HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-22, Page 1Vol. 28. No. 32
W. H. KERR, Prop.
At4 2 Per Cent,
C s S of Loan
Very Reasonable. • •
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment,
Office over Standard Bank,
Tired Eyes
Cause Sickness
Because the eyes tire eeeily.
Some folks nay they are not well. In
most snob cane this le eye strain. Neg-
lected eye strain is enre to produce sick -
nen. Have your eyes examined and
know the exact cause. Having bonoht
Instrument, "The Prentice Retinoeoope,"-
coating seventy-two dollars, this inetru
meat is exact. No gneetion.a from the
patient required. • It le beim; used by
gradaatee of Rebinosoopy and-notanight
in the Optical Inalitute of Canada, 'So
we are now in 0 better position thanever
to give you parfait eatiefeotion,
Also Graduate or ltetineseopy.
Cameron Bros.
Have a limited number of bushels of the
BEST DUTCH SEED- for farmers in the
vicinity of Oranbrook who intend raising
Flax duriogthe ooming season, which they
are prepared to deliver its quantities to suit
Sax growers.
Seed can be got at the Oranbrook Flax
Mill at 51.60 per bushel. Order early and
eeoure a supply. For flax grown irons this
$10.00 PER TON
w111 be paid, if of good growth, borveoted fo
proper season, and delivered its the flax mill
as soon ae At for threshing.
ISrWo will rent a number of good sod
0eld0 for the purpo se of growing flax.
I'ropriotora Oranhroot Flax 1111E
Roberi T. Elliot
Eggs and Fowl for
sale in season.
Eggs $1.00 per Setting or
two Settings for $1.75.
Village Pro 'p art.
Coder Power of Salo contained in a tier
thin Mortgage made by Samuel Smalet0 the
Vendors, now in default, and to bo produced
at time of talo, there wil1 be offered for sale
by Public Auotion at the AMIRRXOAN
- • 00TEL in the VILLAOI0 OL' BRTISSEL9,
on Wednesday, 11th Dny of April, 1000,.
at the hour of one o'clock in the arternoon,
All and singular, Firstly, part of Village
Lot Number 14, on the West side of Turn -
berry street containing one -sixteenth of au
Imre inure or lase. being the Northerly six-
teen and one-half foot of said lot, and the
South Easterly part of Lot Number 18 on
Turnborry street oontainiug 8900 square feet
more or lees, having a frontage of thirty feet
on Turnberryy street according to registered
Plan of sub-d,vieion on part of Lot Number
80 in the Sixthponoesefon in the Township
of Morrie; And Secondly, Late Numbers 881
on Elizabeth and 880 on Alexander street,
otherwise known as Numbers 108 and 111 re•
opeotively in Wetherald'e eurvoy, Upon the
parcel firstly desoribed are said to be erect.
ed a brick store and two email frame stores,
eligibly aituated in tho buoinoes portion of
the Village ; there is also. upon the premisoe
a good well. The parcels secondly describ-
ed bavo a frontage of 021 feet oath, by a
depth of 180feet end erected thereon ie Said
to be a substantial brick dwelling fronting
on Elisabeth street.. The properties will be
°derail for kale separately and enoh subject
to a reserve bid. TERMS -10 nor (lent. of the
1,urohaeo money will be requited 90 be paid
aktimo Of sale and helmets according to fay.
orablo terms and oouditioue to Ito then made
For further i brti0alars. apply to 17. M.
ORADWIO1i,Mneane. B4OATTU,[17_,AOtOTOOn,
NEanrTT,OnAnW10x.&RIDDELL, 59 Welling.,
to Bunt, East, Tomato, Hanoi tore for Van -
Dato4.at Toronto, led day of lea rob,1000,
New Advertisements,
Local—G. E. Ring.
Looal—A. R, Smith,
Local—Robert Anderson.
Locale—EL E. Booklets & 0o.
Autism gals.—T, E. Walker.
& Bhoe —A, R, Bmi h
Bpof a a t ,
Wall Paper -G. A,,Deadman.
A loan puree—H. F. MoAllieter,
79ggs for hatoking—R, '2, Elliott.
Notice to Ooobraotore-Jno. McDonald.
Carpets and Ourteine—MOKinnon & Co.
t)x5±lriirt OLDS,
Loadbum- v.
Wo are glad to see Alex, MoNab a.
round again after an attack 01 pleoriey.
Mise Dundee entertained a few of her
Walton friends on Thursday evening of
last week.
This week Councillor Giardina, aka
posed of two thoro' bred Durham bulls,
one going to Neopawa, Man., and -the
other to Thos. Dickson, Atwood.' B.
Tindall was the purchaser of the former
and shipped bim from Brussels on Tues-
day. Mr. Gardiner keeps a lot of good
Weal ton.
