HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-1, Page 7111VIAs,en 1, UPUO
M+!lux, tliaDx ,cul tOternlaa !Mare Wood
Arora" Warne Die 'rhea Ilowileerx.
One of the most remarkable tear
rivals in the woeld, is thllt bold Anna
roily at midQWlnneer in the city o San
Domingo la .the West Indies, when
overt' inhabitant dooms it incumbent
upgn him to decorate his hours with
the shells --otter!• richly gilt and gar
,landed --of the
so abundant in the neighbourhood. The
womou-fo1k else throng the streets,
attired in their best clothes, and wear
ing as jewellery gold and silver repro
duotione of the ungainly oreetnres;
while, to crown all, a huge specimen
used? until quite recently, to be led
oa+ptz'e thorough the principal thor-
oughfares, the inhmitants saluting it
as It ;passed with rgspeetful and rever-
ential gravity, The origin of 'this ex-
treordinary etletom is said to have
been the good service once render-
ed to the citizens by the progenitors,
of the orabs in question, in scaring
'way a body of Engltslh cavalry, the
clattering of their olaws and shells be -
Ing mistaken for the sound made by
Spanish cavalry,
A somewhat similar story is oleo
told concerning the gigantic tropical
fireflies which swarm in the ferrate
and cane -brakes of most of the larg-
er West Indian islands. A bodyrof'bue-
, metiers, needed by the notorious
Thomas' Cavendish, were contemplat-
ing a -descent upon the coast -towns,
of Hayti, and, bad actually put off in
their boats for that purpose. As they
approached the land, however, retying
with muffled oars, they were greatly
surprised to see an infinite number
of moving lights In the woods wbioh
fringed the bayou up which they had
to proceed, and concluding that the
Spaniards knew of • their approaab,
they put about, and regained their
ships without
Ostriches, when seen at a distance,
look exactly like irregular cavalry
scouting in open order. It wee this
peculiarity in their appearance which
saved an ontime British force from •an-
nihilation dining the Boer War of
1841. The Royal Inniekilling Fusilier's
were advanoing in nehmen across the
veldt, near where the town of Dur-
ban now stands, when a flask of these
ungainly birds WAS descried in tbe
distance, moving in and out among
a cluster of kopjes on our right front,
and apparently bent on outflanking
0e, " A Boer cavalry patrol!" Dried
everyone simultaneously; and the
regiment promptly proceeded' to form
'femm. A little later the true nature
of the supposed " cavalry patrol" was
discovered but simultemeouly the
main Boer army, which bad been lying
concealed in the bed of a dry sp1'eit
about a thousand yards ahead, opened
tire, Imagining, of course, that we had
somehow been warned of the trap
which they had prepared for us. As
it happened, the Boers were in over-
whelming strength and but for the
lucky -and, under the eireumstances,
quite pardonable -mistake, the Innis -
killings would almost certainly have
been cut to pieces. As it was, they
bed to stand a siege of many weary
weeks, and were only rescued at last,
in the very nick of time, by reinforce-
ments Rent round by sea.
The Dutchmen ware then, of comae,
not nearly so strong numerically as
they are at present, but their method
of fighting seems to have been muc)l
the same. Theis skill in taking advan-
tage of every bit of cover is described
as marvellous, and carne as a revela-
tion, to our office's and men; as did
also their wonderfully accurate shoot-
ing, Indeed, just at first the Irish
lads could not believe it possible that
their being struck so often, and near-
ly always in a vital part, was due
to anything but a series of unlucky
accidents. After the first day or two
of the siege, bowevor, tbey learned
better, end grow, very shy of showing
themselves within view of the Boer
Every reader of this article has
doubtless reoalled for himself the
hackneyed story of the geese that sav-
ed Rome, but comparatively few prob-
ably are a'waro that tbe city of Que-
bec was warned in a similar manner
of the approach of an enemy by the
opportune cackling of tba same noisy
birds. The incident occurred in 1775,
when the town was being besieged by
the Americcin provincials, under Mont-
gomery, and the details are still pre-
selrved In the municipal archives.
