HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-15, Page 5t tI , 1V/Aa. 15, 1900 TUE BRUSSELS 2OST BUSINESS CARDS. 1 //FQNF/Y TO LOAN AT 5 PER clout, V.S. 8COT2', Brussels, 1'V Id.. MoOR&CKEN- a Tomer of Marriage Licenses, Of. floe at Greoery,'f'uruberry street, Brnseois, ipt N. I3ARRETT- L . Tonsorial Artist, 01109—NEXt door 1 North ilidren'0 hartoutting Bank, 111,001011). Toa' and FARMS FOB, SALE—.THE UN• L 011Re10111tn hat) eeyeral good Vanua for 011�o1'arr1e and 000y, iitenSCOTT,B Townships M. MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TPIACIIER OF- , PIANO AND ORGAN, $R.YTSSFJSS, 00 . ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: • 1x800000, FIRE AND, MARINE. 'GUELPH •. T. FLETCHER Issue, .of Marriage Licenses, OsTICE AT JEWELRY SToBE. IND Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brothels 0 M MESS. SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M., Academie graduate of London 001380008 - tory of Itfusion also Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form iu the Oooservatnry of Mueio. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. BUN TER —u _Lk.LEX. of the Forth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Auction• tions m de a invested iu Graham slNloc1413rue- sela, AUCTIONEERS, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • EEn, will sell for better prices, to bettor men, in less time and lees chargee than any other Auctinuoor in East Huron or can alwale beg arranged thinat tlltso ogle° or and by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FonoIERLY OP aEA1OR1E) DENTIST. Graduate o1 R. 0,13 S., Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Hoekol's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. ,-Trines same as in surrounding towns. 1. Gabe over A, R. Smith's store, B russets. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— v.., . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals lin a onmpet- ant manner. - Particular attention. paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Oa11e promptly at- tended. to. 01108 and Inarmary—'Fant doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W. M. SINCLAIR— Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. OfUae-8 towart'e Block 1 door North of Centras 130001,! Solicitor for the Standard Bank, GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor, &o, Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, MG. CAMERON • (Formerly of Oomeron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Godericb Ont.• Office—Hamilton street; opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL. CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, 09. D., C. DI.; Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, •Bingston ; Member of the Col. lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: Diseases of Women and Children a special- ty. Nine years experience.. Office and rep- idoaeo, opposite English church, Brussels. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, alt. D., (1. m,_ Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College,ffiembor College of Physicians and Burgeons Out, Licenttato of the Royal Col- lege of Ishyticiane and Lioontiate of Miti- wirery,Edinburgh,t. '1'016p/wee No.11, Residouco-11111 et000t, Bruse018. DR. WM. L, HOLMES, 01178101008, 013380014 AND 000000311011, (Successor to Dr. P. 1t. 1(albttufeob) 111, D, Bellevue Hospital Mrd, Col., New York ; M D 0 M.Victoria Uuiversity,Toron- to ; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Special attention pant to diseases of women, eye, ear, novo and throat. 310.01 D. P. SMITH, -.-7f". M. G. O. M., Graduate of McGill Obltoge, Montreal, A., &o, All epellalty work satisfactorily treat. ed. Oinee upstairs in the Strcttou Bleak Office bourn, 9 to 12 a. m„ and 7 10 10 9.131 Specialist as throat, tbo office asedenoDlilabt Street, from 2 to e p m. A11 medicines will be dioponsod personally by the Dr, or under his divot - 0upervi8lon. It is reported that the mother of Mre L. Vincent, Exeter, ie one of fifty heirs to a fortune of about $40,000,000, whist, wa8 left to the nearest' of lain by a relit five who lived in the United Stales to th, early part of the century, and who time about eighty years ago. The money hyo boon at interest sinoo. ,NEW TERM NOW OPEN. Enter as Soon ns Possible. CENTRAL ljusiNE ./ 5tral fora O•kii A sgbool offering adv0nta(,ee not to be found elsewhere in the Dominion. ` ' Catalogue Free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. �dx •� 1r tbmm 0911 , CENTRALfA ('110) ..has a. flourishing organization known oe the "Baokbone Club," It has neither sign, nor pass word, a local paper says, but every, mem• ber must eign a paper that they will not use toba000 during 1900. The rulespro. vide that if any member shall break hie pledge he must wear on the lapel of hie ooat a badge bearing in, large letters the words : "I Have No Baokbone," WAR ParoogoRS,—A well known Bros• eoliteasked the Montreal .Witneee the following question that will be of tntereot to many :—When a British soldier is taken prisoner of war in battle aud„held by the enomy does his regular pay run on Re, if he was doing cervica for Britain 7 Auo,_-A Britieb soldier made prisoner of war, a000rding to Elie Army regulations loses his pay and allowauoee during the period of hie oaptivity. At the nom• menuement of the present campaign, however, an order was awed eua endiu p n g thioa the resent Will alOGion eo far ar rg a p is concerned, eo the Boers' prisoners are credited with their pay during the time they are in oaptivity. ORAN3 TMINIt IilItR0000100T0.—During. the 3'0801899 the Grand Trunk Railway expended $550.000 upon improvements in the middle division. The expenditures wore for new rails and yard building et York, Berlin, Palmerston and Sarnia tunnel ; new bridges and buildings, in oludiug freightsheds at Woodetook, Hamilton, Beameville, Grimsby and Jordan • extension of Sime street freight son sheds, Toronto, and new etatione at Galt, Bright and Brussels,. In the present year they intend to expend an even larger sum in improvements, a number of which will be around Toronto. One of these will be a new station at Queen street €Etat, ;Goal ahutee,(roew turntables and double tracking will be 000struoted at different pointe. Double tracking will be laidjfbetween Niagara Falls and Hamilton, and at pointe be tweet Hamilton, Londonland Sarnia. These improvemenle will cost about 9800, 000. MOODY'S RE.1IAmoAOLE LIFE.—We 'hove received a book of mach importance at the present time, from the Pole Pula liehiug Company, Toronto, "The life of D. L. Moody." - The book is attraotive, and ie well printed on good white paper Thirty-three pages of illaetratione em• belliell its pages, covering Lhe outatandiug features in Mr. eloody'e career, home lite and religions experience. Its oireutation will probably , be very large, as Mr. M„ody had a powerful influence in Canada, was known here quite aa well as across the line, and his woe a potent name in thousands of Christian house• holds. The book is published at 25 cents in heavy paper cover, or 50 °ante boned in cloth, la for sale at all bookstores or will be sent postpaid by the publiohere on receipt of price. Everyone will want to read the story of the life work of this res markable man. Tun. DELINEATOR.—To almost every 9101 there Domes, between girlhood' and womanhood, a time when ehe feels prompted by her own vitality to take some share in the world's work. It 00- oounte for much that is vigorous in ohurob andaseoial life, Cornelia Atwood Pratt writes of thio period, in the Mare)) Delineator. Her artioie is thrilling, and willin itself do much to induoe direot nese of aim. In the name number, as if to add meaning to Miee Pratt's thoughts, tbere is a well illustrated article, of great interest to Women, dealing with the leaders of Wonea'e Colleges, and some of theoo-educational institutions. A timely article fa the Maroh Delineator is devot ed to the detaile of growing seede, planta bulbs, The timeliness is outweighed, however, -by the fact that the article is designed to open up -to women a new•line of healthful moneymaking. The Deline• ator is devoted solely to the interests of women, and in many of its main features is an invaluable guide to tbe'thrifty women who purohaeo olothing, yet desire advice and euggeetione in doing so. 15 cents; all nowodealero. EAST HORON M. P.