HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-29, Page 44 htaax.s:z st. TJIU11SD4.Y, 1148. 29, 1900, HIGH UQURT OF JUSTICE. Court opened on Hoaday of last week at 2 p, m. for the hearing of aotioot in the High Oaurt of Juetioe, On aeoourd of the iudispoaiticn of Justice Falcon. bridge, Chief Jaatioe Armopr heard the oases. There being no prisonene in jail awaib• ing trial, Hie Lordship wee presented by Sberlff Roynelde with the onotomary pair of white gloves. The grand jury were — Edward Aobeson, Goderieb township ; Wm. Blashifl, T3rneeelsWilliam Bryan, Morrie; Thomas Campbell, Stanley: Matthew FArrie, Aebfieid ; J. T. Gold• thorpe, Saltford ; Wm. Jackson, Hallett ; Lagronae A. Mason, Howick ; Duosan Mo0ow71n, RHO' ley ; Rout, G. loLaugh• Turnberry ; John -Padfield, 'Turn - berry Jas, Turnbull; Grey ; Hugh Wright, Grey. J. T., Goldthorpe was chosen as foreman, and after the jury had been eworn in His Lordebip ad• dressed them briefly, referring to the fact that there were no oriminal oaeee to be tried and stating that it would be their duty to visit the jail, see if the inmates were legally confined, examine as to its sanitary conditions and asoertain whether it is pate enough to keep seoure those oonflned in it. Asquith vs. Grand Trunk Ry. Co. et al., the first action on the docket, was postponed. Sanderson ve. MoNaughton had been settled. Small ve. Bradford — Action for damages missed plaintiff by the alleged negligence of defendant. L. E. Danoey was counsel for the defendant. No one appeariag for the plaintiff, the action was diemiesed with ousts. Burne v,. Clark.—Action for malicious prosecution and !alae arrest. Tlee plaintiff, Mrs. Burns, of Bayfield, was arrested last November at the instance of the defendant in the ogee, W. J. Clark, formerly a merebant of Seafortb, and was aften,arde tried, on the charge of selling cerosin property with intent to defraud her oreditore, particularly Clark. The action against her failed, and she broughtthis snit to recover damages for wrongful arrest, expenses thereby in• onrred, los, of health, etc. Philip Holt, Q. C., for Off. ; J. M. Beet (Seafortb) for deft. After bearing evidence His Lord. ship withdrew the case from the jury and dismissed the plaintiff's lotion with costa. Cameron ve. Cameron.—Au action for slander taken by Mia; Isabella Cameron against Mrs. Roderick Cameron. Plain. tiff and del. were both residents of Ash- field towi ship, at Looheleh, and the plaintiff was forced, as she states, by the oironlation of the Blander concerning her to leave the locality and move to Luck - adv. Hugh Morrison (Lnaknow), coun- sel for plff. ; J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., for deft. The jury returned a verdiot for plaintiff for $500 damages, and Hie Lord• ship directed that the costs be paid by defendant. Cameron vs. McLennan.—This was another action for Blander, taken by the same plaintiff am in the above case againet Finlay McLennan; of Loohaleh. Council the same as in the above case, The jury awarded plaintiff $200 damages and His Lordship allowed plaintiff the costs of the action. This was the last case on the jury list.. Lee vs. Mitohell et al.—Aotioo to set aside anal egad fraudulent oonveyanoe of land and also a bill of sale of farm stook. The plaintiff was Charles Lee, of Gode• rich, designee for the estate' of Alex. Mitohell, of Stanley, apple dealer, and action was taken by him to eat aside the conveyance by said Mitohell to his brother, J:woes, of oertain land and obat- tele as a 1. and upon his oreditore. W. Prondfoot and L. E. Danoey for plff ; J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., for defts. This trial commenced ab noon on Tuesday and continued until nearly 2 o'clock Wednee day afternoon. Judgment was given setting agile the conveyance attacked in the pleadi:tge with poste. in the follow- ing ora+ Th d jurybrought 1 i g ing presentment: To His LORDSHIP Cum Jusixon Amman, BOLDING ASSlza bITTINes AT GODRRICH, Melton, 1900. The Grand Jurors of Oar Lady the Queen present that they have visited the jail and found everything, glean and tidy and the prisoners therein all satis- fied with their treatment. There are ten prisoners ; ehree under chargee of in. sanity, one waiting extradition and six committed for vagrancy. We woatd strongly recommend that the jailer be provided with better a000m• modation for bis private use, the present apartments devoted to that use being behind the age, besides too confined and not euffioiently isolated from the prisoners. • We also visited the County Hones of Refuge and found therein 81 inmates, who appeared to be happy and contented and well satisfied with their treatment ; the premises appeared neat and clean and the food sufficient and wholesome, and think that Mr. and Mrs. Frenoh try to do their bast in everything pertaining to their drake. The house ie filled almost to its capacity. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. J. T. GoLDTHanrn, Foreman. TUB i$,hU$3EL$ JOLT forgo defendant to deed over the late on whioh the Soofety bolds the annual gooses, and the silver trophy that sbonld be pregeuted annually to the wianore of the tug of war et the amulet. games, Tbo property wee bold by Boyd as trustee, and when the Societyboosting defend some Years ago he contnued in poseeesion, Hie Lordship gave judg• meat for plaintiff, with costa against de. fondant, Hugh Harrison, Lualtnow, for plaintiff ; Philip Holt, Q. C., far do• fondant. llayber'et al, ve. Peck, a suit to deter- mine a will, was referred to the local 'neater of the Qbanoery Court. Garrow Garrow for plaintiff ; Jae, Soott for de- fendant, The Court at one p, m, adjourned for one hour and On resuming at 2 p, 01. Holmes ve. Town of Goderioh was nom. menaed. Arehiteet Fowler presented plans of the wharf and octal shed, Dr. W. 3, R. Holmee was examined at come length regarding the coutraot, and the reading of the evidence given by jr, B, Holmes In the interim examination 001• eluded plaintiff's ease. For the defence Engineer Kelly, Chairman of Committee Oantelon, Town Clerk Mitchell, Colleotor Reid, H. Stowe, Wm, McCaughan and Capt, Wylie, At the oonolusion of the evidence the cottneal addressed the Cenrt at some length, and it was finally settled that they should each send a record of the decisions bearing on the case to Hie Lordship la Toronto, where a decision will be given at some future date. E. L. Dickenson, of Wingbam, for plaintiff ; Garrow & Garrow for the town. WI R Hoakinge, of Forded* Ana AtexNQktlty, of Tesawator, The meetln,ge oantintte this week. Wm. Mel:Wald, who has been unlet. the employ of XII, Smith for, the peatmay, mouth; hoe decided to go farming to p�1referenge to the livery bueineee. 'There 000DS I6 new an opsuing Pora goad steady man . awho nd good with horses. Bossy bose lend good pay. •• (31f toot. b , Franh In wo th has gone to Coiling Fordwiah. ltev. A. B. Dobson is now regaining strength after his reoent illness and is able to take charge of bis work. Edward Graybiel has moved his house - bold effects into the house be recently had sreoted at the North end of the vil- lage and be and Mrs. Graybiel have tak- en up their residence among us and we welcome them to our village. Leat Fall the Dominion Council, R. T. of T., offered as a premium to local Councils, whioh would inoreaee their membership by 25 per Dent during the last quarter of 1899, a beautiful pickled anchor for the Vice Councillor's pedestal. The members of Jubilee Counoilof tide place went to work and the memberships were increased considerably above the number required. The anchor came to hand and was planed in the Council room. It le a beautiful emblem and a credit to any eooisty. Mrs. Leppard, who was one of the pion- eers of the Mayne settlement and has since resided thsre, accompanied by two of her family, James and Gertrude, left this station on Tuesday morning of last week for the prairie proviioe, where they intend making their home for some time, Their present destination is Treherne. They have rented their farm at Mayne to Marshall Jaoquee for a term of years. They will be missed at Mayne where they took a deep interest fn ohnroh work, and also here, where James bae been Master of the Orange Lodge. wood whore he will start in btieinete, . W. Doherty and family moved trite their hendao,ne new reeidenoe last week. Over 50 names were cent in by A. T. Cooper as subsaribere for the Sheldon edition of the Topeka Capital. Walter Jackson, who has been in the office of therpoherty organ factory, belt ou Tuesday for the Northwest, where he hes obtained a lucrative situation. The old flax mill has been boagbb by •11. F. Andrews, from D. A. Forrester, but-, it does not iatoude the machinery part, • It is Air. Audiew's Intention to convert it into a barn. Lt, Col. Holmes, D. 0. 