The Brussels Post, 1900-3-15, Page 7414. MARCH 15, THE. JOKE FACTORY, rtillndelphila weer. Vetere aro the bavw,c tRennymetle, Bold se opeeeb luta daring -et eletel, Who gave Xing JOhn 1101119 dreadful whnelte In the place wbere tbe eeleeen got the OX And Wrung the ebarter from ele nibe e- eellt*bbthlien in the meal ribs With erevanente that they happened tsi slate Wore bineted by weapona np to Mite Where ape tint herons? They nil aro gone, fiut their deseendante ere living on • In Mimeo moderate, hut 1191nplete, • . . In the town, "where the Puss Vows lo the great., The 00430 01 thelumonti thenueeene tigel.nar; ia Oho that of utile imowe of yesteryear,,, Iluti the noble Order of the Crown Fidladelphiu and Germuntown, South of Market aue north of Pine, Flourishoo in a lordly line, Embracing names Into Reath and And even HOMO Biurphys and Melones. Don't ask fool questions or do it alone • 0Yer tho itaift (*twice telephone, Tor on this subject no jests are meet In the town "whore the grate groga in the street." • ElYideneen of Springtime. 'bill, here cornes the book agent, AG eta lighttnin rod Man, ttn the clock ped- dler, an the who fence feller, am the gun - nor distributer °Imp, en the heathen sub, eoription wornamtaln the caterpillar exter. animator, an the man that puree Mille ! while you shake an of spring ain't here now all I'vegot 40 stay is -signs is mighty deoeivin. Turn the key on me an then go look yerself in the bern."-Atlenta Con- stitution. ee I! the , On the Other Side. An English lady, walking with her Itt. tle girl, saw a lame old beggar bearing on What the legend, "1 Fought at Waterloo." "Give him some money, for he helped • ". to save your country," said the lady. . As the child dropped some silver into hie hand the ex -soldier bowed and exclaim. ed, "Moroi, madernoisellel"-TiteBita Precaution. • nt's very wrong to woke too much; The hubit Bluely serves, Unless 'Ms sparingly indulged, ' ' To irritate the nerves. ..1Vit wrong to overeat yourself," The gentle trust mu:tainted, 'For this will moth you melodies Too numerous to be numed, "It's wrong to get ten warm -indeed Most people should be told • . About the way diet too much heat May lead to taking.cold. .k "So lieten to my song and heed. • Tobacco, food and coal Are much less Healy to do harm .11 left in tny control." 131 "e. _ The Carver Made Enough For All. There was once a nein who labored might and day carving and polishing is bit of Ivory so that it might look like a grain of rice. At the end of nine years he deemed he work well nigh perfect. A hungry hen then swallowed his masterpiece, The ben made no complaint nor did the rest of the world Being Exact. "-DO. you nicer] to tall me that the mem- bers of our legislature will .be ruled at the bidding of auy one man?" "'Well," answered- Senator Sorghum, "they're getting rather particular. I innet lay the man's sot to bid pretty liberal." - Lazy Citizen. 1 don't hoer melt for springtime Down Muir I raise en ho'n, For w'en dey hits sunny day Dey sets no drappin tto'n. !knows do fish N bilin En longin for de bait, But don It's 'Hitchdat mule up En plow dot furrow straightl" I 'Ideoge ter 'bey my orders En come up ter dogwatch, But, bless de las-d, 1 travelin Tor do wittermillion latch! . . Contemned It Himself. ruddy- Heckle complains tbat after all his labor in behalf of the publlo he gets nothing for lie Duddy -And that's moils than he dm seeve,s. Nothing Is too good for him. I bave heard him $ay so himeele-Boston Transcript. Stough on Illus. "Oh, 1 knowed I Would gat itl" said amnion who had been fined for selling tainted. butter. "Anti I guess I can stand it. But; it does seem kinder hard to have been fined by a judge with dyed whisk. ers."-Indianapolis Journal. Thy Weary House Hunter. I would not nlOve in winter, ' When the ground iS white vvith Snow, I would not move in springtime, When the nodding lilacs blow. L would not move in summer, Mon tho son's rays scorch the town., 'When the dust is thick wherever One proposes to sit flown. 011, I would not move 1;1 autumn, When the leaves begin to fell, And, in foot, if I oould help it, 1 would never move at all! Like Makes Like. "That loot box of perfectos you sold me was very bad," said Puffer. "Well," replied the ecalor blandly, "you know the pavane cecip bus beam poor -for tho last three yetis's, "-Philatlelphie North American. Everything Comex. 