HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-29, Page 1Vol. 28. No, 88
"LAX i
Have a limped uumbee of bushels of the
BEST 30UTO11 SEED for fermora in the
vieinJty of Oraubrook who intend raising.
Flax during the oomiag Oeaoon, which they
are prepared to•deiivor in quantities to snit
Mut growers.
Beed eau bo got at the Oranbrook Flax
Milt at 81.60 per bushel, Order early and
0eenre a 0303311 . For flax gtwwe from this
S/0.00 PER TON
will be paid,11 of good growth, harvested in
proper season, and delivered at the "Ma mill
as soon as for threshing
r!'We will rent a number of good sod
holds for the purpose of growing flax,
Templeton Granbroolr Flax 911H.,
031 VALUABL•t7
Vi1ae Property
Under Power of Bale contained in a cm,.
thin Mortgage made by Samuel Ronateto the
Vendors, now In defanit,'oed to he "rndaood
at time o1 sale, there will he rlfored -tor sale
by Public, Auction at the AMe1RIOAN
HOTEL in the VILLAGE 0P entitl810L4,
on 'Wednesday, . Inn Do or April, 1090,
at the hour of one o'elool( in the. afternoon,
All and singular, Vlretly, part of Village
Lot Number 14,- on•tho West side of Turn -
berry street containing one -sixteenth of an
teen more
od ono or half feet of the
Nel Northerly , the
South Easterly part of Lot Number 10 on
Turnberry street containing 0000 square feet
01000 or less,having a frontage of thirty feet
on Turnberry etreet according to registered
Plan of sub-flrvision On part of Lot Number
3of Montin e; And Beoondly, in
Numhe Township
on Elizabeth and 380 on Alexander etreet,
otherwise known as Numbers 103 and 111 re•
• epe0tively in Wotherald's eurvay. Upon the
paree3 ffratly described are said to be erect-'
ed a brick store and two small frame stores,
eligibly situated in the business portion of
the Village ; there is also upon the premlees
a good well. Tho parcels secondly describ-
ed have a frontage of 82i feat oath, by a
depth 01 132 feet and erected thereon is said
to be a aubstautial brick dwelling fronting
on Elizabeth street. The properties will he
offered for sole separately and each subject
to a reserve bid. TEAMO-10 percent. of the
purchase money will be required to be paid
at time o1 sale and balance according to fav-
orable terms and conditions to be then made
For further particulars apply to 10. M.
ORAD W I03f. Melena, BEAT'rY, BLAOAeTOox,
ton Street, East, Toronto, Solict tore for Von -
Dated at Porouto, 2nd day of Unroll, 1900•
New Advertisements
Looal—John Loug.
Looal—G. E, King.
A oall—D. 0, Retie,
Take a pointer—Jas, Fox.
For service-Menary a Son,
Spot Dash prioe—A. R. Smith,
Wall Papers—G, A. Deadman.
Boots & Shoes—I. 0, Riobarde.
Are you in love—MoEineen & 00.
Millinery Opening—Mies Roddick.
r: trim gaps,
Wm. Backwell Sandayed in Palmer.
Jenne Mowbray was in Toronto last
week on boniness.
Robert Norrie bas returned to . hie
home in Dunnville, Ont.
Miss rima Brown bas returned from
a pleasant visit to friends in Dashwood.
Mre. McIntyre, of Bed Axe, Mioh.,
who has been visiting her sister, Mre. A.
MoNab, has returned to her home. •
While Aaron Holley was driving along
the road a few days ago with a wood
rook the draw bolt clams out and the
horses bounded away,bat brimming en
tangled in a Page wire fence were cap.
tared before any serious damage was
George, son of David MoOutoheon, of
the 12th line, bad'` an experiencethe
other day whish he will not Boon forgot.
He wee walking alongside of a load of
wood when it npeet on him completely
covering him. He ley • in this poeition
for about balf an bout when found'' by
Calvin Bitten who released biro. He 10
badly out and Lraieed but will recover,
Tired Eyes
Cause Sickness
Because the eyes tire easily.
