HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-3-1, Page 1Vol.. 28. To, 34 New,,Advertisements, Looal—G. I7; King, Music Books—Jae, Fox.. Per sale—D. McLennan. SpringGoode—A. mite • A R , 8 Expenetve-G. A. Deadman, Speoteoleo—Mrs. T. Flotoher.. Spring goods—Alex. Strachan. Fume for Salo—W,tn. Forrest. Auditors' report—Grey Conon. Keen cash buyers—MoKinnon de Co. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, 'MARCH 1, 1900 H. KERR, Prop, Fitt. (> l . Edward Fletcher is on the sioklist. Township Connell hero next Tuesday, John Cameron returned from Toronto on Saturdaynigbt. John Brown, jr., talks of going to the West in the Spring. Cedar poets for sale. Apply to R. Mo - Donald or W. J. Sharp, Ethel. Wm. Lake has rented Me house hereto Mrs. Rebs. MoLaohlan who moves to the village this week, Miee Moleay, who has been vioiting her slater, Mrs. Geo. Dobson, for the . past 3 menthe has returned to her home iu Stayner. Andrew Terry, of Molesworth; has been awarded the ,contract of painting ' buggies for the Oober factory, and ie .now hard at work. Owing the inalemetoy of the weather last Sunday, Rev. Mr, Yellen(' was unable to attend any of the other eppoiut• meets on Ethel circuit, . At a meeting held in aleAlister's hall, on Friday night, there was a re organi• zation of the Sone of Totnperanoe, the first meeting will be Friday oveniug of this week, BEAUTY AND GLASSES.. Women strain their' Eyes, waste nerve, energy and produce premature wrinkles because they think Giaesee detract from their personal charms. Properly fitted Glance positively im• prove the looks of those w th de'ect eve Eyes. We put Beauty in Glaesee as well as behind them. Don't be afraid to pall in and consult us about your Eyes. No obarge for this. We will not ask you to wear Glaasee if you do not require them. MRS, T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. Also Graduate or Jletineeeopy. Alam Fletcher is aloe with pneumonia. We hope f0r'a speedy reoovera, Dan. McDonald, uow of the Palliser, Ston carriage works, paid the village 'e flying visit this week, Quite a number of our Baling people ware entertained at the home of Mr. Terry, in ll7oleeworth, last Friday night. We are pleased to state that under the oaroof Dr. Ferguson and a trained nurse from Stratford,. Mies T. Rupp is recover• ing from an attack of typhoid fever, PAY DP, Partie0 indebted to S. 8, Cole, Ethel. are requeeted to mettle the same before March let, ,after whish date 10% will be added unles attended to by note or °ash by above date. , S. S. Cole,. W usl toll. A wedding may eventuate in Walton locality before long. Jamee Ryan, who hoe been i11, is get. ting along favorably, Rev. Mr. Marsh will preach in Duff's ahuroh next Sabbath. Mr. and Mre. Cooper, of Fordwiob, were visiting their daughter, Mae, (Dr,) Armstrong, Int week, Last week Simeon Barrows went on a trip to Iowa to vieit relatives. Be will fetdh en aunt home with him who will make her home here. The•Metbodiet parson and Rot. Mr, Abey attempted to get to their reapeotiye cougregatione last Sunday bat the badly drifted roads forpade. We are pleased to report that Wilber, eldest eon of Dr. Armstrong, ie improv ins nicely in health and we hope that he will soon ba fully restored. On Wednesday evening of next week Ile Ssaforth Epworth League will give a Mueioal and Literary program in the Methodist abnroh here ander the auspices of the Walton League. ?Lemma FUND.—Mise Annie Simpson, teacher at Walton, writes as follows to Tan POST :--"We have been, like, our friends in Brussels, disposed to show our loyalty to Qseenand country. Fon of my pupils, Vera McDonald, Rata Mc- Leod,.WilliaHumphriee and Earl Mc- Leod, have collected the eom of $9,30 which I have forwarded to the Globe Patriotic Fund. Inclose the eubeorip- tion lief wbioh bee been handed to me. which is ae follows :— R H Ferguson .,.8 2e T MOFadzeen ... 25 D Farquharson... 25 Mamie Bennett 25. Bolt Duuaausou 25 Minnie Bennett 10 f Moore 25 Joe Grigg 25 T Waghorn 10 Geo MoGavin 10 R McLeod 25 R McFadzean ,,. 25 J. LfoDonald 25 Ltz010 McArthur 25 J. Morrison, 25 Norman Pollard r, 0. Turnbull 25 Carrie n erre ..... • 15 W Neal 25 Will Humphries 1 00 J Booker 25 Alvin Garter...,.. 