040111 writing for the inottestnear EN 'mired no one who yeares To learn his neighbor's ways and means. "Well, whet are tho returns?" .Ae one whose voicc did lack the ring Of pure, spontaneous glee The other outd: "Oh, everything! Whoa- all °nuns tio,dr ennt0." Fapitto Idea. "Pa what is a hero?" "A hem is a inrin who trlos to read e newspaper in the sante room with a boy about your size,' Romance Shattered. He kissed her! Blic neither drew buck nor turned red, , And mho did not dollen' a elap on his ear. 1de Ideate heel No ward by the Indy was eald, She htul noosed to In thrillud--thoy'd been murried e year. -Weep News. A n Envoi. ,•••0 "1 understand teobox made hie fortune "." sue of a simple ievontion," "No; out of a simple inventor." -In - q' elenapolle Journal' 1)nottin Ohs II- • 11,o itritt, faii1-1 he With t r.,re t (real Praline 411,1 tit, 1 •• 1,1 "*.t quite aisinreadoi Nhe will Incite het husband Moe% -Philadelphia Worth Alberto** THE1 EBUSSNLS POST. A GIRL W110 %Tits Lan: ing on the bottom% Merle of their W AS S A vEn boggan-like 81448, 11iey 0180 CHUou. fats ure slede with evalrue Melte tor runnere and deer antlers ter crow. Mews, L would be hard to find more dar- ing hunters than they are; the 80111, etollentrrbaurng tnoildthriLt:$13RAWUnirbYagl.rilh'c;u Tho tribe eompreeee only fi 1y -eight Ina. luett, Mem' equ illy di, ideal between the sexes. Its members spank n dia- en/Manx, S mate thirty miles broad memento Sou himpLon 1,1 nt from be western thorn ot Hudson Bey, where there is d colony Of E9cillinta HE, and once in It very long whle the, straits freeze over. It is said that this. hart - paned seventy-five years ago, end hen 4 fenv hunters came over tram the im In rel to t he atelnl Ind, where they were naneh eurprised to encounter other hu- man being; I ke them:40e8, having doub leee imagined -th It they were I he rely people in exletence. There is new a tradition with. ths netiVeS of the raininlind whs eay Ilia the sire n. gape brough two Made with thole, but went away again rnt never returned; no1 her be ore nor lime, as far as con be ateertained; lute any news onene from he lo'st tribe unt'l recently. 01 Son hemp' on 1 bin 1 hi•re is no scope:one, which among the ,Esqui- manx elrewhere is the favorable ma- terial for pots and kettles. Renee the peeple of he lost tribe are obrged, to melte eucia reeep'acies out of slebs of limestone glued together in rectangu- lar ehapes wi h a mixture of grease and deer blood, In d be same Ivey they manufacture their lamps, and the' fact is another evi lenee of thn prolonged. Isoleeion of I he community inammuch as o'her Esqu'ruanx, when I hey can obtain no et-411)5ton° In their own neighborhood, will lake trips Incit- ing several years in lquest of this rare material. BAD SUFFERED FOR NEARLY 12 YEAR$ WITH ANAEMIA. lieTbre Headache/4, Wart Nen v014341103. Ild Extreme Angstrom made Her LIR illsorable -Her Doctor Toll 114r She Could Not Recover. . Doctors have given the Greek Jeanne anaemia, meaning " blemileeenese," to dieeaise widen is much move Preval- eni •among young women than is gen- orally believed. fu its early stages the diseaee is not marked by any de- cided aYraPioms, and often makes con- siderable advance eare its presence 15 noticed. A feeling of fatigue after 51 gIot exereisse, breathlessness and pallor of the fe.oe are the first no- ticeable signs, Unless there is prompt and effective treatment the disease then makes rapid progress, and the victim preeents every appearance of going into a decline or consumption The only successful method of treat- ing anaemia is to build up the blood, and the best medicine in the world for this purpose is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, Miss Adeline Dumas is one or the thousands of young ladies who can testify to the efficacy of Dr. William' Pink Pills in eaves of enemenia. Miss Dumas reeides with her parents art a farm neer Liniere, Bettuee CO., Que. Ta a reporter who called upon her far the purpose of getting the par- 1.1culars of her illness and oure, Miss Dumas said :-" Since I was about sixteen years of age I have been ail- ing more or lees, but for along time, except for periodical headaches, the trouble did not seem serious. About two years ago my case began to as- sume an alarming