HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-22, Page 3e
MAPCO 22; 1t1t1Ot
0 IST,
Entry intoI,L� � �
Tire following is the: text of Lordand Cupl, Fawcett wore tee first to
Rebores' ciesp,aae Lo the wee 0 f e6 enter tau Sarver. 'lou eu,ile-poudeut
announe:n joie' ooeup Lien o,' Moeda- says:-
g Roberts mad0 a elate Boles
fontein;--, Into this eeptur,d eat. at 0000, ate
"Bl-em.'ontein, Tuesday, March 13, 8 we., givou u t+t111ememe otat.an•
p. m', -73y the help' o: God and by, the '1Iu ala. e the put,.iu bei .il,g., at.d
bravery o2 Ilea Mujetaehe soldiers, tbo wear to the et. teed 1 ,due 01 1110
Lroo t,uoder my immured leave taken e.te ;deal; 1, l; 1 11d bS' u c11te,i.,11
P� 0r�w.t, t,uu t;av<d t1e, ls.ltiiif.i.g;.ltl
peesession of Bloemfontein. . tai,g the N.itiveue Aft X ,io £11 pee-
"Tl1e.BriLisle _1•_t.g now filmoder the pl: wale au a tante u1 Lteuize.1 ex0,Lo-
Pres:denny,'evacuated last evening by
Mr. Sleyn, kite Prevalent at the Or-
ange Free. Saute.
"Mr. eraser, member 01 the late Ex-
ecutive (iovernmetet, Lite Meyer, the
Secretary a the Lite (*OVer ,ment,the
Lenddrosb' (t reesurer), and othor o.ft-
Mats met' me two miles,>rom the Lown
end preseuted ins with the keys o: the
public ocLees.
"The enemy have withdrawn front
the ne;,gM,nrhiod, and all seems quiet.
"The , Inhabitants of Blo dmf•onloin
gave the troops it acrd al ce
The London In lily Ch'ronicle's corre-
spandent et Bloom onte.n, in a de- Panted by other prominent 011.11110, to
sp.ttch dated March 13, sends the Lot- ',teeing to lemon: end, where he trans -
lowing account o. the oncupation:- (erred the Government.
"Bletnesonlo:n rurrendered at 10 a. When Gen. Frtneh teethed lberan-
a -m. tteet:y, and was ocoupled at noon. way Loath ofathe eaptta! on March 12
'PPresideat tittyn, with 0 met, city of he destroyed the track for some d ti-
the iigbLing burghers, fled north- tanca with the object of delaying ,he
riga. :wards, arrival of Commaodaat Gen. Jouterl,
'on Monday nfterudun previuu3 to
the tlarrcudel' there tied Leen a 1111 0.
emkiug cud he,11119, Cul the tuutny
then rslu'ed, situ, ito..at t.. ha., bis
head ;Urr.er, 1n .13c 1'3e I.011•1811.461.
1ai,lv..y 1s untuju.ed.
"1111', b rut.ut' and 1110 Op'boti ion
leauers heated the depute 1:.n th.it
want out et 111ee1 Ueu, ltober1t..'
Nothlag faith.i' ut auy eon-et,ut,n 0
lia, Lem 3e,e.v.d, taco• lboberts' last
despatch oeceeted 1(1 hours in gattit:g
to London.
'au Dui.y Telegraph; in a €e0ond
edespatch twee
ih<a a di.ion
B3nnEL liwleigh at Llueanluntaa
slating drat lrtsident Stejn, aocom
r'ransvaalers Had Threatened t
3ombard Free State (appal.
A deepatah from Bloemfontein says:
Witch Cho 3r:tisb troops entered this
oity:'on Tuesday they found that It
presented a regular Sunday appear-
ance. The 8heps were all closed, rind
the ladles on the streets were wearing
their Sunday attire. Many of the
residents declared that they expected
that the place would be bombarded.
A ourrosi>onden• had a conversation
with Councillor Duty, who described un
embittered meeting of the Execnitive
Couna:1 that was held the day prior
to the surrender. A, ter the meeting
Pres.denl St.yn boarded a train and
proceeded to iirooestad, where he has
establ.shed hie government.