0, of the Lon. dos district, was in Clinton the other day bo inspect the proposed new rifle range, which was proposed to here for use on J. & R. Rausford'e property at Staple- ton. Owing to the illness of Geo. Armour, the firm which has been conduatiug a harness business under the name of Johnston & Armour for years, bas been dissolved by mutual consent, and J. John. Mon will oarry eu thebusiuess as hereto. fore. • Wa•oxeter. Oo Friday of this week a sawing con• teat will take place here. Mrs. Miller baa bad the electric light pat into her millinery rooms. Mrs. Stafford, of town, left for Mon. treal to visit her sister, Mrs. Tait, who is very eiok at present. Mrs. W. Bandereon, of town, is spend. ing a week or two in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Dane. T. F. Sanders was appointed on the Library Board to fill the vacancy canted by the resignation of Dr. Brawn. John Harris, Robt. McLaughlin and John McFarlane from this vicinity were at Goderich last week on the jury. Robb. Harris baa returned from his trip to Manitoba with a load of horses. He did not go as far as antioipated, hay. ing got a good offer for hie stook at Win- nipeg. Geo. Brown, of the Albion Hotel, Gorrie, and J. A. Walker, of the Walker Hones here, will saw any other two hotel keepers in the county for 950 to 9100 a side, at the sawing contest here on Fri- day next. Gibeou & Co's mill yard here, bas now as Hoe a lot of maple and other hard - and found anywhere coact act be fon wood toY g with various oilier kinds of timber there will 1e a good Summer's work around this flourishing industry. Oars —There died in Toroberry, about three miles from here, on Monday morn. ing, 19th, Mrs. W. H. Eagleson, at the age of 46 years and 2 months. Mrs. Eagleson was a daughter of , J. H. Mo Tavish, and was married to Mr. Eagle- son aboob six years ago, and was getting on well until about seven months ego, when ehe became afflicted with some kind of throat trouble, and notwithstand- ing the beat of care and medical treat- ment ehe gradually grew worse until death relieved her of her sufferings on Monday morning. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church and a lady of whom all who knew her, speak very highly as a good neighbor and kind friend. She leaves no children of her own, but her husband and his children will miss the kind hand of a wife and mother, and perhaps none will miss her more than her aged father and mother, Mr. and Mre, McTavish. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Wroxeter cemetery, the services being oondeoted by Rev. R. B. G. Ander. eon, the deoeased'e pastor, who spoke in flttiog and feeling terms of the departed lady. The remains were followed to the grave by a larse number of friends, rela- tives and neighbors. [Wended for lest week.] At the conclusion of the Lee-Mitohell oase John, James end Alex. Mitohell were arrested and taken before Police Magic. trate. Seeger on chargee of defrauding the creditors of Alex. Mitchell. They were remanded until the 29th inst., and were admitted to bail on sureties of $2,000 Reid vs. Reid et al, an action to recover from a mother, and the exeontors of a will, a piano, or the value thereof, con. 'maimed, on the reassembling of the court utter linen rocees Wednesday, and lasted until after some 13 witnesses bad been ex- amined. The court closed shortly before six, but His Lordship reserved judgment till a.fatme date. 33. Campion, Q. C., for plaintiff, Proadfoot & Kaye for de. fendants. Court opened at 0 a. m., Thursday, and Fretwell ve. Morningstar was resumed, and looted dearly two boars, when His Lordship reserved judgment. Philip Holt, Q. O., for plaintiff ;Garrow Be Gars row for defendant. Harvey vs. Case, wee adjourned till next court. R. 0, Hays for plaintiff;P. Holmestoad for defendant, Caledon'an Society, of Luaknow, vs. Boyd, ooaupied the 000rt for less than two haute, The action was entered to John Murray, said to be the wealthiest man in Stratford, is dead. The will of the late Geo. E. Tuckett, of Hamilton, di,p.sesof an estate of' $000,000. The Grand Trunk and 0. P. R. have advanced seeond•olaee passenger rates to the Paoifle coast. At the Conservative oauous