HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-29, Page 7era MO 414 40 71 A.�iCkl 29, .Nims, kT F TiTTERE114 POST THE ASZSNOA RF bltIDPN. Tho (batt tits le Vit Ae enproteeted Re Hight tie labs lnert. To ninny readers the information that iserioua steps have been and aro being taken ie defend Landon agarose eine* will doitlbtleas come as a sate pl'iae. Those W110 are responsible for the national defences have based their uetion an the theory that if we were unhapPlly involved in war with a pow- erful European coalition, and if, atilt more unhappily, a disaster to our navy deprived us far a while of the command of the sea; an attempt would be matte to,invade England and aeIze London, The bold chalk ridge of the North Down$ is thus the southern wail of London, The line of selected positions extends for thirty-six miles from the Hogs back on the right of Halstead, 6n Kent, on the left, On the other side oe Cho river there le another ser- ies a.positions selected, running from Tilbury to the Thames, by Brentwood, to Epping, to protect Lapdon against an attack coming through Essex. On the north-west, positions have been chosen about Berkhamstead, in the Chilterns. Between the left of the southern line and the night of the Es- sex positions lies the great waterway of . the Thames. There are two groups df forts to guard the Waver. First, on Lbs bread estuary that forms the ac- tual mouth of the river, there are tbe forts of Sheerness with the defences of C1lnthem behind them. Further up there is another roup of torts to bar tbe narrow passage of the river at the sharp bend just below Gravesend. Several of tbese forts are, it must be admitted,somewhat antiquated and u nsatisfactory structures, armed with what a sporting man would call P rath- er a scratch" lot " of guns. The 'old muzzle loader is far too 'prominent among them. But they are now be- ing re -armed withheavy modern guns and quick -firers. One good battery has been conseructed lately on a spot that need not be noted ;here, and pre- parations have been made for mount- ing powerful guns at other points. where the enemy might ;cast expect them, the actual mounting being left till the eve of werin order to complete his surprise. A few good pieces of modern artillery well mounted, can do mora work than scores of old-fashion- ed guns. CHARACTER IN EYEBROWS. Romantic women usually have a very well-defined arch in the centre of the eyebrow, while a sense of humor Is indicated in the arch nearer the n ose. Long, drooping eyebrows, lying wide apart, indicate an amiable disposition, Where the eyebrows are lighter in odor than the hair, the indications are lack of vitality and great sensitive- ness. Faintly defined eyebrows, placed high above the nose. are signs of in- dolence and weakness. Very black eyebrows give the face an intense and searching expression; when natural they accompany a pas- sionate temperament. Very Ugh: eyebrows rarely are seen on strongly intellectual faces, al- though the, rotor of the eyebrow Ls not eccep.ed singly as denoting lack of in- telligence; the form gives tbe key to the laoulties and their direction. Red eyebrowa denote great fervor and ambition; brown n medium be- tween the red and bleak. Scant growth of the eyebrows invar- iably denotaa lack of vitality, and ex- ternal applications are useless to pro- mote o - mote or produce a growth until the general health improves; on the con- trary, heavy thick eyebrows indicate a strong constdtubinn end great physi- oal endurance. They are not beauti- ful on a woman's face, however much they may signify either mental or bod- ily vigor, and when they are not only bw;avy but droop and meet at the naso, they axe, disagreeable, and are said to accompany an insincere and prying not ure. The ideal eyebrow accepted by the Greeks es the perfect feminine eye- brow is long, nearly ,straight, arch less and delaeatoly pencilled. But like the rosebud mouth it•does not indicate the highest order of Intelligence, and the arab is expressive always of great- er sensibility; and greater strength' of oho meter. The Luilet of the eyebrows Is simple. The hair of the eyebrows can be train- ed to lie clove and smooth to the akin, thus resembling the pencilled linea We read of so often by, the aid of a tiny little brush m•aeutactured for the purpose and for sale at all shops deal- ing in articles for the toilet. Where the eyebrows are too broad and inclinedto be busby u y they should be daily trained by brushing, and will, in a short time, show an immense im- pro'vement. Where the eyebrows are healthy, a little glycerine and -rem water will give the delicate line o mphteis and brit/la/soy, b GLA13S HOUSES.