HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-8, Page 8TR l3'1108SAIL8. 8, 1900 Foot Eye Bight l Xf yon are troubled In any WAY With your Eyes let ue examine them, It vein not Peet you anything to find ant Ws ova heip You. 1t Will, paY You Go eon, cult ue and if Speetaoies will help you end oar prieee are at eatlefaotory you need not buy. A Mistake x We believe it ie a mistake to pat- ronize peddlers pr travelling faltiro when yen, want Speotaoles. We are hero to give eatiefootion and if anything should happen to you (Meares we are right on hand to fix them, We °barge nothing for thio except when they are broken, Spectacles I You peed not hesitate in coming to us should yon require Glasses or think they may help you. If we Dna you are better without them we will oandidly tell you so and it will coat you nothing either. G, A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. 'e 11.1raldial and he t �r "t�r�31a �,S�i There are some forme of Neural- gia and Rheumatism that will yield 10 no other treatment than eleotrieity, In view of this we have in stook the latest Battery whiob has many advantages over any other kind. Many are deterred trent using oleo. triplty in the treatment of some troubles that Das only be relieved by its use because of the difficulty and expense gonneoted with ite epplioation. The Battery we are Belling is inexpensive, easy to manipulate and makes no muse. The pjeetrio Battery we have is what is known as the "Dry Cell." There are no liquids to get tipped over or to damage anything and is eimplioity itssif, Let no show it to you. Electricity ie. the only known remedy for acme troubles. G. A. Deadman, flruggist and Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. CRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Braude Station„ North and South, as follows: GOING Sou0u. GOING Nowa, Express 7:10 a.m,I Mail 2:10 p.m m Mixed......,.. 9:46 a,. Express 10:17 p.m road .e fele A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'llprent it. Tan ice harvest mimeo next. $o ur,nT fever still lingers in Brussels. GEo. BEST shipped a oar of hogs on Saturday. SEvma i interesting matters crowded out this week. READ every advertisement. It may save you dollars. MEeeRe. CLEGG & MIDIS forwarded a oar of cattle on Thursday. LAST week was a "oorker" for snow storms, snowing a portion of almost every day. MEeees. BARKER & VANSTONE shipped a oar of bogs frrm Brussels and another from Belgrave on Tuesday. P. Atom pnrohaaed a 2 year old Lord Ferguson eolb from Jae. O'Leary, paying $210 for him. Mr. Ament is a great lover of good horseflesh. Am Bauman has gone on the road as buyerfor the firm of Backer & Vanetone and will make a good man. Hie pleas is taken at the storehouse by Jno. Currie. Mr. Vanetone will put in the biggest part of his time in looking after the shipping and selling at Toronto. $20 ANn Ooama.=Inepeator Miller made a search of George MoKim'e Rotel, Wal. ton, on Wednesday and found a quantity of bottled ale on the premises. A fine of $20 and costa was imposed before A. Hunter, 3. P., at Brussels, on the after• noon of the same day. Ir is the intention of some of the young men to keep np the military drill, begun for loot Friday evening's concert, during the Winter months under the tuition of Barrister 6malair. The Conn ell has granted the free use of the Town Hall for a weekly meeting for this object. This is a desirable movement and should be heartily responded to. DIDN'T Cutts...—It was expected that ell known townsman our w J. Y. S. Kirk, would have been decorated with his medal the evening of the Patriotic Concert along with Meseta, Spence and Elliott, but the medal did not come to hand berme the disappointment. of Mr. Kirk and the Committee. He was Cap. titin of the Goderioh Volunteer Oompany, Olin thanks are dee to the new and many old eubearibere who are remitting to TIIE. POST. We Wieh some of those who area few yenta in arrears would take the hint; they are specially asked to look at the label of their paper and kindly remit to balance amount dae. We have several heavy payments to make in February and ask yon tohelp na. Danpom.—A debate will be held at Court Princess Alexandria, C. 0. F., Brussels, on Taeeday evening of next week. The subject to be discussed will be "The Es- tablishment of a Home for Foreetere ve. Paying Disability Claims." For the former W. Miller is leader assisted by Jas. Sherrie, Jas. Burgeea and Walter Smith, and for the latter Wen. Blaahill, Geo. Tbomeon, Jac!. Sherrie and 8. T. Plum. Plaza WINNERS.