HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-22, Page 6TELE
I'm I. >22, :1900
There is Danger to the Church Frorn
Reckless Drivers.
The Rev, Dr, Talmage Discourses on Church Me bers
and More Continuous
Getting fora Wider-Spreadd
A' despatch from Wiesbingtou says:
—The Rev. Dr, Talmage preechedfroan
the fallowing text: "The driving is
lik& the driving of, Jehu, the Son of
N1mshI; for he drivelh furaouely.'--
2ICings sx.:20.
J'oram, wounds$ in battle, lies in a
baspital at Jezreel. The watchman,
etanding, In the tower, lodes+ off (and
sees against the sky, horseman' and
chterfots. A messenger is sent vet, to
find who ie coeaiog, but does snot re-
eturn. Another messenger is sent, but
with the same fate, The watchman,
etanding, in the tower; looks off wp-
oat the advancing troops, and gees
more and more excited, wondering
wbio are coming. But before the
riavaioade comes up the matter is de-
cided, The watchman cannot descry
the features of the approaceing man,
but exclaims, "I have found out who
it is; the driving. is like the driving
of Jelin, the son of Nimahi; for he
arfvoth furiously.'
By the flash of that one sentence,
we discover Jehu's character. He
went with each speed, not because
fav lied an errand to do, but because
he wee urged on by a headlong disposi-
ti.m, which hadwon him the name of
a reckless driver, even among the
watcbmen. The chariot plunges un-
til yeti almost expect the wheels to
Prise under it, or some of the princely
eriety to be thrown out, or the horses
to bermer utterly unmanageable. But
he always Boas so; and he becomes a equipment! Officials having in charge
typo of that class of persons to pubito funds invest them in private
to. found in all the communities, who speculations. Debts repudiatedl Pep-
ro-in worldly end in religious affairs may perty surreptitieusiy put uut of one's
be styled reckless drivers. hands! Members of our State Legis -
To phis. class belong all those who latera with small salaries helped into
conduct their worldly affairs in a great extravagancess by railroadmon°-
headlong way, without any regard to to =its,
Three-to her of the country
y g in debt tq the other fourth! Fortunes
prudence or righteousness. made in $ weeks, Honest men derided
Yoe Lave no right to shut the door ae imbeoile, and as not living up to
id your office or store against the their privelegesl New York common
principles od our holy religion. That rettrilmen, with no salaries getting
i g rich! All the cities falling into the
minister of Christ does not do his same line. All our streets, alleys,
whole daty who does not plainly and and courts filled with the thundering
unmistakably bring the gospel Late to wheels of reckless driversi
Lee with every style of businesstran-1 When 1 see in the community, men
(action. Many a man sits in his pew with large incomes but larger out-
ni ht, and sings Rook of gees, rushing into wildest under -
au Sunday g g takings, their pockets filled with
Agee, and rolls up his eyes, very pious- circulars about gold in Canada, and
ly, who on coming out at the close , lead in Missouri, and fortunes every -
of the service, shuts the pew -door, and ; where, launching out in expenditures
says, "Goad -bye, religion; 1 will be eot to to be met by make, the with thousands they ex -
back next. Sunday I" A religion that across the path of sobertsiomen depend
does nut work all the week as well as ing upon their industry and honour of
on Sunday, is no religion at U. 1 success, I say, ',Here he comes, the
We have a right, in a Christian' son of Nimshi, driving furiously!'
manner, to point out those who, year When f sea a young man, not.con-
tent gradually to come to a compe-
by year, are jeopardizing not only tenny,careless as to how often he goes
thein• welfare. but the interests of oth- upon credit, spending in one night's
ars in reckless driving. Aa a hackman carousal a month's salary, taking the
having lost control of a flying span, :few hundred dollars given him
is apt to crash into other vehiulea, un- for starting in the purchase of a
tit the property and lives of a whole regal wardrobe, ashamed to woxk,
street are endangered, sow man driv- ansiuus oily for diaplap, regardless of
ing his worldly tailing with such loose bis father's counsel, and the example
rems, that, after a while, it will not of the thousands who, in a short
answer his voice or band, puts in peril while, have wrecked body, and mind,
the commercial interest of scores or and soul in scheming or dissipation I
hundreds. There are to -day in our say, "Here he comes, the son of Nim-
midet many of our bast cltizens who shi, driving furiously.'