• Ile glass building stones become po- pular people may yet "live in glass houses." The atones wore invented in Franco, and are now being made in Germany. . They aro hollow, are fill- ed with rare ied air and permit the entrance- of dayHgbt, at the same Lime diffusing the sunlight. They are not transparent, however, and ono on the outside cannot see what is going on within, The wally maybe readi- ly washed. The experiment has been tried with suacesa in an operat- ing roomer at the Eliznlbeth hospital of the Sikora of Mercy, in Cassel, Ger- ma nyl. (EVERY CONTINENT REPRESENTED Not only have Australia and Canada tirade generous offers ofaasistenoo but even the lvlalay States offered to lend Great Bennie 1100 men, anal Ilolagkozig '10 Men and toter Mexinas. A Woman's Advt3a• no eltaakh vily 81,011t, of the Rkec'a dals4 Lrt,ugh ill ant uKtl to dia- So ulugd u 10.114-laa,trWO. ovuk, ,or il'ut' is alulula'%d testi it ley Lies bar - P..) O.ia&rundiet; anti fifty barren r .f el -u!' in.1, away so .a vuyugo like et' tlog eeew aistlees, and twee .y tuns in Ise. awee tinned merrily up the gat- --, iVlCs, Yto tine, or runt l"nlberne, Tells new !ay •.,,oars tl) Luble, 144101 1rr band wltil CI;YI-QN GREEN TLA Ake t'umut n h re and Araerl, site- u,., 4,4",,'",::,Q, ',;,:','-14-,-;:,.--,,„.;,1,:rr e wh.l's ,U,U ll t:ggat 1 tis absolutely pure and uncolored, rt.lruw It line r: ly, Ilei"Rh'tt 111( Netis0 11emulY 11'141 4:11" .,Asan leo milieu., ea scall Mak One e qac, per pound O,Iyrr an:racers, i Imo 1,IOU g il,uus o1 eututeneed mist Mrs, Daniel Robins, of Port Ca'- 0,,u/ ed. beeiue IL and advise. Lhe 1.05 TO SUFFERERS FROM NERVOUSNESS AND U1 ADAC•ii , borne, Unt., Is one u1 those rho 1'o puu,ids pc rsu.fre to kayo timelag to neve that when a remedy fordi ea. e du win h it, elle aliens tae cvu+111aes has bean found, it is the duty of the rrhlukeue, rurkeye, uueks and 'taken Person benefited to snake 11 keewn ateuec tbe laruer where Lair elought- in order that other enlfL,:rers muy ulee Crea kuules slog in hunureds u„ a find the rood to renewed hearth. Aire. time. As for the inelaeneale, no one Robbie says; "IN the spring of 18,7 bu. the hews *toward knows the Luis my health gave way and I became OL 'stool. Imagine ull thea loud pre- aonlpldtely proatratt:d, IiorvousntBs, pared iu au ,rp.,r,rnenL huu-e k,LLhen pura.ILULWn u1 LLB 'heart cud beto.o aduis,td to ll.iud.priuga, and yea have headaches were the thief symptoms., Ole aLcamer B„lIey situation. The nar•voas troutale. waa ao wrote .5 AI.og the end ire the roars run Lhe to border emcee uhou Si. Vitus' l'ar'ge". The ovens are divided in.o a,.'ur•,artmeule wh,cb well hold tam- s The least exaction such as 1 1 1 m going up airs for' example, woad ly pilon ext varivue sties. maim leave me almost brauthless, and my ON 102 01? ''retie STOVES heart would Palpitate violently. My 8 pe11Le was ver fickle and I wan to Ytk 1 d much reduced iu fle.h. Tho usual remedial were tried, but d d not he p me, and eventually I became so weals that I wee unable' to perform my household dotes, and the beaduoheel euefered from at Limes made me feel as though my head would' Lural. I was fearing very discouraged when a cure in a ease much aesomb.ing mine through the use of 1)r, Williams' link Pills came to my notice, and I de- cided to give lanai a Wel. Atter using two boxes I found so much re- lief that I was greatly rejoiced to know that I had found a medicine a steel bar runs along the front and b' ck am a d dee aru,e ot'usa bars 0. may n 1 he ti.l weed