The Brussels Post, 1900-2-22, Page 7e
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FEB. 22) tl1QQ,
When oheos^ug getlae and dueic/ ter
the table Joe that they have hard,
•Plump Monate, arra pliable, soft yel-
low feet.
Patna parts of ammonia and turpen-
4 . tine will take Pant: out of stothingi
,no matter hoe dry and herd it may
be, Saturate the spot tivo or three
times, thea wntsh out in soapsuds,
For any one who takes cold easily,
apiece of soft brown paper tacked in-
side the back of tv dress or slip -body
ie invaluable, Thick cotton blouses
can thus bo worn when otherwise a
thielci dress would be required,
Belladonna or iodine liniment is the
best remedy to apply to spretns, and,
if the .4prain is at all severe, the part
Rhould'be frequently bathed with hot
Werra baths will often prevent the
most ylr'ulent diseases. A person who
meal bein fear` of having received be-
fection of any kind should take a warm
bath, suffer psrepiretion to ensue, and
then rub dry. Ile is advieod to dress
warmly to guard against taking cold.
A. French deserter having been ar-
rested' at Southampton and sent back
to his regiment, the court-martial that
tried him accepted as sufficient excuse
tbut he Wanted to help the Boers.
It would be of interest to know. says
a'wwr• correspondent, if, there has ever
been acountry So divested on its2n¢le
Population as the Transvaal is at tate
moment. It is a land of women and
girls, boys under fifteen or, sixteen,
and a few old men. The rest are at
the front in Natal, or across the Wes-
tern border.
It is said that wjien the Naval Bri-
gade made such a successful debut, at
Ladysmith, No. 1 of the 4.7 gun said,
A Meld Account of 'Tele Terrible Ingle b
n 11 Her Frites t he. se1q. 01' War,.'
The fight we had at Dundee was a
terrible affair. On Friday morning we
fell' in on parade et 4.30 a,m„ to guard
againet a daybreak attack as w,eknew
from our spies that the Boors were
somewhere in the hills ' around' the
eamp. We stood on parade until day-
broalr, 5,30, and then we were dis-
missed and went to our tents. We were
all chatting, and having a smoke;' when
suddenly Shells fromeigbt guns start-
ed, pouring over our heads. We turn-
ed out, to find the Boers on a hill, call-
ed Talcum, abut one and a half miles
Prom camp. Oue' General at onoesent
118 out to attack them in the follow-
ing order: Dublin Fusiliers In the first
line, King's Royal 'tittles In the second,
and the Irish Fusiliers in reserve, also
twelve field guns.
" We marched towards the hill until
we got about 1,000 yds from it, when
eve halted in a ditch while our artil-
lery gave them. a good shelling. They
shot so straight that in forty minutes
they had blown all the Boer guns to
ipieces, so thattial tWe had ,to face• now
were bullets.
" Wo had to get across open ground
about 500 yds. wide, and as we Pass-
ed over It the bullets fell like a hail-
storm, the men falling in all directions
and although we crossed in about eigbt
minutes we had et least one hundred
on being told to fire et "Long Tom,", man killed and wounded. When we
"Can I hit him at 5,00P yards / Just got to the other side of this ground,
half a moment!" And he did. there was a wood, which we entered,
Even tbe educated Boer is wonder- thinking the trees would give us a bit
fully, ignorant. When at lunch in the of protection, but it was worse still
house of a well-known Johannesbur- Ithore, because we were nearer to
ger, Judge Koch observed that Eng- them, and they shot about another
land could not put more than 40,000 thirty men, so we advanced again.
ram in time field, even if she brought' .e As ,we left the other side of the
her Indian army and the Volunteers Wood our General
into action. t got hit in the stone-
The three Japanese naval and gun- ash and had to retire, and the_ next
nery officers w,ho are expected inEng senior. officer wanted us to retire else,
landtshortly to visit the various Gov but the troops would not do so, as
ernmoni dockyards and depots, intend they; stood as mulch chance of getting
to pay speolal attention to the trans- hit in going back as in going forward;
port system, whiob appears to have so we kept advancing until we were
greatly interested the Japanese Gov- about 200 yds. from 'the top, and then
ernment. The clockwork -like manner our troops lay behind the rooks and
in whish troops have been got off with-' peppered them a treat—we could see
Out hindrance to trade and without a them falling
single hitch is the admiration of the gall along the ridge, and
world and the envy of the Continent, this so cheered our troops that they
The Japanese are not afraid to show fixed, their bayonets and rusbed up to
their appreciation .openly. I the top.
