HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-22, Page 8LOS" TEN ti1IUS8,SJLS ROST EB, 22, 1900 Put Wlleon'o Tnvalidai Port On the track of 1086 appetite end its speedy recovery is assured. It tenets the etomeeh, invigeratee the eye - tem apd reetoees to its owner that whigh Wee lose, x.4 jt`ABifc'd yy,,,.v TaNIC ai'i 1%i1S®,'S Invalids' Port . ■ le a rich ruby port with Peruvian Barkin v • 000210118 presoribod by the - English and Fronoh Pharmaoopoo 1sT. 'Tie an ideal appetizer, Sold by— GI A, Dsadmant The Eons se Falx I If those who have tweets to 0011 only knew it they could olteiiy make twenty times the pries of d package of 1)eedinaate Aondition Powder by giving a little Math day to their boreee. A bores that bats a little in its feed will eat better, digest better, leek better and sell better., A makes thee( 'slick and full of life. You. need not be afraid to feed it. We would not Want to eon it to yon if it was not a good thing. Try a paokage wbether yen want to sell your horse or not. YOUR COWS. Examine your stook and eco if any traces of 1ioe. An animal infeoted with vermin cannot thrive. We guaren• tee our line killers to give satiefaotion, YOUR HENS Require looking after. Our 1n eeot Powder is the best we can get and then we have en Instant Lnuee Killer that we are told does good work. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian and Bookeeller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. -Express 7:10 a,m.I Mail ....2:10 p.m Mixed...,0:45 a.m, Expreee 10:17 p,m Nan Items, A ohiel'e ameng.ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it, READ the advertisements. Bonen Fair next Thursday. Tan hog market ie brisker. - GREEN wood ia moving lively. THURSDAY of next week will usher in the month of Maroh. A CAR of hogs was shipped by Meters. Backer & Vanetone on Tuesday to Toronto. Tan Reeve eigued a petition asking the Legislature to give the Divieioo Omuta . larger powers. Tae daily War Bnllitena at the Tele- graph Office are oloeely and eagerly scanned these days. RICHARD E00020=N 1s pa Wag the sale of spraying apperatue for fruit brew, &o , &0. He is a general agent. Lewis arrival of Spring goods at A. Sbraobau'e store, also Marais Fa,hiou sheets, See advt. next week. MONEY found. Owner mey have the oame by proving property and paying for this notice. Apply to Tas PORT. • POSTMASTER FARROW presided at the leoture delivered by W. T. Anderson on "South Afrioa," at Gerrie, on Friday evening of last week. A LARGE number of the subscribers of Fax Pose' have renewed their aubeaript- iona for 1900 but there is still a large number who have not done eo. SOME weeks ago we Bent out quite a number of subscription amounts. Some of these were peid promptly bat othere are still in arrears. Will tbey ktodly at tend to tbie matter at once 7 MAOOABEE AT amts.—The Ladies and Knights of the Brussels Maooabees will bold an "At Home" in the Maooebee Hall on Tuesday evening of next week. A good amain] end literary program will be provided and refreshments will be 'served. Program oommen oea at 8 o'olock. Mar 25 AND 25 —'rhe Eaeentive Oom- mittee of the East Huron Teachers' As- sociation met in Wiugham for the than- . emotion of business. The next meeting of the Aesosiatiou is to be held on Thurs- day and Friday, May 26th and 26th, in the town of Seaforth. There were present the following.—Mise Reid and Meagre. Robb, Lowry, Baker, 141oEwan, Plummer and Musgrove. Soaooe ARaITaATIONe.—The arbitrators appointed at the recent meeting of the County [launch to adjudicate in the for- mation of two union selections will sit at Londeeboro' Thoreday and Friday, February 22 and 23. Thursday the arbi. tratioo will be in referenoe to the pro. posed union section between the town, ships of Hallett and Goderiob, and on Friday to the proposed seotions between the townships Hallett, Exet Wawasosh and West Wawaooeh. Hie Honor Judge 'Masson nod Inspectors Robb and Tom are the arbitrators, JUBILATmG OVER KltmEaLEY.