Indeed, these stories of besieged
towns warned by birds of tbe approach
of an enemy ehrop'up again and again
and are no doubt for the most part
true. Every species of fowl -and es-
pecially every species of waterfowl-
is able to detect the approach of
strange footsteps when yet very far
off, and invariably gives Doisy notice,
-a trait in their charaotor well known
to ell pack poachers, A carefully -plan-
ned Moorish attack against Vallado-
lid in Spain, failed for this reason; and
a portion of the Castle of Garve, in
Sweden, built by Valdemnr T. in com-
memoration of a parallel Inafdent, is
celled the Goose Tower to this vary
day. During the American Civil War,
too, the screenhing of a flock of gni-
nea-fowl effectually warned tbe in-
habitants of the little Mississippi town
of Greenville Of the approach of -Quail -
Alva, the meroiless Spanish gover-
nor of theet r
N ho lands, oonoerntng
whom it wee said that iu a long lite
of warfare' be \vas never beaten or
!surprised, failed, nevertheless, to de -
teat the importance attaching to the
antics of a number of storks which
were wading In the wafter in front
of the belengured city of Maastricht.
The long-legged blow
sively to the burghers that alagoon,
which stretched between themr and the
Spanish general's camp, was fordable;
and, sallying forth in the dond of night
they aaraeodetin inflicting en rmo11
damage on the besic
da ere. g g
There is a sudden dearth of have-
s) nu'rses,-Many have 8.0118 to the
Irene fold the remainder are, busy with
influenza patients at home.
Wham et girl ie been in I4gr1t14 she le
net even dignified by a nate, Sim,
eral nalnee are written on altps of pa-
per and pinned. Ln an ,urn before fJorne
favorite Jiiety, and When it le daces•+
Barry her godfetber soloists tine with*
out .00044'41, and alto le known by
it until 3'110 reaeltos women/toed eels
Ong the m'esnhere of her own family,
Str4n400. deotgnate Iter as the wife,
mother, sister or daughter of snob a
man. This is not mere)), the result
of a euatone The lawn are eorlet in
tide matter, and bold a woman of lit-
tle more censoqueuee than a domestic
anienel. In tbe blgher emeses of ea
ctety the glade are separated from; the
boys of the family et the age of .7
yettee, They wimpy the apartments
of women, and are forbidden to con)-
municate with anyone outside.
The great loss of life incurred by the
English troops is mainly attributable
to the charges they have bad to make
across open sptaes in order to dia.
lodge the enemy ^from the sheltering
kopja. In dater to minimize the death
roll it Isles been suggested that just
before a ehnrge takes place smoke
shells ebould be fired, which would
temporarily hide the'J3nglisll coldiere.
Pale and Languid
O +
l'hcy are Subject to Itoadnehtm, Heart
• Troulde, and all MndUNpo8ll inn to Exer-
tion -Parente Should Act Promptly In
Such Crises.
1811s0 Alava Gau'thfetr, daughter of
MT. Adelard Gauthier, pneprletor a a
well known hotel et Three Rivers,
Que., enjoys u wide popularity among
her young friends, and they have re-
cently had occasion to rejoice at her
eestoratioq to health after a seriou
illness. When a reporter celled to
ascertain the facts of the case Miss
Gauthier was out of the Laity on a vie -
it, but Thar tether very glmddy consent-
ed to give the story of ,her ours. Ile
said :-" I believe that had it nottbeen
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills my daugh-
terAlme, might now have been in her
gnevo, and I would be ungrateful in-
deed if S did not et .lull times say a
kind word in favor of the modioine
that restored her to hoadtb. My daugh-
t+0r'e' health first began to give way
severe' years ago. At fleet the trou-
bae slid not appear to be serious; and
we ttloeght she woulid soon regain her
accustomed health. As the time'wwnt
on, however, this proved not to be the
apse. She grew weaker, was troubled
with headaches, poor appetite, dizzi-
nese and a ,feeling of almost constant
languor. She .was treated by a good
doctor, but still there was no improve-
ment. She seemed to be gradually
fading ?away. If she walked • up
stairs she would have to stop several
tinges to reet on the wary. She lost
all .her color, and her face was as
white almost as chalk, Iter trouble
was clear', that svl2Joh afflicts so
many young women entering woman-
hood, and we feared it would develop
into consumption. One day a friend
of the gamily ledged her to try Dr.
Wi llama' Piok Pills, and she con-
sented, ' and procured a couple 08
boxes. R3efore bhey were quite gone
there was a slight improvement in
her appetite and we looked upon thie
as a hopeful sign. Another half dozen
boxes were procured, and under their
use ane day by day acquired new
atrength and new;' interest in life. She
le now as (healthy a girl as there is
in %three Rivera, with every traoe of
her pallor and langour gone. This is
entirely due to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and Item .rejoiced to be able lo
say so publicity."