Some folks say they are not well. In
most such twee thin ie eye strain, Neg.
looted eye strain is euro to produce eiok-
neee. Have your eyes examined and
know the exact cause. Having bought
Inetrument, "Tbe Prentice Retiooeoope,"
coating seventy-two dollars, this instill
meet is exact. No questions from the
patient required. It is being need by
graduates of Retinoscopy and now taught.
in the Optical Iaetftate of Canada. So
we are now in a better position than ever
to give you perfect sstiefaotion.
Also Graduate of Retinoscopy.
What 'We Want
of Ton
to look over our Spring Stock.
A few minutes of your time when you
are buying
• The goods and prices to be the con-
Vincing argument as showing our super-
iorityin this particular branch over all
Lowest Prices and
Best and Latest Styles
Clothier and Furnisher.
Stylish, Seasonable Shoes
Are the kinds of Shoes we are showing for the
Spring trade. If you want to know what Shoes to
buy just ask your feet, they will reply for Comfort
,and Mixability give us the J. D. King Shoes.
Look in our window for some of the new styles.
We have our Spring Goods in now—you know the
Quality and the Prices are right.
A nice ,assortment and prices Away Down.
Repairs in Shoes and Rubbers
" done Neat and Durable.
Remember the place for Harness,
l3oots and Shoes is at qr�, t�
i., C. ufY
io�lilseatNd6e7t os
H. E. Burkholder, wife end family !eft
Brueeels last Teesday merniog for
Edmonton, N. W. T., where they purpose
making their home, While we regret
their removal we firmly believe they are
the right glass of people to settle in the
great West. Tim POST wishes them
every 80001080.
A ICOleftpwortlt.
Ue00r6. Wood and Pettoreon took a
drive to Palinereton on Friday on buss
Miss Johnston, of Trowbridge, was the
guest et J. S. Meiklejobn'e for to past
Wm. 0: Mitchell epent Saturday and
Bentley renewing aogttaintauoee'in Lis
We tetra mach pleasure in welcoming
Andrew MaKse and family back with us
Hance Cumming delivered a eboioe lot
of export cattle on Friday, to John Seatt,
of Listowel.
The Epworth League from Maine wi11
visit us on Thursday evening. The
mohuroeetinbg• will take place in the Methodist
Misr/ Mary Collie is on the sick lint.
Walter Burgeee is vieibing friends near
Mies 011ie Scott ie visiting at S. Paol'e
in Morrie.
Mrs. Maguire vieited at her home in
Lietowel laet week.
Welter and Mrs. Patterson visited in
Moleeworth on Sunday.
Mise Lizzie Johnston, of Goderich, ie
visiting Mrs. Harry Diment.
Mise Rose Stuart, of Turnberry, ie
visiting Mise Annie Aitubeeon.
Mies Greta Carson, of Wingbam, visit-
ed Mise Cora Meatier last week.
Mies Maggie Diment, of Toronto, is
visiting at her home in Bluevale.
R. N. Duff le at Coliingwood this week
inspeoting rollers for John Mitchell.
Mre. Arch.'Pattereoo, visited at Frank
Patiereon'e in Wingbam over Sunday.
Earnest Pattereon, of Clinton, was
vishiug friends in Blaevale this week.
Will. Bailey went to Toronto on Tues.
day morning to attend the Grand -Coun-
oii of the Canadian Order of Chosen
MilleNellieBiokle and Walter Huggin
visited in East Wawanoeh over Sunday.
Jno. and Mre. Gardiner visited their
daughter, Mrs. Freda MoOracken, in
Brussels over Sunday.
Thoe. Flutter and family left for
13olmefield, Maniloba, on Tuesday where
they will reside in the future.
The etreet from the village to the G.
T. R. is a notoriously bad one for drift
ing fall with the Winter storm.