nature. The head- aches came with greater frequency. I became very pole, and the slightest exertion would leave me breathless, I tried several medicines, but instead of finding 'benefit I was steadily growing worse, until at last.t WilS unnble tO do any household work, and had to sit in a chair almost the entire day. I had now 'become ex- tremely nervous, and the least, mome would set my heart wildly 'palpitat- ing. Iliad neither desire ncr relish for food, mad the doctoe-,who attend- ed nae finally said ,the,troethie yeas in- curabfe, and tba t he could elo inothtng morefor me. 1114 not despair, allow - ever, but trued other mediemee, but stLli without reliof, and there I began to feel that death alone would release me from my suffering, At this time a friend brought me a newspaper in which was the story of the euro of a girl whose symptoms resembled mine, through the use of Dr. Williams' Plek Pills'and urged me to dry them. I sent for a box, but they did mot seem to help me, and I wee afield they would prova like other medicines,not suited to my ease. My parents in- sisted. that I should continue their use and my father got. two boxes more. Before these were all used I had no Imager any dou.late -that tbay were helping me, and I procured 4m- i:ether hell dozen boxes. They com- pletely, restored any health, end 'r am able to go about ,a,ndla" work -wttb 00 ease Ihave not enjoyed foe years belore 13 thinie Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are, a'greet blessing to tbe stek, amid I alweys urge, my friends who are not well to take them, and I will be glad if thia statement as s the naeans of bringing new courage and health to some other sufferer." FINDING OF A LOST TRIBE, A HERMIT RACE JUST DISCOVERED IN ARCTIC CANADA. Ite People Inhabit a Lonely Inland 111 Hug. Ran Kay, 111111 113.1 Never Seel, 0White Man a Few Mouths Ago-Cradity ar Their IAA/ Al 44444 el Without a Parallel The Government authorities at Ot- tawa have been notified of the discov- ery„ on a lonely Island in Hudson Bay, of a Lost tribe or. Esquimaux, a com- munity which has been far centuries without intercourse with other repre- sentatives of the human species and whose members never saw a White JINNI Instil n few months agoi. They are sbill in the stone age, knonving no melees, they grow no plants, andtheir houses are built of the skulls of whales. The home of this strange teibe ison SOUthialltpLOn Island, a piece of water - girt land nearly as big as the State of ! Maine, and situated at the north end of Heels= Ray, Apparently the peo- ple have &atilt there ever since the pre-Columbian times, and to -day they ; Animist: in exautly tbe eame way as they must have clone then. Raving ' beets isoaleed for so long a period, 11. ie natural tirat 'they should possess may pecuilanitios. A. collection of ; their utensils, weapons of the chase I and other objects was secured by a i . t whaling vessel that recently visited their Wane, but to the regret ot Ebel Canadian authorities they have hil I massed into the possession of persons in New York. Thetis. 1101ISES Of skulls, more proper- ly described as huts, are built by put- ting together the great jaws of whales and then covering them- over with altins. In the middle of the primi- tive dwelling le an elevitted place, on ,whieh stands the INEVITABLE STONE LA.11413, employed for lighting, heating, cook- ing, melting snow, drying elothes, and in certain arts. The lamp is nothing more than an open diee of whale or seeA oil, wit tr It wick M dry tnoss soak- ed. in Ill. The whille is the chief means of subsistenee of these strange people, They use the whalebone in o variety of ,surprising wuys, making even their cups and buckets of it, by bending 11 into round shapes and seW- CAVIES AS PETS. ^- English, Peruvian, iing Abyssinian, The Three Ills! lout Simile. The breeding of eavies is the new- est fad of lovers or pet animals. Pre- vious to their present baearnation, envies were small rodents elosely -re- sembling little guinea pigs, -but in the process of evolueion they have been transformed int o silken bells of many colors, black, white , Erenoh-red, tor- toise shell, English solid black and ,English solid red. 1 The largest and finest envy ranch in the United States is owned mid man- aged by Mrs. Edith Kingman Poem'', of Woodstoek, Ill. lvIrs Power