The case of Mise Gauthier oertainly
carries with it a lesson to other par-
ents, w'hoee daughters may be 'pale,
languid, easily tired, or subjeot to
headaches, or tee other distressing
symptoms Ghat mark the onward
Progress of anaemia. In oases of this
kind Dr. Willinuts' Pink Pills will
give more certain and speedy results
than any other 'medicine. They act
promptly and directly, making new,
rich red blood, and strengthen the
nerves, and correct all the irregulari-
ties incident to this critical period.
Sold by all denials or sent post
paid at 50o. a box or six boxes for
$2.50, by addressing the Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Do not be persuaded to take some
There is no surer mark of the ab-
sence of the highest moral and Intel-
lcolual qualities than a cold reception
e x nal len ee.:13ai1cy.
Toronto, Dec, 85th. -The following
paregraphs ornately truths, as vital as
anyy clergymen ever uttered, and tbey
Should receive the earnest attention of
all who read them.
Thousand Isl:and'Perl., July 22, IRO.
The Amide Chemical (io.
Dear Airs,-Al.'th3e' beginning of this
month! my oonsbituii,rn was so much
rim down t•llat I had to get
leave Of ab settee from my con-
girogalioo for four months. I .iloft
Nelly Fork on the. 10th thee., and while
In Toronto T some Dr. Arnold's slug
fish Pills advertised in the News and
bought a :box of them. When 1 eum-
moaced talking Thom my condition was
such that I could not sleep and my ap_
eell'e Wad 0ary poor, bet berme I had
I inikbed the box I oould eleep well and
enjoy a.goad meal. and new I feel like.
at newt man. In the fttsi. plane I feel
wielded to tb T• ons i'
1e Toronto Nrn for put-
ting Me on the right hack, and in the
second pisco I think. Dr. Arnold's Eng -
nett' Mile the bust medicine I ever
Ennlascd please find two clollersfor
whichtAu will please ;;f • l
e ae sen,? mo thrree
1labxeB of year pills td the cbddress l,-
Yoursos r s
m 1 e ctfull
J. C`. C)tASF,
Rev. 3. C. Glans, Dal),
Thausand Islend Paris.
A New 'leer 'rem leiter Delivery CPO$t
(19118 ntecnt tttereetece
The idea Of using a 13010beheli 05 11
lotlelr'•box 14 no now one, altiteugll
probably owing to the vastly Inoreee-
ed weep of medorn gune,'--the• device
3300083 to hwve_been more often /Maori -
ed to during the present wet' titan WAS
ever the cane previously,
P b io d IXLd rt
The es gs Ysnwh t Barr scn,tt
will be remembered, sent the Beare to
Christmas -card, enclosed in a fifty -
pounder, en the morning of December
25tb. Not to be outdone in polite -
nese, the energy, on the evening of
the rust day of the old year, fired
two plugged Palliser shells into the
Britieii camp. On one Was ineerib'ed
the nomplimonte of the season.' The
other, on being opened, was found to
contain a real Englieh Cbristnzae plum
pudding accompanied by a -for a Boer'
:.facetiously ironical letter of greet-
The above is on the authority of the
representative on the spot of one of
the largest of the International news
agonciee. Another correspondent
mentioned incidentally that important
despatches had been forwarded in this
same novel mannas' from General
White to General Buller, the shells
containing the doeennents having been
by arrangement, painted red, so as to
be easily +recognisable by the recipi-
A modern big gun, if givep suffi-
client elevation, will fine
anywhere • between nine and eleven
miles, or far beyond the remotest out-
posts of tba Boer army now Investing
the Alderalot of South Africa.
A single shell, landed on some spot
on the veldt previously agreed on by
code -signal, could be made to eatery
a whole budget of lettere and des-
patehes,-'moro, in fait, than could be
sent through in many days by the or-
dinary heliographic or searoblight
mlethod of eignailling,
Numerous lettere have been fired in-
to and out of Mae:king by bombshell
post, and most of the shells recent-
ly used by the Kimberley garrison,
have been inscribed with Cecil Rhode's
compliments. The latter idea was
probably borrowed from the Germans,
who, when bombarding Strasburg,
during the last Franco-Prussian war,
eternised a number of their solid shells
with the ironic message, " a Berlin."
This was, of course, the cry raised
by the frenzied Parisian populace on
the eve of the d'erea1ation of war.
