HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-22, Page 5,s
Fa, 2;2, 1900
gent, F, 8, SCOTT, Srimade,
II, liloO;ll.AOI{EN--.
e,, 10800r of Marriage Licenses, 0f.
Age at armory, Turnborry street, Brusselsl
. Tensorial Artist, Shop—Next door
North of the Standard li,anll, Lantos' and
Ohildrou's hair gutting a opeolalty, ,
pERBIONEn has several good Farms for
01(10 and 10 rent, may tat ma, la Townehtps.
of Morrie and Grey. F 8, d00TT.Bruenela
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
=RV'$S2Y324S, ONT,
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
Iia -No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
L. O. M.,
Academie graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Huaio, also Member of tbo A seooint.ed
Muelo,ano of Ontario, is prepared ,to receive
a limited number of pupils for lootruction
on the Plano. Qualified to prepare pupil a for
rho Priaoipal's Form iu the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron.; Conveyancer, Notary Publie,
Land, Loan and Insurance. Agent; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to loan. Colloc-
tions made. Office in Graham's B1cck, Bru-
• unix, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men in less time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this Office or by
personal application.
(00101000r OF 6EA$ORTH)
Graduate of R. 0. D 8„ Toronto ; Post Grad -
elate 00(1000 at HBskel'8 )3chool, Ohteago, in
crown and bridge work. IS -Prices sumo as
in enrrounding towns, 21 -
Office over A, R. Smith's store, Brussels.
t!, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at.
tended to. Office and Iuflrmary—Four, doors
North of bridge, Turnboory °t., Brussels.
Barrluter, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &c. Office -8 tewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, &0. Moe over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
(Formerly of Cameron, Bolt &
Cameron) Barriator and Solicitor, Goderich
Ont. Office—Hamilton street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
M.11,, O. 0I,,,
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgooes of Ontario.
Diooaeos of Women and Children n special-
ty. Nine years' experience. OProe and (H-
1(101003, opposite English church, Bruoeels,
1R. D., C. M.,
Trinity Vnivertity, Fellow Trinity Medical
Collego,Membor Collage of Pbysiclauo and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mld-
wirery,Pldinburph, IS -Telephone No.11,
Residence—Mill street, Brussels.
PRY9r0IAN, 00R0E0N nen Aoremen1nn,
(Bnccoesor to Dr. F. Ir. Itnthltelsch)
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col„ New
York • M D O M Vietoria University, Toron-
to; Member of the College of Phyeielane and
Surgeons of Ontario, Spacialattention paid
to dieeaoeo of women, eye, ear, 11060 and
throat. 10.11
• M. D. O. M..
Graduate of McGill College, Nonh•ool,
&o, All specialty work seticteetot•11y treat-
ed, Office upotairo in the Stratton Block.
0111co bourn, 9 to 12 a. m., and 7 tole p. m.
Specialist work, such as for eye, oar, throat,
&o,. 1n the office at his residence, Elizabeth
810001, from 2 to 0 p 01, All motheine0 will
bo dlobe000d personally by tbo Dr. or under
his direct supotvieion.
Arthur, the five-year-old eon of Geo.
Lennox, was drowned in a little stream
at Stratford.
Thome Hodgins, of Tyendinaga, )tae
killed near Rathbun Station by a loud of
wood, on which he was riding, falling on
,/iyThe following 0lfioere were olleeen in
i'Si't 1 Qt :.,4 QiOS, oonneetion with the 11ifle Club 8 --Free.
eat, TAW.,O
Cel, Ya
rane • Vioo,
• Mahar Beek Seo Lieut Dta Grant
The ice haryeet was commenced feet
weeli but the eatnple is rather inferior,
Wm, Snell, who bee been confined to
hie home through ilinese, is able to be
aronnd again.
Mies Amelia Oke gave a eluting party
to a number of her moa) intitnate Olende
011 a recent 01011ing,
Owing to the heavy rain recently many
of the ostlers in town were fi faded, some
containing two or three feet of water.
