HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-29, Page 5toile . ,, • p MAB,! 29, 1900 BUSINESS CAROL , �Q�IIaY TO LOAN AT 5 PER 9Pnt. 1 ,fi, 00oi'1', Brussels. kI, rather MaCRA qL i, 7�N—� o e 00pt f 1• far rlage Licenses,088 qf. 030000E t' flee at grapararnOPrry 6064rnssPla. N. 13AB> ETT— -0.. Tcnsorlal Artist,. Shop --Next floor North of the Standard i3antc, plsadios' and Children's hair patting a specialty, TRARMS FOR SALE --THE UN. .e.� ,DE>°r011ED nap several good Perms for Fiala and to rent, easy terms in ;townships .. .01 Morris and Grey, F S. S0OTT,Brasoole M. MDRRISUNI Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEAoff0jt 0I' • PIANO AND — ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 0NeaRAN91t, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT ,JEWELRY SWIM. 15rNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MISS SARAN LOUISE MOORE, L, O, M.. Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Nluide, also Member of tbo Associated a Musicians of number iota is pupilspfordfuntruotlon on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupil a for the Pr'incipal's Form in elle Consmvuto>y of Music. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. HUNTER— Clerk of tiro UNTER— Clerkoftlro Fourth Division Court, ' Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Puhlro, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent; Auction- eer. Funds invested and to' loan. Cnlfee- tions made. Office in Graham's'Illook, Brus- sels. AUCTIONEERS. VS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for better prices, to better men, in leas time and lees chargee r lie than charge Auctioneer Datessandrord re can always be arranged at this oinoe or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (remise= or 0r.Arommn) DENTIST. Graduate of 1i. 0.D S.. Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Heakol's School, Mango, in crown and bridgework. 1. •Prices -same as in surrounding towns. Office over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels, VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK— ' • Boner Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals lin a compet- entmanner, Partioular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. w_ M. SINCLAIR— Barrister, Solioltor, 'Oonvoyanoer, Notary Public, &o. Office -8 tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sauk. !_'t F. BLAIR, BARRISTER lV7t�• Solicitor, &o, Office over Stand. and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, G. CAMERON— lll • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderieb Ont. Ofllco—Hamilton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, 111. D., O. M.,' Licentiate et Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Nth gston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physiciaue and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Children a special- ty. Niue years' experience. Moe and res- idence, opposite Ilngliehlohnroh, Bruecle, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 11L Ib„ C. 111., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the RoyatCol- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edintiurg6, r3.1'olephoue No.I4, Resit1onco--Mill attest, B0001015, DR. WM. L. HOLMES, P114010IA4, 801>08QN AND ACC00C71EIIR, (Sncceosor t0 Ur, V. 11. Rolhaelseh) M. D. Bellevue Hospital Mod, Col„ New York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Tor0n- 30 ; Member of the College of Pbysiolano and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose end throat. - 10.11 b.. F. SMITH, M. C, C. M., Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &„ &o. 4.11 specialty work satisfactorily treat- ed. Office upstairs In the 081610on Blook. Cisco bourn, 0 to 12 a, m., and 7 to 10 p. m. Specialist work, snob as for oyo, ear, throat, &o.. le the office at his residence, Elizabeth street, from 2 to 0 p m. A11 medicines will he dispensed personally by the Dr, or under his direct sUpervlofoh. Joseph Martin, Premier of British Columbia, has seized all the Viae and