HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-15, Page 3AItoi 151 1900,
The British Completely Routed the
Boers at Osfo,nte n.
A despatch from London, Ivtajolt 7,
soya: -The War Office published at
'Midnight the following despatch from
Lord Roberts:- •
"Poplar Grove, Wednesday, March
7, evening. -We had a very suecessfui
day, and have ecinpletely routed the
enemy, who are In full retreat,
"T'he position which they occupied'
le extremely strong and eunntngly er-
rangod•with a emend' line of entr'enols-
meats, which would have caused us
heavy lose had a direct attack been
"The turning movement was neces-
sarily wide, owing to' the nature of
the ground, and the cavalry and horse
artillery horses ate .much done up.
" The eightipg was practically 'con-
fined to the cavalry division, which,
as usual, did exceedingly well; andf
Gen. French 'reports that the Horse
Artillery batteries did great exe0u-
tion among the enemy.
"Our casualties are about 6D. I re-
gret to say that I'iiout, Keswick was
killed and Lieut. Bailey was severely
wounded, both of the 12th Lancers.
Lieut. de Oresplgey, of the 2nd Life
Guards, was severely wounded. lle-
meaning oasualtlev will be telegraph-
ed to -morrow.
"Gens, DoWet d Dolaroy conte
mantled the Bpan
per forces."
Roller in the day the War Office
received the fallowing from Lord
i. Ge:eeteia, March 7, 4.30 p, m.-Our•I
operetiuns to -day prorate° to he a
great eueces8, Tee enemy coeup.ed a
position tour miles, north and eleven
olOes 600111 oe tl e Molder t1iver. T
placed Gen CM elle% division 'exclud-
ing the thanadiane, on the north bank,
and Generale Kelly -Sonny aha .Cook
er's disistens, with cavalry, on Ilse
soullr bank,
"The cavalry division moonier! In
tursdng the enemy's le t il. nk, tp n-
ing a trend . or the til >th divislen, tt hi h
Is adv ancwg' wi h;u having Men
obl.geri to lire a shot up to 1113 pres-
ent time. The evenly are In all re-
treat towards the north and east. They
are be.ng clesoly .oleo vel by cavalry,
h nee , r' .1 re, and iur.unted In entry,
eh la 'Packers seventh 015 iaidn, C•.1_
villa's nits h Weisl,n, andthe Guards
brigade, under Puie_Cerow, are reek-
ing Oleic way duress the river at Pep-
hu s dri;t, where 1 prepuse to plane
my headmen rlers this evening.
Our c inualtios will, I trust, be •few,
as the enemy was qu.te unprepared ler
being attisckedby tee flan and ha, Mg
their camtnur,ic'ations with Bloem..on_
Lein threatened."
General White, the .Hero of Ladysmith, Going to
Storm berg -Col. Ward to Join • Robrts.
A despaluh from the London Daily
News from 'Ledysmith, reports that
Gen. l3uller'0 force is now ready to ad -1
vance after a much-needed rest, but
its future employment is unknown.
Some readjustment of the commands
is being arranged, and, according to
the Standard's correspondent, Generali
White is going to Stornfberg, while
Gen. Hunter will be 'given command
of the tenth division. Gen. White and
Gen.Hunter, by the way, were unable
tseattend the reception to the Govern.,
or of Natal owing to intlteposition.
Col. Ward, whom Gen. White the
other day described as the best com-
missariat offioar since Moses, will join
Gen, Roberts,
The naval brigade, ,with the guns
that saved Ladysmith, has gone south.
Repairs to the railway, as far as
Colenso ere nearly completed, It is
expected that passenger traffics will be
resumed on Saturday, but it will take
som., time to complete the temporary
bridge across :the Tugela river.