The regiment which, not long since
stormed, the Boer position at Kimber- intended a charge they fled in all di -
ley at the, point of the bayonet is reetions, we firing into their backs.
the only one in the .service entitled When the Boors got to the bottom of
to use the distinction, "Loyal," its the hill they found the 18th 'lessees
full name being the ;Loyal North Lan- waiting to charge them, so they hoist-
ed the white flag, and went on their
the seven territorial regiments which
have the bleak line in the gold lace
at rose pattern. This black line was I
introduced into the lace in memory of OTI,v . Woman S
the taking of Quebec in 1759, when this 11 tJ a Bila( 1t Story.
regiment, then known as Wolfe's Own,
lost their commander, General Wolfe,
in the moment of victory.
As soon as'the Boers SW that we
The bridge at Hopetown, over which MANY SILENT SUFFERERS.
Lord Methuen's oolumn, has recently' --
advanced, is the most • remarkable, Nervous rrostrattou - Heart Weakness-.
structure of the kind in Cape Colony. Agnntzlne Pains and Misery Ruth as
Its total length is no less than 1,400
ft. The bridge at ,Aliwal North is only
800 ft. long. Hopetown is notable as
being the last town on the Orange
ltivelr, A few huts or scattered farm-
steads ere the only signs of human every day; not romantic or thrilling,
habitation along the great waterway but just a story of misery and suffer,
for 000 miles to the Atlantic. ing such as, unfortunately, too many
By the kindness of the Eastern Tele-
graph Company, and over the viser
de Major-General Sir J. 0. Ardagh,
Director of Military Intelligence, the
hon. Secretary of the Imperial War
Fund has been enabled to inskruet the upon liar, Mrs. Sears sold
Wade Alone Endure Wae like
Life of Atm Thos. Sears 11
Just a woman's story.
Not strange because it happens
women endure in silence.
For several years Mrs. Thomas
Sears, of St. Catharines, felt her 111-
DOSS gradually but surely gaining a
firmer hold Upon her system, and ul-
timately she almost despaired of re-
covery. To a reporter who called
officers commanding depots in Natal "What I have suffered is almost be-
ta at once pay Over to the widow of yond description. , My illness has
every regular soldier or Colonial VOl_ beengraduallygrowing uponon me,
unteer killed in action the sum of £10 and eighteen months ago I found my -
these officers being empowered to drew self almost helpless. My nerves were
• cm Messrs. Cox & Co., the treasurers shattered. my h"art weak and my
of 'the Imperial War Fund, through entire system seemingly broken down.
the friendly mediation of the Natal I had norest night or day; the little
Rank, sleep I did get did not• refresh me. I
was in constant agony, and only a
Al3OUT CRIMINALITY;woman can •understand what I en-
. ,dured as I tried to do my household.
In au article on "Women and the work. Any sudden noise would
Emotion/," by Prof. Kantegazrn, ftroignhtbnrdmereinagndonleaovlelommee,d. nAat ctoinmdeis-
there are some interesting statistics I experienced attacks of vertigo, and
showing that those modern sooiolog- these seemed fo ra time to affect my
hits who bold that women are men's ,memory. The least exertion would
equals in 'the field of criminality are leave me almost breathless, and my
heart would palpitate violently. 0
wrong. Here are some of them: had n.o desire for food of any kind,
Man bears false witness 100 times and yet I had to force myself l:0 eat
to a woman's seventeen. to maintain life. 1 treated with
three different deet ors and spent
Man for forgery and counterfeit t.uah money in this way, but with -
coining was aouvicted 100 times to a out oval'(, amid 3 was in a coriilition
woman's eleven, bordering on despni1. I -was urged to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in
In France women are summoned bo- December, 1808, I consented to do
fore the tribunals four times less so, 1 first got four boxes and natio-
than men, ed a change foe the better after Iliad
In Franco in 1880 women delinquents ,finished the second box. When the
four boxes were finished there wee
were fourteen to 100 men, n great change for the better and I
In Italy in the saner year they were then pnooured another half dozen
only 0 per Dent. boxes. Before these were ell used I
was again enjoying the blessing of
In Algeria we have ninety-six male
good heutlth.,There can be no doubt
delinquents and only four women.. of my cure becuiuse months . have
In England and Wales between 1834 pressed sins I discontinued taking Dr.