J. Becker spent a few days in Park.
'['he material is being drawn for the
new Workman Hell.
Miss Maud Ferguson has returned
fn in a short visit to Loudeaboro'.
Most of the young men around Walton
have snared positions for the Summer.
Mass Theresa Christopher returned on
Tu °day from a three weeks' 1 gait to
Mende in Woodatook.
The sawmill has commenced the
season's run, with a competent and
experienced gang of men.
We suppose that Hymen and Terpsi.
chore will now be obliged to give plaoe
to the god of housecleaning,
Tenders will be received up to Satur-
day,81st lost, at 6 , m., for the ereation
of pe proposed A. O. U. W. Hall in
A. Buohannan is recovering- from
e, severe eaten of pneumonia. We hope
to anon hear of hie complete restoration
to health.
Mre. Moon and Mre. MaVitbie, of
Hullett, returned to their homes on Mon.
day, having spent a week visiting friende
in Walton and vioinity.
The-Waltoniann who attended the Min.
to club Oonversazione in Brueeels last
Friday evening were well pleased with
the way everything was done.
The many friende of John Grimoldhy,
who lately went to Bemidgi, N. B., will
regret to hear that he is laid up with an
injured foot, it having been out with an
Rev. Mr. MoNab, formerly of White-
oharoh, ,preached in Daff'a ahnroh last
Sabbath. Next Sabbath morning Rev.
- [4. Paul, of Brussels, will take the ser=
vice -
A fine upright transposing Heintzman
piauo has been purohesed by Rev. 0. M.
Filer, of this village, and another by
Duncan Moonaig, from R. Leatherdale,
of Brussels,
Jno. Govenlook will ehortly remove to
Winthrop begin be in work on the new
brickyard he has established there.
Waltooiane all wish him atones. The
owner of tbe house be vacates, Wm.
8holdioe, sr., will move to Walton.
Jno. Itovenlook and Thos. Arohibsld
took a heathen trip to Exeter this week
for new material for the new briok-yard
at Winthrop. Mr. Govenlook will move
there about the first of next month. We
are sorry to lose him but Walton's
lose will be Winthrop's gain,
On Friday the youth of the publio
eubool pitted their strength and skill
against those of Button's eohool, in the
gentle art of football, and were defeated
in the most approved style. The more
was 5 goals to (Iasi feaV5e of the visitors.
However, boys, grow a little and try
them again.
Dioagreoable weather.
Wm. Goreolitz is on the siok list this
Henry Siemon was home on .Sunday
tram Ethel.
Coughs and colds are quite common in
our village.
Wm. Kraater is still bustling the loge
into Brunets.
Mies Bird, from Oranbrook, left on
Monday for Manitoba.
Rev, W. Norton, of Brussels, preaohed
in the Methodist ohurab last Sabbath.
Jno. Mittloholtz ie home from Mani-
toba where he has been for the past year.
Mise Maggie }Nether and Mies Kate
Reymann were home on Sunday from
La.t week Wm. Brown and wife, of
Logan, were visiting friende at Cranbrook
and Grey township.,
Alex. Campbell and wife, of Logan,
were visaing at A. Raymabn'o last week.
Mr, Campbell is Mre. Raymann'e brother.
Loot Wednesday John Hunter, of this
piace, purohaeed a well bred Jersey grade
cow and a Jersey Spring oalf from
Edward Garvin, near Brussels, paying
$50 00 for the pair.
A gonial will be held et Ohara Switzer'°,
West of here, on Friday evening at
'vhtoh a good program will be rendered.
Proceeds will go for 'improvomente at
the Itfethodiot church. Everybody is
;no. Heather has been eogagod by
Wm, Brown, of Logan, for the next eight
Months, Jno. ie a good man and will till
the bill to a 0ioety. We know where he
will be mieeed, you may guess bat we
will not hell just now,
it is stated that W. J. Smalldon, late
of Cranbrook, was married last week in
St. Thomas to a Mies Ames, of that city.
They were both students at the Deaf and
Dumb Inetitute, at Belleville and begins
acquaintd0oeehip that ultimately
ripened into matrimony. Mr. Bmalldun
has secured 00 eittlation in Detroit. Bis
Many friende wish him and hie bride a
proeperoue life,
Quite a few from tbie locality attended
the Minto 00noert in Brueeels en Friday
of last week; They nay "It wag all
It is reported that two young men of
this locality intend embarking shortly -in
the grocery baeineee. If coned we wish
good luck.
Moet of the milk routes have been lab
by the Cheese Factory Oompay, a oheeee
maker five beep engaged, and prvparationo
fpr the Summer's make are being made,.