The Transvaal Beers sought to come
Pel the hide Staters to resit the 13r11-
ish a Pout ranee, but their a -forts were
o. no meta. A. rnesseuger was sent to
the Beer camp on the Modder river
11.11 the 1.0 ermution Lest 100 bree
:.,rte Bees would not attempt to hoed
Blat:aton.eln, whine h.ea no fortilia.tc
i.tns, ng .last Gen. Reber Ls, th.y
knowing .hat to etlempL to make a
ue-once would result in the practical
des. ruction o. the town.
Th s u.tos.ge eeel oa 1113 ind'gnation
o .11. Trans. eider y, who threatened to
blow B one on..ein to pieces. The resi-
dents were there ore, uncertain whe-
ther her the l.ugl.ah or their o vn u of
the. Transvaal would bembarl the
Phare ora, when the Br.tish entered
there was cons.dcr .'bla rejoicing, as
tha r preemies would present an at-
tack upon 'the place by the Ti•ansvaal-
The signs an the shops and all the
ex ernals here would lead anyone to
bel eve that the place 1s an .English
The first troops to enter the. city
were tha Cnrb.neers.
'fhe deputation which rode out from
the city Tuesday morning id .ormhlly
leudor tb3 'Puree er of the nap:tal to
Gen. Reber.s con>.sted o Llnderust
Popen no, Dr. Kelm; ,sr the Mayer, and
Mr. Fraser. a member of tile Volks-
"Gen. French was within five miles and llo k ng the ratrect cf tltaenemy.
of the place at 5 p, m. Monday. He A de patch to the Doily Mai. Iroa
sent a i'ulmmons into the town threat- Bloemfontein, idled Tao dry evening
e . ening to bombard it! unless it surren- at 7o clock, says: -
S'` decal br 4 a. en. Tuesday. A white lag "Major-teeneral Pettymnn has been
was hoisted Tuesche morning, and a apeointed mi itary governor ofBlorm-
deputnt'on' of the Town Council, with fontein, Lord Roberts and his sea f
Mayor Kellner. cane out to meet Gen. have ridden through the town nod
Roberts at Selz kap, ive miles south peen everywhere tdlcered. aha
of the town. and made a formal sur- British National Anthem le enthesi-
renderP astteally Bung by the poi elation. The
LORD ROBERTS' STATE ENTRY, shops are .lndly opening, and
The D-ily Chronicle s nine-entat•_ve there 13 general rojolcleg.'
General Gatacre Has the Enemy Ordered Raffle's instantly to Flame
Hemmed (n. i Good. ;hey ,-ad faken.
A despatch from London, Thursday,' A desonlch from London says: -At
mays; -The position on the Orange precisely 1.97 o'clock Tuesday after -
river is not very fully reported. The neon a Union Jack, specially made for
statement that Geu, Brabant bossed tills purpose by Lady Roberts, was
the river Sunday, repulsing the Boers hoisted over the Pre:.iaency at teloom-
on the north bank, needs coufirma- Contain, amidst the acclamations of
tion. the commander -in -chief's battalions,
A telegram from Klipbrakfontein, in which,' curieusiy enough, the
dated March 13, states that there was Orange h'ree 81ate burghers /tepees to
heavy artillery firing Tuesday morn- have joined with remarkable hearti-
ing domes the river. The British were nese
commanding the bridge, and their op- Lord Roberts, aocomronied by his
potents were sniping tram the oppo- staff, rode at the head of a cavalcade
site bank. a m..0 tong 1 o the Yresit.ency, d000ic-
Eo:bul'e bridge was still_ occupied by tag an ovadon throughout the route,
the Boers on Tuesday. They were on- 10 m.na.ing in a remarkable demon-
' trenched, but it was stated that they stration at the market square, Reach
'-.were unable to move, being completely ing the Government buildings, Lord
'. pvered by the Brillsb artillery. Roberts took possess:on b: the city in
General Jotlto.'t Spen,'os .of the
Eng'llsh `•ale ers.
A despatch fr0o1 Prst..ria, sttS's:-
Before re(ierning to the front on
Twesday General Joutert said to n
1>1e88 rcpreeent stives.---'Olde emtr8g0 of
the British settler's it beyond gne81i0n.
'they tushed the kapeee and entrench-
ments ina feat less manner, hut were
:not n malab for the Mnusers whittle
simply mowed thein down.'
Three Young )I p icentulrtt be. TIP. r
Room, Ky 1111` iri,uln•s.