Wednesday evening of last week the
Foreetera' Hall wee orowded to the
doors with the loyal people of the village
and surrounding country anxious to en.
joy the flue program and at the some
time contribute their share toward the
worthy Patriotic Fund that has been so
generally and generously sustained.
Blaevale never does anything by halves
and 'hie concert was no exception to the
rule. Patriotism beamed from almost
every selection and although Rev. Mr.
Rogers w0every prompt in introducing
the opening number, about 8 o'olook, the
audience was not diemieeed until after 11
and did not seem in any harry even
then. The program was varied, interest.
ing and well rendered, there being no
bitohee of nay kind in its presentation.
It wee as follows r—Instrumental, Mies
Herbert ; chorus, "Canada ie true to the
At 4� Per Cent.
Costs of Loan
'fiery Reasonable.
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
Office over Standard Bank,
eore"; reoltetton,'"Canada .to her con.
Magenta," Mies Mavy Duff ; sone, "I
want to be a soldier," Hartley Pattereon
reeitatioo, ""lydinberg atter :E'loddeo,"
Mrs, (Rev) Woet ; song, "Awither and a
man" Wm, Stewart ; dialogue, "A
humorous eketon," Hartley Pattereon
and lfiaeee Dna ; reoitation, "Kruger's on
the path," Fred. Pugh;J balancing felt,
Mr. Wightman ; addreee, "History of the
Union Jack," W.14 Kerr, of Tao Pose •;
song, ',Werea"er St. George's banner'
waves," Mre. W, Johnstone ; reoitation,
"Bebe," Miss, Greta Carson; reoitation,
"The flag of l7+ nglaod," Clayton Duff ;
drill, by the following 12 young men:—
Will. Stewart, Geo, MoDonald,Joe Pugh,
Jae. Burgeee, P. Patterson, H. Mal1ardy,
W. Bailey, Jae, Pogb, W. Duff, W. Bur,
gen, C. Brinker and 0. Garniae; Chorus,
"The men babied the gun" ; regi.
tuition, "The low shore lass," Mies
Doff ; gong, He ien't sleeping now,"
Wm Stewart ; recitation, "The roll pall
at Home," Mre. '(Rev.) West ; jgggling
epeoialitiee, Mr. Wight/man ; song, 'Up
with the flag," Hartley Patterson ; drill
by the following girls :—Cora Messer,
Annie MoEwen, Nellie Burgess, Lily
Diment, Mabel Ooultee, Nellie Biotite,
Nellie McEwen, Edna Patterson, Annie
Stewed, 011ie Casemore, Mary Aitobe-
eon Eva _Patterson ; instrumental, Mr,
Gamin ; recitation, "The absent minded
beggar," Clayton Duff ; song, "Take the
muzzle off the lion," Wm. Stewart.
When all did so well it would be a di1B•
malt task to particularize but nothing ex-
celled the fenny drills as they were fleet-
otaee and Teaoher MoEwen ie to be oon-
gratnlated on hie ability as a Drill
major. Mies Aggie Eerbert wee pianist
for the drills ; dirs. McDonald for the
(shoroees ; and Mre. (Rev.) Rogers for
the solos. R. N. Duff looked after the
ehekela ab the door and reported the pro•
Deeds as over $60.00, This sum would no
doubt have been ooneiderably inoreaeed
bad the roads'been better Int as it was
the floor apace was well moulded.
Cato - eV..
H. Patrick still continues very low.
Mumps, grippe and rag -bees are the
fashion at present.
Township Connell will meet on Wed•
neaday of next week.
Mies Maggie Ferguson was visiting at
Tbao. Straahen'e last week.
Mr. Payne has moved to the Rae
farm, let oon. Mr. Wolfe has moved to a
farm near Blaevale.
Miss Annie Hoy has gone to Fowler.
villa, Miob•, where Mae will visit her aunt
Mrs. Tyne, for a while.
Res. D. B. McRae beta a prayer meet-
ing at Bethel oharch' 16th can. on Weil•
nesday evening of that week.
Jae. Cardiff and the Cunningham boyo,
72h and 8th con., hove been prisoners
under the reign of King Mampe.