Exeter Garrick Club purpose's patting
on another play here 'shortly, entitled
"Finnigans Fortune" by Chats. Townsend,
Mre, Wilcox, widow, received, word
from l3olswortb, England„ of a sad
aooident;tbat happened her eon in-law,
Fred, Griffin, who was shot in the face
by it oornrade, completely destroying the
eight of ono eye and otherwise disfiguring
hie Nee.
John Atkinson while engaged in hie
furniture factory here met with a very
painful aocident. He was operating a
shaper when iu some manner the rigbt
hand came in 0ontaot with the knives,
'severing the tope of two of his fingers and
otherwise lacerating them. The wounds
are painful and it will be acme time be.
fore be will have the nee of the injured
fl) vete.
t a.
The marrying fevereeemo to be spread•
There are two or three nesse of measles
in Blyth.
Blyth will look quite gay with Ito new
brink block, cement sidewalks, &o.
Editor Bradwln was elected an auditor
of the Canadian Press Aseooia'ion,
Harry and George Kelly left Tuesday
afternoon of loot week for Mississippi,
where they have purohaend a timber
limit and sew mill.
Wm. Shone, who spent the past Ave
months with his daughter, Mre. Belfry,
at Montreal, bae returned to Blyth look-
ing in the best of health. Elie grandson,
Wm. Belfry, accompanied him and will
spend two or three weeks with Blyth
Al the last quarterly meeting of the
Official Board of Blyth aironit of the
Methodist church, at which there was an
unusually full attendance, Rev. Wm.
Penhatl received a moat hearty and uo•
'0nimous invitation t0' remain for a second
year.He ex r se h'
Y es d to eatiefa do
the appointment end cheerfully accepted
the invitation for a second year.
A hockey eine was organized at the
Central Hotel with the following officers:
Patron and patroness,' Jae. and Mre.
elaklurohbt ; Hon.•President, Dr, Telt ;
President, C. H. Bennett; Vice President,
Capt. H. Torr Rance ; Captain, Dr.
Cooke ; Seo.-Treas., John Barrett;
Managing Committee, Dr. Cooke, John
Barrett and D. D. Chamberlain. The
Secretary is now ready to reoeive °hal•
wreexet et-.
Noah Etohle, of Clifford, is now ern
played in the tannery bete.
Thos. and Mre. Robertson, of Binevale,
have decided to retire from farming and
have purchased a hoose on Semdereon et.,
from David Martin, where they will move
in the nares of a few weeke. -
Jamee Ireland, formerly of the oat
meal mill here, end lately of Blyth, has
one into the general store business in
Durham and ie now manager of the Targe
William formerly conducted by Wm.
Laidlaw, who retired from active work
on account of hie health.
On a recent Sunday evening while Mr.
and Mre, Bray were out, Miss Bray hap.
paned to come down stairs and wee sur-
prised to find the °loth on a table in the
store, and the end of the table on fire.
She promptly extinguished the blaze, bot
a few minutes more and the matter
would have been serious. The only ex-
planation ie tbat in striking a match a
piece of eulphar flew off and lodged on
the table cover. It was fortunate that
discovery wise made in time and more
serious damage averted.
0. W. Andrews, who bas been the C.
1' R station. agent here for the past seven
years, was last week rather suddenly
transferred to Harrieton and promoted to
a better position. He left on Tueeday to
take charge there. His place here is
supplied by Mr. Caesar, a young man,
late of Harrieton, but formerly of Mark
dale, where his father has been agent for
the past 20 years. Mr. Andrews bae
made many friends here during his stay
and he will be moll missed in literary
and church oirolee. However, we join
with bio friends in wishing him well and
congratulating him on hie well earned
promotion, His family will shortly move
over to Harrieton also.
Some scorer of saw bill ducke were in
the harbor and river the past two weeks.
Most of our fi•bermen are now busily
engaged preparing nate for the Doming
fishing season.
The old boiler has been taken out of
the fishing tug Sea Queen, and a new one
of more power will replace it in a sew
W. L. McLean, of the Palace Clothing
Store, went to New York to take a oouree
in cutting and fitting with the celebrated
house of John J. Mitchell 8c Co.