A art patch frim Montreal says:
A fatal fire ocourrel at au early hour
on Thursday morning in a boarding-
h01111e kept by Mrs. M. A, Flood, at 29
Eoers Retreating Fefore Gatacre
May Be Entrapped.
A despatch frcm London, Friday,
trays: -At the evening of the new
chapter of the war immediate interest
centres in the fate of the Boer forces,'
which are In retreat northward from
Cape Colony, where they have Leen
defending the line of the Orange
/leer. The courageous exploits of Capt.
Grant and Lieut. Popham, which usually serious character. From Ar- a murderous assault upon the sister
raw Head yard a large gravel slide is andhas dconfesseauglvtcrd the of Edwar
crime. Beth girls
d Bourgault,
reported, Ninety foot of snow -shed a farmer in the parish of St. Aubert,
or No. 6, east of Glacier, have bean de- were pcunded insensible with a stick
with an equal daringfeat north-sLroyed by a snow -slide; one of the of wood.
Ysnow plcugh gang,Edward Gallagher, GREAT BRITAIN.
ward of E,uenl.ontein. There, Major Is, missing, and it is feared that he is John O Dowd, Nationalist, was
Weston, of the Engineers, attachad buried, beemeth the , wval.anehe o¢,
Beaver ball. A. fire todk place in the
house early Wednesday evening, but
it was exlltsguished before much dam-
age was done. Saortly before 8 o'clock
Thursday morning, Mrs, Flood's son
discovered that the bcu3e was again on
fire. 113 at ones rushed out ant gave
the elem. Besides Mrs, flood and her
family there were 15 boarders in the
house, and they were all 'asleep when
Ube fire broke out. By hard work on
the part of the firemen, all except
three ytung mon boarders, Messrs.
George Patterson, Is, McNeil, and Jos-
eph Body. were got rofely out. After
several el tempts the firemen succeed -
pd in entering the room on the top flat
were, and the
in which the three menY
were bre ught clown. They were found
to be rutfering much tem the effects
of em Ire, and were all partially dress -
181 l.'atterson had got from his own
. ream to that of young Flood. When
found be with kneeling by the bee,
with his face buried in the pillow, evi-
vidently to try to prevent the smoke
from getting into his lungs.
1 1.1.: was unconscious, and was carried
by the firemen down stnirs to the fresh
ata. but his case was seen to be very
screous. Doctors were'',summoned, as
watt as the ambulance from the Gen
mr1 hospital and in the meantime
Ila firemen worked over the suffer
,er s.
George Patterson died before arriv
Ing at the General hospital. Th
others were received in a critical con
Tho damage caused by the firs was
not heavy.
Hamilton is to have all-night oars.
N. u. 1 g0, ha_ b..o.t d se.v. r.d 1:e r
Pert Arthur.
The prem of coal bas been increased
40 cents a ton at 50131e ui ow Nova
Scotia mines.
The Jewish citizens of'lVinntpeg aro
rn;5ing u subscriplien for the liana
dian i.'alrietie Fund. '
Bart McNulty was fined $3 for
Pushing shies of Pollee \Vllliaens, of
London, o.f the sideevolk.
AnaerIcan Vice -Cameo. 11011lson esti-
metes the gold output of Dawson this
year at ts1t,L'01000, to 2.10,0.0,009.
D.mi,.1/n iron pipe m.+le enterers
ars limit g t11e Government to in-
crease the duties on Iron Pipe.
Hobert Mitchell, a Guelph lawyer,
has heen.sentenced to the Kingston
Pent.enliary for five years.
W.11iam Il..mmett, n las Henderson,
was .uuud gu.1.y of big any at .Core-
tvall end sentenced to ,ive years in
If:ngston Pant, eatery.
Tia Nur.hwest T.rr.tur:e8' report of
hreshera' grain returns has been is
sued, The ..,(rage u_ ',neat for 184
i was 19.04 bushels per eters.
The Canadian leucite: Railway Coo-
patty is leluilding its freight and pas-
senger dock at Port Arthur in view of
the large Lrade in prospect.