to the -e ext convenient louse- vol., Pats and kettles are hummed in in ibis way, end to add to their tirmne,s, eavh is slumped Lo a cross bar wkh what 1.rok.r I.gp a large iron tl pin. All cuuk.ug uteneits are inside mach deeper than would be ne- cousary In ord,udry cooking, Ln order Lo avoid sp Uing of the contents in rough weenier. The huge copper stuck pout, du which wh..Ltetele boiling is done, are heated by steam; and all beating is done over an immense char- coal tire, The bakers il.rva a aepar- ata cubby h.as and oven; tar hat would would cure me. I continued bares' and 'beyond them is a ells using Dr. Williams' Pink PUN until I room where ounaeo ions and pastry ere had taken eight or nine boxes, when made. .ery.hieg Le'swept,and get•- I considered my cure complete. The ni inna lashiun eo stall y, .the palpitation of the heart, nervousness heartrt of a Dutch heueew1 e. The wh.te paint is scoured until it is dazzling, and headaches had disappeared; my Tha copper linnets resplendent -but the appetite was again good, and I hadgamsmells 1 ye gods 1 the smells! Lel the yselfd in weight nicely, T regard seasick man who hos hole his break m myself as completely restored and I and plunged madly up ,he oompanion would urge other women suffering as I did to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills way, w o,cape the deadly white of air a trial, and I am sure they will have auniing from the galley, inl.tgine that equally good reason to sound their gait of odor intens:_ietl, auncentr¢ted, praise." Indxed wi,b steam and =Ace and mul- Tkore are thousands of women nested by four, and he may have some throughout the country who suffer as edea of the Atmosphere down in the genes. Mrs. Robins did, who are pale, sub- A steamer kitchen is no place ;led to headaches, heart palpitation seasickness; and tor any one and a tendency toward voy- and dizziness, who drag along free the first ton quently feeling that life is a burden. agree ata young nooks assistant are To a 1 such we would say give Dr. tortures besiderr wlr:ch the euf_erings Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. of the martyrs rade into insignifi• These pills make rich, red blood, mem nem emit any Lina glues of majesty about itis martyrdom, and he strengthen the nerves; bring theglow donsn'Let an atom of sympathy.11 s of health to evils and sallow cheeks, galley mates guy him; and his uper- and make the feeble and despondent 1014 bully him. He sounds a tlep.h of feel that life is once more worth !iv- seasickness, beside which the elate of ing. The genuine are sold only in the groaning passenger on deck in a boxes, the wrapper bearing the full steamer chair is rose colored and name "Dr. Williams' Pink fills for agreeable. Often one voyage is all Pa e Peelle.' May be had from all that he can stand, and be bolts incon- dealers or by, mail nt 50c. n hos or sig boxes Ear h:.50 by addressing the tinently, wben Lhe ship reachss port, addressing the but if he hes the courage to au ler six boxes for $2.50, by Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- until hs Ls thoroughly seasoned, ha ov- ville, Ont. 6100me3 hes qualms and is ready to laugh at the next green band. `gnlew u cowants occur ur in the inhume ame r SNAGOOKS AND k[ RUBATS1 patents and safeguards are employed. Once in a whale a stock pot; blows up MIRACLES DONE IN THE GALLEY OF I from too much steam pressure, or a cortins or unskilled cook is out or AN ATLANTIC LINER. burned or scalded, but such cases are rare. Ropes are s.retehed across in front of the ranges, and when the ship Ls plunging badly the cooks hell these ropes while working over the lire. 1•'or- tunntely for the workers in the galley when the weather is very rough a large percentage of the passengers lose their interest in food, so the work of the cooks is lessened, and this fact o.f- sets the added difficulty in the prepar- ation of the food. ilrive'a, landsman chef to despair. It is is separated from the rest of the boat by watertight doors, and can be shut one thing to sit down is dignified off so securely that it is practically