HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-22, Page 80
Wa1 :p o r
'Until you have seen our stook and prises, A. largo
lot t0 091ect front,
Don t Buy ;a Bicycle
Until you see what we Have to show you. Some-
thing new.
Do Buy a Camera
Such as we have. It takes lovely Pictures, and
so cheap, too.
Dou a Battery
The kind we keep, if you are troubled with. Rheum-
atisMI, Scjatiea, Neuralgia, &e,, •
AT /��qp }yam AND
t^ .. 87►/ -'i N'V BOOK STO RE.
80U0114RN EZTENBION W. 0. & 0,
Trains renes Brneeele ,Station, North
and South, ae follows:
Gonna SoliTa, GoINO Nonni,
Express 7;10 a.m,, Mai] d0 p,m
Mixed 9:40 a.m. I Express 10:17 p.m
Thad Naas rms.
A shiers ameng ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Mut(rs are taking their innings.
Betsexes weather and heavy roads.
True March weather is rather an un-
certain commodity,
LAST Horse Fair of this season in
Bruaeele on Thursday, April 6th.
Tule is evidently an open Winter—
open at both ends by the way the storms
blow through.
TIME shamrock was in evidence last
Saturday although the eold day was
rather against ranch outward display.
LAST week R. Leatberdale took orders
for eevao pianos, six of them Heitzmao.
Three of these were delivered during the
past week.
HEAP Gavin Spence and Mies Laing.
They oome well reaommended. Thursday
evening of nest week, ander auspices of
Brussels Pnblia Library.
Renew A140098oN has started a carpet
weaving bneiuesa at the home of P, Ma-
Qaarrie, Ellen street, Brneeele. He
guarauteea satisfaction.
Jong WEreaT has tendered his resig-
nation se janitor of the Methodist church
and caretaker of Brussels cemetery,
same to take effect three montbe from
April let. Wm. Wilton is completing
Mr. Wright', term.
Room. Tnooxoon diepoeed of Alia bay
driver to B. Tindall, of Manitoba, for the
seam of $125,00, last week. The animal
was taken West on Tuesday. It was a
good one.
Bonn ILL.—Bliss Moore, music teacher,
bas been ill at her borne in Seafortb,
with a severe attack of rheumatica for
the past two weeks, but expecte to be
able to shortly retinene her classes.
Auoga the bilis presented at the Legis.
lative Atieembly is one from the town of
Godericb to grant $10,000 to the Ken-
sington Furniture Company ; the bill is
being attended to by A. Hislop, M. P. P.
for East Huron, in the abeenoe of Ron.
J. T. Garrow from the House.
BICYCLE SALE,,—Daring the past week
A. Oonaley diepoeed of the following
wheele :—Cleveland to Walter Penning.
ton, Grey ; an E and D to Geo. Oxtohy,
Ethel ; an E and D to W. W. Barrie,
Brneaela cheese factory ; and an E and
D to Sam. MoOraoken, of Brussels.
Other sales are on the tapir.
FnaglTuaa SAs:R.—Saturday afternoon
of this week at 2.30 o'clock, F. E. Scott
will sell the household furniture of Mies
Maggie Stewart, corner Flora and Eliza-
beth streets. The proprietress intends
giving up housekeeping and will make
her home with her meter, Mre. Woods, of
Grey, for a time, hence the sale will be
without reserve.
MAaIBrERIAL. — Saturday morning
Magistrates' Court was opened ab the
Connell Chamber, to hear a charge pre-
ferred by J. H. Tbomeon, merchant,
Henfryn, against Jae. Taylor, G. T. R.
section man, of the -same plaoe, for 'tieing
profane and abusive language, contrary
to Statute and township By-law. The
Defendant did not appear and owing to
heavy roads the Magistrates considered
be might have been delayed so adjourn-
ed Court until 2:30. At that hour
Taylor wee atilt absent eo the ease was
proceeded with. Constable Scott, J. B.
Thomaon, W. J. Longmire and ano.
Marx, gave evidence clearly proving the
charge, after whish a fine of 35.00 and
Coate, 314.50 in all, was imposed or 15
days i0 jail if not paid. Jae. Caeoadden
was summoned es a witness but was not
called. Lawyer Blair appeared for Mr.
Thomson. The Magistrate's were W.