timber of tbo Crow's Neat Railway for alleged non.payme0tof royalties. John (nartion, M. P., Who hag repre- sented North Norfolk since 1872, was a. gain unanimously elected by the Liberals of 0101 riding for the Commons. JIA BitUSSE frS ,Po 111)toiriri Sttno, At,.G'v1 ootil• Mico Bella Lawrence, of Mitollell the genet o1 Mrs, B. It, Le01t0, I Milton o 9 a I M w n, of Jamostow n, taken a position with 01 l,', 13olme8, will run the w,ggou during the Summer time. Rev, Mr. Hunt preached hie farewell in the Baptist oilmen. last Sunday at $ p, m, No definite arrangements have been made for his °110088051 as yet. The following were 035(5gaies to the Perth S. 0, convention in Stratford last 170ek S. Peters, R. Anderson, Miss Par. ker, Atwood ; p, Vipond, Donegal 0tid R. Code, Trowbridge; R, A. Olimie, Listowel, 0016 the 150 more farm belonging to the John M. aim - le estate to David Nichol, of Atwood. Thio ie a valuable property in the cor- poration, and the pride realized was $6,850, The farm is oubjeot to the lease hold by John Scott, who has some time to run, and Mr. Nichol w/11, for the pres- ent, 000upy the farm od the 8th line of Elora, which he has rented. A meeting of the directors of the Elmo Mutual Fire Lawman Co. wee held at Atwood, Maroh 13th, Applioatiooe for Insuranoo ware received and accepted' and emouoted to $12,067,500. A oluim was presented from Joseph MoLellan of sheep supposed to have been killed by 1 ghtning but on account of the ,animal being skinned and buried before notify• ing the Company the claims could not be entertained, The mooting adjourned un• til April 10th. Trowbriti;:e. • A. nigher: has so far recovered es to be able to be out again. • R. G, Code attended the Sunday school oonveution held in Stratford. Thooe from here who attended the Ire- beili coaoert, at Listowel, report a rare treat; air. and Mrs. Evans and the Mimes Shier, of Kincardine, were visiting at the home of W J. Togheo. Robert Oliver left on Wednesday of last week to get things in shape for the cheese malting season, which will soon commence, PmaeEN'rATIoN.—The meeting of the Epworth League, on Monday evening of last seek, assumed the form of an "At Home," . After a program, consisting of seem:ler, recitations and music, inetro• mental and vocal, light refreshments were served. Advantage wait taken of the 00005io0 to present Miss E. A. Omens with a silver tray and a number of piece's of gold, as a mark of appreciation of her services as organist, which position she has held for the last 12 years. The fol. lowing address was read by R. G. Code, and the presentation was made by Mies J. Murdock ;— To ]Visa B. A. Cosens. DEMI 411I040,— We, the members and adherents of the Methodist ohurob, Trow- bridge, having met in the interests of the Epworth League this evening, are de. sirens of showing in a small degree our appreoiation of your services daring the past 12 years as organist in o0r ohuroh. Your faithful discharge, of duty has rendered your oervi0es worthy of our ad- miration and esteem. We ask you there- fore to accept this silver tray with the gold thereon,'not for its intrinoio vain°, but to show yon that we fully appreciate your labors among us, and pray that you may be spared to Blithe various positions the oburoh may see lit to impose upon you is the wish of your many friends. Signed, Mrs. J. R. Code, Mrs. J. Mur. dock and R. G. Code. Rev. Mr. Bristol,. on behalf of Mies Coeens, thanked the public for the tangible expression of their appreoiation of her services. Baptist church, Me Pati death le deeply deplored. Many people I rt arovi i tin: the ruins whish aro a deplorable eight, the works being a complete Wreck and the walla razed to the ground, 'the boiler , 30 appears to be infant, only the (m1003i4119 to the eleetri9 light being damaged AO Kr. H d the hFi8 M ay ba eleotrio hot Replant, 'in operation again on Saturday idgbt. The explosion is now believed to have 000urred in the purifier, and it le supposed that the unfortunate engineer was endeavoring to adjnat it at the