calm, in a hotel kitchen, and aompnee a symphonic entree; and it's quite an- other thing to clutch a rope swung across a kitchen that is trying to turn turf! and. nd. to master an entree that is a'tteanpting to dance a canon on Lop of a 'plunging range. It would be a happy thing for stewards and cooks if every disgruntled passenger On a trausatlantiesteamer could, in rough weather, be forced to pay a yds- boats weren't so steady, and whenever it to the galley and watch the efforts the storms were extra bad the water by wkich the meals with vvhirh he has wault Coma flooding into the galleys been finding fault. are prepared. The end put out the fires, tend thea there chances are that two minutes amid the was the devil to pity. I remember once, when all the passengers who fumes and heat of the galley would re- were able to tae up sat around the duce him to a state of seasickness salson wine their feet tucked up under which would rob him of alt interest their and. lire ste'wa'rds handed around in meals of any sort, but if hes could big ;sinters full o1' roast beef. 13 Jove, esus,. tang enough to receive a few mon- that lilt took the beef and bread in ta1 impresesions, hu would alinlb Cho THE GALLEY their fingers. There waen't anyuse galley stairs a humble .and contrite 'trying to manage (Relies; and I tell traveller; and, in future, would say you getting that beef cooked wee my "please" to the stewards, beg them not greatest triumph. Many It time I've to hurry ¢boat filling his orders, and seen Lhe Lfrat cabin passengers prec- accept food fit to eat us a miracle tonus glad. to ad a beat sir, bat stew, a•ud same bread *ltd butter, bol; naw, wrought In his behalf. if there isn't a• menu as long as your ON 11,111MODERN STEAMERS arm and everything, smoked to per- r fee on t o tl h r s e a hoz of vl rate at. The 1 ale P nrr n a emonts uv b g Y h e non i - g m modern 1 loots kava mads t e dl era proved to a degree that would make possible, but the passengers haven't an old timasea nook open hie eyes 1u any 'idea of the dirfloulty of doing amazement, but even under swell condi- ship's cooking'in bad weather, and are Lions the cooking is dittioult work, In uru•easonable acrmetimes," the first alien, room is necessarily1i:m. Thi conk on u morclbe ti 'reseal miss- p e.990nbeoftlro1 o u IicaL•ions t al• n ll 015 1101, and every inch of ;pace milatl be the 40111 of Lhe chef ou a prtssenger made to naual,yot a large number of boat ,but he has troubles of kis own. cooks and assistants; are employed, One Ha mmol be aline to vindicate his repu- betion ad a cook by thrashing 5,y 000 of the large steamers will have thirty whit daree assail it. He must cook mien ad work in. its galley and thirty well the few thdags that make up sail. 111,1111 playing doapftrog about a micro ors fare, but ifstlse duff turns out la kitchen,, dad doingbeayy he mast thrash the crew Inca - scopic juggling 'ideally and oelleetively. Be is the four' with; pots and parts and knives bad man of the ship's crow, an du:mal- ancl ratites llins,vlvile the ship stands ly only. 'the first mate 3s a match for on its beam Duds, is n night Lo bring min. When he gets drunk or ara,zy teams td this eyes of a laver of a quiet D1111eullles or Concocting In Cul tee '`When the Kitchen ts Trj log to '*'urn slim Tur- tle .111.11111, rola unit 101110 Are Da cies;. illi Ibu•Oaa-eyes Crake ,u Mtn (Mang Ships 050I. 11tve ire 115111 1Ia Cron. Cooking on the high sons isn't eo ex. tilting a profession as it w'ea in the old days; but even now, it presents problems and situations that would Impossible, except in case of serious ac- Gident, for water to reach the tires and put a stop to culinary proceed- ings. roceed-ingts. "Bless your heart, we don't have any trouble now," said the chef of ono of tike new shis. "You have to be .a bit of nu acrobat and up to sleight-of- hand performance, buL that's all. I've bean a sea cook for twenty-five years, and I've sten some jolly messes in my day. We didn't have even a sample of the conveniences we have now, and the fife. In 'these narrow quarters cook- ing la done on a scale