—When the good news lame last Friday that Gen. French and hie brave eupportere had ant their way through to Kimberley and relieved it from its long siege, which began on Oot. 12th, it was thought a little patriotic jubilation was a proper thing. Reeve Thomson aommuoioated with the varione faatoriee and mills and at 8 o'olook the whistles of these plane, coupled with the deep tonee of the town belle, pealed out, load and clear, the good news. Some people thought it was a fire alarm but when made acquainted with the facto of the Daae did there share of rejoicing too. Kimberley was a house- hold word and one that will live long in the memory of British speaking people. It Ladysmith took a tumble there should be another rally even if it might be 101., polite to langh over the fall of n lady. Mee TARE n Heine—A few days ainoe Lieut. -Col. Varooe, opmrnanding the 33rd Enron Battalion, reueived an intimation from Col. Holmes, commanding tbe dia. teiot,to keep the battalion's arms, cloth ing and a000ntremente up to the full regi• mental strength, Ool. Varaoe, weaning to take the officers into hie °onfidence, at ouoe oalled a meeting, and on Monday of last week a number of the officers met at the Hotel Bedford, Goderiob, and the, enbjeot was thoroughly dismissed. The general opinion beiug that it was the duty of the militia to eaglet the country and the Empire, it was unanimously resolved that the Huron Battalion offer it8 ser - 7109e to the Governmebt for garrison duty at Halifax or the West Iodiee, with the intimation that the Regiment would be ready to marsh within seven days after being ordered for service. Other matters of interest to the 88rd were dimmed, and the meeting adjourned at the call of the officer commanding. The offer of its 8eevioea to the Government forgarrison duty wag higbly oommendable, and this offer 01 the 88rd, whether accepted or not, will no doubt be appreoiated by the admirers of $prop's citizen soldiers, SATURDAY laebsaw an unusually large crowd in town and Mishima was brisk. T. Smelt bee porehaeed the ash gathering outfit from S. Burk and will now run it on hie own hook, A GOOD supply of ioe has been liarveet- ed during the past week. It was out on the Maitland above the dam. THOSE envelopes, 20,000 of them, Fax POST received are going feet. Better get your stationery now before they are all gone. EAST HURON Lioenee Commieaioesra will meet at the Amerioau Hotel, Brae - eels, on Tuesday of next week for organ• feat ion. W. T. FEEDER'S representative, wbo visited Brussels last Saturdey for tbe first time with a fine display of hair goods, will make regular tripe every four months. He was well pleased with hie first visit. Wer. 0. StuTH is painting a amines drop curtain, in distemper, for the front of the stage in the Town Hall. Wing seethes are also being prepared. Mr. Smith has quite a taste for this glans of work and handles the brush with Iffeot. He ehonld develop the talent. Wen IN SOUTH AFRICA. — Newman's Oemomatograph 0o. will appear in the Town Hall, Bruseele, ander the aoapioee of Brussels tent, 0, 0. T. M., on the evening of Thursday, of next week, Meech lat. They show moving piotarea of the war, eoldiers leaving for the front, charge of the Rough Riders, and many other views. Admission, 10 and15 menta. Fax Howlett Mutual Insurance Go. Board of Directors will meet at Gerrie on Saturday of this week. The oftioere for the Doming year are :—John Miller, Jamestown, President ; Edward Bryan, Jamestown, Vice Preeideut ; Direotore : Robert Scott, Fultoo'a Mille ; James Edgar, Gerrie ; Wm. MoKeroher, Wrox eters Jae. Wylie, Glen Farrow Beate. Treat., W, S. MoKeroher, Wroxeter ; R. Miller and Jae. Foster, Auditors. LA'S Monday afternoon a Hockey match between Brussels and Atwood was played here bet 14 disgusted many of the onto ,kers, for instead of hookey, a good share of the time wae spent in Raab bling, guying by a saucy contingent of youngsters and rank decisions by the visiting referee. The game was not creditable to either glob and if friendly matches oannot be played it is time they gait. If some of tl:e young "sauce-boxee" who followed the Referee dowo street to the American Hotel had been warmly cuffed they would have only received :heir deeerte. Joan HILL, ao old resident of the 10th aon. of Grey, wbo sold hie 160 aore farm to Jae. Armetrong, h':e purchased the house and lot on Queen street, owned by Thou. Pepper, 9th con. of Grey, paying $1085 for it. There is & taiga quantity of small and other fruits growing in the gardens tbat yield a good revenne each year. Mr. Hill has been away on a vieiting lour with relatives but will re. tarn to Bruesele and 000upy his new premises, we understand. Hie many old friends will be glad to have him locate here. Osrr.