HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-15, Page 1Vol. 28. No, 88 $RUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1900 W. H KERR, Prop. MONEY TO LOAN At AIN Per Cent, Costs of Loan Very Reasonable. G. F, BLAIR, BOLIOITOit, &o. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. ' .Tired Eyes Cause Sickness• Because the eyes tire easily. Berme folks any they are not well, In most stab cases this ie eye strain. Neg- . leoted eye etraio ie euro to produce sick. nese. Have your eyee examined and knovrtbe exact mann. Baylor( bought the BEST AND MOST UP -TO DATE Instrument,'"Tbe Prentice Retinonoope," coating seventy-two dollars, this instru went is exact. No questions from the patient required. It is being used by graduatee of Retlnosoopy and now taught in the Optioal Institute of Oanada. So we. are now in a better position than ever to give you perfect eatiefaotion. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTIOfAN. Also Graduate of Jretlnoocopy. HURON POULTRY YAR D,_J► ALF. BAEKER, Proprietor, Brussels, Out. Barred, Buff and White Rocks. Eggs and Fowl for sale in season. Eggs $1 00 per setting. Correspondence Solicited. 95.9m New Advertisements,, Local—Jno, Tait. :looel--TAE Poor. Local --G. E, King, Local—A. Conley, Flax—Cameron Broe, Locals—Ewan & Innes;_ Looal—Robt, Thomson, Looale—Mra. Ballantyne. Money to loan—G. F. Blair. Locale—Seeker & Ironstone. Home for Bale—John Lowe, 2r0, for butter—A, R. Smith. Wall Paper—G. A. Deadman. House to rent—Thos. Neweome. Horses for eale—Mre, Alex. Oonon, rstritt 43.03s. Mole,. worth. Mise Carrie Mitchell is on the alok Iiet. Mise Bell McIntosh is under the doc- tor's oare. Additional Molesworth news on page 4 of this iseue: Fred. Terry and Peter Patrick have gone on a pleasure trip. A number of the farmers are purchas- ing twine for the coming season, Mr. and Mre Patterson have returned from vieiting friends in Shelburne. Mies Elliott, of Bright, has been visit. ing relatives here for the past week. 8 G. Gregory, former teacher here, spent Sunday renewing acquaintances, Mrs J. S. Meiklejohn ie under the doctor's care but hope to see her around Boon. Samuel Kleinsohroth has been very sick with the mumps but we are glad to know he is improving. Quite a number from this vicinity will start for the West next week. James Vance intends going on Wednesday FLAX Cameron, Bros, Dave a limited number of bushels of the 13ES'r Di7TOn SEED for farmers in the eternity of Orunbrook who intend raising Flax during the coming season. which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to suit fax growers. Beed eon be got tt the Oranbrook Flax Mill at 31.05 per bus'.tel. Order early and secure a supply. For Sax growr from this seed 10,OO PER TON will be paid, if of good growth, harvested in proper season, and delivered at the flax mill as soon as lit for threshing, R`We will rant a number of good sod fields for the purpose of Stowing flax. ' CAMERON BROS., Proprietors Cranbrook Flax Mi11. WAR I WAR � WHERE ? MCALLISTER'S, ...ETHEL... At Present the Bayonet is Being run Through the Prices of Our Goods. Look These Prices Over Men's Fleeced Underwear, heavy weight, regular price 91.20 per Bait, self at 99 Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, ' heavy weight, regular prioe 91.50, selling at .. •91 13 Men's All Pure Wool Underwear, regular price $2.00 per twit, eel ling at 1 49 Also a few Frieze Overooete in brown and bleak Belling at 94.00 to 8 00 Ladiee' Astrachan cloth Gauntlets, in grey and blank, regular price $1,00, selling at 75 New Prints in etook—Heavy weight in light and datk oolore, primer 10o and 12,i New Giughame in stook—Prices range ..10o, 12o, 127xo, 14o, 15o, 16o, 17 New Oreponee in stook—Light and dark colors, prioee range 100, 12io, 14e and 17 New Sateepe in etook—In fancy colors and blaok, prices range from 12?o to 25 New Bhirtinge in light and dark colors — Prices range 10o, 100, 14o, 1So, 16 New Cottonadee, Moleskins and' Denimo all in etook—Prices range from 12ie to 25 New Lace Curtains in Stock.