—The Ottawa nor• respondent of the Toronto Star pays the fallowing well deserved tribute to Dr. Macdonald, Bast Huron's clever M. P. Macdonaid, ofpEeat Huron, is a•vet• eran parliamentarian. He Speaks nu• thoritatively of the times and events of the MIackenzie Administration. He has watched many politioel stare wax and wane and has pursued the even tenor of hie way. Dr. Macdonald ie not a plans. man. His highest ambition is to serve hie country well and to advise soundly. It is regrettable that owing to the late honr at which he began hie speech on the transportation question not math of it got into the newspapers, although it etande a valuable repository of facts on 'he pages of Hansard, and will, no doubt, be need largely for editorial reference. Dr. Macdonald has =Heated a number of fade on the Montreal Harbor improve menta which go to show the people of Western Ontario that the Government polity is of general advantage aud- that the benefit is not oonfiue.d to Montreal alone. It ie characteristic of Dr. Mae. )ionald'e accuracy that bo vieited Mont• real, twice at Ieaet, when be wee getting hie data together. He got hie facts at ant hand, which fe a practise that many It member of Parliament might emulate with good results. Mr. Tarte, who ie past master of thie transportation tines• tion,lietened very attentively to Dr, Masa donald's epeeoli and applauded frequently. la long as Dr. Maodonold represents East Huron in Parliament, the electors .if tdat riding will not suffer for informs• ion on ail the leading public questions. Phe Dootoe does not essay rhetorical (lights, bat mime t0 convince the average -lector in a way exporionoe has proved to oe boat—he gives hum hard, incontroverif. bile foots to swallow. xstrtxt 0413, Gwe14'1 to. Mfae Ohamberiaio, of BLy'b, 18 1'184, ing at the poet °Mee, Jae, White left on Wodneeday morn. log for Neepewa, Man, Rev, Mr, Garbutt hoe bean euffaring from a severe attack of quthey, Goo. Dane is now behind the counter in D. F. 7ardine'e general store. Geo. Bone left on Wednesday morn. Mg of last week for the House of Refuge iu Clanton, Rev, Frannie Swan, of Ripley, preach. ed in the Methodist ohurab oa Sabbath in the iutereet of Mieeions. A eubeoriptiou list was eiroalated in town on Monday of last week for the purohaee of a new flag for the banner. pole. The. arrangements are now complete for the concert to be given in favor of the Patriotic Fund. The date boa been faxed for the 23rd ins'. Jae.•Gamble, ''who has been clerking' under 'D. F. Jardine for the past two years, bee secured a situation in Mani• Gobs and will leave for there on the 20th, A,tWoott. Mrs. G. F. Thompson hae been serious- ly 111 of eryeiplee in her fade and other oompiioatione. W. 8. Inglis and family moved into town Mat week, having rented Jae. Han na'e reeideeoe. The flax mill negotiations toolt another twist, when W. F. Forrest took the mill off the Company's "hands at 93,000, pay- able May let, 1900. He also bought the Oompany'e seed, 139 bushels, at 91.25 per bushel. , The shareholdere ought to real- ize about $10 on moil share a 925,00, Reeoluti0 na were passed at the Febru- ary meeting of the Atwood Quarterly Board complimentary to J. W. MOBain and J. W. Boyd faithful workers in the Methodist church who are retiring from office. The Board extended to Rev. Mr. Fear a hearty vote of thanks and a unan. imoue invitation to remain a third year, every member of the Board endorsing the resolution. Rev. Mr. Fear, who ie nothing if not original and resourceful, has thought out a novel plan for raising money for ebe erection of a new Methodist oburoh in Atwood, Every member, ia asked to drop one cent a day during 1900 into a pyre, - nidal pasteboard box provided for the purpose. Sh.mid all the members of the church respond, at the end of the present year there will have been collected con. eiderably over $300 for the proposed church without appreciably burdening the congregation. 11.,ita1oWt 8. Mr. Philips, principal of the High Sobool, was laid off last week throegh illness. The Morrie, Feild, Rogers Co's em• ployeee have Bent to the Globe .