time, :sheloroe of the explosion was suo11 that portions of the reef were blown for cop. atderablo dfetano00, and house°in the im. mediate vicinity were badly damaged, and doors were blown in, The fnll ex. tent of the damage done through the town ie just beginning to be realized, but enough has already been found to show that it is very serious, The plate glace front in Mr. Flemiug's atom on Main street ie deetroyed. J. H. McDonald's large plate; 3310613 31031410 badly cranked. Adolph & 13onnett'e and A. U, Georgs'o plate glass fronts are damaged and the windows in 0. Tabberner'o and the Tian. Her office, also in T. Lacer's and Gee. Porter's chops are broken. The fire bei was moiled d gode i d out an soon had the fire under control. The gas works, the pro. party. of J. 0, Hay, are a mase of .ulna, the building being blown into match wood. The grou•rd is covered for a considerable >1ista0oe in all direotione with the dehrie from the plant and building. The insurance on the gas plant ie $3,000 and on the electric plant $800, The engine and dynamo of the electric plant are not injured. The expiration ie supposed to have been caused by the gas holder blowing up, owing to too great pressure. Mr. Hay had porohaoed it and was about putting in a meth larger hold. er. The unfortunate Mr.. Bitten was a native of Cambridge, England,, and hae a wife and four ohildreu, Only Member day the proprietor presented him with an ineurauoe polioy for $1,000. Universal sympathy is felt for the family. A {W'idow's Love Affair Reoeiveo a eetbaok, if she has offensive breath from Oonatipstion, Biliousness, or Stomach Trouble, but Dr. King's New Life Pills always mere those troubles ; Mean the system, sweeten the breath, banish headache ; beat in the world for liver, kidneys and howelo. Only 25u at G. A. Deadman'o drug store. Li1t.ov0 el. The Assessor is now on bio rounds. S. S. Jennings, florist and market gardener, is to the fore with early lettuce. R. Hunter ie having the North half of V. Ioerger'o building on Wallace street fitted up for a drug store. Rev. James Henderson, D. D., Toronto, Aaeooiate Secretary of'Missione for the Methodist ()Unroll, preached Sunday morning and night in the , Methodist Choral:, Listowel. The local Orangemen are already be', Miming themselves promoting the cele• bration of the Doming 12th, which; from present indications, promises . to witness the largest gathering of Orangemen ever held here. The senior class of boys belonging to the Baptist Sunday school, Listowel, aseem bled at the residence of their pastor, Rev. W. T. Bunt, and presented him with a very substantial studente chair a0Pompanied by an address. Amor, Examelots.-0n Thursday night of last week about 11.30, the Listowel Gas Works blew up with a terrible explosion, the whole town being shaken. Nearly everyone momentarily expected that their own dwelling was about to tumble down upon them. Tbe.nraeh woe im- mediately followed by thsgas going otic, which at once located the scene of the disaster. The extent of the havoc wrought at the gas works was diooloaed to those who rushed thither, the entire building being found to have been blown to pieces, the iron gas holder, brink walla, wrsci>ags of the roof, machinery, eta., be. ing found a heap of ruins, and the tease bad taken lire, The operator, Wm. Bit. tou, aged 40 years, wee in the engine - house at the time, and was • burled with great violenoe against the wall, A search party, ooneieling of Messrs. Bamford, Hermineton and Lee, at once set $0 work to discover the unfortunate man. fie was found all covered with brioko. The fire had not reached him, but be was a terrible eight. At first be was able to epeal>bat soon lapsed into unooneoious• ne00. The unfortunate man was at o0oe tenderly carried to Mr. Woods' livery of. lice and medical assistance procured. It was found that one of hie legs was broken and the other bad o. terrible gash in the thigh and was also supposed to be broken. His hands, face and body were •bruised, out and blaokeued. In addition he was hurt internally, his injuries being nor. fous. He died Friday morning about .11 o'olook. Deneosed was respected by everybody, being a man of exemplary oharaotor and an ardent worker in the, To Save Ilcr Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs, Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., rep. plied-Buokleu'e Arnica Salve to great sores ou her head and Noe, and writes itegaick Dura exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cute, Burne, Scalds and Piles. 