The Brussels Post, 1900-3-1, Page 4,TAE ..13 •R t S S E NP44$
Tr"Iu1i$zAY 11M4.11, 1, 1900.
THIN . PrOaineial Parliament., will in
aekesl to a° ahead lite law having refer,
once to IAiyndlorde and: Tenants that a n,
t;, tenant may be a'bOuneed'1 without it
coating the proprietor from 480 to $$0to
eeouro poeeet8iop of }lie property, To
attain a big redoation in expenee a change
would be neooaeary allowing the eerviee
of popery and ejectment to be made by
the Bailiff of the Division Court instead
of the Sheriff, &o. It ie proper' that the
rights Of the poor man should be guarded
but it is also a oorreot thing to be jaet
before you are generpus and the present
law ee to tena°oy is off color,' as many
who bave persona) knowledge of Its work.
ings owl testify.
deem now a youngtellow named Soholeo,
of Toronto, ie being lionized because he
Went , over to New York and 0000000fu11y
pounded a few other page and was award.
ed the championship.' How slily people
are over these brutal exhibitions. A
thousand noble men or women may do a
thousand noble deals and but few
applaud or shower bogoete at them but
let come belly emaob anotber'e phiz in a
prize ring and the public go wild. Our
own Canadian oitiea are just' as great
sinners in this as those of our American
musing, taking the difference in Jaw into
e000unt,'and why it ie permitted is more
them we can understood. The authori-
tiee should be oallod down and a atop
put to it.
thin . X110 not thjnk time ie. a town to the
whooe of ()Atari° whore Wee ere 000 kept
and ane for many years 110p4 th0m 074 the
rag Of 111x. Sere, in the heart Of>ra large alts.
it le 001 Alone b00auee of the au40unt ' Of
lrpney that a0nnall pee t0, waste Irma ae
880 0 i1000nt sena to gather it thep tots u
to beolleoube ogald a 1e Muleh zWeal1t
a good that Y 1)
no a a fruit co 0 other .a a ii nDees n•
i f tp rare4 h.
°sats long to too Beware no ti byd Min lil0a silo
Not lou tattoo I n01100d that 0 certain
e0rteePtiertot offered die per Oolong t$ a
beekeeper to plan01110 18000 in 1088 oriented !00
that hie fruit trace would have the Gened0
that flolvs 180111 beesbeing In °lose prelim.
ft to thewhen in b1a0m. I am free to
aum 1plt, lipwevor, that be00 may is Ballo?
sea0oneb0como troublesome it not under.
stood. It 10 not commonly known that pest
,.011 never enter a 11w01hug when' ttbere, 1e
liouey 1n the Heide to be gathered. LI Met
OPONE byone the old
practices are falling out of the rooks,
Kincardine township, along with otbere,
Imo abolished the collection of dog tax
and in several townships sheep killed by
doge are not in the oanat. Then there i0
the dear old "stupid" labor, as some
people named it, it is doomed to dia.
Nearly 40 townships have discussed its
abandonment for a newer and better
system, 'Osborne in Enron, and Blau.
sherd in Perth Oo., being two of the
mnnioipalities. No small amount of
credit in awakening interest in road
making is doe to A. W. Campbell, Pro-
vinoial Road Inetrnator, who has many
times praotioally demonstrated the work-
ability of his theory, Everybody is
interested in eeparing improvements to
the Queen's highway and the present
eeeeion of the Ontario Legislature will be
watched for pertain legislation along this
tboywill np.. ouao the hooey itself how;
over temptingly outside of lee hive yOE 10,1
plaee 1t before them, '$0 long as there,00
malar In the clow ere awaiting 41011 but.
should it eo happen that, 'he reason of 0x.
oeselve drought 00 other aau000, the honey
flow should suddenly cease then they ryill.
eeekit elsewhere and 8,12000 who 0ar010100y
or otherwise leave' sweets exposed will, if
the weather ie favoraG101•enrely have a viet0 -'
from drat ooe of thein Who after d0poaltlhg
her load In the Iivo looms, efally watehed'by
hex eomreeee and is followed' by others who'.