25 L MoDonald :1 00 Ida Fulton ........, 25 Dr Armstrong 23 H Ohrtetopher .,, 10 Carrie Johnston 25 Maud Fraser 10 Lizzie Ryan... 25 A Simpson 1 00 Nettie Govenlooa 20 G Candler 23 Total 89 30 Ann-Oololougn... 25 There ie certainly no more practical way of showing our loyalty than by the oon WINTER GOODS SALE! We are offering for the next Thirty Days our Entire Stock of Winter Goods ar- — holesale Prices, WHICH CONSISTS OF — Readymade Overcoats at $7, $7.50 and $8. —Readymade Ulsters at 83.75, $4,50, $5.50, $6 $7 and $8. — Readymade Double-breasted Coats, at $8.75 and $4.50. —Fur Coats at $18, $18.50, $20, $35, $40 and $45- -Fur Cape $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $6. —Underwear at 750, $1.10, $1.50, $1.75 and $3.50 per suit. —Woollen Shirts at 55c, 70o, 750 and $1 each: —Mufflers at 37ic, 50c, 55c, 70e and 75e each. —Gloves at 87zc, 55c, 75e, $1.25 and $1.50 • per pair. yamiantsammatmo These goods must bo cleared out inside the next 30 days in order to matte room for the balance of our Spring Stock. tlilverybody comp and share' in these Bargains while they last. Goods sold at those prices for CASH ONLY. S Our Spring Hats are now to hand . y Spring Hatsand your inspection ie invited before purchasing elsewhere. E. C. Dunford, Tailor and gents' Furnisher. tribution of our means to the proper more of the wounded•and the needy who have been brought into these oodditione by war in defence of British justice, The Meriting of these patriotic fires will do much for the rising generation in giving them right conceptions of Britain great- ness and the strong tie that binds der colonies to her. a ares atteLeer'. See Wroxeter news on lenge 5. Miee Davis, ot. Berrieton, ie the guest of Mies Minnie Hemphill. N. B. Gerry ie moving hie house furni• tura toBrussele this week. Mr. Walker le relieving Mr, Caesar at the 0, P. R. elation this week. A number from town attended .the Sunday School Convention at Gerrie od Tuesday last, Revival meetings commenced in the Methodist church of tole plane on Wed- nesday evening of thio week. Mies Mavgie Miller bee seemed a pos- ition in W. S. MoKeroher's oflioe end will make herself acquainted with type writing, Miss Minnie Hemphill, who baa been holidaying for the past few weeks in Stratford and Se Mary's, returned home on Thursday last. Audrew Brown bee secured a position at Tilbury, running an electric dynamo. Andrew has had experience in that heal• nese having eerved ' at it is Teeowater and Sault Ste. Marie for a number of yeaye and will certainly give goo 1 settee taction. He will be very needs missed among the oorl'ers are he has been one of the head men for some time and is always willing to do his beet. The family re. main in Wroxeter fur the present. • I3el,errt(ve. Onrm.—Wm. A. Cole, of Lyleton, Man„ died suddenly on February 3rd, of con- gestion of the mein artery leading to the heart. Deoeaeed complained of not feel- ing well the day before but on the follow- ing morning be took a change for"the worse and punted away before the doctor arrived, Mr. Cole left here nine years ago. le was a brother of Jobn Cole end Mre. Wheeler, of Belgrave, and Alfred H. Cole, who Left here two years ago to make his home with deoeased. He Was a eon in-law of Thomas Tenney, of East Wawanosh, and was a young man, being only 32 years of age. He wee a member of thelOdd Fellowe and bigh'y respected. Grey. 0 runnel meeting on Tuesday of next week at Ethel. A wedding ie on the lapis for next week on the 14th oon. James Oakley'e aootion sale - Wednee. day afternoon of next week. Township Aaditore' Abstract may be fond in this issue of THE Pon. Hine Burkholder and Will. Pollard, of Leadbury, were vieitiug at 0. Bowles Int Friday. Mise Maggie, daughter of Jno. Brown, 10th oon., is quite i11 we regret to bear but hope ebe will be better. Para. Jno. A. Lamont has arrived home from an enjoyable 6 weeks' visit with relative and friende in Elgin County. It ie not a pleasant eeneatioo to get left at any time, but the feeling is doubly embarrassing when there ie a three•mile walk after it. Dao. MoQuarrie, son of D. MoQuarrie, 10th con., has gone to Miami, Manitoba, where he has a situation awaiting him. We wish him success in the Prairie Prov- ince. Mo. ENNIS HAS RESIGNED.