have Dome from affluenoe into strait- i I would that un the desk of every
ened circumstances, because therewas . counting -house, and on the bench of
a partner In their firm, or a cashier in every artizan, there were a bible;
their bank, or an agent representing and that by its' instruction all Luse -
their house, or one of their largest ere- nese men were regulated, and that
ditors, who, like Jelin, the son of Nim -'they would see that godliness is ;pro -
el, was a furious driver. 1 Citable for the life that is, as well as
Against all this, it is high time that ' for that which is to come; and that
the Church of God wakes up. Who , businesa dishoncur is a spiritual dis-
else will expose the wrongs? Not the aster; and that a man may Le the
law I Almost any man can escape that, leader of a Methodist class, or the
if he has money enough. Sheriffs, al -trustee of a Baptist churoh, or an
tderusen, and pelt= officer have for j "example"' in a Quaker meeting-
, work to ace that no defrauder, house, or a vestryman in an Episcopal
of means gets too badly hurt. Once risk or an, elder in a Presbyter -
a while, a swindler is arrested, and ; len church, and yet go to, perdition.
et the case be too notoriously flagrant, I Thus far my discourse may not
the tnilpr i is condemned; but the of -
have touched your ease, and 1 °onside
needs having him in charge must take er that sermon a failure which does
Sing' in the briefest time, or the gov-
the express train and get Sing not strike every one somewhere. 1
eruor's pardon gets there before him, have no desire to eseal.e personal
We have feet of lightning when we get preaching. What is the use al going
on the traok of a woman who has stet- to church if not t o be mode bet ter? I
en a paper of pins; or a freezing man never feel satisfied when I sit in
who has abatrecbad a scuttle of coal; church unless the preacher strikes
but ttvben we go out in pursuit at etom'sa of my sins, and arouses me out
Nome man who has struck down the of some of my stupidities. Now, you
interests of a hundred, and goes tip may, in wordly affairs, be cautious,
along the Hudauti to build Ms man-
sion, the whole city hangs on our
akirta, crying: "Don't you hurt him l"
It iv, therefore, left 'too the Church
of God to make these things odious
and penal. Everybody knows that
there stand in the membership of our
churches men who devour widows'
houses, and digest them, and for a
pretence make long prayers. There
are stock gamblers who are trustees
of churches• in the eldership, those
who grind tete feces of the poor; and
while. the Church will expel from Um
membership, the drunkard or the lib-
ertine, which of our churches has ris-
en up to the courageous point of BO -
lug that a defrauder, be he great or
little, president ad a bank, or keeper
of a atger shop, worth ki million, or a
bankrupt, aball not come unoballeng-
ed to our holy 'communion i The
Church of God wants nothing eo muc'h
to -days es to be swept out. But an or -
diners, sweeping will not do the work.
It needs to be sot'ubbed. The tim
meet soon come when the Church will
sea that U le great load of obloquy will
break her down, If a teamster,pass-
ing doyen the street, dashes heedless-
ly along, and rune down a child, the
authoritise catch him ; but' for the
rpalrles5.ixammerolal driver+, who step
not for the right of others, and who
dash on to make their fortunes over
the heads of innocence,' virtue and re-
ligion—no chastisements.
Some time ago, itt the pity of New
York, a young man in a jeweller's
store, stood behind the counter, of-
fering gold rings to a oustomer. He
said, "Those rings are fourteen car-
ats." The lady replied, "I want a
ring of sixteen carats,' and not get-
ting what she wanted, went away.
The head mac of the firm name and
said to the ()lock, "Why, did you not
tell her that these rings were six-
teen carats?" He replied, "1 eannat
deceive anybody." The bead maty of
the firm severely reprimanded elm,
and said, "You never can get along in
this way. It is lawful in business to
make these little misrepresentations?"
Who was the young titan? A horst
Who was the gentlemen representing
the firm? A deacon in a Brooklyn
Meanwhile this class of defrauders
increases—mora during the war than
before it; more now than in war -
times, In those days of large con-
tracts, and convulsions in the gold -
market, and stettlersbips in the army,
multitudes of men got so in the habit
of cheating that they cannot stop( In
them days they bought a very splen-
did house and their roan span, and
formed. acquaintanceship with the
high families on the best square; and
means mast somehow be obtained to
continue in the same style, for keep
house they ought, and drive' that
roan span they will, and walk the
beach at the watering -place withi tbe
Astors they must, Clear the track
for these reckless drivers.