and 1842 there were twenty-four WO. Williams' link Pills, and during that
amen to'100 men, all for the more ser- time Ihave never..felt the sligbfest
ions offenses.
symptom of the trouble, end I cheer -
In •1871 Dr. Nioholeon found in the fully and strongly urge other wthis
sitar t use this
prisons of England 8,218 men and 1,- c'. who am ---.' -1 l ]b 0
217 women. it willful ,.hem, a feeling sure that
h m, a it clic( me.
ilcitret o
't 1 s
In Bavaria from 1862 to 1866fu a,
m w
popullttion consisting solely of� peas- 71r. Williams' Piuk Pills aro as,jlvrai-
ants, the women who IN ego condemned fie for all forms of weakness. The
blood s vitalized, it liz the nervous aye -
were a
wore in proportion twenty-nine to 130' "im is m orgnalizayd, irregularities are
men. aorteoted, strength .t'oturns end (Ne-
meth the risons of Turin from 1871 to
p remarkable v ars, Sc rem,, kalle have
1881 tbo Wame0 in res act to men are bete disni el
p aeon the cures performed by these
represented by a figure of 1307 per little pills tli,it their ;fame has spread
to the fur cede of Oiviliylfttion. Whor-
`faking. the whole of Europe, women ever you go you well find the most
are, the professor says, five times hose
guilty then men.
Janda and knees for mercy. All ovol
the top of the hill we found Ineadreds
if their dead tend wounded. 1 /hall
never forget the eight So long a/ 1
We sent a few messengers to the
Mere to ask there ie, come and fetch
their dead and wounded. Instead of
burying the dad they flung then,
down a goal mine, where I ouppo/c
they are, still islet;, Theyeere nothing
Jut a lot of white Savages. They car-
ried their wounded into farmhouses
we lent them, lend dressed their
wounds, but never gave them any-
thing to eat -or a drop to drink; 00
we took thane :seventy seventy loaves and kill-
ed and cooked ie bullock for the poor
follows, As we handed it to them, how-
ever, they actually spat at ue, but we
had to Lake no notice of them, as they
were in such pain' and agony train
"I should say there wore about 1, -
goo of them wounded, and there must
be 200 dead. Their force was 8,000 at
the start, and our attacking party
were 8,000, so I think we had a glor-
ious vistory,.,and T shall be glad to
get homes to explain it to you.
"And now 1 think I have, got worse
to tell you. On the day after the
fight, just as we were about to bury
aur dead, our spies broughtininforma-
tion to say they had seen about 12,000
Boers, with twelve guns gettingout
of trains about five miles from our
camp, so we were at once ordered to
get ready for another fight. We got
ready, and waited to see what hill they
were going to take up a position on.
They placed themselves on a hill not
a' mile from our camp,- and our Gen-
eral made us stand by and .watch the
Boers get the guns into position ready
to shell us—he would not let us attack
them lentil they had got a'll their guns
ready. Then he marched us about
three miles from camp, thinking, we
were out of range of their shells, but.
we soon found their guns were 40 -
pounders and their shells could reach
us six miles away—so we moved out
of range.
"When the Boers found they could
not reach us they started shelling our
camp and afterward our hospital,
where., we had about 200 wounded men
so we had to go and fetch our wound-
ed away from the eamp. While we were
doing this they panrced hundreds of
It's tar more delicious than Jape. Sold only. in
Load Packet.,
Sir, said a fierce lawyer, do you, 00
your oath, swear that lata is not your
handwriting 0
I i,hiak not, was the :cool reply.