It is announced lrom the Boer side
that the 13 gearsberg mountains are
sero. gty rn,reuahsd, indicating tli.it
the rt,ex o• the Netaltan trta, g
Heath oe Dundee and Glencoe is still in
their hands.
re despatch from, the Boer Booed
las gar at Glencoe records that a gen-
eral council ui war, held on, March 5,
appointed Louis Botha lieutenant gen-
eral for Natal, with Lucas Mayer
Sobalkbu:ger, David Joubert Daniel
Erasmus, and A`ourie.as assistant gen-
erals. The appeinLments are thur..egh-
ly endorsed by the burghers, Tuat
such proarenent leaders wits be in Nat-
al is taken to shows that a .taiga part
of the army remains to guard the
sOOSthern mountain barrier to .the
Transvaal A British report states
that the Beers are etroi gty massed at
Nelsons .kop behind the Drakensberg
mounted as.
Lord Roberts Willing ;to Let the
Boers Concentrate.
A despatch ,from' London, Wednes-
day, says;-Z,ord Roberts still pauses
la the neighborhood of Osfontein,
while stores, remounts, and fresh
troops stream toward lhim from the
Calle. The doers seemingly are pur-
suing the course oommond.ed by the
strategists, and are concentrating to
r'esiet the Britishtonin army. Tho
lowest estimate of their numbers
gives the Boers from 8,010 to 10,000 men,
with smaller bodies moving north and
south of the British lines,
Each army is on both aides of the
lllodder river. Although the Boers
Lave mounted eight guns on the tops
of kopjes and, appear to be too Lar
away for inspection, the British scouts
report that they are diligently using
pick and shovel. Military opinion is.
that their present position merely
screens more easily the defended ones
deeper in the region.'
None o1. 'sibs m1litneryl experts en-
deavours to fathom Lord Roberts'
"plans, but it 15 suggested that he is
quite willing to give the Boers time
to assemble all their men in order to
deliver a smashing blow more effete
Speculation as to Manner in Which
Union Will be Effected.
A despatch from London, says: -It
is conceded the.t General Buller will
effect a junction with Lord Roberts,
but how is uncertnin, It is held by
some that he will move through Van
Reenon's pass, while others believe bis
men will be transported from Durban
by sea to East London, thence by
rail to a junction with General Gat -
acre at Stormborg or Port EIizabeth,,
end thence by rail to Norval's pont.
Appnllieig stale of Anew la 0 Jtteldgan
A deapatolt from J,aokson, .Mie'le,
says: -An appalling state of affairs in
the Jonesville neighborhood, In Hinds
bounty, is revealed, Mho community is
literally baneyoombed with small -
pot of the most virulent and loath-
same form, turd during ire poet six
weeks nearly 1.00 deaths have occurred.
On score days the clen.th rate Tuts been
so large that it wee impossible to see
cure coffins, and ludo caskets were
made from rails..
Whole' enmities have been wiped out
of existence, had of several largefam-
ilit's onl.v one or two children are left.
Many of the Delimits are now 111 n
ecitionl condition, without medical at-
tention, end dying at the rate of from
three ha rive .per day,''lbe death rate
exceeds 75 tier cent., and the entire
lower t "('lien of the e only is dontor-
The British Government Will Send
Them There Forthwith.
A despatch from. London, Thurs-
day, says: -Mr. Lucy, the Parliament-
ary representative Of the Dail'y,News,
says that. the Government has de-
cided to send Gen. Cronje ands his fol-
lowers to Sc. Helena, forthwith,
The correspondent of the Morning
' Post, cabling from Osfontoin, under
date of itIa/ eh 6, claims to have war-
time int rmiLion that the agitation of
the peace party to Greet Britain is
inflnoneing the Boers' determ•inatton
to prolong the war, ;they hoping ,that
the Government will be defeated.
A correspondent' of the Daily News
who was ceprtureee by: the. Boers, but
who is now at Storkatrooyn, he having
been. released at Bloemfontein by hes
captors, oablea that while at the cups-
tal of the Orange Free State he had
an interview wi W President Steyn, who
said that the Boers Would' fight to
the hest inane
Ho admitted the possibility, of pre-
terit). capitulating, but said, it would
be preoeded by events that would
astonish MOrope.
Ile added that the struggle to the
Free State would be child's play oom-
pared :with what would, 'follow in the
Transvaal. The correspondent says
that Mr. Steyr has appointed a de-
puty President to remain iu 'Bloem-
fontein while he cults Pretoria fn
the interests of the Free State.