Alfred Reymann, an old Oranbrook
boy, now of Detroit, Mich„ who has held
n position in the bent and awning business
of J. 0. Goes & 0o,, for the lest 8 or 9
years, has had an offer of a position as
manager, at a good salary, with a firm in
Spokane, Washington Territory, but has
not yet accepted. Geo. 0. Reymann and
Joseph A. are also in Detroit, Michael
Reymann, father of Anthony, Jaoob and
Miobael Raymant, of. Oranbrook, ie living
in Detroit with his youngest eon at pro
ant. Mr. Reymann was one of the early
pioneer° of Grey township. He came in
October, 1858, and took up lot 20, 000. 12,
East of Cranbrook, and moved into Grey
in Feb. 1854, with to family of 3 sone and
3 &tighter°, only 1 daughter living now.
She resides at. Deloraine,. Man. Mr.
Reymann is hole and hearty for a mon of
84 years.
Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, preached at
Roe's church last Sabbath morning.
Chas. Eaket and Roy MoDonald, 8rd
con., are having a tneele with the mumps.
Miss Maggie Bielby was home from
Seaforth Collegiate for Saturday and
Lad week J. 0. Bateman and dangh.
ter, Irene, of Stratford, were here attend-
ing the Jaoklin-Attwood wedding.
An upright grand Heintzman piano
has been purchased by Hartwell Sparain,
15th eon., from It. Leatherdale, Brus-
Itle reported that Wm. Bennett, of
the Boundary, hae sold his 100 aore farm.
to Wm. Breckenridge, of Morrie town-
ship, for the gam of 88,000,
Oa Thursday afternoon of next week,
Wm. Mann, lotcon. 16,i11 hold an
m. an o 85,w
auction Bale of oatle as hie overstocked.
F. S. Soots will be auctioneer.
85TIA BIRTEDAx.—On Saturday, 10th
inst., a family gathering was held at the
home of Jno. Smith, 6th con., to cele-
brate the 85th birthday o(Mre. 0. Smith.
This 10 an umnenal oiroumetanoe and was
enjoyed all the more for its rarity.
There wee a very pleasant company pres•
sot and all put in a good tiros. We wish
the old lady many happy returns of the
day. •
We regret to bear, as will be seen by
notice elsewhere in this issue, that Harry
Matheson and wife, of 1321 Mott Ave.
Toledo, Ohio, lost their infant eon,
Warren Houston, aged 2 montbe, on
Monday of this week. Mrs. Matheson
was a former resident of the 10th con. of
Grey, being Mies Dolly Smalldon. Mr.
Matheson lived [n Brueeelefor aometime.
Their old friends here will sympathise
with them in their bereavement.
MARRIED IN MAnOE.—The residence of
Wm. and Mre. Bateman, 6th con., was
the scene of one of those pleasant events
on Wednesday, 14th inst., at 6 p. m., be-
ing the marriage of their grandaughter,
Eliza Atwood, to Rufus A. Jaoklin, of
Howiok township. The ceremonywas
performed Rev. J. G. Yelland in the
presence of a number of the near rale
tiveo and a few intimateacquaintances of
the oontrnating parties. The bride has
been a lifelong resident of this township
while the groom once lived for some time
on the 5th con. and also eojarned for a
neaten in Manitoba. The wedding pres
este were numerous and useful. A fine
topper was served to whioh ample justice
was done. An enjoyable evening was
spent in motile, nag and social ohnt, af-
ter whioh the oompaoy separated for
their respective homes with the expres-
sion of kind words to Mr. and Mre. Jack
lin, The happy twain left for the West
on Tuesday, 20th inet., where they will
looate at Naepawa, followed by the good
wishes of a large circle of friende. As
both are of quiet, eteady,indaetrionehab-
its we expect that suooese will attend
their future efforts. Tax POST heartily
seconds the motion.
MATmoogxtL. Apretty wedding took
plane at Glencoe on Wednesday evening
of last week, at the homeof W. G. Pepper,
when hie eieter, Mise Lizzie, Wae united
in marriage to Wm. Pepper, a proaper-
one young farmer of Tuokeromith, Huron
Co, The ceremony was performed by
Rev. H. W. McTavish in the presenae of
a few Glenne friende. The happy ample
left for their new home on Thursday
afternoon amid showers of rice followed
by the beet wishes of all oonoerned. THE
POST wiehee them a happy and prosper-
ous life.
ENTERED INTO REST.—At 8 0'010011 loot
Friday morning Hannah Durrant, be.
loved wife of Moles Willieineoo, an
old and well known resident et the 14th
non„ paid Nature's debt, passing away in
the peaceful and amnion hope of a
blessed immortality. Deoeaeed was born
in Suffolk, England, and come to Canada,
to join her sister, 46 yeare ago, locating
at Galt, She was malted in marriage to
her now bereft'.partner some 40 yeare
ago. in Oxford Co., end came to Grey in
1872 when they purchased their 100 aore
farm, lot. 25, coo. 14, from L. McDonald,
of Walton, upon whioh they have con-
tinuously resided
on-tinuonelyresided and transformed it to
a fine farm, Mre. Williamson had not
enjoyed very reboot health for the peat
10 yeare but wag only conflued to bed 2a
Weeke prior to her death. Tbere was a
oomplioation of ailment& l8er age wag
70 yeare and 8 months, For many years.
she was a faithful member of the Metbo•
diet eburob, In addition to her husband
she is survived by three eons, viz,
William, of Winghatu ; Alfred, of Hill.
man, Mich.; and ,Thos., on the home.