'Does it resemble your writing/
I can't say it does, the witness con-
tinued calmly.
ff)o you swear that it (loos not re-
semble your writing 3'
Do you take year oath that this
writing does not resemble yours/
'R -a -s, sir.
Now, how do you know I
'Cause I can't write,
The Truth About Backache Proved
By Uodd's Kidney Pills.
Mrs. Katy 'ErnLhoed Gives Evidence -Ne
Doubt In the /duds of lite People of
Staples -Neckache 1a. Stonily Kid.
ere,. Aehe.
Staples, Feb. 12.-- There is no
doubt in the minds of the people of
ibis district that the oonten or excitement, and it was impossible
tion that backache is a symptom of for her to get restful sleep, she lost
kidney disease, is literally and abso- her appetite, her heart became very
lonely correct. If not, how is it that weak, palpttaling eo violen;ly that
Dodd's Kidney Pills, a kidney med1- she could hardly breathe at iha sligh_
Sine, cora backache? For there is 00 ,test exertion. When she commenced
dispute about it that Dodd's Kidney j Pits two r, Ward's
ard sa of she and
n ve
Pills do cure backache. New cases in g
this neighborhood are coming to light state of complete physical and nervous
every day. Mrs. Katy Lougheed is P?ostration. Her blood was soon!,
one of the most recent, but there are with no mute strength Chan water,
scorns more. Since taking Dr. Ward's Blood and
It has long been contended that Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend -
backache is really kidney ache. But leg, her appoti$e has returned, she
up to within ton years ago, when
well her nerves are stronger,
shells into 'us, and yet not one man. Dodd's Kidney Pills were first given d her. heart gained strength so that
got injured, although the shells were t t h world, the feat had never been dropping all round us. Weplanedour
wounded behind a hill out of harm.'s
way, and then went back for tents for
them, but still not one man was hit.
On the Sunday morning we went out
to attack them, but found there were
too ninny of them, as, besides the 12;
000 :which bad come by train, they had
the remnants of the 'force we had de-
feated on the Friday.
When we got back emix r Gen-
eral told us the only thing we eould
do was to retire on to Ladysmith; he
also told us that the proper road to
Ladysmith was held by the Boers, and
that we should have to go a round-
about way—about 100 miles 'instead of
sixty. All aux provisions were in
camp, except a few tins of biscuits and
bully beef, so we asked the General
to march us day and night, so as to
get to 'Ladysmith as soon as pot=
I cannot describe the horrors of
this match to you. We had eaten all
our food on Tuesday night, although we
had been kept as short as possible.
We were told it was our last meal, and
no more till Ladysmith. That meant
•no food and a thirty-three miles'
march—all the time the rain was pour-
ing down in torrents. Well, we start-
ed at 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning
and arrived here at 9 a.m., on Thurs-
day -90 hours' marching on an empty
stomach, soaked to the skin, and up
to our knees in mud. But when we
got hese we had a reception that re-
paid us all for our hardships. As we
marched through the town the women
and children carried our packs and
rifles for us, and the men carried our
fellows who were footsore on their
banks until we got into camp."
etatemsnt that the Kaiser's
mouatarsho has been trimmed after the
.fashion of the monstaatle of Charles.
I., as depicted in his portraits, has
bete indignantly travereed by a'
German moetbly• trim "uliturned
moustache' was really levented, ac-
cording to this authority, at the.
Court of Philip IV'. of Spain. Charles
I, eel. the fashion in England, and 11
spree(' thence to 'Bdiginm, Germany.
Sweden, and Prance. Louis XIII.
was .the last monarch who wore this
type of moostaohe till its revival by
William II.
Feathers are now imitated to such
a fine perfection by the munufaoturer
that it ,e said the eye of the expert
is needed to detect the imitation. A
elk spatially prepared in some way le
employed and is worked :on to a stein
in the most natural way Imaginable;
it is then dyed or painted, and the
effect ie perfect.
