HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-1, Page 8EXPENSI.VE BUT0000. One %Mit fOr the Testing of Sight And the Fitting of Speota0100 etatte money, saying nothing of the time required in underatanding their mie. The foliOW. ing wrnRum you that we belleVe in being up.to.date and a little ahead of many engaged in Gala woolt Ont Trial Oaee pomprielng Over 100 different strength of Lewin800 00 de gouge Refractor:peter,, ,,,,, , ,,, ,,, ,,, 88 00 Lorings' OphtbelMoscope for ,,,,, room work 18 00 The Retinoecope, same tie used by leading Opticians 1 60 Maddouc'e Rod for nummular teat, cto., „ .„4 , ,, , ,,,, , „,j 26 • The ohm does not inehide our stook of Lenses, Gold and Gold Filled Eye Glosses and Frames which we carry a large stools of. Nor does it Molnar) the omit and expense of taking a course and obtaining a Diploma frorn'the Optioal Institute of Canada, nor the advanoed course and Diploma 0.1) the Ontario Optical Inetitate Which inoludes the Baines:mph Colima, better known as the ehadow teat whioh we hear oo much abont. Do not suppose that others in town or who come to Bruesels oan fit you better Or cheaper than we oan. We will test your eyes free and oan supply you with Speotaclee from $1,60 up and have some as low BS 800, if they suit you, but we never recommend a oheap Speotaole as the ,Lenees are always very poor and may do more bars than good. Do not get Speotsolee by geese work—it will cost you nothing to let ue teat your Eyes. G A DEADMAN, • DRUGGIST, OPTICIAN AND BOOKSELLER, BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 00000030 ISETENSION W. 0. & a. Trains leave Braasele Station, North and South, ae f °nova Goma Soma. Gomm Nonni. Express 7:16 a.m. 1 Mall pan Mixed 0:46 a.m. Exprese 10:17 p.m tozal Stirs fthn, A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith prent it. Mhos. THE Pon leads for news. BRUSSELS Council next Monday even- ing. &HOOT. Board Friday evening • of next week. Elarktz, key found. Enquire at THE Poem. Moulmuna Horse Fair was held on Thursday of this ,week and attraoted a big orowd. A. vans good orit.door curling rink has been fitted up above the mill dam and several looal games played ou it. Mooer found. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. Apply to THE POST. OUR Hookey boys went to Kincardine on Friday bat they were not in it, losing by 7 to 1. The game was an enjoyable one. Tan next and last Monthly Hone Fair in Bruesele for this season will be held on Thursday, April 6th. Mark the date down. A Tsai game of Hockey was played at Wroxeter on Tuesday evening between the home team and Brussels. Score 3-3. Duna. MoLanoblin was Referee. ODD Emmen' At Home in their fine Lodge room on Friday evening of this week. A good time is always put in with the I, 0. 0. 1'. brethren and no doubt about it. • Tan Posy is in receipt of a patriotic) se- lection of MUSIC from the well known pen of our old townsman John Lion Alex- ander, of Toronto. it is entitled "Royal Canadian& March." 33an (HURON) INFANTIVY.—Major J. A. Wilson, Seaforth, resigns his commiesjon and is permitted to retain rank of Major on retirejnant. To be lieutenant, Second Lieut. W. H. Guedry, Goderioh, vice D. Holmee, promoted. R. LEATEIERDAIM and A. McGuire had an upset with the fortner'a horse and outter on the return trip from Wingham on Thursday night of last week, near Johnston's church. The tip was over quite a little bank but no serious damage was done. Tan 0. P. R ie running Settlers' Ex- cursions on Tuesday of eaoh week to Manitoba and the West daring the months of March and April. They begin Tues- day of next week. See their advt. in another column in THE POST. Poetmas. ter Farrow is the looal agent. BRUSSELS Ourling Clob did not get a chance to play in the finals for the Western Tankard last week at St. Marys as through aomebody's neglect the official notification as to our club having a place in the contest was not made it EISSEIS. The silverware might have come to Bras - sale if our stone twirlers had got a show at the tee. Tan East Huron Lioense Board met at the Amerioan Hotel, on Tuesday. All the members present as follows :—Thos. Gibson, Fordwith, (chairman) ; George Porton% Turnberry ; George Mardie, Manion ; Inspeetor amt. R. Miller, Secretary. Board will