Lortt Roberts stns °110800. Lord Ba -
Murat, colonel of militia. el the front.
to command the escort' to St„Morena,
witch was last month placer rn cable
comniu,ntoaLion with Cape Town and
London, It ie also assottod that the
Cabinet resolved neither to propose
nor to entertain the proposal lite the
present juncture 'for au exohomge of
After mh(rtr••Severt Years' AbNonce She
win .teneney le ant Gram Isle,
A. despatch from Dublin sayss-Marl
Oedegttn, Lord-Lientenant of Ireland,
has notified the press that it is the
intention of this 2ueen. to visit ere -
land at the anti et 'farch or•the be-
ginuing ori April,
Mho Melt will have no political sig-
nifieenee atter41111g to it. It will be
undertaken entirely on her Majesty's
Own initiative, She itstende to re-
side fop's fortnight or longer in the
viceregal lodge.'
Ali army order Thursday night au-
:tlunnes that tete Quoe'n has ordered
that In the future en St. Putrielee day
all ranks of (unr Irish regiments shell
weer Its 51 dtaltnelion a sprig of
shnmrretit lit their bomb/less, to oorh-
ntaniornte the gallantry of her lrtsh
moisture in the recent, battles In
South &trim,
eeelaiinett by tlrr berotod 5nbjscts, ✓frtrtge
8�'9yet1 torte t'oopau t,keerod-Turtlling
beetles ell lila 5 fly $frees$.
A de,soetoh from Leaden Nape -
The Qnoons's entry into 'Medea on
l;flurstlay, the conenentaement of iter
visit to the, moteopplis, wits marked
by tempes .of enthusiasm unpara3•lel-
sd Moto the Jubilee eelebt'a eon,
Thro'ughont the demonetrattoas there
Predominated anote of triumph, and
Use cheers that made the murky
streets, ringwere utmost. as much in
JwN,,,qui of the British vietorles to
Seetin, Airiea as they were VneiferoUe
tributes of •a loybi people to a mom
emit whom; wurea,.•ly . r.yMeetby leas
b.ios no atrtictagly shown since the
'1418 royal party's departure from
le indoor wes marked by mere than
wsuitl interest, lam hour's brtorethe
Queen even matted sur London,
utewds gathered sn the armors wh,cb
list been announced as her route
through the mettopeliq, Hued which
were decorated with flags. 11 was
foggy . 5 cold bu't no one seemed
Flea gonia Temple In London ~vitt
be rebuilt.
The North-West Legislature opens
about March 30,
Christiltn Sltarp dropped dead while
shovelling snow at Hamilton.
The lessee el Berne, six and fifteen
cent stamps has boon discontinued,
1 L 75111 east 833,239 to run the pollee
department of London, Ont., title year.
Glen Oatnpbell, of Winnipeg, seise-
ing for over two years, hits reached
Edmonton from the north,
".lams (ft y1n111ron's Meows'.” alsrtl D• 18 83,
(Ootdoa'501(4 ingtolp, s57.
Verse 10. He went. forth again.
