HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-22, Page 1Vol, 28. No. ; 138
W. H. KERR, Prop.
New Advertisements
Looal—Tno POST,
Settlers' Exouraione-0, P, R.
Clothing sale—MoKinnon & Co,
Special lines—H. P, MoAlhater,
Notices to Creditors—A, Hunter.
The dorse Fair—G. A. Deadman,
Winter goods sale—E, 0. Dunlord,
Apology --John Robb, Bohn Forsyth,.
Servant wonted—Mrs; W. M, Binalair,
Mxsthid 1,1630.
:nolo estwortle.
Mise Fowler returned to ban home on
Mies McNeil, of Oranbrook, is renewing
coq u eintnnoee here.
Miss Mitchell, of Wroxeter, is spend.
ing a few days with friends here.
Nelson Mitchell and James Vance
visited relatives near Wroxeter on Sunday.
Mise Wood returned to her borne in
Stratford on Tueeday afternoon. She
was gelled away rather aoexpeotedly.
A. meeting was held on Monday even•
ing to arrange for a concert in the near
future. Proceeds to be sent in aid of the
Patriotic Fund.
The "At Home" in the basement of
the Presbyterian church was well attend-
ed by the young people on Friday evening.
A very suitable program wan rendered
after which lunch wee partaken of and
every one went home fully eatiefied,
Teeradboan '.
James Mowbray was on a business trip
to Wingham last week.
Alex, Brothereon and deter are now
comfortably eituatod in their laager.
Misses Christian J. Rea and Mary E
Haokwell have returned from visiting
friends in town,
James Petrie, 14th oon., is having an
auotion sale on March 0th. Afterwards
he and his family will take up their resi-
dence near Olinton.
Mre. Stenzel and son James have gone
to the States, Mrs. Stenzel to Maine
City, Mioh , and James to Toledo, Ohio.
Annexe SALE —01a Tuesday afternoon
March 6th, H. E, Burkholder, who lives
le miles South of here, will hold an num
tion sale of his farm, stook, impleamente
eto., as he purposesgoingto Manitoba on
J.D. .Fleury, formerly teacher 1n S. 8.
No. 4, Morrie, having complained through
hie Solicitor to the Editor of the• Bruesele
POST that n letter appearing in THE POST
for the fame of November 9th, 1899, and
signed" 'Ratepayer,",wag libellous and in-
juriousto him,we beg to apologize to Mr.
Henry for the statement therein made. We
find that we were misled by statements
that were then made to ue as to what Mr.
Henry had 4080 in connection with the
matter comma ,ted oninthe letter written
is not ebaargeWe able with-havinguhadfanything
to do with the preparation of the address or
the nurohnse of the present made to him
by the seation and be oertainly le not
ohargeable so far as we have any koo anodge
with any misappropriation of any enter-
tainment fonds that came into hie heads.
We are very sorry that we were unthink-
nthinkingly led into making such statements -with
regard to Mr, Henry without having verified
them and sincerely apologize to him for
them. We also consent to this apology bo-
ing published by air. Henry.
In presenceJous Ron
of G. P. Blair1 p,
Morrie,Deaember :10812, 1099.
Course .
is the highest step that can be
taken in Optics 1 Having net completed
this very excellent course in Toronto and
added a very superior instrument,
The Prentice Retinscope,
to my Trial Case, am in a better position
than ever to guarantee satisfaction. •
Thanking you all for past favors.
Call in—no charge for testing your eyes.
You are not expected to buy .Glasses if
yon do not require them.
a trip. F. S. Scott, the well known
80Obioneer, of Brussels, will oonduot the
sale and no doubt a big orowd will be in
abtendanoe. Mrs. Burkholder and family
will reside in Bruseele while Mr, Bork.
holder goes by spy out the promiee land.
Onor.-We learn that John Robertson,
foe tnerly of East Wawanoeh, paseed a-
way at hie hone,Logoob, Man., et the
age of 05 retro and 4 months. life will
be remembered by many in this diatriot,
having lived on the 9th oon. some few
years ago, Deceased diva on Tuesday,
Jan, 80811, after a short Meese. He was
a native of perthehice, Sootland, and
came to Oxford county. Ontario, in the
year 1855, After staying there a few
years he removed to the 6th oon. of East
Wawanoab, where he reeided until April
1861, when be removed to Manitoba,
Since going there he filled a councillor's
ohair for five years and when in Wawa -
nosh wee president of •East Wawenoeh
Agricultural Sooiety for 18 years. In
religion he was a ooneie1ent member of
the Preeb'yterian ebnrob and in politios
was a'etaunoh Reformer. Behind him
is left to mourn their lose hie wife, five
sone and three daughters, three brothers
-Rev. Dr. Robertson, Toronto, Arab„
late of Grey township, and Duncan, 6813
oon. ; and two sisters.--Mre. Adam Hal.
liday, Morrie, and Mrs. John Henderson,
Ayr, Ontario. The deoeaeed has many
intimate friends here, who will be sorry
to hear of hie death, and who extend
their einoere sympathy to the bereaved.
tee ease brook.