meet at the • Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Tuesday, • April 17th to take into account the grant. ing of hotel licenses in this Riding. WILL Ham A Con:him—At a meeting of the Direotors of the East Huron Agl. Society Directors last Saturday after. noon it was deoided to hold a big Concert: in the Town Hall, Brussels, on the sea- ond evening of the Fall Fair, W. H. • Kerr, D. Stewart and W. H. hiceraoken • were appointed a Committee with power to add to their number, to complete ar. =gement°. W. H. Kerr was chosen to represent Grey Branch Agl. Society at Teronto on Thnreday in cionneetion with • exottraion to the Pdodel Farm with G. T. B. The question of building a new Agl. Hall Was dirk:nand and Presidents Fel, gown and Speir and Ideoretaries Stewart • and Kerr named ae Committee to have plans and estimates procured to lay be- - fore the Directors at an early date. But Lothe.—L000 week some big loads of saw logs were hauled to town from Kreuter & Ritchie's bush. Frank Wilt. sie'e weighed 6 ton and 14 cwt. and the team hauling it, harness and all, only weigh 2,800 pounds. Albert Fox canoe next with a load that plumped the eoalee doan to 6 ton, 1,650 ponnds, the logs seal. ing 1,829 feet. Few teamsters haul any bigger quantitiee of green timber for as long a %Manor), viz., 7 miles. Mr. Fox holds the reeord in the meantime bat no telling who may have it by the time the Winter is past, Pleases. Kranter & Mohler have about 200,000 feet of 'timber • in the G. T. R. yard at Brueeele and have 100,000 feet to haul yet. They have also about 60,000 feet at Ethel station yard. The loge will be shipped to • Rtitton & FNMA'S thi factory Wingham per G. W. R. WHAT about the re organization of the Town Band ? Ton Montreal Witness is a good paper. THE POST has sent it 46 subscribers thie year 00 far. MONDAY morning the thermometer dip. ped dawn to 10 degrees below zero. Son. day was one of the roughest days this season. LAST Saturday's storm interfered with the electric lights wires and it watt Mon day before the breaks were found and re. paired. GE0. BEST intended :hipping 2 oars of hogs on Monday but owing to the storm only part of a oar oama in ao the ship. merit was delayed for a day. Goon.—The Board of Directors of the Howich klutual Insurance Co. voted 050.00 to the Patriotic) Fund at their meeting in Gerrie last Saturday. Aminthe implement deliveries are be- ing made. It looks like rushing the ma- son to see a new binder going farmward with snow drifts to the tops of the fences. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week. P. M. W. McOraoken gives his report of last week's Grand Lodge at Toronto. All the members should make an effort to be present. THE POST bad a pleasant call from Reeve and Mre. Donaldeoo, of Eltna, and Mrs, Duno, of Portage.la•Prairie, last Friday. They were visiting Mrs. Harris, Thomas Whet. THE Illeafortli stage made a start last Monday but only got oat a few miles and turned back owing to the badly drifted state of the gravel road. Wroxeter stage made its regular trip, however. 1', 0. SCOTT has let the oontract for a briok etable to be built at his recently purchased residence, William street, to Alex. MoNeil, of this place for the sum of $325. The building wilt be 22x38 feet. DRESSAILEHRS WANTED. — Some wag placed the following dispatch on the Bulletin Board at Fox's Drog store on Wednesday ;—"Wanted — 2,000 drees- makers to rip op the outskirts of Lady Smith and hem in the Boors," BRUSSELS Odd Fellows'who went to Wiogham on Thursday of last week, say they had a good time and were royally treated. Seven candidates were each made acquainted with the three degrees of Odd Fellowship, so oar readers who are society people, will know there was not much time lost Thursday night. CONUNDRUM BOCIAL,--MrS. Alfred J. Lowry and her Sabbath sahool Masa will give a Conundrum Sooial at the home of the former, Tarnberry greet, Brussels, next Tuesday evening. Musioal and literary program, debate on "Married vs. Single Life," and an Art gallery will constitute part of the evening's exercises. A welcome is extended to all. FROM ALT OLD FRIEND.