was feel° years a successful teacher in Illinois scbools. She has also been a frequent contributor to leading periodicals in the West, and is an active member of the Chicago Press League. About three years ago her love oft animals led her into a modest beginning as a breeder !of rabbits, and, *hen thee venture had assumed large proporLions, she turn- ed her attention to envies. In Eng.. land and Germany these little animals have been raised as pets for some years, but Mrs. Poyer is the pioneer in the °business of breeding them in I this counttyUnder and direetion the Chicago Cavy Club, . ber inspiration , the only organization of its kind in ; A.meilea, was organized last year, and ' within a few weeks It will hold -its Zirst regular exhibition. Mrs. Foyer 'Is president of the club, The object of the club is to encourage the raising of good stock. to increase/ tbe market value of the animals and to give them definite elassiticetion, such as ; berses, dogs and cats now have. The 1 club is national in its influence and ' cavy owners in half the states of the 'Union are members. A. register was Iopened last year and since tben the pedigrees of thoroughbreds have been ACCURATELY KEPT. There are ' three distinet kinds of cavies, the Engligh, Peruvian and Abyssinian. The first mentioned are ' the most numerous and the most wide - Ay distributed, being the original stock from which the more fancy Per- etime.--a.anwww.riventsweenweierstmiten , A IVIAZING. DISCOVE I Startling Decrease in the Num.. 1 ber of Deaths From Kidney RY Diseases. • lialertsting Invest Inane's sit Perth rt Miracle of Modern Science - Mauna tieing WIpod Ont lot 00011IN NILS -The Case or Orem Byrne. INANE YOU TA'STRO YL0N(ili13I1t' TuA ? 'Velar more dellolcus thou bogie. Sold Ouly In Load Packet,. nylon end Abyssinian caviee were pro- duced, Their moist diminutive feature le their short, glossy coat, which OR - Lit les them to the term "smooth -coat- ed," ati m 1 IIY fawners a re wont to call them. Of tee English cavieS those of broken uotors are the most. popular, 11 Oa ere found in many combinations. The black end white especially, when evenly Marked, are the most at- tractive. The trl-color ere very hand- eorne and grett favorites, the ref', white Inc bi ick, for example, being very valuible, If bred to Pisani spe- cimens, To a roaoh the ideal the, tor „ejuittoo p u rposes range bet ween ebould be cleaned daily and bedded With fresh, glean straw. In order to bring out thet faneY Points, the hair of the Peruvian and Angora should be mioasionally combo(' and brushed. In the ease of the Abysaiolan a small flesh bru,11 MaY ba Used to geed ad, vantage, Alt ter 48 housing Is ooncerned, the envies may be kept in any dry picnic that is provided with sufficient light and ventilltIon, They may he kept to- gether in families In Jorge pens or 10 single hutches. Caviee are looked upon prineipally ao innatent pets for children, but it may be interestting to the reader to know that it hat.' beerene quite a "fad" among business meg to keep as office pets, Mrs. Poyer has sent several hundred of these diiLIe anitriels to prominent business and professionel men In various parts of the country But the navy IS U profitable as well as a diverting pet. In England, where the pet stock Laney flourishes more than here, the piece or caviee imitable breeder bears li mind feint 8126, fine shape, oleic colqr in as many distinct petehes as puseible, drooping ears tin1 high shoulders will tend to produce si tide rd anima Is, The Peruvian envy, a long silky - haired pet, is a epecial favorite of women and children . The eontrnst be- tween it and the English 110 80 grin! t that one, t hough well aequalnted with the smote h variety, would not al. first: sight, recognize the Peruvian na a cavy. Its ha r, fine end gloesy, falls in a nat. neat fringe over the nose and In a thick mane on en ell 131(111 of the head, trailing. upon the geound in the rear. Length of coat and the quantity of hair on the head are tbe determining cha racter- istios of I he superior -quality. Peru- vians are mostly found in mixed colors, htil !horn le n (37,0 nI,lIo Portly in o. whose meet attidetiee Marecteristice ore Its delicnle pink eyes nod PRETTY PINK PAWS. The Angore, s distinct variety dif- fers from the Peruvian in having long el nigh their end a clean