A reduction in Canadian Facile
Ra.way passenger rates In Manitoba
to three cants per mile is announced'
to take e the at fact on b 1 b
Morrow, u_ Ham:1
has put in a claim against the city
for $85 for a nv.ndow broken by the
tiring of the salute on Ladysmith day.
air. R. G. Heid, railway contractor,
has beeq chviceoseMrn a member of the
Board o: D.rectors of the Bank of
Mo, . William Ogilvie, de
The Government bas deetded to 18-
oru.t the Northwest Mounted Police 1.0
lull strength immediately and will
open leerueing o hues in the Maritime
- Provinces at once.
The Grand Trunk overhead bridges
- are too low and the rualting boards
too narrow, according to the cora-
.1 per's jury at Dundas, in the case' of
e Edward Acheson, brakeman, killed
- by an overhead bridge.
All 0. re It. Train* nave tree% Attacked
Mary mitartlnr.
Dr. Nicholas Ben, of Chicago, sur-
geon -general of the United States vol-
' unteers, has o fared h':s services to the
Minister of Militia to professional y
accompany the Stratheona florae, pro -
olden, t
a va0ancy ex is s.
The Customs returns of the port of
Montreal for February show the ex-
ports to have been 82,395,315, as con-
A despatch from Vancouver says:- pared w11h 32,803,960 ear the same
No overland train has arrived here month last year. The imparts for the
since Saturday, ail traffic movements same month last year amounted to
befit temporarily suspended bythe $4'235'014, to comparison to $8,5.8,178
g Y P for February lust year.
mud and anawslides in the interior Dechene, the young mai under ar-
districts, wh1ah have been of an un- rest at St. Joan, Port Jul, Quebec, for
saved the Bethu.ie bridge, enab-jug
Gen. Gatacre to cross the river, coin-
cided,fortunately € the Britten,
snafu eleoted without oppesition M. P. for
to Gen. French's brlieede, passed the Heavy soon-sttrIa are alio reported the north division of St. George.
Boer linea on the evening of March from the Ste.kirk mountains, carrying The 130110d States Senate has de -
12 with ten men and out the telegraph down tall trees and .immense rocks, feared Mr. Boor's motion to grant a
bridge, 159 feet long, between Bear The queen hes bestowed the lute
and ears in Bleeeniontem. ilavelve loco -
venting -the removal of the engines creek and Six Mile creek. Deka w tWestmiuster's Order of the
Thede ayel oserland passengers will Garter on the Duke of Portland.
go through on 'Wednesday, transfer- In the lio•ase of Commons Thursday
ring at the break, where the work of P1.cmier Salisbury said that he agreed
clearing the sides and rebuilding the entirety with any eulogy passed upon
large cut bank is being prosecuted Lord paunectote.
with all energy by a large force with
Division Superintendent Duohesuay The British House of Commons, in
and .General Superintendent Merpole committee of the whole, adopted are -
personally directing the work. In solution to authorize a loan of 135,000,-
35,000;the meantime passengers from the 090. The vote stood 151 to 26.
is r o..peut0 o.e- east. are being sent by the Crow's Nest The remains of .Abraham Lincoln
If the
advance will notbeopposed, Ines to McLeod and up the Arrow were irins.erred Pram the 14111 of the
2 If the burghers at Norval's pent and lakes to Revelstoke, a roundabout National Lincoln Peuuumen l at Spring-
Lbeje•are relying on retreat by route, making the overland trip 30 field, T11,, to a temporary vault just
meansofthe rel way, and are unaware hours longer, north of the atonement. The old mon-
of the occupation of Bloemfontein, n umenC is to be demolished and rebuilt.
coli Len t.e,wren there and the Guards' WROTE "ANNIE LAURIE." In the House of Commons. !Thursday Tap erg
ao;umn in inevitable. , 24N(, Mr. Johu Redmond, the Iri.h e'latiou- I3nrlau Whittaker, charged with tllet ceased By ruuervn.o t. dila lotpittna$e
alist leader, d,•clared the Iri111 people ff a.'S'S0SsinilttO.1 al Gov. Goebel, has hese
*weer of n twee., B++ttilsII Sans;' Is have received with grathication the an-
n- 1 „mg
Pl,rtu•es raven•
Dead. committed for trial at Frankfort, Sy.,
AMMUNITION SHOSr. nauncament that Lar Majesty held di- Fire, which broke out Thursday The report of the Regietrae-�Genere
A detepatch from London, says:- rested that the : hamrook be worn by morning in the Dutkenburg saloon, al of Ontario for the year 1898 lads
Lady John Scott) SpoLti woods, rho Irl=h reg•nlents on St. Patrick's Lead, S.D., consumed forty buildings just been printed. Coneidereble of
The Boers Sald to Haveft Only 30,000 writer of the, song "Annie Laurie," is day, adding that the Iri>h pe.nple .Ind caused a loss which is estimated the iofora aUan given has already been
Rounds Left, would weloolue this graceful recog as $51;0,000 before its progress was load, at the age ot 01, She was a 100 nilion bt the valor of the Irish race stayed br blaming up buildings in the published. The estimated population
and blew un the railway, hereby pre- sweeping away the cut bents truss pension to Quern Liliuokalant.
