The Brussels Post, 1900-2-22, Page 4`PRE BRUSSELS ,POST tit VtAtostis"' nasi. THTURSDAY, 1'E8, 22, 1900, TIME lea strong feeling hi a number of .Qounafefe fora obange in the School Law whereby the Summer vacations Would be abbreviated by two weeks at tenet and Parliament will probably be seised to express its opinion on the sub. jest. UNCLE EAU ie not having any snap in the war with the Philippines and al. though the backbone of the ineurreation may be broken the ineurgente are still ]seeping op a lively liuetle along guerilla linea of attack, To add to the dieoom• fort of the American troops, smallpox have broken out and quite a few etriok en with this disagreeable plague. The na- tives are faring no better. Hors, EnwARD BLAxa did himself no credit as a Canadian by bia vote in the Imperial Parliament on the South Airi- ng)) question. The ;,loyalty of Irish soldiery is the beat answer to the mal- content representatives of the Emerald isle who often do more to sow dlesention than Beal breeahee by their unguarded ex- pressions of Clear out disloyalty. We ex- peoted better things from a man of Mr. Blake's oalibre and suppose 1f be did lose his seat in Longford be would have es tabliebed a preoedent that mignt have borne good fruit. Their oarping will amount to nothing in securing the ad. vantages they seek. IT is said fine samples of wbeet, barley and oats, grown near Dawson Oity in the Klondike, are on exhibition in Lon- don, Euglaod. This will rather surprise some of the Englishmen who had their minds made up that snow balls and ioieles were about the only product that did first-olaeseven in the Provinoee of Ontario and Quebec. Lettuce, radishes, cabbage and other vegetables are also said to grow in that so oalled sub-Aratin wilder - nese, and who knows what may be evol- ved from the experiments with fruits and even flowers. Eltreka—I have found it— may be often reiterated in the time to aome in that far Northland, but we are satisfied to let some other fellow "Eureka" while we sojurn a trifle nearer the equa- tor. WITH increased trade and a general briekiog up the towns along Lake Huron are rousing themselves to secure a union of interests by placing a line of passenger and freight steamers on the lake route. If enooetefal the railroads will have to get a move on them as well, as the public is gettiog siok of the cinch they have on almost everything, using the shippers and travellers often me if they had no rights in the matter at all. The members of Parliament who will kink up such a duet over this matter that a general shaking np of privileges and rules and regulations would be brought into effect would most heartily deserve the thanks of a long suffering publio. As long as M,P.'s travel on free passes we don't expect a great many of them to kick the dashboard off. TILE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The Ontario Legielatnre opened at Toronto an %Yedneeday afternoon of fast week, Sir Oliver Mowarb, who was aaoompauied by the usual escort and guard of honor, read the epeeoh from the throne, which was as follows Xt.,'Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legis- lative Assembly ; I take gr'sat pleasure in again meeting you se repreaentabivee of the provinoe In parliament assembled, f}fnoe the last meeting of the Legislature Great Britian has been under the necessity of resisting by force of arms the enoroaohment of the South African republics upon her tern tortal righbeaud the liberties of British subjects in the Transvaal, The issues involved, managing as they did the iu- tegrity of the empire, appealed very strongly to the loyalty of the Canadian people. As the representative of the province I congratulate yon on the en thusiaem manifested throughout the whole province in the enrollment of her sons for imperial service at the seat of war. LOYALTY OY CANADIAN&, No more striking proof could have been given of the loyalty and devotion of Canadians to their sovereign and to the empire to which we belong, and f am confident that any proposal of my Government for contributing toward the enpport of the wives and families of soldiers now serving at the front will receive favorable and generous consider- ation" THE L00i On LNDUeTRY. Iam pleased to be able to inform you that the lumboricg industry of the province is is a flourishing oondition, the legislation of 1898 requiring all pine logs out under license to be manufactured in Canada took effect first in the season of 1898-99. The practical operation of this legislation