heck'. Thr Abyssinian, by raison of its etrange coat of shOrt and wiry hair, growing in numerous rosettes, attracts mueb ;Mention. These little fellows are found in white, red and brrken colors. As a pet, the cavy requires but little care compered with other animals, and, efithough a good feeder, it costs a mere trifle to keep, it. Experiments have proven that two mettle daily are sufficient. One should consist of bay, oath and water and the other of ,veg- °tables, such as carrots, beets or Any other fresh green food. Bread soak - led in milk is also good for them. As !is true of all other pet animals confin- ' el in a snanil slime their hutches $10 and $50 for :Angle specimens. For extra good online's, famous winners, astoniehing priees are offered, an 4 in many cams are refused. Champion Rob env. erehe ley 1 he tee,ereettie,n ever bred, is said to have been sold for hpward of $250, Bltrrisri-Am.ERICIA. APSURANCE CO, The sixty-sixth annual meeting of shareholders of the British -America A teuremee Company, held cn Lriday last, developed a most satisfactory re- port from the directors. Imi both the fire and marine brenchem the losses have been comparatively lightand the 'net profile on the inereased. business of the year ambles the -.bra:Mort to pay, the regular dividend ol 7 ,per cent and add ep7,000 to thereserve. lu view of the years results, the man- agement contemplate inerettiong the capital by 4250,000, ?biking it effil and explore new fields fcr bueinese. The report in detail appenre in an - Giber column of lhis issue. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL A rELICIATIONS as they oannet ranch the a at of the clkoago. tat tri h is %blood or cons Hutton.), disease, and in rder to cure ir 3 on clI t Mita internal retnedks. lialp's Catarrh Core le rotten Inc ernally, and outs 11- r0011)00 3(0 blood and mucous surfaces Gall's Catarrh t ere is not aqua. k medicine, It wag eratertbed by one of the beg. 0111301 lone in thel country ,or yea st, and 1'a regular preecripti n. It is comptsed of the hest tonioa known cern, blued with the brat blood purifiers, eating 41- 1,00 y on the mucous surfaces. 7 he pert -et combination of the two ingredients Is whet 8 , ounces lip oh wonderful results in curing . tenI for ieetbmonl 11 free, F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by drunk/lost. price 75c. Family Pills are the best. 43/4,4-dt, Zerite. 4.4a4/;tie.;444-4.c/ith • 1--a "-A& etl,f,rtit de,re,r eA,e.te 4 Ate,igd-hvvi British AmericaAssurance Company ANNUAL MEETING: The sixty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of this Company was held at its offices in this city at noon on Friday last, the 23rd inst. The President, Hon. Geo. A Cox, occupied toe chair, and Mr. P. 01, Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read the following ANNUAL ADDRESS. The Directors have pleasure in pre- seneing the sixtyesixtle Annual/ Re- port embracing the fintuntial state - =tenth ol the Company to the 81.st De- , member, 1800. There has been a satisfactory growth en the premium humane tor the year in moderate losses trbleh have been see- the tire and marine branches. The taine5 in the DOMilliOn. While the Canadian fire bu.sinees leas showa es, general experience of companies de- ception:illy faitiorable results, and there ing business in this country had been bas, been a 'moderate preele on the ma- favorable, owing to the fire losses rine business written tturtng the year. having been considerably below the In the United Steles, however, this average of paeceeing years' the ex - Company hes, in 0011111105100111111051with ell oth- perience of this cumpany hadbeen ex - ens doing leueiuess there, sutiered from eeptionally so. From reports of the the unusually heavy fire losans that bueiness in Canada that have been have occurrel in several oi. the larg- published, it, appears that the aver - 0) cities. age ratio of lasses to premiums of The 3101 prurie 013 the year's trans. all comeanies reporting to the $02,038.80, hos been suit-it:lent Dominion tiorerinneni hill leeen 50 to tatty the usua1 half -yearly divideads Per mut. The British Arueriett was 4$ a0 the rate of 7 per cone. eve anthem, per cent. In the 'United States, on the end, miter writing if an amount: to other hand, the general eXPerlfilleei 4111 etiVer depreoiation itt ofiice furniture well on tba t of thIS CorniatitY, hadt been Perth, M.areh 5. -There has been a and seoulities, to provide ter an adcli- Much less satisfautory, the tire loss remarkable falling.:off in the number Lien of nearly PAU to ole Reserve having been far in exeess of those uf of deaths an this distriot, of late. So fund, which tlaW ettiouuts to $577,087.