The Port Dover Eleotrio R. R , it is
now said, will be soon running to Berlin,
and from thane's will be extended to
Godericb, at leaet that is the talk of the
Town Clerk Mitchell transmitted to,
the widow of the late Dr. J. R. Shannon
a grateful tribute to the memory of her
deeply regretted husband,. OD behalf of
the Town Council.
Arrangements are being made for a
aeries of evangelistic services to be con-
ducted by Evangelist Sohiverea in oon•
nection withthePresbyterian and Meth-
odist churches of Godericb. Mr. Sahi•
versa ie expooted here early in March.
The only known Boer adherent in town
While in the workshop of a well-known
shoemaker the other day started to bold
forth et hie view of the question, where•
upon the proprietor, who in a smaller
man than the pro Boer, gltiokly put
Kruger's adherent on the sidetealk.
The G 0. I. Cadets will hold a concert
in Elle Opera Homes on Friday evening,
23rd )net., the premeds to be devoted to
the purcha0o of uniforms. A firet'olaes
program, Ooneietiog of eolo0, reeitetione,
fenny drills, marches and phyeioal exer•
oi00e, will' be given and the Fenian Raid
medals will be presented to the veteran's
of 1888 during the evening.
'1'reatt., CPP(, Wm. Young ; 17xoputive
0om,,0apt, Nelms and hieute, Chia.
beim and Gundry,
1,24.0 W til.
M. Wildfang, merchant tailor, hue der
sided le remove to Sault Ste. Marie.
G, MoDowell has opened a barneee
ebop on Wullooe street, next door to Zinn
& Grieve'e oboe store,
11, H, Bull and J. Tomato, of this
town, are now the happy pOenossore of
Fenian raid medals, being veterans of W.
'Tho Meyers Milling Co. have given
notice that the drinking water aervioe
supplied by them will be dieooutinued on
and alter the 15111 August etx1.
J. E. Carson and Mre. Carson were in
Piotoa last weak attending the funeral of
Mr. Carson's father, Owing to the death
the store of Oarsou & Molise was closed
for a oouple of days.
A propoeod By Jaw to aid the Listowel
Furniture 0o by way of loan, to the ex
tent of $10,000, and 1100 the agreemen
entered into between theprornotere of the
company acid tbecorporatio0 is now peb-
Behed. Something over, $12,600 of Block
has already been eubeoribed, and the
promoters gnarsntee to raise the full
amount of $15,000. Votioge wi I take
place on the:By-law on Monday, March
Word reached here e e tae)e
w ekt the
death of M. Hampton, mother of Mre
8. M. Smith of this town. The d.oeased
had been on a visit to her eon, who thee
in Detroit, and was accompanied by Mise
Maggie Hampton of this town. Her
death, it is learned, was very sudden, and
is attributed to been failure. The re
mains were brought here and ibe funeral
took plaoe from the reoideooe of her so0•
in law, Main street Beet, on Saturday
afternoon at 2,30 o'olook. Decreased had
for many years been an active member of
the Methodist church and of the ladies'
eooieties in connection therewith. She
was in her 62nd year.
For dwich.
Geo. Walkey shipped a eerlo0d of bed.
steads to Winnipeg.
Frank Edwards went to Looknow,to
accept a position in a blacksmith ebop.
While walking on ice, Mre. Andrew
McKee bad the misfortune to slip and
sprain her anile.
A collection for the Canadian Patriotic
Fund was taken In
Trinity Sunday
school Sunday morning,
Mre. Hspinetall, who has been opeod
ing the past few months with friends at
Orangeville and other planes, returned
borne on Wednesday of last week.
DOORLE WEDDING.—On the avenins of
February 7th, one of the moat beautiful
double weddings took plane at the resi•
dance of Samuel Hyndman, near Naw.
bridge, when hie daughters, Mary A.
and Fannie, were united in holy matri.
many to William Foster and Robert J.
