HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-15, Page 88
If you intend doing any
papering we will be pleased to
show you our stook. We buy
both from Montreal and Tor-
onto and our long experience
enables us to snake the beat
selection from both, We eith-
er have or can supply you with
anything you xray require in
Paper Hangings, A choice
selection of
for those who prefer them.
We carry a large number of
patterns in Wall Papers and
Ceilings from which to select.
G. A. Deadman,,
DruggIet, Optician and Bookseller.
Deas to ''s.
Cheap to You.
Our advertisement in the leet
IeeRe of Tag Ppm will esplaie a l
about it.
We have still plenty of that extra
Insect Powder
on Stook and Poultry, also the Field
wbioh oomee much oheeper than that
sold in vane, If your etook le troubled
with lion or your sheep with ticks we no
help you.
G. A. Deadman,
i)ruggistand Graduate Optician,
Brussels, Ont.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
I9xpreae 7:1e sac, I Mail 2'10 p.m
Armed,........ 9;46 a.m. Eapreos 10:17 p.m
rural t.ebhs gums,
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
SRR additional local news on page 6.
MANITOBA weekly emersion next Tnea-
MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thursday,
SATURDAY of this week will be Bt. Pat•
riok'e Day.
MONDAY evening ,the Minto Club was
entertained at the residence of Barrieter
and Mre. Blair. It ie hardly necessary
to say a very enjoyable time was spent.
A. Country has already opened the
bioyole bn8iceee by disposing of an E. &
D. and a Cleveland wheel. Two sales in
early Maroh should be a harbinger of a
good season,
A COMPANY of boys have been drilling
the peat week, under the instructions of
Sergeant Joe McKay. There is a proba-
bility of a Boys' Brigade being organ-
ized in oonneotion therewith.
P. Some bee purehaoed B yearling Dolt
from Jae. Petah, 6th line, Morrie, and
aired by "Costumer," the roadster stal-
lion owned by Mann. Scott & Warwick,
Brussels. The colt is a likely one as its
dam is also from well bred stook.
BRUSSELS hasreason to feel proud of
ber Poblio school taking Inepeotor Robb's
report to the School Board as a statement
that am be banked on and backed up by
a noticeable satisfaction among parents
who take an interest in eohool affairs.
•'Bo eexLe road grading machine was in
use last Tueedav levelling the road from
town 2 miles North. Two teams were
need on it in the forenoon and three is
the afternoon as the snow and ioe were
packed very bard. Quite an improve-
ment was made to the road by the nee of
the grader.
Tan RIOaT SPIRIT.—Wedneoday even•
ing a delegation from Court Princess
Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels,
waited upon Jacob Wilton, who bee
been i11 for a long time, and presented
him with $5.00 accompanied by a short
address espreeeive of sympathy and
brotherly love. Bro. Wilton fe a member
of the Conestoga Court bat moved to
Brussels last year.
at noon Mrs. Thos. Forbes, of Wingham,
who is visiting Mre. Thee. Maxwell, John
was aesistin in getting
O ge e
dinnean return from ohuroh
went to the callar for vi0tuale and seeing
something in a bottle that elle thought to
bb vinegar took a drink of it. The liquid
proved to be washing fluid and the re-
mit wase very badly burned throat. An
emetic was immediately administered,
a physician hurriedly sent for and
the patient is doing as well ae could be
expected. We hope no serious results
will follow the mistake made by Mre.
OONvER5AZIwNF,. —The Ladies "Minto"
club give a Oonversazione in the Town
Hall on Friday evening of this week.
Program will consist of the following :—
Part 1—Oraheetra ; addreee of welcome,
Hon. President ; quartette, "Only the
smile of a child," Mre. McAllister, Mise
Amee, Messrs. Beatty and Rose ; solo,
Mist Ames ; reading ; instrumental duet,
"The arrival of Banta Clam," Mies Mo-
Lanoblin and T. A. Hawkine ; solo,
"Jest ae the can went down," Mies Gerrie
Rose ; quartette, "In cellar owl," Masers•
Hawkins, Strachan, Cameron and Roes ;
solo, Mise Ames ; duet, '!Oh, Rose so
sweet, ",Mieeee Sample and Rose. Part
.II.—Oraheetra ; An Evening with the
Gelb—Chorus "I'm glad my heart's my
sin" ; .newspaper; eolo, Miee Dagger ;
play "How Mre. Gaekell did not hire
a nook" ; solo, Nies Orooke ; Cake Walk ;
chorus, "Annie Laurie" ; "Good -night
eong" with tableau, Proceeds of enter
tainment will go to India Famine Fund
and the Siok Children's Hnepital.