Later 011, 'during the investment of
Paris, hundreds of plugged shells fill-
illed with letters were fired from the
boleagumed city. Many of these were
captured by the Germans, not a few
went asteay, and were lost irretriev-
ably, but some wore picked Up by
French peasants, and reached event-
ollly those 'for whom they were in-
The worst of these letter -filled
bombshells Is that they are liable to
bury themselves in the ground by the
mama force of their own impact. One
such was unearthed not long since in
a wood near Vincennes. It contain-
the dates upon whieb showed that
the receptacle containing them had
been f=iced-probably front one of the
outlying forts -during the earlydaye
of the siege.
The surliest recorded instance of the
use at the ordinary letter filled bomb
olE today was at the siege of Tournay,
when the garrison hit upon this ex-
pedient for opening up communica-
tions with the outside world. It was
awing to one of their aerial post -of -
flees, filled with plans and despatches,
faulting short, and thereby coming in-
to our bands, that that discovery was
matte of the exact position of that
vast subterranean store of gunpow-
der which was afterwards known as
the "Great Mime," A portion et our
e mtp Was founds to be well .withinthe
danger -zone, and on the night of .Au-
gust 251:It, Wtts rensoved to a sater-lo-
unlit Our l' 1
u allies, the Dutch, v
y, s Dt , howe el,
refused to take warning, believing the
whole affair to be a ruse, of the ene-
my to get us further away ?from the
town. The result was that over four
hundred of them were blown to pieces
in the terrific explosion which took
place early on the nnorning of the fol-
lowing day.
Morten' I Gu vines: till inquit'ed a,
uonfidx'nt-looking stranger of a'Weak
y'oun'g anon who stood weighing su-
gar in a grocer's eltop.
Yes, sir.
Um„ You're advorlisingfor aniant-
ger, I believe?
Yes, we are.
Present teenager about anywhere?
Well,. I'm mnalager at present, 51r,
Ab 1 Teat's good, Now, whet. sort
rf ohaip may the guv'nnr be? Old ?
About tee, age?
Ilad any trouble with hila at all?
Well, I can't say I have.
Close-fisted sere'w, ain't he?
Some people might call Min so.
Ah, well 3f 1 get on bare and he
tries any of his nonsense on me bell
get his bead in the sugar -bin. Just
give him nay name, will yeu 1
" Well, it you're applying fox the
situation Ism: taking on the new man.
By Jove i You are 1 Now, I should
like to get this shop. Think you could
conte to am immediate decision if 1
made it w sLt Your while
Shouldn't wonder.
Ah I Now I a'post, we inlay consider
it settled, eh'8 ate he slipped A half -
sovereign Jute the meek young man's
Yes said that individual, i -
i as b q cel
ly pocketed the nein. Somehow I don't
think you'd silt.
+'bunch ie l
1 4 Not suit • whyhmts
that ?o'
Well, you see, I thieve to be Lite
p03 005' uttl'self I
RAT 8',$EillS 'Q$PIR
It's tat more Colialeao than Japer, Held pply la'
enact restos
Pllie38 WHO Jaoillna AWN Tppt OM !When
to Pieta%
tA strange lake exists in the centre
of Sulphur rel nli, off New Zealand,
11 13 50 agree in extent, about 12 feet
in depth and 15 ?feet above the level o
the sea: The post remarkable char
aeteristic of tide lake;, is that he we
ter oontaine vast quantities of hydro
obloric and sulphuric) uc.i..e 'dosing an
bubb.ing at a temperature of 1131 tan
greet. Fahrenheit.. . The dark green
colc,red water looks particularly un
Inviting. Dense elou.ls of suttees.' 1
fumes constantly roll off this boffin
caldron, andcare has to be exercise
in approaching this lake to avoid 1he
risk of suffocation. On the opposlt
side of the lake may be seen the fro
niendous blow -holes, which, when in
full blast, Present an awe-inspiringg
sight, The roar of the stream as It
rushes forth into the air le denfenin
sed often huge howlders and stone
are burled out, to a height of severs
hundred flet by the various interna
forees of nature. A boat can b
lam -totted on the lake, and, if proper
earn be observed, the very edges
the blow -holes may be safely explored
Som idea of the strength of the acid
saturated water of this lake may!b
gathered. from the fact that a boat
almost circa/yeti to 1.45065 after all
the passengers had been landed, as tb
rivet,, had corroded under the influ
enact of the acids.