H. Herr and Reeve Tbomeon. Mr.
Taylor ie reported to have left Henfryn
for the North on Friday and has not
since shown up.
GRANNY Weetratte DHAP: Last Friday
noon Manager iFre0ab of the Huron
Hones of Refuge telephoned W. H. Kerr
that Granny Williams, formerly of Brne-
etle, who has been an inmate of that in.
etitution since the opening, had passed
away at 11.80. As she was moat anxious
to be buried at Brneeele arrangements
Were made for tbe funeral on Saturday
forenoon. Mr. French kindly aoaom.
• panted the minable to town, coming by
Whin via, Wingham. Rev. Mr. Abey, of
whose oharob deoeaoed wag a member,
took abarge of tbe service. The cause
of Mrs. Wiiliame' decease wag old age
and for menthe she bad been confined to
bed. She was aboat.80 years old. In
het earlier years she waa a hard worke
who battled for her living with oom•
. Mendable independenoe, Oven if ebe did
not always get her rights. Her husband
who was ale° an inmate of the Heave of
Refuge far a time, going from `Gingham,
died over a year age at the home of hie
daughter, near Minden, Haliburton Dia•
triot, Ont. They had 10 ohildreo but the
daughter referred td is, the only One lie.
and Gad Alal;:ay, George Thomson per.
!orated the ouerou9 duties 01 majer and
did it 38 the queen% taste. No Bprind
ealpieery ()peeing nor fiance oplfltte7
could eut•do the diepiny of headgear Red
uniform(), Whit outfit Wile elaborate
and gorgeouswhile the antro() of the 00111-
oltupplaooe. leeWho WdW1 t take thte entre
wail left to the audienoo but easel oeeple
reoeived Pooh hearty approval the "ring.
master" (Welded that alt would Phare in
it which they did alltee they had, been re.
called and sung their snag again, 1t1iaeee
MoLauohlin and Irwin made a big eine
000010 training the yonngeters for the
cake walk apd the material ab their die•
poettl Wee of the workable loud es, that.
the combination woe oomplete. The
oloeiog number was a "Good Night"
Kong with a patriotio tableau to which
the nomes of South African towns, and
battleAelde occupied 'prominent places
surreended byprat•iehflap, "Long Tom"
cannon, &o. A vary pretty effeob was the
result when the light wail turned on.
"God save the Queen" wee loyally apd
heartily sting and the Oonveraazloae was
over. W. H. Kerr,' of Trait Poer, wail
hovered with the position of , chairman,,
The financial prooeede totalled $58,95
from which 35.96 was deduoted as ex,
pelisse leaving $51.00. 920 of this will ba
Appropriated to the Siok Obildreee' Hos.
pital and the balance $3100 plus $10 from
a Friend and $0 from Barrieter Blair,
940,00 in all, will go the India Famine
Fund. Money will not ba remitted for
the latter until Monday so that others
desirous of oontnibutiug may have an
opportunity of doing so. At the eon-
olueion of the entertainment !Friday
eveniug the visitors fro,n Blyth, Walton,
E het and those who took part in the
program were treated to a tasty lunch,
Wale., being eet in the Oonnoil Chamber
The Minto Club, of whom the following
are members :—Mrs, D. 0. Roes, Hon.
Pres. ; Miee Jean Ritobie, Pres. ; Mies
Mary Roes, Vioe•Pree. ; Mies Annie
Roes, Treas. ; Mies Isabel Irwin, Sea, ;
Mine Nina Roger..., Editor; Misses Lizzie
Ferguson, Lizzie Moore, Fannie Rogers,
Lizzie McLennan, Mary Downey, Lyda
Crooke, May Deadman, Lizzie Roes,
Jean MoLauobtin, Joan Rose, Lizzie Mo.
Naughton, Rifle. Hunter, Mary Roberton,
Clara Thompson end Mabel Armstrong,
desire to return thanks to all who took
part in the program, to the Ooutioil for
free nee of Town Hall, to Mr. Leather•
dale for use of his piano, and to the pub-
lic generally for the hearty 'rapport se -
corded them.