—In Toronto on Tuesday of last week Mre, (Rev.) Wm. Burns pureed away to her reward, after an illness of about six months, aged 66 years. De - (teased, who was the relict of the late Rev. Wm. Barna, who died 2 years ago in Galt while officiating at a funeral, was a Bieber to the late A. Douglas, 15th eon., Grey. Three sone (two of whom reside in the U. S., and one in Piston) and two daughters (Mrs. Rev. Tibb and Min Annie, both of Toronto) survive. The funeral took plaoe on Thursday afternoon, interment being made at Monet Pleasant cemetery. Mre. Berne was a very esti. moble person and enjoyed the friendehip of a large oirole of friends wbo eympa thise with the relatives in their Borrow. SENT OUT or THE Co.—Tuesday Co. Constable Long asked John Simon and Kbalib Zilhon, Ruseian Jews, claiming Stratford ae the dearest spot on earth to them, on account of the hearth atone be- ing located there, to show their Co, licensees peddlers. They were unable to preempt the necessary paper and were consequently brought before Reeve Thom- son who catechised them ae if he were ab old band at the boeineae. They 00- knowledged having disposed of goods in Grey township, 'travelling on boot with their hietori° pack or box. According to their story fine combs, needles, pine, oheap jewellery, &o., was their stook in trade but the $60 lioenee was a little too rioh for their Eastern blood as they bad no money and they were very anxious to ehake off the duet of Huron from their feet. The Reeve wanted a dollar or two to reward the Oouetable for his work at least but the "long greens" were minae it tbey bought a ticket each to tbe Classic pity on the Avon. s As a 0o. Councillor we were asked to express our legal opinion on the interesting ovee and we cheerfully did so suggesting that Reeve Thomson appropriate the stook of fine combo and hold them until the cash wag forthcoming but as tibia style of machinery was not in his line as a grooar he aooepted 50 Dents and directed the way to the rising can.. Tbie week the Co. By-law may be read on page 4 of this issue and we would suggeatthat not only the Co, Constables read it hilt Magistrates and the public generally and be in a post. tion to matte these travelling fakirs, (many of therm put tip or shut up, QEOR8E Been shipped ad011b10 deolted ear Of beige 20 F'oreoto 010 lifondey last, It4TRQYRM19NT9 114979 been made in 1a. Burt's phota studio and be Nays butlnees le good. He is located in the Btretton Bleck. A )rine warm Was rung Thursday afternoon at 2 o'olook, the danger epot being in the basement of the Amerioae Elotel. The fire wee Overe0rrle by the time the Fire Engiae wee got oet go no Meter was t1rewn, lievesoae new aoiltingent of vo'unteere have reueived authority to 048 the mill. they uniferme and rifles belonging to 00. No. 5 and stored here. There are about 20 or 24 young men in the egged, Tiley drill onoe a week at the Town Hall. Tog "At Homo" fever is up to 90 - in the ebade among Br0aeele fraternal eocietiee, To keep the ball rolling the Odd Fellows will hold one in their Ball ou Friday evening of pert week, Mr, Blaakaby fe expected to toe present end deliver an address. A musical program sand luncheon will be important features of the eveniog. DionoTORs To MnnT.—The Direotore of the haat Huron and Grey Brenoh Agri. cultural Suoieties will meat in the Oouo- oil (Member, 13rua0818, on Saturdey after- noon of that week, 24th inst., at 2 o'olook, to make preliminary arra0gemente for bbe next Fall Fair ; dieogee the question of a new Agricultural Hail and attend to other matters of buelneee, A fu'l and prompt attendance of all interested is asked for. BEN LOMOND "Ar Hntte,"—The 018ui ber8 of Camp Ben Lomond, S. 0. S., and their wives and families held a vary enjoyable sooial Friday evening left, 16th Met, There were nearly a hundred pros. ant, and the proaa=dingo were enlivened with eouge, reoitatione and addressee. The following persons saeieted in the program and did their parte with their usual eliioienoy :—W. M. Sinclair, Alex. Rose and J. H. Cameros ; Mies Maggie Taylor, and Mre. A. Smith, of Wiartoo, deligh'ed the audience with severe' well rendered Ssottieh conga. Rev. John Roes, B. A., one of the members of the Order, gave an eloquent and stirring ad. dress on the endo and gime of Fraternal Societies in general, and recommended the Order of the S. 0. S. to all eligible young men as one of the beet Societies of the kind. Piper Ballantyne opened the ooneert with a few excellent selections on the bag pipes and Mies Jean McLauob lin acted as accompanist for all the eiog era and ae usual did her part well, Ben- ior Past Chief Stewart oocupled the chair moat ef3ioieutly, All wbo were present expressed themselves delighted with the social. This sooial was an ex- periment, being the first of the kind held by Camp Ben Lomond. but everything passed off se very satiefaotorily, that it will probably be' a permanent annual affair in the future. PUBLIC LIBRARY ENTERTAINA0ENT.