Stoke Pee Banished—Health Pestered
:'omen, -Dr. Ward's Blood and
li;e-ve Pilin Lave done my sister so
mace good thin grateful apprecia-
tion 1 told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I
would gladly give a testimonial un-
solisited, as to their merits. ray
sister, 15 years of age, caugbt a vio-
lent sold—since then she has been in
very peer health, lost all colour was
anemic, her blood had no vitality, and
she had no physical strength, ale be-
taine extremely nervous, so much, so
that she could not stand any exertion
t le able to fulfill rats iunetraons. freer
actually proed. But Dodd's Kidney to taking Dr. Ward's Pills she bad
Pills have turned the tbeory into n taken many medicines without any
Enol. if one has backache one's kid- special benefit. Dr. Ward's Blood and
neys are out of order, and no amount Nerve Pills are certainly the only
of medicine which does not act on the medicine that has done any good. Be.
Kidneys, will do the slightest
good. fore taking them she was getting
How many people have been crippled weaker, her heart and nerves losing
with lame book and given up trying to strengthheml she dai.Sinohes she baily ad bga
and a ern
be. cured In dospnir•4 They were not •tinuously gained health and strength,
aware that backache is but a symp- CLARA ELLIOTT,
30 College street,
Peterborough, Ont,
When the members or.a Dutch fam-
ily dine, the daughters join their
mothers in contributing to the plea -
aura of the occasion. The dinner is
simple, but the viands are excellent
and well cooked. Soup or bouillon is
served first. Fish is the next course,
which consists of sole and gratin, with
a rich The f brown sauce.
w u follows wa v n
e 1
roasted, stuffed with chestnuts, and
garnished with rings of beet root and
lemon. She concludes with a cold
sweet -some kind of pudding made
with eggs and milk, ornamented with
dried cherries and flavored with mar-
The service of the table is plain—nq
flowers, but the cloth is of the finest
damask and the silver and crystals
are both massive and sparkling. There
is a great variety of vegetables, and
these are placed on little stoves on the
table. These stoves contain a'remark-
ably Eine peat which has been brought
tom, uot a disease.
The real Backache, about which no-
body who ever experiences it can be
mistaken, is not an ache' of the ba k Twins are considered a curse
at all.. It is the ache of disordered i by
kidneys. The kidneys are situated
some of the superstitious tribes of AF-
oppo ice the small of tbe back. Thus rica. It is customary to put them out
the pain' is termed Backache. Ib is no of existence immediately after birth.
use treating B.:ckache, DO called, Local- must notThe ed. r nk from es athe n uspring be-
lt'. It is the kidneys that demand longing to her relations.
treatment. That is the reason that
Dndd's Kidney Pills' have such a re-
pu'ation for curing Batkacho.
Mrs. Katy Lougheed, of Staples,
Rest Remedy in the World for Catarrh
Miss Bessie Main. Kennedy, of iiing-
writes: 1 sten *7.B , says: "I have used Cater
'I can highly recommend Dodd's h'azone for Catarrh and think it is
Kidney Pills as the Lest thing for the best remedy in the world' for, that
lame back that I ever got. I have disease." Catarrhozone is a new scien-
only lysed two boxes and they cured Oho treatment that cures Catarrh, l
me!' Asthma, Brom cbttis and irritable •
+ throat. Very pleasant and effective
Tba Mee hospital for our wounded to use, contains no deleterious drugs.'
he oath Africa is in Wynberg, a sub- Catarrh -o -zone, is for sale by' all re-
urb of Cape Town. It is formed on liable druggists. Trial outfit sent
o the old military camp, tbe buildings for 10e in /tamps by N. C. POLSON &
ebing wooden huts. well built, witb CO., Kingston, Ont., Prapetetors.
broad verandahs back and front, p
lace ,
ed on a common toe hundreds of ¢ores Japanese ladies are said to be the
in' extent. most talkative of theirsex.
-- I used by mother, for their children teething. It [teethes
HOW SHE OVERDAME IT AND BAF- the °blldd,,.otto,, the g /moi abase halo, 2 n ,hind
c° o, an a es tame y or ,err wn o o •
FLED HER TORMENTOR. • tie. sold 6y all dreggiete throughout the world. Be
sere and a k for •' We, Winslow'. Soothing syrup,
Toronto, Dee. 26t13.—Mies Ida Hob -
towels are among tbe
kirk, of 184 Harbord St., this city, is newest curiosities. When soiled it is
a young lady who is exceedingly only necessary to tbrow them into a
popular with a very extensive circle red-hot fire, and after a few minutes
of friends, all of whom are rejoicing draw them out fresh and clean.
over her recent escape from a terrible __—y
danger, The story of her experience O'KEEFE'S LI" Ur MALT
is deeply interesting, told in her own Iurlgcraten and Strengthens
straightforward way. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto. GENERAL AGENT.