ar01nly too ready to engage in the split,
In returning to :the hive those µr0 a"ah6
f dlowed by still more until all the tvor1fug
fere° of the oolouy in anaemia in transport-
ing the stolen sweets to the joy of them.
selves andthe (Beauty Of the unfortunate.
who left temptation in their way. Proven
Wm is always beater than: mire and there
are throe ways of acing this, One is, whiob
is the Dimp lent and cheapest of ail, not to
leave eweel0 exposed at thole tunes ; another
Is by not allowing a loaded bee to return ;
and lastly by having citreous 08 0100 doors
and windows. The beet preventive is not to
leave sweets exposed at eh8h times which
only aoanr shout 0nee iu tDn years. Ido not
think any store-keepereremite has been
troubled more faith once or twice during
ray beekeeping experience of 0ig1t000
If only from a sanitary point of view
sweetsshould be kept covered: If, however
one or more bees should visit your homes,
there is no cause f0r' alarm. The imnr000100
ie abroad that these hoes are Dross and de.
termined to sting everyone in the plane.
On the contrary this never enters their
little heads, Hundreds of bees mai, be al
lowed to pass in and 01.11 without the least
danger of being stung, I might say that
ordinary preserving does not entice them
but a combination of vinegar aid sugar 111
the mauufapture of sweet piokle0 seems to
btion for them. A 00M.
have a special attraction
biwever of elderberry intoe and anger,
towever, will quickly gather a warm of
them 1t friend, liv living favorable. On ono om•
(beton r. Sincl, r,rq o uchted further away
once Mr, Sinclair, requested me a memo cat
once and erre away boas. I how
ver could
quite understand howw peershould huo
my bees from those of others in town, 1108•
ever, on arrival I found them vloing with
cacb other in their mad attempts to get a
load while others were trying every window
to gain edmittaoce. The remedy wee to re•
move the (muse and when this was done
they soon allowed the riehbtulowners un-
dispetedposes00lon, Suoh brouble seldom
occur but if you must mase these delicacies
at such times as the bees eon fly and no
nectar in the flowers then edam. have
screens on your doors or ho')ei a cooldav,
or If a hot day thea towards evening, My
only excuse, Mr. Editor, fur oemu0yeng so
much space in your esteemed weekly is that
I bave endeavored to give some facts about
bees that are not generally knnwe and that
may be helpful in av1idina trouble. In
oloeing I would say that as my roans. e0sist-
antwinbes to take some bees on shares I
have decided to send him a oar of 10D
colonies and thus reduce my stook by about
one half. Thanking you for the space allow•
ed me, I am, Yours &n.,
G, A. Do1DUAw,
Brussels, Feb. 20, 1000,
DEAR EnxToR.—Tbere'appeared in a recent
issue of your valuable paper a 000101,10100.
tion dram Mr. Sinclair, which, in justice to
you as well as myself. demends a reply, To
remove the nu sante that Mr. Siuolair com-
plains of would simply mean that the whole
of my bees would have to be taken from
three to )Aur miler from hie piaoe of abode.
When requestea to do so by bite it wall, as
be eratee, "met with unqualified refneal."