Puma LIBRARY CormanT.—Broesele
Public Library Board have enured the
00rviee8 of Gavin Spence and Miss Ma-
bel Laing for a concert in the Town Hall
on Thursday, 29th Met, In this von•
motion the following pre8s notioe will be
of interest :—It i8 not too moob to say
that the entertainment given last night
by Gavin Speen and Mise Mabel Laing
at. the $ret Baptiet ohuroh, was one of the
beet character. Gavin Spence is a justly
celebrated Soottieh tenor, and Mies Laing
ie 8 Soottish eoprnno with a remarkably
clear and sweet voice, Sootob songs and
charmingly told tales in the Scotch dia-
lect deservedly earn for Mr. Spence
the title of "Prince of Soottish Enter•
tainere," His humorous stories oonvnl-
sod hie hearers and hie pathetic word
picture of the death of Dr. MoOlure
Moved man
y to tense. The several dnete
by Mr. Spence and Mies Laing were
were greeted with prolonged upplanee,"
—Rboheetee Demoorat and Ohroniole,
Nov, 7, 1590,
Mateo (dlub Oonverenzione Friday
QUITE a boom io the salt buainees but
it never cafobes Foreman Mooney en -
[swarm •
GAVIN SPENCE and Mies L•ting in Brue•
eels Town Hall, Thursday evening', 29th
inst., ander supine of Public Library.
Keep the date clear, Good program,
A enema of la grippe has had a num•
ber of our citizens in tte grasp. It shows
no partiality and consequently young and
old have bad a tueele with it. Take a
good 16 ounoes•to-the pound style of
grippe and it oan make you feel about as
limp as a rag in lees than 24 house,
Tan Spring session of the High Court
of Juetioe for the county of Huron will
open on Monday next, 19th inst., before
Juetioe Faloonbridge. The Crown Prose -
outer will be J. C. Hagler, barrfeter, of
Ingersoll. The docket ie light. W.
Blashill, Jae. Turnbull and F. Adams
wi:l attend from Brussels as jurors.
DIED —By a note from Mre. (Rev.)
Attie, of Goderioh, we learn that Bilge
Martha Hill died at Centralia on Monday
of last week, after a brief illness and was
buried on Thursday. The cause of death
was a stomach ailment succeeded by
some brain trouble. Miee Hill made ber
home at the Parsonage here for some
time while Bev. S. J. Allin was pastor
of Brunets Methodist ohnrob. Her
enddeo demise will be regretted.
TAXES Tae Buw.—Laet Saturday after.
noon Wm. Bird, of tbie town, hauled
the biggest load of saw loge that hae
been taken out for Messrs. %Tauter &
Rttahie this Beason. There were two
elm loge, meaenring 1,475 feet, and
weighing 7 too, 170 pounds on Brussels
market scales. The load was hauled
from the stump over a piece of new road,
to Brueeele G. T. R. yard, a distance of
6 miles through pitch holes bad enough
In some places. Logs were cat on Alex.
Buchanan's farm, 17th con., Grey.. Mr.
Bird has a good team and the load did not
appear to bother them at all. Messrs
}Kreuter & Ritchie have from 40 to 60
thouaaud feet of timber to hail oat yet
besides heading bolts and wood.
G. T.R.—Shipping ie livening tep again
after the somewhat quiet mouth in grain
and salt shipments. elation Agent
Sutton gives as the following as the
outgo and income of the past week ;—
Beaker & Vanotone, 3 deoke of hogs and
1 oar wheat ; Geo. Beet, 1 deck of hogs ;
John Scott, 1 car of oattle ; Clegg &
Dames, 1 oar of cattle ; Enterprise Salt
Works, 8 oars ; Aroh. Goatee, oar of em
igrante' effects to Lauder, Man. ; Robt.
Graham, 1 oar of wheat. Inwards—R.
K. Ross, oar of corn ; Baeker & Vanetooe,
oar of Manitoba flour ; Wilton & Turn
boll, oar at stoves,—Traioe were badly
mixed up with last week'e storm but have
straightened matters round eageio fairly
well.—Manitoba and the Northwest is
the objsotive point for a good many next
month o h who will ship from Brussels G.