-airiNg.-' 3 yards long, 45 inches wide, good design, extra value, per pair.... 75 8 yarde long, 54 incluse wide, good deeign, extra value, per pair.... 1 00 8i yarde•long, 50 inobes wide, good design, extra value, per pair.... 1 50 91 yards long, 54 inches wide, good deeign,s extra value, per pair.... 1 75 We consider it a Pleasure to Show You Goods at.. H. F. McAllister's. A eleighload of young people drove ever to the home of David Howe on Fri• day evening and agood time was report- ed. The Ming people held a box social at James Brown's on Tuesday evening, They purpose giving the proceeds of the evening as a part of their share in the Century Fund. �T r'.ee•, Grey township Council eatootes may be read in this lame. Reeve Turnbull will go to Grderiab next week on the Grand Jury. . Donald Orsrar, 9th con., wee at Btrat• ford last week on it bunineoe trip, Miee Guaefe Smith ie vieiting in Sea. forth with her eioter, Mre, A. Stark. Jno, Hill, formerly of the 10th Don., is vieiting hie daughter, 'Mire. (Dr.) Rio. ere, at Crediton. Mies Agaie Turebnll, 41b con., is ill with bronohitie but webops she will soon be oonvaleeoegt, Next Tuesday afternoon the &notion sale of A. J. Ramsay, at Let 2, 0 "1. 18, will take plaoe. F. 8. Boort will be the auctioneer.. Next Tuesday Ono, Patterson, wife and children and John Whitfield jr. and Jno. Ruehwort'h, will leave for 0arrievale, N. W. T. Mr. .Patterson envies a fine farm there and will take out a ear of set tlere' effects. May success attend them is the wish of their many friends among whom ie Tal, Poem. H. E., Mrs. Burkholder and some membereof their family,.reaontly, of Lead bury, are vieiting at 0. R'.zell'e and with other old friends in this locality. They will leave in the ooeree of a few weeke for.Edmonton, N. W. T., where they purpose making their home.- We would like to see them remain in On tario. MATanAeoNIAL. - On Wedueeday, Feb. 21st, Robert 0. Mitchell, one of the New York Herald's telegraph operators, and a native Londoner, was married by Rev. Dr. Edward Wallace Neil, the pastor of the church of St. Edward the Martyr, to Miee E+izabeth Esther Hart, of New York, eldest daughter of the late John It, Hart. The bride was given away by her eldest brother, Oliver Hart. Tbe young coapleenjoyed their honeymoon at the parootal home, near Byron. Mr. Mitchell is a graduate of the C. P. R. • telegraph office London, and his many old•timefriends and aoqueintanoee will heartily.wieh.him end his eetimeble wife along life of married bliss together. The happy groom in a eon of Jobe Mitchell, a former resident of the 12th con,, who re. m"ved.to London last Fall. Oupm Sconun,—A.9 intimated in loot week's Poem the mntrimoninl knot be• 'tween Robert F. Carecadden, aproeper• one young fannerof Oro, Sinnott °amity, and Mise Maggie, the youngest daughter of George and Mre. Patterson, .who for the past 40 years have been highly eta teemed residents of this township, we, tied by Rev. D. B. McRae, bf Cranbrook, Wednesday evening of last week, at 6 o'clock, at the home of the bride's par eats, in the presence of a happy oompany, comprising 130 relatives and friends. The principals took their pleoee ander at evergreen arohax g by lighted -candles, w the bride's brother, Juo. Patterson, of Oarrievale, N. W. T., giving her away, Mies Ellaant a neige of the M bride performed the duties of bridesmaid in firet•oleea style while Levi Whitfield practised as groomsman, The wedding march wan well rendered by Miee Lizzie Vallee, of Cranbrook. Bride and brides• maid wore moot becoming 000tnwee of Dream and carried beautiful baguets. An elegant eupper woe served and thoroughly enjoyed, Oho wedding gifte were vale• ab'e, numerous and useful and bespoke the popularity of the contracting parties. A jolly evening was spent in vocal and instrumental music, games end social chat, Wm. Mann had hie bagpipes there and gave a fine program of Soottieh airs. Mr. avid Mre. Carecadden left for Toronto