If Mr. Sinclair, or any one else, were an0oy-
ed by arose or vicious bees, as the result of
their dwell being
or publictoo ose highway, then 21
would promptly remove them and ooneldor
it my right that I should, but Mr. Sinclair
knows that there is no trouble from thio
source. His own children can tell 100 that
they have gone up and down between the
rows o1 eolouies and, with some others, with
a stick tried "to make them etiag so as to
ut do comply heir with Mr. words)
demand to
remove my bees to the country became) of
any aa0oyapoe caused while dying about in
search of food or water, was something that
I (mold not .see my way pleat to do, however
much I might like tooblige him. Mr, Sin-
clair did not know, or overlooked the Salt,
that bees fly from three to tour miles and if
bees can be proved a "nuisance" that then
people "in the country" have rights to be
observed as well as his own. I think it
would be a difficult matter to find a plane
either in Grey or Morris where they would
be three miles from any reeidenoe aid judg-
ing from the number of Boer' out in !Ruth
Africa I .question that even Mr.. Sinclair
could died a spot down there where they
could be placed this dista080 from guy
dwelling. But we will suppose, to, oblige'
Mr. Sinclair. that I "take out the ,twenty
waggon loads heceesary (al he supposes) to
remove the nuielnear bow about other
beekeepers who are keeping bees in Brus-
sels saying nothing of those in the country
within three miles 80 Mr. Sinclair supposes
that to reduce the number of colonies would
remove the trouble he complains of but
this le where his igooranoo of this subject is
Moat =nitwit. Any school boy should be
able to tell you that there are plenty of
bene In one colony to cause trouble it die-
whether ten pereo a lora ivillage keep
twenty colonies apiece or one person keeps
the whole two hundred. There is no law
preventing one hundred persona keeping
bees in Brussels if they so desire, and not
orly this bat the village fathom with all
the powers invested in them, 000111 not cora•
poi one beekeeper to remove his bees out
aide ofthe oorparatio0. ''Beekeeping is ons
of the great tudostrioe of obis ne' well as
other countries and in Oanada is encouraged
by annual grant 1roal our Guvernmeut.
&Lr. einolair evidently does not relish the
idea of having it go abroad that he 11ae
withdrawn the action and paid the mete.
Hp would have the public to believe that I
have oomplied by playing it number of
colonies with 0ertaie farmers and bad I
-have done go to the extent I did before
motion 0l mat wou"1 bore been served."
In reply to thief wenn say that I only did
what I have been d01ug tee past three year0
tette out from two to tbreo waggon
Maas numu0ri0g from 02 t, 40 ei.lonieti, to
the 10.110 of Dad .00 Taylor,in Grey. Some
timolaet ball my solicit or wrote me saying
that the plaintiff had not proceeded with
the thea for the reasoa0 given above and I
wrote him to the afoot Wet! had only done
what I have been cluing for three years past
and not by allow the case to be disposed of
in that way, but to compel Mr. Biuolair to
proceed with it, or Ise to move to have ease.
dlomiseeu with costa. A low days -later I re-
ceived the following letter:—
Wingham, Jan,20th, 1900.
DEAR am,—In response to my demand tun
plaintiff has served notice of 'uieeontinuance
of this amain, wiliest disposes of the matter.
8.o bee also agreed to pay my costs.
'Yours truly,
E. L. Droltxnsoiv,
X trusttho above will matte it plain that
your: local which Mr. Slnelair took objection
to was not Misleading and Mutt did not
comply le any way with LIS reque01. I ate
ata toes to ,mow how 16 is that hues seem
to a0neyliiln mere chart others. We bore tug
testimony. of mord tuan nue wuose home
was adjoin log cure (oma not se Mr. 810016ir's
where• you nave to Dross the street or .go
through a neighbor's property to get there)
and Ur, Tayylor w111 00081yod idle slaws
least an Inch above the other WAS folly
an illob '.iuwer,;eo,it wee 00 wonder the
wbeols °limbed the tail. *0 regards
1104014me tilers does not ee0m to he arjY
dioeaeo Impeller to the 02untryi;bu't owi: g,
to 00 8881)0)1 mot .weather then owning.
trona a drier Ornate and obliged to eiadll
and live in damp clothing and , dao0p•.
(pa trterd are very liable to have 8 0081100e.
attu0k ofdysentery. ' Leta of our men,
however, have not had a day's sivkne0s
eine$ we landed and, men whowore,iil
with that a year Or more ego got ihrongil
'this rainy foa0on; without a hint of it,
The higher parte worn to be O. k though,
a few complained of malaria, aijd.I help,'
04 One poor fellow, who belonged to the
19th, iu from the washout at Tarlac to
the depot on hie way to the hospital.