Firms not worth a dollar dazzling
a whole city with, their splendor of
true, honourable, and exemplary; but
am I not right' when I say that all
those who are speeding toward etern-
ity without preparation—flying with
the years, and the months, and the
weeks, and the days, and the
moments, and the seconds • to-
ward an unalterable destiny,
yet uncert.aln as to where they speed,
are reckless drivers? What; would
you think of a 'stage -driver with
six horses and twenty 'passengers, in
the midnight, when it is so dark that
you cannot see your hand before your
face, dashing at full run over bridges
and along by dangerous precipices?
Such a man is prudent compared with
one who, amid tine perils of this life,
dashes on toward an unknown eterni-
ty, not knowing where he goes. If,
in driving, you come tc the forks of
a road, and one goes to the right, and
the other to the left, you stop and
make inquiry as to which road you
ought to take. To -night, you bave
dome to the forks of a road. One
leads to heaven and, the other to bell.
Which road will you take? The read
to( the right Is a little rough — yea,
yen. may find it very rough, $t has
been much out up with the hoof-
marke of the cavalry of temptation.
There are a great many steep hills.
Yon will nee Where torrents of rbu-
IaLjof ha
ve xu
The beaus 01 the Martyrs axe scatter.
ad along the road. 1 will not dsceivo
you' -.some have foetus It a very rough
way; but 1 toll every hearer to-
night that it is the right way, It
Comes out at the right plate. shore
is a greathouse at the end of it
built for you, As you Carpe up, you
will ace Christ ready 10 greet you. At
the gate, you will find enough of the
waters off tise Jordan to wash the
sweat fromyour (Meek, and the echo
ing from your brow, and the dust
from your feet. Talk about castles
of marble and granite 1 IL'hls one is
cleft of amethyst, and ohaicedony,
and pearl. Talk of banqueting 1 The
spot!✓: of the universe ere,gatborod at
this table, and; all who sit at it are
kings and. queens.
,13u1 eotwitbstanuing Lee brilliant
terminus of the road, you bait at the
forks, beeauae the left-hand read le
a great deal smoother ; and some of
you. will drive in that way. 1 see mul-
ttludea of people who do not oven
stop at the forks to make inquiry.
The coursers behind which they go are
panting with the speed, nostrils dis-
teucted, foam dropping from the bit
and whitening the flanks; but still
urgedon with lash and shout and
laughter; the r, ins undrawn; the em-
bankments unwatohed; the speed
unnoticed, Alas for the reckless
drivers! They may after a while see
the peril and seize the reins, and lay
back with all their might, and put
on tee brakes, and cry for help until
their hands are numb, and their eyes
start from their sockets, and the
breath stops, and the heart chills,
as over the rooks they plunge, cours-
er and chariot, and horseman, tumb-
ling, in long -resounding crash of
Some are drawn along by sinful
pleasures—a wild team that ran away
with all who have persisted in riding
belting them. Once Way under way.
no sawing of the bit can stop them.
They start at,every sudden sight or
sound; and where it needs a slow step
and great ears, they go with bound
terrific. Their eyes are aflame with
terrors, and their hoofs red with the
blood of men whose life they have
dashed out; and wbat is worse, the
drivers soourge them into more furi-
eus speed. We come out and tell
them of dangers aheace but with jeers
they pass OD. The wild team .smoke
with the speed, and Chair flying feet
strike fire, and the rumbling of swift
wheels over rotten bridges that sheen
awful chasms is answered by the
rumbling of the heavens: "Because I
called and ye refused, and strotohed
out my hands and no mun regarded,
therefore I will laugh at your calam-
ity, and mock when your fear oom-.
eth 1"
When this world gets full power
over a mac, he might as well be dead.
He is dead! When Sisera came into
the house of Jael she gave him some-
thing to drink, and -got hien asleep on
the floor. Then she took a peg
from the aide of her tent, and a mal-
let, and drove the peg through •the
brain of Jael into the flour. So the
world feeds a man, and flatters a
man, and when it has him sound asleep
strikes his life out.
The trouble Is that most reckless
drivers do not see their peril until it
is too late to stop, Young man, go
to the alms -house bospital, and see
eying, disgusting
Nrbo have surrendered themselves to
sensualities. There is no new place
on their body ,for disease to place an-
other mark. Their nails dropping
loose; their limbs rotting off; their
nostrils eaten away; their eyes qqueuah-
ed; their breath the oduur of a charnel -
house -they writhe in the consuming
tortures of a libertine's death -bed.
Do they like it ? Oh, co 1 If they bad
the value of the whole universe in one
coin, they would cheerfully give it up
it they could buy but am hour's release
from. the horrors which this moment.
ebriekover the crouch, where the tears
of their anguish mingle with the
bloody ichor that exudes from their
Young ,man before you mount the
chariot of sin, go and see the end of
those reckless drivers. They once had
as fair a cheek as you, and as stout
a heart. They stepped very gradu-
ally aside. They read French novels.