From Capernaum. A11 the inoltitude
resorted unto bine. 6J.lhey kept mim-
ing constantly from the cities and
villages which arowded Leat neigh-
borhood. There wee no building large
enough to aceowmodate the,n, and
"outdoor proaobiog" Immune a neees-
Trite Montreal Street Railway direct- shy. Fin :taught them, Whether his
ors unanimously voted $1,000 to the marvelous deeds or his winning words
Oanudlan Patriotic Fund• trete ibe greater attraction nu one
A Montreal despatuh says Geo. onuld nay,
B, Reeve, General Traffic Manager of
the Grand Trunk, has resigned,
A company of Manitoba College stem
Hs sate Levi the son of Alpheus
Saw the, roan, and doubtless also, with
dents raebeen organized Inconnection keen insight, foresaw bis career; saw
with the Brei Winnipeg Field But- Lee miesibilltios yet uasait0iified that
Ttory.' 1)1,412e oe malt. ev0ntuulgd in Matthew's Ciaspel. Luke
realleft tover r.(13,000 to churches, bone- calls him '"e. publican, reamed Levi;"
velem associations anti educational in- Mal thew identities himself with thus
LituClons. publican. Silting at that receipt of
Mayor Teetzel says he will have the °estat t. Or riot pktee 01 toll, the sent
Irish flag hoisted on the Iiamilbon City 01 Ile, collector of 10x00, Oriental
Hall on March 17 if the Irishmen will
provide the emblem. ism have £eequenlly noted the squat
care. Sir WV,lluim Muodonald has present- posture which es so Oe111mU[5 in the
J'1IOIJSANDS WAITED.ed dour• pounds of tobacco to each nom- Eust, where all sorts of activities are
At Peddington the 1retread elution commissioned officer and man of the engaged. 'in while sitting on Use flour
had been cleared of the general pub- Stnrilhcona Horse, or ground. No ono stands if it is pos-
lic, but outside thousands of people The Canadian General Electric Oanr- siblc to sit. Cltper'naam wits oat the
weaned peleently. ?any is applying for letters patent in- hghway of. contmgree, and 11 i5 prob-
,When the train froth Windsor ar- orea.sing fee capital from $1,200,000 to
rived at 12.3J p.m., a tremendous $1,500,0J0; able L1s b a large was
cheer wont up. lies fro jesty Dams It is said that the Grand Trunk Rs3L poi! Mere. Rememberlarili, ! uo, the, cun-
down the sloping, platform leaning on lheay In4.o4 to
Bettevilledivi oral tempt with wbieh Publicans were re-
Lhe arm of a turbaned Indian a1- q serried by the Jews, Bad as �lal-
tendant, and entered an open landau enoques
in wlech sat also. Princess Henry ot The Carbolize Oompany, inoorporat_ thews calling was, he had appsRAI t-
B;ittenberg and Princess Victoria of ed with a oapital stook of $1,000,000, ly rotaitted. a simple heart, and belted
Soh.eewig-Holstein. They all worn will manufacture ealofum carbide in that burger and thirst after righte-
block, and round her neck the Queen Hamilton. 0n5r,eaa on which our Lord prunuuuc-
Mad n sable collarette. A by-law to raise $300,000 for a 0ivle ed one of his choicest beatititdes..L'oi-
From the packed sidowa`ks and from plant for light, heat and power, is to low era. PtybuLiy many sseesheard
every available window came a con- be submitted to the ratepayers of tris invitation, lie aruw and follow_
tinuous roar of °beers, while hun- Winnipeg in May, ed him. Perbwys by springing up
deeds of little flags were waved all Another professor is to be appoint_ 1.rom bbs pleee of toll and walking af-
the way to Buckingham Palace. ed to the faculty of theology to Queen's ter. Jesus, but more liken by vac ing at
The side emotes were packed ten, University, to relieve Principal Grant once that she cost of his Life ehould
twenty and sometimes a hundred deep.°T a p'a'rt of ria ditties. be given over eo the discipleship of
But it was around: the palates itself A.t the annual meeting of the West- this strange Rabbi, and devoting him -
that the chief throng gathered, By ern` Canada Proms Association at Win self with renewed euergy to closing up
nine in Ilea morning carriages, cobs nipag iL was decided to have an 021- has business.
and vehicles of every sort, people from aurelon during the Doming summer to 15. Are Jesus eat. at mese. in his
the city and the west end and distant' Buffalo and Toronto. lhouse, in !be rouse of 14lattraw,
parts of the country congregated in The Hamilton Patriotic Fund has wbsre thea conceded publican made "a
St. James' Park, on which the palace reached $11,901.99, notwithstanding. great least." (See Luke 5, 29.) Many
fronts, that nt $10,000 ft was announced t° publfoaua and sinners sat also withhhave been closed, The Iooal Red Cross {'/esus and his disciples. We can turd_
Fund amounts to 5638,20. sly wonder lluitt the Pharisees thought
NORTH OF ORANGE RIVER. The Canadian Order or Foresters in our Lord's lire inconsistent with his
— London' have offered the Masonic bre- professions. i1 lea wins pure, 55 by did
therhood the use of Sherwood Hall he choose armee'e people as his r•ampan-
Boers Blow Up Norval'sPont Bridge ions,/ I£ he tvat8 ere typical Ilebrew,
Behind Them until definite arrangements are matte wary dye be 058001010 with the e.00m-
by the Masons for new quarters. usual°sled and boycotted publicans?