—Aur that H. Veal, of Fenton, Mich., in remitting fur Tan POST hae the kindness to say :—I have bean here 10 yeare bat we cannot do without your paper. Occasionally it miscarries and we do not get it, than we are loat and the family will ask "Did you get Tan Pon ? " Wishing you many prosperous yeare, yours &o. In reporting the 8. 0. S. "At Home" laet week our reporter omitted to mention the Sootoh ballad "Will ye no' come back again," whioh was moat excellently rendered by Ante, daughter of Reeve Thomson ; the spirited closing address of J. D Ronald •, and the excellent spread of edibles that only required the haggis to make an ideal feast to a Scot. SNORE EUT LITTLE rtnn.—W edoesday afternoon smoke filled the apartments of Mrs. Rogers and Miss Francis in the Leckie blook. The ohimney, an old fashioned one, was on fire and fears were entertained for e, time that the devour- ing element would gain a wider mope. Pails of water were soon gemmed and with the help of snow the danger of ear - ions oonsequenees was averted. The Fire Engine was got out bat the deep enow made it run heavily and its services were fortunately not required. A. °matey, Exprees Agent, whose office is down- stairs in the Leokie Stook had hie vela. ablee removed so as to be on the safe side. Where are the runners for the engine? Batton Aammtumion.--Judge Marmon, and School Inspeotora Robb and Tom, the Arbitrators appointed at tbe Jut meet. lag of the County Council to oonsider the petitione of certain ratepayerseof the townships of Hallett and Goderich, and East Wawanoeh praying for the forma- tion of two union school seotions—one between parte of Hallett and Goderioh, and one between parts of East Wawa. noth and Hallett. Atter spending two days in hearing evidence for and epithet the union, the arbitrators determined to form two union School Seatione. One to be known as Union School Section No, Ten, Hallett and Goderioh and the other Union School Section No. Eleven, Hal- lett and East Wawanoeh. U. No. 10 Hullett and Goderioh will have an area of about 3,000 acres, with an assessed valuation of about 100,000. U. No, 11 Hallett and East Wawanoeh, 3,600 three and an easessed valuation of $95,600. The arbitration found thatin some in. stannee children bed to walk at least three and a half miles to reach their own school hone. The arbitration was held at Londethoro' on Thnreday and Friday of last week. There are a number of other school :motions in Huron County that should be re -arranged as the pass. ing years have changed the situatiOns very materially. • . TUE US8.0115 'ROST itanammormiewmaw Tou,irepert Of the A. 0. 1J. W. Greed Kra. MenterriOn and •daughter.. who Lodge ie orawded oat of Gila 60840, have been vieiting Mrg, john Assitlisou 0000o= batt commenced ble Pannell etreet,Breeceicl leave for their annual monde in the aoliessn3ent gf 110100 uat Binsoorkb, Man, op Eriday, Breeeelo for 1300. Pasentaarell,"Wedneedtty evening, at Yahuhiltrai wag rgaaelved ou Wednes. the weekly prayer serviee in the Meth, day by ildre. Wm. Moleadscon eontain- odiet °Imola here, 07. Keeney and Km, •ing the :rad intelligerme that her twin Koons)), were presented with o fine large sister, fare. 3'. J. Coates, of Shoehone, photo, Di:101y trollied, of tbe church and Idaho, wag dead, No partioulars were parsonage, soopronanied by kindly worded addrees read by Ran, R, .3) Meet appropriate reply Vika 41000 hy M. Mooney, The 13reeeptation was made by 13, Gerry. Shoot nompliment• tory remarke, expreseive of regret and good wishes were made by M. gerrYt W. 11. McCracken, vv. a. Kerr and the pastor, Bev. J. Goimes. The meeting olosed with tbe hymn "God be With Yee till we meet again," Mr. Mooney and family expect to leave for their new home at Weyburn, N. W. T., ou Toeorloy morning of next week. They will be greatly miesed, both in the community and church and oarry with them the beet wishes of all for their prooperIty. Weyburn will be the richer in more ways than one by their settling there, Mro. Dobson will also leave for Hamilota. Man., on the same train. She has been a faithful church worker and her going away will canoe a blank not eaeily Ole!, THE Poeo wishes all concerned God speed. given, Mr.., Om* was vtetttng here for o few menthe last year, eturning home ixt 11111 If alt, .T141)01010 (owe) Herald eaye of a former Brueeels youth, and eon of A, E. VW, 9i Fenton, Minh, E. T. Strungquist, of Elkhart, Lad, a graduate of the Chios° College of Dental Surgery, has been engaged by Dr. H.. M. Val to armlet hint in hie slamming care work, Dr. Stronaquiet has arrived and le in. atoned at Dr. Veal's dental parlors, ALUMS A tanacha.