T. R.
ADDREss.—The following is a copy of
the address accompanying the preernta-
tion of a framed photo. of the Methodist
Church and Parsonage to Henry Mooney
and wife before leaving Brussels :—
To Henry Mooney, Wife and Family.
DEAR FnIENDe,—We, the members of
the Methodist ohuroh and congregation
of Brunets, regret that yon, as a family,
are about to remove from us and more o0
seeing that you have lived here for euob a
long period, 42 yeare, and during all that
time have had the oonfidence and esteem
of all with whom yon have been aeacciet•
ed in the ohuroh and the community.
Your relation to the ohuroh has been
tong, constant and consistent, hence the
separation is all the more tryiog ae these
ebdeariug nee are severed. Then we
oannot forget the fat that yon were al-
ways ready and wilting to help in every
good work in the church and Sabbath
eohool by your means, example and
oatmeal. We therefore hope your re,
moval is Providential. Viewing it in
this light we moat devoutly and earnestly
pray that the God of all Graoe may lead
you and youre into all Truth ; that your
future may be every way prosperous ;
that yon may be made a blessing where
you live, and when the work of lite is
done you may be gathered with the
saved in our Father's Home on high
where we trust we shall all meet you.
We ask you then to aoaept this framed
photo, of our Church and Parsonage us a
smell token of our esteem fur you and
family, not for its inbrineio value but for
the kindly feeling behind it and, we bave
no doubt when you look at the photo.,,
you will remember the times when you
met within those ooneeorated walls,
j tined in the praises of oorEternal King,
heard the living, lite•giving Word, held
Ohrietian fellowship with many who
have. gone Home to be forever with the
Lord, and others who are still on the
King's bigbway, and above all when you,
In humble penitence, knelt around the
table of the Lord, to remember God's
greet love and through the death of
Ohriet Dome all the blessings of life and
initiation. Again we wish you all long
life and all temporal and spiritual good
for time with a Home it the house not
made with hands eternal in the heavens.
Signed in behalf of the Methodist
Ohureb and Congregation,
W, H, lftmna, item Steward.
Brnssele, Feb, 281h, 1900.
Iloo1'gn le better these day's.
IT le reported that the drug steak, ans
der the management Of S. B. Smile,
Brpeeele,bee been diepooed of to a Liebe-
wel man and that Mr. Smile will go to
t of town 19 run it for him,
J. TINnarr end Jno Brown jr., of Grey,
will leave Brnseele for Neepawa, Man.,
next Tteaday, They take a oar of stook,
lumber, &o, Mr, Tledell bee been in the
Weetabout 20 yeers.
week the mewed for theerection of a
new brink Methodist ohuroh atthe village
Of Moorefield, Wellington Op., to 090
$8,600, wee awarded to Thos, Newsome,
the well ltnowo oontrsotor, of Brnaeele,
D. A. Lowry will attend to the atone,
brick and plae'ering• Meaere. Wilton &
Turnbull, of town, will put op the metal-
lic oeilng and attend to the plumbing,
P, Amene's foolory will turn out the
carpenters' material. The church will
be 88 x 58 feet and will be fitted up with
the modern improvements nab ae aoety.
lens light, furnace, &o. TEE POST f8
pleheootra tand
ssed to anow that believe r hey will e have
entire eatiefaotion in every partioulter,
Moorefield is about 36 miles from Brae
eels. Mr. Newsome was down' there dile
OFF von AFnrat.—Bruesele will he rep-
resented in the soldiers Poing with the
Strathoona Horse to take the panes of
the dead and wounded in the Oauadiau.
contingent -in South Africa inthe person
of Leon 3", Jaoteoo, son of Walter Jack.
eon, of this plane. He has been employ-
ed in e, well known shoe house in Toronto
in whioh oily he was a member of the
Royal Oanadian Regiment. Mr. Jaok-
son passed the examination for the first.
Company of Oauunks who went to Afrioe
but as m,re me» were on hand than
oonld be taken he did not get. The con-
tingent sailed from Heinen on Thursday.
Last Monday's Toronto Globe save :—
"Private Leos F. Jackson, of the Royal
Oanadian Regiment, who has been living
at 50 Mutual street, was on Saturday
evening presented with a purse of money,
a tobaoao pouch and an addreee by the
other boardere at his residence. The
addreee, wbioh expressed the beet wishes
for the safe return of Pte. Jackson, was
signed by ten of hie aeBooiatee, Pte.