on Saturday and after a short visit there went to their home in Simone 00. A large oiroleof relativee and friends wish them well and hope to often see th•m beck as visitors, Tao Poem throws an editorial slipper after the happy twain It is not improbable that ao.,nple of other weddings were arranged at Mr. Patter. eon's that evening if all reports are true. OBITUARY. — The Shoshone (Idaho) Journal of March 5th, gives the follow- ing notice oonoer0ing the late Mre. Jno, J. Goatee, whose death Tan P000 report. ed two weeke ago: — "Mre, Coates (Catherine M. McKay) was born March 13, 1865, in Huron conety, Ontario, where she wart married to John J. Coates, in October 1884. Mr. and Mre. Goatee resided in Huron county until they came to Idaho in the Spring of 1890, since which time Mr. Coates worked for F. W. Gooding on his ranch at Toponie until last Fall, when be, in company with his brother, George, leased a band of sheep, and moved hie family to Shoshone, where they have since resided until Mre. Coates' death. Mre. Goatee was a loving wife and a kind mother, of a cheerful, thought- ful disposition ; loved and reepeoted by all who knew her ; ever ready to lend a helping hand to any in distress. By her pleasant, neat and frugal ways aria made home the dearest spot on earth to he bow bereaved hoobnnd, and shared gnally with him life'e burdens. She eaves two children, Earl, aged 9, and a lane daughter, Pearl, aged 4. A great many friends of the deceased attended he funeral services, whish were oon. uoted by the Rev. Mr. Hoidelbaugb, at he M. E. oburnh in Shoshone, on Frl• ay, March 2nd, at 2 o'olook p. m, lie casket wae,profueely avid beautifully ecorated with hot house flowers, and verything possible was done by neigh bore and friends to chow their eorrow for be lose that had befallen the oommnnity. Mr. doatee wee away at bis sheep range nd a message cont as Boon ae his wife as taken ill failed to reach him. As oon asthe Goading Bros. learned this hey eeonred a stock oar on a passing &sight train and shipped a horee and Mar toXtamima to look for him. He as found and informed of hie great loss. boot one o'clock, Theredoy morning. 1. Coates did not arrive in Shoshone °til about four o'clock that evening," The brotbere and sisters of deceased are S, avid Mre. Walker, 6114 line, were John and Roderick Moiiay, of Newark, visiting friends in Wawanosh over Sn- N,J• Mrs. Was. M°Iadze n,, Goy day, township ; and hire, Albert Goatee, Hub The 100 aore farm of Robt. 610. lett township, Half brothers and Meters Ouk:heon, 7th line, hes been sold to are Donald MaMidan, of Grey ; James, Alfred Button, 8th line, for the euro of of Walton ; Misses But/hernia, of Grey ; 91,800. and Maggie, of Hallett, The cause of Thursday of this week the family of Mrs. Coates' death was prama,ure child George and Mrs. Hood, well known and birth, Mr. ()nates and two obildren ar• old residence of the 5th line, celebrated. rived here lastBetsrdey The little folk the 50th weddttig anniversary of their will be left with relatiaee for a while and parents, All the children were home, Mr, Coates will return to hie sheep Forman MounteraEs, — The Isabella ranching after a visit of a month or so county (Miohiga¢) Uourier-Democrat of Nitta relativee and frionde in tbie oeo,ion, Maroh 2nd has this to say of former Sinoere sympathy is felt and expressed residents of Morris township Last with the bereaved hneband. Wedneoday afternoon, Feb. 21st, as Mre, Silver Corriere Batter factory will nom- Thoe. Kirkconnoll, of Nottawa, near Van mates their Spring run on Monday next, Decor, was doing up her dinner work, she March 1915, and as the market is ex• was very much surprised to look out of teemely high at present, it should have a the window and HBe one rig after another, heavy make until obeeeemekiog begine. till craven in number, turned in the gate, David Lnmont,non of Angus Lamont, well filled with her neighbors for a mile 7th cone has purchased the blacksmith square each way, along with their baskete