weet, Mrs. Baines and
Mies Crooke 18 96
Brussels North, aliases MoNaagh
ton and Meoziee, 10 58
Morrie 7th, Mies McCall 1 90
" 610, No returns
5th, Miaeee Ames and Kaye 1 60
" 4th, Mteeee Black and Car•
rie 8 35
8rd, Miaeee Ireland and
Armstrong 4 50
" 2nd, Aliases Bokmier and
Bryan 4 80
Grey, 1 & 2, Misses Simeon and
McKelvey 3 15
8 & 4, Mieeea Straohan and
Turnbull 9 98
5 & 6, Misses McArthur and
Laing 8 85
" 7 & 8, Mite Otago Smith4 10
9 &.10, Miaeee Ferguson2 70
" 11 & 12, Mre. and Mies David.
son 28 28
" 19 & 14, Miss Emeline Oar
diff end Miss Mary Duncanson 5 95
Athol, Misses Spence and Slemmon 18 89
Bales from Bible Depository 8 79
Total 9181 97
Brussels Branch has a most satisfac-
tory record in the matter of oontribntioae
to this worthy object, whiob have been
only five times under $100 00 in the pest
22 years. This year the money is equally
divided between the Upper Canada and
Quebec Sooleties and was forwarded to
tbe Treaearer at Toronto on Wednesday
of this week,
We cordially invite yon and your friends to come
and look over our Millinery Display for this season
on Friday and Saturday,
April 6th and 7th.
The modes this year exceed in beauty' and design,
material and general effect, anything we have of-
fered or thought of before Our Spring Opening
will eclipse all its brilliant predecessors,
A Nice Assortment of Spring Capes.
Wilfrid, son of G. F. and Mrs, Blair,
was slots last week but is better again,
Monnle Oounoil minutes and other mat-
ters of interest are left over to next
week's issue.
DURING the peat week painter and pa.
per banger Sample has bad charge of E.
C. Duuford's store and the result ie a big
improvement and sets off the new Spring
goods displayed liret•Olase.
each received letters fre,m Jas. Living.
goo, M. P„ relative to flax mill matters.
He will not rem the mill but would rent
to reepoosible party be says.
Toe Amerioao Hotel has bean under
going internal improvements in the way
of new wall paper, paint, &o. Proprietor
Ament is determined to have everything
kept in tidy shape. A. Sample did the
THERE bas been a littleooal famine on
band in Brussels doriug the past week
owing to the local deuI.-re having sons
diffivalty in getting their supplies in.
The recent snow blookade may a0oou0t
for it. It is past now.
Goon RECORD.—In the past three years
F. S. Scott, auotiooeer and real estate
agent, Brussels, has Bold over 60 farms
and loaned in the above space of time
$100,000. It requires some bustling to
do that volume of business but the figures.
are correct.
DEATH 0'e' MRS. HIooiNe.—"The Green-
ville (Mich.) newspaper. says :—Tillie,
beloved wife of Fred. Higgins, who tae
been a eufferer from that dreaded diseeee
consumption, for the past seventeen
months, died at her home Greenville,
Michigan, on Sunday, 18th inst., aged 25
years. The deceased was the daughter
of Mr. and Mre. Jno. Baker, (and a grand-
daugbter of Mrs.Koeohtel, now of Elora,)
onmiog here with her parents from Can-
ada some 18 years ago, since which time
she has been a resident here. She leaves
e haabsad and three children and a host
of friends to mourn her loos. Funeral
services at the house Tuesday afternoon."
Mr. Baker is a brother to oar townsman,
Geo. Baker.
GONE TO Bram—The Blyth Standard
of last week speaks of a business change
in that place as follows :—"On Monday
last, Denetedt Bros. disposed of their
hardware business here to N. B. Gerry,
of Brunie. While regretting the lose
of the Messrs. Deoatedt from amongst
our business men, we are pleased to
Morn that they are being succeeded by so
capable and energetic a business man as
Mr. Gerry, who thoroughly understands
the hardware business from the ground
floor ap. George Denetedt is undecided
as to what be will do. F. V. Denstedt
is at present in Brandon, Manitoba.