— ---
When one of the e00my IB sent with
n flag gf true°, he is blindfolded and
taken to the officer sin/mantling Ide
gutpcsts, 98 he brings a letter, lie *0
given a receipt and immediately 0033-.
ducted outside the lines. Ire has there
fore not much opportunity of oarrying
away valuabie information,
Sickness Banished -Health Restored.
Gentleman,. -,Dr. Ward's .I31ood and
Nerve Pills have done my sister so'
much good that 10 grateful.apprecia.
tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I
would gladly give a testimonial un-
solicited, as to their merits. 1)95
sister, 111 years of age, caught a vim
lent cold -eine then she has been in
very poor health, lost all Dolour wee
anomie, her blued :had no vitality, sad
she lied no physical strength, she be -
mole extremely nervous, so maul) 00
d that else could not stand any exertion
- or excitement, and it was impossible
_ 'for her to get restful sleep, she lost
her appetite, hor heart because very
weak, palpitating 80 violently that
c she could hardly breathe at the sllgh-
g test exertion. When she commenced
takingltstwa Dr. Wardmonths's Bagolooshed andwas Nervine
o State of complete physical and nervous
- prostration, Her blood was scanty
with 110 more strength than water,
.Sauce taking Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Phis she has been rapidly' mend
g ing, her appetite has returned, she
s sleeps well her nerves are stronger,
1 and her heart gainers strength so that
1 , 't is able to fulfill its functions. Prior
o to taking Dr. Ward's Pills she had
taken many medicines without any
of spacial benefit. Dr, Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills are certainly the only
medicine that has done any good. Be-
e Yore taking them she was getting
weaker, her heart and nerves losing
strength daily. Since she bad began
taking them she has daily and con-
- tinuously gained health and strength.
30 College street,
Peterborough, Ont,
Our ancestors have travelled the
Iron ago; the golden is before ue.=St.
Michael Hglley'n, of St Thoma6;
Cured by Dodd's Kidney
Suffered With DL•rbetee and Backaches
for Over a Scar -Was Advised to Eao
Dodd's Kidney Pltls-e1 Saved From
Ws Brave."
St. Tomas, Feb. 19. -Nowhere in
Ontario are Dodd's Kidney Pills more.
highly valued than, in the neigh.b,,
hoed of St. Thomas. They are Lemons
for haying iirat given sufferers from
Bright's Disease and Diabetes a road
to safety, for previous to the discov-
ery of Dodd's Kidney Pills these dis-
eeses were invariably fatal.
Mobile' Hallam, a farmer, living
;near St. Thomas, 15 Ono of those who
Cully appreciate the worth of Dodd's
(Kidney Pills. He has good reason to,
Ole was cured of Diabetes by their use.
(He admits that but far Dodd's Kidney
Pills he would be in his grave to -day,
Diabetes is a local disease of the kid-
neys. Dodd's Kidney Pills are there-
fore the only medicine u_f the slight-
est use la the treatment of this dis-
ease. Th'e' kidneys are the only or-
gans affected, and Dodd'a Kidney Pills
are the only medicine that can reach
the kidneys with any beneficial effect.
There are moreover tt number of
other diseases which are caused by
dfisorder of the kidneys and Dodd's
Kidney Pills by outing the kidney dis-
order removes the cause of these
other troubles. Thus it is that
Dodd's kidney Pi11s are the only
radical anti .permanent cure for
Dropsy, Heart Disease, Rheumatism,
Lumbago; eciation., Bladder and Urin-
ary Complaints, Fem1,1e Disorders and
unhealthy condition of the blood.
As for DS/hetes the statement
signed by Mr. Mi,sluael Hallam, of St.
Thomas, and witnessed by Mr. E. E.
Ostrander, of Dutton, will prove that
the claims made for Dodd's Ridniee
Pills are absolutely. true. The state-
ment.reads ;-
"I have been troubled for one year
with Diabetes. My back was in the
worst kind df pain all the time. My
urine was very dark and my oondition
was getting vary serious. A friend
of mine told Inc tui try Doddee kidney
Pills. I have no used one box hnd
am already completely cured. My
urine is at its nit tura] color and my
bock is as strong ns a board. I,can-
not praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too
highly for I am cscenin they, here
saved me from the grave."
Lift up thyself, look are ed, and see
something higher end brighter than
earth worms and earthly darkness. -
Men judge us by the success of our
efforts. God looks at the efforts
t hemselves.-Wha hely,
Cannot Recommend it Highly enough.