Mead. Cbae,, another eon died '2 years
ago. The funeral took place on Saturday
afternoon, interment being modest Brue•
sets oemotory, Rev. J. G. Yelland bon•
ducted an appropriate eervioe. The
rough mullet, and heavy toads prevented
many from attending the funeral. Mr,
Williameon and sone are sinoorely
sympathised with fit their bereavement.
W, Pepper and bride areviielti aogob 0.
few dayo at Thos.
e P tten , . 6hn
fore settling in their new home in Tucker.
mj . tlt
A, D„ Mre, Mo0osh and baby, of Pine
River, returned 10 their home on Tburo•
s t t Mre, Mo.
day atter an enjoyable . viai
Cosh's parental borne,
We are pleased to report that Peter
Robertson,, 900 eon., le very maoh im•
mony in health. His ma -y friends
hope be will soon be es well as ever,
Walter McKay has gone to Sheldon,
Dakota, where he will likely spend the
neat Summer. He ie a sou of Hugh A,
Mo$ay, 9th con, We have he will do
well in the West,
By notice elsewhere it will be - obeerved
that the infant daughter of - Arthur and
Mre, Shaw died on thelath inst., at
Rat Portage. Mother and child had
only returned 6 days previously from a
three menthe' visit to her parents at
Sweden and the obild was apparently in
good health up to the day of its death.
Croup was the Ranee. Mr, Shaw ie a eon
of Angue Shaw's, 5111 con., and was a
former resident of Grey. -Hie old friende
will be sorry to hear of the death of hie
little girl.
Chas., eon of Peter Bishop, er„ 5th
con., arrived home Saturday last from
Trout Creek where he bee emelt the
Winter in Milne'° camp. He will join
his brother, John, at Sault Ste. Marie,
next week and from there will go to
British Oolambio to work at the Atlin
Lake telegraph line building en route to
the Klondike, Peter Bishop, jr., ie al-
ready in the employ of the Company.
He has been away three yeare' but by a
photo. received he looks ae.if the country
agreed well with him.
NEW PRESIDENT.—.Che Dundee Banner
of last week epeake ae followe of the elec-
tion of R. J. Hill, of that town, and form-
erly of the 10th eon , Grey, in co00e0.
Bon with hie eieotion to the Presidency of
Wentworth Co. Teachers' Association :—
R. J. Hill, the new president, was born
in Huron county and received hie early
training in Brussels publio eohool and
Rockwood academy ; be taught near
Lcoknow, and tben neer Drayton in
Wellington oonnty, during whioh time he
prepared 2nd aloes work and let elves ;
attended Hamilton Collegiate Institute
wbere he obtained a first olaee certificate;
taught in Beameville and in Caledonia
Model eohool ' leaving publio eohool
work be taught in Waterdown bigb
eohool for over three yeare, and one year
in Deseronto and in Dundee since 1892,
teaobing mathematics, eaienee and oom-
meroial work. He is e. man of good ex-
eantive ability and will make a first-rate
president." -Referring to the program of
Convection the same paper says
J. Hill, eeie01e master of Dundee high
wheel, folly explained the difficulties in
arithmetic, including problems in deben-
taree, alligation, annuities and one in
mensuration. Mr. Hill made the sola-
tions quite plain." We are pleased to
note the progress of our "old boys" and
wish Mr. Hill continued prosperity. He
is a eoa of S. Hill who recently sold hie
farm on the 10th con.
alto rr1.a.
Tun Pon gives the news.
Township Coattail last Monday.
Edward Oantelon has gone to North
R. Mo0arkindale, g , of Bal rave is ill at
Owing to bad roads the attendance at
the oburohe0 on Sunday lest was small.
Robt. MoOatcheon, 7th line, will
probably remove to a farm near Ethel
wbiah he is talking of renting.
Mise Bella Mollie, who has been visit.
ing in Morrie, left for her home in Hal.
ton Co. on Saturday morning last.
J. R,=Bell and family moved from the
let to the 7th on Tuesday of this week.
Tbeir old friende wish them good look
in their new borne.
Owing to the sale of his foam Wm.
Forrest, Ind line, has authorized F. S.