shop of the late employer, Jae, U. Ohart• and a box of dry goods whish was e tern, Melita, Man., and ie running bnei- beautif ul log cabin quilt for the lady who nese for bimeelf with big chances for is about to leave the neighborhood, and 0000000 in hie favor. We wish him good they took thio way to show their friend- luok and expect to hear soon that he bas ship as well ae regret, as Mr and Mrs, hn,ght the reaidenoe aleo and eeonred a Kirkoonnell have gained many friends for boneekeeper. the short time they have been in the Loeb Friday John McFadden, 12th neighborhood ; and to add still more to con ,.and his'eieter, Mre. D. Walker, Otis the surprise, the partnere of those ladies line, Morrie, drove to Milverton to visit came in the evening and presented old their noels, Richard Hamilton, who i0 Mr, $irkconaell with a beautiful easy quite ill. elro• Hamilton to also very chair, a pipe, tobacco and matobes, to.", p.wrly. During the out going trip Mr. tape all the pleasure there was in it for MoFaddeo bad the miefortare to lose hie him. The old gentleman didn't berdly puree out of his hip picket. There was know what it all mount for a while, but a considerable amount of money oleo as soon ae the excitement was over he some papers in the puree. It to to be played some old Scotch tunes on the hoped it fell into honest bands as Mr. violin which received great attention, Man's name and address are written on Old age hi beginning to tell on the bow the inside of pocket book. Owing to the but he does well yet. All enjoyed them• badly drifted state of the roads in meet. selves as usual, and to help make up the ing team it was often necessary to get e¢joymeot of the day Mre. McKinley pre. out to prevent °utter from upsetting and aided at the organ and entertained the on one of these oeoaeions the money ie company in her usual good style, We euppoeed to have worked out. are sorry to lose Mr. and Mre. Kirk. M .ratuooLw.—The home of Andrew oonnell from our neighborhood, but our Duke, 4 h con„ was the scene of a very lose will become another's gain. happy event on Wedne-day, March 715, at 7 o'olook p. m., when•hie eldest demeh• ter, :Alai LStzbe, was united in marriage to Georgee Green, of Bayfield. The oers• mony was performed by Rev. 0. Bristol, of Trowbridge, in the present of about forty five relatives and invited guests. The bride was beoemiogly atrired in a oo0t0me of blue lady's cloth, trimmed with white satin, and carried a bogoet of white cernatiooe and smilax. Little Levine MoLeod,-niece of the bride, per. formed the duties of Maid of Honor and looked very pretty in white Swiss muslin and carried a baguet of carnations. After the ceremony the young couple led the way to the dining room where an elaborate eupp.•r was spread, to which all did ample justice. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and deeming. The young couple were the re• cipiente of many appropriate and pretty wedding gifts as the following list will above :—Picture and pair of towele, R. and Mrs. McLeod ; cue half dozen Over knives and forks, Wm. McLeod ; silver fruit spoon and case, Miss 8. Taylor ; china f'uit dish and one dozen servers, Mr. Lamont ; silver sugar bowl and one half dozen teaspoon slMeese e. Perris and aTeter • table cloth Mice Annie Kendall ; fancy mike late Miss Ada Dake ; pair of towele,Miro L, Heath ; mantle oIoak Megrim Wilson andOooly • bedroom net, Mr. and ,Mre, Anderson ; table cloth and half a dozen napkins, Wm. and J. Ludas ; quilt, Mre. Rowell ; glass water pi ober, Mine Mead Cosecs •, toilet set, A. and L. Spillet ; fancy parlor lamp, ,R. Ridley and sister ; porridge set, Mitten Bertha and Alice Witmer ; picture and eaeel, Wm, and Helen Doke ; paper rook, Mr. and Mrs. Hermiston ; salad dish, fruit dish and a dozen servers, R. Beau - moot ; half a dozen silver teaspoons, A. Porterfield and sister ; one dozen silver spoons, Miee Mary and Donald MoLeod ; lamp, 0. Melon ; toilet net, G. Thomp• eon ; half dozen table napkins, Mre. Baeobart; table