Warrell, respectively. Both gentlemen
are residents of Howick, well known and
highly respected. At the appointed hour
of five 'o'olook, tbo strains of Mendele-
eohu'e wedding march were played by
Mise Roe, of Wingham, cousin of the
brides, when the expected wedding group
appeared in the spacious parlor, the
bride° Ieaninggraoefully on their father's
arms, whiob made the scream look very
impreo-ive. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Itev, A. B. Dobson, of Foidwioh,
in the presetoeof 150 guests. The brides,
robed in white organdie muslin, wearing
a veil of white tulle with wreath of
orange blossoms and bouquet of white
violets, looking charming. The brides-
maids were Misses Jennie Warrell, sister
of the groom, and Cassie Hyndman,
sister or the brides, and they looked well
iu their 0001ume8 of white organdie mac•
lin, with pink carnations and rose buds.
Dr. S. E. Foster, of Wiarton, brotber of
the groom, and Wm. Hyndman of Oran.
dal, Man., brother of the brides, acted in
the tenacity of groomsmen. At the com-
pletion of the happy congratulations, the
company was invited to the dieing -room
wbioh wee tastefully decorated with
flowers and the tables spread with the
rarest delicaoiee, where all did ample
justice to the banquet spread. There
were present relatives of the brides from
Newdale, Viola Dale, Wingham, Lietowel,
Harrieton, Clifford, Gerrie, Fordwioh,
Brussels and Orandal, Man. Many
beautiful and useful preeeots were re.
cawed, which would amount to the sum
of $300 and shows the high esteem in
which the young ladle° are held in this
oommn0ity. All repaired to their re•
epeotive borne et the early hours of
dawn, well pleased with the evening's en-
joyment. Mre. Footer and Mre. Worrell
will bo greatly missed in the socialoirolee,
and in the choir of the Presbyterian
oharch, Fordwialt, of which they have
been members for years.
Geo. Corrie has returned home after
nearly a yrar'o 'absence.
Elma Council did a loyal and praise.
worthy act at its last meeting in donating
525 toward the National Patriotic Fund.
A number of the members and adher•
ante of the Donegal Methodist ohuroh met
at the home of Joseph McCracken and
presented John Rymer, leader of the
choir, with a handsome easy chair in ap.
preoiation of his services accompanied by
an address. A beautiful silver ;fruit dish
and peke basket was also forwarded to
Mrs. David Hymer at Stratford, where
Mr, Hymer recently removed to swept
of a situation in the G. T. R. oar shops.
FLAX Mneente,—Tse annual meeting of
the Ontario Farmers' Flag Menufaotur•
ing t'o. was held in the Town Hall on the
10th ioet. James ..Hanna, President of
the Company, wee moved to the chair.
There wag a large attendance of share.
holders and otheree present to hear the
auditors' and directors) reports read by
Secretary J. A. Turnbull. Both reports
were adopted. Considerable animated
discussion followed as to the future die-
p00ition of the mill Several motions
were put to the meeting, but only one
carried, namely, that of Thos. Smith, At-
wood, who moved that a Board of Direc-
tors bo appointed with power and in.
0101100one to advertise the mill for sale or
rent. The following directors were there.
upon elected : Jae. Hanna, J. A, Torn-
beil, John Knox, Geo. Struthers and J.
A. Kemp. W. F. Fared rose in hie
plebe and offered to make them an offer
for the mill there and thee, and would re-
tire from the meeting until the share.
holder's dnoided upon a price. Geo.
Loebhead offered to run the mill for the
Company, to furnish all monies required,
and devote hie time as manager, for
which he was to receive a permontege of
Sheproilteaccording tothoorop, Neither
propositions were entortainod, the 0har0
holders preferring to leave the future of
the mill in the bands of the Dtreotors.
A0 there 10 only about $100 in hand after
renting all diebareemente due, the quee.
tion of a dividend was not seriously dill
()waled, The mill was rented lest year to
W, F. Forrest for $250, wbfoh in view of
the favorable season be has hod must
have proven a goad investment, and none
begrudges him margin over expenses,
for while the Company have made littl
a not n f the r ue O i d e
r nothing to tt ta a 0aa tr dly,
they have done well in keeping the ma-
obinee roaniug, and the mill today to a
more saleable property than it was
twelve menthe ago, and Atwood and sur
rounding dietriot have profitted by the
oiroulation,of the flax money in wages,
eto,, of the _employee's and grower's,
Nevertheless, the mill ebould bring an
nnnatilrental 01 5501 to clear the share
holders, Bud etill leave a comfortable
margin for the leasee in an , average year.