A large number of young people spent
en enjoyable evening at the home of
Will. Aikens last Wednesday night.
R. Menary & Son, 9103 eon., keep
pedigreed improved Yorkshire and Berk-
shire bogs, purchased from well known
The mumps is no respecter of persons
and hae had Mies Ellie Ferguson, 9th
oon., on the program dating the past
Last week Robert Fergueon left for
Leamington, Essex Co., where he has
taken a tailoring situation. He's a com-
Rev. Mr. Yelland preached an impree-
eive,sermon et Roe's ohurob on Sunday
morning. Hie text was "Who fa on the
Lord's Bide ?"
An auction sale of farm stock, imple-
ments, &o., will be bald by Simon Grant,
lot 4, non. 5, on Tuesday afternoon, 10th
met, F. S. Scott, of Brussels, will be
the anotiooeer.
Mumps have bad Joseph Shaw, Don•
oan McDonald and John Oliver in their
grasp and name of the patients have been
quite ill but we hope they will soon be
all right again.
A social will be held at the home of
Richard Mille, 6th con., on Thursday
evening as a farewell to Mr. Allen, the
evangeliet, who purposes leaving Grey
about the let of April. .
Wm. McKay, 9th con., left for Niagara
Palle, N. Y., this week where be expecte
to spend some time. He is a steady go-
ing young man with a level head and Tan
POST expeote to bear of hie prosperity
and wishes him emcees.
We notioe that Robt. Hoy, 6th con.,
bee purchased a new MoOormiok binder
and Jno. Smith, of the same line, a mow
er, looking forward to next harvest. Mr.
Hoy intends putting tip a driving shed
and is having the lumber out now for it.
Spring Millinery
The Annual Spring Millinery 2
Opening will take place on-,....., P
a APRI L. 6 €e -7,
,-t And a Cordial invitation is extended to the
Ladies of Brussels and Iocality to call and
inspect the fine display of the latest Styles
and Novelties in Millinery..
MISS MATELi3S has been engaged
as successor to Miss Armstrong and comes
moat highly recommended,
I take this opportunity of expressing
my thanks for the liberal patronage of the
past and- ask the favor of a visit at our
Miss Roddick..
Rabb, McKay, of Ethel, had charge of
the morning service at Bethel appoint.
meat last Sabbath. The people there
are always pleased to hear Mr, Maley,
Barn building and improving will cut
u wide swath this year in Grey towpehip.
In the North Easterly section George
Ooombes,'Jno, Cubt end Jas, Cult will
split their barns, add 18 feet, and ,put
atone etebling uoderneatil. A good share
of the material is now ready and the
work will be pnehed as soon as the sea-
son opens,.. A aurprieo party from the 10tH and
1411 cone. drove to to home of W'o
Slemmon, 10 h con„ on Thursday eve.,. ;
of last week and spent a most etjoyebie
time, judging from the hour they arr teed
bome, Oast in time for an early break.
fast,) The amusements were chiefly
games, moOio and singing. Mr. and Mrs.
Slemmou know bow be entertain their
Mre, Geo, Hagartb is visiting relatives
in Toronto.
Mies Kate Young has been visiting
friends at Eigmondville.
Charlie Rupp is home from St. Thome
owing to the illness of his slater.
Bev. R, Pent will ,preach in Ethel
Methodist aharcb next Sabbath evening.
Aaron °ober baa returned to Dakota
to the samepositionthat he filled before.
We wish him good luck,
Mise Rupp's many friends would like
to see a change for the better in ,her
health. She is very poorly at present.
In the apace of about one hour last
Friday morning, three Leicester ewes.
belonging to David Milne, increased his
flaok by 7 fins lambs.
Mr. Walker and family, who had Jae.