has proven beneficial and timely. While the quantity of pine lumber out last season shows little, if any, diminution as compared with previous years, the saw milling business of the province, on the other hand, has received e powerful stimulus. Many existing mills have been enlarged, idle ones have resumed work, and a number of new mills have been built and equipped to meet the demand for sawn lumber, and as a result substantial benefits have been reaped from the action of the legis- lature. ONE of the most sensible things we have known the House of Commons to do for a long time was the passing of the Address without the long continued wind• mill exhibitions usually on the program, If those long gabbers knew how few peo- ple in the country read their speeches they might take the hint and quit, there• by saving the time and expense of Perlia. meat. It's for the traosaotioo of bueineea that the Commons and Legislature meet not for brag, bloater or fireworks. If the Hansard reports were not published many e tiresome address, delivered to empty benches, would have been stillborn, and even] then would hardly be worth the funeral expenses. Get down to business, gentlemen, and let the country see that you know the purpose for which you were elected. $6,000 a day is too high a price even for "air motors." THE old time Statute labor days are rapidly drawing to a close—none too soon—and it will not be long before a newer and better system will be inaugur. abed, With the better drainage, clear- ing out of oordnroy, introduction of grad ing and stone orushing machinery, plus the new interest awakened in modern methods, the next 10 years ehould see a great advance in the highways. A nam. bar of munizipalitiea have done away with statute labor and let all their road improvements by contract with an official overseer and their experience appears to be eminently satisfactory. The present eeesioo of the Proviuoial Parliament will likely plane legislation on the Statute book along this line that will tend to the oarryiug oat, of a better order of road making ae a great deal of the work done is practically thrown away on account of oareleaeneee, want of uniformity, or pro• oeeding from wrong methods. Not a few Pathmaeters have taken considerable in - (der of thine in the to eat in a now order g pant few years but there ie abundant room yet to Derry on the good work. Montreal militia officers have offered e bangpet,to Gen. Button, A waggon containing Blanche and Walter Hird wan struck by a T., H, ds B. train ab Brantford. The man's leg wan broken, bob the Woman aeeaped with a few braises. MA.NO'ACTOBE OP PULP WOOD. In pursuance of the policy of encourag- ing the developement of industries for which the circumstances of the province are speoially adapted, order in council has been passed that pulp wood be menu - featured in Canada, a measure confirm• ing this order in council will be laid before you. SAVING THE Fonnar&. The desirability of preserving the forests in districts not adapted for agri culture, so as to constitute a permanent source of timber supply, has been fully recognized in connection with the admin- istration of the Drown domain. Accord• iogly districts capable of being reforested are being set apart ae forest reserves. 0100000. The healthy condition of the mining industry is shown by the growth of revenue from galea and rants of mining loads, the increase of investments in mining enterprises, and a large output from mines and mining works. It is the objeot and policy of my Government to utilize all the natural resources of our country so as to afford the largest scope for the profitable employment of capital and labor, and thus furnish the markets of the world with finished articles instead of raw materiels. AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER INTERESTS. da 000nolny an is ooneietenb with effloieot aervieo,, will at an early elate be preaenbed to you. Hakes and Poe/Wars By -lay. As a gQ tint deal of disattaeiofi baa erleen eoneerniug the (petition of Hawkers and Peddlers we give the Oo. By-lawuow in (brae ea that the publio may be eogttaint ed with the existing late ;— That from and after the paesiva of this Bylaw all hawkers, ped+aers, petty obaptnen and other pereone oarryiug on petty trades, or who go from p!aue to plane or to other men's houeee, on foot or with any animal bearing or drawing arty goods, wares or merchandise for sole or in, or with anyboat, vessel Or other eralt, or otberwise carrying roods, wares or merabandieefur