$92 61, the prooeede of -the canoed. Dr. and Mr. Dingman were in Toronto last week and heard Dr, Henry Irving, the greatest of living' tragedians, is "Rob. eapierre.” The total amount of Liotowel's contri- butions to the Patriotic Fuod, inoludine $10 forwarded by Christ Meath through the Synod office, Loudon, ie 9660. A oharity concert will be given in' Mo. Donald's Mueio hal on Thursday even- ing. 29Th Marob, for which a good pro• gram is being prepared by the Choral Society, assisted by•otb'er town talent. Conrad aud Mre. Zilliax havethe eym• pathy of their many friends in the lose of their little boy, Clarence, aged nearly throe years, who died on Friday, 2nd into, of croup.. Mr. and .Mre, Zilliax have lost several . children -wilhiu the past fewyears by the a+me dieease, which makes their present bereavement seem all,the more severe. , The death of Russel T. Rolle, son of T. H. Rolls,,, of the Grand Central, though not altogether uuexpeoted, name with terrible suddenness shortly after noon on Wednesday of Mat week. Since an attack of fever in 1898 hie health -had not been good, lung trouble having eet in Latterly he had been growing wares, yet he fought off the dieease manfully, re• volved not to take to hie bed, and almost every day he was to be aeon driving up and down the street in the fresh air. He had been ont as usual exeroieieg his oolt on Wednesday morning, and had just partaken of bis dinner when he was cud.' denly seized with hemorrhage of the hinge and in a very few mmntee passed away. Deceased was Mr. Rolle' eeocnd -on and was in his 27111 year. Previous to his illness he hal been associated with his father in the hotel, and ales the farm. Deoeaeed wait a member of the I. 0. F and Maooabee societies. The funeral took place Friday afternoon to Fairview, cemetery. For ts-wlch. John Walkey left for Hamilton, where he expecte to enter upon a situation. Jae. Tooker, Irl. P. P. for East Welling• ten, spent a few days visiting his eieter, Mre. R. I. Hooking. Thos. Downey is having a considerable quantity of ice stored away for the use of the new baker, who has leased hie premises. Ou Thnreday, February 22nd,' John Henneborg received a telegram from Washington, Ont., informing him that bio mother was dying. Ile left for there the following morning, bat she bad ex• pired before his arrival, Deoeaeed was eixtyfive years of ago. A meeting for the purpose of organiz- ing and devising manna for the raising of money in aid of the Canadian Patriotic Fund was held in Donaghy's Hall on Wednesday evening of last week. Thos. Gibson was voted to the chair and Dr. Spence was appointed Seo,•Trene. It was decided to hold a public. concert, and A. O. Hutohineon, Wm. Wattere, James Loree, Dr Spence, Mrs. Spence, Mies Janet Cook end Mrs. A.'Wyneee were appointed as a committee to arrange for the same, A subscription list will be circulated at once, and should be signed by every man, woman and obild in the village and.surrounding country, Thos. Gibson, B. S. (look and A. McCurdy are the committee in charge. The annual meeting of the County Orange Young Briton Lodge of Welling• ton, Huron and Bruce was held in Mount Forest on Monday of last week. A. goodly number of delegates were press sent, and the lodge re organized, Pettit being added to the above ooantiee, The next annual meeting will be held in , L?ordwioh, to which arrangements beve been made to pay delegatesexpenses from the primary lodges. The following ofyi• sore were elected and installed -W, 0, M„ Seo, Spotter' , Wroxeter ; D A1„ John Montgomery, Orange Hill Chap., Chas, Lewis, Mount Forest ; Bee. Seo, John M. Thompson, Fordwleb ; Fin' Soo„ D. L. Weir, Orange H1ii ; D, of 0,, H, Morrison, (onn, ; Lent„ A. Boyd, Oonn, ; Dept. Leoturere, Boot, (button, Fnrdwioh, and William lserguson,Orange IIIA, rev. The following be the report of S. 8, No, 9, Grey, for the month of February. The attune Are arranged in order of merit. Sr. IV—Verne McNaught, Ella MONaagbt, Rueeel Robertson, James Moon, John McKay, Jr. 1V --Lorenzo Bray, Bob. De1wfler, Willie Harrison, Ethel MoNaught. Sr. III—Harry Mo. MoNauglat, Frank Harrison, Wilbert Bray, Willie Mann, Nellie Barbottle, George Mann, Norman MoNaught, Wen. ley McKay. Sr, II—Willie Hawley, Kate Harbottle, Robbie McKay, Maggie Mann, Henry Matey, Hannah McKay, P vony Geiger. Jr. II—Winnie Me• Naught, Sadie McKay, Sr, Ps, II—AI- fred Machan. Intermediate, Pt. II— Ferans MoNeught, Ulla Bray, Rae Rote. Br. Pt. I—Alex Mann, Walter Noble. Ir. Sr. I—Lizzie Lames, Alioc McKay, Pearl Harrison. Nina J. Iebioter, Teacher, 8onoon Reronr.