cloth and bed spread, D. Dunbar; rocker, C. sad Clara Smith; silver pickle cruet, Mr. and Mre. Hal - penny ; glove box, R. Lindsay ; set of toilet mate, Mies R. Porter ; rocker, Mrs. Adam Duke and family ; rocker, pair pillow shame and doilly, Mr. and Mre. McNichol ; alarm olook, Alex. Mo. Leon. The young couple intend residing on their farm on the 4th oon. Morris. VIZ sal cot. . Mre. Moon and Mrs: MoVittte are visit. ing in town. Mine Dors Kinney wee vieiting friends in Wingham this week. A nimber of young people were enter. Wined at the Parsonage on Friday even• ing. Some of our citizens spent an enjoy- able evening at R. Pollard's on Wednee. day. HIPS Walton and John Williaweou were vieiting friends near Exeter last Sunday. The stook is about all subscribed for the new A, 0. T.J. W. block, Plane, &c. are ready. R. McLeod ie winding up the busy eeason at the chopping mill in order to run the engine in the time mill. H. E. and Mre. B❑rkltolder and Mies Maggie are vieiting friends at Atwood and Milverton before leaving for the Weat. A letter from Rev. D. Bernet, Park - dale, eaye, "We are all pretty well with the exception of my throat which ie still miserable." Next Sabbath Rev. M. J, Wilson, of Benmiller and Rev.. A. Tiffin unit will ex- change pulpits in cooneotio¢ with Edt- oatio❑al ser ❑ mo a. Ca'autloroolc. Mise Long spent Sunday at Newry. Wm. Hunter spent Sunday with blends in Brussels T. T. McRae, of Listowel, spent San• day at home. Miee Allying, of Monkton, is vieiting Miee Hunter this week. J. Edward Cook, of Blyth, was vieiting at A. Mc air's uric N d the net week W. J. Smaltdoo has gone to Detroit, where be has secured a job in a shoe factory. Thos. Ennis had a very successful wood bee on Friday of last week. A large quantity of wood wee out. Mrs. R. K. McDonald and her mother, Mre. eloLaohian, have moved to their new reaidenoe this week. Mre. Blair, who woe thought to be getting better, Sae taken a relapse and is very low we are sorry to say. Dr. Agnew and Miee Agnew, of Whig - ham, and Dr. Turnbull, of Goderioh, spent Sunday at Postmaster MoNair's. There is some! talk of en entertain. ment being held at the home of Mre. Township Council next Monday. Switzer in ooaneotion with the Metha- Alex. McLauoblin, who went to Mani. dist ohoroh here. toba a few months ago owing to his Blue Blair, who hae been eiok with brother's illness, arrived home last week. pneumonia for the paet week or more is Mien Rebecca Jackson, 8th line, has real ill but we hope she will soon be re taken a position in the Mimico Indus- stored to her usual health. trial eohool as instructor in the knitting Cameron Broe flax mill will boom department. She will no doubt fill the this year and they ate' now advertising bill to a nicety. eeed for Bale. They have the flax busi- Last week Juo. Shortreed, the well nese down to quite a science. known stook man of the 9111 line, par• communion service will be held in the chased a fine young pedigreed Durham Presbyterian ohoroh here next Sabbath. bull from Thos Russell & Son, Exeter. Rev. Mr. Roes, of Braeselo, will preach Itis reported that Frank Bell and Mies en Saturday forenoon at 10 80 o'olook, Euphemia Oloakey, of the' 3rd and 4th Wm. Gordon, of Oranbrook, ban sold linea, respeotively, were united in matri- his property to John W. Switzer for the mony last week by a Blyth clergyman. elm of 9350. Mr. Switzer will now have May their joys be many. a nine place on the banks of the Malt. Jae, Robb, who has been vieiting here land river, about 18 or 20 sores in all. for the past few months, loft for his home Two phyeioiane were in our burg the at Parll River, Dakota, on Thursday. end of last week but the result of the He went back alone after all but the bnei- ooneultation ie a conundrum. We may nese may have been arranged all right for get some enlightenment in the ease be settlement later, tween now and the time when the robins James Ireland, jr., and wife will leave some. for the West next Tuesday. They take Wm. Gordon