—Tbe Glad- stone Age of last week Saye of a former Greyite :—R. 0. Ennio, the member elect for Beautiful Plaine, has been nom pelted for basioeee reasons, to resign his seat, and the writ for a new election will probably be iseuedeto day. The law provides tbat where there ie no speaker a member of the legislature may resign to two other members, but in the cage of a member whose return ie petitioned a• gainet the law does not permit of hie re• signing the Beet for the reason that wbeo the petition is disposed of it may be found that the seat does not belong to him and is not his to resign. Tbie diffi onity, however, if it exists, 000 be got over by appointing Mr. Eustis to some small elfin of emolument and hie am. oeptanee of suob an office, wbioh he could afterwards resign, would legally vacate the seat. This ie practically the same as what is termed in England the Obit tern hundreds. It ie altogether likely that Davidson, the Proviooial Treasurer, who is without a seat will now obtain one in Beautiful Plains by aoo'amatioe. Goon ENTEnTAINTIENT.—The pupils of S. B. No. 1, assisted by a few adults, gave a sacoeesfe! and well nreanged en- tertainment in the sobool houee last Fri- day evening. Jas. MoLaohlin was the chairmen and did the honors in first- class style. The program was interest- ing, varied, amusing and instructive, each performerdoiog their part in proper style. It was as follows :—Chairman's address ; eoog, Eva Oantelon ; recitation, Mies Jennie Randa : song, W. Ritobie ; instrumental, R. Williamson ; recitation, James Perris ; dialogue, "The sleepwalk. er ; " inetrumentel, W. Rands and B. Dark ; address, W. H. Kerr, of THE PoeT ; reaitatiob, Mies Maggie Razell ; Bong and encore, A. Yuill ; Saotoh recd. tation, David Ritohie ; instrumental, Messrs. Dark, Rands and Dark r reoita- tion, Wesley Armstrong ; dialogue, 'Tom's prootioal joke ; " recitation, Miee Annie Gordon ; farce, "The marriage eremony ; " recitation, Mies Maggie Calder ; reoitation, Mies Bessie David. on ; fare°, "Barber shop sone ; "song, Mies Flaz• 1 Rozell ; iustrnm0otal, R. Williamson ; recitation, Mise Mabel Cardiff ; recitation, Nelson Fralick ; ialogue, "A alight mieunderetanding ; " eoitation, Mise Eva Oantelon ; song, W. Ritohie ; inetrnmeutal, R. Williatb• on ; reoitation, Miee Bella, Dark ; in- trumental, Mestere. Dark, Rands and ark ; "God save the Queen." S. It, rarer, the hard world «g teacher, saw hat everything was kept in running rder-and is to be oongratulrtert with the pilo on the mouse of the gathering. Ile proceeds amounted to $11.60, Whistle will be applied to eohool fixings• Mies Mary Ritohie has gone to Toron- to to resume her position. • We are pleased to knew that James Mann to recovering from lejurie0 received when thrown from a sleigh. Dan, L, Straoban wee visiting under the parental roof for a few days !est ween. We were glad to ,as his genial face among us, and white him all the enooese of the times in Ids High. 801(001 Work at Kincardine. FAaewHLL Peumx,—Ou Tuesday even- ing of last week a number g t the home of George and Mrs. McKay, 16th oon„ for Dakota to bid farewell to Sandy Mc Kay and Will who are leaving aed for th where the former bas resin e wa peat nineteen years. The evenings openin reoitatious, ma0i0 and social characteristic ohai. Wm. Mann, in hie oh c with num style, delighted the audience . ber of selections from the baps s the company was mostly 8 e evening was not considered o0 MI a number of the older me • ped the light fantastic in a m t Meowed they had not foannertbargo r youth in the land where t r blooms. After Jab the parties lett for their several homes, well p1 their evening's enjoyment and wishing the boys good luck in the West. MATRIHONIALi On • Wednesday after• noon of last week, at 6 o'olook, Mise Mary M., daughter of 0. J. and Mre. Fisher, Elma, wee united in marriage to George Whitfield, of mon, 14, Grey. 