sale within the said. Conuty of Huron, shall before txeralsiug the said o0oupatioos or °atiingo, or any of them, within the said County, prooure' In, the manner hereinafter provided, lioeuees in that behalf. ,. But no such license shall be required for hawking, peddling or selling from any vehicle or other oonveyanee, any goods, wares or merchandise, to any retail deal er, or for hawking or peddling any goods, wares or merchandise, the growth, pro• duos or manufacture of the Provinoe of Ontario (not being liquors within the meaning of the law relating to taverna or tavern licensee( if the same are b.ing h,wked or peddled by the manufacturer or ptodueer of such goods, wares or mer• ohandiee, or by hie bona fide servant or employees, having written authority in that behalf, but ouch servant or emp'oy- see shall produce and exhibit such writ• ten authority when required so to do by any Munioipal or Peace Odl,er. And it is hereby declared in aocordanoe with the provisions of the Statute in that behalf, that the word "hawkers" in this By law shall ino;ude all persons, who being agents for persons 001 resident within the said Oouuty of Huron, sell or offer for sale tea, dryg ode, mat a hes plated.vare, sale, furniture, car- pets, upholstery, millinery or jewellery, or who carry and expose eamplee or pat. terns of any of such goode to be after• wards delivered within the Oonnty of tiuro0 aforesaid, to any person not being a wboleaale or retail dealer in such goods, wares or merchandise. The said license shall be issued by the Treasurer of the said County at hie oKce in the town of Goderiob, and shell be under the corporate seal and verified by the signature of the said Treasurer as the officer issuing the same. The said license shall remain in force until tbe thirty first day of December next after the i,anirg there. f. The Emma to be paid for the said lioen- me; shall be as follows For a person examining or following any of the said oucupatiane or callings required by this Bylaw to have a license, and who travels an foot or with one or more horses or other animate, the sum of 950.00, and for every boat, vessel or other similar draft used by such person for the purpose of his said occupation or Dulling, the sum of 95 00. The said license shall not be transfer• able, but shall be used only by, and shall only protect the person named therein ae Iioeneee and such lioeneee shall produce such license fur inspection whenever required so to do by may Constable or other Offiaar of the Peace acting in and for the said County of Huron. That for the infraction, of any of tbe provisions of this Bylaw the party vin• Ming the same shall for esah and every breach thereof, on oonviotiou thereof, before one or more Justices of the Peace, having jurisdiction within the said Oonn ty, forfeit and pay for each offense a penalty of not less than 910.00, nor more than 950.00, and the coats of prosecution, to be recovered in ansa default is made in payment by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender, and in the event of there not being sufficient distress, the offender may be imprisoned in the oommon gaol of the said County for any period not exceeding twenty-one days, with or without hard labor, unless the said penalty and all lawful poste are sooner paid. Any person may be complainant in prosecutions under this By-law. One-half of the penalty imposed and oolleoted in enoh proeeautioae shall be paid to the prosecutor. All fees received for licenses and all penalties received in prosecution under this Bylaw, not herein before otherwise provided for abet( be paid to the County Treasurer and shall form part of the funds of the said County. I am pleased to be able to state that the agricultural condition of the province ie muoh morefavorable than it has been for many years. The great improvement in the quality of all dairy products has increased the popularity of our butter and cheese in the British market, and has ooneequently stimulated this branch of industry. Our fruit interests are also inoreasing in importance and value, ae the exports of our orchards for the last year make manifest. The attendance at the agricultural college has reached the highest limit yet attained since the establishment of the college, and it will be necessary to provide for additional ao. oommodation if the;attendenoe continues to increase ae it has during the last few years. CARE OF THE INSANE. It is to be noted with regret that the increasing numbers of insane tax the accommodation of our asylums beyond their capacity. Notwithstanding the liberal provision already made, and the large expenditure incurred in carrying on these services, it becomes imperative that increased accommodation be provided for many urgent oases now requiring atten• tion. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS, Measures will be submitted for the improvement of the public highways, the drainage of swamp lands, the encourage. ment of cold storage stations in rural districts, and the colonization .of those portions of Northern Ontario adapted for agricultural purposes. Your attention will be invited to bills reepeetinp the revenue,election education and mini? g, and alstoameasure for a comprehensive exploration of the district lying between the main line of the 0. P. R, and Hud - eon's Bay, in order that more accurate information may be obtained as to its mining resources and adaptability for farming. AEMINISTntTION Or JUSTICE•,. Your attention will be palled to the present relative jurisdiction of the courts of the province and of their respective judges, and to the suggestions of exper- innce for further promoting the effective, prompt and inexpensive administration of justice throughout the province. During the recess I appointed a royal commission to report upon the financial position of the province. The report will be laid be u Y fore o early in the session. mmieslon was also appointed to A co PP inquire into irregularities reported by the judges at the bye eleation held in the west riding of Elgin on the Nth of J'anu ary, 1809. The commissioners have en- tered upon the duties assigned to them. The publio aoaounts and the reports of the several departments of the provin. Mal service will be submitted to you in due course. The estimates for the ane - rent year, prepared, with as great regard HURON OLD BOYS. FIRST ANNOIAL DINNER: 1so earth elde 0 o guests' le sd bead of tb gt pat sat some of the pioneers nud older "old boys" of }Iurou Oeuuty Han A M (lose, W Gordon, A Gorton, ll R Willson, of 9th. forth A Holmes of St. Oatherinen, John Iseekle, Revs A Turnbull, E Moody (Soo. retort/ Ar W S1oa1R, fir S E l (antis til F ttart'ow. °there 1.0e601+1 were :—Shan Boas, pea S 1l0•t ui lY 1,1 Graves, CI' A 1301ttb, Win Pre dr,gaet, G It. Audernon. 0'Un }laldau,, ler teorguenJ to O Aiaokay, F W Alol,oau, 11r Ii 'B J Stauburyy, H i Conte, W Alu•ford. Dr J N McFuul, D Ai Johnston.; 11 Fourth, <S IT Moi"nnne,l, S lingo, 0 Murt'..y.tt WAlun a„1e 14 A Sl W ear' AliniliAletoandor, EYgowelli Goo , Joh aye D A Eagle, Forsyth, 'Elea er Gibaou,lioger 5 OtoksO Aslwlu G °Caen ,Fraula 11 Willis, wet` F Ountolon,Ceoil J Agnew Harry G Horton, D Oantelon John B0berlson, W O Senior, t, S Oluff 0 '1Yslemtller, llr Thep Coleman, John 111ulloeb, W It Mlllsr, J A McLaren, Anion on A Aloftay,J O. Hyslop, w T Pridbam, W Aihonbeud, Gordon. Waldron, John A Uocper, 0slvald Hunt, ferueet H cooper, A 5 Ouse, M Parkin ou, Walter Scott, Wm Ai Gray,Samuel Smith, S T Ohuroh, Thos Ale. Gllllndtiy, J A Turnbull, I Leckie and E Bolmee. Lettere of regret at not being able to attend were read Pram Hobert Ho1me5, M. P for West Huren; M X McLean, Seaforbh ; P Dun OXaollands, i0011ixlouedterdy, , Goderish ; and Dr J A PATnIoTIo TOAsrs. The toast list was 1n keeping with the spirit of patriotism that le bofug felt ell over the Dominion. "Phe Army, -Navy and Voluntcere," propos. ed by D Welmiller, lana responded to by nr J E Elllatt, was reoslved amid loud. abeers and the playing of''The British Grenadiers," Mr Weismiller spoke of the greatness of the British Emgire of Ile Power, and of its great grip of the secrete of colonization, The success that in the past has attended her ventures to that direction should, he thought,ju tify nor in bite stand she hoe taken In defending the Unllan dors 71 the Transvaal. Mr Elliott resq- reel the war history of Canada, dwelling up00 the valor of her soldiers and volunteers" and oanatleyI, try expressing the wi h that, if 0eedod 10,000 men be cent :•to South Afrioa Ineteud of 0,000, Perhaps the moment of the evening that will r5 0010 losgaet'Is the memory of the "Old Uoys" was reached when J 8 Willison, an Y m6m- r h e Ideut submitted far honorary y bereLt o b name of p of the aeeooiati u r e Lieut. -Col. pica who, as every inhabitant oR Huron le prated tr know, was born •in the Township of Stuuley, a few utiles South of the town of Clinton. Mr, Willlsoa spolte humorously of Ills own early days of dieY- culty on t Huron farm, sod seriously of the advuut