Th- y, looked at bad pictures. They
went into contaminating associations.
Out of curiosity, and just to see for
tbemselves„ they entered the house of
sin. They were caught in snares that
hal cap ured stronger men than they.
Farewell now to all hope of return 1
Farewell to peace! Farewell to heav-
en I
Perhaps there are some here who
say, "Would God 1 could stop my bad
practices! But I cannot stop. 1 know
that I am on the wrong road, and
that I have been a reckless driver;
but I try to rein in my swift appe-
tites, yet they will not heed." I tell
such that there is an Almighty hand
which can pull bank these wild rapers.
IIc wbo=e beck the stare answer, and
at whose mandato the chariots of
heaven come and go, Is more than a
master for these temptations. Help-
less yourself, and unable to guild°
these wild coursers, give Jesus Christ
the reins! Mighty to save unto the
01 termost I
Better stop now. Some years ago,
near Princeton, New Jersey, some
young men were skating on a pond
around an "air -hole," and the ice be-
gan to break in. Some of them stop-
ped; but' a young man said, "I am not
afraid 1 Give us one round more I" He
swung nearly round, when, the ice(
broke, and not until the next day was
his lifeless body found. So men go
on in sin. They are warned. They
expect soon to stop. But they cry,
'Give us one round morel" They start,
but' with a wild cresh break through
into bottomless perdition. Do not
risk it any longer. Stop now. God
save, us from foollxardiness of the one
round morel
I thank God that I have met yeti to-
night, and( been permitted to tell you
which is the right road end which the
wrong road. You must take ons or
the other. 1 leave you at the forks;
choose for yourselves!
And may God have moray upon all
reckless driversi
Lord I ttehener's first Important
piece of work in Egypt was at Debbeb,
where tee Quartermaster -General and
Deputy Assistant Adjutant, he did hie
utmost CO keep open communloation
with Gordon at Khartoum, for the ex..
pertlition which vainly tried to rescue
him as the autumn of 1.881,
Duck feathers L,WI'ways bring it fair
pill e, especially white ones, and should
be saved when dressing the duoks, if
they are sofa dressed; if not avid dress-
ed do oat elpiele just before calling;
The amount reeelved for the feathers
ought to pay for the dressing,
The breeding duoks may be peaked
several times 11 year, generally four to
six,. Do not -pink until the feathers
are "ripe," which can be told ,by pull-
ing a few froan different parts of the
bodies of several birds. If they( come
out easily, without any bloody fluid in
the quill, they are all right and
ahoul1 be "plotted" or many wilt be
lust. In picking pull only a few, fea-
thers at a time by taking between the
thumb and forefinger end giving a
quick, downward jerk. Do not pull
the bunch of long, coarse feathers uu-
dtr tach wing.
,tkfore you begin pinking, Lie the
duck's legstogether with a bit ore list-
ing or other soft cloth and, if the duck
is inclined to 'hied to the pinking by
thrasts with ills bill, slip an o1dawak-
ing or something of the sort over its
head. 'Use :enc unneccessury bane -
nese with any of the birds ,and be as -
Imola y
s-peoially careful with ,laying duoks.
Sitting ducks and those that argil soon
to be set should net bel Naked. in hot
wcether much of the down may be tak-
en from the drakes. Do not Lake any
cola weather,
In bandliug duoks do not 111±t or car-
ry them by the legis. Yoatng duek-
linge should be kept oat of the direct
rays of the sun. Whether turned; off
young ,,,or when mature, ducks will
yield a good profit it rightly manag-
ed, and the number raised need be lim-
ited only by the oalpaoity of the pra-
mises and of the man; the easter has
much stere than the former to do with
the success of the undertaking. Ducks
usually lay early in the morning, but
are inclined to drop' their eggs any-
where, so it is best 'to( keep them shut
tip until ten o'clock.
Only the best fowls should be re-
tained, as there will be an improve-
ment every year due to careful se-
lection. Every poultry -raiser keeps, or
ought to, a portion of Me stook for
his espeoial purpose of breeding. These
are the finest specimens of his flock,
carefully selected for their good qual-
ities, and set apart for the perpetua-
tion of their, rape. Feeding the breed-
ing -stock is a probate= in itself and
somewhat dif.erent from that set by
the production of the greatest num-
her o± eggs or the obialming of the
greatest amount of teeth and fat.