—Albert Ootttes, of Hallett, who was eo terribly iojured by being caught in tbe machinery of a chop- ping machine, has eq far reoovered that he was able to vielt the families of W. Mol'adaean and D. McMillan, East of Brussels, during the past week. Elie restoration is simply marvellous and speaks well for Par. Coates' constitution and grit, We hope he will soon be fully reoovered. The Goderioh paper eaye of a former Brusselite :—Mr. Shannon, tenor singer of Victoria street church, gave the choir a reception at hie residence on the evening of Thursday last. A. most enjoyable evening was spent •in vocal and inetru• mental musks. readings and speeches. Quite au elaborate supper was prepared by Mre. and Miss Shannon to which the guests did full juetice. The members of the choir appreciated Mr, and Mre. Shan- non's caul tesy and generosity. LAHTI:110TH RELIEVED. — There VMS great excitement in town this morning ae soon as the following Telegrams were received by T.Fletcher,—"London, Mar, let,—Ladyemith hae been relieved, This hae been officially oonfirmed by War Offloe." Later,—"London, March let, the War Office hes received the following Business Locals. CASH for hides and sheep eking. A. Memo, B, Raw FT/R0.—Any quantity of fors waSnatwedmr,brymo done on abort notice by an A. Coushay, Brussels. experienced hand. Satisfaction auttran- teeLHum° WIrmanis, 13thesels. WANTED.—Ohoioe roll butter 22o. All kinds of prodatie handled. Few ee large and varied stooks to select from. 0.16, RING, Wiogham. SAW filer MoOregor has a quantity Of choice saws filed and for sale, and can give a bargain. Will take any attwe 10 exchange. T. McGregor, saw Skimmer and filer, Braesels, Ontario. despatch from Gen. Builer.—Lyttleton's. head quarter°, March, let,—Gen. Due. donald with the Natal Oarbineers and Composite regiment entered Ladysmith Liza Messer hag returned from Wrox. Met night. The ocanitry between Inc and Ladysmith ie reported clear of the enemy. I am moving ou Nethorpe." The bells were ringing and whistles blowing and guns were.fired for several boars. The town looked V017 gay, deoorated with Gage of all sizes. Piotares of the Queen were banging at some duors. The Volun- teers and Rand paraded the etreets. The school was closed in the afternoon, and the small boy was so elated you would be sure he had just returned victorious from the ware. We all feel very loyal and rejoine etheediegly over the good news. Roney= Ere MenaL.—Last week Capt. J. Y. S. Kirk, of Brussele, received hie Fenian Raid medal and we Elope he may be spared for many years to wear it. On March 8th, 1866, the gallant Capt., who was in charge of the Goderioh Artillery, took his 65 men to Sarnia ro watch the Fenian marauders who waited at Port Huron with three propellers to laud on Canadian soil. Horace Horton, of Goderioh was Lieutenant. The Goderioh Rifles also went to the same point under commend of °apt. W. T. Hays, Lieut. Jno. Davidson and Ensign B. Seymour. A. few mouths was spent in Sarnia'two Companies being stationed at Point Edward also, and the brave soldier boys arrived baok to the Co, town about the end of May. In September of the same year they were brigaded at Thorald under General Wolseley and had a good time. Capt. Kirk is 67 years of age and enjoys aomparatively good bee I th. Jno. Walker, of Goderioh, father of Mrs. G. F. Blair, of this town, was a Corporal in Capt. Kirk's Company. Mr. Walker is about 80 years of age. The same old time loyalty mill reigne in the hearts of these veterans and they will value the medals in a way that those of as who were not in the "fight" can hardly appreciate. Those were stirring times just the same. ORsTERS, &c.