Arias Ethel I1ildlnon, of West' Lake,
Ott.; "toys: "I am pleased to Say. that
Cotarrhozone has given Cue the best
of, so l lsfaction. No other reutNily hos
a, ]
been elite e to ••
do a� much/ for ma nv
Cal arrhozone. has done., It has 00 red
111r.l019 tongll-the,reSelt of peen -
mottle and 1feel 1c1111101 Say los mv,rb
in its pt nine. Il. IA everything you
guarantee it to be. CaItir,.3b-o-A•nne
Is Raurraalted to (11111, Catarrh, Asthlnm,
Bronchiiis and feritable throat; Sold
everypvhers. .Trial outfit sent forlOc
in stamps by N. (l, POI,SOkvT & 00.,
Kingatolt, (lnl:,, Proprietors.
'rhe Bcere aro salll to consider the
Appointment or Lord Roberts a greet
enmpltruant to the Trensvttel,
O'KEEFE'Sorates d'Map R�nMALT
Our greatest glory 1s nob In never
falling, but in rising every time we
MR8, WINSLOW'S 8007)51200 STROP bee been
used by mother, for their children leeching. It eodthee
the cbtld, .5(1,03 the 1580, ollaye pp,in, 01000 *101
nolle, end la the beat remedy hor g out to world. a bot•
Be. Sold by all druggists slow'. hoar the world, Be
lure and oak for "hire. wloslow'c Soothing Syrup. The giraffe, the armadillo and the
porcupine are voiceless.
TO 0110E A COLD taiONE ball
Take Laxative Broom Qninioe Tablets. All
ttrnggiete refund Lha money If f0 Mats.
FAS• Grove's slgaatere ie on eaob hex,
Every man's task is his life -pre-
server. -Emerson.
00085 COUNTY,t
FRAME 3. CHEESE ,nokre8 oath l flat he 1a
ernior partner of the Rrm of P. J. 0101880 R
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will par the rum of DME 11UNO 101) DOL.
_Will for each and every Daae of CA'rARRn
that cannot he cured by the nee of BALL'S
Sworn to before nu, and subscribed In Inv
presence, this nth day of December. A.D. 188E
9EAL.: iyotary Public.
Halle Catarrh Cure le taken intet'nane end
sole directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Bend for testimonials. free,
11. J, CHEENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Druggists, 750.
Ball'eFamfy Pitta aro the best.
People eeldom improve when they
have no model butthemselves to Dopy
ref ter,-Goldsm,i t Ii,
The " Balmoral," Free BUS A0, Plup.ap.
Hotel Carslake �"epenn Pian. naeme
9 from$lo day) Opp.
G.T.0. Station, Montreal. Geo, Carslake A Go., Prop'..
AYEHBE NOUSE—F Cgjty Hotot 0010, 85.60
Dor any.
ST. JAMES' HOTEL••0rpoeiteG.T.RDepot,
RoUwy. Flr.bolau, Commercial Renee. 1[ode n'im
prly.menfr-Rat.e moderate.
The lie indirect is afters as bad, and
always meaner and more cowardly
than the lie direct. -Ballo).
'W. P. C. 1Oi*.t.
OArboltc Olainfeetunte, Scapa, Mot
moot, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been
awarded ISO medals and diplomas for enporior
excellence, Their regular ttsu prevent infoott•
ons diseases, Ask your dottier to obtain a
supply, Lints 001111 free on application.
To send ler our
complete SHEET
yequipped to
11174 clrig
Bllaley3I oyce
H Co,,
ISO Toile* St.,
fIijMMON SENSE KILt3 Roacltos, Bed
31 Hugs, Rata anti Alice, Sold by nn
Dragglstn, or 381 Quson W. Toronto.
Trier"• 44/
e✓ J L'HtP`�1.dG'r4L'0
w;v4.t.e/ 71-407t/ 1,4e,
c;f .40,14, al 06bi di9a,,ed
friiitd ice•
TTiir is 410
e of imprtrvenlent, What WAS boot yellterday 18 ORO
N poor.aeeopd
A,•) i 9 LOINI TEA , Ig predate
of Mho,.
.RA edBS, 0, o, 40, Mo sod M13
1+lktunatuiA, mei/wick MulouLAl,;
- •,nT
y, abed s sure an has cured thousands-SOMO proaopnced
0 on Willett, rerr
lncwablc, Write At ourda, Oooklet And
Prof �!d¢
henWIS -
R N 00 Windsor, r0 Ont., nl Canada
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste,
and agreeing with the most sensi-
tive stomach. Used by physicians,
in the treatment of all throat and
lung troubles, and— if results
count for anything—almost no
limit to the good it can do`
Sample bottle Mailed t'o any address on receipt of 40
cents to cover postage.