In referring to the 62etodiet ohuroh
anniversary eervioes the Blenheim News
,aye :—In the evening the ()thumb was
filled to the doora to bear the dieoourfe
by the late pester, Rev. Jno. Holmes,
now of Braeseie, who preached nn elo-
qeent and masterful sermon, to an appre-
ciative audience. Mr. Holmes bar many
ardent admirers here, end his preseooe, as
on tbis ooeesio0,is sure to be appreciated
by a large and attentive aadieoae. The
addressee on Monday evening .at the
platform meeting were by three former
pastors, Reeds. H. W. MoTavieb, of
Glencoe ; W. Godwin, of St. Thome ;
and J. Iolmee, of Brussels. Total pro
oeede of 'anniversary $2,089, in wbiob
was included $110 from the Sabbath
eohool. Tbia very nearly puts the church
out of debt. Rev. J. P. Rine ie the
A Goalsn VIEW The Guelph Mercury
melee the following oomment upon the
visit of the joint Guelph and Goderioh
depntatioo to Montreal :—The deputation
from Guelph and Goderioh who waited
upon Sir William Van Horne and Mr.
Shaughnessy expre=e eatiefaotlon with
their interview. While there is appar-
ently nothing definitepromised by thee.
P. R. representatives as to the time when
the work of extending the Guelph Juno-
tion Railway to Goderioh will be oom.
mended, there ie a renewal of their as-
earancesthat they intend to build the
line. They point oat that they have
kept•faitb with this city by not under
taking any Ontario railway enterprises
einoe the road from London to. Windsor
was constructed. Their original promise
was that the Guelph -Lake Huron line
would be the next taken up after the
oompletion of the extension from London
to Windsor and the bailding of another
line on the Niagara frontier. In that
respect the oompany hag no doubt ob•
served the letter of their understanding
with ua, but we cannot close our eyes to
the feat that they were only prevented
from breaking it by securing running
rights over the Grand Trunk between
Toronto and Hamilton. But for this ar-
rangement with the Grand Trunk, the C.
1'. R. would nodonbtedly have built a
new lice between those cities four or five
years ago. The fast that they have now
completed their work in the West for the
preeent—which work has always been
arced as a reason againet taking up the
extension of the Guelph Jnnation road—
should clear the way and beaten the time
for taking up the enterprise, While the
deputation snouted no definite promise
as to when this wilt be done, as already
pointed out, the Mayor's abatement ie,
we believe, a guarded one, and the depu.
tattoo are better satisfied as a reeult of
this interview with the bona fide intim-
Cone of the oompany than they had been
Business Locals.
R. W. DILLQN, of the Stratford Beacon
staff, will run the St. Mary's Argue.
Stratford, the 0100810 oily of the Avon,
has deecended to "hammy" prize fights.
How the mighty have fallen.
Two engines were attached to Tuesday
night's train and Wednesday morning's
expreea waaalso a double header. They
had about all they could do to get through
the snow in some planes.
Faun of oar townspeople, Mies Lizzie
Sample, J. Thomson, T. Hawking, and
P. Haugh drove over to Listowel last
Monday and enjoyed the Tribelli concert,
It was a mnaioal breat not often available
onteida of the cities.
TEE Smale block of stores, Tnrnberry
street, Brussels, and tha briok reeidenoe
on Elizabeth street will be offered for
sale on Wednesday, April llt11, at the
American Hotel in this place. Sae advt.
io thie 'ieeue. A. Hunter will be the
BEng Thursday evening of next week
otear for the Public Library oonoert. In
addition to Mr. Speooe and Mise Laing
the cake walk, rendered so well at the
Minto entertainment, will be repeated.
Seats may be reserved at Fox's Drug
store by parohaeing a tioket in advance.
Plan opens on Friday morning of this
week at 9.30 o'clock.
G. T. R.—Reeve Thomson reoeived e
car of Manitoba flour thie week ; the
Enterprise Salt Worke 8 care of coal ;
and Philip Ament a oar of pine lumber.
Outward there was shipped :—Oar of
stook, &o., to Neepawa by B. Tindall, ; a
ear of hogs by Geo. Beet ; 3 oars of salt ;
2 care Date, oar of peas and oar of bogs
by Meagre. Baeker & Vanetoee ; 8 oare
of wheat by R. Graham.
SERINO TEM.—The Spring Term in
the Central Business College, Stratford,
Ont. opens on Monday, April 2nd
. This
college is now closing its Winter term
which bait been the moat en00eeslnl fn
the history of the eohool. Students are
now in attendance from Canada, United
States and Newfoundland. Alt iotereet
ed in securing a business or shorthand
education should write to W. J. Elliott,
Prinoipal of the college, for a oatalogne
containing fall information.