Scott, Brussels, to offer his farm stook,
implements, &a., for eale on Friday, 30th
The old saying it March oomee in like
a lion it will go out like a lamb should
come true this time. Ib would be hard
to say whioh day in this month wag the
Wm. Ames, 5th line, held his auction
sale on Tuesday afternoon of this week.
The family expeot to move to the West.
They will oarry the good wishes of many
with them.
Tneeday morning A. Walker, 6111 line,
sold a tidy driving horse to 13. Tindall,
of Naepawa, Man., for the sum of $100.
The horse was shipped with seven others
from Bruaeele by Mr. Tindall.
Tuesday of this week was the date Jas.
Ireland jr. and wife had arranged to
start on their trip to the West, bat the
former was taken down with the mumps
end the journey bad to be indefinitely
HxoIENxAL,—Wednesday of last week
Rev. R. Kitchen tied the matrimonial
bow knot between Marshal 'Bracken-
ridge, formerly a resident of tbe 1st line,
Morrie, and Mies Millie, daughter of
Thos. Leiohman, of Iron Bridge, Algoma.
Mies Polly Leiobman was the brides
maid and Arch. Forrest groomsman.
May their joys be many.
Dxin.—Earnest 0. Hall, the 8 year
old grandson of Jas. and Mre. Hall, of
Sunshine, died, after a brief innate, at 41
Robinson Bt„ Toronto, on Monday morn-
ing of last week. Ma father passed away
nearly three yeare ago so that Ernie and
his papa are once more together in the
glory -land, Mre. Hall and two brothers
survive and are deeply sympathised with
in their bereavement,
SUDDEN 1311411.—The Algoma Advo
oate of March Ooh apelike ae follows of a
farmer Morrieite :—The intelligence hos'
roaehed tut that Robt. Carrie, eldest eon
of the late Thee, Currie, of Wharaoliffo,
was found, dead yesterday morning in
Ohara Ansley's barn, We have no
nntkontio particulars of the *melancholy
affair. Hie death mast have been sudden
and nnexpeeted, as he was in Tbesealon
on Tuesday Met, He wag an exemplary
young man and very maoh esteemed by
all who knew him, and all extend to the
bereaved family and relatives, e[noere
Foeniaar,—On Friday afternoon of
last week the Button eohool football
team drove over to Walton and played a
friendly game with the team of that
eohool. The visitors were too powerful
for their opponents and won the victory
by a 000re of 6 to 0. The Button boys
are hustlers+ and they no prove it,
"Hoon—LArn»Awe Ia Bttriok eohool house,
Belkiranhtre,Seetland, on Marsh 10,1950,
l/y Rev, James Smith, Mr, George flood
to Min Jane Laidlaw,"
To comparatively few families is the
privilege granted to oeiebrate golden
woddinge, especially with an nnber.]
home male, but the family of our 0100
and worthy friends, George and Mrs.
Hood, of Sunshine, had this plenum ou
Tburedayof last week, that being the
50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hood'e
wedding. The groom was 25 and the
bride 19 years of age when Rev. Mn,
Smith pronounoed' them husband and
wife, in Ettrick subool hones, on March
15, 1850, in the presenoo of relatives and
friende among whom was Lord and Lady
Napier, on one of . whose estates—
Tbirlestone-Hope,•Mr. Hood's father re.
aided. They came to Oauade,, with their
family 29 years ago, spending the first
Summer in Blenheim towuehip, then
moving to tbe 5'.h" lice of Morrie; town.
ship, where they purchased 100 Bares
from Alex. Scott. Although Mr. Hood is
past 75 years of age he still bills the
term and this. is perhaps the beet Ewa
denoe of bis vitality. In the 01d Land
he was a school teacher for some time
and hoe an exact and methodical way of
tra0eaabiagall business affaire. Oa
l`hdreday the entire family, consisting :of
10 abildren, as followe :—Mre. P. Book -
lea, of Paris, Ont. ; Mre. F. Bristow, of
Newark, N. J. ; Jno., of Saginaw, Miob.;
Mre. Wm. Jackson, of Morris township
William, of Saginaw, Micb. ; Mrs. A. T.
Cole, of Morrie ; Gideon, of Hely, Mich. ;
Mre. J. C. Oooery, of Wingham ; Alex.,
of Saginaw ; and Mies Janet, 'et •
assembled at the homestead, the first
time in 24 years, and it was a very
pleasant gathering indeed and will never
be forgotten. The days of acid laug
tune were lived over and to make the
Ettrick bride of 60
scene more real the Et r
yeare ago donned the black satin dress
worn on' tbe eventful 15th of March,
1850, and the guests bad before them at
the supper table the ohioa set with
whioh Mr. and Mre. Hood set up house.
keeping. Few matrons have each a
record ae this. Mr. Hood was presented
with aline oouoh and Mrs. Hood with an
easy chair by the children as a memento
of the golden anniversary. Phe follow-
ing appropriate vereee were sung :—
Tr nm 00LDEN 0EDDnid,
(Air, "Bonnie Donn"l;
'Twee on a glorious Winter day
In dear old Scotland far away,
Two lovers were made man and wife
Just fifty yam ago to -night.