- average, years, and tim loss resulting eeipts of upwards- of one and a half million (tellers. The most. encoureg- ing features in connection u ids the Iasi year's transactions were t be steady and continued grewth of the Canadian fire business, and the very noticeable has this decrease become04. The rosErVe to cover the estantat. feom the Compainyes operations it that that it 'had the result of causing sev- neva y ou eneepteett pelletee bite hold had man:malty reduced tha luint oral interested persons to investigate been increased to meet the addonal profit of the year. In the marine me to the cause. This investigation aueetint at risk, andis more than an broach, he Wan Pleased 10, say i hal has revealed the fact that the falling- ample provision, according to the Com- the results a the past yeee (had' beau off has been entirely in Kidney Dis- paay,o oxporiett000, to meet lasses that eases. - will accrue upon pelieits in force at the This disolosure led to further in- er,e, ot the yeer, vestigalion, to discover w1 ty the num- In yie'w uf the inereased business of her of elentilis from Kidney Diseases the Company and the contemplated en - should decrease,. while thosem frooth- targemonl of Its field of operations, er muses remain at about the same the Direatore deem the present an up - figure, especially as it was known that nine out of every ten deaths are caus- ed by Kidney Disease in some form. This diecovery startled the investi- &Ross somewhat. Vox the decrease MS traced, in every ease, to Dell's Kidney Pills. 11 waslound that a few years ago, before this medicine was in- troduced, the recoveries from Bright'm Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago, Rhen- neatism, Sciatica, Nintralgia, Paraly- sis, Gravel, SI.olle in the Bladder, Urin- ary, and Bladder Diseases, Blood Ime purities, Diseases alt Wellies), and Heart Disease, was very rare. But since Dodd's Kidney Pills have tome into general *Ise these diseases neveit prove fatal, when the pills are used. In pro& of this laim, OW611 Byrne of Perth, states that he was completely cured of Kidney Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills. De suffered for a long periokl, and no other retaedy did him any good, Nis sufferings WPM very distressing, end 116 4011/1 10 a totally hopeless state,. when he begen to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cured him In to fe'tir weeks. This is Drily One of haindreds ra" envie in this eouuty. . awls as to justify the nettou of the I lir- ect ma in continuing the ' butainese of this department, notwithstanding the adverse experienee of previous yed VS, end so far de can he judged from the present; outlook as to rates anti' gen- eral conditions of marine underwrit- port nue time to increnee the eapital tag, the prospeets for the Present Year stock, ait contemplated in its act of appeared encouraging 10 1 11 1.8 brancll. incorporation, to isi,000,000. A. by- The President also referred.to the es - law will be submitted. teethe Meeting tablishiment of business connections to authorize the iseue of 0250,000 ad- at points b.,yottd the limits a Canada ditional stook, to be allotted pro rata tend the United St atom where favorable to present shareholders at it premium openings might present themselves. of 16 per cent. The Report WES 0,d01/i.6(1, a 11 d a by - DO NOT TAO? OUR WORD POR IT, TRY IT AND $40 PON YOUReleeP THAT DELL Lead Paella Pia LON TEA IlIf4t1'.11' u wim 55, 40, tio /550f JNAsiME THP Peelle r PRODUCED). 