The Standard welnomee Mr. Gerry to
the smartest little town in the •County
and trusts bis business venture will be a
enooesfat one." Tea PoeT can heartily
recommend Mr. Gerry, who bee been a
reeideot of Brussels—"the smartest little
town in the County!'—about all bis life,
to the good people of Blyth and locality.
Mre. Gerry and daughter removed to
Blyth on Thereby.
Monthly Missionary Day in the Meth-
odist Sunday school next Sabbath.
Rev. R. J Hocking, of Fordwiob, has
two brother° in the British army riper.
atiog in South Africa.
"The Beatitudes" will be Thursday
evening's subject at St. John's Young
People's meeting this week.
"Always Ready" will be the topic die -
cussed next Sabbath evening at the En•
deavor and Epworth League.
Rev. Mr. Kippan, recently the pastor
of Tara Presbyterian oongregation, has
accepted a cell received from a church
in Richmond, Va.
Mies Broth, Rev. R. Pant and T. Far
row took part in the Quarterly Review
at the Methodist Sabbath school last
Sabbath afternoon. It was a good one.
Rev. T. E. Harristan, of Granton, has
aooepted (subject to stationing commit.
tee) tbe invitation of the Official Board
of the Empress Avenue Methodist oharoh
Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Holmes
will take as his subject "The model
young man from tbeoountry." In the
morning he will eontinne the expository
study of Philippians.
Rev. J. Holmes preached the first of a
series of sermons on the Epietle to the
Philippiaoe last Sabbath morning and in
the evening an interesting discourse was
given on the life of the late D. L Moody.
Business Locals.
CASE for butter. A. Oousley.
CLov1a and Timothy seed for sale at
Beaker & Vanatone'e.
04511313 weaving. Satisfaction gegen-
teed. Robert Anderson,
Ellen street, Brunets.
wishing to get a Fleury plow call on
John Long, agent, Brussels.
MRS. B4LL&N12NE will take orders for
oat.flowere and floral designe—city green.
bouses. See the fine bedroom sate and
ohinaware at her grocery.
JueT IN—A oar of Manitoba floor and
bran, from the Beautiful Plaine Milling
Co., Neopttwa. Now is the time to put
in your stook for Bummer.
Magna diourrONIt,
Tor Baggy, McLaughlin gear, nearly
.new, for sale cheap. A, R. Stfrrre.
KING for the largest oolleetio' of new
and catchy settings. Natty Bp u'g jaok•
eta just in. We eell olover, timothy and
all kinds of seeds. G. E Kum i igham.
BAREETT:—In Brussels, oo March 27, to
Mr. and Mre. R. N, Barrett, a
BnAnnomc —In Gerrie, on March 20th,
the wife of Mr. Thos, Bradnook of a
BAxeouD.—In Detroit, on the 17th inst..
the wife of Mr, A. W. Bamford, of a
CJoeONe.—In Grey, on Mar. 19,1, the
wife of Mr. Charles Comm of a
DAns,—In Grey, on Meath 23rd, to Mr.
and Mborn.) re. B. Dark, a daughter (still
Manteruze,—In Brussels, on Marsh 27th,
to Mr. and Mre. R. Mainprize, a
Hrea—BEAtf.-00 March 27311, at the
residence of the bride's brother,
Morris, by Rev. R Pool, Mr. John
Hill, of Bruaeele, to Mies Elms.
Beam, of Morrie,
Browner—MILLOY,—At 62 Woolwich et.,
Guelph, by Rev. Dr. Roes, Mr.
James Stewart, late of Brussels, to
Miss Oralene, eldest danghter of Mr.
Neil Milloy, of Brussels.
SPARLING—KaueGEs.—On March 7, by
Rev. Mr. Hammond, of New Dundee,
at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. Albert Sperling, for.
merly of 16th eon., Grey, to Mille
Caroline, daughter of Mr. Henry
Krueger, of Drnmbo.
BENDER.—Io Egmondville on Marob 19th
Minnie Myrtle Bender, aged 19 years
7 months end 19 days.
Hrearxe.—In Greenville, Mioh., on March
18th, Tillie, beloved wife of Fred.
Higgins, Reed 25 years.
McRTIN,—In Elma, on the 19th inst.,
infant child of John Martin.
McGowan. — In East Wawanoeh, on
March 1711, John G. McGowan, aged
26 years and 9 months.
Po1Lo013 —In Morrie, on Maroh .20th,
Mrs. Jae. Pollook, aged 70 years.