• Be gave to her a band of gold
And vowed his love would neer grow cold,
And though their hair has turned to gray
They ne'er forget their wedding day,
(Mo.—Their Golden Wedding now'°at hand,
They are the happiest in this land,
Let all rejoice,' 0e glad and gay,
004 bless them on their wedding day
A wife she's been for many years,
Shared hie joys end dried his tears,
And as a husband he's been true,
A better oonple I never knew.
There'e Retie, John and Mary, too,
Besides the other children true,
Let's all rejoice while yet. we. may,
God blase you onyour wedding day.
The evenall everting sped away too q uioki y in
music, Bong and social chat, Rev. F. J.
Oaten', Ph. B.,of Belgrave, joining with
the relatives in the congratulations and
on Separating the warmest and kindliest
wiehee were expressed for the days to
come. Oa Friday a 'family group was
taken by Artist Brewer, of Brussels, be.
fore the membere.of the family separated
for their respective homes. Mr. Hood
has taken a very aotive part in oheeee
factory, Grange, Farmers' Inetitute and
Sabbath School work and is still the
Secretary of the East Huron Farmers'
Institute. TEE POST extends its best
compliments to the worthy ooaple who
have'jogged along life's journey so long
together and hopes that the closing yeare
may be the happiest of their life.
Wm. Oarnoohan and Joo. Dakelow, of
Linwood, were vieibiuga few of the old
neigbborein Grey last week. Mr. Oar-
noohan reports the implement business
Wm. Campbell, of Ethel, took into
Listowel recently a load of green 20 inch
wood, containing 5a oorda. Oat at ouri.
osity it Wail put on the scales to be weigh-
ed. The town scales weigh up to eight
tone but were not able to weigh the load.
Extra weights were obtained and the
load balanced at 16,480. The load was
taken from Mr. Jacquee' bash in Elms+.
OBIT.—Tbe Fordwiah Record of last
week Saye :—It is our sad duty this week
to ohroniole the death of Joseph E.
Reichard, whioh took plane athie father's
residence on alas 2nd con., of Howiok, ab
1.30 p, m on Sstneday last, ab the early
age of 26 yeare, 9 months and 27 days.
Deceased was a sufferer from that dread.
ed disease, coneamption, whioh followed
an attack of pleurisy four yeare ago last
roll and to whioh be eaccumbed on the
above mentioned date. During hie long
siege of illness he never murmured or
complained, but bore hie sufferings with
a patience whioh rose above the wreak of
trope, having learned to tenet hopefully
in that Bieber power whioh comforts the
sufferer on the bed of pain, and reeves 00
a Balm in Gilead for the wounded and
awoken hearted friende, who mourn the
lose of hie early demise. The eubjeet of
thio sketch was born and rained in the
neighborhood and hie early life, full of
promise, together with hie frank and
genial disposition won for him the love
and respect of all with whom he came in
contact, and his enfferinge and ' early,
though long expected, death has brought
a sadness to the whole community In
wbiohhe is 0o well known. Although
kind loved ones and friends did all that
human aid oould offer, since lash Sunday
he eanlr rapidly until death Dame and
quietly stole his spirit away, and un Sat.
ardtty be fell asleep to Jesus, His re-
mains were interred on Tuesday after.
noon in the 0emetery on hie father's
farm. The sympathy of the entire cam -
triunity is extended the whole family in
their sad bereavement,
131i evens.
A very largely 'attended and most
suo e tuI Patriotic concert was hela
the Foresters' Hall, here, on Wednesday
evening of this week, with Rev. D, Rogers
in the chair, Proceeds over 050.00. A.
more extended notice will be given next
week. Bluevale talent takes no second
Edward Mitchell is on the sick Het,
Mise Spillet is renewing aoquainbanoee
in the village.
Mr. and Mies Larch, of Palmerston,
spent Tuesday at Jno, Mltoheli'e.
Neil MoLauoblin, of Silver Corners'
obsess factory, epont Monday at W.
The box eooial' whioh was held at the
home of M4iobael McKee on Thursday
evening was a eucoeee. A very line pro-
gram was rendered -consisting of addreo.
sea, vocal and inetromental music, club
swinging, &o.
Mre. J. Mitabell had the miefortane to
be knooked over by Some recision driver
on Sunday evening last. She le badly
braised and it is feared that one of her
ribs is fraotured. Fast driving seems to
be quite a common thingof late in our
9ea,iorth .
Council meeting Monday evening.
Wood, saw loge and timber are having
their innings now.
Frostbite0 and frozen ears have been
plentiful during the past week.