Le grippe is fashionable in this section.
hese L'b. MoLaohlan left for Toronto
On Thursday morning.
Mre. Robert Brown is home from
visit with relativre at Appleby, Ont.
G. Bateman took the aervioe in the
Methodist ohure& last Sabbath afternoon
and gave a good discourse.
Dr, Turnbull. of Goderioh, has a
patient in this locality but the ease
appears to be a hopeful one.
During the past week M. Haddow and
wife, of Gilby, North Dakota, were visit-
ing relatives at Oranhrook. Mr. Haddow
is a brother to Mre. R. Brown.
Chas. Blacken and Adam Kreseler, of
Monkton, were here during the past week
calling on old friends. They were both
former well known residents of this lo -
Ioe has been hauled from here to Brum
eels. Peter Baker took 70 blacks at one
load to Jut. Arnant and ae each block
weighs 100 pounds it was no light load ae
the ice was epleodid solid blocks.
The social held at George Sparling'e
on Tbureday evening of last week was an
enj ,yable one despite the iuolement
weather, Mr. and Mre. Sperling gave
everybody a good time. Proceeds will
be applied on a new fence a0 the Metho•
dist ohuroh we understand. Not before
it ie needed elthot.
We are sorry to report that J. J.
Mitchell and family intend removing
from Ornobrook. They have been tip.
top residents and will be greatly missed,
eepeoially in the Methodist ohuroh where
they have taken a deep iotereet. Their
new location is not definitely settled as
far its we have heard.
VfTrte zee rear -
Other Wroxeter news on page 5.
A. Paulin is busily engaged at taking
ont ice.
S. B. MoKelvie was in Wingham on
business on Monday.
R. Blank shipped a oar load of flour to
Mt. Forest on Tuesday.
T. Hemphill do Son shipped a ear of
hulls to Chioago on Monday.
Rev. Mr, Stewart, of Belmore, preaoh
ed in the Presbyterian oharah on Sunday
A. W. Robinson spent Saturday and
Snnfay with his parents here, returning
to his duties at Eden Grove on Sunday
A number of young folks from town
spent a very enjoyable evening at the
home of Alex. Molierober ou Wednesday
in social amusements.
W. 0. Hazlewood, who has been visit-
ing hie son in Pittebnrg,Baneae,returned
home on Monday night and we are glad
to bear from reports that Dr. Brent is
doing nicely.
The young folks of town were entertain.
ed at the home of afro. N. Allen, o0
Thursday night. The various amuse-
ments appeared to delight the young
folks of this burg.
H. F. McAllister,
We make mention of a few lines that will be to your advantage
to buy early as these goods were all bought at old prices :
—Prints in light and dark macre, good
weigbt and good value at 10o.
—Fanoy Giughame ab 12eo, 15a, 16o, 17o.
—Shirtings in light and dark oolore, 100,
120, 14e and 15o.
-Cottonadee, Mole Skins and Denims,
12ja to 25o,
Black Dress Goods
—Our stock of Blaok Duffle Goods ie
more complete than ever and we ere
selling Mune at old prices, Come
early and test us, and you will be
convinced of what we are doing.
Men's Clothing.
—In Men's Fleeoe Lined Underwear we
have a line, regular price $1.20 per
suit, selling at 990 per suit.
—In Men's all pure wool Underwear, line
that was $2 per suit, selling$1
at ,59.
— Men's Fancy Worsted Buitinge, tailor
made, well lined and fit guaranteed,
special prides $14, 016, 916, 917 end
$18 per suit.
— Men's Tailor-made Tweed Suite, prime
ranging from 911 to $17.50.
— We nen also supply yon with Ready.
made Suite from $4.50 to 010,00.
Our stock of .Boots hoes and Crockery y is well assorted. Come
ditrly while stock in all linos is complete.
A number of the eporte took in. 'the
hockey matter at Fordwiob on Saturday
in whioh the home team rooeived adefeat
by the ItarristonJqulore ina eoore'Of 81.
4 olub has been19rmed to, receive the
war news from Toronto as it comes direst
from London, Eng, The bulletins may
be seen et 1118 drug store as they are
received, All wiehing to join tee alob
and receive the news may.do go by givleg
their games at the Telegraph Melia.