';reports from various sources show the name of the Queen, and then re- Moll808were captured. Gen.m tlybdrs-
1, 1 was thus enab.tzd to promptly des -
that. large numbers of the revolted paired to the Presteency, where the patch a force to i>�ltercept the Boors,
Dutch colonists are raiding, nighty ceremony of halting the Union Jacek whom Gen. Gatacre hates in front.
surrendered their rifles and 12,203 ended loiterer, according to o pion That nits force. reached Bethany, $3
round of ammunition at Lundean's here, the Boer Governmenc of the Free miles distant, in a day, is regttrd.d
nek Sunday. S ata. here as smart work, in view ot the
A (lest'atch to the Batty News from Luring bis progress through the necessity for Constant reconnoissance
E•urghorsclorp says t hitt rebels from all town Lord .Egberts stopped and ord-
pnrts aro teeming in there and laying al the track, hardly
elle p abet n.
down their rifles and ammunition. will theInstantbin looted
of goods It ha dl u th t lien P '
Two hundred and sixty, Ina.uding jus- LLll r were being looted from the ar-
t.ices at the peace, field cornets, and tiliery barracks by 11(100 os, thus tgreat-
members of divisional councils have bug the populace an idea of the treat -
en ered L'ordreeht and yielded up their tint Lhay might expect from the vitt-
erms, many of which bear the Trans- tors.
veal stamp. ore Singe to
to sde-
The trouble in Cnrnervon district without 0111.1 re111 sug rs Lord Roberts' thec n -
continues, but there is lift le news re mend for his e1 surrender, and the tt ads
arding tate situation there. 'Oho rebels manngr thechi o remarked a vorwnrds
g during the course of oouvnrsatian
8)11'1 ,told Kenhardt and Jushurg. Waite breakfasting at the farm of
Gen, 1.Zitcitenor is directing the otter. President Steyn's brother that the
ations of the British. "ex -President" had "become a nonen-
WHAT "BOBS" HAS DONE- rue British troops with the excise-
' of. those 00cessary to police the
Small Wonder He is trio Hero of
tho Hour in Britain.
2.D ITOf , C1 ROYMEN, P Y(61I3UUU8
ea and Women In all Walks cf Life Tell of the Remarkaa a
Cares Wrought ought bySouth American Harte Tato.
N1� gOt,1� R1
Iiewepnpee edi+ors are almost as
%optical as the average physician on
the subject of new remedies for sick
people. Nothing short of a series of
most remarkable and well authenti-
cated onres will incline either an
editor or a doctor +0 seriously consider
the merits honestly claimed for a
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great South American Nervine Tonic
were received from men and women
ell over the country Lettere physicians
began to prescribe this groat remedy
in chrouio cases of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nommen prostration, sick
headache, and au a tonic for build-
ing up systems sapped of vitality
through protracted spells of sick-
During his experience of. nearly a
quarter of a century as a newspaper
publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col-
well, of The Paris Review, hue pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
medicine advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a gracefully -
worded puff for his patrons as a
matter of business, but in only a
single instance, and that one warrant-
ed by his own pe"sotlal experience,
has he given a testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
such a marvellous revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nervine Tonic. It has never failed
in its purpose, and it has cured when
doctors and other medicines were
tried in vain.
tt I was prostrated with a particle -
laxly severe attack of 'La Grippe,'*
says Mr. Colwell, t' and could find ne
relief from the intense pains and dia.
tress of the ma:ady, £ suffered day
and night. The doctors did not help
me, and I tried a number of medie.
eines, but without relief. Ab'lut this
time I was advised to try the South
American Nervine Tonic. Its effect*
were instantaneous. The first dose I
took relieved me. I improved rapidly
and grew stronger every day, Your
Nervine Tonic cured rte in a single
The South American Nervine
Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nerves and the
acme centres, and it is this notable
feature which distinguishes it from
every other remedy in existence.. The
most eminent medical authorities now
concedethat fully two-thirds of all the
physical ailments of humanity arise
from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
The South American Nervine Toni*
acting direct upon the nerve centres
and nerve tis,uea instantaneously
supplicathem with the true nourish-
ment required, and that is why its
iuvigoreting effects upon the whole'
system are always felt immediatelyge
For all nervous diseases, for genera!
debility arising from enfeebled vital.