at Ottawa it was decided that the Senate majority ebould again defeat the redisbribntion bill. Mr. VanBueltirk, who bas resigned the poeibiou of City Engineer of Stratford, will accept a similar position in Roseland. The body of an unkuown man, evident ly a recently arrived immigrant, was found near Winnipeg. A. gun lay near the body, and it is supposed that the man committed suicide by pressing the trigger with a stick. An oflioer will be ab the Roeein house, Toronto, on the 27th, 28th and 29th of March, and at the Grigg House, London, on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of April, for the purpose of engaging reunite for the Northwest Mounted Police. 15 Mutts The World. No Discovery in medicine bas ever ore - aced one quarter of the pxoitement that has been paused by Dr. King's New Dis oovery for Consumption. Its severest teats have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and B,onohitie, thousands of whom it hoe restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Aetbma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness, end Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest aura in the world. It is sold by G. A. Deadman, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles b0o and 61.00. Trial bottles free. NEW TERM NOW OPEN. Cuter as Soots as Possible. Er.1� 7 J �Jva ani' L , 111,11 A school offering advantages not to be found elsewhere in the Dominion. Catalogue Free, • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Geo. Lvckie was in Bloevale on bud nese on Tuesday. Grand Patriotic concert on Thursday 22nd, in Town Hall, Wm. Adair is at preeenb 'telling at his home but will return in a short time. Afew of the boys enjoyed a pieaeore drive over to Fordwiob on Sunday p, in. last. Mies Sora Allen, who has for the last two years been in Cleveland, returned home on Monday last. Mr. MaKelvie, has eurobond one of Amos Gofton'a drivers at a handsome sum. Mao. will fly high now. The Pablio Library is being changed from its o'd stand to the Sanderson block behind the peat offtae department. The hookey match between Gorrie and Wroxeter jrs., whioh was to be played on Thursday nighblaet was postponed till Tuesday. The revival serviaee in the Methodist ohnroh last week were aondneted by the following minietere, Revds. Messrs. Rogers, of 13ludale ; ITolibs, of Wlbghatn I Pninhi %Vorks! We are offering for the next Thirty Days our Entire : Stock of Winter Goods at`-■' 777 -�m WHICH CONSISTS OF —Readymade Overcoats at $7, $7.50 and $8. —Readymade Ulster's at $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6 $7 and $8. Reaclymade• Double-breasted Goats, at $3.75 and $4.50. 111"94—Fur Coats at $18, $18.50, $20, $35, $40 and $45. -Fur Caps $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $8.50 and $6. 14.1 Underwear at 75c, $1,10, $1.50, $1.75 and $3.50 per suit. —Woollen Shirts at 55c, 70c, 75e and $1 each. Mufflers at 87ie, 50o, 55o, 70c and 75c each. uj—Gloves at 37ic, 55c, 75c, $1.25 and $1.50 per pair. meausainomimmosiamatossm These goods must be cleared out inside the next 80 days in order to make room for the balance of our Spring Stook. 1 "Everybody come and share in these Bargains while they last. Goods sold at these prices for CASH ONLY. olesale Prices, Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sois- sons, breed knives and other edged tools in up -to date style. Saw Gemming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Setts. faction assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop pn Mill Street, BRUSSELS. Co Spring Hats. Lionize District -OI' TAE - East Riding of Huron, To the Taa;ern-lccepers and others whom it may concern : NOTICE is hereby given that Applications for Licenses MAN 9 x.900 SPRING GOODS Our Spring Hats are now to hand and your inspection is invited before purchasing elsewhere. C. Dunford, Tailor and Danis' Fnrnisller, HURON POULTRY YARD, ALF. BAEKER, Proprie107, 137 ussels, Ooat. for the sale of Liquor in the East !tiding of Huron, for the Lioanee your of 10001001, which commences on the let day et Stay next,will be r.aoived by 'the unlorsigued from the present date up to APRIL 1ST, 1900, inolutivo. Apptleonta must furnish the names of two good and eueloiant seriatim as bondsman at the time of malting application. Any apptionat fora now .boons° must far- nisb'1 amtt0oate signed by a majority of the elooters entitled 0o vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sob - Division in which the premium sought to be licensed aro situated, .and the said majority meet finitude at least ono -third of the sold elootors, who are at the time of snob appli- cation residents within the said Bolling. alb divisions. JNO. R. MILLER, INsroonon, Jamestown,ltfar.6,10a0.1 Barred, Buff and 'White Rocks. Eggs and Fowl for sale season. iu Eggs $1 00 per setting. Correspondence Solicited. 