larger, than the ordinary saloon passenger roar:zee. The arawi aniSat be fed in port and out, ao. the Onoke,haAro front 500 to 000 men on their trends every day of the year. T:lyma,dur'iag the voyage, the steerage, second cabin and (11)1 cabin must be prolvided for, The stee •loge pasaan- gene do Mot lttuve ah elaborate bill of faro; but abort 3,001) small loaves el bread are baked for the 15e1,0 and steer- age every day; and that, in ltectf, is and rune Rmuck the mete is told off agoutis ban and everybody eine stands by to watch devel.rpments and, gather up the fragments. Altogether his, life Is a tri le more varied and pic- turesque limn 'hat of the paasen,ger steamer olr'sf, but there are victor es and vicicurlas, and who ahall say .that the ccncoction of a 13 goon dinner, in dellanoe of wind, weather and the law of gravitation, Isn't as great a teat an Ilse thrashing of a geordie ship's crow. 71 all depends upon the point of view. READING BACKWARDS, One of the queerest notions foe eco. Tint is prob- ably time in reading gP p ably one advanced by a correspond- ent of a New Y,ojk newspaper, who ad- vises this style: 1 Mary had a little lamb, 1Snow as white was fleece Its, And everywhere the* Mary went, I Go to sure was lama the. The theory seems to be that by read- ing the alternate lines from right to left the eye does not travel so far as usual, and thus a material saving is affected. But this idea palls before a crazy suggestion of another idiotwlio would like to see it thus: Miry had a little lamb, Wons sa etahw saw emelt att. THE VIOLENT ART OF ELOCUTION. Aren't you afraid to leave that handsome, bric-a-brac on the mantels and tables while your daughter re- , cites? No; those are old patched -up pieces time eke has smashed' on former ore cessions." A Rad Case of Asthma. Mrs. Samuel Ferndel, of CIements- port, N.S., writes: Fern It is withgreat pleasure that I write•you to tell of the good I have derived from the use of Catarrhozone. I am in my eight- ieth year now and from youth up I have been troubled with Asthma, and not until I used Catarrhozone, did I get relief. It hie cured my Asthma in an incredibly short time, and 1 heartily recommend it to all." Ca- tarrh -o -zone in sold by all druggists. Trial outfit sent for foe in stamps by N, 0. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont., Proprietors. A bachelor says a wife is undoubted- ly' a good !king to have around the house -to btame things on when they go wrong. • r . , " Pharaoh 10o." rbm:;„ r ."ems.°°.` -A man Who is tied to his wife's ap- ron string is well connected. O'KEEFE'S SXT OP MALT lnrlknrster sed Stern hent LLOYD WOOD, Tomato. Gx�vsaAL AGENT. Before marriage a woman worries because she is single and atter mar- riege she worries because she isn't. POR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP btu; been used by mother, for their children teethieg. 1t soothe, the child, wham the game allose `n, Dore, wise calla, and 1, the beet reined; fdor Morison; 25o. a bot- tle, Bold ball dntggists throughout the world. lr* auto and ask for " Mn. Winelow's soothing Snap. A red-hot. iron will soften old putty so that it can be easily removed. TO CURE A COLD Et Oil DAY ve Broom Quinine Tablets All unto LaznW Hr a n d u mono f t taste ar�nnre 0c. 5.l sr. G th e- r g pc. X. W. Orove'a none -are hien each hos, Comets have a temperature that to believed to be two thousand times fiercer than that of red-hot iron. 1NONTOE4L HOTEL DIEIOTOSY'. The " Balmoral," Free Bus n a**.. Hotel CarslakotDdPayla.'5. 0O0 O.T.S. SunniMontreal. *so. Canl.ka A h 00., Prep's. AVENUE )HOUSE -1 min 50'51.1 na 'poo per dem ST. JAMES' HOTEL-- x'i? bIo a.x.,1,0apr; Railway. Pint -Haw Commercial Home. Modern Im• lwovaasata-&otw moderato. There are thirteen streets in Lady- smith, fairly well laid out. The town hall cost£ 5,000 to build. W. P. C. 1016. OALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, *Dint• meet, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100.madele and diplomas for superior excellence Their ra alar nee ererenonfoo t one dieeoeee mek yalir dealer toobsin Is supply. L1ee matte rron on application. F. 0. CALYERT & CO., MANCIMa$TER - • &NOLAND, rass Ban Inetru newts, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. Every Town can have a Band Jowett pr'iko, over 111013 L trine oatelbga08aa liar Bellow mailed tree, Write zee for anything in Mush) or Musical. Inetrumenta. Whaley Boyce & co., 'rorontwar nitre. es[pn. r10MMOK sum Imo Re.ebas, Est WW SusiRote end foes. Sold by all Dateline, or sal Queen 1V. 