What the poultry -raiser especially de-
sires to secure is not aeways'the great-
est number of the strongest, most
vigorous, bes±lthiest and most useful
chickens. To secure the result the
feeding must be of a character to
keep the fowls in vigorous health, for
sickly fowls will be the progenitors of
sickly chickens. Eggs from such will
produce weak chickens, many of which
will die before rowelling maturity.
When manure is banked in large
beeps the air is largely excluded, hut
when exposed to rains the water car-
ries air with it. Certain kinds of lit-
ter, such ,,!as straw, contain peculiar
micro-organisms, known as denitrify-
ing organisms, which are capable of
converting ,,available nitrogen into
farms ,,,which are of little use, to the
plant when the manure is applied to
the soil, but etre not injurious (except
when applied in excessively large
quantities, (Manure should not be-
came wet and dry alternately, but
should be moist. One point which has
been brought out by recent investiga-
tion Is that tba addition ofi straw may
very decidedly reduce the fertilizing
value of manure -contrary eeto the
views of all farmers, the injurious ef-
fecte being greater (,the larger the
amount of straw used. The excessive
use of straw as latex: under animals
should, therefore, bo oaretully avoided
If the most e.fective manure is desired,
for the reason given above—that straw
contains organisms wbioh convert the
available nitrogen in manures; and in
the soil, into forms that the plant can-
not utilize. Kaintt bass been found ef-
fective in preventing the formation of
ammonia, and superphosphate in pre-
venting its escape. I.paustic lime de-
stroys the denitrifying power of man-
ure, above referred to, but has a tend-
ency to drive off arhmonia. If lime is
applied to fresh manure, however, the
loss is small, the larger loss occurring
only after fermentation begins. Lime
should not be used ;.,with superphos-
pbatee, as it renders the free phos-
phoric acid inadluble, but it largely as..
sista in promoting nitrification in the
soil. •
The chief ingredient in a good fer-
tilizer for vegetables of which the
leaves or stems are the edible por-
tion It nitrogen, For root vegetables,
phosphoric avid and potash aro about
important as nitrogen. For veget-
ables of which the seed is the edible
portion, especially such as are plant -
ad early, like thegarden pea, phospho-
rte aoirl is the leading element. For
vegetables like the tomato, egg plant,
celery, melon, etc., potash is the meet
,Except only as to peas and beans,
vegetables are not very exhaustive to
the mil. Peas and beans aro able to
take most of their nitrogne from .the
atmosphere. Potash is the element
meetly drawn from the soil; next ni-
trogien, tied Ugly phosphoric ,;,acid.
But nitrogen has a „(value for early
garden vegetables .;that ohemjaal an-
alysls dose neat (Moet. Nitrogen forme
early g
taWth and fusslarg
e Wen -
loaves „stud stems. PottisM .glue(
solidity and erispnee,a to genie and
ietixee and high ;Feeler to the fruit,
Phosphoric act gives gluieptl,yss and
leereaeea the sngar and starchy
parte of seeds and forms early matua'-
ily. A good general fertilizer fop all'
garden vegetables, except beans and
peas, would be the followlttg mixture
per •sore, but intensive market gar-
deners use two or three times as much:
Sulphate of potash 150 to 215
Super phosphate 250 10 1175
Nitrate of soda 15tt to 225
The fertilizer should be raked in
just before the seed is sown. For peas
and beans, the normal amount oft pot-
ash and phoephorip acid may be doubl-
ed and the nitrate off soda, reduced to
50 pounds per aero.
The awlphetasie the .best available
form of potash for garden vegetables,
a„e it contains no ohloricles on salt and
does not make the soil cold, It also
aets with especial' favorableness upon
Che eI�eta.rohy portion of vegetables.
Fresh or water -slicked limo is always
beneficial to garden soil,
Four turkeys were oontined in a pen
and fed' on meal, boiled potatoes and
oats. Four others of the acme brood
were at lythe same time confined in
another pen, and fed daily on the same
article, but with one pint of very
finely pulverized eharcoal mixed with
tb'pir food—mixed meal and potatoes.
They had also a plentiful supply of
ebarcoad, broken,in their pea, The
eight were killed on the same clay and
there wee a dif:erenoe of one and one -
hall pounds each in favor of the
fowls that had been supplied with
charcoal, they being much the fatter,
and 1.h* meet being muob superior in
point of tenderness and flavor.