Good flax eeed ie now gelling at $1 50 per
bushel, and the o'op of the past eeaeon
was extra good, If the property, how•
ever, can be sold at a reasonable price,
eery 54,000, it would be w.iee to let it go,
for there Dau be no question one man who
understands hie business Dau run it
better than a company, es was clearly
demonstrated the past season, At the
close of the meeting the Direotore met
and decided to advertiee the property at
one's in the Daily Globe and the Bee,
teade•s to ba opened Feb. 24th next,
A NOTn0a LANDMARR-GONE.•-There pass.
ed away from this life on Monday after.
noon, February 5111, spottier of thelaod•
msrke of pioneer day() of Grand Valley
dietriot, Dufferin Co., in the person of
Henry Berry, father to Jno. Berrry, of
this place, at the advanced age of 86
years, 10 months and 19 day's. The de.
ceased wee a native of Ireland, and earns
to Canada in 1837, flret settling in Tor-
onto, where he remained some years,
Ho afterwards lived for a time 1n Bien -
shard township, Perth Co0oty, and a.
bout fortyfive years ago went to Wast
Garafraxa, and settled on a farm on the
6th oon. Here he remained for about
ten years and then removed to Weet
Luther, near Arthur, where he spent
18 yearn, residing with hie eon, Henry,
lot 24, con. 2, Eaet Lather. Deoeased
was a strong and active man in hie
younger days, and coming to this country
when it was but a forest, it ie said by
those who knew
him that be took 0o a
special interest "
p to clearing 1(p new lend.
He was a life long Orangeman, having
joined the Order when but a lad of seven
teen yeare,,and was an honorary member
of Royal Oak L. 0. L. No. 268. air.
Berry was the last of four brothers who
came to Canada and up to last September,
when he had a etroke of paralysis ,retain•
ed hie faoultiea to a marked degree for a
man of hie years. Coming to Canada
in etormy politioel times he joined the
Volunteer force to do aervioe for his
Queen. The mother of deceased lived to
the royal age of 99 years and hie father,
who was a soldier, met hie death on the
battlefield. Two brothers of Mr. Berry's
also served in the Royal Artillery in the
Old Land, He was twine married, and
Y of nix sone and threeira
daugbtwls. The funeral tools place l0
South Luther haying. ground on Wed
ne0day afternoon,0ervto0 being conduct•
ed by Rev. 3, R. Bell, of Laurel, and the
membere of Royal Oak Lodge attending
in a body to pay a loot tribute of reeve())
10 their deceased brother, Mr, Berry
and Miss Carrie attended the funeral.
A young man named Murton was hill.
ed near Wildwood by a tree falling on
biro while he was
working in the woods,
One -Way
To Manitoba and Canadian Nolth•W'eet
will leave Toronto Every Tuesday' tinting
March and April.
Paseengero travelling without Live Stook
should take oho train leaving Toronto at 2
P. m.
Paeseogoro travelling with Live Stook
ebould take the Witt; leaving Toronto at 0
p. m.
Colonist Sleeper attached to each train.
Far full
pte son copy 'Settlers'
Guido" apply too anyany Canadian Pacific Agent,
or to
Asst. Geo. Parte. Agent,
1 Icing St, East, • Toronto.
the Hat !
Y,u can afford to follow the above
injunction and then cell on
Who is olearing out the balance of a
Bankrupt Stock of
Hats and Caps.
at unheard of Low Prioee.
Yon can get 0 good Cap
for the small earn ®
Every one of them meet go 6o call early
and make your ohoioe.
Canadian Express Agent.
Stands in the front rank for Tv__ Flour
Our Manitoba Brand is First-
class, taking lot prize at the Fall Exhibition.