'Toronto, 7101715 IN OTHER LANDS, It. la stated Haat Pans/dent Kroger has issued a praalamallon eomnsun- doering all the aitleens of the repute. Ila resident abroad. The penalty for nonoomplience Ie u fine of frena ela0Q '10 52,500'and on0to five yours' impri- sonment, with lone of franohlae and confiscation of property. EVERY DAY adds to *tae Iarp'e list of drinieors of CEYLON LUN TEA.lvoraa' 0 not conYblce You, kat a WWI ser1a1n17 wOL �� -- �.,t L0A5 PAOKA055. 25, Nr 40, 60 and AOD, "Canada's Greatest deed Clouse' NEWS SEED OATS THAT WILL MAKE THE FARM PAY. NEW IMPROVED "LIGOWO" ll ; L# T THE HEAVIEST CROPPER KNOWN Yielded 100 bush. 20 lbs, per acre at EBrarsdors Experimental Farm in 1800. The Improved "Ligowo" Oat is a large, plump, white variety, with a branching bead and stiff straw, a vigorous grower, very prolific, and exceedingly early. It has been grown and tested at all the Experimental Farms, and bas given as 51551130 Ot four years' trial an average prop of 64 BUSH., 6 LBB, PEE AOEB. With such favorable results as above reported by the Dominion Experimental Farms, we were induced to procure a supply of seed stock from the oti- ginal source in France, and now offer for the first time the Improved Ligowo Oats grown from imported stock. Price per lb., 20c. ; 5 lbs, for el (post-paid); 36 bush., 11.25; bush.,18.00; 5 bush. lots and over, 01.90 per bush.; bags, 20c. each extra NEW "SENSATION" OAT Very ,arca Grain, Soot Quality, Strong Straw It Is Impossible to over-estimate the good qualities of this New White Branching Oat. It has'been grown in this vicinity the past year with extraordinary results, The grain is of good size, the hullo aro thin, and the kernel Is the largo** In proportion to the also of the oat we have yet amen, making it the best variety grown for feeding and milling purposes. The Sensation stools out well, and the straw is verystrong, and does not lodge, even when others with a less weight of head go down. It is a very vigorous grower, quitenoticeably so when seen growing beside other varieties. Itis bound to takea leading place, and will, no doubt, become a very popular variety. Price per Ib., 15c.; 4 lbs., 500 (post-paid); bush., 31; 5 bash. lots, 05e. per bush.; 10 bulb, lou and over, OOc. per bush.; bags, 20c. each extra. IMPROVED "AMEFIICAN" OAT This splendid oat bas already proved itself to be entitled to rank among the very firstand best varieties. Itis a'heavy growing strong stmwed variety, and is of such vigorous constitu- tion as to be almost proof against rust and other diseases. The 'grain is large, white, Win bulled, and in every respect first-class. Price per bush., 75c.; 5 bush. lots and over, 70a per bush.; 10 bush. lots and over, 65c.; bags, 20c, each extra. SELECTED °II BLACK TARTARWAAI" OAT It is extremely hardy, grows with vigor and rapidity, stands well, and adapts itself toalmost any soil. Grain very black, large and plump. Our seed ingrown. from imported stock. Price per bush„ 70c.; 5 bush. lots, ono per bush.; 10 bush. lots and over, 60c. per bush.; bags, 20c. each extra. STOCKS of these new and improved eats sue limited ; order early and avoid disappointment. The bushel prices are for shipment from Toronto. Toucan get Steels, Briggs' Famous Garden and Flower Seeds from your Resident Merchant, or send for them direct. THE BEST SEEDS THAT GROW. A Handsome Illustrated 112 Page Catalogue Free, send ler one to -day. The Steele, Briggs Seed Co., LIMITED TORONTO, Ont. "Sniping" is firing by sharpshooters wherever they see an euemy's head or limb. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATICNS as they cannot reach the at, of the dL+ coca. eat tr,h is a cure youmitutto1.5, dl canoe, and w orderis,to earn Catarrh lou mat take Internal ally, a1 5 1.111. reCthe bio taken m l coos a and Sete di - reedy h Luebloodsadua 1 ,u thence tows Catarrh Lure o not a hen, k medicine, It this prescribed by one of the best phynbiana in this country for yea's, and le a regular prescriptlna. It ix composed of the boot tonics known cam blond with the beet blood purifier. noting dl• racily on the mucous surreeeo. The perfect combination of tate two ingredients is what produces ouch wonderful reaulto in curing atarrh. Send fnr teatrmouisls free, F..). CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by drugg,ete. price 75c, MIN ritually Pole aro the best, A French officer has invented an army bicycle, which, at the word of command, can be folded in two and slung over the shoulder. HARRIS SrD7Or >voatrtre LEAD, COPPER, tag tss. Wholaule only, Long Distance Telenbens1129. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES, and other 550000E to ensurm best tooth cowgirls s to The Uawsoq Commission Co., Limited, Cor• Weet-Market & Oolhorne at, Toronto, Michigan Land for Sale. 8 000 ACR11 0000 FARMING LANOB-ARCLNAo Iowa O erne, .o Crawford Ooupnee. Title e t g a0 r p Letteot. 50 ldiohlgan Oentrnh D.te s s Mrokinao nod o Late hese Leo xt prier nug)ng linin 8Y 0511 Ter acro. Thee Londe aro Ohne to Robe widen New Town., Churches, 9 Apply be widen to R' OOAgent, Westmra� Or J.W.oliTIS,WhNBay City, Stem Set, Stour Wind Rheumatism NEURALGIA SCIATICA, MUSCULAR, IN FLA a1 MATO RY, GOUT, WM SAGO, RHEUMATIC PARALYSIS, IiSTHMA 0'r ,d,•rhod Is sure and las cured thousands -some pronounced incurable. Write Its once. Oooklet and Proof on request. Address ih® S1RIIss-AIIERII;AR CO.,Windsor, C o6. Canada Carters Carters COLD CORE 30o. Cnrosja a rlay. P. Me. Cornets & Ca, Agents, Montreal. THE 088 M0INE8- INOUEATOa-.Beet and ORenpoat O. Rolland alis agent tor thaDorolnlon. Seed gal, .tams for cataloger. 371 St.Paut Street, Moocreal Catholic Prayer eooke,0osariey0ret- y eH Rebuttal. Plotting,Statuary, sad Church Crewmn: Educational We°01.10ireceive. atten- tion. rs tin. oai.A& 00.Monteal. Dyeing! Weaning! Por the very but rood your work to the '� RRITISN AMERICAN 0511100 CO." Lank for agent In your town, or amid direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. AGENTS WANTED. We want good,JLlsAnlx, 05500x710 moo In "unrepresented district*" throughout the Dominica to Well our stook for htatm nt This stook s aora oo good dIredends peseble pet rear,' or addingto roepE; else to nnaurc applications for good I M•Y liberal wmml.alms. Apply, Sun Savings and Loan Company, HACKNEY STALLIONS FUR. SALE -4 bay tee. year•oltle; wanking type; 11 gh .otleri, fashionable breeding; Pricen reasonable. M. H. Coot• race, Hilburn Motion, Qua. The "Happy Thought" Range Made by THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE CO., Limited, BRANTFORD, ONT., le the beat In Cho world. For sale by leading eaten everywhere. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. PS'S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. COCOA Toronto BREAKFAST --SUPPER. a !WhI1'1►/111►•'lIVIWII,ill.1L4.a'ae,a+.-,4sta. a,. 4r.a s4.e+w'i w'w'tur. To Introduce Dr, Dent's Toni° Pills for making blood for pale people, female woalt°eaas,1ber and kidney ;Enema nerron.nae, weakoe. of the a s1em, utc., w, give MX ye,,, aholee 5( a 145 Hold Plated 01steh,. plain or engraved, or Gun Metal- Watch, Iodide or Gent's rellbalothne keeper, warnietedlwon. The pills are Me par boa -.",10 tar 101boxes 5505 WI. almond, and you will rename 10 beam and the watch; or elite for p rleoulsrs. Mate wonted lex every town and olty, THE OR. 01117 Pitt 00., 29 Adelaide 50, West, Toronto, not, Wo5IJ&P .OtOpl'.R vim 4100 ESVNG, 141104.61.1 ME w N of it. You want Paint quality, rather than quantity. Yon won't object to gutting a great deal for your money though ; Will you nowt AMSAY'S PAINTS Weer well wd look well, 1 1155,0,0115 .trek two mats -Wok of it Dot Sala by all Molt Oho *.te.+alere, A. RAMSAY & SON, MONTREAL, Palau Maker., Eeteldbh. d 1812,