Jackson aleo reoeived a number of pres
ante from other friends, among them be
ung a fine dirk knife from hie feNow•em-
ployeee at the Toronto Shoe Company."
Tam Pon hopes Mr. Jackson will be
spared to return to his home and friends
after the campaign is over. We would
like to have seen Brussels do something
in tbe way of a send off for him but the
notice was so Abort it did not seem prac-
ticable to crania oar soldier b..y before
the ship Bailed. Owing to hie absence
from Brussels it was not in easy matter
to ascertain particulars. Bi ueeals may
have an opportunity of remembering
him on bis rennet.
Read Dr. Talmage's sermon in this
week's PosT on the Prodigal Son.
The monthly Consecration Service will
be bald in the 1pworth League next Sab-
bath evening.
"How the Old Testament grew" will be
the topic at Melville Endeavor on Sab-
bath evening.
Clark's Methodist church on the Ripley
circuit was recently destroyed by fire.
Rev. F. Swann is the pastor.
Thursday evening of this week St.
John's Young People will consider the
topic "At the house of Levi, the publi-
Rev. David Perris, of Wingham, will
preach in Melville church next Sabbath,
Rev. Mr. Ross going to Wingham for the
Mre. (Rev) Ross, of Brussels, hae been
elected President of Maitland Presbytery
W. F. M. S. and will make a competent
Last Sabbath morning Rev, R. Paul
preached a good sermon in the Metho-
dist ohuroh from the text Matt. 17:8. In
the evening Rev. A. C. Tiffin, of Wilton,
occupied the pulpit, profitably dimmers.
ing from Isaiah 35, 20:21. G A. Hood,
of Saginaw, sang a tenor solo with good
Rev, Dr. Campbell, moderator of the
General Assembly, who preached at Knox
and St. Andrew's churches, a es, Stratford,
Sunday, received a telegram egrem conveying
the sad news that hie mother, an elderly
lady, had passed away, Mre. Campbell
lived at Brookville, and had been ill for
some time.
Rev. Jim. Roes, B. A., preached last
Sabbath morning from Matt. 21:28, on
"The Sphere of Work," giving a very
thoughtful diocouree. Al the evening
service "The Prodigal Son's life in the
far country" was portrayed, attention
being called to (1) His Destination ; (2)
Debauchery ; (8) Destitution ; (4) Degra•
dation. The path of Bin is the way to
sorrow and the road to ruin.
Business Locals.
CLOVER and Timothy eeed at Mo•.
A. COueLEY will pay 22a per pound for
good butter.
GASH for hides and sheep eking.
A. Oonirlm, Brussels.
Porten Lound, Owner may have it 'by
paying for this notioe.
Toro POST Publishing Hone.
ONLY one new cutter at our Shope. A
bargain for enme one, to clear. Come
quick and got it EwAN & INNEe.
A HANDeM= line of bedroom China
seta, &a•, at Mre. Ballantyne'e. Jnat
the thing for a nice wedding present.
See them and get piioee.
FanoINE IN BUTTER.—Will pay 28o, gash
for any quantity of roll butter delivered
at my shop, one door South of Fox's drag
store. Would advise prompt delivery as
market is very uncertain now.
EOM. THoltaoR.
JNo. TAiTwishes to thank the public
for'past patronage and to intimate that
be may be found regularly at his store
ready to pay the highest cash pries for
butter and eggs. Shop opposite Amari•
can Hotel
Ewes & INNEe wieh to thank all their
anetoneere for the libe,al support of the
past season and remind all that they are
well prepared for the Summer trade.
Mr. Innes was away this week buying
and inepeoting geode ie the white so as
to get nothing but the beet.
We intend to keep the bngglee e.going,
The boys will keep the girls going,
And that keeps the world going.
We will keep theshop going,
The +Atop Mein the men going,
The men keep the farmers going
And so the world gone round,
•-FEt7AN & Ionsee
CLOVER and Timothy geed for sols ab
BReker & Vanetpne'e.
097 FLOWERS AND DegigNs..-4ftrs, 'Bal•
lantyne will tee° orders, at her Grooeryl
far out genre and doral designs, sup.
plied from city greeuhoneee,
Juni (N—P,t our of Manitnbe flour and
bran, from thy, Beautiful Plaine Milling
Oo., Neepawa, Now is the title to put
in your stook for Summer.
Bann 4:VANarcar.