A despatch from London, Friday, ,<- ); Somerset, Principal of the In- . 16. Scribes and Pharisees. Revised
March 9, says: -Lord Roberts wires as dustrial Scheel at Red Doer, Alberta, Version, "the scribes of the Phari-
follows to the War Office:- offers $1,000 reward to anyone who sees." These men were as typical of
"Gutacre reports that he inroads cm- will restore Miss Maud Lillian Wald- piety as the publicans and sinners
r,.,..-,_. ,._ frend. or ea,+„reward were of loose and worldly habits. It
would not appear from this record
that they were invited guests, and,
strange as such conduct would ap.
pear to us, it is not unlikely that
they had followed him into thehall
where the diners were lolling about
the table. But it is net necessary to
believe that they were actually pre-
sent at the feast. Jesus was the can-
ter of a great and continually chang-
ing crowd; everything he did was
openly remarked upon and nritic'ised.
They said unto his disciples. Compare
Matthew. 22, 40. Luke says they
murmured -that is "they talked over
oupying Burgeeradorp to -day.
"Repair's to the railways towards
Both Storwberg and Steyneberg are
being pushed.
"Clements now Occupies Norval it
pont on the south bank of the, Orange
river. The bridge was blown up March
0, and the enemy are bolding the north
bank of the river, but riot, kis believ-
ed, in any great strength."
A special from Molten(' says that the
British occupied Burgheredorp unop-
posed last night. e
Beyond the facts that the Boers have
withdrawn north of the Orange river
at Norval's pont, and that Gen. Gat-
aore has occupied .Burghersdorp, there
is little news from that district, and
nothing has been received enabling
judgment to be, formed as' to the pro-
bability of the British oroesing the
river. It will be seen that the Boer
reports claim that they have repulsed
•the British. Nothing has been heard
from Gen. Brabant for two or three
days. Gen. Gatacer's headquarters is
now at Stormberg.
98 Boers Slain by Coneusslon, Their
Beards Turned Green and
Their Faces Yellow.
A despatch from Durban, Natal,
says :- Lieutenant Anderton, who com-
manded a section of the Natal Naval
Volunteers at Ladysmith, has arriv-
ed. here. In the coarse of an inter-
view be said that towards the close
are the Pieter's hail engagement the
naval guns threw lyddite shells on
d kapjo 2,ii00 yards -distant. When
the place was evacuated by the Boers
he visited the trenches •end taunted
therein ninety -night dead Ikons who
buret been killed by the concussion ot
the lyddito, not: nue of them braving a
wound of any kind.
Lieut. Anderton declared that the
fumes ori the lyeldite turned the hoar
and beards of the dead men to apa-
Wier serevnisls hue, while the colour
of their skin was a strange yellow.
Piety -two Boers were raptured in one
of the trenches, They were unable to
flee, having been paralysed by their
Max of the lyddiLe shells.
to any person or persons who will
give satisfactory proof of her death.
Negotiations are being earned on
for the asnalgametion of the Leyland
and Atlantic Transport; steamship
The Grand Theater at Ialupgton,
where Sir Henry Irving and, other
stars have been in pant cct of be-
ginning provincial Laura, was gutted
by fire,
Charles L. Davis (Alvin 3oslin), the
aotor, died at Pittsburg, aged 52, in a lose voice privately, not intending
Hawaii is to have a territorial form Jesus 10 hear," How is itthat he
of Government. The 'United States oatelh and dt'tnketh with publicans
Senate has passstl the bill. • and sinners? Phis criticism is often
The Plattesville, Wis., powder millsmisuaderatood. Tbay find no fault
wore wreoked by an explosion In which with him, but io ri have praised him,
three men were killed. for teaching sinners; their anger is
The proposed combine of Aulerdoan. raised because he associates with
steel a.nd iron industries will have a tram' Dr. Abhott•s statement that
eapiatl of one billion dollars. a similar oompiaint would be made
TJre will of the lata Phi11» D. Ar- now against any clergyman who
1 should associate with a similar out-
mour, jr., at Chicago, disposes of an la.tod class in our community menta
estate of 58,0051,000, of which, 56,000,000 our close conscientious thought. The
is personalty. Christian 0burth bus yet much to
The steamer Homer, from Santos, is learn of the spirit of Christ.