25a Care guaranteed by G. A. Dead. mac, druggiat, Go0.1-i H. Gorrie boasts of a new flag. Robe. Dane has left for Stoaktoo, Mao, Rev, Mr, Dobson is, we are glad to say, able to be around again. Amos Doan has been appointed janitor of the Presbyterian aburah. Richard Sperling is at present quite ill at the borne of his parents on the 4th con. Mre. 3. A. Took has returned from Toronto, a0oompanied by ler sister, Mrs. A. J. McKay. Richard and Mrs. Clegg have the eym• patby of all in the death of their obild which took place on Saturday night, 17th inst. Exeter-. Workmen are busy building 10 the boiler at the Power House. Robert Pickard ie confined to his bed, suffering from RD attaok of inflammation of the Mega. J. P. Clarke bac dispooed of his stock of goods to J. W. Broderick which has been removed to the latter's store. Sam') Brook, Londou Road, under- went a surgical operation for the re moval of a large growth in bis neck at St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Brook hes been subject to the trouble for years and as it threatened serious results be deem. ed it advisable to have it removed. The R. T. of T. held a memorable meeting on Monday evening of last week. An addreee was presented to 7.P. Clarke, who replied in the most feeling terms, Mrs. Clarke was also present. Towards the close lunobeou was served by the sisterhood and the caterer, Mr. Foiliok. A toilet case was presented Mr. Clarke on the eve of hie removal from Exeter. Seven Tears In Bed. "Will wonders ever Deese 7" enquire the friends of Mre. S. Pease, of Law. ranoe, Kao. They knew thehadbeen unable to leave her bed in seven years on amount of kidney and liver trouble, eer• vette "prostration and general 'debility; but "Three bottles of Eleotrio Bitters enabled me to walk," the writes, "and in three months I felt like a new per. son." Women Buffering from Headache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Faiutiug and Dizzy Spell's will fled it a priceless bleesiog. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50a at G. A. Deadman'° drug store. 13I.V tl.. B. B. Cooper, of Clinton, has been awarded the oontraot for -a new brink school bones in Oonotanoe. - N.B. Gerry, of Brnaeele,lbas porches. ed the Denetedt hardwarestook and is in possession. Mr. Gerry is a practical tinsmith as well as acquainted with hardware. Harry Kelly, who is now oouduoting a lumbering businese in Louisiana ie now in Blyth and will close up his businese antra here, returning to the sunny South in two or three weeks. The contracts for the new anion block have been awarded as follows 1—Stone. work, Ieaao Brown, Blyth ; brickwork and plastering, McNeil &Pugh', Brussels; carpenter work, Cowan & MaGit1, Blyth ; framework, Jame Hill, Blyth, John G. McGowan, eon of the late Jas, McGowan, died at the reeidonoe of his mother in East Wawsnoeh on Saturday night, 17th 'nat. Pernicious anrnrnia, which confined him to the house for the past three menthe, W00 the Cause of death. MIs funeral took plane on Tues. day afternoon of. last week to, the Union cemetery, At a spacial meeting of saute Marie tent, No. 123, K. 0. T. M,, the following resolution was adopted •-Whereee, it has pleased our Divine Father to oall from our midst the beloved wife and mother of our Bros. Robert and Dr. W. 3: Milne ; be it resolved, that, while we sincerely regret the death of Mre. Milne, we bow before the will of God and hope it is for the boat, To the bereaved family we tender our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in the lose of a loving wife and