Hy, and for stomach troubles of every
variety no other remedy sen possibly
take itu nim 'e
Sold by C.I. A. Deadman..
third mai all members of the Sam) DEATHS OF TEE PROVINCE.
IA tlhepatcll from Lorenzo Marques man of remarkable character, www wherever exhibited, and would treat ptu111 of the flames.
(for. 1818 was 2,S79,020. The birth rate
1 t:;h sp+eta vt,.11 GY;.VEIiAL. !showed a decrease from 47,387 in 1897
toms. Thus her coat Wean invariably about io visit t to I
Sydney, N S. R"., has had its fourth to 40,5'.;0 In 11198. The poor systems for
knawing that nu that ucrusinn nn at- Y y'
fecal to ride as a postilion, a thatch tempt would be made to give the visit death tome buboa..e plague, m'akit g returns ', blame l far that cls.
auy part i nifiD ST The Cells as again to nearly terror crease. In Toronto the births showed
Party a g oL ussoss:rµ1100 and is doubly geoid- an ir,arenso or 4,1 `1 al' x951118 ,4,078
UNITED ST:ITI S. in 16!,7• The total maxis were 111, -
ed on all .his journeys,
Congressman harmer, from Penn.- Ve,crams of the war of 1864, at Seam- &75, as compared trill)! 15,ae3 the yegu
Sdead.ylvania, "Father of the House,' is gen RhenlSll 1'ru sin, will t resent Pre- prsli
2kaus. rr ori: says the total deaths
sugar ships, infested with d J. honor.
l front d,x h p t
fawn remain t utsic:e. says; -A resident of the Transvaal
Che press despatches 'giving most of
the above interesting datai;s also set- nand district slates that the Trans-
.... the:t•oint. rinsed about tllo cutting rant Alining Department, is Preparing
A despatch from London says: -The of the railroad and the telegraph to destroy the mines at Johannesburg ,e enact pre.prnblE as a rtof wearing,
first h5sek of the campaign is over. north of Bloe,01. in, anti show it 1111d that explosive mines for the de- while peat fires inane it up certafa
Lurd Roberts arrived at Moddelr rfv-' Wee a plucky act. t
1 Major blunter \'oaten, of thee )loyal fence of the ctLy will be aoustrual:etlt of bar rooms. She was an nocompiish l
er an Fell. 9. nee entered Rlaemltantcin Engineers, accompanied by l.en man, in Mei1 stead. Other Preen rations1or ed mutee1an, and wrote both, the music
on March 13. Thus, in little over a traversed the doer lines and seemed- the defence of the city ere also being and words of "Annie Laurie," The
month, he has Effected the relief of ted in cutting tho wires and blowing tweln rapidly, ballad as originally written, however,
rl and Ladysmith, the capture up the track. was altered by; her to. suit the( musts,
Sm1h9 oY y Blom, amen) to 13030 regarded there h 1 8000U d
of Gen. Cronje's forces, and the hoist-' as a sort of halt -way house and base
ing of the British ileg in the capital ot.operations ,lor Use advance on Pro-
of the Fre Stale, All this 1i -s been Loris.
aeooanplis11811 with eomperatively tri: I--w•---
ling loss It is small wander that 11e'PRs--es S IN PRETORIA.
Is the hero of the hour in hngland. All'
the newspapers eulogize him' and con-
gratulate the country. They talk of
the Free State a.: having passed out
of existence end as being now (Med
the shadows of history.
clung to old-time manners end bus- with retrpent the venerable Sovereign
One Red Crass Doing Splendid
Work at leintberley.