in quarantine at New York. She lost 17. When :Mims heard it he saith
two of the orew from yellow fever dere unto them, But what had the disciples
ing the voyage. snide Probably they knew not whet 10
The 'U, S. pourt of Claims has de stay, and, like wise men in such condi-
cided that the fleet destroyed at Man. tion, said nothing. I came not to mall
iia by Admiral Dewey was inferior to the righteotts, but sinners to repent -
Use United States fleet, Dewey's con- tance. The implicaliory is Leet there
Mutton to the contrary, and awarded are none righteous. But: those
Me Admiral only $9,670 as his prize who are conscious of their steed of sal -
money. vetion are (salted by Jesus to repen-
GFNNRA:L. fence. Whits does repentnnca mean?
Honolulu hes now only 50 cases of Turning away from the wreichcdness
plague. of their lives to Jesus. If they turn
Count de Castellano, who married a from their sin to morality, they will
turn back again, for their own moral
Gould, will cue the Paris Figaro for force hats been weitkmned.. Ihey axelibel. "Fick." But it' they turn 1.o Jesus,
A' British syndicate has obtained an ter• will slreleb out his hand, as be
important concession in the gold mitt- did to Peter on the water, and hotel
ing region of Abyssinia. Mem.
The Danish Gevernneut will not 5511- 18. The disciples or John and of, the
dept tiny offer from Amerinn to am Pharisees used to fast. Every rabbi
quire the Danlah,C'oast Indies. had Isis group of disciples, and moat
The British cruiser Pomone and gun- of the rabbi, prescribed tre-
boalSpihivxare watching the Russian quant fasting as a holy habit.
cruiser nowat Bandar Abbas, on the i'he 1\Iosslo late required but
Strait of bruins, connecting tile Per. one fast during the year, Many of
Man Gulf with the A.rabiau Sea, the rabbis matte their disciples fast
Jwnsed ee a total population ee 8,- two days of each week. Thy disciples
516,700, the Aust rattan authorities have fast not. It must have scented strange
decided that the respective colonies new tbslt Jelin Wee (es prison !o find
are entitled under OA Federationthe rabbi whom ins had Snlroducerins
the following representation
the lamb of Gail feasting wis h pub
scheme to t
in Parliament; New South Wales 98; limns and sinners,
"' Victoria 20; Queensland, 81 South ParameterL0, The ariidt'sn, sons, of l.he Merle-
and Tasmania 6; a total chamber, arameter friends of the
of 62. bridegroom, who had a half-cerenton
• int pert to perform et the week-long
wedding toast. Jesus was now in Gati-
PRETORiA WOf1EN. lee, where "sons of the brish's'hern-
__ bet" performed (.heir pleasant so01551
orin •
t1 Home Guard to Enable the duty instead of the "friends of the
F bridegroom," or groomsmen, of. Judean
Burghers to Go to the Front. weddings, The bridegroom here. rep -
91 despatch frim Pretoria, S. A. R., resents Cht•ist, end the cltildrnn of
March 6, noon vin Levellers Afnequos, the brldecbanibr'r his disciples. They
cannot fast, Our Lord's entire re -
says( -A very hopeful view of She situ- nsarrk Is figura:tit'0, and byresting lie
was a rod mg furnace, talon is entertained hare. Notwith- meane mourning, His monipantonahip
The dense eolusnu ot smoke rising. atandin the rearts of (icier reverses, with itis followers kept them happy,
from the tier aiLrec•leml mrowds tram pand would lusve made formal fast in.