Laird's farm rented, have removed back
to Michigan, and Mr. Laird bas gone
back to the farm atter the Winter's
sojourn in Ethel
AnEgmondville correspondent wring :
—Many of our people were grieved to
hear of the death of Mies Minnie Bender,
on Monday of last week, at the residence
of her grandmother, Mre. Young. She
had only attained the age of nineteen
years, and was one of our moat estimable
young !adieu. Tbe sympathy of the peo-
ple ie extended to the Borrowing relatives.
C. Eekmier will make a notifiable ire.
provement in his barn next Summer.
He will split it and put elope stabling
underneath. Building is now 44 x 70
feet and it will be inoreaaed to 80 x 70
feet. A. Campbell bas the stonework
and McLeod Bros. the framing. Dan.
Eokmier will also give bis barn and oat.
buildings an overhauling and improving
that will add to their ooavenience and
extent. We like to ere these evidences of
Goon Ski/U.—This Winter David Mil.
ne, the well known breeder of tboro'
bred stook, bee been doing a good husi•
nese in supplying the demand. The fol-
lowing are the sales reported :—Bobs to
W. B. Webt, Shorthorn breeder, of Salem
Ont. ; Maawell Bros., Belgrave ; Jno.
Scott, eaforth ; 8. MaDouald, Grantee ;
Howick Stook Oa., Lakelet ; W. S, Mit-
ohell, Wingham ; H. S. Pritchard, Clover
Valley ; and J. 0. Kalbfleiedh, Zurich,
Hs also Bold two oowe and two heifer
calves to an Amerioan. No better proof
is required of Mr. Milne's herd than the
above list and we are pleased to note his
oontinned sauna.
rlfo r rite.
Every sign of a late Spring,
We have not beard of any taffy parties
A. Cole was in Clinton this week on
A large number left this` looality on
Tuesday far the Went.
Eli Sellersand wife vieited friends
near Mitchell last week,
Sidney Bolger was one of the paesen•
gers to Manitoba last Tuesday.
Mise Jane Fraser was visiting her
dieter, Mre. Robertson, last week.
Jeri. Craig, 7th lige, is very ill. We
h ope to see him around again soon.
Mies Mary Purvey spent a few days
last week visiting relatives on the let
Mise Ella MoOreoken was visiting her
friend, Mre. Will. A. Tarvey, for a few
Miss E. A. McCall is away to Brnae
Co. keeping house for her brother, whose
wife died recently.
We may soma expect bad roads ; a big
flood ; wood bees ; maple sugar ; taffy
pnile and then tooth ache.
15 teams were hauling atone from M.
M. Oardiff'e farm on Tuesday for the new
A. 0. U. W Hall at Walton.
John Evans has gone to Ratho, Oct.,
where 11b will labor with an uncle in till-
ing his farm, He's a good worker.
We welcome to the 2nd Jas. Robertson
and wife from near Biuevale, who have
moved to the farm recently purollased
from Johnston Bros.
Two of our young bachelors are about
to join the ranks of the benedio1s. We
will nob mention names but particulars
will be given shortly.
Mre. J. Sellers, 2nd am., who;hae been
spending a oonple of weeks with friends
in Blyth, Clinton and Londeeboro', re•
turned home this week.
Robb, Turvey will have the drawing of
milk to 'the Morrie and Grey uheese
aabory for the coming nation. Bob is a
ood drawer and shrives to please every.
A sleigh load of young people from the
51 oon, spent a very enjoyable evening
t the home of Will. A. Turvey and wife,
1 the 2nd, on Tbureday evening of last
Tuesday morning next Wm. Ames and
amity, 6th line, will remove from Ude
ownebip to the West. May they meet
ith mnah saoceett is the wish of their
any friends,
Milton S. Watson has renewed the
ail emitted i0 carrying Her Majeety'e
mile betwee
n Belgrave and Sanelline,
will make elx years that Milton bee
rried the mail on this route.
Ernest Maunders has gone to Portage.
•Prairie, Man„ where ba expecte to
end the Summar. He left Bruseela Ott
tenthly morning. Quite a few were at
e depot to see him off and with him
od speed,
Ibobb, Gibeoe, 64h line, bas Sega
with John Clegg, Ole, Clegg will pat
atone well under hie barn.