A despatch from Kimberley, says: --
The Canadian •Red Cross is doing
splendid work. It has installed 20
oots In the Do Beers hospital and 93
cots fitted with Canadians in- the
Masonic temple. t
A despateli from London, says: -The
U0eu'e proclamation for the wearing
of the green by the Irish soldiers on
Rt. Patrick's day, iar0mlses to bo so
popular that already there is a famine
in eletnlreek, and it looke ns if all E1lg•t
1111111 '5001141 don the 7&10e.raid ro!aura
to show the Irish how genrrrtlly the
Queen's sentiments are indorsed.
Winston Churchill Fears They Will
be Badly 5 rented.
A despatch from London, Wednesday,
8nys :-Winston Churchill wires to the
Morning Post from Barbee, protesting
3gainsl the cerentonlous treatment of
General Cronja. He adds: -"The stern
decision not to exchange prisoners will
uudoubtedly aaoeleralo the end of the
war, but it will prove very hard and
Invitees even dangerous, tor ate Bri-
tish prisoners in Pretoria. Thorn its
abundant evidence that the Boors are
becoming more cruel. and that tho war
will ,enter a darker phase.
" It is very doubtful if the Doer
Government wilt be able to control
Etre wild passions of the exasperated
ruffians forming the noisy part of the
Boar formes in the event of a Siege of
Protoriam end the position of theBrit-
lsh prisoners would then immense pre-
"5 have visited ;the dant winch the
Botn's began on 1111p river, below Lady-
smith. IE it bad horn 001ppleted it
would have tlubmerged iutnlnbi camp,
whoop there were 2,000 aiok,t
A Boer officer is quoted as saytug
that the Boers have only rounds
of Mouser ammunition lett.
Wanted M Ihtlto Sate Their Position Was
Not )insure!.
ma Cape Times claims to have se-
cured evidence to prove that 13rilisla
wounded at Kimberley were killed by
Beers, Col. Scott Turner among others.
Aroording to the Cape Times, when,
on the n.ornang after the fight, an
ambulance went oat under a flag of
trues to bring in the wounded it found
no wounded, but only twenty -out
bodies, which had been laid out by the
Boors, only a few ot W110nL bad not
been riddled through. In two instances
there watt positive evidence of recently
inflicted wounds. The British doctors
were not permitted to eppronelt, hut'
Capt. Robertson, of the Kimberley
Light Horse, who speaks Delete asked
Gamunaudant /tenors why the bodies
had so many wounds.
DeBeors replied that the men were
such plucky fellows it wag irnpassibl0
to sae in the tailing light whether' a
man dropped to take cover or beeveso
he was wounded, so be gave mina
that his mon were 10 keep up a eons
linuoua fire on all alike ut order to
prevent the position being rushed,
which she composed. She married in.
1810 Lord John Montague Douglas
Scott, son of the Fifths Duke of, Biwa -
tench; tvlso died In 18tl0. In 186C m -
der the will of her falbel', John
Spot lirwaode, she resumed her maid -t
en Hamer
Danson. %terteses to Moetry tis nemmids
ilrearania 01.:11,01d eanrtwslea,.
A despatch frolO Constantinople
says: -There is griat� anxiety in offi-
cial circles here regarding the Bassi -
an Government's refusal to modify its
domande regarding railroad 00 MSS -
elms in Asia-Mincr, The Turkish Gov-
ernment advises against submis8ion,
and the Sultan is allaitiug 1t military
report on the strstes:cal aspect at the
question before giving a deetelon.
Canadian $'1144111 IVln tratrrlsnn Ilnlliax
Irr,.m Thai, t►,ue on.
A dt'spatob from Ilaiifa•x, NS., says
--Tho Leinster Regiment are under or
dere to sail tor llugiand from tale
avrison on March 25th, by the Domin-
gn line steamer Vaneouver, When
the Lclnsiers march out of the bar -
reeks the Canadian militia enrolled for
one year will ma1'nh in.
sident Kruger with aswar. os berm and craw In 1898
bubonic. plague are reported to be The German Agrteultural Munn., were 032 as nulupared with 1'70 in 1887
en route to New 'Xork from eIonotulte advises the Gevernmont to retse the ,yl,al.o is no disease in 30.11(112 rho pro•
o • tn1 aL'sext • � • ,' been
Thu United Stales Government may duty on 110rars to a. minimum y g 8ss o, preventive methane has
grant $_11,000 to ex-Q,xeea L1.;uokalani .nm11(8. u_;+rn marker`, than in diphtheria ear.
alongnd a as yearlyshe plives.cusion of 310,060 as Surgeon General Vlllaret publishes 11g the. p.181 ten years. The remark..
at Berlcin statistics s!ir,:,i„g 1heewer- able Inlet 011, So precouueed in 101,8,
„ mous spread of to ierru!osis among 011181 d,.ub.l'rs br t:ue to Ve.140ns in 10..