'PM interesting ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Bunt, in the presence of about one hundred and Gfty guests, rela tives and friende of the mistreating families. Mise Jennie Harvey, of Atwood, played the wedding maroh ae the young couple took their planeander a hand- some arch of evergreens. The bride was given away by her brother, George Fisher. She looked charming indeed, and wore a pretty gown of pale green organdie over white, trimmed with silk lane, and curried a dainty boqust of white carnations and smilax. Atter the oeremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining hall Where an elaborate bridal feast awaited the gnats, to which a'1 did justice. Games, vooat and inetra• mental mimic followed and thus the even- ing wore away. The young couple will reside on their farm on the 14th con., Grey, a000mpauied by the kindly wiehee of their host of friende. The young couple were the recipient of many appro. priate and pretty wedding gifts as the following lista will show. The osrde were missing on a number of the presents hence we meld not ascertain the names of several of the donors Oil painting, J. A. Home ; three dollars, John Ruthor• ford ; jardineire stand, Mines Clara and Lottie Hiles ; piokle orae(, Geo. and Ada Tanner ; obamber set, Geo. and Mre. Hiles •, reit set, Miee Nellie Oruden ; vase, L. G. Peet ; colleotioo flowers, Mr. Jennings • picture, Miee Maggie Patter. eon ; easel, Geo. and Ella Mann ; rooker, Mestere. Thompeoo and eietere 1 rooker, R. M. and Mrs. Ballantyne ; picture, T. E. and Mre. Whitfield ; pioture, R. G. and Miss Phoebe (lode ; piotnre, W. A. Bennett ; fruit plates, Wm. and Martha Fraser ; glass fruit set, J. and B. Car noohao ; napkin ring, L. 0, Spleen ; arm chair, Mr. Whitfield and Patterson funny ; banging lamp, Eddie and Robert Fieher ; jewel case, Alex. and Ada Stewart portrait, Geo. and Mre. Fieher; doiley, Mies Etta Shannon ; mueio raok, S. T. Armistead ; paper rack, the Mo - Court family 1 eideboard drape, E. and Mrs. Speario ; table mate, Mies Mary Little ; ,} dozen Turkish towelsA. and T.•Parks ; d dozen table napkins, Miee Amelia Whitfield ; cheese dish, W. A. end Anna Nichol ; china tea met, D. Robinson ; pair vases, Mise Hattie Cox ; pickle cruet, Mr. and Mies Hammond ; napkin rings, Jno. Rishworth ; lace curtains, Miee Anna MoPherson •, fruit dish, W. and'R, Looking; silver butter dish and spoon, G. Ellaoott ; fruit dish, Geo. Tbompkiue ; table cloth, Harry and Emma Buttery ; lamp, W. 0. Banner- man ; carving set, Jas. and Jos. McKay ; table cloth, Sam. Skalitzky ; butter knife and sugar spoon, Wm. and Belle Struthers ; batter knife, Jno. and Rosy Smith ; e dozen silver knives, Geo. Anderson ; water met, Fred. and Vine Riaoh ; syrup pitcher, John Greig ; celery dieb, Mies Hester Vallance ; piokle cruet, Donald McNeil ; lamp, 0. H. Holmee ; atelier and miff case, Wm. Whitfield ; wreath, Misses Tilly and Hilda Spearin ; ohinelle tableolotb, Jae. Dickmon and eieters I toilet set, Thos. and Mrs. Williamson ; tidy, Mies Jennie Harvey ; necktie case, Mise Eliza Whit. field ; piokle tweet, H. Spearfu and eioter ; cheese dieh, H. B. and Mrs. Leake ; music stand, George Porter ; dozen fruit plates, Misses Belle and Bertha Forrest ; fruit dish, T. G. Ten. 5a0t ; water set, A. and Mrs. Robb. Mr, Whitfleld has a fine new brick borne in wbioh to Metall his wife and we hope they may long be everted to enjoy the comforts of it, Morris. Mies Ella Kirkby bee returned to bee position at Toronto after a holiday at home. Mr. and Mre. Watson, of Paisley, are visiting relatives and friende in Morrie and Blnevale. Mrs. Dolmen will leave on Tuesday of next week for Hamiota, Manitoba, where she parposee making here home, for a time at least. She and the Mooney fancily will go on the same train. Mre, John Saanise, of Walkerton, daughter of J. J. end Mre. Lynn, of Morris, died enddenly on Feb.14tb, from heart failure. She wag 88 years of age and leaves a husband and six small ohild- ren to mourn ber lose. Maoh sympathy ie unarmed for the bereaved ones. The Wingbam Times Saye: — Alex. Hyslop, of Morrie township, ie now visit- ing with hie daughter, Mre. A. K. Mo• Allieter. Mr. Byelop celebrated his 91st birthday last week. He is still quite held and hearty,- and tapes quite an interest in various matters. He