Mre. Jaok King nae returned to Kln-
Aoseseor Watson is reekinghie rounds
this seek.
Mies Ica Thomson has retained from
Miss Eliza Meaeer ie visiting relatives
in Wroxeter.
Miss Bella Burgess is visiting friends
in Tees water.
Mre. Small, of Wingham, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Roby.
Wee Martha MoIllwain ie visiting her
sister, Mre. Andrew Holmes.
Miee Bell, of Belprave, is the gneot of
her sister, Mre. Alex, McGee.
Mr, Gordon, of Whitby, is visiting his
daugbter, Mre, (Rev.) W. J. Went.
Rev. D. Ragera has been requested by
his congregation to remain the fourth
The Ooneert given by the schoolchild-
ren on Friday evening was in every way
a Become. The proceeds amounted to
$27.60 after admitting the sohool ohild•
ren and performers free.
W tucks st m
The Times office bag been awarded the
°entreat of the Turnberry township
printing for 1900.
Wingham W. U. T. U.hay
a had a sub•
eoription list passed around town, asking
for funds in aid of the Iodise Famine
Fund. •
A. Roe, of the Queen's Hotel, is alight•
ly improving, He is able to move about
his room witb assistance. He has not
yet repovered the power of epeeob.
W. W. and Mre. legless have renrrned
home from Toronto. Mra. Iugles hes
been quite ill for some time and was in
the hoepital•at Toronto for four weeks,
undergoing treatment.
Mrs. John Dineley received tbrongh R.
Vanetone, Recorder of Wingham Lodge,
A. 0. U. W , a cheque for $2,000, being the
amount of insurance parried by her late
husband in the above Order.
A number of the young ladies of town
are showing their loyalty by the holding
of a grand Red Oros concert iu the opera
house, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 27111.
The program will ooneiet of military
drilla and tableau, Greek statue posing,
patriotic choruses, duets, eoloe, recitations
and a mueioal burlesque by the orlebrated
Sweet f,mily with their elegant noetumes
and grand orchestra.
Read H. F. McAllieter'e advt.
Cedar poe a for sale. Apply to R. Mc.
Donald or W. J. Sharp, Ethel.
Will. Beatty and Mine M. Ames sang
at the "At Home" last Friday eveoiog at
Listowel. Ethel takes no second place
for good elegem.
Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, preaohed in
the Methodist church here last Sabbath.
He was a former pastor and has a large
oirale of friends.
FAx up.—Parties indebted to S. 9. dole,
Ethel, are requested to settle the same
before March let; after whioh date 10%
will be added unless attended to by note
or oaeh by above date. 8. S. Cole.
There was a big armed at William
Love's auction Bale on Wedeeday after-
noon. The premeds were $1,150. F. 8.
Scott was the aaotioceer and he ie bard
to beat. Mr. Love will move in a couple
of weeks.
The Independent Order of Foresters
had a good time at the oonoert Mooday
evening. Rev. Mr. Courtney, H. 0. R,,
was unable to be present but Organizer
Wilkinson and High Anditor Cameron
were there and sounded the praises of
the Order. An excellent mueioal pro.
gram was presented in whioh Mre. and
Mies Sage, the expert mueioal glass per.
formers of Walton ; Mra. Eph. Oober in
well rendered solos ; Mr. Allan with
vocal and inetrnmentaloeleotione on the
piano, gave a real trent.
They say all the weddings are not
over yet in Morrie.
Allan Ramsay, of Wroxeter, spent 800.
day et his father's, let oon.
Geo. and Mrs. White, of Blyth, spent'
Sunday at George Pea000k'e.
Alex. Kirkpatrick, 2nd oon., purposes
moving to Manohester next week.
Mies Etta Johnston is seriously ill at
present with Wears in the stomach.
Andrew Miller, North Boundary, he
preparing to build a silo 0o hie farm.
Geo. E. Johnetou has gone to Dakota
to seek his fortune. May suo:ees be his
John Hoge, Robert Ealtet and Miss
Charlotte Savage Sandayed at Joe
Reeve and Mre. Iebieter were visiting
at Inepeotor 300, Miller's, lob con., on
Mre. Geo. Moffatt is home from Brum
eels where she was visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Oliver.
John Stewart, of Bluevele, spent a
couple of days this week with hie eider,
Mra. W. J. Jobneton.
Mies G. Wettlaufer,of Walkerton, nae
returned home after spending a couple of
weeks with her friend, Mise Mira 'erm-
W. E. Bryan, of S. S. No. 10, attended
the wedding of his uoole, A. Gallagher,
and Mies Jacques, of Howlett, on Wed•
noeday of last week.