Jno. Mustard, 2nd line, has been
the 9101 net but is able to be arou
ag0iu i e are. planed to relate,
Olegg shipped a lot of good cat
an'ruesday from' Belgrave and a oar
Loge, Cattle have taken as big a tomb
in prioe as butter.
We are sorry to bear that Edward, s
aofn Wattam. ck Bryan,ofapp8,1endline,iciistis, laid ma
np wf
friends hope be will aeon be better.
Jackson Bos., 8th line, are gen'
timber, lumber' and shingles on t
ground for the new horse sheds to
built at the Township Hall oo the 0
Misses Mlnoia and Hannah lolly, 81
line, intend leaving next Tneeday f
Oyprue River, Manitoba. One of t
young ladiee will probably resume echo
teaching in the Prairie Province.
Wesley Farrow, who has been fermin
on the 8th Zine, moved this week near
Macoester, where he will follow ti
same payeeft. e
Bee will be suoeded b 0
Jno. R. Bell, who moved from the let
A dancing party was held at Josep
Ardell's, 8th line, ou Friday evening 0
last week, and another took place at th
home of Frank Bell, 4th line, on Monde
night. There was a good sized oompan
at each.
Don't forget Wm. Forrest's auotio
sale on Friday of this week. It oom
nuances at 10 o'olook as there is a big lie
of stook, &a., t0 be disposed of. Lunob
eerved et noon. M. Forrest's farm i
lot 26, 2nd line.
Mrs. James Pdllook, an old and re-
spected resident of Morris, died at he
home on the 801 eon. on Tuesday morn
ing of last week from bronobia•poeo-
monia. She was only ill two weeks.
Tbe funeral took place on Friday at 2 p.
At the aootioa Bale of Wm. Ames, 6612line, last Tuesday some person
or persons were good enough to help
themselves to a string of sleigh bells,
pair of threshing mite and other articles.
Kingston will he the station these light
fingered people will land at if they don't
mend their ways.
Next Tuesday representatives of Si-
mon and Hugb Forsyth's families, Jae.
Mo0utoheon, Jae. Petah and family, Geo.
Pratt and G. Sommerville will take their
departure for Alameda, in the N. W. T.
Several oars of settlers' ejecta will also
be shipped by the party.
Letters have been received from Henry
Mooney's family telling of their safe ar-
rival at their new home, Weyburn, N. W.
T. Mrs. Mooney and children had a
little visit at 1V. T. Mooney'e, Indian
Head, on their way out. Their many
old friends in this section will always be
pleased to hear from them.
STILL THEY ac,.—Roberti McOntoheon,
who recently Bold his farm, 7th line, to
Alfred Button, bas deoided to go West
and with this object in view has anoonoo-
ed an auction Bale of farm stook, &o„ for
Friday afternoon of next week. lira.
Mo0utoheon and family will move to
Brueeele where they will reside until Mr.
McOutoheon gets things in shape for
them in Manitoba. We wish Mr. Mee.
manse. He will probably locate Berne.
where near the other Morrisitee who go
next week end be will likely follow a
week later.
DIED IN Cnnvrox Hosemen.—On Friday
morning of last week Robert MoCorkin•
dale died at Clinton hospital. Deceased
had gone through an operation and lived
a short time after it, Mr. Mocorkindale
resided for a number of years on his farm
on 7th line. When he sold out to A. T.
Oote he went to Belgrave to live. Hie
wife died five years ago last week. He
was a native of Scotland and bad reach•
ed the age of 78 years. The funeral took
plane on Sunday afternoon to Belgrave
cemetery. Rev. W. T. Hall 000duoted
the service,
The Sage Hotel was not sold last week.
Miss Jewel McKim is home from a
visit to Milverton.
Wilber Armstrong, who has been 111,
ie recovering ninety..
Rev. and Mrs. A. 0. Tiffin were visit-
ing at Mr. Tiffin's old home last week.