had been a resident of Morrie township for a number of years, end dame to Canada from Soot• land. Not many are spared ,to celebrate their net birthday. C. Miohie le on the ifek list and will not go toHespeler aswoe intended,. Miee Belle afi,bie, of fluky, Halton Co., is vioiting friende on the lith line, This ie Miee Miobie's fleet visit to Morrie. The etorm on Sunday last wont be for• gotten soon, Men armed with snow shovele and marching to the front i0 in order this Week, Mre. Ino. Agee and son, who were visiting at M, M. Cardiff's for the past 2 or 8'montbe, leave on Friday for their home in Winnipeg. Mise Jennie Amee, 5th line, will emoompeny Mrs. Ames, The emotion sale of H. Mooney, re, Tbureday of las week went with gee,. ewiog, totalling over $1200. Mr. Mo .ere i0 loading two oars thie week at Bree;rls and be and the family expeot to start to' Weyburn next Tuesday on the 9.45 a. m, train, J. Jackson and family are moving this week trona MoKillop township to the Petah farm, Oth line, Mr. Petah and family have removed aorose the road to one of A, Walker's houses where they will live until taking their departure for the West. J. T. Curtis, formerly teaoher in An- dereou's school, Ord line, now attending the Normal School at London, has been elected President of the Literary Society. "Jerry" will. 811 the bill to a ninety, There are 78 young ladies and 22 young men in attendenoe so the supply of birch wielders is not likely to be short for a while yet. Wm, Amee and family, 5th line, intend removing from Morrie, we are sorry to bear, Winnipeg being their magoetio point fur the present, Mr. Ames will sell off all hie farm stook, ,implements, &o., and move early in April, He has e eon residing in the Western metropolis, There many friende in Morrie and Grey will regret their decision to move but will wish them euooees. Wedneaday evening of last week a Dumber of the pupils of S. S. No, 10, 0ocempanied by tie -other Bryan and a few other friende visited the home of Jno. R. Bell, let 000„ and enjoyed a social evening before Mr. Bell removes to the 8th of Morrie. The evening was spent with arokinole, dominos., checkers, dec., and the company remained until after midnight, Mr. Bell and family will carry with them the beet wiehee of the community. 1U Oi illop. Prayer meotiuge Jn MaKiBop have been abandoned during the Winter and danuiug parties taken their place. It ie not considered by some very good breeding for ladies tc attend church meetings after night batit ie very re- ligious to attend claiming parties endorsed parties at the same hours. All nob thou's read "In His Steps," by 0. H. Sbeldon. DEAF Sm. 1 read County Bylaw, re Hawkers and Peddlare, in haat week's Poor, also report of two parties who ap• peered before the Reeve of Brussels for infringement of said Bylaw. The said By-law is not in accordance with the Statute and therefore cannot be enforced. Beotioh 683, Sob. 16 of Mooicipel Act R. S. 0., 1897, states the license fees for Hawkers, Peddlers or obapmen shall not exceed $50 for a two horse rig ; $30 fora one horse rig and $15 fora push cart and $1.00 for carrying basket. The County Bylaw as published in POST bus $50 for each and all of those. It is doubtful to me if a resident of the county could not employ an agent to sell with out a license as the By-law only refers to nonreeideute employing agents, The ratepayers of the County ehonld eleot County Councillors who understand Municipal Law. At the June Session the Commit appoioted an Arbitration without a By-law and without the pati tion for said Arbitration being smut in proper time and Arbitration could not est. It appears the County Counoil is not posted in Municipal law or else the drinking water of Goderiob sffeote their upper story. JNo. O. ManRrsoN. [NOTE nr ED.