Births, enrpriee parties and weddings
seem to be the order of the day.
A couple of oar "red coats" left for
Halifax last week to go on garrison duty.
Rev. Mr. Audereon, of Toronto, nem
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian ahnroh
for the past two Sabbaths.
The thermometer stood at 15 0 below
zero on Monday morning of last week.
It was an old "nose nipper,"
Mrs. James
Wright has been on the
sick list with la grippe for some time, but
is improving. La grippe patients are
A new member was initiated into the
mysteries of the A. 0. U. W. at last
meeting. The lodge intends holding an
"At Home" in the near future.
Geo. E. Patterson reoeived a nasty
bump on the nose by falling from a lum-
ber pile and alighting on his "proboscis."
Better that than a broken neck.
Wednesday evening about 25 young
people took the home of Mrs. T. McCrae'
"by storm" and spent 0 pleasant even-
ing in games and other amusements.
Great interest is still taken in the war
news. The relief of Mafeking is next on
the list. Oar "old Boers" are closing
down on their gush sines the relief of
The fourth concert in the"Star Course"
was held in Oardno's Hall when Mn.
Spellman Riggs and Mr. Kimbro appear•
ed before a large audience. Their pro-
gram was a first-class one and was highly
appreciated by all.
Am interesting game of hockey woe
played on the rink here on Monday even.
ing of last week between the junior and
senior young ono ladies' gam
v' he latter of 2 resulting in e
victory for t to I. If the
ladies keep on as they have begun they
will soon be veritable "skull emanhere"
They don't count "off sides."
OaITDAar.—An old and highly respect.
ed resident of this place passed away to
the great Beyond on Wedoeeday morn.
ing of last week in the person of Edward
Oath. Deoeaeed had been ill for some
time, so his demise was not unexpected.
He bad readied the ripe old age of 80
yeare and 3 months. Funeral was on
Friday. The family bave the sympathy
of the community in their bereavement.
The pipe in connection with the range
in the Queen's Hotel became frozen Sun-
day night of last week and on Monday
morning, after the fire bad been alerted,
exploded, blowing the stove to atoms, and
smashing a panel in one of the doors
of the room. One of the young women
employed in the kitchen had a very car-
roty escape as ebe had just left the room
and oloeed the door when the expploeion
Lorne Hunter is visiting in town.
Charlie Dodds is in Detroit this week.
Jae. Stewart, pointer, has gone to
Miss Ida Blasbill is home from Lon.
don on a abort visit.
Alex. D. Grant, of Egmondville, was in
town for a few days.
Dr. McKelvey, of Mount Forest, was a
visitor in Brussels this week.
Mr, Harkness, of Wingbam, is visiting
hie daughter, Mre. T. Friendship, Brae -
Mre. Frank Baines, Mill street, con-
templates taking a trip to the Paoiilo
Ooaet shortly,
A. C. Dames, the well known drover,
has been on the eiok list but we hope he
will soon be ae welt es ever.
H. W. Farrow, Mail clerk, and R. Far.
row, of Guelph, were visiting at Poet.
.menet Farrow's over Sunday.
Mre. D. 0. Ross left Tbnroday far Bay
City, Mioh., where she will visit her
brother, J. W. Ames. Wm. Ames, of
Morrie, Mre. Rosa' brother, accompanied
Last Saturday morning Ken. Conley
lett Brassele for Portage -la -Prairie,
Man., where he goes to seek his fortune.
We wish him stones and expect he will
do well.
It is reported that Jae. Stewart, painter,
and Miss Oralene Miltoy, of Brussels,
were united in marriage on Wednesday
of this week. If go we extend to them
otlr beet wishes for a Happy and pros
perone life.
Win. Watt, of the Polson Works,
Toronto' is home on enforoed holidays
otvfug to a fraotured wrist, injury done
in some nnaoconotablo manner, He was
off work last week with it and is 90111 on
the lay np. We hope he will kaon be o, k.
Mrs. A. 3, Lowry and Rasaell were,
n e
viwti g x no lativ a in Gerrie Inst week,
Mre. 5. Peareon has been quite i11, lout
we hope she will 0000 be better again.
Jooepb and Mre, Jamieson and eon, of
Egmondville are vieiling relatives in
Druggist Deadman was in Toronto for
a opaple pt days on,a bueinens trip this
week, "
Miss Mary Beattie arrived home on
llonday after a three menthe' stay in
Wm. MoB:ay and family, who have ie-.
sided here for years, lett on Wednesday
for Harrington, near Stratford, where
they purpose making their home for it
time. Alex. and Geo, will remain here,
the former being in the flour mill of R.
K. Rose, and the latter in the employ of
A. Carrie, butcher. Tan Pon wishes
Mr. MoKay mad family 0000eee in their
new home.