The day the came down to•Bam1an I had
a long talk with the master metalli nim of
the Railroad Co. and he was saying that
the management canoed operating the
Mad in Sept , 1.898, at which time the
road .wag in fairly good condition through-
out its entire length, 122 mile0, the.
heaviest gradient being 1 in 120, but
there are only three good platie0 to get
drinking water, and that he had found
out Haat a teatpoouful of whiskey to nine'
of water ie the beat drink to tape here
Whoa thirsty, though the San Fernando
water may be taken pureinany quantity..
The two other points where good . wa'ter'
(e to be had are Oalvooau, fleet station
out of Manilla, and Tarlac.
Your affectionate mini_
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met pureuant to adjourn.
meat ou Monday, Feb, 12081 ; members all
present, the Reeve in the ohair. Minutes
of last meeting read and pa0eed. The
aoditore' report was presented and ex•
amiued by the .Cloonoil. On motion, of
51r. Oardiff, astounded by Mr. Shaw,said
report was aooepted' as satisfactory. On
m04011 of Mr. Code, eeouoded by Mr:
Jaokeonthe Clerk was iuetructed to have
the auditors' abstract published. Moved
by Mr. Shaw, eanooded by Mr. Code,
?closers. Ibister and o
that the report of
Cardiff re Barr oreek be accepted and
thatklr. Barr be given until let of May
aext to have the culvert on said oreek put
in a proper Butte of repair and in the
event of failure the Oouooil will be
obliged to take action in the matter.—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Code, seconded
by Mr. Cardiff, tba0 the shed' be planed
with end to Eastern limit and back to
Southern limit of corporation lot and
that said shed be built a000rdiug. to plan
and epeoifloatious now shown,—Osrried.
Tenders for building of shed were opened
and the tender of William Jackson found'
to be the lowest. Moved by Mr. Jaoks„n,
seoouded by Mr. Oode, that the tender of
Mr. Jackson for balldiog shed for the
rum of $1.47.00 be aooepted.—Carried.
\loved by Mr Code, seconded by Mr.
Jaoksoo, that Tboe. Miller, jr„ be at,
inepeoborfor building of shed and
that the opeofications be platted in his
hands.—Carried. After hearing a elate•
nient made by Mr. Ba,lam respeoting Co:
Treasarer'e sale of part of Si of lot 26,
con. 7, for back taxes it was moved by
Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Cardiff, that
from what information the Council bave
at present we do uot consider the corpor-
ation responsible in the matter.—Carried.
On motion of Messrs. Oode and Shaw
the following accounts were ordered to
be paid :—Jas. Craig, gravel, $2.17 ; Jas.
Soell, digging ditch, $1.00 ; Corporation
of Grey, B line expouditore for 1899,
$11.47 ; W. Clark, drainage court expen-
ses a.. per Judges order, $7.20 ; Wm. Ie.
bieter, atteudanoe drainage court, $2 00
Judge Marson, services re draioage court,
010.00 ; Jas. Morahan, engineer fees re
Maunders award, $18.50 ; Judge's order,
$0:00 ; Huron Expositor, advertising con-
tract of Garniss drain, $1,50 ; M. Blaok,
auditor's salary, $8 00 ; Corporation of
Tarnbarry, 10 line expenses, Ola ; T. S.
Brandon, expenses re Comity rate, $5.00 ;
T. S. Brandon, Treasurer's salary, 0100.
On motion of Mee -ars. Shaw and Cardiff
the Counoil ;adjourned to meet again on
the 190h of Sfarph. W. Clai , Clerk.
C`ttroatliatn Newel.