—At the Co. Poultry Elbow, held in Seaforth laatweek, D. A. Lowry of Brunelle, took 10 1st prizes ; 6 2ode and a apeoial on White Leghorn°, bantams and pigeons. Alf. Beaker, of town, was awarded a let, 8 ands and B specials on barred Plymouth Rooks. Mr. Bicknell, of Buffalo, was the jadge. Everybody was not satisfied with the sooting and a number of good birds were thrown out. Ton Goderioh Star saye:—J. E. Bryd- gee and family, formerly of Brussels, are moving this week to the atone bouee on East street formerly occupied by Mre. 'Yancey, whioh Mr.Brydges bas perches ed.—John Taman has Bold kis farm and briokyard in Goderioh township to John Logan, of Blyth, and will make hie home in or near Braeeele inthe future, Mr.' Logan will continue his brink. making bnelneee. Next Sunday lieu, hlr, lt4y Will preach in St, John's chetah, Brussels, R. GitAnttx ehippad 6 oars of Date, a oar of wheat and a ear of pons during tale past week. i"The Woman of Btmnatile" will be the topic ab St. John's Yeung 1>eaple'e meet- ing Thuraday evening, angel Breok will addreae the young 980pio at their Berthas in the Methodist church on Friday eveoieg, The 10pb0 at Melville Endeavor and the Epworth League next Sabbath evening aplitreacbhede "Btrameek AXrstOhthe ron. Kin29-6gdomin ofMelvGodil,"le Last Sabbath morning Rev. Air. Rose church and in the evening the text was. "Lo, tlteaeare parte of Rio wave;' Roy, J, G, Yenned, of Ethel, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church Dent Sabbath, the pastor preach, ing Biieeiouary sermons on Ethel oirouit, Rev. Mr, Holmes' theme oo Sabbath Tan snow plow did duty on the W. G. & 13. bast Sunday. Linen quantities of salt are being teamed from Brnesele Works by farmers of the adjoining country. LAST Monday evening Mre. (Dr.) Mo. Naughton entertained the Minto Club at her home and a most enjoyable evening, was spent by the ladies. A LETTER to the Editor of THE Pon from Mr. Andereon, who was to have given an addreae on"South Atrioa" at the Patrlotio concert, nye the badly drifted state of the rondo and stormy day pre- vented him being present. Arrangements ere on foot to seonre Mr. Andersen for another date in the near future. FouRT0 DIVISION COURT.—Wednesday forenoon the regular sittings of the FourthDivieiou Court was held in the Connell Chamber' before His Honor 13. L. Doyle. The dooket was as follows :— Thomson vs. Careoadden—Action on account. Enlarged to next Court for partioulare. Oliver vs. Love—Aucion for wages. Verdict for defendant. G. F. Blair for plaintiff ; and H. B..Morphy for defendant. AT Hotta.—The At Home, given by Mre. (Rev.) Holmes and her Sunday school otaee, at the Personage, last Tues- day afternoon and evening was a pleasant affair, the young people partboalarly en- joying themselves. A musical program was rendered, games played and lunch served. The Parsonage family and the young ladies of the close saw that every- body was well looked after. Finanoial prooeeds over 98.00. Hooiron,—Bruaeele hockey club played a match at Atwood with the local team Saturday afternoon and got it where the chicken received the axe, to the tune of 9 to 2. Atwood has a hustling team bat our lads will have another "go" at them before the Beasonis aver. Listowel team came to town on Monday and after a hard fought mutest Brussels won 8 to 7. Tborsday evening of tbia week a return match was to be played with Wroxeter. L. O. L —Last Tuesday the animal meeting of Nurth Huron Co. Orange Lodge was held in Wingham, s large at. tendanoe being present. Olfivere for the coming year are as follows:—Master, Jno. Wilford Blyth ; Deputy Mester, W.H. y P Y , t t Greer W ngham; Secretary, T. Nash, Gorrie Fin -Seo W. R. Mooney, Brus- sels ; Treas., W. Bryan, Belgrave ; Dir. of Ger., R. Leiebman ; Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Lowe, Wingham. The 0o. 12th of July demonstration will not be bold for and consequently Lodges 1600will be free to go where they choose. B. harry, 8. T. Plum, J. and W. R. Mooney and E. Mole were in atteodauoe from Brus- sels. Mims BARRER BERIommms ILL.