Try TOP Sucoses.—The Convereazione
given in the Town Hall by the young
ladies' Minto Club of Brussels, on Friday
evening of last week, paeeed off most en-
joyably and eatiefaotorily every way.
There was a large attendance, 21 of the
number oomiog from Blyth, the ladies
being members of the "Thimble Club" of
that plane, The stage was prettily eat
oat with furniture, carpets, piotaree,
planta, eta., and presented a very home
like appearance. Program was expel
lenity rendered and wag as, follows ;—
Duet, violin and piano, H. L. Jackson
and MSS Lizzie Sample ; address of wel.
Dome, couched in becoming terms setting
out the objeote and aims of the omit and
the purpose for which the fonds were to
be devoted, by Mrs. D. C. ROSS, Honorary
President • "The laugh of a child," was
the title of�a pretty quartette eung by
Mies Ames, Mre. McAllister, Messrs.
Beattie and Roes ; en instrumental,
"The arrival of Santa Olaua" was well
rendered by Mies Jean MoLanohlln and
T. A. Hawkins ; Bolo, "My Dad's the en
gineer," by Mee Ames, was reoeived
with great aooeptanoe ; song, "Just as
the sun went down" by ise Gertie Roes,
was cleverly done and will stand repeat.
ing ; quartette, humorous, "In cellar
cool," by T. A. Hawkine, A, Straoban, A.
Rose and J. H. Cameron brought down
thahoaee and elicited the encore "Briton's
hold your own" ; Miea Ames gave "Be.
oauee I love you dear" with good effect ;
In the deet '0 rose so sweet," Mieeee
Lizzie Sample and Mary Rose' voices
blended moat agreeably. An intermis-
sion was given here and after a choice
eeleotion from Mr. Jaokeon and Mise
Sample on the violin and piano, the re-
mainder of the program was rendered an -
der the caption of "An evening with the
Club," the members being professedly
entertained at the home of the Hon,
President. After a chatty introdnation
the chores "I'm glad my heart's me sin"
was well enng, the vereae being taken by
different yonug ladies, Mies Jo. Roes
read tbe club Newspaper io whioh were
outlined short sketcher of the Siok shit!.
rens' Hospital, Toronto, and the Famine
in India, the two objeote to be financialiy
benefitted by the entertainment ; person-
al items and a poetic effaeion local in he
character and well hit off. "How Aire.
Gasket! did not hire a cook" yeas the title
of an amusing play by Mieeee Mary
and Annie Rose, Rills Hunter, Jean Rit.
(dile, Jean MoLauohlia and Lyda Crooke,
and Jae. Ballantyne, in whioh the 20th
century crook eat out her likes and dislikes
and Mr. Ballantyne took the part of the
"waabee.waebee" finite naturally. The
parte were well taken both as to dreee
and dialeot. "Annie Laurie," the grand
old favorite, was splendidly Bang, the
melody and harmony being first olaae.
Mies Eva Degge, of Chatham, rendered
two solos "Flow'rete Fair," and "She's
been a mother to me" in a Most pleasing
manner. She bag a sweet voice and
enunaiatee the words so olearly that
everybody may °telly Satoh all that iB
Bung. The cake walk was the hit of the
evening and Was done in a style that
Would be bard to noel. It vette a coats•
nal double quartette of "Milled 9000008,"
made up of Nellie and Artie Irwin ;
Aline and Jim Thomson ; Gertie and
Georgia Ross ; and Maggie MoLauahllri
O41u'rp weaving. Betlpfection gnaraa-
teed, liobertAndereon,
Ellett street, l)rneoelo.
Q1(T k'LOWxae AND D,iereNe.-14n9, Bol•
lantyge will false orders, at ]tar G.rooery,
for gut flower! apd Vesal 50eigne, pop•
plied from pity 1;reeuhott9o8.
Jvo' zttmA ear of 1lfanitoba flexr and
bran, from the Beautiful Plains Milling
co , 26eepaWa. Now is the time to put
in your Steell for Summer.