and John Hunter have train at Seaforth from which locality a purchased the property belonging to large number of excursionists leave that Duncan McInnes in Oranbrook for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland's many item of $925, Mr. Gordon gets the house friends wish them a pleasant and pros- and stable and } aore of land, and Mr. peroue time wberever they may decide to Hunter gets the balanoe of the land which permanently locate. is 7 aoree. It is a nice property, Mr. DIED —The sad intelligence was reoeiv. Molnnee is about parohaeing d house and ed last Monday of the death of Mary J. lot from A. MoDorald, opposite the Un - Marshall, beloved wife of Jas. McCall, ion Hotel for the sum of 9400. who lived neat Ripley. Mrs. McCall A letter received by A. Reymann from died on Sunday, leaving her husband and Michael Oster, a former resident of Grey 3 children, the baby being only 6 woke now of Sault St. Marie, reports the times old. The funeral took place on Tuesday good. Wages from $1,50 to 9100 per day afternoon at Lntknow cemetery. Court. and 935,00 a month in the woods. Mr, culler Goo. Jaokeon and wife and William Oster is engaged in the milk bueineee and Peter Jackson attended. General and keeps about thirty oowe. When be regret is expreeeed in this locality over went there about 2 years ago be houaht the demise of Mre. MoOall and Byrn. the hareem for $1,000 and has been offer. patty expressed for the bereaved hus' ed 92,000 for it now. He thinks he will band and children. oloar $1,000 this wagon, Wnl, 001000 n, Wm. Perrie and Wm, Ritchie are the three new Elders in•nou• nection with Knoxatureh hare They are all promieing young men and will no doubt competently fill the important of. floe to whiab they have been eleoted. I314evs-Ire. Win, Messer ie at Toronto this week, Mre. Bruce has returned to the North. west, Mr. Farrow, of Guelph, is visiting at 11. Muserove'e. We expect the flax mill to boom again at Summer. dee, McHardy to tending bar for P. Oa turnings, Wingbam, ere. Fred. McCracken and children are visiting at J. Gardiner's. Robe. and Mre. King, of Guderiob, Were vieiting here last week. Mise Alberta Eagle, of Turnberry, is vieiting her aunt, Mre. Hall. Mrs. Went returned on Wedneeday from a visit to her parents in Whitby. Look for a wedding in the near future tor which Bluevala will supply the bade, Rev. W. J. Weal and one of the Sea- eion are oanvaseing for the Century Fund. Thomas Maker and family purpose leaving for Manitoba in the near future. A number of timing people attended a party at Pout Powell's on Friday even• 105. Any person wanting to buy or sell a horse nugbt to call on W. J, Duff, our looal horeemao. Joe. Diament, one of our old Council. men, is veryeiok but wa hope he will seen be better. Mr. Graham, of Virginia, was visiting his sister, Mre, (Dr.) Too'e. He 1e a profeeiooal base ball player. Our village hes been nearly turned tip. side down as no lees than fourteen fam ilies have moved in the laet two weeks, The Patriotic entertainment hats been postponed from Friday to Wednesday evening 21st invite Foreetere' Hall. Fite program. Mr. Robertson and family have moved 1 to Wroxeter and Mr. McDonald Sae moved on to the farm which he has pur- chased from Mr. Robertson. SHw f.iA e 1. Miee Minnie Battery is on the eiok list. Aaron Cober has returned from a visit with friends in Hespeler. Jas. Leishman attended the funeral of a cousin near Belgrave last week, August Rupp, who was sick last week, is able to be up again, we are pleased to hear, Ed. Reinhard was called home on Sat- urday last to attend the funeral of his brother. During the past weak quite a number have secured their stock of ice for the Sommer. Mre. Robert MoLeohlan hae moved in- to the village. She hae rented Wm. Lake's bones. Some of our villagers will take part in the "Minto"Olab concert at Braeoele on Friday evening. Mr. McKay ie vieiting hie eieter, Mre. Geo Dobson Mr. Y i McKay o e a student ofnor College, Toronto. K Oo ag , TOCO o. 