SHEAREn.—InElma, on the 21st inet.,
James Shearer, aged 85 years and 10
.evcmxosr S A.I
Fumes, MARCH 80.—Farm stook, im•
plements, &a. N 4 Lot 26, oon. 8, Mor.
ria. Sale, unreserved, at 10 a. m.
Lunch at noon. Wm. Forrest, Prop, ;
F. B. Scott, atm.
SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH.—Honeebold fur.
niture, &0„ No. 106 Mtl1 street, Brunets,
Sale, unreserved, at 2.30 o'clock. Mrs.
F. Baines, proprietress ; F. S. Scott,
03R-1TSS£2.s x6.A.RS3-7T6•
Fall Wheat 60 62
Barley ...... 85 88
Peas 58 59
Oats 25 26
Batter, tubs and rolls 15 16
Eggs par dozen 10 11
Flour per barrel4 00 4 50
Potatoee (per bus) 26 25
Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00
Salt per bbl., retell 1 00 70
Ray per ton 7 00 7 00
Hides trimmed 7 74
Hideo rough 5 5
Sheep skins, each 80 65
Lamb skins each 25 25
Hogs, Live 5 00 5 25
Hoge, Dressed.. 6 60 7 00
Wool 8 13
TORONTO MAnNEr.—Butter, dairy, 18o
to 20a ; butter, oreamery, 23a to 24o ;
obeeee, 180 ; eggs, 140 ; bay, baled on
oars, 99 to 99.50 ; potatoes, 380 to 89c
turkeys, per lb., 190 ; geese, per lb., 7o to
80; dunks, per pair, 60o to 80o ; chickens
per pair, 500 to 85o ; honey, 90 to 10o ;
dried apples, sic ; wool, washed, 19o.
BAST Burswo., N.Y„ March 27.—Cattle
in fair demand ; steady. Sheep and
lambs—Choice to extra Iambs were quot-
able at 97,40 to 97.50 ; good to choice, $7
to 97.40; oommon to fair, 96 to 97 ; sheep,
yearlings, 96 60 to 96.75 ; mixed, $5.50 to
96 ; wetbere, $6 to $6 60 ; ewes, 96.25 to
95.60. Hogs—Fair demand and about
steady ; heavy, $5.40 ; mixed, 95.85 to
95.40, prinoipally $5.874 ; heavy Yorkers,
95.80 to 95 35 ; light Yorkers, 115.25 to
95.80; pigs, $6.10 to $5.16 ; roughs, $4 65
to 94.75 ; stage, 98.50 to $4.
LONDON, March 26 --Here and in Liver-
pool American cattle are steady, at from
110 to 120 per lb. (dreaded weight) ; ro-
frigerator beef to firm, at 94o per Ib.
TonoNTo,Mandl 27—Sixty-three loads
in to day, including 2,204 hoge and 196
sheep and lambs. Milk oows, choice,
each, 940 to 945 ; do, common, each, $28
to $80. Export cattle, choice, per cwt.,
94.75 to 95 ; do. light, pet cwt., 94.25. to
$4.05. Butahere' cattle, choice, per owt„
94 25, to $4.50 ; de. readmitmixed, pee
owt., $8.75 to 94 ; do. common, per owt.,
owt, 94 89 94,60 Belle,
HEM, per cwt, heavy,ort 8,50
r g tp r
ST4XD4Rv B4X. O. C4X .D4,
a , 3.578-
CAPITAL PAID 111, Dollen)
4ponoeee in all in Ontario, Queboo, iianitoba, lnitcd Statgc
A General Banking Buelneee Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafte 15130 4 and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards,
I+lvery facility afforded CRstomere living at a distance.
to 98.75. Steers, short keep,, 1,100 to
1,175 Ibe, per owt, $3 75 to 94,25, Feed.