Mies Jane Stroud, of Kincardine, who
hat been staying with her slater, Mre.
John Johnetoo,.for the poet couple of
months, has returned bome.
Thos, Mooney and wife, of Illinois, U.
S., are renewing old relationships in
Morrie, Materiels and Grey. Mr, Mooney
in a brother to John and Beery Mooney,
well kuowa residents of the: 591 line.
He was here when his fattier was buried
a few years ago,
Townsbip Connell minutes may be
read on another page of this 10800,
The Robb and Forrest homilies are im
proving after ibe'aevere d tank of eosriet
fever they have bad.
Jae. Petob's auction Gale will be held
Wednesday afternoon of next week. His
lobo 27 on the 6111 Nue.
Among the elookmen of tbie towoabip
we see John Shortreed o'ming to the
front with his Clydeadalea, Shorthorns
and Leioeeters. This week be delivered
to 0. Turnbull, 16th oon„ Grey, a good
bull 11 months old. He else sold its sire
and dam to an American buyer for the
Mee sum of 9425. Mr, Sbortreed knows
that good stook pays and he is now on
tbe lookout for an animal to bead hla
Omen= AWARDED.—Wm. Jackson re.
oeived the c,utreat for the building of
the horse shed at the Township Hall, his
being the lowest figure viz. 9147. Thos.
Miller jr. was appointed inspector of the
work. Thi, is a mush needed improve-
ment and one that should please the
ratepayers. If the lot were levelled of a
few knolls and a neat wire fence planed
across the front the place wone] do credit
to the fine township of Morrie as the
whole outfit would be in fairly good
Townehip Council will be held on Tues.
day, Maroh 6611.
Mr. MoNeil, of Owen Sound, is holiday-
olidaying with the Taylor and Strachan
Mre. J. W. 'Robinson, of Moorefield,
spent a week with her oouein, Mre. J.
Brown, 10th con.
Mrs. W. T. Frain, of Detriot, and Mre.
Jon. Mooney, of Morris, were visiting at
L. Frain's last week.
A gentleman of tbe 10th con , has
started a 'bus business at Ethel it is said.
If•so we wish him 0000000.
Alex. Hires .auction Bala last week
realized about 91,000. F. S. Scott, of
Brue+ele, was the auctioneer.
School entertainment in Shine's sohool
hones on Friday evening of this week. A
good program will be presented.
Thos. Inglis and family removed from
Elma to their 200 acre farm in Grey
towoehip, lot 32 and 33, non. 14, last
Dungan MoEwen, of Jamestown, has
gone to Wiarton on a prospecting tour.
He is a good worker and should • do well
wherever be goes.
W. T. and Mre. Anderson, ofJobannee.
burg, South Afrioa, were visiting at H.
Ball's, 10811 con„ for a few days daring
the past week. They are old friends.
George McFarlane and family moved
to their recently purohaeed 100 aoree
from Jas. Ireland, 7th oon., this' weak.
We wish them many prosperous years in
their new looation.
Auction eels at Jac. Oakley's, lot 2, coo.
13, Wednesday, March 7th. Mr. Oakley
and Nosily will move to Brneeele where
Mre. Oakley and children will live while
Mr. Oakley goes Westward prospecting.
The standing timber on seven acres of
land was sold by anotion for Messrs.
Kreuter & Ritobie on the Duncanson
farm, as well as some wood and loge last
Friday. F. B. Soott wars the e001100 -
David Lamont has returned to Melita,
Man., after a holiday of 4 or 5 weeks
with relatives and friends in this twenty.
It was biuted that Dave was going to take
a housekeeper back but be did not this
On the 14th of February, Mies Hattie,
daughter of James Brown, 16th con., was
married to J. ed. Lamb, a well•to•do
,youo g farmer, f Meoidel e, Manitoba.
May prosperity and happiness be their
Tuesday afternoon there was a large at.
tendance at Jae. Ireland's auction Bale.
The proceeds of Bale footed up to 91,229.
Big prices were realized for almost every-
thing. F. 8. Scott wielded the hammer
and bidding was lively.
Rich. Bedford, wife and Bon, of Londes-
boro, were visiting T. Bielby and family
this week. Mr. Bedford has taken up a
half eeotion of land at Killarney, Man„
and will go to it next month and get
ready for a crop the next year. Mre.
Bedford and family will follow next Fall.
We wish them mom.