.13u r000 21o..—We euggeeted 10 you
some months ago to feed those vows.
We are well aware that ons aotione have
been sublimely oritioieed. Frontal at..
tans may not be advisable in South
Africa, hot to the individual who le un.;
der the oaloiam light of ,public oritialsm
they cannot be too frontal or forward.
We have never advertised for oarloads of
fowl, dried apples or butter when it
was poly a few broken was wanted.
Get off tbe trodden paths nowadays and
some small soiled oritio iseuro to harp.
G. E. KING, Wingham.
Fon the opining season we will bave e
large number of our make of bnggieo end
wagons tbat will be sold at low prices and
guaranteed first clean in every reepeot.
We have no Presidents to give 04,000-a
year to or vice presidents, secretary,
book-keeper or traveller with salary of
81000 and travelling ,expeneee. We dp
all our own Belling, buying and making
within ourselves, ao are in•ehape to give
customers a right good article at fair
price. Call and eee us. EwAN & INNE9.
MODONALn.—At Russell, Man , nu Feb.
40, the wife. of Mr. Geo. liuDonald,.
formerly of Elma, of twin e,,8, one
still born.
Ro9INeoN.—In Eaet Wawanneb, "n March
7th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Robinson
of a daughter.
SRELTok.—In Morrie, on Maroh let, the
wife of Mr. Thomas Skelton of a sou.
Kxno.—In Gerrieon Merritt 4,13, the wife
of Mr. Jae. Sing of a daughter.
TowN.—In Winnipeg, on Feb, etb,to Mr.
and Mre. Harry Town, a daughter.
MITCHELL—HART.—On Wed needay,. 21st
February, by Rev. Dr. Edward Wal•
lane Neil, at the Chnrah .4 St. Ed.
ward the Martyr, New York, Mr,
Robert R. Mitchell, of New York,
youngest eon of Mr. John Mitchell,
of London, formerly of 12th von.,
Grey township, to Mies Elizabeth
Esther Hart, eldest daughter of the
late Joh.. R. Hart, of New York.
MULDOON — SeoLaloE.—Ori Maroh 14th,
by Rev. G J. Abey, of Bruesele, at
the residence of tbe bride's preen,
Mr. G. R. Muldoon, of Ma}Killop, to
Mise Ti•lie, daughter of Mr. Adam
Sholdioe, of Giey township.
BOLTON—Pnyoe.—At the residenae of the
bride's father, on Marab 14th, by
Bev. A. 0. Tiffin, Mr. Robt. J. Soott
Bolton, to Mies Mary Pryon, both of
Gumma—DuRE.—At the residence of the
bride's father, Mr. Andrew Duke, by
Rev. O. W. Bristol, of Trowbridge,
on March 7th, Mr. Geo. 0. Green, to
Mise Lizzie A. Duke, both of Grey.
BALLenn.—In Listowel, on Mardi 8th,
Jobe G. Ballard, aged 62 yeare, 9
menthe and 16 days.
KnEnlnea,—In Listowel, on Kern 8th,
Lizzie, wife of W. J. Klemmer, aged
28 yeare, 2 menthe and 20 days.
ST./IND4RD 131N.JJ Q,F C4X4•pr4,
)F$'o7.6.=Liemz= "J
CAPI'PAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) • $1,000,000
R17SERVla FUND . - • • 6600,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Afanitoba, United Statue d: Nngiand.
lwss1 . s Reaarevs.
A General Banking Bosideee Trensaote.d, Farmer& Notes Dieoonnted`
Drafts Isenrd and Oo)leetioree glade on all points,
littered allowed on deposits of 111.0p and' upwards,
SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To THE1000010T108 08 Etaronae' BA7,E Norge.
Every fertility afforded Ouetomere living at a diebanoe,
J. N, GORDON, Amnia Amen.
%,ILLIAx. Tn. Listowel, on Maroh 20d,
Olarenoe, beloved eon of Conrad
Zihiaa, aged2 yeare, 9 mouths end
10 days.
Rorie.—Is Lietowel, on March 7th,
Rowel T. Bolla, aged 26 yeare, 1
month ala 22 days.
MaDoNALn.—At Russell, Man., Feb, 18,
Mary MoNeeland, formerly of Elma,
beloved wife of Geo. McDonald, aged.
$5 yeare.
Lsrsnrooz:—In Eaet Wawanoeh, on March
6th, John J. Leath/nen, aged 18
years, 10 months and 28 days.