Berrie & YANSTONg,
bio.'l an wisher to thank the public
for past patronage and to intimate that
be may be found regularly at his store
ready to pay the highest oast prioefor
butter and eggs, 51109 opposite Amerl'
000 Hetet.
Wa intend t0 keep the huge es a.goiog,
The boys will keep the giele going,
And that keeps the world going.
We Will keep the shop going,
The shop keepa the men going,
The men keep the femme going
And eo the world goee roonfl,
—SWAN & TNNae,
BUTran l Better l l Ratter I I I After
pix rnonttlt of praoti0al education a num.
ber of merobante have at laeb got on the
ground floor and got Butter in the
twenties, But ray 1 Do they ever tell
you "they're putting it on Elie geode" 7
Bee how long they'll hold the kople.
Wba has not heard of the "Retreat of the
ten•thousand"7 :Now einoe they have
Been the Light we may expegt to be
treated paofeesionally in the fu•ure es
things have been said that hurt. All
kinde Clover and Timothy seeds handled.
G, E. KrNo, Wiugham.
One man was killed and several ser -
lonely injured in -a oollieiou •'tiring. e
snowstorm on the 0. P. R. al 'f,'Acadfe,
between Montreal and Farnham.
lam s7.
OorananrsoN.—In Atwood, on Sunday,
March llth, to Mr. and Mre. Geo.
Outbbertaon, a eon.
MAsott.—In Blyth, on Marob 9th, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Mason, of a eon.
PATTEneoN,—In East Wawanoeh, on
Maroh 11th, the wife of Mr. Nor.
men Patterson, of a daughter.
ST4XD4,8. BeIXIC Fl✓.tr/ 4.D4.
201x00-20imw=0aa s.e•ra.
0APITATa PAID UP (Cue Million Dollars) • 31,000,000
14DBF',RYkll FUND , $000,000
Agencies in Sri prinoipai points in Ontorio, gnaw, Manitoba, United States 040 FJngfand,
on Marob 14th, by Rev. R. Kitoben,
Mr. Marshal Breolienridge, formerly
of Morris, to Mies Millie Leiohmau,
of Iron Bridge, Algoma.
0110N—OLrvan—On March 13011, by the
Rev. 0. W. Bristol, of Trowbridge,
at, the reetdense of the bride's mother,
Mr. James Oroo, of Midland City,
Michigan, to Mies Annie L. Oliver,
of Trowbridge.
Faaewa—PAax—At the reeidenoe of the
bride's parents, Elm., on the 14th
Met, by Rev. P. A. MoLeod, Mr.
Alexander Fraser, of Springfield,
Man., to Miss Elizabeth Maxwell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Jeonwo—k.ATwoon. At the resident* of
the bride's graodpareote, by Rev. J.
G. Yellaod, Mr. Rnfue A. Jaeklia, of
Howiek, to Mies Eliza J. Atwood, of
Grey township.
PEPPER—PEPPER.—At the residence of
Mr. W. G. Pepper, Glencoe, brother
to the bride, by Rev. H. W. MoTay.
ieh, on Marob 14111, Mr. Wm. Pepper,
of Tuokeremith, to Mies Lizzie,.
daughter of Mr, Thos. Pepper, 901
non., Grey township, Huron Co.
07.101,017AS 6; fluxes.
A Gstterat Banking Bneino8e Transacted.- Femora' Notes Dipoonnted.
Drafts Issued and Collections, made OR all 901040,
Interest allowed on depogite of $1.00 and upwards,
Snorer, ATTNNT1oi 00700 To Tan Conneerrox qtr Foveae' Sas Norse.
klvery faoiltty afforded Customers thin! ata dietanoe.
3, N, GORDON, Aoaree AGENT.
England depressed trader Offeringe,
however, were light, and Bold out at weak
to er cw . or
prides of $44 8 6 f 50 $7i P
heavy cattle, the letter price for extra
ohoioe grades ; light cattle sold at $4;25
to $4 50 per owt, Export bulla weaker,
at $8.50 to $8 75 per cwt. for light weights,
and 33,79 to $4 per cwt. for heavy stook ;
demand weak, Butchers' oattle—Good
demand early, but easier feeling later 1 a
few old bullooke sold as high as $4.60 per
owt., but the average choice heifers and
steers sold at $4 to 94.25 per cwt, ; good
loads at $3.50 to $3.90 per owt. • medium
to fixed lots at $8 to 38.50 Per cwt.,
and common &owe 0t 32.50 to $8 per
cwt. Feedere—Few offered,' and weak
demand at unohengedprices, Stockers—
Buffalo market easier, and prices here
are iaolined that way ; offerings today
were light, demand only moderate •
prices in table are unchanged. Feeding
balls steady, at $2.76 to $3.25 per owt. ;
stook bulls, very few offered to a light
demand, at 32 to $2.50 per owt. Sheep—
Local butohere are well, supplied, so
trade was dull. Export ewes sold at
91.25 to $3.75 per cwt. ; bucks at $3 to $4
a head. Lambe were 25o weaker, at
34.25 to $5.50 per owt„r and $6.60 to WOOD WANTED.
$5 75 for pinked ewes and wether,.
Hoge advanced 12eo per cwt., to $5.621 ova are prepared to make eoutraote for
per owt. for selections of 160 to 200 ]be., 1 OW aeras or bard and sort woos, to Us, as,•
livered ab the Bruesele Salt Werke. Par-
actual weight, and 36 per owt. for think eioulars may he had there,
and light fate. TOE COLEMAN SALT COMPANY..
BOSIONDa.—In Lietowel, on Marob- 8th,
Albert Edmonds, aged 68 yeare,8
months and 8 days.
MAr0000 e.—In Toledo, Ohio, March 19th,
Warren Houston, infant eon of
Harry and Dolly Matheson, aged 2
months and 1 day.
Manxe.—In Blyth on March 10th, Sarah,
beloved wife of Robt. Milne, aged 54
RoaEnTaoN.-..In Atwood, on March 13th,
Helen Robertson, the beloved wife of
theists Peter Robertson, sr., aged
97 years and 6 months.
Burouaan.—On the and eon. of Howiok,
on Marob 10313, Joseph E. Reiebard,
aged 26 years, 9 months and 27 days.
SprNxe.—In Howiok, on March 18th,.
Elias Steinke, in his 41st year.
Snaw.—In Rat Portage, on March 1331,
Merle Leonora, infant daughter of
Arthur and Amanda Shaw, aged 1
year and 8 menthe.
Worms eon. --In Grey, on Maroh 16013,
Hannah Durrant, beloved wife of
Chas. Williamson, aged 70 years and
8 months.
CAM for batter;. A. 0ousley.
Cecina and Timothy Beed at Mo.
OLovne and Timothy geed for Bale ab
Baeker & Vanetone'a,
Tor Boggy, McLaughlin gear, nearly
new, for safe cheap. A. R. Satan.
OAan for bides and sheep ,kine,
A. Connie, Brussels.
ONLY One new cutter at our shops. A
bargain for some one, to olear. Come
quick and get it EwAN & INNNe-
AneneeoaaE -line of bedroom. China
Bete, &0., at Mre. Ballantyne',. nut
the thing for a nice wedding present.
Bee them and get prices.
Ewa: & Irma wish to thank alt their
onetomere for the libe,at support of the
peat season and remind all that they are
well prepared for the Summer trade.
Mr. Innes wail away this week buying
and inspeoting goods in the white 0o as
tO get nothing but the beet.
Fon the oomang season we will have a
large number of our make of baggies and
wagons that will be Bold at low prices and
gaaWehave00 Preedeats to
s ! first
ivery reaped,
give $4,000 a
year to or vias greeid tit a s,1 secretary, i
hook.keeper or traveller with salary o
$1000 end travelling exponees. We do
all oar own selling, buying and making
within onreelves, so are in shape to give
castomore a right good artiole at a fair'
pride, Call and see us, 1WAN & INNes.
.Ll heavy draught po1t rising
also One of god heavy drivers, aped
years, Apply 00/Bentleys or Fridays to
1040. LOWE,
8001 Lot 10, Oon. 0, Grey,
hopae on Queen street;also a piano
Very little uded,pee of the est 3001,40 for
three hundred and fiity dollars. Must be
Sold before the let of April. Apply to
Notice to contractors.
Tenders will be reoeived by the undeceiv-
ed up to Marob 81st, ah 8 p, m., for the own'
w n-
tfon o1 the Walton Worinnun'a Hall.. The
1oweet or any tender not uaeeosarily except-
3010N 00VENLOOI{,
TIONnnn for the County, Raper•
Sande of over 14 yeare, uu4 knowledge of who
to Bell to. Will 8uarautee eatiefaation.: If
you wont to sell or buy a farm °all ou-1310.
Money to loan at 40 per cent.
avOTSOiNT sA.7J2•I.
SATURDAY, MARCH 24.—Hoaeehoid farm•
tare, &0.,corner of Flora and Elizabeth
streets, Brneeele. Sale, nnreeerved, at
2.30 o'olook. Maggie M Stewert, Pro-
prietress ; F. S. Scott, Auctioneer.
TUESDAY, Mena 27.-40 bead of cattle,
inolnding 14 good dairy ()owe, at Lot 86,
Con. 12, East Wawanoelt, near Wing•
ham. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. T.
E. Walker, Prop.; J. Carrie. Ano.
TauasmY, Mutat 29TH.—Farm steels,
lot 85, con. 16, Grey. Sale, unreserved,
at 1 o'olook. Wm. Mann, Prop. ;.F. S.
Saab, Ano.
Fnooao, Moon 80.—Farm stook, im.
plementa, &o. N Lot 26, con. 8, Mor-
tis. Sale, unreserved, at 10 e. m;
Lunch at noon. Wm. Forrest, Prop,;
F. S. Scott, ano.
2 mulles of milk for '5 dente. Apply
to S. Brix.
Mowry to, loan, private funds, on farm
eeonrity, Apply at Tam Pon.
4 YEAR old mare for sale, broken to
drive or work.. 3110. 8PEIR,
0l'tf. Lot 210181 line Morris.-
Seas of good heavy
working home for
sale. Price to B. ALEX.
Lot th•ln, Morris. 0
HOUSE and one acre of ground to rent,
Apply to Tam .0oa7
THO. street,
2MR'77000 7T -.B m2A.R2iams.
Pall Wheat 60 62
Barley 86 88
Peas 68 60
Oats 25 26
Batter, tube and rolls ., 17 18
Eggs per dozen 10 ea
Flour per barrel4 00 4 goo
Potatoes (per bus) 20
Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00
Balt pet bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton 7 00 7 00
Hides trimmed ••..••7 73
Hidee rough 5 6
Sheep skins,ea&h 80 86
Lamb chins each 26 26
Hoge, Live 3 00 5 25
Hogs, Dressed 6 00 6 00
Wool 8 18
Stamped Boots
and Shoos.
TonONTo, ONT., Mitten 20.—At the Tor-
onto oattle market today, hogs were 12io
per cwt, higher ; export cattle dull and
week ; butaber cattle. fair ; sheep and.
lambs dun. Trade in cattle on the whole
was fair and prices practioally
from l±ridaylast. The 1041071160 modenata,
about 37 loads, made up of 000 cattle,
1,000 hogs and 200 sheep and lambs.
Quality of cattle woe good. 'There were
some extra oboioe loads Bold. Export
cattle—Further unfavorable oables from
Silks for Dresses,
Silks for Waists.
Vf Apply to THE 7080,13rseeele.
•. 88.8
minion for eale in Brussels, corner of
Tnrnberry and Queen streets. There are 8
rooms, cellarfull size of hoose, hard and
soft water, Se., 4 acre of land. Lneatiou is
moat couveuiect,.- For further particulate
eDplyy to A. 0ODB rys, 1•ruseele, or D. Me-
LIO1vNAN, proprietor,, 8eaforth.
040 acres. complete section, near
Southwest boundary or Manitoba. Over 100
soros under cultivation. Pine two•etorey.
house misting over 81000. 8 mile from rail-
way ; riyer Souris puttee through farm ;
nuns cheap coal supply. Prion 84000.
Apply to SRO. D. RONALD.
on Mill etreot, Brussels. The house
is a. comfortable one well fitted up,.with
oello &
aheo a Bard and e, Fritwater, ees There n l
also a good stable, e Fruit rad. in garden
oyer Sae -quarter mere of land. For grin(),
terms, &o, apply to Z. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. 1101RR of Tag Poem. 18.30
BAR.. 22, 1900'
We expect to make a splendid
report of big attire from our new line of
WALL PAPERS for they are carefully
eeleoted and we know the prioee we ask
are right. We have this year added a
very fine line of Ingrains 00 pOpalar at
present. Our stook repreeenta ail tastes,
shades, wee and Colors and -so meets a
large °lase of wants. Will you give 00 a
chance to meet yours,
Fox's Drug $Rose.
.LnATE oN oRhle7hLeebeee property the late
Elliott, oonaletlug o1 a. solid brick house
With frame kltoheu and woodshed, goad
stable and i aero of land all in aret•olaes
condition. 1f not sold will be rented. Pos.
oesei0D at any time. For pa, Maulers apply
to Won. SPERMS, Rea i Amex. PATTE0BON,
Galt; or 710, MCIIazvey, Mt. Forest 0311
SALht.—Lot 17, 0011. 9, Township of
Grey, 100 scree more or lees. Situate 43
miles trom•B,ueeels and•2 milesfrom village
of Ethel, All cleared exoeptlog 8 acres of
hardwood bush. Buildings and femme in
good repair. Good wells, All Fall plowing
done. Price and terms of payment on ap-
plication to. W.M. SINCLAI i
29.01 Barrleter, k0., Brueeels.
T.,'ARMS FOR SALE. --100
acres in the Township of Howiek, be.
ins Lata 15 and 10, Qom, O • 80 sores aro
cleared and 20 acres in bueb ;'bank barn with
stone stabling underneath; and frame bone°'
with cellar. A good thriving orchard.
Farm to situated 8 miles from Wroxeter.. Also 00 00 acres in the Township of Turnberry,
being North hast of Lot 7, Coo. A ; 80 some
in grass, 20 aoree of hush ; frame barn and
log house ; a good spring, For further par•
tienlars apply to ALEX. =SLOP,
284 - Wroxeter 7, 0.
0140 Lot 20, N k Oon. 5, Morrie township,
containing 98 mires of erat'class land. There
is a house, barn, orobard and. good Ware-
house. and farm ie well fended. Thera are
80 name In Pall wheat; 15 acre() in hay and
45 acres pasture. Poe00eeton could be given
at once. Farm adjoins the village of Bras.
sole, Per further partioulare as to price,
tering, &o., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
AL P., Baden. • 21.01
Considine oof the Roth 4 and South
a i -
of uthe North is an ext etl tit eto, Eaat t Vbel a-
uoeh. This lean excellent stook term,being
well supplied. with good springwater. ltis
situated about 8 miles from te thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of it le ander
grass. Buildings and fences are in a tutr
state of repair. Easy terms of payment wh1
be given. ,.For all information apply to
1141 G. F. BLAIB, Barrieter, Brussels.
A't,r R. SMITH,
Cash and Dna price Clathiar�`
Highest Price for Butter.
' G7Btl�v'
Takes on a new lease of life
when it comes into ,contaet
with the extra value and
superior quality of our New
and Seasonable Goods.
Ready-madh Suits,
Our Spring stook of Men's Ready.
made Salta to now ready for imitation
and we are offering three linea at very
apeoiel prices ;—
Light anddark oolored fancy tweed,
extra valae, per suit $4 25
Light and dark oolored fancytweed,
extra value, per gait 5 00
Light and dark colored fan&y tweed,
extra value, per snit 0 00
These are bat a few of the Special
Valves that we are offering fa oar stook
of Ready-made Clothing.
Just a Word to the
Young Men.
If you young man inland to dreee
etylieh tbie Spring it will, pity you to pall
and see our stook of Fancy Tweeds and �lhh pp
and Worsteds. High Grade lJlloes,
Prioes range -911, 312, $13, $14,$15,
$16, $17, 318, $19 and $20 per edit. Oar Shoe stook consists of High
We guarantee a fit and we also use a Grade Shoes made by John MoPbereon,
superior quality of Trimmings. ( of Hamilton, and J. D. Ring, of,Toronto.
Neckwear and Hats.
We ask you to inepe0t our Neok•
wear and our new stook of Hata. We
can show you the leading ehapea in
Fedoras. Oolore—Blaok, Brown, Fawn
and Pearl.
We oan show you the leading shapes
in Stiff Hate in ell the newest colors.
A Few Words to
the Ladies.
Please don't fail to see our
before buying. We are ate° Blowing a
larger range- of GINGHAMB than ever
Call end sae our CRETONNES in
light and dark colors, Prime ranging
100, 120, 14o, 160, 16o and 170.
We have a more oomplete stook of
We consider it d tleasure to
Show You Goods