Angier 'Chemical Co. TIV.Ittice Toronto
Tlnoalled for excuses are praatioal
confess! on s, -Simmons.
"Pharaoh tDost'POigarumoolaottueta
Evil is wrought by want of thought,
as well as by want of beart.-Hood.
La Toscana, 1Oc. Na Q1;y Mo t oosll
Tomatoes have been eultivated for
only one hundred yearns.
Largo income - Pleasaant
e.0Weqpt. LriIa,adafmhtrpwkritui forpauusnasefer-
Se, McKinnon Building, Toronto.
Carters 5010 OURS 100. Cures in a )57y P. Mo.
Qormaoe 8 Ca, Agents, Montreal.
O. Rolland, sale agent forElena:Mele,,, Send 103.
stamp for catalogue. 373 Bt. Paul Street, 01001,eal
Sausage Casings—Newimporretio' /nest
gEnglish Sharp and Am
edam Hog Casings -n:1 Oa goods at right pries,
PARK, ELACKWELL § 00., Toronto.
Catholic Prayer Books, Rosaries, Oru.
oifixee, Roapulars,
Bellew. Ptot:wee, Statimry, and Churoh Ornaments,
Educational works. Mail orders receive prompt ahem
non. D, & J. BADLIER & 00., Montreal.
Asbestos Roods,
Pipe Covering,
Lubricating 0,11,
Greases, etc.
3 ,111,1
• has been used but intro 1 is practicallybood ax
005 will be sold Went: 1 Garvin 0,,, !tiller• 1
Emory Stand; 1 Lathe, 4 foot bed, 1 1 80esdale Lathe,
loot; 2 Caucko, 12 In.; 1 Power Hoek Saw; 3 Tuba
Vices, Iron Pedestal ; 1 Large Polishing Sank; 1 Speed
Lathe; 2 Spoke Threading Machines; 1 Engine . the;
22 Split PL
Pulleys of different eines; 5 Block Pules,
aANY to E. W. NESBITT, Woodstock, Ont,
Dominion Line BTEAMSHIPa
Portland. Mc., to Liverpool, via Halifax.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
' Dominion, Camhroman.
Rats of passage :-FIreL Cabin $50 upwards; 8eoond
Cabin,535; Steerage, sato and Cabin,
For further information apply totooal agents, or
DAVID TORRA119 9Et. 8 00 Geneent l Agents,
00 reit.
Dari ors intending to Sled
Corn Note This,
Mineral Extract ,a Lha orad eat and
holt. ng ocr,, too
coloring corn 11
hadprovent0 awes o horn plating up corn shoo planted. 1
had 14 sores a all
col loaf year on 00 tame 03,1 Inrnr and
by, the teed al o clam and had no01 s ea destroYed
by irons. I alsot ng of as good 00 s heavy coot well planned for malting corn grew to enh, fading 'a well
nansod with ,I amt 1 have a email
the agency for lt.
I their who orders
w hay nWy a en'tan ti10 should send
In thatr amara oat 12.10 Ilan !rob, 1st• Small box
colprice 5.00,• will be nriee
for .110 if ordox red by 1eh1513.,
l'ow s&O0 • with
ho derls for ilia Orders taken lifty Ire! 0 ,th,
Penne, rder with ardrr,. 1 O eked5,1 yl 1pi lifter b oh
tat, in st dr to gut ?tem ,11 racked and . for
shinning. nPore
•t F I fe dh•o04 et G.T
I r t ty ra and O.P,R, tar 1o,a
Every boa at Extract guaranteed to eve entisfwLimn or
money refunded.
ANDREW KAUFMAN, :Forges 8.0., Ont.
Loan and Slayings Company.
t ,40011 IN' s ATM: 1855.
The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort.
gage Corporation,
Paid.tap Capital, - Sz i
Reserve Fund I,1ooaoo
Head Moe -Toronto 8t„ Toronto.
grant* Otfioee-Wlnelpog, Man., Vancouver, 8,0
DEPOSITS RE0137VE10. Interest allowed.