The English i Petroleum rumo ted toat11 al German swing and bere0, J y
London, is reliably reported to laave cares, ctmotg.1 wh.rh Printaril• mit
cleated a gigantic deal in the Onto The German Parliament has de- be placed lh•. greatly increased know"
alined to consider i'etitions tor the Jeep memos. the people of its ex-
The fund subscribed by the people admission of wlauun to matricula- tre.:,Ely coil,. g'uds cb tracL•er; and that
of the United Stales for the widow lion in univer'itles. g:ealer activity tv: tho Local Boards 011
of General Lewlon has closed and se bacteriological examination of lie.'lth• in supermen g,outbreaks; sec-'
amounts to $08,•1;'}33. rats caught at 11Clbour110 wharf 511s molly. to the seasonal iniinetmes p1,eau.:
established the feat that tho emmin liar to the year 1808; but espeoiailtq to
Jerome Von Valkenberg, aged 10, are infected with the plague.ills g eelly lnrreased use by phyelomns
ran.a loaomolele into an open eleva-
t.ot shafttthkle atpraotiee in a build- One ease a!; bubonic gaga was dim o: anti -It -min, both in a omeative aante
ing fn 14 w Ynrk. TCe was killed. eovo.red at Cape To,ve. on Board one of a pr•evunt i 00 1011y.
Representative Lave' of Now York the transports flow Rosario. Theves-: Tuherculesls aausnd 81001 deaths, a8
Pa cotup,lred with 8,1irt iu 11 7, er &
25advooates the 213 oaitiou of a toll of eel has been placed under qutsrnnt3lte` t10n,11 rate per 1,000 of 1:1. As was;
25 per cent, mem the customs receipts The 81.111.11 second-class aruis:rTier- stated a the report of 18374 the totcTlll
of Cuba meal the tee ;,003,000 expended latae, which was reporteu to knot/ otf Crt deaths had thea for the first time ox»
upon the ever be recovered. Island Bahamas, with 'her shalt brok- ,.railed 8p00, :1nrl it was poLeted lex t
The United Status Howe Commit tee
ou ('ommeree has ordered a favour-
eble report on the bill for 0 Pacific
cable eonuenting the United States,
Hawaii, the Philippines and Japan.
Several newspaper mon are tinder
arrest in NEW York, a larged with ter-
tiIaU g false reports or 1ha financial
state of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Company, which ea08od a acrious de-
tErtoratl0n in the value of the stock,
The war of the Tongs in Chinatown.
Sar, P11401010, wa8 renewed by the
murder of two of Ihe meet, promtnant
11e-wchatlte and the wounding of a
en, hes arrived at Nassau, N. C. ilor them n certain iucrense had been oaue-;,
boilers etre also damaged. et' by p111119 rrreeby and other waste
The Portuguese officials, le1rnitg it g diseases ,. infancy under terbe 15.
that the fortunes of war have turned 1 .y. The total dealbs Irons iohercit:
in favor 0! the British side, have ar lclste or any of these forted in the apo.1
rested several German officers bound sial tables undo: 10 yeses, be 587, est
for Pretoria, with arms and alnmuni- that there seems no dolabt that the
(lou total deaths tram 1:nitercnloele brave
The mul1it11:::1 0.1111011 of 1d111gst0n, Incr6ased. Indeed the a0o11t111y re.
nica era lei npnn revolt, and the turns for 1811) gave for phi hallo aloe
Ver (tent
era t
+met , f 7 ao
he mt , r le t fallen o
t !' a n t
�,'i 1t oL 281 f 1
m,1 pp
;Tont":ox i y
council will x•ui+ign, bav'ausE of mu of. the whale province, iu nnnlyysinet
nioipa1 a:aru tion.'The negro Imputes the deaths from consumption it i
tion ill excited tate it 15 feared disturb- found that i.hta•p aro two dnatlta ps
daces will occur. I faille les for every male.