—The following is the report of B. S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of February ,—P, 0, L,—W. Armstrong, 242 ; C. Armstrong, 219 ; W. Armetroug, 192 ; B. Bielby, 179. IV olaee—A. Dick eon, 552 ; ld, Blake, 520 ; B. Armstrong, 494 ; J. Bielby, 422 ; E. Roz011, 418 ; D. Davidson, 406.; W. Switzer, 395 ; N Fraliok, 3518; G. Blake, 353; E. slid. linger, 196. Sr. III—T. Bielby, 325 ; B. Davidson, 310; F. Davidson, 302 ; L. Dioksoh, 232 ; W. Stevenson, 205 ; Dark, 282 iff88.' Jr III—S. r M. and 1 U W. Farquharson, 156 ; W. G laeeie� 145 A. aw o 111 ; J. Randa 108 ; J, Ho L eog gard, 95'; 51. Dark, 57. Br. II—A, Glae. eier, 354 ; A Gordon, 352 ; M. Hoggard, 271 ; A. Glaeeier, 192. Jr. II—L. Blake, 368 ; H. Rozall, 273 • J. Stevenson, 242 ; L. Grant, 162. Part lI—Joh. Diokeon, 381 ; Jao. Dickson, 355 ; S. Armstrong, 266 ; J. Armstrong, 263 ; F. Al000k, 240 ; R. Graig, 239 ; F. Lawson, 131. Sr. I— L. Switzer. S. R. Oaerar, Teacher. McKillop. The auction Bale of H. E, Burkholder, on 6th inat., went off well, totalling a. bout $900. Everything woe sold, good prices being realized, especially on stock. F. 8. Scott, of Brussels, was the auction- eer. Mr. Burkholder and family will leave for Edmonton, N. W. T., where they have two none, about the end of the month. The family will be greatly missed eepeoially in the Methodist cherish and school at Walton. Mies Ida was pre• canted with an album and an appropriate addreee by the Primary tease before leaving. Mr. Burkholder woe Snperin• tendeut of the snimbi. Barkholder Bros. bave purchased a Coal mine and will work it in addition to farming, (Intended for last week.) To the Editor of TELE POST : Dear Sir ;—Ybur note on my letter in last week's POST says I wee mistaken in quoting Statutes, Municipal Aot R. 8. 0. 1897, Seo. 583, Sub, See. 14, reads as follows :—By Oouooils of ooantiee and towns having less than 100,000 inhabi- tants, and by commissions of police in cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more, that is three distinot corporations having powers and the. County Council is the first named. This Bab. -Seo. 14 ex- plains what artiolee oan be sold without licence. Sub. Seo. 15 aaye County Connoile at their dieoretion may appoint the County Treasurer, County Clerk, or Clerk of any municipality in Coauty to issue license. Sub -Seo. 16 fixes the fees not to be more than $50, $30, 915 and 91 as staled in my last letter, to be charged by Coundile of Counties, cities and towns. There can be no mietake in the interpretationof the Ontario Statotee. When I read the By-law I looked over the Statutes to see it there were any a.. mandmente and it you name a eeotion in the Statutes of 1898 or '99 amending the above I will apologise for making a mise take. I am no advocate of pedlars hut I think it is not fair or honest to charge a man with a pack on hie back $50 license, One of this Maas told me on Saturday be only sold 91.75 worth in five days and give 92.00 worth of stuff for meals and lodginge at the same time and by mak. ing the license eo high mime that clan to run the risk of a fine. Jae. C. Monmeoo. [NOTE Dr EDITOR.—It Mr. Morrison will torn to Ontario Statutes; '1898, page 8, Chap. 2, in t'An Act to correct certain clerical and typographical' errors in the Revised Statutes of 1897" lie will find the neoeseary information to warrant him goading the proffered apology next week.] The Business Ontarii ListowcL College. t=AU.V. To ANY IN ONTARIO. 4 thorough, complete and praotieal train• ing in all branobee of Oommeroial work, at considerably leen than regular rates. For full information apply nooma of college ever Pest 0111030. L. HARTT, LIS'r0WEL, PRINCIPAL. The standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and weir, issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exoeption of Brenoheein the Yukon Dig- triot. RATES : Under $10 $0.08 $10 to 20 0.10 20 to 30 0.12 30 to 50 . 