Here is her narrative: In 189/ I took
a position in a down -town store, My Without actually departing from
work was not unusually hard, but T the letter cif the truth, it is astonish -
soon found I could nto stand it, and ing what different stories two the
any health failed. I grew very thin, oughly respectable roan can tell to
had splitting headache continually, jury,
dizzy spells, and extreme weakness.
My tongue was ' thickly furred, harsh TO CERN. A rein IN ONE DAY COLD OURS 10a 0wee in o jiffy
and dry, every morning, and I arose Take Lax tiro Bronco Quinine Tablets, All Carters Demme R Co Agents, Montreal. P. Mm
tired acrd aching. I Wad duill and low- druggists retund the money if it fails to cure. ---..-_---.- - -
spirited all. the time. a E. W. Orovo'm e'geature ie on each box. THE DES MOINES INOUBATOR-Rent and cheapest
"My sister had. used Dr. Arnold's
O. Relined, hale agent for the Domini.,. Beat tat.
' y -` stamp for catelogao. 373 51. Paul Street, Montreal
English. Toxin Pills with remarkable
After a long and patient struggle
with others nn,Iyou WIC At once notice the diaorenee. Lead PaoNpgOe,
Thy ((scarwill of it udoOR has outdo it a favorite, Try 1t, 15, 30, e0, 60, 00s.
O,r ,A ,hod Is sure and has cured thousands -some pronounced
encu'able. Write at once. Booklet and Proof oei request. ald(freso
TIie"SWISS.Af�ERICAN CS., Windsor Ont. Canada
Windsor, y
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pl'easant to the caste,
and agreeing with 1lhe most sensi-
tive stomach. Used by physicians
in the treatment of all throat and
lung troubles, and if results
count for anything—almost no
limit to the good it can do.
Sample bottle Mailed to any address on eecelpt of to
cents to cover postage. .
Angier .Chemical Co. LJ 3u to nc ' Toronto
Comets have a temperature that is
believed to be two thousand times
fiercer than that of red-hot iron.
" Pharaoh 10oe" Payne, °f Granby, Qne,
Oita. Manufactur&.
Kimberley is the centre of the dia-
mond -mining interests in South Af-
rica which are valued at £100,000,000.
La Toscana, 10o. 1 STORY Moebbrreal
The most easily digested meats are
mutton chops, venison, sirloin of beef,
lamb -hops, rabbit and chicken,
The 't Balmoral," Free Bus SLe l'tD
Hotel Carslake,Bnmepn"° Ptan. R°nme
from 21 a day upp, Opp,
U,T.R. station, Montreal. Deo. Uarsluka A: Co., ProV'e.
AVENUE HOUSE—M,14–coons. A.rnee,
Family HOtelratee 31.ii0
Per day.
ST. JAMES' HOTEL--°rro biock0u from 0°p P:
Rellwq, Firebolau 0ommnrolal House, Modena ins.
provenience -Rates moderate,
Shopwalker—She complains that you
didn't show her common civility.
Shopgirl—I showed her everything
in my department, sir.
W. 1P. C. 1011.
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Writ.
meat, Tooth Powders, etc., have boon
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti•
one diseases. Ank your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed free 0a application.
F. C. CALVERT & 00.,
a 'Vented
TO solid far 01/1
complete SHEET
are equipped ed to
Whaley, Royce
158 Tonga St.,
benefit au(L I also begun to take the woman physicians of Russia have FARM WA:, ri'D•°'entofHmnilton. Must be abnap,
them. T candidly state that improve- seem ed a decree which places them fort rpror.0ATT1,E, cora of Wilson Publishing Oe..
meal began almost immediately, till upon an equality, both socially and
the Em eon BALE -NEAR FRSIITLAND-In the Niagara
today T nen In better health, for . Empire. F district, on the lake shore, a minable fruit Linn ;a
mucid stronger than I have been for -- .eiuudid chance; satisfactory tautens elven for selling.