The following letter was recently re•
calved by A. Smith, of Wroxeter, from
his eon, Oliver, now with the American
army is the far East :
DEAR r'ATHER� —Yonre of Sept. 18th
received 16th inst., at Bamboo. Had a
notifioatiou from the P. M. here that 6o,
postage was due on a letter and had to
wait a obanae of sending for it, we were
75 miles away from here up the line of
railway. As I wrote in the last letter we
were about to leave for Angeles and left
on Nov. 7 and 8 days laterI was again
taken Mak bat did not let the disease get
snch a hold of me as it had before whew
I went to .the hospital. On the 11th
along with 180 others who were in the
Same division field hospital we were sent
in here for treatment and on the 23rd I
was again returned to duty and I'm glad
that I've been o. k. ever e1aoe. I was
helping lay track where the inenrreetare
had torn it Hp and, If I say it myself, I
materially ha -taped its completion for I
was the only one of all the engineer
troops any way familiar. with that kind
of work, bat unfortunately for those who
are oompalled to•ride on it the line i0 not
straight nor ie the surface level, largely
due to the haste and ignorance of the one
who was in charge of the work, bot I'll
risk my month's wages that anywhere I
was in the lob the gunge is true. Oa Deo,
let 1 was not tip to Tarlac to load rails
to take the pietas of those torn 0p. For -
1009.101y for us the rails were put in a
plaoe convenient to the railway but in-
convenient as regards' faollitie9 for paw
ing trains, viz., right at a one half mile
washout and on a single track. All triune
with trainmen and'snbsiotenoe stores had
to get as close to the washout as possible
in order to have the goods transported
over a temporary bridge on a light rail•
way, Snob as contractors nee, to the trains
waiting on the opposite aide of the river.
We got through sending down the requir-
ed number, 46 lbs, to the yarl, 28 ft,
long, ou Dac, 9th,and were ordered down
to Bambara to fill in a washout in a batik
about 20 feet high and fully 100 feet 1.,ng,
which our offioers said oould be filled In
lees than three days by 60 Minos, but
though we put in 7 days good bard work
With 2 days' assletancefrom another gang
of 60 the road had not been pat up to
grade even where it bad been lying
thrown over about 10 ft. to the side. So
=oh for the ability of some people to
$,timate amount' of work. A large num.
ben of men are grumbling at our ljeuten•
ants and so fur as one le concerned not
without reason for I hove heard him
axil men down without apparent reaaon
and in the fade of incontrovertible avid•
eerie affirm that the man was a liar, On
one occasion when a Imp etiok of timber
WEDS needed in a. part of the country none
were familiar with, and no standing
timber, even bamboo, in eight anywhere,
he oureed a sergeant for not getting what
be wanted. On Saturday the Captain
deoided the road wa0 in condition to turn
aver to the trainmen and so we quit work,
but had not gone 60 ft. beforea ear
jumped the track. Next morning, 17oh,
the train we were o°, a epeeist with noth.
ing but ourselves, tools, Chinos, and
personal belongings as well ai 000kiug
utensils, was passing over the Dame spot,
two lightly loaded ears in the middle of
the train jumped the traok and the Cap.
tain acid the track was not guaged prop
erly. This l learned later when there
was no opportunity of proving the matter.
The faoitlay with himself. The bad
epos was on the Oenlre of a carve and the
oattide rail which should have been at
'' urge that the ppvertinteni
hone orders to have Weiland end .8t,
Law8cnp0 Ceuele opened for navigation
by A•pri} }Oh, .:' , ' La ,
e o e
Iu•a reply 1 to a delegation ft. m tb
Royal `ljsmplore and 'Detention Alliatio$
Plon110r MODSnaid, of Manil0ba, prodlt
teed to'inttedheatlr tit'ohibitiaa'biii at the
that melon of the.Leg•alatu,e, •'
The Department of Militia at Ottawtt
ie II 'pried with offers from. young men
in all parts of the country,wtr., wLAut to ad
to South Maas to fill 0)00.. vae0noies • on.
the Bret oentilfgent,' The Illinietor )?olds
out no hopes of any offers being°deoeptedl
The Standar, $auk
of Canada,
Vioney Orders'
For oma}onto of 'Fifty Believe end under
Wailed by thio Bails, payable at par at
any ()bartered Bank in Oadada, with the
exoeption of Branches in the Yukon Die.
triot. .