One.—On the 20th of January Peter
darmiohael, brother•in•law to Peter, Jno,
D., and Bngh MoNeil, passed away from
time, aged 75 years. Before moving to
Toronto, 17 years ago, he resided in
Brook township. Mr. Carmichael had
been failing for some little time but was
only real i11 for a month previous to his
deoeaee. His ailment was looated in the
kidneys. Two Bone and a daughter ear.
vive. Ioterment was made in Brook
towoebip. Deceased was highly esteem.
OmrehllloaTnR4.—The Boieaevain Man.
Record gives a write-ap of the sohool
tea0hers of that town and locality and
refers to former residents of this town.
chip ae follows
P01NOn a P00000LL.
The training that W. A. Turnbull has
received fits him specially for the posi-
tion he holds as principal of one of the
beet schools in Manitoba, Like most of
the people of this district he is a native
of Huron. He attended Seaforth 0o1.
legiate Institute and Clinton County
Model sohool and after two years of sum
easeful teaobing obtained hie professional
aeoond•olaaa oertifioate at Ottawa Nor-
mal. Be then taught in Goderioh until
he decided to Donne out West. At Regina
he obtained hie first otaee professional
end after teaobing a short time 3n Man -
Rau received the appointment whioh he
now bolds.
Mies Kate Calder is also from Raton
Bounty, near Brusedie, at whioh plane
she obtained her edooation until having
euooesefully peeled tbo examination for
eeoond.aleae teacher, she took the meal
aoarae of training at the County Model
School, Clinton. She taught for some
time at Brussels and then game to Win-
nipeg where elle took Hernial training
and shortly afterwards accepted a pos.
;tion in the teaobing staff of Boleeevian
Public School,
THE Poor gives the news without any
It is reported that the White 100 acre
farm, Lot 7, eon. 2, has been sold ton.
Dilworth, of Ethel, for the sum -81$3,200,
If sold it is certainly it bargain for Mr,
PAnnon Soorere-Un Thursday evening
Of last week ail enjoyable social was bele
at the home of Mrs, Marsden Smtbh, 7111
sou,, under the auepioee pf the Epworth
League of the Brunetti Methodist (Murata,
The evening was not the most favorable
for weather but those who attended put
in a good-time, Pragrarn was 9,0 fn'
lows :—Rev, J. Holmes, obeirm
address ; piano solo, W. R. Mooney ;
etrumentel duet, piano nod berme lea,
W. J, Mo0raoken and Bd. Hart ; tile•
onesio0, "Which le the greener, the city
boy in the country or the country boy in
the city 7" W. R. Mooney, W. J. Mo.
Oroaken, Rev, Mr. Holmes, Mise Minnie
MaNuughtoo, Mies Jennie Howe and Mies
Laura Smith expressed their opinions ;
instrumental, Mise Maggie Beattie ; mole,
Mies Gerrie Hiegnbou ; instrumental,
Mies Genie Smith ; recitation, Mise
Brook ; piano solo, Miss Annie Smith ;
ohorua by the company. Refreekmeote
were served after which the sleighs were
loaded up and with expressions of
thanks to Mre. Smith and family "Good
Night" was said.
PREnENTATIos,—On Tuesday evening
about 150 frienda and neighbors of Geo.
and Mre. McFarlane assembled at their
home, god 800., to say gold bye to them
before their removal to their new home
near Brunets, Reeve Turnbull was pall-
ed to the ohair and after a few intro
daotory words he called upon' Frank
Lambie to read the following address to
the host and hostess :—
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McFarlane
DEAR ]+ruaxne,—We, your friends and
neighbors,have come together this evening
for the purpose of enjoying your company
once more before your departure. Itis
needless to say that we all experience a
feeling of aadneae when we realize that yon
are about to leave us but we are gladdened
by the knowledge that you are not goteg so
far away but that we may expect to have
the pleasure of your hospitality on many
future occasions in your new home. Slime
we are about to part with you, it our de -
etre that you may tyke with you something
that will ever remind you of our affeellon
and esteem, we therefore, in behalf of the
company, present to you tbie couch and
centre table, not because of their actual
value but because by means of them we are
enabled to convey to you, in a small degree,
the position that you 000upy in our hearts
May peace, health, happioese and prosper sty
accompany you to your new home and may
the friendships that you will form prove as
lasting as those you have formed while here.
Signed in behalf of the oo mpaoy,
Jens Dom,
Grey,E'eb. 20th; 1000.