Chopping done by the Stone process, recognized as the
Best in use. Satisfaction assured.
Oatmeal always on hand for sale or exchange for oats.
Dry ,flmerican Corn by the Car Load.
,Asn all kinds of J1/flit Feed.
Special Attention given to Gristing.-.1%...-1
Improvements have been made that add to our ability to do the
very best for our customers.
W. F. Stewart.
Spring Prints
P. K. & Girighams
All Spring Goods at
Old Prices at.,..
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Of fine Grooerioe for the Obrietmes Seaeon is now being shown by 0e, every
article being bright, clean and fresh, and rag quality is the first months.] we have
taken special Dare to 'select only the finest goods for your inopeotion. A look through
our store will show you that our stook of Frultk and 'raw Delicacies le very tom•
plete, and if you have a eiogio thought of eeonorny we eek, you to examine our goods
before purchasing and whatever yon select in
or anything else for table nee, you can rest
and give your orders our beet attention,
Oysters by Dish or Quart. Finn Stock of Confectionery.
assured, we will do our best to plea eo you
. , -..,,
! oKIN/VON & CO.
CREAT--"" it
s.. SALE e
Wo have done a large trade in Clothing this season, end we and
v0 going througb the stook on hand there are several broken lots in odd
oizes which meet be cleared out regardless of cost before the new -Spring
„Dodo arrive, They are new, up.to•date goods, but ae we have not a full
range of 'sizes they must go et priests like these :
4 Men'e dark mixed Tweed Suite, were $8 50, now $5,
2 Men's grey striped Tweed Suite, were $8, now $8,75,
3 Dark overobeok doable breasted Snits, were $0.50, now $1 50,
2 Dark grey tweed Suits, were $8 25, now $5,95,
1 Brown mixed worsted double breasted Suit, was $7.50, now 59 50.
3 Grey Tweed Suite, single breasted, were 58. now $5.95.
Men's Wool Pants, all sizes, were $1 25, for $1.
Boy's two piece Suite, at $1 25, $1,75 and $2.
Men's line Beaver Overcoats in dark blue and black, Fo'eooh facings,
velvet collar, worth $10, for $8 75.
Blue Beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, worth 58.50 for 50.50.
. j
The Business
Ontario -
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and practical train.
ing in all branches of Oommeroial work,
at considerably lees than regular rates.
For full information apply
Rooms or College over Post Office.
Pump Worts 1
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch.
I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sofa,
Bore, breed knives and other edged tools
in up -to date style.
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner. Batie•
faotion assured.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
Line until you cell and see
what you can do at
Robes, Brushes, Combs, Trunks,
Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bells, &a.,
At Lowest Living Prices.
Single Harness from $7.50 up
Just reoeived a complete line of •
Woollen and Rubber
English Kersey Blankets
and Fine Robes.
These are a ohoice lot and
will be 'sold cheap.
Jno. Donaldson,
The Harness Maker, Brussels.
Are You Thinking of
--rr , qq Buying a B a^• ng° or
^ yCyo o •k, gg S t -o v e ?
If so you should see our
Gurney's Imperial RANGED
Seven of these Ranges
sold since the Brussels Fair.
They save more Fuel,
Are easier Regulated } Than any athor of their class
Also a large display of Base Burners,
Coal and Wood Heaters,
A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete,
for $50. It takes 26 inch wood.
The hest is always the Cheapest.
a^, [/7 ^ Yon will. save your m00007 gbyy calll i^n gon 00 ^q t
L7"N.D'V. Ja' •b'rB,l2orio "tl-tYtISrY•di",o"S13"'y.6',"U••U",dlo"d.k77J.3f Si .ti"1iaa Y'
Wilton & Turnbull
When It Copses to
We have something to say of special interest to everyone
who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a
.Parlor Suite,
Bedroom Suite,
Extension Table,
Dining Chairs,
Anything, Everything that is desirable.
We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs
and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten.
Picture Framingattended carefully and large
oof Mouldings to select from.
Yon will make no mistake if you select your furniture at