—Ao- cording to anuoanoereeut the entertain• meat ander the auepicee of Bruseele Public Library oame off in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, a good audieuoe being present. Reeve Thomson perform• ed the duties of chairman very effioieutly owing to the unavoidable abeenoe of Inspector Robb, who was annouuoed to 000upy the chair. The program opened with a few appropriate wurda by the Chairman, followed by a well rendered patriotic goartette entitled "The Flag," by J. Rena, A. Strachan, A. Rose and J. H. Cameron. Major Stoneman, the well known commercial traveller, of Hamilton, oame next, reoitiog, with genuine military gusto, "rhe sea ie Britain's Own," Of coarse it elicited an encore and the gal- lant Major cheerfully responded with a humorous selection teethe "How Bill Adams woo the battle of Waterloo."'' It was well done. The line Scotch solo, "Jessie's Dream," was Bang by Mies Maggie Taylor in good voice. Mr. Ander son was introduced to give a lecture on "South Africa," and was warmly reoeiv. ed. He divided his addreee into two parte the first 61914100 occupying half ao hour. Some incidents of the voyage to Cape town were given and Maderia, fn the Canary Ielmede, was deeoribed, with its narrow streets 10 feet in width and its wood.n elects drawn by two bullocks, guided by a Portugueee, instead of omni. basses. A•fine Roman Oatholig cathedral is located here. The sail of two weeks from the Oanaries to Afrios is a flue one. Cape Town is laid out in Dutch style, etteete 0000109 at right angles. There are many fir trees and the hillsides are covered with vineyards from which are produoed most excellent grapes. The wheat fields come on the next plateau. Cecil Rhodes totende planting out large orchards in this locality as there ie a good market for fruit. Third plateau is cover- ed with sage bushes on which ebeep and cattle feed. The olimate is beautiful, tempered by ocean currents and the winds are ditto, outside of dieagreeable band etorms that sometimes blow up. Skies are clear permitting the reading of a letter by moonlight. 10 horses are usually attached to the poaches and rate of travel ie about 7 miles en hour. Heat runs up to 108 at Kimberley but the even• i0ge and nights are pool. It seldom freezes in South Africa. "God bless our broad Dominion" was Bung by the Quartette, Mr. Jones taking the verses as a solo. It was well sung. "The Oberge of GlenooeGap" wae the title of Major Btoneman's selection and was followed by Tennyson'e "Oharge of the Light Brigade." The Major wore his Fenian Reid medal and by hie vim and go would give an enemy a g pod bustle yet. This was hie first appearanoe at a public gathering but it will not likely be hie last if be exudes to the wieb of many who heard him Tneeday.eveniug, Mies Taylor sang one Blue Belle of Baot- laud" and rendered it splendidly. Mr. Anderson was galled on again and took the audience to the diamond Jidda after which he went into a historical (sketch of the Boors and the justifiable thanes Great Britain had for defending her rights and standing up for the muoh abnxed Utlaodere. President Kreger need never go to Mr. Anderson for a testimonial if he ever wants another "cit" ae the speaker apparently baa no tote for him nor his pliant tools. Before °losing a number of questions were asked Mr. Anderson regarding the Dark Oonti. neat which ho cheerfully replied to. He ie well posted on South African affairs and is able to clear up many knotty problems after hie sojourn there of 14 years. A vote of thanks was passed to all who 'took part in the program, on motion of B. Gerry and. P. Farrow, T, A. Hawkins was the pianiot doting the evening, The net finanotal proeeede will be about $50,00 whigh will be applied on debt of Public Library. Mr. and Mrs. Anderton will return to Melee, 498 soon ae the war is Over, Wxooceo Star Odd Oellowg are to go 5o Wingbam on Tbureday aliening to break in 5Om9 new metered in goat riding, AN 1.0. F, Btoo,o,—The membere 0f the Independent Order of Foresters, Brneeele, hold a 800ial gathering is their Court room nn Wedneeday evening of tbie week, tri, 