ere 900.to 1,100 lbs per cwt $8 50 to 64.E S FOR SALE, ONE
he c rn ht o ]
Stook steam, 500 to '700 lbs, per owt, $8,25 ORS
to $3 05; do. 700 to 900 lbs, per cwt, $8.25 I avy i ug o t, tieing s years ;
ed 6
to $8775. Feeding bulls, per OW5, $2,75 to a so one span of pool heavy drivers aged
P years. . Apply on Mondays or Fridays to
88.25 ; light stook bulls, per cwt, 92 to
92 50. Sheep—Export ewes, per owb,
98.25 to 98.75 ; bucks, export, per owb,
$2.50 to $8; sheep, butcher's, each, $3 to
94 ; lambs, per cwt, 94 50 to 95.75:;
lambs, pinked ewes and wethera, per owt,
$5.50 to $5.75. Calves, per head, $2 to
$10. Hoge—Singers, $6, and lights 95.50,
off oars ; trade fair for everything,
TonoNTo,Mann 27.—Wheat easy, and
moderate business ; Ontario, red and
white, 644o to 660 West, and 65o to 040
East ; goose, 69a low freight to New
York; Spring East, 655o to 66o ; Mani-
toba, No. 1 hard, 784 North Bay, and 794o
g. I. t. Flour quiet ; outside milllere
offer straight rollers, in buyer's bogs,
middle freights, at 92.60 per bbl., and
export agents bid 92.55 ; epeoial brands,
in wood, for local account, sell from
92.85 to $8, according to brand. Millfeed
sparse and steady, bran is quoted at
914.50 to 915:50, and shorts at 915 to 919
at the mill door through Western Ontario.
Corn very firm and in good demand ; No.
2 American yellow quoted at 444 track
Toronto, and mixed at 44o ; Canadian
corn eoaroe and firm ; enquiries from
here elicit no reply from Western dealers ;
from this it is inferred that they are all
firm in their views on Canadian corn.
Peas easier ; oar lots, 695o North and
Weet, and 600 Eaet. Barley about
steady ; oar lots No. 2 middle freights,
424o, and East at 48c ; No. 1 is quoted at
435o to 44c outside. Rye quiet ; oar lots,
510 West and 52c East, Oats—Prices
steady on small offerings ; whits oats,
North and West, 275c ; middle freights,
28o, and East at 284a.
2 00ART5 of milk for 5 Dente. Apply
to B. BURR.
MONEY to loan, private funds, on farm
eeeurity. Apply at THE POST.
4 YEAR old mare for sale, broken to
drive or work. ;NO. SPAM,
354f. Lot 21, 9th line Morrie,
SPAN of good heavy working horses for
sale. Price $250 Apply to MRS, ALEX.
CONON , Lot 17, 6111 line, Morris. -8831
House and one aore of ground to rent,
John street. Bruaeele. Apply to Tan Poem
or THOS, NEWSOME. 80-11
8031 LutN10, 050, 3, 'Grey.
Dome 00 chicon etreetale° a piano.
very little need, one of the Bean mattes for
three hundred and fifty dollars. Must be
gold before- the Igor Aprlh : APP1.1. to
MISS M. CAMPBELL, llrussel,.
Notice to Contractors.
T endere will be received by the undersign-
ed up to March Olet, oto P. m, for the erec-
tion of the Walton Workman's Hall. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily a000pt•.
DeRsIONED has for service on Lot 18,
Con 0, Groy, a iboro' bred Yorkshire hog,
bred by Robb. Moho!of Morrie. They also
have a thoro' Berkshire, purchased from M.
MOAltister, of Stanley, op Lot 15, Con. 0,
Grey, Pedigreesmay be seen on applica-
tion, Terme for each, 61.00,to be paid at
tim.a of service with privilawe of returning
1f necessary. MRNA1tY ,t.SUN,
98.6 Proprietors:
35 .8 Appy to THE. POST, Drueecls.
COMFORPABLE BRICK RES sant for sale 3a Brussels. corner of
Turnberry and Queen etreets, There are 8
rooms, cellar full size of house, hard and
soft water, B•o„ { sere of laud. .Location ie
most convenient. For further parbloelms
app ly to A, 00178016!, 1•reeee78,_ orD, Mo•
Lp7NNAN, proprietor, boatorbh, 84.4
040 acres, complete emotion, near
Southwest boundary of Manitoba, Over 100
aoree,,nncler cultivation. Fine two•etorey
house costing over 61000, 8 tulles from rail-
way ; river Souris passes through farm ;
sear cheap coal supply. Price 64000.