G. B. McClellan, teller of the Stand-
ard Bank, Brussels; was called home to
Whitby to attend the funeral of Ole 12
year old sister, Vera, who died lost Bab.
bath after e, lengthened and at times very
painfel illness akin to spinal meningitis.
Mr. McClellan is none too well himself
having had an attack of something like
croup last week and was lald up when be.
reaohed Whitby.
Last week's Weesetae Star baa the fol-
lowing complimentary words referring to
a young gentleman now in Brussels :—
Allan Rowena, who has been employed
with R. Blank in the flour mill for same
time, has secured a good position with
W.F. Stewart, of Brunie, and left - for
that place last week. During his stay
here be bas always shown himself a very
exemplary young man and his employer
speaks of him in the highest terms as a
Jae. Ballantyne, a well known young
man of tide plane, started for Calgary,
N. W. T., on Tuesday of this week. He
goes on a prospecting trip and when a
suitable location presents itself will Bend
for Mra. Ballantyne and eon. Before
leaving town Mr. Ballantyne was pre.
rented with a'Masonic emblem by St.
Jobu'e Lodge, A. F. & A. M., in which
he held the office of Junior Deacon. He
carries theood widow of man in Brno -
se le and locality with him for his future
e 000085.
The Ripley correspondent says of a
well known yuanµ man of town —W. D.
Forbes,pbotographer, has disposed of the
good -will and stook•in-trade of his pboto.
graph butinese• His enooeeeor ie Roes
Merritt, of Kincardine, who comes highly
recommended having spent upwards of
three yeare in the perfection of hie art.
While here Mr, Forbes has done a good
business, first class work being hie motto.
Every one in the village will no doubt
regret hie leaving 0e as he [B very .highly
esteemed. Hie intention at present is to
leave for the West.
CHURCH 011111ES.
Easter Sunday comes an April 15.
Review in the Sabbath schools next
Regular monthly0ervi00 was held in
the R. O. Church last Sabbath,
Maitland Presbytery report and the
W. F. M. 8. meeting maybe read on
page 4 of this week's issue.
"The glory of obedience" will be next
Sabbatb evening's topic at Melville En-
n•peavor and the Epworth League.
P g
Thursday evening "The eon
of the
Virgin Mary" will be the eabjeot con-
sidered at St. John's Young People's
Rev. D. Perris, of Wingham, preached
two good sermons in Melville church last
Sabbath. In the morning he dealt with:
the parable of "The Unjust Steward"
and at the evening's eervioe spoke on
Paul's Conversion,
Last Sabbath afternoon and evening
Will. Hood, of Saginaw, Mioh., gave an
interesting amount of his work at Bab.
bath eohool organization in Michigan at
Melville church S.8, and Elndeavor. He's
an energetic toiler.
Rev. Jno. Holmes will begin a abort
series of expository sermons next Sab•
bath from the Epistle to the Philippians.
In the evening hie topio will be 'Bio'
grapbioal Theology," lessons from the
life of the late D. L. Moody.
The pastor was in his own pulpit last
Sabbath in the Methodist clinch. His
theme in the morning was "The Father -
bo d of God" from the text "Our Father
wh ti art in heaven." At the evening
eery `a' the text was St. John 21, 18 ; 19,
the discourse being direotsd largely to the
young people.
Rev. Mr. Abey took "The Second
Temptation of our Lord" for hie subject
last Sunday morning in Sb.Jobn's oharch
and will oonolnde the aeries nest Sunday
a. m. In the evening the text was St.
Matt. 20:17 and 18. The reverend
gentleman is discoursing on "The seven
sayings from the arose" at the Wednee•
day evening servioen daring Lent. They
are most appropriote to the season.
PATinoTxa FUND.—Tho following eub•
s0riptio0s, amounting to $13.65, have
been oontribated by the members of St.
John's ahuroh, Bruaeele, and St. George's
oharob, Walton, toward the Patriotio
Fund of the Church of England in the
Diooese of Huron 1—
Rev. G. J. Abey ....$2 00
S. and Mre. Mo0atoheon 1 00
J. and Mre. Cardiff 1 00
Wm. and Mre. Bryan 1 00
Chas. Pollard .:........ 1 00
W. M. Smith 1 00
H. Hamilton...............,1 00
J. Bolger...,. ..... •....... ,1 00
80014100 1 00
BJ,en, Ooaele
Mre• Frank My 50
°Cutobeon 50
Wm. H. Sholdiee.......,, 50
9080, Joo, Bolger 50
Thos, Maxwell 60 ,
Mre. Rachel Thompson,.....,26
Willie Campbell - 26
Mem Rogers' S. S. Claes of Boye 86
Total 018 65 -
The Perth Count Sittings.of the High
Cent opened before Hon. before Robert,
Don, There being no niminal caste, his
Lordship was presented with a pair of
white glavee by Shall genie,