13ittg1:, Chief Ranger, in the ohair. T'!)e meeting was addressed by Orgaoizen Wilkinson, of Niagara I"ally; Bigb Court Auditnr Cameron, of Luoknow ; aed Ray, Ante Deeuo l l 48848, High Court Treeserer, of London, gave interesting addresses In whigh they show. ed Ulla standing of their Order both numorioally and Ananoielly; reviewed its hietery and presented the etroag pointe poseeseed by the I, O. F. They did their part well indeed and their presentation was rew49rded by the addition of Tome new blood. A tasty lunoh was served after the speech making by Cetera Bart- liff. The thanks of the Court were pre- stinted to the visiting allure for their. kindness in owning and for their able efforts. lizeomTI01r OF SYMe'ATHY,—Western Star Lodge, No, 149, I, 0. 0.F., Brue• eels, passed the following resolution at their' last meeting which speaks for itself Mr. George .Backer. DEAR BROTHER,—We, the °ffilers and • members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I, 0. 0. F., Brussels, desire to express our deep sympathy .with you, Mre. Beaker and family in the going away of your bright little eon, Harry, to d better Home. These expreeetone of kindly interest are a part of the creed of Odd Fellowship, whose emblematio trinity— Friendship, Luve and Truth—point out to us not only the worth of earth'v friend. ship and sympathy for one ano,:ter but the ties that can never be severed. We mourn with you. Signed in behalf of the Lodge, R, Jonaero8, N. G., A. Rose, R. S. Brussels, Feb. 21, 1900. BRUssmLs GcNnaosnTY.—The following appeered in the Daily Globe relative to the recent Patriotic concert in Bruseele —A short time ago a Patriotic Qonoert was held in the Town Hall here, the large building being packed uncomfortably full, and not a few stayed atom° owing to the Beating oap toity being overtaxed. The Hall was beautifully and appropri• ataly decorated with flag.,.-banoere, bunting, portraits of Her Maleety the Queen, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir John A. lbaodooald, Sir Oliver M1w,lt, George Washington, Lord Roberts, &o., &o, A fine masioal program was rendered ; Rev. Jno. Rose, 13. A., delivered an exo_lleut addreee on "South Afrioa" ; m oompany of young men gave an interesting drill ; and medals Were presented to Veterans Spence and E)Iiott over the eventful 1866 Fenian raid. Rev. Joe. Holmes was the chair- men. Before the National Anthem was sting an appeal was made for donations to tbie worthy Patriotic Fund and such a liberal reepouse was made that in a hew minutes 9108.50 was sabsoribed which with the reoeipte at the door, amounting to 5117 55, totalled 5226.35 The amount is now forwarded to you by Standard Bank obeque with list of nub. scribers. The good wishes of the people of Brussels and locality go along with it, hoping that the terrible conflict will soon terminate ; that liberty will Dome to the oppreeeed ; and that the lives of our brave Canadian soldiers may be preserved so that we may have an opportunity of a grand rejoicing over the return of the "So'diers of the Queen" to the Dominion of Oanada—,he brightest jewel in Great Brltaiu'e diadem. Reeve Thomeon 55 OC Mre Jno Skene... 2 00 A Elision, 0I P P 5 10 G R MoOlellan.;. 2 00 W Ret- .. 500 Alex Stewart 100 D 0 Roes S 00 W H Stewart 1 00 B Gerry 5 00 Barry Moore 1 00 Rev J Roes, B A 500 Mrs 13 Carry...,-1 00 Inspector itobb 6 00 W F Stewart 1 00 T Farrow 0 00 Mre Juo Ameut 1 00 DrI N Gor IonLowry 1 00 MaNuu;h ton b 00 H R Elliott 1 00 W 11; Sinclair t: 0 Howlett 100 Squad. ..... 6 00 W Neal 1 00 Jae Pox 800 Ray R Paul 1 00 Jae llrwin 2 60 H Taylor 1 00 Dr Tweddle 2 00 Angus Oampbell 1 00 E D AIol0tosh,2 00 Prof Hawkins.,. 1 00 R Leatherdale,,, 2 00 R W Matheson,.. 160 J H Cameron 200 N F Gerry 1 00 W R Mooney 2 00 F 8 Scott 1 00 J B MoLauohlin 2 00 Geo Beet 1 00 Joo Ferguson 2 00 T Newsome 1 00 M Black 200 H !looney 100 Rev J Holmes 2 00 J D Warwick- 1 00 8 lb timer..., .... 2 00 Concert 117 55 Business Locals. Chen for hides and sheep skins. A. Ormuz, Brussels. Raw Fuae.—Any quantity of raw fore wanted by A. doUsLEY, Bruesele. Rouen to rent on Frederick street, Brneeele. Apply to REV. R. PAUL or Tao POST BA4rnento done on short notice by an experienced hand. Satisfaction gnaran• teed. Hoag WILLIAM8, Bennetts. BIDES WANTED.—Wm. B1061211 ie pre. pared to pay, the highest cash price for hides. Call and see bim, SAW filer MoGregor has a quantity of choice) eawe filed and for sale, and oan give a bargain. Will take any saws in exchange, T. McGregor, saw Gummer and filer, Brussels, Ontario. WANTED.