Apply to 7040. D. RONALD.
on 00318 street, eruseele. The house
la a comfortable one, woll fitted up,with
cellar, hard and soft water, 00. Tere is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over One•Cillarter sere Of land. For price,
terms, &c. apply to P. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. EBB it of THE Poem. - 10.31
Tate a Poiler
Reading the Following
Mr, H. 0, Lloyd, of Glenwood, Ont,,
says:—'tI 0se a great deal of Herbageunt
and find a profit in it end recommend
others to nee it as it costs but one pent it
day ger animal, My milob 00358 give a
granter flow of milk and of a bather flavor
when I Peed Herbageum with dry teed,
and when fattening oattle I find they do
cine -half bettor with Herbageum than
without it and I find it has no equal for
we find our Customers ell may
the same thing,
4 lb, Barrs, 50c.
Fox's Drug Store.
Le011—Tbs property of, the late John
Elliott, oon8istiuw: of a solid brick house
with frame Molten and woodshed, goon
stable and 1 acre of laud all in 00ot-class
condition.. If not sold willbe rented. Poe-
seseionat any time. For pa, Minders apply
to. Wot. SPENo13, Ethel; Annx, FATTEnseop1,
Galt ; or nn, Mnlbnovny, Mt. Forest 20tf
BAre•-Lot 17, con. 0. Township of.
Grey. 100 acres m050 or Less. Situate 45
miles from'B a ueeels and 2 miles from village
of Ethel, All cleared excepting 6 acres of
hardwood hush. Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells, All ball plowing
done. rice and terms o1 payment on ap-.
plleation to W. M. SINCLAII3,
20 -of Barrister, .10,, Brussels.
T,'ARMS FOR SALE., — 100
-.sores In the Township of Hewioir, be-
ing Lets 16 and 10, Con, 0; 80 acres aro
cleared and 20 acres in bush ; bank barn with
stoao stabling underneath; and frame house
with cellar. A -good thriving orchard:'
Farm is situated 8 miles from Wroxeter.
Also 00 acres In the Township of Turnberry,
being North Half of Lot 7, -Con. A ; 80 Gores
in grass, 20 cares of hush ; frame barn and
log house ; a good spring. For further par-
0 apply to ALEX, HISLUP,
Wroxeter P. 0,
ova Lot 20, N 1 Con. 0. Morrie township,
containing 08 sores of aret•olaee land: There
Is a house, barn, orchard and good ware -
bowie, and farm ie well fended. There are
85 aoree In. Fall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and
45acresposture. Pososes on could be given
at ones. Parra adjoins the village 01 Brus-
sole. Porfurther' particulars as to price,
terms, 00., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
Al. P., Dation, - 22-tt
Consisting of the South 1 and South'1
of the North 1 of Lot 80, Oen .2, past .Wawa-
uoeh, This is an exoolient stook farm, beteg
well impelled with good spring water. 1t Is
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of It is under
grass, Buildings and femme are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf G, F. BLAIR, Banister, Damsels.
New Spring Prints,
Crums, Light and Dark Prints,
Turkey Red and Black.
New Spring Dress goods.
Specials in Priestley's Dress
Silks for Waists, Silks for
Dresses ; 2 specials in Black
Silk Merve for Dresses at 90c.
and $1.25 per yard.
Don't waste money when
you want BOOTS & SHOES,
Come and see us,
at which everything is marked
makes thinking peopleopbuy froml
. Branum
AL. n'�4
They Fit, Sir I.
A Light Spring Overcoat
to -day, Sir 9
Sun is getting strong.
Spring is in the air,
Ion's, Youths' and
Boys' Spring Suites
to band and below
Toronto Prices at....
A. R. Smith's.
Unbeatable prices in White wear. No other store can beat us in
Ladies' White Skirts and Waists for Style, Quality and Moderate Prices.
Conte and compare Quality.
Lace Curtains CARPETS,
Union and
All Wool Carpets, splendid assortment as usual.
Oil Cloths and Linoleum, Table Linen, Table
Napkins, Towels ; Extra value in Bath Towels ;
two-thirds of the pleasure of a bath is the jolly
after -rub with a Bath Towel.
A Gee stock of Gents' Furnishings, Fats, Caps,
Braced, Collars, Ties. No space to quote prices.
A. .r
Champion Clothier of' Brussels and true friend of the Farmer,
P. S. --Remember we sell for Spot Cash or Straight Note, $10.00 up from Reliable Farmer,