— Some time ago sides were chosen in ammeation with the Mao. oabee Order, Bruesele, for a friendly con. test in seaming new members, the losers to pay for an oyster trapper. Tuesday evening was the evening eat for it and aordingly the K. 0. T. NI. Hall was well filled by those interested and a few outsiders invited to enjoy the evening. Sir Knight M. IL Moore was chairman and had the happy faculty of getting out of all the tight oornere a nervous man ie liable to get into in a position of the kind. The program woo a cheery one and well executed being as follows ;— Humorous reading, "Trading work," J. J. Gilpin ; solo, "Sailing over the ocean" Mies Jean bloArter ; reading, "Wild etrawberriee," Norma Vanstone ; solo, "The widow of old Windsor Hall," A. Roes ; Instrumental duet, "Edna Waltzes," H. L. Jackson and Mies Lizzie Sample; reoitation, "The Union Jack," Winnie MoGuire ; Lady Moneabee Drill by Misses Jean MoLanoblin, Thurso, Garry, Celia Colvin, Duke, Jean Ritchie and Lizzie Leatherdale, Mre, N. kb. Lauohlin, Mrs. S. Carter and Mrs. A. MoGUire '• solo, "Bing again that sweat refrain," Miss Lizzie Sample ; song "The oabin near the Mississippi :hare, Jen. Thomson ; votee of thanks to all taking part on motion of Mame. McGuire and Leatherdale ; song, "The girl I loved in sunny Tennessee," Ed. Hart ; National Anthem. There was not a poor piece on the program. During an intermission the oyster! were served, a long table an. oommodating 80 being filled three times, The service of the hivalthe wth. »not a stinted one by any means and diving for them was not neatn:fay, Ooffee, sand- wiohes, cake eto,, was also dispensed in abundance by the bandy waiters. The evening was a very enjoyable one net all, the L. O. T. M. drill being a specially pleaeing feature. Bruesele Maccabees have had 87 initiations in their Tent dur- ing the past year, the membership now in good standing totalling 105 and forming part of the aggregate 894,274 belonging to the Order. P. Haugh ie the presiding officer in Brut:trete Lent for tbis term and Mrs. A. McGuire renders like sorriea in the Lady Macoabee Hive. Their Hall, in the Stewart block, ia a neat, comfort- able room and they say, whether fooling or not he not for ea to say, that they have two goalie, well trained and cared for ready to make the initiatory Bernice inlereotiog for newcomers, The Mon. calms know how to many through an At Home all right. Miss can Mo- Lanchlin and Mies Lizzie Sample filled the position as aacompaniste most antis. faotorily and, along with H. L. Jackson, contriboted 0 number of choice instru• mantels while the relreehments Were being served, eter. Min Laura Snell ie vititing relatives in Kinburn. Mr. Rogers visited Toronto and Stmt. ford thie week. Miss J. jamesion'of Fordwion is visit- ing ber sister, 11,1rs.R. Casernore, Mrs. West returned with her father, Mr. Gordon, to Whitby on Wednesday. They have started to practise for a Patriotic: concert to be given in the near future. A. number of the young people attend. ed mpOrly at Adam Oleghorns' on the Bluevale road. Mies Minnie, who has been keeping house for her unole, Mr. Leech, has returned to her home. R. N. Duff is at Sherbrooke, Quahog, this week attending the High Court of the C. 0. F. as a delegate from Court (toughie. The email girls' drill that was given at the sollool concert 198.8 given Tuesday evening at the Red Grose concert in Wingham. On Monday evening of laet week the Pre-hyterian congregation pregented Mr. and Mre. Robertson with an address and pair of easy chairs. GEISEROUS.—Thomse Stewart received a cheque for one hundred dollars from Timothy Mitchell & Son, of Keighly, England, one day recently, ae the only way, the gentlemen said, they could ex- press their sympathy for him in the loss of his leg, by au accident, last Sommer. Eu the midst of every -man -for -himself - ism this not of generosity is refreshing. This firm sends one of their numbers, J. Mitchell, to Canada every Winter, to buy maple rollers whioh are shipped to the Old Country to be manufactured into clothes mangles. They have dean with Messrs. Dull & Stewart for several years now, hence their acquaintance with Mr. Stewart. This is Mr. Plitahell's eixtfi annual visit to Canada. HORN . STOTTON.—Uarristen, Feb. 24, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Spotton, a son. - acc.a.mamaxuzm. 11111,—Pdaeon.—At the residence of the bride's father, on Feb. 28th, by Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A., Mr. ano. G. Hill, of Portage.le, Prairie, Man, to Miee Jennat, daughter of jno. Mason, 3rd con., Morrie. =ann. Cohn.