—Choice roll better 22o, also raw fox furs, choice fox 54,50. We have a few mantles to clear -510.00 ones for 55.00,-05.00 for 52.60. Also a few fur hued capes. G. E. KING, Wingham. A very sad and fatal aooident mouthed ab twelve obiook noon Friday, on the farm of Charles Murton about three and a half miles nut of St. Mary's, at the south eastern limits of the township of Blanchard. It appears that Willie Mur- ton the fifteen year old son of Charles Mutton, had beenaesieting hie father, who had been nutting down some trees. Mr. Murton was just in the act of falling a tree, when he notioed hie son Willie ooming towards him. He oalled loudly to him to tools Ont for the falling tree but Willie evidently did not hear bim or else beoame confused as be oame on. When the tree descended a large doable pronged limb etruok him on the face and head and °rushed in hie skull and scattered his brains on the ground, Death was instantaneous, eY3caxsi DANnnooea—lo Elms, on Feb, 7th, (lis wife of Mr, Jae, Danbrook of a daughter.. G&Malign—JA0200e.—At the residence of the brldo'e parents, Howlett, on Wed. needay, Feb, 14th, by Rev. A. B. Varney, Mr, Albert Gallaher to Mies M. Jacques, daughter of Mr, John Jaoquee, BT,IND4.8 B XE p? C4t71r4D,d, 00S0Z.rseDtzxr;E-x=0:0 a,e372. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO OAPITAL PAID UP (One Minion Dollare) R15SIJIi,VJJ FUND • • Agencies in all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Dfanitobg, United $1,000,000 • 5000,000 stet if. England. 7 VSSUIF.44g lifietenqrst A General Banking Business Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes ?Dlsaounted.. Drafts Issued apd CoI)eotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00, and upwards. 8000.10 ATTENTION arm To 0007 COLT. 7OT10N or FAaMEne' 84 19 NoTEe, Every faOilityafforded Caetomere livilig ata dietitnee, J. N. 001tD015, ACTING' AGENT, .9===. CiliAl ax=a- C.8eoI CUAnL.—In Toronto, on Jan, 20th 1900, Peter Cormiohael, brotber in: law to Peter, John D. and Efggh Mo• Neil, of Grey, aged 75 years., BURNS.—At 18 Madison Ave., Toronto, on February 15113, Mrs, (Rev,) Wm. Burne, sister to the late Adam Douglas,of the 15th con., Grey, aged 66 years. A.'C7C'x'S023 T 00.A.I J_ _... WEDNESDAY, FEs, 28th.—Farm Stook, implements eto., (3 } Lot 27, Con. 6, 'Morrie Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Jae, Petah, Prop.; F. S. Stott, auo. TunenAY, Mena 6th.—Farm Stook, im- plements, furniture, eto., Lot 25, Con. 11, Mtaillop. Sale at 1 p. m. H. E. Bark. bolder, prop. ; F. S. Scott, ono. WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 7TH.—Farn7 stook, implements, &0., Lot 2, Con, 18, Grey. Sale, noreeerved, at 1 o'clock. Jae. Oakley, Prop. ; F. S. Bootle Ano. TUESDAY, MAaos 13. —. Farm stook, implements, &o., Lot 22, Con. 13, Grey. Sale, nnreeerved, at 1 o'olook. D. Mo• Innes, Prop. ; F.13. Soott, Ano. mm -m-00$ 100 x aJJTs, Fall Wheat..........,. Barley ......... Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls , Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per beg) Apples (per bag) Hay per ton Hidee trimmed ' Hideo rough Sheep skins,eaah Lamb skins each Hoge, Live Hogs, Dressed Wool 60 85 60 60 25 26 18 14 4 00 20 1 00 6 00 7 6 62 87 30 26 4 76 5 50 8 19 15 4 50 30 75 7.00 7k 65 25 4 85 6 00 13 EAST BUFFALO, N.Y., Fen. 20.—Cattle— Feedere, 5415 ; butcher cattle, $4.40 ; bntohere.eteere, 55. Calves were in mod• crate supply, fair demand and steady at the decline ; choice to extra were guobable at $8 to 58.25 ;good to choice, 57.50 to $8, Sheep and lambs --Offerings moderate ; choice to extra were quotable at 57.15 to $7.80 ; good to ohoioe, $7 to $7.15 ; year- ling sheep, 96 to 56.25 ; mixed sheep, 55.25 to 86.60 ; ewes, 54.75 to 55.25. Hoge—Fairly motive, with 17 loads, and a lower basis on light hogs and pigs ; heavy hogs were•steady,56.20 to $5.25 ; mixed, $5.15 to $5.20 ; light yorkere, 50.10 to 56.25 ; heavy, $5.15 to 55.20 ; pigs, $5 ; the feeling on roughs, 54.65 to 94.75 ; stags, 58.50 to 53.75. TORONTO, lees. 20.