In wintering ducks and geese it is
very important that their houses
abetted be warm and dry, but of the
two dryness is more important than
ivarmtb. They will consume more
food if the house is• not warm, and
probably begin laying later in the, sea-
son, but this is not as! bad aa a damp
house, which gives them cramps and
rheumatism or that which is enough
like it to be called by that name. They
should have plenty of dry straw in
which to sit during the night, and it
shouil be changed frequently, and ocr-
taiisly after every wet day when( they
have been travelling in and out with
muddy feet. On such a day as that
clean out mud and straw before let-
ting them in at night, and give a clean
bed, and plenty of it, then shut them
in until morning. They do not boar
crowding any better than hens, and
need pbenty of room, Nor is it well
to have too anally in one house, as
they will crowd together and be too
warm wbian the entrance is dosed.
It can -beat any alarm clock ever in-
vented in waking a family up in the
In a given time it can smash mora
dishes than the' most industrious ser-
vant girl in the country.
It can fall down oftener and with
less provocation than the most ex-
pert tumbler in the circus -ring.
It can make more genuine fuss over
a simple brass pin than its mother
would over a broken bank.
It can choke itself black in the face
with greater ease than the most ao-
camplislied wretch that ever was ex-
It oan keep' a family in a constant
turmoil from morning till night, and
night til morning, without once vary-
ing its tune.
It oan be relied on to sleep peace-
fully all day when its father is away,
and cry persistently at night when he
is particularly sleepy.
It may be the naughtiest, dirtiest,
ugliest, and most fretful baby in all
the whole world, but you can never
make its mother believe it, and you
had better not try.
It can be a charming and model in-
fant when no one is about, but when
visitors are present it can exhibit
more bad temper than both of its.par-
ents put together.
The perfect blending of the real and
ideal has recently been advertised by
Paris milliners, who have come to use
oats from the fields to trim the bon-
nets of their fair customers. 'l'he ad-
venture which befell one suoh bonnet
and its wearer is related by a foreign
A Lady, dressed beyond the reach of
criticism, was crossing a broad boule-
vard. A cab bore down upon her, and
she stepped hastily back and stopped
in front of the curbstone, unmindful
es a horse and cart standing immedi-
ately behind her. The horse quietly
sniffed the oats and then, deciding
that they were genuine, began to
8e was thus engaged when the
lady, quite unaware ,of thepleasure
she was affording the hungry animal,
started forward, But the horse was
far from satisfied, and planting his
forefeet on the lady's' skirt, continued
hie repast.
The lady, supposing the horse about
to devour her bead, promptly fainted
and was removed to a druggist's shop
nearcovered. by, where happily she aeon ee-
The moral of the story is that ev-
ery field of oats siaould have a fence
about it,
Mrs ,Newrich- I want a first-class
passage to Dublin.
•Agent—Yes, ma'am.
lIirs.Newrieh-And I insist upon
btiving a smooth passage, no matter
what the coat.
%'rsolt by lee natioand Not 1vounged—.
Jltotnerlathte Taira void.
ij It be trite that .there is a °]thin
cherub whet alta µp aloft;" with the
beneficent object of taking care of
"poor jack," itmust be equally true
that some other cherub is pharged with
the acre Of Townie Atkins ween the
belleth are raining on him 'think as
Tommy's: guarillan cherub must
have been ospeetally alert and busy
when he was charged Witli the protec-
tion oe Corporal Laurie, oe the Sea..
forthHighlanders, in the Egyptian
campaign of a year or two ago., Prob-
ably' no soldier who facotl an 6n/any
has ever been made the target of so
many bullets as thee gallant corporal,
and certainlythere is no reeord of any
man escaping so muoh peril unscatb.
In one engmgemment OorpuraJ Lau-
rie was atruok fit one :part{ or other
o$' his clothing by no fewer that 102
bullata, and emerged fromthe fight
Literally in "rags and tatters," with-
out losing a single drop} of the blood
be was ready to sbed,for ]iia ooiwntry.
In describing his experiences the
corporal wrote: "I went through the
battle with only clothes riddled with
bullets. Both my shoes were torn
to piece sby bullets; aimoet at the
same moment a bulletsmashed the
wooden stook of my gun; the thongs
ofnay bag were cut in two; my water
gourd, containing my tea, had been
drilled, my sleeves were In Wee, and
I heard ora my helmet something like'a
hailstorm. Sword In hand I follow.
ed my comrades, and was quickly en-
gaged with two hideous niggers, who
finished .my undressing by slicing my
jacket 'with their lances; and. a bullet,
tickled the tofu of my hand enough to
bruise it. In short, when we re -i
formed companies it was discovered
that my uniform, including shoes, hel-
met, and accoutrements, had received
162 wounds.. I Was naked, and march-
ed along dragging my tatters with
It is little wonder that tbis human
target, with such a record of''outers,"
was nicknamed "the invulnerable."