mother. Reoolved, that a oopy of this resolution be forwarded to Bros, Robert and Dr. Milne, and a copy bo fnruished for publication in the Stan. dead. (Signed) George Smith, Corn. mender ; M, Ix, Hammond; S00rotary, Below will be Routed the flab Of those wbo lave already eubeoribed and paid to the Pa4riotio Fund here 1--P,receede of Aileen Lecture, 011,00 i preemie et Patriotic consort, $30,27 ; prooeeda of i M • r Hatt I e w .0 ham Wilford, e ho 42 9 n if $ '41' d $6.00 1 Anderson do Elder, $3 00 ; Dr, snobs, $1.00 ; 0, Fi, Bennett, 01,00; Wm. Sime, $100 ; A. MoNelly, $1.00 ; Bradwin, $1.00; W. J. Scott, 01,09; Capt. Ramo, $1,00 ; Mre, James, $1,00 ; J, G. Moser, $1.00 ; Wesley Quinn, 260.—Total, $106.52. W Inuit lain. V, Wenzel unfortunately spit one finger with a 06300. Barrister Dickenson was in Goderieb at the Spring Assize Court, ;Ino. (Bubb had the forlinger of bis lett band smashed while handling a log in the chair factory, He will lose the finger. Miss Macdonald received the following prompt acknowledgment of the band- come donation from ladies of Wingharn, for the Red Cross Fond :— Margaret J. Macdonald, Tress, Ladies' Com., Wingham. Doo MADAw,—Please convey to the ladies of Winghamthe grateful thanks of the Executive for the bsodeome donation just reoeived-$198. We take it 0e Rn evidenae of the loyalty of your citizens and the thoughtful feeling of the ladies for those of our gallant sone who are oaf faring in South Afrioa. Believe me, yours sincerely, Chas. A Hodgetts, M.D., Toronto, Mar, 14, 1900. Hon. Sec. The friends of 0. Gilobriet will be pleoosd. to hoer that he le re caverin g from the affects of the paralysis which laid him aside. The flo,,t of the Ramage at the Salt, 0o has fallen n Stook fee of I d q an t will have I b v a be rebuilt. The front of the boiling ugP a n M. eo peedP renetvino, and Mr, Sperling is contemplating putting it in good order for the Summer, run, Amo') Burton, of Renfrew, nephew of Mrs. J. Dickeon, of town, and well known here, has gone to South Africa in Strathoona'e Horse. Re is on the tele. graphic corps, and repeals the regiment a line looking lot of men, Norman McPherson, of Orkney, wee fatally injured by his sleigh apeetting near Scutt Mi11e. Gavin Rose, a well.to•do farmer of the Emerson distriot, wart inetagtly killed by his team running away, ft71e Business Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and practical train• login all branches of Oommeroial work, at eousiderably lees than regular rates, For full information apply Bootrt. or College ever Post Offline. L. HARTT, LISTOWEL, PRINCIPAL, A LEAN PURSE Takes on a new lease of life when it comes into contact with the extra value and superior quality of our ,New and Seasonable Goods. Ready-made Suits. Our Spring etook of i.tlen'o Ready- made Suits la now ready for inspection and we are offering three lines at very epaxial prices Light and dark colored fancy tweed, extra value, per snit $4 25 Light and dark oolored foamy tweed, extra valve, per suit 5 00 Light and dark colored fanoy tweed, extra value, per snit ' 6 00 These are but a few of the Bpeoial- Values that we are offering iu aur stook of Ready-made Clothing. Just ,a Word to the Young Men. If you young men intend to dress 'stylish this Spring it will pay you to oall and me our stook of Fenoy Tweeds and and Worsteds. Prioes range—$11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, ,$18, $19 and $20 per wait. Oar Shoe stook consists of High We guarantee a At and we also 000 a Grade Shoes made by John McPherson, superior quality of Trimmings, of Hamilton, and J. D. King, of Toronto. Neckwear and Hats. We ask you to inspect our Neolr- wear and'oar new stook of Hata. We loan chow you the leading shapes in Fedoras. Oolore—B'iaok, Brown, Fawn and Pearl. We can show you tbo leading shapes in Stiff Hate in all the newest colors. A Few Words to the Ladies. Please don't fail to see oar LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS before buying. We are also showing a Larger range of GINGHAMS than ever