A eleighload of young people spent an
enjoyable evening at Mr, Dundee', Mc•
Killop, Thursday of last week.
Messrs. Ramsay & Harris gained fresh
laurels on Tneeday by taking 1st money
in a sawing match at Clifford.
The Mato Club, of Brussels, was en•
tertained by Mre. R. H. Ferguson on
Tneeday evening of this week,
A bee was held on Tuesday for the
purpose of hauling atone for the found.
ation of the proposed A. 0, U. W. Hall.
There were 16 or 16 teams at it.
An upright Grand Heintzman piano
was placed in the home of Hugh Fulton
on Wednesday of this week. It wee
pnrobased from R. Leatberdale, of Bras.
David and Mrs. Campbell, of this lo-
osiity, ware away at Berobviile this week
attending the funeral of Jno. Bennett, a
nephew who was killed at Woodstock
while attending to hie duties as brake.
man on the G. T. R.
Mrs. Wm. Smith, 16th con,, has gone
to Toronto, and this week Mies Georgia
also gotta bo the Queen pity. Mr, Smith
will follow in the course of a couple of
weeks having rented bis farm here to his
sou John. The Smith family are old
mud highly respeoted residents of Grey,
having lived on the lith since the Fall
of 1802. They will carry with them the
best wishes of many old friends to their
new home, Mise CharIotle will keep
house for her brother fora time,
youngpeople ofthe
o arch
met at the manse on Mnroh 19th and
wore organized into a "'Young Poople'e
Christian a Union. On Maro03 26th the
organization wee oomplated, the follow-
ing officers being elented :—Prea,, Rev.
0. Al. Filer ; Vice Pres., Mies. Jean
Stewart ; Seo,•Treas,, Mies Maggie His•
lop ; Cor.•Bea„ Mre. 0. Al. Filer.
Regular meetings will be held on Sab-
bath evenings at 8.80 o'clock, nom•
W. H. K•ERR, Prop,
Itogglar Sabethevening sorvioee will
be held in tbeU, P, ohurob, oommeneiug
April 1st, at 7.30 o'clock. A ssriee of
sermons lase been seleoted by the paator
Under to beading"From Gethsemane to
Calvary, with Josue," .The Arab of the
series, "The garden agony," will be given
next Sabbath evening, The eubjeut for
the morning will be "Waiting upon God,"
e..) ran resole.
The social held ab Mae, Swatter's last
Friday evening was aplearant affair.
Program eonsieted of mesio, reading.,
reeitati005 and the gramophotle. The
letter manipulated by B. Gerry, of Erus,
sele, rendered good service, Rev. Mr,
Yelland was the chairman. Among those
taking part were members of the Perrie,
Knight and Switzer- families and others.
Proceeds 1112.65, -
Mareiatoouko.—Avery pleasant event
took place on the 7th of Mara, at 2
o'olook, at the residence of Story
Krueger, father of the bride, the can•
traoting parties being Mies Caroline
Krueger, of Dram bo, and Albert Spading,
of 16th con., of Grey. The bridesmaid
was Mies Johanna Krueger, sister of the
bride and the groomsman, Fred. Krueger,
brother of the bride. Tbe bride was
re ed in
d act ave
very prettycostume of dove-
petered cloth with silk trimmings, orange
bloeeome, &o. Tbe ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr, Hammond, Lutheran
paator of New Dundee, the bride being
given away by her father. The guests
eat down to a very sumptuous dinner to
wbioh every one did ample justice.
Wedding presents were costly and nee.
fel. Among the gueeta were noticed
Arthur Jepp, of London, England
Henry Krueger, Hespeler, and Mies
Bond, of Washington. Mr. and Mre.
Sperling have taken ap houeekeeping in
the vicinity of Drenthe. The groom ie a
nephew of George Sperling, of Oranbrook.
Oa 0000001 of the storm other friends of
Grey townebip were unable to attend. -
People We Talk About.
•Wm. Oneohtel spent Sunday in Wing -
Thos. Bone was on the sink list last
Mine Peseta Mitchell is bome from
Toronto on a visit.