—Wheat firm ; On- tario, red and white, 65o to 86o West, and 664o bo 67o East ; goose wheat, 71o, low freights to New York ; Spring East, 67o;Manitoba, No. 1, hard, 79}o, North Bay, and at 795% g. f. t. Flour steady to firm ; outside millers offer straight roller, in buyers' bags, middle freights, at 92.70 per bbl., and export agents bid $2.60 ; round late, in wood, Montreal, have been bought in the past two days at 53.05 ; special brands, In wood, for local account, sell around 58. Milifeed— Offerings small ; bran is quoted at $15.50 to 516, andehorte at $17 to 518 at the mill door through Western Ontario. Oorn strong ; No. 2 American yellow quoted at 42o traok Toronto and mixed at 410 ; Canadian corn scarce and firmer, at 410 traok Toronto. Peas—Strong and . in' good demand ; oar lots, 62o North and West, and 68o blast. Barley—Export of demand continues ; good heavy malting barley in demand ; oar lots of leo. 2, middle freights, 421o, and East at 43io ; No. 1 is quoted at 44a to 45o outside. Rye, firm ; car lots 60a West and 510 East. Oats firm and aotive ; white oats, North and West, 27o ; middle freights, 28o, and East. 28,}. Buckwheat quiet ; offerings light, oar lots outside quoted at 490 t0 5Oo. Tosoxmo, Feb. 20.—Hoge advanced to- day at the Western cattle market 25c per owt. for eelecbione, and 12}o per cwt. for thick and light fats. The trade in cattle, considering large run, was fairly good, with prioee about same ea on Friday. The quality of cattle was medium gener- ally. Stockers and feeders were weak. Exporters' and butchers' tattle were steady. Export ewes were a trifle firmer; lambs weak ; total run about 70 load, I made up of 1,000 cattle, 2,000 hoe, 700 sheep and lambs and 25 calves. Exhort cattle—Offerings fair and demand ]Ike• wise. All stook sold out. Prices ranged from 54,76 to 55 per owt. for the average beet exporters, and $4.25 to $4.60 for lighter tattle. Butchers' cattle—Large run and fairly active trade at moderately steady prime, as ruled on Friday last ; choice lots sold around 54 to 54,25, ani lots of good useful heifers and steers sold 98.50 to 93.80 per owt., while fat tows and mixed lots sold at $3 to 58.60 per owt. ; rough mud average heavy feeders at $8.50 to $3 75 per cwt. ; feeders weaker : heavy short keep steers sold at $8.80 to 54 par cwt., and the average heavy feeders at $3.60 to 58.75 per owt. Stockers—Steers weighing 500 to 900 lbs. sold all the way from $2 00 to 53,50 per owt. ; trade somewhat dull. Export bulls—Some good bulls on market ; prices steady at 54 to $4.25 pet owl. for heavy weights, and 58.50 to $8.00 per cwt. for light stook bulls ; feeding and light stook belle steady at these prices export heavy, 94 to 54.25 ; lights, $8,50 to $3.90. Milch oowe—About ten tows sold at 530 to 545 a head, Sheep and lambs—Trade rather dull ; export ewes sold at 94 60 td 54.75 per cwt„ and 54:25 to 54.50 per owt, for picked ewes and wethere, Boge—Selections of 140 to 200 lbs., natural weight advanced 25o per owt„bo 56.25, and thiok abd fate, 12io per owe, to 54.62(1 per cwt. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 001101tAL Servant wanted at onoe, Ap, ply to MRS, 93'. M. 8INCLAIR, Bruesele. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUO- a Trowpan for the County. S9'xps-- 4enoe of over 14 yearn, and knowledge of who to sell to. Will guarantee satisfaction. If YOU want to sell or buy a form oall ou me,. Money to loan at 42 per sent. WOOD WANTED. We aro papered to make °entracte for 1,000 cords of bard and soft wood, to be de. livered at the Bruesele Salt Werke. Par. tutelars may be had there. THE 00L10MAN SALT COMPANY. Notice to Creditors. Pursuantto Chap, 129 R. B. 0,, all: persons having claims against the estate of EWION J.'nfo4RTHUlt, late of the Township of Grey,Yooman, deceased, are notified to sand or deliver to Peter Arthur McArthur, Bras - male P.O., one of the Exeeutora of the estate., ou or before the 19th day of March, 1000, a statement of their c alms and after the last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to dietributo the eetate among those entitl- ed thereto, having regard only -to such claims of whigh notice shall bavo then been received, And the Executors will nob be liable for the assets of the estate or any, part thereof to oily person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. Dated at Brueeels Feb. 21st, 1800. PETER A101101i. MoART13U12, Executor. 8. EUNTER, Agent for Executors. 88 8 REAL ESTATE. p1RST • CLASS FARM FOR SAru.