COATse.—In Shoebone, Idaho, II. 8., on
Feb. 28th, Catharine M., beloved
wife of Joo. J. Coates, aged 34 years,
11 months and 15 days.
TUESDAY, MAROa- 20T11.—Farm stook,
&e., Lot 2, Con. 18, Grey. Sale, time -
served, at 1 o'olook. High J. Ramsay,
prop., F. 8. Soon, aro.
SR TTSm ,s At.A.m.==,rs
Fall Wheat •.•••• 60 • 62
Barley 80
Peas .. 60
Oats 28 28
Butter, tube and rolls ,22
Eggs per dozen 12
Flour per barrel4 00
Potatoee (per bus) 20
Apples (per bbl) 2 00
Hoge, Live... 6 00
Hoge, Dressed
hone on Queen streeb ; also a piano
Very- little used, one of the beet .0666815 for
three hundred and fifty dollars. Must be
Hold' before Oho -lot of April. Apply to
MISS kl, CAMPB0LL, Brussels,
TIONEEn for the 'County, Exper.
tense of over 14 years, and knowledge of who
to sell to, Will guarantee eetlefeotion. If
you want to soli or buy a farm call oil me,
Money to loan at 45 per oenb.
We are prepared to make contracts for
1000 cords of hard and soft wood, to be de•
livered ab the: Brussels Salt Works: Par-
tfoularTBE)yOOLE�MAN there.
Appiy to THE POST. Brussels.
=non for Sale In Brussels, corner of
Turnberry and Queen streets. There are 8
rooms, cellar full size of house, hard and
36 soft water, &o:,'t Sere of land. L••oation 1e
most couvenien't, For further particulate
app]y to A, OOUBLEY,'Nrupse)s, or D, Ms-
LENNAN, proprietor, Seafertb: 84.4
6 00
4 60
2 00
5 10
6 50
2 QUARTS of milk for 5 Dente. Apply
to S. Buse.
4 Mee old mare for Bale, broken to
drive or work. JN0. SPEIR,
W6f. Lot 21, 4th line Morrie.
SPAN of good heavy working horses for
e ale. Price 8250. Apply to MRS. ALEX.
00NON , Lot 17, 803. line, Morrie. 88tf
Roue and one aore of ground to rent,
John street, Brussels. Apply to Tam Poem
heavy draught colt, tieing 0 years ,
also one span of good heavy drivers, aged 0
years. Apply on Mondays or Frldaye to
8881 Lot 10, Con. 5, Grey.
NEW DRESS 00009!
• Every day brings Novelties to this department for the
season's wear—the very latest in style and design. A look at the
new Dress Goods will convince you that everything new will be
found in our stock. New Black Crepons, exclusive designs in Blis-
ter, Plaid and heavy Cord Grounds. A fine assortment to select
from. Mohair and Silk Mixed Crepon in numerous patterns at the
Lowest" price.
New Plaid Dress Goods.
Stylish up-to-date Tweed Plaids for Skirts. These goods
make durable and stylish separate skirts.
New Serges and Suitings.
Imported direct, a line of Navy Serge and fine
Suitings in Plain and Tweed Patterns.
New ,14.1] -Over Nets.
In Black and Cream. Something beautiful for
Fronts. The latest Novelty shown.
040 acres, complete notion, near
Southwest boundary of Manitoba. Over 100
aoree under cultivation. Line two•etorey
house costing. over 81000. 8. miles from rail-
way; river Souris paemee tbrou gh farm;
near cheap coal supply. Pries 84000.
Apply to JN O. D. RONALD.
LAOS.—The property of the /ate John
Elliott, consisting of a solid brlok house,
with 'frame kltnbeu and woodshed, good
stable and } sore of land all in nret-nlaes
condition. If not. sold will bo rented. Pos-
session at any time. For pa tiou)sre apply
t0 Wtt. 000NOE, Ethel; ALEX. PATTEIte009,
Galt ; or Du, MOKELVE0, Mt. Forest. 2061
toe F'ORTownoblSALE+'H. — 100be-p of o
Inc Lute 10 and 10, Con. 0; 80 aeraswiok, are
cleared and 00 acres In bush ; batik barn with
stone stabling underneath ; and frame bowie
with cellar. A good thriving orohard.