At the Battle of Moddas' Raver Ser..
geant Penderend was streak by three
bullets in less than as many minutes
and escaped practically unharmed.
"First," be says, "a shot glanced off
the side of my boot and struck my rifle
just in front of my face, filling my
eyes with dust and splinters, I rose
up a (little, when another shot struck
the middle finger of my left hand. I
got on my knees, when a bullet struck
me fair in the chest: cm the buckle of
my haversack, breaking it through the
centre and causing a slight puncIre of
the skin and bruising my chest. I have
been congratulated on being thelluck-
iest beggar in. my batta'lion."
One of the American soldiers in the
trenches before stash had a still more
astonishing esenpa from sudden extinc-
tion. One bullet grazed the top of Mia
right ear, a few seconds later another
took a microscopic slice from the lobe
of the left ear, while a third bullet
flashed along the top of his bead, re-
moving the hair in a perfect-
ly straight, nakrow line.. As, the sol-
dier humerouely 'put it in a letter to
his parents, "It was very kind of
them to part my hair so beautifully
for me, and it will !save nee( a latllof
trouble for some time to come,"
There was a curious touch of ro-
mance in the experience of Harry
Bikes, a sergeant who was( atruok no
fewer than seventeen times in the
same campaign, "without," as he put
it, "spending a day in hospital." One
bullet at least was within an ace of
putting en end to Bikes' career, and it
was Cupid that Intervened tot save his
Throughout the eaampaign .bikes nee-
ded suspended from his neck, as a tat.
isman a bundle of love -letters, to-
gether with a photograph of the "girl
he had left behind him." The bullet
which so nearly proved fatal•struak
him full in the 'hest, drove its way
through the bundle of letters, and had
fust sufficient strength left to in-
flict a slight bruise over the region of
the heart. In its course it had pierced
the chest of the gifi pictured, in the
This bullet has been mounted in a
gold bracelet, which Mrs, Elkes now
proudly wears; and around it are in-
scribed the words, "Through my heart
One 5± the .most remarkable of re-
corded experiences was that of -a cor-
poral in the late frontier campaign in
India. After several hours of fight-
ing, during which the bullets bad been
flying thickly around him, he was
congratulating himself that he bad not
even been touched, when on removing
bis helmet he saw a small perforation
in front which could only have been
made by a bullet. On turning the hel-
met round to look for the point of exit
of the bullet, he found not one but two
holes, and could only arrive at the
seemingly incredible conclusion that
two separate bullets must have atruok
his helmet at exactly the same poitn
and made two separate openings for
their exit. Each bullet in its pass-
age through Ibe helmet must have
gone, literally, almost wilhln a hairs-
breadth of the top of his head,.
One elf the men wounded ay Wyn
berg hail a still narrower canape Pram
death, A bullet entered one temple
and came out at the other; andyet the
man has made a oomplete reoovery,
and suffers nothing from the terrible
wound beyond an oecesiontal headache.
An ipgonious lady has suggested an
improvement Si the method of hold-
ing a needle for the purpose of thread-
ing it. It is to be held between tiro
third and little fingers of the left
band instead of by the tbumb and
forefinger, palm uppermost. The ad-
vantage of this is that the thumb and
Bret finger can be used to grip the
smallest end of the thread as soon as
it protrudes from the eyea method
'ttfre era le to that of letting go the
thread and endeavoring to get hold of
the end with the right band, This pre-
vents the Weight of the cotton from
dregginr the end out of the eye
How. Wives Are Obtaiu.ea.
With the advance of olvilizationl the
male eerllon of the human rape seems
to grow morn shy and reserved when
it comes to taking unto themselves
wives, notwithstanding the foot that
the number of women in the world
greatly exceeds the number otl men. ,
In the days ell our 'barbarism 'fon.
fathers, if they sees a. fair, comely
Young maiden they forcibly carried her
off to be their willing or unwilling
bride. But nowadays many ands curi-
ous are the devices oft modern! man to
similarly endow himself with a batter
half. It may be that with civilization
comes a timidity or want oil moiety
causes a very great difficulty in' meat..,
ing suitable life partners, but be that
as It May, the facie remains that many
curious expedients aro hit upon by
ingenious youths for obtaining wives,
Not long ago a young engineer of
somewhat unattractive appearance and
retiring nature desired toenter the
matrimonial condition, but, alas, so'
ciety inoluded no ladles, and be was in
despair aa•to howw to'discover aneligi-
ble helpmate. At length; be conceiv-
ed the extraordinary notion of writ-
ing a letter to each! of the ladies ad-,
vertising in a certain daily paper for
situations, asking the same damsels to
change their situation in life by taking
unto themselves the holy step pt mat-
rimony with himself as life's partner.