0.14 J. N. (GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS 1111111 Words I Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Reis core, bread knives and other edged tools in op•to date style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to In a Workmanlike manner. Batis. faction assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. Spectacles —0F ALL RINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. McLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND 00005— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Itnpare, Weak and Impoveriebed Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Lose of Memory, Brouchitie, Con• snmplion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, 81, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. -LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by Jae, Fox. Drugglit, Brunch Spring Prints P K. & Ginghams A1.1 Spring Goods at Old Prices at.... Agent for Parker's •• Dye Works. SKEN E'S. THE VERY CREAM 01 fine'Grooeries 'for the Christman Season is now being shown by ne, every article being bright, olean and fresh, and as quality ie the first essential we have taken special care to select only the finest goods for your inspection. A look through our store will 8)103 you that our stook of Fruits and' Fable Delicatles ie very com- plete, and if you have a single thought of e0unomy we eek you to examine our goods before purchasing and whatever you select in CURRANTS RAISINS PEELS FIGS ICINGS CHOCOLATES EXTRACTS, SPICES SHELLED WALNUTS tit ALMONDS or anything else for table use, yon oan rest assured, we will do our beet to please you and give your orders oar beet attention. Oysters by 67 Dish or QuarHTL t. /� p /Fi/ne Stock of Confectionery. H. A!1 .I FF, GRooeFe, lk) MoKINNON & 00„ HOW WE DO IT Let us llluotrate our business by yours. No matter whet your bueineee or palling is, you know the power of Deets in baying, You know how manufacturers bunt for it, bow whale go down before it. You know what an edvautage casts gives io the matter of discounts, You know -She tremendous advantage of the big buyer, the man, who, if he buys at all, buys largely, You know there is a great differeooe between the prides quoted to him and those quoted to the emelt buyer. Now apply these well known basivaes conditions to our bueinees—We buy for oath ; we sell for mush always ; we boy large quantities ; we sell large quantities—Any- one clan see by the orowde we handle. Now isn't it perfectly plain that We oon, and do, save money for than who buy their goods at this store, Don't be satisfied to stay away and doubt, (tome in and get tbe benefits your neighbore are getting, —Ladies' Cloth Jackets, regular price 95 for $2.50. • —Ladiee' Fur Lined Capes, worth $20 for $15. —Men's Wallaby. Far Coate, worth $18.50 for 913,95. —Aetraoban Jackets, worth $25 for $20. —Aetraoban Capes, worth $18 for $14.95, —Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, ve'vet (otler, $10 for $8,50. The above goods will be cleared out regardless of ooat, 0e we will carry no goods over till another nation. 1VI[cIEINNON & Co., BLYTII. NATIgIALROLLER qq U �_p e _ b�t xxx•„pxxxe MILL, . . BRUSSELS, Our in the front rank for Tip-top Flour. Our Manitoba Brand is Firat- class, taking 1st prize at the Fall Exhibition. Chopping done by the Stone process, recognized as the Best in use. Satisfaction assured. Oatmeal always on band for sale or exchange for oats. Dry .gmeriean Corn by the Car Load. 1st all hinds of Mill Feed. Special Attention given to Gristing.i Improvements have been made that add to our ability to do the very best for our customers. W. F. Stewart. `4t•8"r#F,1.Ft`r1Jt`r;i.if'rd•6i-hd'L'r;14:U,•V-mJT .lt”1St4achi-4 GGEG-Fr 114.'rfU-n'tsG R Are You Thinking of Buying a Range or Cook Stove ? d1 If so you should see our Gurney's Imperial RANGED V_3 Seven of these Ranges $ sold since the Brussels Fair. 14 t;9'Lt1B"U•.lierecti'IA.b"c3.6i'-ans:L 17"hl•'1Y••L�"Nia6•'1r1hYTJ-•ly"'OtiRt5"•hLyY'tS.t afat•yw-rH•Si'76Gt& Wilton & Turnbull They save more Fuel Do better Work Than anyother of their class Are a ter Regulated d as g Also a large display of Base Burners, Goal and Wood Heaters. A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete, for $50. It takes 26 inch wood. The heat is always the Cheapest. Yon will 8098 your money by oalliog on us t1..e`:,Yl'R3'J`'l-➢"i,.,I'LJ"1..1`9"w.lZPIV E5Zio .d' 't..J"C,l'V"C.+` When ,rt COMM to Furniture We have something to say of special interest to everyone who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a .'arbor Suite, Couoh, Bedroom Suite, Sideboard, .Extension Table, .Rockers; Dining Chairs,ri'XICT S Anything, Everything that is desirable. We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten. Picture Framing asttock tendoed£Mouldito carefullytoselecand large uga t from. You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at LINO. WALKER'S.