Farm is situated 8 miles from Wroxeter
Alco 80 sores in the Township of Turnberry,
being North Half of Lot 7, 000, A ; 80 acres
in grass, 20 acres of hush ; frame barn and
log house ; a good spring. For further par -
Menhirs apply to ALEX. HISLOP,
28.8 Wroxeter P, 0.
,MfAR, 15, 1900
ilEFORT, . , .
We expect to make it splendid
report of big solea from our new line of .
WALL PAPERS •for they are oarefully
eeleoted and we know the prices we ask
are right. We have this year added a
very fine line of Ingrains eo popular at
present. Our stook represenbe all tastes,
shades, twee and colors and eo meta a
large elan of wants, Will .you give us a'
name to meet youre, et
Fox's Drug Store.
SALE.—Lob• 17, con. 0, Township of
Grey. 100 gores more or leve, Situate 41
miles fromB, ueee]e and 2 miles from village
of Ethel. All eleare'l exeeptieg 5 acrea of
hardwood bush, Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing
done. Price and Ormeofpayment on a9.
plication to W, M. SINCLAIR
50.0f Barrister. &o., t#rnsseie:
on 001)1 etreot, le, The bonen
is a comfortable oat, well acted up,with
a, bard and soft water, &o. Thre le
a]eo agood stable- Fruit areae in garden
over one•quarter 00x8 0! land. Forprune,
terms, &o„ apply to F. FINN,. Proprietor,
Or W. H. 8EI611 of TEE Poem, 1641
x00 Lot 00, N d Con. e, Morrie township,
containing 08 aoree of Bret-olase laud. There
is a house, barn, orchard and good ware-
house, nod farm Is well fenced, There are
a6 acres du Fall wheat; 16 acres in hay and
95 acres pasture. Pooseselon could be given
at nano. Farm adjoins the village of Brim -
sole. For further particulars ae to price,
terms, &o.,write to JAMAS LIVINGSTON,
M, P.,Baden. 29-81
Consisting of the Routh i and South i
of the North 6 of Lot 06, Oon.2, East Wawa -
moan. ppThte le an excellent Mtogek farm,boing
situated about 8 milesofrom the thriving I
lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under
grave. Buildings and fences are in a fair"'
state of repair. Huey terms of payment will
be given. Por all information apply to
11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrieter, Brussels.
onoD FARAL The "White farm," lot 7,
con. 2, Grey, 100 aoree, 11 miles from James-
town (gravelroad) must bo sold, underthe
will of the late owner. Good buildings, or.
chard and never fading water supply. The
land Is Olean and in good state of cultivation,
5 acres of Fall wheat now in. This is a de-
sirable propyerty and a (Mean bargain oan be
orad Apb100000ER,!lrueeelo Exto JOHN e�t1tora.861'
or to A.
21 Years Established
Without a Failure.
25c. for Sutler
No Sir, you cannot tell by
the looks of a toad how far he
can jump, especially if a frac-
tious horse gets away and tries
to break a window. We probably haven't got as fat as some fattys
at the business still we are here, and, will allow any detective to
examine our goods bought for spot cash and opened up this week.
One ease of
Tweed To be sold at prices that will astonish the ladies.
The prettiest patterns in Flannelette you ever looked at.
New Veilings,
" Corsets,
" Embroideries,
" Insertions,
" Laces,
" Prints,
61 Muslins,
" Ginghams,
New Piques,
" Curtains,
Table Linens,
Now at the opening of the Spring season we extend to every
citizen of Brussels and surrounding country an invitation to call
and examine our goods and compare prices when making your
Spring selections.
Perfect Satisfaction or Money Refunded.
' erguson & Co.
White Cotton
at 5o, 6, 7o, 8o, 9o, 10o and 1210
—the beet and cheapen in town—the
oheapeSt we have ever had although
oobtoos bave advanced.
Grey Cotton ,
at 4o, 5o, 8o, 7a, 8o & Oo per yd.
Prints and Ginghamst
Just look at our Prints and
Ginghame. Sole Agents in Bruesele for
Orum Prints.
New Gents'
Look at the Hate and Ties in
our window, A11 kinds of Shirts, Pante
and Overallg in Moak.
Call and eee our stook of Tweede
and Worsteds,
Our Eleadymade
ie up.to•date this Spring. Men's
all wool good and .strong Suite from
$6.00 up.
Again we invite your atter.
tion. The Ames, Holden Co. foot wear
takes the lead. You don't bave to some
and get the ripe sewed'' every little while
as our Beate, Shoes and Rubbers wear
like iron,
A. R. Smith.