—Al Lyleton, Manitoba, on Feb. 3rd, Wm. A. Cole, brother of John Cole, Bolgreve, aged 82 years. Sam —In Denver, Ool., on Feb, 15th, Richard Scott, aged 27 yeare and 2 months. BOANLAN.—In Walkerton, on Feb. 14th, Mrs. John Soudan, aged 88 yeare, formerly of Morrie. ATTRILL.—Hele0 Forrester Attrill, widow of the late Henry Yerwood Attrill, of Ridgewood Park, Goderioh, on February 220d, suddenly, of heart failure. TUESDAY, Mama eth.—Form Stook, im- plements, furniture, atm, Lot 25, Con. 11, MoKillop. Bele at 1 p. m. H. E. Bark. holder, prop. ; F. S. Boott, atm WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 7r.—Farm stook, implements, &a., Lot 2, Con, 18, Grey. Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'clook. Jas. Oakley, Prop ; F. S. Scott, Atm. FRIDAY', March %IL—Farm stock, im• plemenie, &o , 8 Lot 64, Con, 1, Morris. Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Wm. Breaketiridge, prop„ F. S. &Mt, Rue. TUESDAY, MARCH 13. — Farm etock, iMplemente, &o., Lot 22, Oon. 13, Grey. Fis.le, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. D. Mo. Linea, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Atm 13Mi 1.1 Rae.e..102.=SEITHI, Fall Wheat ,,,,, ....... 60 Barley 86 Peas 60 Oats ,, . ..... ......... 36 Butter, tube and rolle .. 19 Eggs per dozen 13 Flour per barrel . . .... 4 00 Potatoes (per bus) 26 Apples (per beg) ...,1 00 Salt per bbl., retail..." 1 00 Hay per ton. 6 00 Hides trimmed . . . ... tides rough Sheep ekins, eaoh 30 Lamb ekine eaoh 26 Hogs, Live 5 00 Hogs 1/reseed 4 500 8 62 88 60 27 20 14 4 00 25 75 70 7 00 7 74 6 5 NVoee #11....4 ... . t .. . 66 25 5 00 6 00 18 IVLI.U. 1, 1900 . . SD T4XAAR.13.4.7q(' =6.1'W.A.USK4620.41$p 1-P72-: • HEAD OFFICE. ,•• TORONTO .• CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollare) . 01,000,000 101050100Y16 FUN•D. • • 5000,000 Agenotet fit aYi prinotpat points Qntario, gnet,ao,11Ianitoba, United Statot England, * Waressze oveci. General Banking Burliness, TranSaoted,. Earmere' . Notes amounted, Drafts Isertind and Oolleatione made on all points. . . , SAVINGS BANK. DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards, Brolear. ATTENTrott mom TO TM: ClOrmOOTION OF Pallentitle 50011 NOTES. Every faoility afforded Guetomers living at a dietance, • . J. N, GOEDON, Apulian AostIT. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. • GISNIMAI, Fervent' wanted at 0000. Ap- ply fo MRS. W. M. SINOLA/R Brueeele Botona to rent on Frederick street, Brnssels, Apply 00 BEV, R. PAUL or Tan Posy, VOIE SALE. — A. BEAUTIFUL home on Wean street ; aleo a piano very little 0808, 000 of the best mama for three hundred and fifty dollars. Must be Bold before the 191 of April. Apply to KM M. CAMPBrEuL0L, B 12, WOOD WANTED. We are prepared to make contracts for 1,000 oorde of hard and soft wood, to be de- livered at the Brussels salt Works. Par - tanners may be had there. THE 00011151014 SALT OOMPANY,,. AUDITORS' REPORT THI3— Township of Grey For the Year 1899. RECEIPTS. • Belanae on hand at last audit._, .0 84084 J Kreuter, balance taxes on 1-011 1802 88079 P3 B!oh ‘Inateseamonearemenosomillenami Not ice to Creditors, Pursuant to Chap, 128, 03,5,0., an persons having olainni against the estate of EWEN 3. MoARTHUR, late of the Township of Grey, Yeoman, deceased, aro notified to sand or deliver to Peter Arthur MeArther, Bruit. sole P.0,, one of the Ihreautors of the estate, on or before tho 16th day of Xarob, 3000, a statement of their o alms and after the last Mentioned date the Exeoutere will proceed to dietribute the eetato among those 00E01- ed thereto, bevies regard, only to such dahlia of which notiee shall have then b000 And the Executor:: will not be liable for the assets of the estate or any Pert thereof to any 980000 01 whose 010010 notioe shall not then have been reeeived. Dated at Bruseels Feb, 21e% MOO. PETER ARTHUR MoARTIMR, Executor. A. HUNTER, Agent for Breen:ore, 83 3 • REAL ESTATE. COMFORTABLE BRIOK RES. IDENOE for sale Si Brussels. corner of Turnberry and Omni streets. There are 8 rooms, cellar full size of house, hard ' and soft water, &L. la acre of land. Location is most co evenient. For further particulate apply to A. 00USLEY, ;I:resole, or D. Me- LENNAN, proprietor, &Goforth. 84-4 'LIAM/IS FOR SALE. — THE A.