before. Call and see oar CRETONNES in light and dark colors. Prices ranging 10o, 12}o, 14a, 15a, 16c and 17e. We have a more complete stook of LACE CURTAINS than ever. High Grade Shoes, We consider it a leiasure to Show You Goods MCALLISTER'S, Spring Prints P. K. & Ginghams All Spring G-oods at Old Prices at.... Agent for Parker's Dye Works. SKEN E'S. THE VERY CREAM Of fine Grocetiee for the Christmas Season is now being shown by ne, every artiole being bright, clean and fresh, and as quality le the first essential we have taken special Dare to select only the floeat goods for your inepeatioo. A look through our store will show you that our [stook of Fruits and Table Delicacies ie vary nom• plate, and if you have a single thought of economy we ask you to examine our goods before purchasing and whatever you select in CURRANTS I RAISINS PEELS PIGS or anything else for table nee, you can rest and give your orders our best atteutioa. Oysters by Dish or Quart. ICINGS CHOCOLATES EXTRACTS, SPICES SHELLED WALNUTS &'ALMONDS assured, we will do oar best to please you Fine Stock of Confectionery. 0. H. B,ARTLiFF, cino0ER. 4, _ K P,1 ARE, YOU IN LOVE With doe Deese Goode and Silks 7 .If so you should eco therand dieplay of now and fashionable. geode we are showing, Our etook g this Spring comprleeo all the newest fabrioe in stylish Dress Goode, having plaoed our order° for those goods before the advance in prices, we cum g1Ve you exceptionally good value in all lines. s We Open the ;mint Cam ai 'n with Prices like These � p �' New Poplins, in blank, brown and navy, bright finish, medium dee cord, epeoial 600. Vienna Cloth, three shades, very stylish, 75o. Vigoreaox, io two toned goods, very special 50o. Blank Luetree at 25o, 35o, 60o and 75o. Black Wopl Serge, heavy twill, 80o. Empress Wool Serge, 1n bleak and navy, 50o. Black French BlisterOropooe at 76o, $1 and 01,80. Fanoy Tweed Dram Goods, Summer weights, 50o, Colored Cashmere, 42 inches Nide, worth 26o for 15a. Japanese Bilge, in all colore, very warm goods, pare silk, 35a, Striped Bilks fur waists, a Bgap at 250,114 Waist Sitio, in stripes and cheeks, 50a, 750 and $1, We (tarry a full range of Dress Trimmings to match all Drees Goode, in Gimps, Braids, Friugea, Silks, eta. April Fashion Sheets, Free of Charge, now on hand. NATIONAL xzczaxxtx ROLLER xxx xcxxxxx MILL BRUSSELS, Standsin the front rank for Tip -p Flour. OururManitoba Brand is First- Tip-top class, taking 1st prize at the Fall Exhibition. • • Chopping done by the Stone process, recognized as the Best in use. Satisfaction assured. Oatmeal always on band for sale or exchange for oats. Dry el inerican Corn by the Car Load. /1 Zen all kinds of Mitt Feed. Special Attention given to Gristing.— .,_ Improvements have been made that add to our ability to do the very best for our customers. W. F. Stewart. 0e ocacza1+'24SY't2.2I6t'U•Cr'rJ•.ti-rJJi"rB•b`ttiTWAL.Iad9"L'•Sr'tLib"etaR-lt'ts.tl"tyn Are You Thinking of ry,, Buying �rga� Range or. gCrypoeogk Stove ? uveacezit If so you should see our Gurney's Imiarial RANGED Seven of these Ranges sold since the Brussels Fair. They save more Fuel Are easier Regulated Than any other of their class Also a barge (Replay of Baee Burners, Coal and Wood Heaters. A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete, for $50. It takes 26 inch wood. The heat is always the Cheapest. You will save your money by palling on us Wilton & Turnbull i..Fi`"l.9"!.J'0Z1Z3 191:: `•l.!'Vr'I.PA..4'°''C.J'•1.b" .W"t P:51.,J', zztt52tiszi& Furniture When It Comes to We have something to say of special interest to everyone who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a -Parlor Suite, Couch, • Bedroom Suite, ,Sideboard, Extension Table, Mockers, Dining Chairs, Anything, Everything that is desirable. We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten, Picture Framing saotcekoefd M oto ianrg°' sfutllo y select fame, You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at 4.1A10. WALKER'S. 4''4 ` H ,. 4!IM74 »�•` 04g i*y ;AMiir�/ ; iIM,15ir ell(,