all Barts of Paris, espe.aially when the the patriotic oplt'il of the people showseongtuous,
news spread shat it was the When 510 510 dlmitrution, and everyone is will- 201 The clays will (Nome when Lite
le Nanette, which was•ragarded as aim-, leg to give MI 0:P1115! to aid the Gov- bridegroom shall Ise Iakan away,
Lionel Institution. ernenent• There wan a hint: bore, but no Win -
If he thest lee stood alTtsast isolated' 6A A. number or (torr it omen leave 'of. {te prophecy, of the awful tragedy
with 9 square in front, and the stand_' feted to form n 'home guard in order the crucifixion. 'Chan shall they fast
0,55 0f the Paluis Royti behind, nom -Io enable lite Isar glue's wile are now in t. hese days. The system of
1,heet 0x515205 swore thronged with pee- per's ,s 'r e • eel ditty La proceed to the Christianity (lifters from inns,
pale, front. at tier religions ill the feet that nn res
The Nat semi Theater nu reed -Veal ('rowels
watch the 151nze.
A despatch trout Paris says 1- The
fire wbioh destroyed the Thee LrelFran-
cais broke out at about noon, on
Thursday, but ',was not discovered im-
mediately, and the theater was burn-
ing furiously Ware the fire brigade
got to work. Even then the applis
wawa were quite inadequate, and by
Lao p,m. the 'interior of the building
James A. Bell, at Beaverton, Ont.,
brother of the Rev. John Wesley sell,
B.D., prostrated by nervous heeaaches
A victim oe the trouble for Hamra!
South Amerivan Nervine effected •
complete cure.
Ln their own particular field few men
are hetet known than the Rev, John
Wesley Bell, B.D. and hie brother Mr.
James A. Bell. The former wet oe re-
cognized by hie thousands or friends all
over the country es the popular and able
missionary superintendent of the Royal
Tempters of Temperance. ,lmoug the
20,000 members of this order in'Ontsrlo
his counsel Is sought on all sorts of oc-
vaslons. On the public platform he is one
of the strong men of the day, battling
against the evils of irttem1erance.
Equally well known. Is 1,1r. Belt in other
provinces of the Dominion having been
for years a member of the Manitoba
Methodist Conference and part of this
time was stationed in Winnipeg. His
brother, ?dr. James A. Bell, is a nighty
respected remittent of Beaverton,.wnere
hen influence, though perhaps more air•
eumscrlbed than that of his eminent
brother, is ueue the less effective and
productive of good. Of recent years,b.w-
ever, the working sbtlity of Itir. James
A. Bell has been sadly marred by severe
attacks of nervous 'bra ddal:he, ar•cem-
pant8d by indigestion. CI Who can do fit
them and especially when it becomes
chronic, as was,seemingly, the case with
Mr. Bell? The trouble reached sura ht-
teusity that last June ho was complete•
ly prostrated. In this condition a friend
recommended South Amer-icau Nervine.
Ready to try anything and everytntng,
though he thought he had covered the
list of proprietary medicines, he scoured
a bottle of this great discovery. A
second bottle of the medicine was takers
and the work was done. Pmploylgg hip
own language: "Two bottles of South
American Nervine immediately relieved
my headaches and have bunt up my
system in a wonderful manner:' Let us
not deprecate the good our eiergymec
and social reformers are doing in the
world, .but how ill -fitted they would he
for their work were it not the renal
that South American Nervine brings to
them when physfeal ills overtake
them, and when the aysteet, as aro.
suit of hard, earnest and continuous
work, breaks down. Nervine treats the
system as the wise reformer betas the
evils he is battling against. It strides all
the root of the trouble. Ail dim
ease comes from disorganization of the
nerve centers. This is a scientific fact:
Nervine at once works on these nerve
centers; gives to them health and vig-
or; and then there courses through the
system strong, healthy, life-mauitsanteA
blood, and nervous troubles of every
work whet' this tremble takes hold of variety are thinge of the past.