035 A T YOU WANT. cEY IF YOU'RE •UNDER—, THE'. necessity of using Paint for any purpose, you will be inter.. ested In. , RAM SAY'S PURE MIXED PAINTS because they are the best paints you can secure,,and all the best dealers have them. Ask for them. A. RAM -SAY & SON, MONTREAL, The Paint Makers. B.4Wttrgibii$ Wea, her is tsually due to 01;ppery sidewalke. , FOR oven FIFTY YEARS 51103, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP bas been used by mother, fur their children teething. lt soothes the child, softens the gums, allays omen wind collo, adobe Itbest remedy for Openings 25o. o bot- tle. gold by all drusaisid throughout the worlo. Be sure and e for' lir. Winslow s doollaing Syrup. According ill Prof. Garriott, of the weather bureau, Chicago is the windi- est point in America. Terrible Suffering From Asthma. Mrs. X. Wethonr, of Mount Fore.st, Ont., eays: "For a number al year% I have been a sufferer from, Aslanaa, and during that time I h,tve consulted many demons on my case, and have mad many of tbe so-called cures for Atethenia, hut never got relief. At times I have been so bad, 'bat found ib ne- ceesary to have all the doors arid win - (Lowe open to gel my breath. I had given up 111 deepeer of ever being cur - ,ed. till I beard of your preparation- Catarrhosone. I have used it and am now perfectly cured -thanks to your. wonderful medicine. I recommend it as, a positively sure cure for Asthma." Catarrh-0-3one is a guaranteed cure for Oa tarrh, Asthma, and Bronebitis. Sold by all druggi:01.s. Trial outfit sent for 10e in stamps by N. C. POL- SON & CO., Kingston, Ont., Proprie- tors. The proeessional picture hanger is now a regular adjunct of art stores in large cities. O'KEEFE'S LATINF MALT loriornes and Stwinstbens. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto. GENERAL AGENT, To Test Nutmegs. -Prick thern. with a pin, and lf they are good the. oil will instantly spread around tbe punclure. TO CVRE A COLD Hi ONE DAT Take Laxative liromo Quinine Ttablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure pc. E. W. Grove's stgaamre is on each box. Henvy money bags often pull a young man down; an education usually lifts him up. "Pharaoh 100.91 Palo; It:if:tar. To Cure a Sting of Bee or Wasp, - Mix oommon earth with water and ap- ply at once. La Toscana, 10o, EF,LTANCE 01GAR 1.801 01117,Montreal "I can't boom the market," said. Palmer Herdhtertd, 'but 1 en n lower he 1034 a the °rep." atiltiffiCAL HOTEL DlitECTORY. The " Balmoral," Free Bus stabra , Carters COLD CURE 111o, Corea In a jiffy P. Bite Como. flo., Agents, hioutreel. Til -C DEB MOINES INCUBATOR -Boot and ohortpent stom0p.g?Iri=og:.h1P31811,Z 1?ifTatutgl HARRIS LEAD, CaPEff,' Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephone1729, WILLIAM ST, TORONTO. POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLES, end other PRODUCE, 10 003000 bostreaults cone!gn The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Cor. West -Market & Colborne gt., Toronto, Dyeing 1 Cleaning I 300 1(0 very best mud your work st the " BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Le,31r for agent in your town or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. xcL sermanentlY omen Catarrh of nose, U throat, etewaids and bladder. Stio & 411 box. Write for earth:nears, The Indian Catarrh Cure Co.,116 St. Jamee.aa, Montreal. Mille, Mille & tittles Burristern,etc.,remove4 to Wesley Bldge„ Rich, mond St. W.. Toronto. CHOWN CANADIAN GROWN STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Shipped in v, zitilated boxes, with plenty of mow. F. Catelopue aud Priu • List, arldr.4 CHAS, H. bNOW, "Strawberry Speolallit," • Bo.), Cummings moment, AGENTS WANTED. We want good, nntaAllus, magnum= men Le "unrepresented districts" throughout the Detain on to sell our stook for investment, IhIs saturouted good dividends laty.lble ha./ yearlr, madding to in, eat. meet ,• alsu to secure applicatious for good loans. Ws 75 1110051 Vartilatadial. Apply, Sun Savings and Loan eompany, Toronto. Michigan Land for Sale. la 00e SORES 0000 FARMING LANDS-4LHENAO Iosoo, Ogemew and Crawford Countlee. Title pew feat, On Michigan Central, Derrols Mackinac and Loon Lego Railroads, at micas longing from 3210 $3 P01 sore. These Lands arc Close to Enterprising New Towns, Churches, Schools, eto., and will be mold on oat reasonable terms. Apply to IL PIEE0E. Agent, W.t Ray Mg, WEL Or J.W. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mich. FOR SALE! ran Following SECOND HAND MACHINERY t his,, horn used but 11001 111 emetically good its new; nal be sold cheap. 1 Gamin Hand Miller: 1 Oniery qinnit; 1 Lathe, 41001 bed. ; 1 Eliendalti Lathe, foot ; Cow., 12 in.; 1 Power Melt Saw; 3 Tube VISOR, linn PedeaCil ; 1 Lome Seek; 1 Sneed Lathe; 2 Spoke Threading Marlene.; 1 Engine I, the; N Split Pulleys of different eines 5 Rock Pu.loya. Apply 10 11 W NE8BITT, WoodetoCk, Ont. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. PPS'S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. CO 1 BREAKFAST -SUPPER.' ;IL,! Eilmpeau Plan, Rooms stem Hotel Carslake, horn $1 a day up. Opp. ,„ 0,1.41. 81.05,,, Montreal. Geo, Carelake Co„ Prop.*, Het; AVENUE INOUSE-KI:l41:11::,...1781166 nor ow. S1'. JAMES' HoTER.....4g.-1,11,tgligur,,l.: Firetolass Clinatetraini Rom. Modern.lm. provementa-Ratee moderate. Den't gouge other people while eery- ing your fortune. W. P. V. IOU CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, Dint. merit, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 models and diplomas for Impactor excellence. Their regular Me prevent infectd. one dioceses. A.olt your deator to obtain a supply, Lists mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND, PONDS SENSE IOUS noschei, Bed 1.1 BURA, Rata and Moe. Sold by all Druggists, 01 081 Queen W.Tereeto. aches Wa,ted Stem Wind FREIE To Introduce O. Dent Tonic Pills for making blood for pale people, female weakneence. liver and kidney ne give' ritEP=enniro1Tilk°141'41=1°A..X Zt.'f„,1111rAttr...0p.?."..1,,0.0.1re,t,1"died Hie arl. ilat per bus. -011.30 fee 10 hex. Send ties amount end you will memo 10 boxes and the Watch; Or writ, tor particulant Ai.oute NAUEed lu aims. Lowe and OILY. THE DR. DENT pm. oes 29 Adelaide St., Wed, Parent% Out. To send tor our complete SHEET Al11510 CATALOGUE anti SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. Wa are equipped to War&600,5 CI ill! 14 Whaley, Royce Et eau 1158 Yoga at, TORONTO, 0 NI. To the Oiorhi-s Crematory loset Co.; Pfaniikin, Out Dr: 01116 -About, year ago r heir, Man I ""i I I it tb t dome with lentil SOMUARY 01 FINANCIAL STATE- MENT. erectee of ortpit Id stock of the Comeany law was Pas PI lug for 01 '" Nen ..ohls. eusthing tyPe ; high Winn • si,c, tee -red -en' h P t eatteen d +meld' f 1 it lire,!,1111g ; Prices re smiled, ha. H.' VoiiR stt AMNIA' ALLIONS Irt 11 SALE. --i bay tee tipet;Tellies or *07 85041, 3 Mt. Wiry tinny, ii,'l 1111 my proiate„ of yollr Odor:eta Crelataary Closets an have airmen/MA Total clash income. . $1,022,240.88 to one eniiiion dollars le mu, Illittut it I...lama gm, . or sir, Ont. , y Total expenditure, inolud- the ailloi !neut of t wo hurl- ing apprepriatIon for deed tend fifty thousand dolilars losses under adjustment, 1,e6041.0,00 hundred and fifty thousand dollars . ' -- now stock to shareholders in the p0- 62,038.80 portion of ono share to every three Dividends declared . • ,tii 52.500,00 sibtares held by them. . I .------ The Wallowing gentlemen were re - !row assets . . . .$1,473,530.0b Total liabilities 145 840 01 ele.eted to serve as Directors for the enetumg year Geo. A. Cox, J. J. Kenny, lion. S. C. Wood, Thomas Surplus to policyholders .$1,327,087,04 'Ithe President in moving the adop.. Long, 701.111 Hoekin, Q.C.. L LD., II, M. hien of the report, said that it. Was Esfiat, Jaffrey, A. Myers and E, gratifying to be able to refer to the NV, satisfactory growth during the year 'At ft meeting of the Board hela sub - in the income oe the Companyewbich, sentiently Mr. GOO, .A. Cox wits re - after doduoting amounts paid fee illteid *President aria Mr..), J, iloOby reinsurance, showed net premium me -j Vice-Prtsident. Sausage Casings -- '1°8"11" C..%tilit',-;01V.kitllian'I6e.,P)gini to, Catholic Prayer 00011;.°A.7,7144111;:: Religions Pietaltes, Statuary, and Church Ornaments, Ei.‘"°"1 Mr0ries Illt.agkitrE'R"rgt.,71:444:10."' o -fp *maven fleatte" Mookintoon 'lindens 0 0 guaranteed Witter. 1s1 for 11,1.100 no other. 'Stk. • veil. Rubber Clothing Co., atontoet, The fealowing are the Miniteg of a few prominent citizens who are using this eloset, anti from whom we bave ve ry flat tering testimonials: 1)r. IT. L. Thempson, Toronto, Ont. Dr, bleGlituglelan, Bewswinville, Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon, Prankvil1e,i004, Dr, 0. If. Ferguson, leemptville, Ont. Er. Clete Cabot: rg. Pin ni e genet, On t judge A. 0. Chadwick, Guelph, Ont. C. J. Mtekle, B.A„ hese John Downie, Watford, Ont. L. Dionpier, Mgr. Bank of Commetee, iilratliroy, Ont, Peter Hope, merchant., Perth, Ont, :fait IVIaffelt, merchant, Ainherel, 11.8 Sot 000080011,0 mice 11,1 Willa to The Otteeless erstentery Closet Ce., iiithillteer OM.