The preeentatioo of the elegant couch
and centers table fell to' the lot of Joseph
McDonald end Pater Doig. air. elm
Farlane was taken by surprise but he
roes to the occasion and made a fitting re-
ply for himself and wife expressive of
their thanks. A musical and literary
program followed in whieh F. Lambie,
Alex. Yaill, Mr. Rogers, Jas. Venue and
Mies Lyon took part and added to the
pleaenre of the gathering. An elegant
oyster supper was served and where a
poor fellow had not hie testa oaltivated
to down the bivalve some friendly neigh-
bor was always ready to help him out.
Dapping followed to settle down the
oysters and was kept going until 4.30 the
next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mafer•
lane carry with them the beet wishes
of the oommuuity judging by the ex•
preesion'of many sentiments.
WWI cosi.
Runaways have become quite a oom-
mon 000nrrenae bare lately. •
Misses B. Magill and F. Watson, of
Blyth, spent a few days in Walton,
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist ohuroh
held their regular meeting at the parson.
age last week.
A Young People's Sooiety is being or-
ganized to connection with the U. P.
church here.
A congregational meeting was held this
week in Duff's ohuroh in regard to the
enpplying.of the pulpit.
Rev. Mr. Morrie preached in Duff's
church last Sabbath and will also occupy
the pulpit next Sabbath.
A moving pioture entertainment is
billed for Friday night in the sohool
house, when war scenes, eta., will be given.
Rev. Mr. Roy preached a missionary
sermon in 8t. George's chetah last Salm
bath. Rev. Mr. Abey will preaoh a pat•
riotis sermon next Sunday.
A meeting of the Directors of Walton
cheese faotory was held on Wednesday
for the purpose of letting milk routes and
preparing generally for the season's
A Lead Pencil Social was bald in oon.
neaten with the Epworth League on
Tuesday night. A large number were
present and thoroughly enjoyed this novel
method of entertainment.
0. E. ENTERTAINBItNT.—The Ohtietlan
Endeavor of Duff's ebnrob have arrang•
ed for a Musical and Literary entertain -
meet for Thursday evening of beat
week, commencing at 7.80 n'olook. Ad-
dressee are expected from Rev. 0. M.
Filer, Rev. Mr, Marsh, Hamilton and
Rev. A. 0. Tiffin ; elocutionary oeleotione
by Miss Duffus, a Detroit gradnate
solos by Mies Wiltaie and Mre. Tiffin
and quartettes by Nies Harnieh, Mre,
Filer, Rev, Mr. Filer and J. W. Mor•
rieon. Rev, D. B. McRae will weepy
the ohair. A fine time is expected and
all should attend. Mies Daffue comes
highly recommended,
Albert Downs' five-year-old daughter
wart burned to death near Milton by her
clothing °atohing fire.
John Lyons, a men of 66 years, ivies
found dead in his oottnge in Sandwich,
the body being frozen stiff.
Monday, George Hardy, eldest son of
Solomon Hardy, of Cnlrose, a young man
of 23, was streak in the oentre of the
forehead by a limb or splinter of a falling
tree, whioh shattered and split the skull,
laying bare the brain. The young fellow
got to his feet nod retained ooneoioueneser
although in a somewhat dazed • oonditiou.
The wound was dressed by two doctors,
but bit nese im critical,
People We 'Talk About.
Thom, Lades has taken it situation in
lhliee Ainley, of Listowel, wag visiting
in 1.41190010.
S. Camelot, of Ethel, wan visiting
here last Sunday.
Llmer Ewan hoe been on the siok list
with an attack of group but is pulling up
00 W.
Mrs. Greeusidee, of Atwood, was visit•
ing Mrs. Long and Mre. S. Wilton this
W. H. McOraoken is in Termite tbie
week attending the A. C. U. W. Grand
D. MoGilliouddy, editor of the Goderioh
Sign 41, has rooeived hie Fenian Raid
Ohne. Miller has gone to Toronto to
wnrk after a brief holiday at hie home,
Mre. Jae. Taman and children, of
Goderioh, are visiting on Mill street,
Mrs, John Carter has bean on the sick
list, Mr. Garter was also "under the
J. D. Ronald and W. M. Sinclair were
in Toronto and other planes thin week on
a baseness trip.
Misses Amanda and Clara MoOraokeo
have taken positions in Petrie, going on
Tuesday of this week.
D. Lamont and Mies Lizzie MoLauoh-
lin spent Sunday with Alex. D. Grant
and wife at Egmondville.
R. Maioprize hoe had a wrestle with
au attauk of quinsy but is able to be about
again and will soon be o. k.
Mise Millie Roberteoo, of Wingham,
wee visiting at her node's, R. Mainprize,
Eleotria Light Works, Brussels.