Under $10 . . $0.08
$10 to 20 . 0.10
20 to 30 " 0:12
30 to 50 . . 0.14
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
elf' —
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing dills
Also Doors and Saeh of all Pat
terns ou band or made to order •
Short at Bh t Notion,
Estimates 'Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
A case of smallpox has developed at
A big storm ab Halifax played havoc
with the telephone and trolley wires.
The Montreal Street Railway now put,
poem to put most ,of its wires underground.
Geo. W. Altoona', accountant at Shorty
& Dietrich`s saw works,. Galt, died sud-
The Semlin Government of British
Colombia was defeated on, the redistri-
bution bill.
Five men got afloat on a oake of ice in
the St. Lawrence at Montreal, but for•
tnnateiy were rescued.
A number of Hamilton oapitaliets are
the promoters of a big hotel at Lake
Reesman, Muskoka. The hotel will poet
Ex Ald. J ohn Hogarth was elected
Alderman in Stratford recently to fill
the vacancy paused by tbo resignation of
'Ltd. Gillespie.
A deputation waited on EI m. A. G.
Blair at Ottawa to urge that the outlet
of the Trent Valley Canal be at Port
Hope instead of Trenton.
blr. F. H. Lemay, of Montreal, has purr•
abased the season's manufacture of white
pine from MoLsuablin Bros., Arnpriur,
amounting to about 66,000,000 feet.
A committee of the Ottawa Typo•
grepbiool Union waited upon the Premier
Monday in relation to the demand for
an inor8.,08 in the rate of wages from 012
to $15 a week for compositors, 'Roy
were told that the Government would
continue to pay the highest rate paid in
soy oily of Oanada.
Wm. Nortbgreave0, for twenty years
one of the most highly esteemed resi-
dente of St. Mary's, died friday after•
noon after a short illness from eryeipo.
(as. Tho deceased, who wag in ilia 81st
year, wag n native of Yorkshirg Eng.
land, and came to Canada with hie wile
and two otiildren in 1845, settling in Lan•
don, where the family resided for a abort
time prior to taking up land on eon, 5 of
London township, In 1850 Mr. North.
gimmes purOhaeed a. farm in Blanchard
township, where be lived for thirty years
moving to St. Mary's in 1880. During
hie reeidenoe in the Stone Town be fol.
lowed the 000upation df a gardener. His
wife, aged 82 years, still survives, beeidee
(Seven oidldren :—Thomas and William,
of Bt. Mary's ; Robert, county detective,
of London ; Mrs, Motay, Guelph; Mrs.
E. Wilson, Woodetooit ; Mrs. A, Tuokor,
Alpena, Mieh., and Mre. Saliebury, St.
Mary'$. Mr. Northgreaves was a Con.
801080 iv0 and a moocher of the Methodist
• Eator'es Sona lit. Possible.
aEr� gal.
[4 eobool offering advantegoe rot• to' be
fonnt4 diaewhere in the Dcminron,••
Catalogue Free,' •
I .: V,P; J, ELLIOTT., Principal,
Systems novatSystems
---/ND 008811—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepeia,.Sleepfeeeneee, Palpate.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Broucbitio,: Con.
enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe,
Female Irregularities • and General De.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Soli. by Jas. Fox. Druggist, Itru00010
Fitted to Correct
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
IL F. McAllister,
1"`' T IC a.
Wo make mention of a few lines that will be to your advantage
to buy early as these goods were all bought at old prices :
—Prints in light and dark oolore, good
weight and good value at 10o.
—Fancy Gingham$ at 128o, 15e, 16a, 17o.
—snirting s fn light and dark colors, l0a,
128o, 14o and 16a.
—Cottonaties, Mole Skins and Denims,
. 128a to 250.
Black Dress Goods,
—Our stook of Black Dress Goode is
more complete than ever and we are
selling same at old prices. Come
early and beet us, and you will be
oonvinoed of what we ase doing.
Men's Clothing.