—No one requires to be better posted than a critic. While our friend Morrison has been ohaetieing the Co. Counoillora for not understanding Municipal law be has proven, in one ogee at least, that he's the man needing the instruotioo. The Statute be quotes about licenses only applies to cities with pope Wiens of 100,000 or over, (see 1898 statutes) and bas no reference to Counties where the foe may be 0500 or more if thought wise. There are easier problems to cipher out than the correct interpreta- tion of many of our laws.] (it-t.a)lt)roOli. Chas. Dames, of Wellesley, was visit. ing here for a few days with friends. Mrs. Henry Penfouad, of Benefield, has been visiting friends in this locality. W. A. and Mre. Pollard, of Listowel, have been the guests of Jno. and Ohms. Switzer. Cameron Bros. flax mill finished np last season's crop last week. They will run the mill next saloon as venal. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—Saturday evening a number of Maude met at the residence of 3, J. Mitobell, Cranbrook, to bid him and bis estimable family fare. well, ere their removal to their new home at Wingham. During the evening a handsome well filled puree, and the following addreee was presented to Mies Clara, wbo has for several years past filled the positions of organist in the clinch, and teacher in the Sunday eohool :— Miele Mitchell. DEAD FRIEND—Aa you have for several years past, faithfully and creditably nlled the position of Organist In our ohm•eh, Ivo when to thank you moat heartily for the deep interest you have taken in furnishing muale at all ouroervieoe, width many other wuye you hays sought to help on the cause of Christ in our tnldet, We trust you will carry with you the quiet, gentle, Christ -like spirit which has oharaoterized you hereto. fore and that your lite may speak voltimeo for the Christ you love. Not wishing to look on the dark side we may say it affords us pleasure ti moot in your 1101110 to give ex- pression to the Web esteem in which you aro hold ly loo friends of this place ; and we now ask you to accept this parse jointly as a small token of our regard and Wend - ship. Wo deeply regret yortr remoyal from among us, Be Moored that our prayers and host wiohos will follow you and the (amity to your uow ]Tomo, where we. trust you will bud friends as appreciative and true ae those you will leave behind, Wo trust tbaat the sun of Providence may shine upon your pathway through life, and that whenwe shall have d'.no and. suffered God's blessed Will borethatWe shall a0 an unbroken acme pang meet at Home in cur leatlier'e house. Signed on behalf ofyour friends, OHO, SPADLINO, ONA0 SWITle00, P. R120020Z, The prseentation was made by Miss Lizzie Oumoron.and Mies Nellie Switzer read the addreee. Misa Mitchell was Som• pistely taken by surprise, but made a feeling reply, thanking the friende for their token of regard, and hoping that the person who filled her position would find as much pleasure in the work ae 0h0 had. The evening was: pleasantly spent in games and social obat, . Mr, and Mrs. Mitoh011 sad family, will be greatly miss• ed iu Oranbrook, eepeoially in the Metho• diet ahuroh, where they were energetio workers. Their removal will make a vacancy bard to fill. Oar loss will be Wingham'a gain. (111111011 CHIMES. Maitland Presbytery will meet at Wingham next Tuesday. The Presbytery will meet Toesday next, 6th inst., in Wingham, "The Power of Love" was Rev. Mr Holmee' theme Sabbath morniug. Next Sabbath will be the month' Missionary day in the Methodist Bob. bath school. Last Sabbutb's storm rather demorel• ized the various oo0gregatioua ,and Sab- bath Scheele. Thursday evening St. John's Yon Peoples' Chapter consider the topic "A Sabbath at Oapereaum." Rev. B, Clement has been invited to remain a forth year in charge of Ontario et, Methodist church, Clinton. "How God pays men" will be the topic at Melville Endeavor and the Epworth League next Sabbath evening. A. E. Kemp, President of the Board of Trade, Toronto, subscribed $10,000 to the Methodist twentieth century thanks- giving fund. The Maftlaod Presbyterial W. P. M Society will meet in the Preeyteriao Church, Wingham, next Tuesday, March 6th. Rev. Mr. Guild, of Formosa, will give an address ou Missionary work. Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., took Math. 15 ; 21-22 for bis teat Ise( Sabbath morning and Math. 13 : 3-10 in the evening, from which two good sermons were given. Next Sabbath evening the reverend gentleman will commence a short aeries of diocoursee on "Tbe Prodigal Son." A very successful Evangelistic service has been closed on the Amherstberg circuit, oonduoted by Rev W. E. Kerr, the pastor. Over 40 adults, many of them heads of families, will unite with the church. Mr. Kerr watt stationed at Wroxeter and Heneall in Enron Co. be- fore going to Essex Co. A Goderioh correspondent says :— Alter the evening sermon at Victoria street ahuroh the pastor, Rev. S. J. Al1in, who is a floe soloist, rendered the touch- ing solo, "The handwriting on the wall," (Belehazzar's feast,) The rev. gentle. moo ie always listened to with great pleasure, e Six Bibles were presented in the Metho- dist Sabbath Schon bythe Superintend,. 1Sa a lateen. P eut for the best atrendaoce during 1899 Sadie Maxwell and Russell Lowry did not miss a Sunday. The others raogtog close to the same record were 011ie Mooney, Myrtle Thompson, Robbie Mooney and Leslie Kerr. The British soldiers naw in South Afrioa are tabulated denominationally by the War O1'3.0e as follows : Anglicans 147,980 Roman Oatholioe 39,860 Presbyterians 15,773 Methodists 11,734 Other Protestant bodies 2.266 MELVILLE S. 8. ANNIVERoAaY.—Friday eveniog Iaetthe annual anniversary tee and entertainment in connection with Melville church Sabbath eohool was held and was largely attended. After tea, in the school room, a eleigh ride was in order and thoroughly enjoyed before the program was given. Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., presided and called upon the follow- ing numbers, after he had addressed a few appropriate words to the gathering:— Hymn ; Cbairman'e remarks ; solo and quartette, Miss Lida Crooke, Mise M. Roes, W. M. Sioalair and J. H. Cameron ; recitation, Winnie earGotrs ; ohorie, "Two Little Hands," 9 girls ; recitation, Sam. Walker ; chorus, "Laud of Sugar Maple," boys ; recitation, Anna Richard- son ; chorus, "Cheerful Giver," 7 girls ; collection ; recitation, "The Martyr'd Mother," Mies Maggie Cameron, of Luoknow ; anthem, choir ; recitation, Edwin McKay ;Minn, "Doll's Lullaby," 7 Ririe ; recitation, Nellie Irwin ; chorus, "Rad, White and Blue," 3 girls ; reoita- tion, "Vahbibor's Rook," Miee' M. Cam• ern, of Luokoow ; anthem ; closing reci- tation, Georgie Ross. Bage of oonfeotion• ery were distributed to the pupils before the oloae, The collection taken, for school purposes, amounted to over $10.00. J. H. Cameron is the Superintendent of the school this year and le supported by a good staff of teachers. PERSONAL. PARAGRAPHS. Fred. Hoyeroft wee visiting friende in Kincardine for a few days. James Blasbill, who has been on the sink list, ie slowly improving. Mies Saddler, of Wingham, was the guest of Mre. W.F. Vanetone. Mies Roddick is attending the Spring Millinery Openings at Toronto. Barriot•er Blair wee in Guelph on Wed• needay of last week on business. Mre. A. Bruce, of Biuevaie, was renew. ing old friendships in town this week. Mre. Welinoe'e daughter from Waterloo was ',getting her during the past week, M180 M. Cameron, of Looknow, is vioiting her uuole, J, H. Cameron, Brus. sets. Wm. Knetohel has been rather used up this week with the prevailing grippe oold. The old gentleman dose not Lose mush time front hie daily avocation. D, McLennan, wife and eon, of 550, forth, were 111 town 011 Tbureday of loot week. Jno, ,Ferguson was in Toronto for a few days Ibis week pinking 119 Dry goods bargains. We regret to )tear Iltob Wm, earn OPUS! "ie on the Oak list but hope he will 0000 be aonealeegent. Miee Beryl Pntland has returned home atter a pleaeant visit with her aunt, Afire, N. B. Gerry, of Wroxeter. N. B., Mrs. Gerry and Merle, of Wroxeter, will visit in town for a while before Mr. Gerry goes West. Jae.21'orbes intends going to B. C. next week along with Neil and Jno: Livingeton and J. Kellingion, Mrs. N. F. Gerry hes been quite ill with an attack of neuralgia but ie im. proving we are pleased to report. Philip Ameot continues to slowly im• prove. He is still quite poorly though but we hope he will soon be quite smart. Mies Beatrice Blashill is on these* lint with bronchitis. We hope she will Boon be better. J. D. and Mre. Ronald have gone to Ooronode, California, where they pur- pose spending the next two