Mrs. George Rogers went to Walker•
ton on 'Mirada,. to attend the funeral of
0. S. Harris, an old family friend.
Dr. Grabam, of 011010n, was in town
on Wedoeaday brought here for ooueulta-
tiou over the illness of Philip Ameot.
Mre. Wells, Mre. Hough and Mre.
Crich and eau of Easter and Zurich,
respectively, were here last week attend•
Mg the funeral of Harry Baeker.
Mies Ida Zilliax has been on the sink
list this week with an attack of poeumooia
but we are pleased to state that she is
improving nicely and will soon be all
R. D. Oameron, of Laoknow, was in
town on Wedueeday and addressed an
open meeting of the I. 0.F. in their Rall,
He is a High Auditor and well posted
in the workings of the Society,
Philip Ameot has been quite ill with
iofiarnmation of the lunge bat is getting
along fairly now. Hie I. 0. 0, F. breth•
ren have been keeping him oompany
through the watches of the night.
Garfield Vanetoue left Brussels on
Tuesday morning for Toronto where he
will take a position in a Spedina avenue
drug store. We wish him suooece in hie
work and hope be may make many
friends in the Queen city.
Thos. Bloomfield nae extended hie trip
from Liverpool to South Africa, going in
charge of a consignment of horses for the
British army. He went on an Elder.
Dempster stramebip and will not likely be
baok before April or May. Tom will see
eoueiderable fife in his travels.
Melville Sabbath sohool annual enter-
tainment on Friday evening of this week.
"The rejeotion of Nazareth" is the
oobjeot on the proorarn of St. John's
Young People's Ohapter for Thursday
evening of this weak.
Next Sabbath evening tbe Epwortb
League and Ohriatian Endeavor Society
of the Methodist and Melville churches
will have as their topic "The strength of
Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, of Teeewater,
has been invited book for the fourth year
and has also a unanimous invitation from
the Alvineton Methodist ohuroh. The
rev. gentleman is a faithful toiler wherever
he goes.
Rev. G. H. Oobblediok, B. D., of Both-
well, formerly pastor of Brussels Metho•
dist church, was elected President of the
the Londou Go:Merenos Epworth League.
He is a flue worker among the old as well
ae the young.
Alfred Day, General Secretary of the
Provincial S. S. Aesooiatiou, has tender-
ed his resignation to the Executive of
the Province to take effect about the
middle of April, having agreed to tape
oharge of the work of the Michigan State
Sunday School Association. Re expecte
to assume the duties of his prospective
ofeoe not later than May let. There
will be general regret over Mr. Day's re.
moved as he is so well and favorably
known throughout Ontario.
Sunday morning last Rev. Mr, Abey
preaohed a patriotic sermon, he keeping
with the special order of service for the
day, from Joshua 9 and 1. Rev, Mr. Roy
preached in the evening from Tim. 8 and
5. The ohuroh was deoorated with flags
and a portrait of the Queen. Next Wed.
nesday, being Ash Wednesday, service
will be held in the evening and on Wed-
nesday evening of each week, oommeno.
ing at 7.30 o'olook, during the Lenten
annual Missionary meeting was held in
the Methodist church, Brunets, on Mon-
day evening of tbie week. The pastor
presided and introduced W. T. Anderson,
of Johannesburg, Afrioa, who spoke
briefly but pointedly on Mission Work in
that country. Rev. Dr. Henderson,
Associate Soorotarp, followed with an
eloquent address of upwards of an hour
with the word "Go" as hie text. He
took the congregation, in thought, on a
trip through China, Japan and the
Indian Mieoions and portrayed the up•
lifting power of the cross of Ohriot in a
manner that will not soon be forgotten,
The Dr. its a great word painter Sod bee
the happy faculty of presenting practical
truths so dearly that, . like burs, they
etiok, The vote of thanks by Rev. R.
Peal and Rev. W. Norton was well de-
served. Snbeoriptioue and oolleotione ab
meeting amounted to over $50.00 whioh
will be added to by a oanvae byoollectors,
the Sabbath sohool and Longue, An
increase of 921,000 ie aeked` in ognneotion
with Dominion Methodism to clear off
debt and proeeoate the worts for this
Rev. Joe, Fiolmoe preached a Mission.
cry sermon last Sabbath morning in the
Methodist ohuroh from 'II Oor, 2 14,
"Now thanks be unto God, whioh always
oaueeth ae to triumph in Christ," The
sabjeot was dealt with under the
following attentions ;—The Gospelof the
Sou of God is a triumph (1) Over the
errors of the people ; (2) Over social ills ;
(8) Io the salvation of the world, A 0081•
eideratlon of one relation to the . Mission
field was a fitting olose to the excellent
dieooarse. In the evening Mr. Anderson,
of Johannesburg, South Africa, gave a
most interesting address on 'Mission
Work among the Kaffire" in whioh he
showed by bis own knowledge of events
tbe praotioel and very beneficial results
of the Christian religion among the blacks
of the dark Continent, The same gentle.
man also addressed the Methodist Sab-
bath school in the attern000 recounting
interesting facts ocnoerning child life in
South Afrioa to the pleasure of all.