Sold by G, A. Deadman.
gutter fast is prescribed. Fasting as
an accompaniment of prayer, when it
le not merely formal and ritualistic,
but rather Is the outward and visible
sign of an inward and spiritual con-
dition, is a great help in worships, but
it is the prayer and faith that accom-
pany it which really bring the bless-
i\l. Study this verse and the next
in the Revised Version. "Undressed
sloth" is uns'hrunken cloth or untan-
ned leather, the sbrinking of which
would pull together the edges of an
old tear and make it greater,
22• By another figure of speech our
Lord now teaohas the same lesson.
Bottles such as we are familiar with
would not burst because filled with
new wine, but old wine skins. would,
The Thought, in brief, is that there
are power and vitality in Gospel ex-
perience which must find their own
channels. As the old wine skin is burst
by the new wine, so 1hr n1d Ilebraism,
is burst by the new Compel. The neve
kingdom must have its own legislation
suited to Its own spirit. IL wee a
pitiitble sight., that of the disciples of
John vainly trying to unite the new
merit of reform with the old Plutrisaia
spirit of oeremonihlism.
I, cure. The year before last wee of a
little over three million dollar for but-
ter from England; last year we got
nearly six millions. 'There are a few
oases where our product received a
price eque.l to that of the Danish ar-.
tide, w•ssich is the best fn the world,
'rand an enthusiast says we must soon
make $50,000,000 worth annually for ex-
xport trade. Naturally with such a de-
mand Buttes' was sent to supply it,
butthe result shows that the export
was a little overdone. There is not
enough lett in the country for home
consumption; practically none at all
remains in Geld storage and we depend
now on what dairies and creameries
ran make fresh for us at this untime
1y aeuson. Some Montroul, firms have
found it to pay them to mall ship-
, meets that they made to hie Old
, Country, puyiug two freights across
the pond and other charges, One thing
we need not fear -our tariff laws pro-
hibit the importation of such impost -
'sea us oleomargarine or butterine; we
will have the real thing or eat dry
bread. With such a state of affairs
the effectof a snow storm blocking. the
1 roads is disastrous.
Cheese is up in the clouds in price,
too. The sante efroumstanoos 'have at -
Meted it.
Eggs are en the decline, fortunate-
ly for the consuhner, This rs nature!
enough, for just now the hen stetsia
her fine work in the, egg manufactory.
amyl albumin= food ltecotnes plenCt-
f flit,
Most other provisions -'meals, oto„
j are, rasing. No Nedra reason can be
eisstgne.d; to the phenomenon, Doubt-
i less the reason is below tee surface;
inss's's ed good limos and more money
en the cookery aiwaayte cause an ad•
yaaro um all prices. 5
Anxious for Peace and Regttost the
Intervention or the 'Powers.
A. rleslratclt from Rome says: -"41)
Agenzfe Libera announces that the
Italian Causal at P.ratoria leas tele
butter Reaches the Loftiest Figure Ai.inta•
NI 111 m048 beats.
.A despsloh from Toronto, says: -
The old woman who lived in shoo
would show a reckless disregard
for the economics 11 she grave her off -
:spring butter without any bread un-
der the present condition of affairs.
The price of butter in Toronto hes not
been as high in ten years as, it is
u,-55517, and highee prices yet are look-.
eft for.
The reason, cis always, of the high
prices is scarcity. And the scarcity
has been brought about by many
things. In the first place, the dry
summer best year mn terially lessened
tete snaount made. '19s0 tnnin reason,
doubtless, Is, however, the increaser)
English trade in the article.. Canadian
butler until recent, years has not cut
ninth fee in Teet•snd, beet.with'theitn-
iaroved quality brought about by our
Modern mesenteries we Jmve begun to
's' lc a so.. t ; of the 14e i i-
tr lr the la rs ) sh. e
1 I g p
graphed to his Govern 13111111. that Prost -
dent liruget and President Sleyn are
prepared to accept brace on the bolds
ote the status quo sntn-bel.lum, an
r .he. request the 1 i•y ti n and
hal i t o oto, an ° o&
y rxl
the powers to bring niit+tit that and.