months. THE Poem wishes them a pleasant time. Walter Smith, wife and children, of Treherne, Mao„ Mrs. Murphy, of Wiarton, are visiting their father and mother, (Walter and Mrs. Smith) in tows. It is ten years since Mr. Smith was to Brussels before althoogb he is an old time resident. Mre. Williamson, another daughter, is also home here so the family reunion was a pleasant one. Eph. Downing, formerly of THE POST, takes charge of the Gladstone (Mao.) Age this week. The retiring editor Bays in his valedictory, among other things "A word about our successor and your relation to him. In Mr. Downing you will find a gentleman who thoroughly understands the obarge be is taking, and one who at all time will have the ad• vanoement and interests of thio county as bia aim. For uo particular party will be the mouthpieoe or means of publishing party literature, bat he will deal with all questions in a fair and unbiased manner, and will no doubt give you a paper e0• peeler to any that has been published heretofore. We do not hesitate in saying that he will merit your patronage in every particular. Thio being the oase we hope to see the present patronage son• tinned and very much inoreased not only in advertising end sobeoription, bot also in elle jab department." THE Pose wishes Mr. Downing success in moving the axle tree of the world. TILE BRITISH SCORED. Gen, Cronje and ilia Force Surrend- ered to Lord Roberta On the 19th Anniversary of Majuba HJII Incident. MORE CANADIAN BOYS KILLED AND )YOIONDED. London, Feb. 27.—The War Office has received the following despatch from Lord Roberts :— Paardeberg, Feb. 27.—Gen. Croaje and all hie force have surrendered an. conditionally. Croaje now a prisoner in our camp." Tho War Office received the following despatch from Lord Roberts later :— "Paardeberg, Feb. 27, 7,45 a.m.—General Orooje and all of his force capitulated unconditionally at daylight, and is now a prisoner in my camp. The strength of his force will be communicated later. I hope that Her Majesty's Government will consider this event satisfactory, oc- curring as it does on the anniversary of Majuba." The Secretary of State for War, the Marquis of Lansdowne, announced in the House of Lords Tuesday afternoon that the prisoners captured with Gen. Croaje numbered about 3,000 men. Gen. Croaje will be sent to Cape Town. Itis DOW aunounoed that Lord Roberts has notified the War Office that the num- ber of Boer prisoners approximates 4,000, of which about 1,110 are citizens of the Orange Free State. The remainder are citizens of the Transvaal. 005000DS AND GUS OAPT0RED. Twentynine Transvaal officers were captured, and 18 Free State Officers. The guns captured from the Transvaal forces were three 75 -centimetre Krupp, one 9 -pounder and one Maxim gun. From the Free Staters the British captured one 75 centimetre Krupp and one Maxim gun. The officers captured by Gen, Roberts, besides General Piet Croaje, include the following well known commanders :— Chief Commandant M. J. Wolverans, a member of the Volksraad ; Field Cornet Fres, a Scandinavian ; ajor Albrecht, the famous German artillery man ; Major Von Deitz, the distinguished German officer responsible for most of the splendid engineering works of the Boers since the commencement of the war. London, Feb, 27, 7.61 p. m.—The War Office bee received the following deepatoh from Lord Roberta :— Paardeberg, Feb. 27.—In a very successful attack made by the Royal Canadian contingent on one of the enemy's trenches this morning, Major Peilettierwas wounded. Eight men were killed and 29 men were wounded, as fol. lows :— BILLED. Pte. Page, Pte. Orman, Pte. Johnston, Pte. Saott, Pte. Withers, Pte. Riggs, Pte. Quinn, Corp. Witbey WOUNDED. Major Pellettier (slightly), Hughes, Harrison, Sutherland, McDonald, Rep- lete, Proulx, Roy, Theriault, Sievert, Begot, Holland, Groff, Thomas, Livings, Mcdonnell, Brady, Harris, Sprague, Palkey, Coombs, Durant, Levitt, Simp. son Franshaw, Donohue, clue Iokers V Hol , land ' n Waedill. LADYSMITH RELIEVED. The following bulletin was poetod up on Thursday morning :— London, Mar. 1.—Ladysmith has been relieved, This has j19eel ollidially son - Armed fly War 05ioo.