Sad News From prodder
Canadians Suffered on Sunday,
Last Sunday the Canadian Contingent
participated in a fight with Crouje'e
army, the oonfliat -lasting all day. 19
brave Canadians fell in battling for their
country's cause and 61 wounded or mie-
sing. Some of the names are badly
mixed but the liet is ae follows ;—
Killed — Scott, Manadrel, Jackson,
Summers, Todd -5.
Wounded—Arnold, Beach, Neibergall,
Letrmaon, Pentode, Andrews, R. Rixon,
Smiles, 0. Thompson, Mo$enzie=10,
Killed—Donegan, R. Smith, W. White,
Wounded — Mason, Tbreeves, Btppt,
Power, J. Smith, Toareoteite, Padden,
Brongb, Green, McLaren, Oorley, Day,
Wheatoroft, Kingwall-14.
Missing—Adams, Burne, Cobbold -8.
Killed—Findlay, Manson—a.
Wounded—Stewart, Usher, Kennedy,
Batton, McGivern, Ward, Vanderwater,
McLaughlin -8.
Billed—Lewis, Jaokeon, O'Bierne-8.
Wounded—Thomeoo, Clark, Laird,
Macauley, Bradshaw, Coleman, Gibson,
Killed—Goodfellow, Lester, Barrie,
Wounded—Moore, Gorman, P. Thom.
as, Molven, A. Shaw, Turner, Roberts,
McGill -8,
Killed—Brunswick, Taylor, MoOrary
Wounded—Hunter, Boort, Larne, Rad-
on, McLaughlin, Waye, Glifford, J.
Johnson -9.
Killed—Regan, Adams, 13. MaOallam,
Robertson -4.
Captured—The following sick were
captured at Watervaal Drift; Cobbold,
London ; Wood, Ottawa ; Warn, Ottawa ;
Podmore, Quebec ; Dorsennea, Halifax ;
Walsh, )rakey-7.
Died at Orange River—Moore, London.
Hie Excellency, the Governor General,
has received the following telegram from
Field Marshall Lord Roberts.
Paadereberg, Orange Free State,
22nd February.
Canadian regiment has done admirable
services eines arrival in South Africa. I
deeply regret heavy lose it suffered fight.
ing on 18th inst., and beg you will 0.8.
0010 poopla bow much we all here 'ad-
mire oo0epicoas gallantry displayed by
our Oanadian comrades on this omission.
London 22nd.
Lord Roberts reports to the war office
ae follows :—Boers driven off in all din
eotione leaving many killed and wound-
General Buller ie fighting his way to
Ladysmith and the beleaguered town may
be relieved any day. A big battle expeot.
ed in the Orange Free State.
Perth County.
Dr. Duckett, the eye doctor, who bee
been in Stratford a little over three
months, was served with a summons to
appear in the police court on a oharge of
peddling goods without a fioenee. Infor-
mation was also laid against him for mie•
representing the goods he sold. As the
doctor did not appear in the court the
charges were not gone futo, It is uuder-
stood ha left town.
A. Kenmore DEAD.—Alexander ?lathe.
eon, who for a period of 25 years was
editor and publisher of the Stratford
Beacon, and who from 1891 until last
Auguab was Superintendent of the Deaf
and Dumb Institute at Belleville, died at
nes residence in Toronto on 140034ay.
Death wan sudden and unexpected. The
deceased gentleman's death will be nor•
vereally lamented. The late Mr. Mettle.
eon was born at Dornooh, Sutherland.
shire, Scotland, and (same to thio country
about 40 steers ago. He first settled in
Mitchell, where he remained for several
years afterward, Subsequently he re-
moved to Stratford and entered into
partnership with Wm. Buckingham in
publishing the Beacon. He outmoded
the latter in business, .continuing with it
until he assumed abarge of the Belleville
institution. The deceased gentleman is
survived by the widow and five children,
William G., Margaret E., and Robert B.,
living in Toronto, and John R. and Jas.
A., of Detroit, Mioh. Mrs. A. F. Mea.
Laron, of.Stratford, is a sister of Mrs.
Matheson. The funeral was held Wed-
nesday afternoon at 2.80 O'olook to Mount
Pleasant Oemetery,