thea of an early couutry frailties over that obtained within the hurry and oramniug iu9uen see of a city. The refer - elms to the war and Ool. Otter's share in It ware the oeoasion of the greatest out- burst of enthusiasm of the evening. Follow• Ing. the Hon A M Roes who set is the place of honor at the President's right, was nomi- nated by 0 A Smith for the Honorary Presi- dency and accepted Ina speech replete with anecdotes of the early thirties i0 the Huruu true t, among which ,of neurse,tbe ivams of Tiger Dunlop received frequent meat ion. °Lief Justice Boberteou came third on the of liefR of H bMuuonrary members on Elie nomination rray. OLD DOTS PROM ilvaaY DISTRICT. The other toasts were :—"l! he Oid Boys from Goderiotr District," proposed by Thos McGillicuddy and responded to by 17 1 B Duncan ;"The Uld Huron Boys from the Exeter District;' proposed by Rev J A Turnbull, and responded to by M Parkinson; 'Prom Clinton District." proposed by Gor- don Waldron, and responded to by John A Cooper ; "from Brussels Distriot;' proposed by Dr TiSloan and responded to by T W Gibson ; from Wingbam District;' propoe- ed by NY E Groves. and responded to by E Floe sty ; "From Seaforth District," pr opoeed by W Pendetgast, and responded to by T 1.1 Higgins ; "Guests from the Old Country;' proposed by Hugh MaaMath. The remarks of the sp eaksrs were full of incidents and recollections of their boyhood days in their native County. During the evening suitable songs were rendered by Miners. 1350000 Soutbeatt, E J Walsh and W 0 Souior. Toronto 01055. Had one of the old Chiefs of the historical red -skinned 15ueoue dropped into Webb'e parlors Friday night of last week he would have felt his blood tingle se be noted the spirit of patriotism and loyalty to the Union Jack that centuries ago controlled the tomahawks of the Iroquois atilt demonstrat- ed, but in a more developed and intellectual manner, by the men who to.day ca 1 them- selves Hurons. He would have Been the first banquet. of the Beton. 01(11373,s' Amend. titian made one of the moat enjoyable and successful re -unions in the history of "old - boy" entertainments. But be would have been puzzled over the menu cant. He would have been amazed at the expressions of mingled mirth and expectation that light- ened up the faces of those present whoa they road of Seaforth mockturtlesoup, fillet of Garlorioh cod, Wawanoeb turkey with Wingham eaaoe,sweetbreads of Exeter, sirloin of Stephen beef, not lorgettiug the leg of Mullet lamb. It would have been nonsense to him ; and morn so still as he would have Beau lips ammokingover a genuine Bowiok pnun.p•t0•hng, made more acceptable by a smattoriu,t of Tuakaramith BIWa8. The old Chief could not have witbetood an old-fashioned helping of AfoIiillop letnon pie, and when tossing the Hay and Grey Oakes, the Enamels nuts, tat Clothome apples, the Blyth grapes, the Turnhsrry oranges and Stanley peas, he would have been oonylnaed that there was nothing At to eat that diel not some from Hut on. He would have had no idea that as silver.strealt- ed !made bent over those Stanley peas thoughts were running away bank to the time when thee° same boars, then young and toway and borne by oar° feet, need to follow tiny halide up abs old russet tree that stood In the corner whore the lige fence separated the orchard iron the marroW.fat pea patch, out of wbioh those stint( ekiu- bere Leet and tiny bands were often abased by the neighbor's enterprising collie. • B000005 of MIMEO But the old Chief would have been most surprised by the frequent palls for raielne from Ashaold, from the for North-west corner of the County, away up there where centuries ago hallo nueuu dashed her waves against the breakers. The Indian thiol would have wondered at all those things, hub would have been Battened by aoolinghie faveredbrow with Clinton ice - ream and elearmg Ills War-wIooping throat withOsbarun coffee, THE REROUTES UTE,S PRESENT, The President, J S Willison, sat at the Fire in the Flavelle Milling Company property at Lindsay destroyed the obop mill and gutted the engine -house" W. Aexiu, of Sarnia, succeeds A. Mie- oampbell, M P. P., as Manager of the Northern Navigation Oompauy at Out. Lingwood. Mr. variola, who went to Dawson from Paris last year, will go to Vanoauv• er iu the Spriug mud return to Dawson by balloon. NEW TERM NOW OPEN. Sitter as Soon an Possible. CENTRP!'l- j !ESS LLTTI oStriaOA A eobool offering advantages not to be found elsewhere in the Dominion. Oatalogue Free. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal. The nab, Bank d r nk of Canada. Mon Qy y Orders r__. 0 s For amounts of Fifty Dollars tied under leaned by title Bank, payable at par at any ohartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon DIS. Wet. RATES : Under $10 . $0,08 $10 to 20 . . . 0,10 20 to 80 . . 0.12 80to50 , . 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS McLEOD'S System Renovator --AND OTHEn- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveri.bed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- bion ot"tbe Heart; Liver Complaint, Near - algia, Loss of Memory, Brouabits, Oon. gumption, Gall Stupes, Jaundice, Kidney and UrinaryDfeeaees St. Vitus' Dance Female Irreularities and General De bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. M°LEOD, Prop. and Manufaotnrer, Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, DrueteIe SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing (hills Also Doote and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order et Short Notioe. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. WoFkman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT Spectacles —OF ALL RINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyee tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. 1+0,01. ecw OrrrALO srt0+t All rerL 01:0 a 111,33. 1 :0001010e 000110 r00,5 004/05155 The Universal Favorite Noxon Disc Harrow, (OUT -THROW,) The only Dien Harrow that has adjust- able pressure springs. This feature is invaluable on bard or uneven ground. F'EB, 22. 1900 arammaimaimammormammoumsinianplaiMilmanfammill Ewan & inns NOXOn New seetlarml Cultivator Spring Tooth (fitted with grain and grass Bowleg attaohmente if desired) with reversible points, aloe thistle cutters i1 ordered. The lightest draft, best working and moat easily operated Cultivator menu - factored. The teeth work directly under the axle and within the wheel line. Seo tete New Spring tilt. TBE CELEBRATED Noxon DrillsSteciand "°°tier i Spring J'reasare Our old reliable HOOSIER Drilla are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There aro now over 00.000 in use among the farmere,of this country. We invite the olosest inepeotion of our Farm Implements and Machinery which we are manafaotnring for the Doming aoseon. In addition to the above we pall special attention to our Neff Victoria Binder and No. 11 Oxford Clipper lrront•cnt Hower, also our patent Spring and Spike Harrows and Frintion and Ratchet Dump Rakes. It Will amply repay all intending purohaeere to see our lines before planing their orders elsewhere. .Solid for our New Ma Catalogue. JOHN LONG, THE NOXON CO,, Limited, AGENT, INGERSOLL, ONT, Although the season , was not one of the best for the sale of Cutters and Sleighs, we have sold 43 °utters, 12 sets of Sleighs and in connection with the above slues we have dis posed of, 5 Sets of I arness. Our Harness cannot be surpassed in Quality and Price. We deal with a firm established in 1867 and they idon't put out any Harness but hand sewed. We have a few Cutters to sell yet and if Low Prices will clear ahem out we are determined to make a clearance. Come and see what we have, ori_: `3 r2 "`a"c" ";. Carriage Builders. S ROSS' FLOUR MILL Best Brands of Is the best place to get your Gristing done. We have the best Chopping rig in the County and we are satisfy- ing everybody d who comes. Ybo y First-class Flour in Exchange for Good Wheat, Manitoba Flour for sale, as well as Ontario Flour of first quality, and our popular Mixed Flour gives great satisfaotion. It makes an excellent family Flour. Oatmeal arid all kinds of Mill Feed Always on hand. Best Dry American Corn. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal. O R. R« SS, MILL STREET, BRUSSELS. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c,, from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public. Grocery Stock Fresh and up-to-date, A Specialty TEAS made of The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery. '" GH/NA AND GLASSWARE We take no second place. BAKERY Oontinued as usual and Satisfaction assured. The patronage of the public solicited and we will do our part to merit a continuance of your trade. MRS. BALLANTYNE, .. SPRI if Ey G PRINTS. Our first shipment of Spring Prints has just alrived. No doubt it is early in the season for. these goods but they are wanted. Anticipate your wants in this line and call and make your selections. February Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. A STRACHANU • ret