Barrister Sinclair was in Toronto this
week on legal business.
James Cooper and wile and Mise Lillie
spent Sunday in Blyth.
Andrew Carrie, of Seafortb, was visit-
ing in town for a few days this week.
Mre. Laidlaw is vieitng her mother,
Mrs, Barnhill. She lives ab Henfryn.
Fred. Adams, Mrs. Adams and Willie
have been receiving attention from la
Mre. Findlater, of Winghem, was
visiting Mrs, F. Baines, Mill street, on
Root. MaArter left on Tuesday morn.
log for hie situation as cheese maker in
Elgin Go.
Johnnie Cooper has heen eiok this
week but we hope he will anon, be all
right again.
Mise Watt, of Elora, ie a visitor et
Melville manse. She ie a sister to Mrs.
(Rev.) Rose.
Mrs. Peebles and family will remove to
Manitoba shortly where Mr. Peebles,
formerly of Brnseelo, is employed.
A. E. and lire, Treleaven, of Dungan.
nen were visiting at Rev. W. Norton's
for a few days during the past week.
Herbert Mitobell has engaged with
Mr. Godkin, a McKillop farmer, for the
coming swoon. He is a good worker.
Mrs. G. A. Deadman was visiting at
Woodstock. Her mother, Mts. Dutton,
is in very poor health and has been ill
for some time.
Mre. F. Pelton, of Port Huron, is here
on a visit to her mother, Mre. S. Pearson,
who has been quite ill but is now con-
siderably better, we are pleased to state.
Win. Griffith has not been away to
Africa and received damage to his head-
gear but is "enjoying" one of Job's Com.
fortere, a rather disagreeable companion.
Reeve Thomson hap been elected V1oe
Chief Ranger of Court Princess Alex-
andria, 0. 0. F., Brussels, for the balance
of the year. He makes an efficient
Mrs. Hugh Mollfarbin, of Bendall, and
Mre, W Norton and children. of Trost
Creek, are vieitiog Mre• W. Wilton and
ther friends in Brussels. They were
ormer residents of tbie place.
Albert McDowell, a relative of the Me-
Naughton families here, who is a medical
rodent in the Detroit College, is down
ith smallpox along with a number of
ther boyo. We hope that out of this no.
Baal circumstance all will soon be con.
A letter has been received from Mre. T.
orbee, of Wingham, stating that she is
onvalesoing after the error she made
t Mrs. Thea, Maxwell's, here in mistak.
g washing fluid in a bottle for vinegar
nd drinking it. Her throat is still quite
re aeoessitating the nee of liquid foode,
Ivan Crooke who has been in Jae.
ox's drug store for the past year, will
ke a position in the store of Druggist
smitten, Wingbam, Mr. Crooks is ac,
liging, gentlemanly young man and
ould make friends in oar neighboring
wn. THE PoeT will be pleased to hear
hie 0000585.
Mies Polly Sample watt presented with
fine opal ring by the employees of the
ore in Brandon, Man„ where she filled
position in to Millinery Department
tor to her going to Sonrie to acloept
Miltinery,situetion. Mies Sample is a
ter to Mrs. Coneley and Misses Maggie
d Teeple Sample, of Brunette, and was
ormer Bruseelite.
Kenneth, eon of K. Mckenzie, 4th
e, Morrie, who bad completed his
prentioeship in R. Leatherdale's fur.
tare and undertaking estebliebntenb,
t for Portage -la -Prairie, Man on
awning ng of this week, where be
11 take a position in the store of Mr,
oKiliop. Mr. MaRsoale is a straight,
ward, nnaeeuming young man with a
od idea of hie brads and will suooeed'
yond any question. A rather peculiar
onmetanoe in his going ie that he
taakee the tpgWAD empmenotng ibMtb Sabbath, the uniform Leterdaleesh toointo themploy
topica of the union being taken. of this 1' orta31t'10•1'rnirie gentlerean.