Y f.F'CoLEoo, 1 Cor hdl pendentara address E. Dickenson, yrs., 1, etch
i alunford. '
years. To Dr, Arnold's English Tox- STATE of OHIO, CIT
to a uniform state of heat and is en- 10 Pills, and to them alone the credit LUOAs COUNTY. ss,
i FBANE J. CNRNNY makes oath that he is
tirely free from any visible smoke. Ey-is dun" • Vninr partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY tc,
ery tea kettle and urn Which is iorery girl and woinav who surfeits Co., doing bnnine's in the City of Tnlndo,
brought to the table is kept hot by ar, Mese Holrkirk clic(, should use Dr. County and State aforesaid, end that said Orm
a simple apparatus of this kind and Ar.na1d's heiglleh Toxin Pills, They will pay lyceum of °"HUNURi0C DOL.
LA Rem fee ouch and every Dasa of CAT :\NUR
by the slime method tea and coffee will give new lffe'a'nd health test gannet ho mile by the use of If 1L 's
may be alwftys had at any hour of the
day and always hot.
After dinner black coffee is hand-
ed round, rioh and sweet, and served
in the daintiest of Sevres cup/ and
No domestics wait at this Dutch fain-
tly dinner table. The daughters of the
house perform this service, and, judg-
ing from their happy faces, dimpling
with girlish smiles, it appears to be a
delightful task. Evidently the small
table maids are the pets of the home-
AD OPn�ER, [t
Wholeoule on11, Long DistanceTelephonei726.
Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, i CATARnU CURE. T POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES,
the only medicine that curtest diseases '
Larry Norah hung her jersey jac-
ket' over th' sthove an' it wumo sooroh-
ed. Did go hear about it, Dinny/
Denny—Oi did; an' Oi oleo bur-rud
that tt /hanged tb' jacket oomplately,
art —How hots that
I? Y P l
f Denny—Well, ye sae, It pblae a jer-
so jacket him shoo hath it thoo but
e whim e
faith, after it wuz scorched it pibas a
smoking jacket,
impartnnl article in every drug store eight
sudden deatho among .men are
ight times greater thein those among
to be De, Williams' Pink Pills. women.
FRANK J. CFIli,NICY. and other PRODUCE, to ensure best results 000sion to
Sworn to before me 00,1 emibservbed in el/
The DRw80ij Commission Co., Linllted,
by killing the g0.rms that canto it, p3000000, thin 0th day of December. A.D. 138d, •Oar. West -Marko, & Colborne St., Toronto,
are sold by all druggists at 750. a box; A. W. OJ,IOe1SON
/RAL, T"ofa P•UI,1ie
sample box 25,, or sent post-paid 1 . u
on receipt of prise by The Arnold I 'Hail'ed:Marrh (lure is taken internally, and
Chemical Co., Limited, Canada Life' note directly on the blood and mucous outfaces
Building, 42 King St. West, Toronto.of the system. Send for,
y F, .1, Cl•Iliner & CO„ Toledo, 0.
Isola FFuDr ng1,4ls 7 e
Owing to the increasing adoption of !norarthe base
automobiles, the harem of the Queen's I g
The longest newspaper title n ex -
stables are being specially trained toiistenoe is that of a reenland pub -
become accustomed to them. It is I lication which rejoices in ilia euphon- Dyeing f Cleaning 1
animals loos designation of Arran a h do
of nee
ea s e throat, ston•nnh
and bladder. 50, & 01 a box. 170110 for Pnrtimdare, The
Indian Oatarrh Cure Oa, 840 St,„ Montreal.•
Willis, Mille & Halos
Bdt'risters, eta., removed
to Wesley 810go., Riob'
mond 8t. '1 . Toronto.
feared that otherwise the n " ■
might take fright, t For the tory hent nand your work G, the
g g Natinginnavnik Sysarammas Sivik. " u BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING COB"
Look for agent In your town, or send ducat.
Montreal Toronto Ottawa Quebec
epaial guaranteeing largo
dividends; al
so an in. .