00-3m SHINCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND-- Now Constantly Arriving. We have something decidedly New, DRD'RR'GOo1JS Attractive and up-to-date in,..... And will be pleased to.hltve you call and see them. Stapies extra •good ..value although we Our Staples have been compelled to advance' prices on some lines owing to the general rise in prices charged by the manufacturers, but on the moat of articles you will find our prices as low as ever and the Lowest in 'the Trade. March Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand, I"Call and get one of the latter FREE EVERYTHING North Shore Pipe and Cedar FOR SALE - AT THB Brussels Planing Mills CHEAP. NO -FANCY PRICES. ® t1L. an . Innes G�� d :r�3r�.,-esu-�• Mao Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Nobioe. ' Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT P,0,,00 NEW OVrrALO EPTENT 1.1.6_E'000. 000 aAOIOW. TIGI,AL 61,111110 100,1 OVL,IVATOP The Universal Favorite Noxon Disc Harrow, (OUT -THROW,) The only Disc Harrow that has adjust able pressure springs. This feature is invaluable on bardor uneven ground. NO2O11 New sectional. Cultivator Spring Tooth ittaieegrn9e sowing ' taohmenf deemed) with reversible points, also tbietle,00bters if ordered. ' ' The lightest lightest draft, best working and most costly operated Oultivator mann. factored. The teeth work directly under the axle and within the wheel line. 'See the New Spring Eire. Strachan. iT� :moi: "BPS Although the season was not it one of the best'for the sale of Cutters and Sleighs, we have sold 43 Cutters, ' 12 sets of Sleighs and in connection with the above sales we have dis- posed of 15 Sots of Harness. Our Harness cannot be surpassed in Quality and Price. We deal with a firm established in 1867 and they don't put out -any Harness but hand sewed. We have a few Cutters to sell yet and if Low Prices will clear themout we are determined to make a clearance. , Come and see what we have. THE CELEBRATED Noxon Drills stool iurtIIi000Ier• .. 1 Spring•Pressure Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills ate BO well and favorably 'known that they speak for themselves, There are now over 00,000 in use among the farmers of this oonntry. .0161 Carriage Builders. We invite the closest inspection of our Farm Impiements and Machinery whioh we are manufaotnrmg for the coming season. In addition to the above we call special attention to our New Vtetoria Binder and No. 14 Oxford Clipper Pront-citt Meter, also our patent Spring and Spike Harrows and Friction and Ratobet Dump Rakes. It will amply repay all intending parohasers to see cur linea before planing their orders elsewhere. Send for our New 1990 Catalogue. 4010 LONA, • Tit NON ON CO , Limit 'd, AG'tlr'NT. micau12,BOd.L, ONT. ROSS FLOUR MILL Best Brands of Manitoba Flour•for sale, as well as Ontario Flour o£firs t quality, fand our popular Mixed Flourur gives great satisfaction. ' It makes an excellent family Flour. Oatmeal and all kinds of Mill Feed Always on hand. Best Dry American Coin. Is the best place to get your Gristing done. We have the best Chopping rig in the County and we are satisfy• ing everybody who comes. First-class Hour in Exchange for Good Wheat, . . Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal, R. Ross, MILL STREET, BRUSSELS. GRANGE OF BUSINESS. Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c., from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public, Grocery Stock Fresh and up-to-date. A. Specialty f l E AS. made of The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery nv CHINA AND, GLASSWARE We. take, no second' place. BAKERY ' Continued as usual and Satisfaction assured. The patronage of the public solicited and we Will de our part to merit a continuance of your trade. PNRS: BALLANTYNE, BRUSSELS. 0