0. Davies was laid r D a for aeon le of days last week with a sore Roger caused by soratohing it with a pin. Otving to Sacrament in Cranbrook next Sabbath there will be no service in the Presbyterian church here. We are sorry to hear that Miee Tillie Rupp is not improving in health as goiok- ly ae her friends would desire. Jno, and Mn.rOuber and Mr. and Mre. Fletcher attended the funeral of the late J. Reichard, of Hnwiok, on Tuesday, Sees or Tetirsaanoa,—The Temper- ance Lodge that ffoorisbed so enoceeeful- ly a few years ago in this locality has beeu reorganized and bide fair to do as good work as ever. Officers were elected ae follows for the current term :—Wor- thy Patriarch, Geo. Dobson t Worthy Associate, Miss R. Spence ; Recording Scribe, Mre. Eph. Oober ; Assistant Scribe, Miss Alice Davies ; Oonduotor, J. Lamont ; Associate Conductor, Mise E. Milne ; Fioaooial Scribe, Geo. W. Pol- lard ; Treasurer, S. Chambers ; chap- lain, John Caber ; Inside Sentinel, Mise Laura Spenoe ; Onteide Sentinel, Alex. Lamont ; Past Worthy Patriarch, Robt. McKay ; Orgoniet, Mies Laura Spence. The organization bears the title of "Ethel Divieion Sons of Temperance, No. 149." Meetings are held every Friday evening in McAllister's Hall, At the past two meetings there have been 32 initiations and many more are expeoted to unite. All the former members still have a Mugs, on the membership- roll and the officers will be glad to see them attend. Good programa are presented at each meeting and the aim of the Society will be to make it enjoyable for all. Ethel Divie ion stood mooed highest in Ontario at one time having 240 members. People We Know. Colin McArthur was in Toronto this week. Mre. (Dr.) Holmes was vieiting at Walkerton, Drnggiet Fox wan in Toronto for a few days this week. Mre. E. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, ie vieiting in Brueeele, Geo. Rogers en, is again on the eiok list we are sorry to hear. Mre, Grundy, of Luaknow, was visiting Mrs, R. Maioprize lost week. Mre. Burwell, of Mount Brydgee, WAR the guest of Mre. George Rogers. Mies Murray, of Atwood, was visiting Mre. Peebles, Queen street, last week. We are glad to see Philip Ament able to get about agaio after his severe illness. Will. Good, of THE Poem staff, has been on the "obeli" for the past two weeke but we hope he wilt soon bo o. k. Mre. Good hae a trio of eiok people under her oare jaet 11000. Miee Eva Dogge, of Chatham, lea wel- come visitor to Brueeele She is visiting her grandpareote, Capt. and Mre, Stret• ton, and her uncles. Mies Deggo hoe consented to mishit in the Minto Olub oonoert in Brussels Town Hall on Fri- day evening. She is a good vuoaliyt, Miee Clara Daniels has gone to Ches. ley, leaving Brussels on Tuesday morn. ing, end Wee ' Rune'', of Saooltine, were visiting Mrs. F. Stainer' last Saw d Go. Oommievioner and Mre. Ansley, of Wingham, were visiting at W. F. Van - stone's on Wedneeday, Mr. and Mre, Moors, of Trowbridge, were vieiting their eon, M. He and daugh- ter, Mrs. Hewitt, this week, D. M. Scott and John Forbes, who ie assisting Mr, Soott is the insurance buoi. nese, were at Luoknow this week. Mre. 0. 13. Bartliff and daughter, Annie, are visitiug friends at Beaforth and Clinton for a maple of we eke. Mimes 011ie Vanetone and Ida Zilliax have taken positions at Mra, Rogers' to learn the wonders of the millinery art. Miee Teeuie Sample intends taking a trip to Manitoba and will probably leave next week. She may be away until next Fall. Last Tuesday Mies Clara Peebles left for Hartney, Man., where she will reside fora time. We wish her encoese and im • proved health. W. Innes, of Ewan & I❑nes, was away. this week at Guelph and Palmerston on e badness trip in ooanection with their Oarriage bueineee. Miee Dunbar ie back to Mre. Rogers' millinery store after attebding the Opew iuge at Toronto and is now preparing for the Spring display. Os the 2811 of February Harry Chit - tick, formerly of Brussels, now of King. ville, Eerier