0EBENTUR108 1551IED for 1 0, 5,4 or 6 acre
with Mimed coupons attached. ' yams,
MONEY LENT on rlty Of estate pott
6or ernmunt and Municipal Bonds, eW
For further 154 1051am apply to
i J. mustier MASON,
Managing Moaner. !'amara
°1 BEAVER BRAND" Maokfntaatj
never harden. & is guaranteed water]
Drool, Aek G,r It,taka no other, Bass
rar Rubber Clothing 00., MoatreaL
337vts-8s Sa7rr9,yws
Wholesale only, Long Distance Telenhoue1728,
end other PRODUCE, to ensure best results aweigh it
The Dawson Comrnlssion Co., Limited*
our. Went -Market & Colborne St., Toronto
TORONTO Cutting School offer. apeotel advantages
to all dnsiroue of acquiring a thorough knowledge al
Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's Garments Write her
113 Yonge SL, Toronto.
permanently auras
vCatarrh of nose -t
Mia O throat, mom ad
and bladder. Sick s1 a box. Write Inc partloulers, Tnaee
Indian Catarrh Cure Co., 148136. James-st„ Montreal.
Mi11., Mille & Hal.
to Wesley Bidgge„ ltiob..
mond 8t. GP..Toronto,
R O O F I @i C and Sheet Metal Workeq
180001150 51,AT5 ie Black,Red or Greco. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (Eye supypill
Public and High Sohoole Toronto)• Roofing/ttelt, i'ito
Deal Tar, eta. ROOF dtdi
0 nOrI TILE (sea New liitg .VON
Irapa, Toronto, date by o furnished f Mork! complete
r MS
elonrlat, HlpI,sd 10any
part 0 for work complete er(ogI1
a, Mit/1100
ita11000p BONS,
part &Widmerf the St PhoneHagD, 08tH IE& SBNB, Atlolald• &widmer Bta,Torontd
Dyeing 1 Cleaning !
For the very bort eeod your work to rho
Look for agent In your town, or toad dim:,
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Men or wom0n In all parts. of Canada
to handle our trade. Liberal 004ar
mission or salary and exclusive tel.
rit0ry to right. purlins. 0node MM.
17 un-lo-d0e and groat 0ell011. Pan
tie0 ora free.
Automatic Steam Cooker Co.
205 College Stregqq
Ohaopeat and Boat Covering to the World.
Yla a PIPE
':EWER Covering
Steam sod Hot and Cold Water Pipet:, Cold Storage
Pipe. Kitchen Boners, eta.
for pardoulsre apply to
Toronto, Montreal, and London, Eng.
That Bountiful Stock and Grain Phren eommold
known as the "Glen Dm it is 0, 0.0, 11 mile troth
800050ip atalton on the 4.P.R., and six tabes holt
Woodstock; 300 odd :wren; eplandid l:arcl,vood 003311
about 15 acres cedar; ant -obey buildings. For fnrthoi'
particulars Innutro of
Box 534, Womb:Wek, Ont.
apeoiel stook, guaranteeing large dividends; alto an In.
30,10,0 t stook payable in monthly lnatalments; drnv,ing
cash dividend*, half yearly. Parties wonting aafa ant}
profitable investment should correspond wah
Yoe Sun Savings and Loan Co„ 70101/003
Mo0ayloaned on favorable terms; sauna wanted to
unrepresented distr101a; write us.
Michigan Land for Sale.
by 000 A0RE5 0000 1AOM1N0 LANDS -ARENA°
Ior n
/ o O mm:w
s And rel, Drd 11 &213. Talo par
Mow Ln bll otIro e, atYW, Darren Io'froth{so alt
Loon 10, hem Lau at aro Olo moping iroln S2 tote
per acre, Churches.
s Laude O, an io will
be 901don Nate
r'ownr, Oh terina, H 811515 oto., and will 110 so W o0 lei
reeaonnble terms, Apply to
It. M. PIERCE Agent, West Bay Glt MM.
0rJ.W. 0T1R�'I 1
s, ora, a�laa.
JAS. R. ANNETT, Manager.
JONN'J, MAIN, Sept, Mel Tram
The Canadian 17
Heine Safety
O .Sherbousplanadern
pP St., Toronto
High Class Water
H Tube Steam
Bolters, for All Pressures,
Duties and Fuel.
n e tb E(0, 0 o. LI,In t 3, IninNad,
IJEffEEiiGCS (((The Ol Raton iso, IJn. 51,
{ The Al aseayHnrriA 00. LOmitnd,
The WilsonPO/Wid %Ea!u gitaaj.
(81.dTondo, Moro hollers macho ManiWerkh4i