0st stook payable in monthly 10drawee
04I,iodti,1) yearly, Parties Ivanhoe sae ane
!profitable Invennnont ehanld eorroopood with
Tao Sun Savings and Loan Co., Toronto,
Money loaned on favorable terms; agents wanted in
Narap resented dleerito • write us,
PQMMOK 8t1Si KILLS Roaches, Bed
ILI arae, Reis and Moe, Role by all
IIrag`lets, or SS1 QOsen W, Toronto.
sausage Blatin ,br•—New Importations a m
'� 5051111 inn.* and Am
erican Hog Caninae—roliabk, goods et right pries,
PARK, BLAOKWELL h 00., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer Cooke, Resnriea, Orgy
affixes, Snsputar(q
Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Church OrnamgoO,
Educational Works. Mail orders receive prompt att9n-
ttoa D, & J. SADLIER & 00., Mentr,Ali
Michigan Land for Salo.
Ioo n, Orme, and Crawford Counties. 1111,33
feet. On Michigan Central, Detroit Ir Maokioao, ea
Loon Lake Railroads, at prions rousing from 32 is
per Imre. There Lands aro 01,,, to Enterprising Ne
Towne, Churches, 8ohanla, etc„ and will be mold on oaf
reasonable terms. Apply to
8. Dl. PlIoR II . A nt, feet Bay Oily, Aitch.
Or oua'r18, Whittemore, Mich.
Dominion line sTEAtnls urs
Portland, Me., to Liverpool, via Halifax.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Cambroman.
Rates of mange ,-First CabinSO upwards; aeoeaa
Cabin, 336; Steerage. 522.60 end I22 IA,
For further information apply tolooalagents, or
DAVID TORRANCE ACO., General Agonal,
17 8t. Saernmoat 01. Montreal.
Farmers intending to Seed
Coal Note This.
Mineral Extract tieeihOnghi dent afar
col mien ecru io
had agree from picking up cora when planted, m
1md th sees of Dom last year on my Ise acro farm an
bed the seed all color. and had dntnae .talk deatryye
by cruel. r also les it ea ow l a blur,. cont of
mento for melting Dorn amu ech, feeling eo o 1.
panned with It that 1 bevy taken the money for lb
in their rated orders o bug only a ,3411 hoz should dell.
in Ws 20 orders act late02.0 than Fox leo, Smelt WO.
priors 5.bnawill price 32.60:.mgrs o,donion0Prs16le,
rico a5,, • will be soldorders, for 0 e, iforderedLaked U Feba]fits
y oo 00 g order.. A r0a
Tarma vu o Ikeda taken atter Ma
' .dura rat 5. G.T. l +
Bea in o t necked and G.T.E.ler a betty
April let directly oo g.T.R, and 0lvo ler e(0181,
moor, hot of Extract guaranteed to give iRtiaffletlan
money refnaded,
MAN, Fergus P.O., Ont,
Go„tlonmo,.- "1 have math pleasure in recemmend-
ing 310110 Oderledo (crematory (Onset, ‘11,101T pporolmon,l
from yet. It don ice 'smelt well and In perhretly odor:oet
when in use o,• burning oat. No fondly can afield to be
wiWmat It, ns itis indi,pen'nble to (.Balch, and it le with
e dense of duly 1 certify to its groat nsefulnets -Vnoro
tolyl Mt, D. S. T11061 .SON,'
Hundreds of others who hove used this el0rit will
testify to the above, For catalogue and mice Hat
write to
The Odorless Crematory Closet
Co., Hamilton, Ont.
JAS. R. ANNET3, Manager.
.10118 J. MAIN, Supt, and Trona
The fit. nadiai
Heine "Safety 0
Esplanade, t
Opp, SherbournoSt., 19r011 2
Nigh Class Water Tube Steen
Boilers, for All Pressures,
Duties and Fuel
Toronto ,Itt ri o LI h
g too, lnmlta
'rhe M neck err Ll, Li'
The Botta •Hurst Co.oLimited,
Till, BottaPembab'ol In Iti,bUcr , Liai
The Wilson Puba,lne Go., Lfmitei•
1111 ee7Hanro, -hare bollen sot' be Bean wo.iine