Co., was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Lee, of that town. Mise Mabel Armstrong, who was with Miee Roddick for the past two etasone as Milliner, has taken a position in a large etore in the town of Essex, 0o, of Ease'. A note from J. D. Ronald eaye he and Mre. Ronald reached Loa Angeles, Cal., eafe and sound and after a short sojourn there will go on to Coronado, on the Pa. oifia Coast. W. H. Stewart has not enjoyed very vigorous bealth for Bome time past owing to o throat trouble 90 he is holidaying for a time and may take a trip to Cali- fornia before resuming work. Miee Roddiok has eeonred the services of Mise Mothers, of Toronto, se Milliner for this season and they are now hard at work preparing for the Spring Opening of which doe notice will be given. Mise Flo. Greeo, who was vieiting Mre. S. T. Plum for the past few menthe, left for her home in Bright, Ont., last Friday morning. She made a large oirole of friends in Brussels and locality during her stay. It ie reported that Arthur Henry New- ton Jenkins, of Durham Ohroafols and Brueeele Budget repute, may drop into possession of a fortune through the death of a relative in Englaud. He is living t in Michigan at the present time. P. Stewart and wife, who have been visiting here for the peat few months with relatives and friends, left for Stmt. ford on Monday morning where they epent a abort time before going to their home at Langdon, North Dakota. G. A. Hood, of Saginaw, formerly of Bruer le 0 was visiting here during the g g net �k W00 He can a solo I p g c o n the Metho- dist church Sabbath ch Sabha h avenin , g Mr. Hood was a member em er of the choir o dSabbath n eohool orchestra when resident here. Miee Minnie Moore leaves on Friday for Toronto where etre takes a position. By her removal the Methodist church choir Imo a valued member ; the Sob. bath eohool a faithful teaoher ; and the Epworth League an energetic officer. The good wishes of many accompany her to the Queen oily. Robt. Ferguson went to Seaforth on Wednesday morning to take a position in the tailoring department of the Piokard store. The Seaforthitee will find Mr. Ferguson a $ret•olaae citizen and a foot ball player who will compare favorably with the beat of the "Hurons" and that is Baying a good deal. Win. Sample expected to be one of the South African contingent going out to take the places of the killed and wounded and went to London last Friday, to be examined but be found they were only recruiting there for Halifax garrison and should have reported at Toronto but in the time lost the necessary number was enrolled and so Mr, Sample will have to forego the "privilege" of stopping Boer ballets. Brussels Sebool Board. The regular monthly meeting of the Brueeele Public, School Board was held in the Board Room on Friday evening, 9th but. All the members present except W. F. Ironstone. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and passed. Moved by D. 0. Rose, seconded by Jae., Turnbull that the Boar& borrow the sum of $275 00 from the Standard Bank for three menthe to pay current expenses of the eohool. Carried. Following in the report of Inepeotor Robb as presented to the Board B1 useelo, Mar. 1, 1900. To the Board of Public School Trustees, Brueeele GONTLEOIEN,—I beg leave to report that I visited year eohool on Feb, 6111 and 27th. On both visite I found the rooms clean, well ventilated and oomfortable. The caretaking ie well done. The order, diooipline, management and ptogresa in ell the rooms are perfectly eatiefaotory. You have au excellent staff of teachers— I know of none better. The retepoyere have every reason to be satisfied with the management of the eohool, and eboold be grateful to the Board of Trustees for providing suoh excellent educational facilities without the waste of one cent of public money. I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, D. Bonn. Attendance at the school for Feb., 1900, Room No. ON Bonn. AvEn,toE ATT. 1 48 44 2 59 51 3 66 57 4 81 68 Total 254 215 The Board then adjourned,