• undersigned offers for sole hie 100 acre farm, being North Half Lot 25, Coe. 8. Mor- ris, About 75 acres cleared, balance bush There is a geed oonerete dwelling house, a bona ba rn , 2 concrete stables orchard, dm. Also 50 ernes, North 'West 3 Lot 26,000, 2, Morris, with 80 00000 cleared, remainder in bush, For further particulars as to price, term s, conditions, 00., apply to WM, POR- I:16i:3T proprietor, on premiees, or Tolima. town P. 0, 81. , Wm Spenoe,rent for Twp Hall 8 55 Jae Turnbull, mak overdrawn for Casgravel out of Twp funds for sur- 4 08 vey of Beat:champ Creek.... . . . .- 1474 18 Tress of Ontario, Laud Imp't Fund 47 67 J It Miller, balance for license year24 88 ending April 82th 310 Miller, on account of license fund,1899-1900 56 00 Standard :sank, for money borrowed 400 00 Wm Holmes, Public SchLol Grant, Government 4 Standard Bank, note for 8 roontbs,601 re Standard Bank, " 2 months-400 00 Standard Bank, " 2 months400 00 Treasurer of Elmo, rent for Silver • Corners' drain 89 gl Jae Turnbull, work on Elmo bound'y R Lto Givrienygsabanr,a8 85 work on Logan bona- dam Gney share 5 OD Wm Spence, ng'r expenses,Ditohes & watercourses Act Wm Spence, part for deepening oul- 4 oe vert across R R. track J Kreuter, oollector, South division P J Blahop,North " _ 14 " Nor4580 14 04.850000 Total receipte' Rpo,alad0s0a2n0d4 piton.. Fraser oder: izae. exp Watercourses Aon re Ditoltes 0$ 100022 208102 $ 1809029 207 50 EXPENDITURE. EGxrapvellded on Twp Hall 21 84 PrB or°isantrata:e/aaHn°dellstat she bt i o u e r y ( W S p e u o 0 4400 80 40 34 00 Unforseee printing ... 822, A McNair $2.60 24 65 D°11ebaerigures and Coupons mo 2 152 OU WB auii 101010P00a0019182 07 col It toi i roani 0for 1898 ' o000 Law exponent slime 1890 to date 9 170900 28 Govern% Drains Noel & 2, annual 207 60 Loans, iutereet and commission 10 rental, 1378008 to nut County rate for 1899 2520107 2084 County rate for 1898 1550 00 Trustees School Tax Government School Grant• td242202000 007885 Township Sohool Tax W Spence, registering births, mar- riages and deaths 26 80 W Spence, Preparini By-law No 199 20 00 Revising Voters' Lis a T Reny, rent tor court room, 1898 1012 005 Mieeenaneoue 195 75 ------- 33.10Titonhandalexpenditue, 1809 $ 17118 27 922 95 Total $ 18085 92 Account of Iteccipts ntid Expenditure for Gov't Drain No, 28, Extension, for 1110 Year 1890 : RECEIPTS. B alone° in hand from Grey deb's ...$ 10057 70 May 20 Twp McMillen, on amount of Beauchamp Creek 423 28 July 8 Twp of McKillop on Recount of Beauchamp Creek 1247 88 oct 10 Twp of Elms. on soomant of Beauchamp Creek 5904 24 Total amount received --- — 8 17708 05 May 20 Standard Bank, transfer 01 EXPE—NDTTURE. cheque 8 50 Jure 11 George Oliver on contract700 00 July 15 08900 AogA7 106 Trate DicE" VI 880 00 illop, Clerk's few; , for By-law. 44 00 Sept 29 George Oliver on ciontraet603 00 Nov 1 " 101000 Nov 21 Cash paid for ditch incor- porated in the extenaion of Gov- ernment Drain No 2 ........ ....'1268 80 Nov 00 George Oliver on contraet ,, 1090 00 Total amount expended 0751376 80 13 alazua cetrrlinieh Beauchamp Creek 8 11086 75 ASSETS. Jacob Kreuter, unoolleoted taxer 8 10880 Peter Biehop ,ut. collected taxes 64701 Due from Blma on aceount Silver Cornere' Drain 102702 Balance in Co Trees for collection8 83 Tow nehip Hall 1000 00 Balance on hand at audit 922 85 Balance on hand, 8 eanonamp Creek and Gov't Drain No 2 ------ 11086 76 Total deeds 8 "MB 08 LIABILITIES, Government Drains Noe 1 & 2, 11 Due (Jo Trona, Onunty rate 776041 100 years to run Schools, Debentures and Coupons not yet paid Total Liabilittee :57:78078180440 16 24081 65 Silver Corners' Drain Collectors' solaria:: AmOunt to be paid on Beauchamp Greek and Gov't Drain 14a2 19111 00 WE, the undersigned, Auditors of the Township of Grey, certify that Wo have ex- amined the Treasurer's accounts for the pest year, and the youebere belonging thereto, and arid the same comsat and, in our opin- ion the:fin:unties Of the Treaeurer are per-, feetly.good, ALEX. STEWAKT, Anditore, anis, LIVINGOTONN, WINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE. v rico Lot 29,N 4 Con. 6, Morris township, containing 98 MVOS of flret-elase land, There is a bouse, barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farm is well fenced. There are 85 acres in Pall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and 45 scree pasture. Possession could bo given at once. Farm adjoins tbe vines° 01 srus- gels. For further particulars as to price, terms, 00., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, M. P., Baden. 22-tf WARMS FOR SALE. — 100 a. acres in the Township ,of EQwiok, be- ing Lots 15 and 18, Oon. 0• 80 acres are cleared and 20 acres in both bank barn with stone stabling underreath ; arid frame house with cellar. goad thriving orchard. Parra is situated 9 miles from Wroxeter. Also 60 acme in the Township of Turnberry, being North Half of Lot 7, Uon. A ; 80 acres in gram, 20 acres of hnsii ; -frame barn and log house; a good epring. For further par - Maulers apply to ALEX. BISLOP, 286 Wroxeter P. 0. MUSIO BOOKS... We have in stook the fallowing Mask; Peeks ;— ' The Ideal,.. Students and Minstrels, (Songs and Ohorueeo) The Favorite Song Folios, 120 Scotch Songs, Royal Folios of Music, The Peerless, The Elite, The American. Any Music Book or Sheet Music not in Moak will be gladly) procured at Fox's Drug Store. Mir Agent Dominion Express Co, Money Orders sold to all parts of the world. • LARGE FARM' FUR SALE.— •J-4 040 aoree, complete, . section, near Southwest boundary of efenitoua Over 100 aeres under cultivation. Fine two-storey house costing over 01000. 8 miles from rail- way 1 river Souris paeses through farm ; near cheap coal supply. Prim, $4000, Apply to 3000. D. RONALD. 1.q3OR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— ' • 1.0011.—The property of the late John 00nei9ting of a solid briok house, with frame liteben and ..woodelted, good amble and a aore of land, all in first-Masa000dlt90n, oondition, If not sold will be rented. Poe- seeeion at any time. For pa.ticulare apply to Was. STENCH, Ethel; Annx. Pawn:neon, Galt ; or TM, idolInhvlav, Mt, Forest. 20tf r41IRST • CLASS FARM FOR Simu.—Lot 17, oon. 9, Township of Grey. 100 acres more or leo. Situate 4,1 :Mies fromilli meals and 2 miles from village of Ethel. All cleared excepting 6 80000 0! hardwood %nth. Buildinga and fenees in good repair. Good wells, All Fall plowing done. Prim) and terme of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLAIR, 294 Barrister, 00, Brussels. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ▪ on Afill street, Brussels. The house Oe a eonifortable one, well fated up, with hard and soft water, 00. There is also a, good stable. Fruit trees in garden : over one•quarter aore of land. For price, terms, &e„ apply to H. FINN, Proprietor, or W. 10, 00100010 01 01111 Poo, 18.01 1714 ARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES •L Consisting of the South 3aod South of the North 3 of Lot 86, 000 .0, Bast Wawa.. nosh. Tins 10 60 exoellent stook farm,being well supplied with good spring water. 11 10 situated about 9 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Building° and fancies are in a flax state of repair. Easy term; of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11-tf G.F. BLAIR, Barrieter, Bruesels. pEREMETORY S,A.LE OF • A 000D I'00100,—The lar," 10/ 7, oon. 2, Grey, 100 mores, 13 miles from James. town (gravel road) 1000! be eold, under the will of theist° owner. Good buildings, or- chard and never falling water eutmly. The land is clean and in good state of oultivation, 5 acme of Vali wheat now in. This is a de - Bitable property and a oheap bargain 060 08 had. Apply to JOHN WHITE, Jemeetown, or to A.IIIONTER,Bruseele, Executors, 1860 NEW PRING OfiS Opened Up at A. R. SMITH'S, Champion Clothier. We do not want, and do not expect you to lead a long harangue of detail • we are after business and believe you are. Our goods are Reliable, Fashiouable, Superior Value and therefore Saleable. OUR STOCK INCLUDES MISMIMMM Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Ribbons, Men's Furnishings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Suits Made to Order, Ready -to -Wear Clothing, Boots and Shoes. -----.a,» I4 LOOK THROUGH OUR High Class Dress Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cas, Is an Eye-opener to our Customers this Spring. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO HAVE A VISIT FROM YOU. A. —The 0120 Plice Cash, Smith, Store— '.001 Still pays the highest price for Butter and Eggs. •