—Lot 17, eon. 0, Township of Grey. 100 aoree more or leas. Situate 46 miler from;B,ussels and 2 mileefroui village of Ethel. All cleared exeeptieg 6 aorta of hardwood bush. Buildings and fences In good repair. Good wells, All wall plowing done, Price and terms of payment on.ap- plication to W. id, 8I100LAIIt 20-tt. Barrister, &e., Bruesele. a.VARD4S FOR SALE. — 100 acres in the Township of Howtak, be - Ina Late 10 and 16, cos, 0 ; 80 aoreo are cleared and 20 aures in bush ; ba uk barn with stone stabling underneath • and frame house with cellar. A geed thriving orchard. Farm is situated 9 miles from Wroxaler Also 50 acres in the Township of Turnberry, being North Half of Lot 7, Con. A; 30 uoree 1n grass, 20 acres of hush; frame been and log house ; a good spring. For further par' tIonlars apply to ALLX, HMO?, 28-0 Wroxeter P. 0. CHILBLMNS Can be oared 101 150, and we ooh dp 10. For Coughs 86 Golds Our White Pine and Tar ie a most va0luable11mremedyanyteeandtimeniaie ws# a499 leo ftheur 04 general 8atiefaotien given bylite use, 250. PER BOTTit.E. Our Baby's Cough Syrup So useful in Croup, Whooping Cough,;120,, oannot be beaten; Satie• faotien guaranteed or your money bank at Poz's Drug Store. ra3AgentDominion Express Co, Money Orders gild to all parts of the world, T 60(30 FARM PUR SALE.— 040 sores. complete -section, near Southwest boundary of Manitoba. Over 100 storesunder cultivation, Fine two-storey. ]louse coating over 91000, 8 miles from rail- way;. riser. Souris names through farm; near cheap goal sanely. Price 51000. Apply to 3190, D. RONALD,' i?OR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— A-. 1,9419.—The property of the late John Elliott, coneluting of a solid brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and a acreof land all in first-olase condition. If not sold will be renters. Pos• session at any time. For pa•tloulare apply t0 WM, STnnon, Ethel; Arm. PATTERSON, Galt; or ER,MoRpromo,.Mt. Forest. 20tf rJIINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE. me Lot 20, N ¢ Con. O. Morris township, containing 08 &tree of flret-olaee land, There is a house, barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farm ie well. fenced. There are. 85 acres in Fall wheat ; 15 sores in hay, and 95 mores pasture, Possession could be given atone. Farm adjoins the village of Brus- sels, For further particulars as to price, terms,&e,, write to JAME8 LIVINGSTON, M, P., Baden. 224f 1 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ou 00111 etreet,Breeeolt. The bonte is a comfortable one, well fitted up, with cellar, hard and soft water, &o. There e aalsoa good stable. Fruit fi trees in garden : over one-quarter aero of land. For prion, terms, &o.,. apply to- B. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. KERR. of 'Pun Pon. 19.tf FARM FOR SALE. -150 AOREF7 Ooutieting; of the Loath t and South i of: the North} of Lot 80, Con .2, East Wawa• nosh. 4ln015 an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good gyring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Hlyth. A large part of it Is under grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair state Of repair. Bars. terms Of payment will be given, For all information apply to 1141 G. F. 13LA1R, Barrister, Brussels. PEREMPTORY SALE OF A 0800 FARM.—The "White farm,” lot 7, con, 2, Grey, 100 mores, 16 miles from. Jame. town (gravel road) must be sold. under the will of the late owner. Good buildings, or. chard and never failing water supply. The laud le clean and In good state of oultivation, 5 acres of Fall wheat now iu. This is a de. elrable property and a (bean bargain can be had. Apply to JOHN WHITE, Jamestown, or to A. HIJNTER,Bruseels, Executors. 187f TER D A; s" dines We are offering for the next Thirty Days our Entire Stock Winter Goods ar—aigv--- Iholesale Prices, WHICH CONSISTS OF —Readymacle Overcoats at $7, $7.50 and $8. —Readymade 'Waters at $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6 87 and $8. • —Readymade Double-breasted Coats, at $3.75 and $4,50. — Fur Coats at $18, $18.50, $20, $35, $40 and $45. — Fur Caps $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $6. —Underwear at 75c, $1.10, $1.50, $1.75 and $3.50 per suit. — Woollen Shirts at 55c, 70c, 750 and $1 each. —Mufflers o,t 37zc, 50e, 55c, 70c and 75c each. —Gloves at 871c, 550, 75c, 81.25 and $1.50 per pair. W CD These goods must be cleared out inside the next 30 days in order to make room for the balance of our Spring Stock. ''Everybody come and share in these Bargains while theylast. Goods sold at these prices for CASH ONLY. Spring Hats. Oar Spring Hats are now to hand CC'' and your inspection is invited before purchasing elsewhere. unford, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher,