HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-22, Page 5• V. MAR, 22, 19QQ BBtrS8ZI48 kOST BUSINESS CARPS, Tt,TONFY TO LOAN AT 5 PER 11'1 cent. F,.R, SCOTT, Bruesele, H. MOORAO11EN— • Ieouer of Marriage Licences. Ot• Roo µt Greaery,Turnberry street, 11tae0ole, N: BARRETT— • Toneor1111 Artist. Shop—Next door North of the Standard B auk. Ladies' and Chlldron'o hair elating a specialty, i ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN. nanel0NE0 has several good Farms 100 sale add to r• nt, easy terms, 111 Townships of Morris and Grey. F $. SCOTT,Brdesele M. MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, BR.—r.„ M=T�S, MIST. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue!. of Marriage Licenses, O1r81011 AT JEWELRY STOBE, KrPNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MiSS SARAH LOUiSE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academic graduate of London 'Coneerva- tory of Music, also Member of the Associated Musician o! Ontario, to prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare motif! for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Male. ' Brussels, Ontario. ALEX.. HUNTER— Clark of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, NotaryA Publi , Land,Loan and Insurance Agent; eer. Funds invested and to'loan. Collec- tions made. Offioe in Graham'siBlocb,llrua- eele. .AUCTIONEERS. sso OOwiTTll sABll eAr N better to batter men, in less time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in Beat Huron or he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders personal can. lways beaarranged ui ed at this office or by - DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FORMERLY Or 0EA801 11) DENTIST, Graduate of R. 0. D 8,, Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Haeliol's School, Chicago, in in aurronndinggtowns. 1: -Prices seals as OMae over A. R. Smith's store, Brussels. VETERINARY. J D. WARWICK.— . 130000Graduate dt0rat Vet- erinary College, roPareto treat all Ma- eases domesticated compet- ent mner.Priularttention p� to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended t- Co rt of bridge,, To. Offloo urdbd elry et., Brussels. rmary—Four Dore North. LEGAL. AND CONVEYANCING. WM. f,SINOLAIR-- • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, 1 door Nor MI of Pentrall Hotel wart's Block solioltor for the Standard Bank, F. BLAIR, BARRISTER Solicitor, deo. 08100 over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village o1 Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, M' G. CAMERON— • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & ta n) Barrister itoriela On Cameron) mitstreet, Solicitor, Col- boroa Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., O. M., Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col - logo of Physicians and 8urgeon0 of Ontario. Dfsea988 of Women and Children aspeoial- idenNine opposite lingiieh church, Brussels. 9 J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 111. D., C. 31., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Phyeiciane and Burgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Cot. loge of Phyeiciane and Licentiate of Mid- Wifery Edinbu rah. Iraa-Telephone No.14, 1001(lerme—M1lrstreet, Brussels. <h DR. L. HOLMES! meIOIAN, SURGEON AND 000010HEUn, (Successor to Dr. F. 1L Bnlbfleisell) M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., New YToron- to ;lem o of the Co01.1 llege 01 Physiciansria and Surgeons of Ontario. 8pooial attention paid to diseases o1 woman, eye, ear, nose hand tkrdat. D. F. SMITH, M. D. O. M., °vacillate of McGill Collage, Montreal, Sr., dm. All epoolaltyy work satisfactorily treat- ed..Office .upstairs in the Steelton Block. 011100 hours, 0 to 12 a. m., and 7 to 10 p, m. Specialistwork, such as for eye, oar, throat, street from M2 to at his m,r� All met cinesUwill be dispensed personally by the Dr, or under his direct cupor visiou. At 0bcs1ey, Halliday & Oo.'3 general store wae damaged by fire to the extent of $14,000. At the annual meeting of. the Wsatern Canada Prase Asaooiation at Winnipeg it , wag decided to have an 08 3rsion during the doming Summer to Buffalo and Toronto. 3BCstr c ; Chis, Cviorri•j, Jos. Bennett IMO left for Manitoba. Patrictto concert in the town hall on Friday evening. WOO Mollie MOMains, of Elma, is visit- ing Miee Mary Perkins, Rev. 0. C. ,fiaine, of Pine River, wag in town last week visiting Mende anti al- quaintanoee. Rev. Mr, Garbutt preaobedEduaat- iooal sermons in the Fordwioh Methodist church last Sabbath morning and even- ing. Whoa Sell, of S6. Marys, formerly of this pleas, has moved to Walkerton, where he has entered into partnership with A. A. Blank, Rev. Mr. Garbutt's subject in the Methodist ohurah on Sunday evening, 25111 inst., will be, "Some renewal" why Methodists ehould not dance." Trowbrlda e. Mise Mary Code, who bee been visiting in Peel, (turned. Mr. Williams, of Oak River, Man., was visiting with B, McCormick. Mies Ettie Code, who has been visit- ing in Gorrie, returned home aaoompan- ied by Mr. and Mise James. The Willing Workers of the Metho- dist aburoh will give a Tea in the base. meat of the ohurah on the evening of 28th inst. Miee Minnie Code, who hes been sick in Bld8vale for acme weeke, has so far recovered ae to be able to return to her home. We hope ehe will soon 130 Cenral - men t. Mr. Clark has arrived and taken charge of the blaokemithing business here. We welcome Mr. and Mut. Clark to the vil- lage, and that they w ill never have teaeon to regret having come. A very quiet wedding took plane on Tuesday, 13th inet., at the home of Hugh Oliver, when his second daughter, Annie, was united in matrimony to Mr. Cron, of Midland' City, Midi. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bristol, and the happy couple left on Wednesday for their home near Midland City, accompanied by the beat wishes of their many Mende hi this vicinity. 131.v ch . At it special meeting of Blyth council on Monday evening of last week the eleotric light contract with E. Living- ston was renewed for another three yeare. Mise Annie Kelly, daughter of the late Patrick Kelly, was married io Toronto a few days ago to J. P. Langey, (Manager of the Miner Pabliehing Co., Rat Port- age. In our last issue we stated that J. G. Moser would remove from Blyth to Se. bringville within a month. Since then tbe gentleman at Sebringville declined to sell and Mr. Moser has decided to re main in Blytb. He has re -purchased his interest in the new union block from T. W. Scott and will build with the others. OBITUARY.— About five o'olock on Sot• nrday morning, Maroc 10th, Mrs. Robt. Milne paeeed away to her eternal home. The news of her death wasa ,book and a surprise to our citizens, as ebe bad only been ill three days with a severe cold. Late on Friday night ebe was etricken with paralysis, from which she never recovered, remaining onaonecioae for five Hoare. Her funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to the Union Ceme• tery and was very largely attended. The funeral services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev. A. McLean and Rev, Mr. Penhall. Mre. Milne was a resident of Blyth for the past 20 yeare. She wae born on Young street, North of Toronto, 54 yeare ago and was the eldest of afamily of four sone and lour daugh- ters. Her father was tbe late David Erwin, a Justice of the Peace and a gentleman prominently known in Toronto and neighborhood. She woe married to her now bereaved husband 33 yeare ago. Besides her husband she leaves one ohild, Dr, W. J. Milne. The husband and eon have the sympathy of everyone in the loee of a loving wife and affectionate mother. For the past 12 yearo she was an invalid, unable to walk, bat, although a great sufferer ebe wae always of a bright cheer. ful disposition. To the poor of our town ebe was a good and staunch friend and many a poor person in Blytb will mien her generosity. Deceased was a member of St. Andrew's church, Blyth, for 15 yeare, Mhas n Tale It Tells. If that mirror of yours ebowe a wretch. ed, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patellae and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble ; but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear akin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25o et G. A. Dead- man', Drug Store. Lionto low el. Lietowel II. hockey team defeated Harrigton on the rink here, the score be• ing 10-4 in favor of the home team. Wm. Wiles, one of the promoters of the Furniture factory, has taken a house in town and will remove hie family from Walkerton. M. MOD, Fleming bas Bold out hie merchant tailoring heftiness to Wm. Jenkins of Hamilton, head nutter for a leading firm of clothiers in that city. The Listowel Chair 0o. received their new engine and boiler and are now busily engaged in getting them ready for work. The engine is 35 horse power, and the boiler 50 h. p. Thos. Later, Co. Secretary, and Jos. Walker, Distriot Neater Wallace, wore in Braaebridge last week,attending the annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge, Ontario West. The Livingston flax mill, whiob has been shut down eines) the death of John Livingston, will be started up again this season. P. J. Livingston bee made arrangements to operate the mill. Jno. and Mre. Gardner, of the Mitohel( road, received word of the death of their eon, Robert, in Loa Angeles, California, on the 8611 inst. The deceased wag a barber by trade, and had been away from home for about twelve yeare. Another drag More will shortly be opened in town, with R. Hunter, formerly with J. A. Hooking, in charge. A now hardware store ie also about to be opened in Dr. Philp's etore on Wallace street, whiob is beteg fitted up for the purpose. Wm. Stevenson, near the High °ohool, baa purchased the 50 aura form just East of the race worse, from T.H. Bolla, for 02,600. Thie property wae formerly owned by R. R. Hay, Mr. Stevooson now owns 100 acres, ino}Stding the 40 re0 e h railway o 1 wee over the ru ay Era k and 0 ,as within the corporation, F. 0, Howe has returned to town after a two weeke' trip to Manitoba. 13e has Dome to the oonclesion that there are worse plawee than Listowel, and that while the Northweet effete advantages for farming and ranching, bueinseo of nearly all kind° le overdone, and thie ie likely to continue to be the 0008 until the .-country has filled up with eettle00, Mr. Howe will continuo hie barbering brei. noes in town. McKillop. McRirrol' Coonn!» Ocunoil in Sage's hotel, Walton, on Monday 120h net. Members of Oounoil and Treasurer all present. A Bylaw amending by law re latiog to statute labor so that all parties aeooseed $500 or under will have 1 day statute labor; $500 to $1000, 2 days, and every $500 over the $1000, one half day, wee read and paeeed. The Sy -law wae read and provisionally passed for messing certain lands in MoKillop for out let into the North • W eet Drain, Logan, tits said by law to reoeive its third read. ing on the 121(1 day of June, A Bylaw appointing Ponndkeepers, Fenoeviewere and Pathmaetere was read, and adopted. The names of Poundkeepers and Feooe viewers will be publiehed later. All Omioiale to take office on May let. Ev ery fifth ratepayer is a Pathmarter. No gravel is to be pall for until the Path• mestere' lists are returned to the Clerk which should be before Aug, 15th. Pathmaeters are'hequeeted not to employ men to fill gravel witbout Consent of some member of Council and to notify parties with wood or other cumbrance in roadways to remove them ae parties are claiming damages and roads a 're for public and not for private nee. Accouete were paid amounting to $10.95. Council. adjourned to meet e et in Jones' Hall Lead ' bury, on Thareday, tbe 28th day of May, ae a Court of Revision at 1 o'olook in the afternoon. Ono. MORRISON, Clerk. A 118911 mystery. It ie a mystery why women endure Backache, 'Headache, Nervoueneee,Sleep- leeenese, Melancholy, Fainting and Diz zy spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bittere will gniokly ours ,mob troubles. "I suffered for year, with kidney trouble," wri1ee Mre. Phebe Charly, of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back pained me eo that I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my own housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap• petite, gives perfect health. Oily 50o at G. A. Deadman', Drug Store. Wroxeter. A petition has been circulated and genrralty signed asking that John Wendt get the central telephone office. It was concluded by the PublioLibrary to aooept Miee Sanderson's offer to act as librarian and providela editable place for the books In the post office building. Our new station agent, Geo. Allen, formerly of Proton station, is fully in. stalled in his duties here. W.Caesar, who was here for a week or two, goes to Proton station, J. H. Scott, of this vicinity, received a letter from his brother, Wellington Stott, a native of Culross Tp., and lately of Mooeomin, N. W. T., who is now a cor- poral away with the Stratheoua Horse for South Al rice. MiseLetitia Morrison, who is employ- ed in Geo. Laokie's tailor shop, wae standing too near the stove wben the book of her skirt took fire and blazed up. With good presence of mind her oom• panion got her outside in the snow and extinguished the fire and prevented more serious consequences. At the last meeting of the school board the moat important busineee was the op• pointing of Thee. Gibson, jr., and Dr, W. M. B. Smole on the Public Library Board to take the plaoes of W. M. Robin- son and W. S. MoXercber whose time has Tired. Dr. Brawn has also resigned and hie pl ace will have to be filled by a school board appointee. The following from the Pittsburg, Kan - Ise, Daily Tribune, will be of interest here :—"On March let at the M. E. par- sonage, married by Rev. A. S. Freed, Dr. Benton J. Hazelwood, of this city, to Miee Lula B. Reblor, of Paris, Canada. Dr. Hazelwood is one of the leading phy• eioiane of Pittsburg and is in partnership with Dr, H. Harvey. During bis reel dente here be hae made many Mende. He has just recovered from a very 'severe illness through which his affianced was his constant nurse. His bride is a most estimable young lady, and belongs to one of the prominent families of Paris, Can- ada. The happy topple have ai boat of friends who extend most hearty con- gratulations on their onion." World's Champion Healer. "I tried many remedies to core piles," writes W. R. Smith, of Latham, III., "but found no relief till I used Baoklen'e Arnica Salve. I have not been troubled with piles since." Grandeet pile aura on earth and the best salve in the world. 25e per box, guaranteed by G, A. Dead. man, draggiat. Atwootl. R. M. Batlantyne shipped a consign- ment of ferniture to a ,party at Emerson, Man. Over $45 was raised by the Atwood Presbyterian oongregregatioa in aid of the India Famine Fund. Geo, Loohbead has pnrobaeed from Mre. Jamee Wilson the etore and lot 00. oupied by Miee Govenlook's millinery etore, paying therefor $450. Duncan McIntyre hae disposed of hie 69 acre farm, lot 15, con. 10, to John Val- iance for $2,100, Mr. Vallance gets pos. mesion on April let. Duncan has re. turned to British Columbia, where he hae been for the past two years. He le pros- pering out West. The Atwood Checker Club was hospi tably entertained at the (tome of M. and Mre. Corrie, A splendid lunob wee served at the close of the match. A similar match wae held at L. Pelton's. There are some good players in town, no. tably James Struthers, M. (Jerrie, Geo. Loohhead and Dr. 11(11. Dian.—On the 18th feel., Mre. Peter Robertson, mother of our townsman, J. G. Robertson, passed away at the ripe age of 97 yeare and 0 months. She was barn in 800tland an 1803, and emigrated to Canada in 1835 with her hneband,set. tling first in Lowe! Canada, and later up to Wellesley township, Ont. fu 1841. They were among the first eettlere of the township, which from Hampstead Nortb wae at that time a donee forest, designat. ed the Queen's bush. They removed from Wellesley to Wingham, reelding at the latter town abeat 15 yeare when Mr. Robertson died, about 06 yeare ago. The old lady Confirmed to reside wltb her eon in Wingham till about 2i yeare ago, since which time he resided with her eon in Atwood, and at Whose house ebe died. Eight obildren Were born to them, two of whom—Alex. and Peter—are dead. The surviving children are ; John G., of Atwood ; George, of London ; Robert dentist, of Portage la Prairie ; Jamee and Mre. Dunemore, of Neepawa, Man.; and Mre. Joshua Shinee, of Wallace tocvn- ship. She Woo a lifelong Christian and a valued member of Wingham Baptist phorob. Ei a l01 vtl'veO. Material ie being got ready for the fin• provemen18 to be made to the exterior of the Methodist (thumb, A short time ago a man visited the Meager here and was treken aoroes the veldt to a kopje where he expeoted to make a raid, but the horse way blind and could nut see in the dark and the road flew up and struck him, but some burgh• ere happened along, fixed up his horse, put the road back in ite place and started the harness and rig on it all right, The following from the Dayton, Ohio, Evening Preee, of March 8th, refers to the death of the wife of Dr, J. H. Mo Casey, formerly of this place ;—Mre. J. H. MoOaeey died at 3 O'olook this morn- ing at her home at the corner of Fifth and , Wilkinson streets. She bad been confined to her bed for nine weeke with diabetes oomplioated with Bright's die. ease. Her age was 30 yeare and 6 days. Mre. Whan, her mother, of Concordia, Kan., and Mre. J. H. Frediey, of Trini• dad, have been attending at her bedside during the past'two weeke. Mre, D. J. Ma0aeey . and Dr. E. G. MoOaeay, of Oinoiouati and her husband and bel' Stanley, sonwereher bedside when St ey, at e the end Dame. The deceased woe mar- ried ten yeare ago last November and was greatly devoted to hnedand and coo and home. The funeral was held on Saturday, March 10th and was largely attended. Scriptural eervioe was con• dnated by Rev. Mr. Work at the residence. Mrs. Eidemiller and Mies Ambrose Bang two hymns. Temple Rebekah lodge No. 80 held a beautiful and impreeeive lodge eervioe at the cemetery. Temple Rebekah lodge and Gem City hive of Macoabeee attended in a body wearing badges of their reepeotive orders. The casket wag a beautiful pink plpeh folding conch, lined with Dream satin. The floral offer. ing, were numerous and beoatifal and contributed by the Temple Rebekah lodge, Gem City hive No. 126, L. 0. T. M ; "Lady Friends," the Jolly Euchre glob, the team of Iola lodge, K. and P. ; Dr, and Mre. Bollinger, Mre. Latin, Mre. Schenk, Mime Bilzele,Swartzel and Mre, Poffenberger ; Messrs. Hindman and Maokey, Mre. F. C. Garrett and MoOasey brothers of Cincinnati. Forclwich. The grain etorehooee at the etatioo here is filled to the roof with grain. Wm, Walker, 0. P. R. relieving agent, is in charge of the station here, while Mr. Crisp is away for a couple of weeke holidays. John R. Ward, late of Fergne, has moved bis honoehold effects, eta., to town and intends opening out his bakery in the Downey Block. William Higgins has moved his stook of confectionery, eta., aoroee the bridge into the place lately occupied by Mre. McGrath as a drese•making eetablieh. meat. Ald. Blaioher, wee etrioken with par. alysia at the Waldorf Hotel, Hamilton, Tuesday dight. Lieut. Wilkie, of the Royal Canadians, ton of D. R. Wilkie ofToronto, ie serious ly ill at Wynberg, South Africa. Thomas Whittaker, who boa been io St. Peter's Infirmary at Hamilton for seven yeare, died there Friday morning. According to hie count, he was 100 yeare of age on October 15th last. NEW TERM NOW OPEN. Enter as Soon as Possible. A school offering advantages not to be found elsewhere in the Dominion. Catalogue Free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. The Business Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train• ing in all branches of Commercial work, at oouoiderably lose than regular rete,. For full information apply Dooms or college over Post °ince. L. HARTT, I,ISTO` BTC, PRINCIPAL. The standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts: of Fifty Dollars and wale, isened by thio Bank, payable at par at any obartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Die- triot, RATES- Under $10 . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . 0.10 20 to 30 . 0.12 30 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS 1111111 \Vor 1 Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, 8oie• sore, bred knives and other edged toole in op•ta date style.. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Betie- faotion enured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. Spectacles —OF ALL KINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyee tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND CTliBR— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeoese, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con - gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseaeee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels Spring Prints P. K. & GinEhams All Spring Goods at Old Prices at.... Agent for Parker's Dye Works. SKENE'S. THE VERY CREAM Of fine Groceries for the Christmas Seaeon is now being shown by us, every article being bright, cleat and fresh, and as quality is the first essential we have taken spacial oare to eeleot only the finest geode for your inspection. A look through our store will show you that our stook of Fruits and Table Delicacies is very Som• plete, and if yon have a single thought of economy we ask you to examine our goods before purchasing and whatever yon eeleot in CURRANTS ICINGS RAISINS OR000LATES PEELS EXTRACTS, SPICES FIG8 SHELLED WALNUTS & ALMONDS S DS N I or anything else for table gee, you can rest Mammal, we will do our best to please yon and give your orders one beet atteatioa. Oysters by Dish or Quart. Fine Stock of Confectionery. 0. H. BARTLIFF, CitROOER, 3 MoKINNON CO a 4 ,t, 1 1 3 )edges, Ll 'J 8 rl t CA.RPETS and CURTAINS I Encouraged by the very large sales we made last year in Gamete, Curtains and Howie Furnishings, we placed our orders for nearly double the quantities for this year. They are now in stook and ready for inept:- tiou. And although the prime have advanced from 10 to 15 per cent, Since we bought, tve will sell them at price. It you want Carpete or Curtaino you ehould matte your selections at once, when you can get them at prime like these ;- Laoe Curtains, 2a yards long, 26 inches wide, worth 25a for 190.' Lace Curtains, 2* yards long, 30 inobee wide, taped edges, now worth 36o for 26o, Laoe Curtains, 3 yds. long, 36 inobee wide, toped edges, epeoilil at 50s. Nottingham Leos Curtains, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide, look stitch worth 900 for 750. Fine Nottingham Laoe Curtains, 3a yards long, 50 inches wide, lock stitch edges, worth $1.10 for 90a. Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, St yards long, 55 tushes wide, look etitob edges, new designs, worth $1,25 for $1. Fine Swiss Onrtaine, Imlay effects, 3h yards long, look otitah edges, from 60 to 60 inobee wide, at $1 20, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 60. . Art Musline, lattice etripee, something new, at 10a, 1280 and 15c. Chenille Curtains, 3 yards long, fanoy dada at top and bottom, knotted fringe, at $3, $3.50 and $4. Union Carpels, yard wide, new patterns, 250, 30o and 600. Wool Ingrain Carpets, yard wide, new designs, 75a and $1. Tapestry Carpets, new Spring patterns, at 350, 45a, 50a and 750. Linoleame, in all widths, new patterns, at old prioee. l—Carpets Cut and Matched Free of Charge. ry N NATIoNfi ROLLER t_ xxxxxxxxxxxx MILL, . . BRUSSELS, Stands in the front rank for Tip. top Flour. Our Manitoba Brand is First- class, taking 1st prize at the Fall Exhibition. Chopping done by the Stone process, recognized as the Best in use. Satisfaction assured. Oatmeal always on hand for sale or exchange 'for oats. Dry elmerioan Corn by the Car Load. .Also all kinds of Mill .Feed. Special Attention given to Gristing.•'4...., Improvements have been made that add to our ability to do the very best for our customers. W. F. Stewart. d148'kJY*Sa.Lf`tale"t911•k7"6Y'rJ,tflBlaisl-lilzd7'mc•C"U•Cr`dG.li-7S'lRca2oR .Are You Thinking of Buying a Range or Cook Stove ? uoce-tsfulsocuueeg � pp If so you should see our Gurney's Imperial OXFORD RANGE Seven of these Ranges . sold since the Brussels Fair. They save more Fuel Are sealer R gn ated } Than any other of their class Also a large display of Base Burners, Coal and Wood Heaters. A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete, for $50. It takes 26 inch wood. The hest ie always the Cheapest. Yon will save your money by calling on no i iia aaRjM' 1acaRa er.p oQaci:e Wilton & Turnbull f ' } :r ' ,,i „ ` wt,s 1 Furniture .. When It Comes to We have something to say of special interest to everyone who has a home to provide for. Whether it ie a .Parlor Suite, Couch, Bedroom Suite, !Sideboard, Extension Table, Bookers, Dining Chairs, Anything, Everything that is desirable. We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs and Pianos; Our prices cannot be beaten. Picture Framing attended to carefully and large stock of Mouldings to select from. You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at