Out of 27 lettere written diva only
elicited replies. Five appointmenls
were accordingly made, and .on the
ladies presenting themselves, each, ol`.
course, at different times and place,
the eccentric engineer made his choioa%
and, as the girl was amiable, comely
and al good housekeeper. a marriage
was celebrated soon afterwards be-
tween the couple, which It is to be
hoped may prove as happy in its out-
come as its origin Was unique and un-
Nnother young gentleman in Phila-
delphia, who was in a similar precnca-
mens, and the proprietor of a young
and flourishing business, hit upon, the
idea 91 advertising in a large gaily for
} "young and goodlooking typewriter,"
Bushels of replies were received to
this, and here again the, meeting pro-
cess was repeated, but unfortunately
did not turn ouu as huppily as in the
former instanoa, tor, alter becoming
engaged to the Lair wise he tired of
her, broke the engagement, and for a
while was threatened with a breach
of promise aotion, until he settled it
with the outraged plaintiff.
5. young Ilutchman anxious co ob-
tain a pretty wile, being unable to find
such a commodity among hes acquain-
tances, inserted an advertisement in
an Amsterdam paper asking for "beau-
tiful young ladies to take start in a
beauty show." All sorts and conditions
of girls responded, sent in their names
and photographs to the wily ktollander.
Fair girls, dark girls and medium girls
of ala degrees of beauty applied. The
beauty snow never came mi. but 10 of
the handsomest received notes request-
ing a meeting, and some three months
alter the initial advertisement up -
peered an elaborate wedding was an-
nounced and one of the fair applinauta
was the bride.
;Another young man in 'Kensington
was unable to Lina a congenial spouse
among his acquaintances, so he hied
himself in front of the various big de-
partment stores in town, and 11 any
likely damsel caught his aye he en-
deavored to make her acquaintance, 01
course, the would-be masher received
many rebuffs by pursuing his strange
and ungentlemanly taotice, but glut
one rainy day, being able to assist a
young lady without an umbrella, he
succeeded in forming an acquaintanoe,
which soon ripened into love, and now,
in speaking of the occurrence, essays
that "he met the dearesb and sweetest
woman that ever lived througe, the in-
tervention of a good hard rain"
Perhaps, however, the most extraor-
dinary method of obtaining a wife
that has ever been reported was that
adopted by a prominent American
hosier, Whenever a report appeared
in the New York journals deny young
woman attempting suicide, he would,
In the event of the girl being described
as attraouve looking, immediately in-
dite her an epistle asking, for the
pleasure oe her acquaintance, Ona
would think a man would not care for
morbidly inclined young women who
desired to end their woes and sorrows
by such a desperate undertaking, but
evidently the New Yorker tbought dif-
ferently. However, the young ladies fit
question evidently did not take kindly
to his proffers of friendship and re-
gard, for from latest accounts, he is
sill! persevering in hie queer deter-
mination to wed a girl who is tired of -
this mortal world.
A prominent Chicagoan was some
years ago in the habit of bunting the
studios of photographers and enquiring
the names and addressee of the owners
of any pretty feminine faces that he
espied there. He would then oommuni-
cafe with the originals of the photos,
asking for an introduction refer them
Lo his bankers as to hie financial
standing, and request the pleasure of
continued aoquaintaneo. As a result
of this 'unusual 'proceeding, he not
only obtained a beantiful young wife,
but a comfortable fortune in addition
to his own, tor the young lady upon
looking at his references and finding
him in good standing, was so taken
with her suitor's novel mode of win-
ning her that she accepted him,
In an article on the admiosion of
women to the Cambridge College` de-
grees, Miss Helen Gladstone refers to.
the, fact that no less than six Cam•
bridge colleges were founded by wo-
men for the benefit of men -Christ's
and, St, John's, by. Margaret, Countess
of Richmond ; Sidney Sussex, by Lady
-Frances Sidney, Counters of Snasex;
Clair, byIlllzabeth de Burgh, Coen -
teas of lare ; Pembroke, by Marie de
St. Paul, Countess of Pembroke, and
Queen, by Queen Margaret of Anjou.
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