—In Men's Fleece Lined Underwear we
have a line, regular price $1.20 per
suit, selling at 990 per suit,
—In Men's ail pure wool Underwear, line
that was $2 per edit, Belling at $1.69.
—Men's Fancy Worsted Battings, tailor
made, well lined and fit guaranteed,
special priors' 414, 015, $16, $17 and
$18 per suit.
—Mao's Tailor•made Tweed Suits, prioe0
ranging from $11 to $17.50.
—We can also supply you with Ready-
made Suite from $4.50 to $10.00.
Our stock of Boots, Shoes and Crockery is well assorted.
early while stock in all lines is complete.
I..L••oo H, ,➢➢➢cilOaAL'➢P8,0,00," CULTIVATOR
The Universal Favorite
Noxon Disc Harrow,
The only Din Harrow that has adjust
able pressure springs. This feature is
invaluable on hard or uneven ground.
Now Capstan l 1�riav n
Pellav''.e something decidedly New
Attractive and up-to-date in......
And will be pleased to have you call and see them.
ai'o eliti'a.. cod ,valu,e alth000 h,. ve
Pi g 1 d ads nce
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O 1.4.1
K. W have beC OEn ..
prices on some lines owing to' the general rise in prides' charged
bythe manufacturers, but on the most of articles you will find
our prices as low as ever and the Lowest in the Trade.
Fashion Sheets to hand. t Call
March Standard Patterns and s
and get one of the latter FREE.
o .
New Sectional Cultivator
Spring Tooth
at aohmeute it 400181040se cowing
with reversible pointe, also thistle cutters
it ordered.
The lightest draft, best, working and
most easily operated Cultivator mono -
The teeth work directly under the axle
and within the wheel line.
See the New Spring Lift.
Ewan & Innes
ressureNoxon firth"Sieloldolo'
Although the sason was not
iione of the best for the sale of Cutters
and Sleighs, we have sold 43 Cutters,
12 sets of Sleighs
and in connection
with the above sales we 'have dis-
posed ofaw,„ •
15 Sots of liarisess.
Our Harness cannot be surppasf#ed
in Qualit and Price, We deavth
a firm established in 1867 andl`�they
don't put out any Harness but hand
sewed. We have a few Cutters to
sell yet and if Low Prices will clear
them out we are determined to make
a clearance. Come and see what
we have,
Oar old reliable HOOSIER Drills are
so well and favorably, knownthat they
speak for themselves. There are now,
over 00,000 in use among' the Lumen of
this ooah1ry.
Wo invite the oloeest inopeotion of our Farm Implements and Machinery which
we are manufacturing for the coming season.
In addition to the above we °all special attention to our New Victoria Binder
and No. 14 OXf91'd Clipper hront•cttt Mower, oleo our patent Spring and Spike
Harrows and Friction and Ratchet Duinp Rakes. It will amply repay all intending
purohasero to see our tinea before placing their orders elsewhere.
Hood for our New 1900 Catalogue.
OliN LONGI, . TILE NOXON 1.0, Limited,
•_ — : i ••••*- •=c,•:r. — .mor ..y,.sm.
Carriage Builders.
Best BranciS of
Is the best place to get your
Gristing done. We have
the. best Chopping rig in the
County and we are • satisfy-
ing everybody ver b d who comes. •
e o
First-class Flour in
Exchange for
Good wheat. . .
Manitoba Flour -for sale, as well 11s Ontario Flour
of first quality, and our popular Mixed Flour gives
great satisfaction. It makes an excellent family Flour.
Oatmeal and all kinds of Mill Feed -
Always on hand.
Best Dry American Corn.
Oats taken in Exchange
for Oatmeal. • w ROSS4
Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits,
Crockery, Glassware, &c., from my son I intend to carry
on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas•
urable and profitable to the public.
Grocery Stook
Fresh and up-io-date.
Amor Speofcialty TEAS.
The Choicest Fruits
and Confectionery.
We take no second place,
Continued as usual and
Satisfaction assured.
The patronage of the public solicited and we will do
our part to merit a continuance of your trade.