—We regret to state that Harry, the youngest eon of George Baeker, who has been laid up for over 2i years, the trouble starting with a sprained hip while playing foot. ball, has been dangerously ill during the past week. Dr. Galloway, a Toronto epeoialiet, was here on Monday and an operation was performed, in conjunction with town physicians, but be does not show any improvement. The trouble appears to be located in his head, violent palma often worrying the patient little sufferer. A telegram has been sant to Miss Dolly Baeker, who is in Winnipeg, calling her home. Harry is about 10 or 11 years of age and is an antimony bright boy. We hops a change for the better will soon set in. Atxnttn7En RonamnY. Last. Friday night while the concert was in progrese at the Town Hall en attempt wail made to gain entrance to the grocery of Mrs. Ballantyne. The proprietress, who lives over the store, had come down stake to attend to some work and heating mime - body working at the side door with a key thought it was W. Grower, the baker, and went to aid inthe opening. On hearing her coming the party made off but in their hasty retreat left the key in the door, An inquiry was made by Con - (stable Scott and proof fairly established acs to who the visitors wore and an jnvee Ligation my entitle if a point or two can be oleareid op, A free trip to the Central Prieon or Kingston Penitentiary awaits the people who follow up this kind of bedpans and if allowed to peas this time the hint ehoald be taken to heart. Other stores have had visits paid to them lately also. morning wee "Come and see" and in the evening "When they bad sung an hymn they went out into the Mount of Olives," Communion followed the morning eerviee. A ALERTING of the Publics Library Board was bald on Tuesday aftern"ou, The financial eibnation of the Library was discussed and it was decided to hold re mneioal and literary eutertaintneot in the near futute to provide funds to meet liabilities. RESIDENem BOaou't. F, B. Scott hate purchased the oomfortable brick reel - dance on William etreet, owned by Alex. Ellis, immediately East of Reeve Thom - eon's, the price being 91200. Mr. So 44 has to move from where be has been living for some years to make room for the family of Jno.Leokie, of Toronto, who luteed spending next Summer in Lowe. Mr. Ellis still owns property on Queen etreet where he reeidrs. AN UNQUALIFIED SUcoees.—The Petri. olio Concert given by the people of Brao• eels last Friday evening was a marked euooeae and passed off most satisfactorily. Notwithstanding the inclement weather and drifted roads the 'Town Hall wee orammed, the reoeipts at the door, at 25o. a tioket, being over 9111,00. No small amount of trouble was taken in the decoration of the Hall. Red, white and blue bunting and flags of all sorts and sizes gave ample eeideooe along be line of loyalty to the national colors while on the platform and around the walla were portraits of the Queen, George Washington, Sir John A. McDonald, Bir Wilfrid Laurier, Bir Oliver Mowat, Lord Roberta and various battle scenes. Fanoy tables, easy ohaire,oarpet,onrtaine and a large palm gave a home like ap- pearance to the stage. The committee on decoration certainly did their work well.Shortly atter 8 o'clock Rev. Jno. Holmes took the their, which position he filled with aooeptability, and the program was entered upon. "Rule Britannia," was the opening chorus, the audience joining in the chorea. Then tame "Hark 1 the dram," by a soore of little eubool boys who sang the Bong with a gusto, after reoeiving a start from Prin- cipal Cameron. W. M. Sinolair, glad in a military uniform, gave a fine solo "The boys in blue." Mr. Anderson was tohave followed with an address on "South Atrioa" but he woe unable to be present to the disappointment of many. Rev. John Roee, S. A., was changed from the second part of the program and gave an interesting and.00mprehensive review of the South African situation ; the. reasons for the present war and Britain's duty in the matter. Therevereudgentle. man did his part well. "Let the Hills and Dales resonnd" was the title of a male quartette well rendered by Jae. Jones, A.. Strachan, T. A. Hawkins and Alex. Rosa. Next came a military drill in which 1ov 2 b e were pet through their facings by W. M. Bien air Those tak- ing part were Joe.Mclay Ivan Crooks, Jas. Thomson, R. W. Matheson, R. Wi'liameon. Leslie Herr, Rob. Beattie, Ira Garry, Rob. Mo0raoken, Fred. Wil. eon, Fred. IIayoroft Will. McCracken and and with their soldier clothes, guns,_ bayonets, &o., gave a very realietio color to the 80ene ae they went through the varione evolutioue, which they did moat creditably ooneidering the short time for preparation. Jae. Thomson sang two verses of ".BOBvof the old Brigade" the oompany joining in the ohoros and marching as tbey sang. The "sol'diere" remained on the platform while Hngb R, Elliott, of Bruaeele, and Wm. Spenoe, 01 Ethel, were presented with Government silver medals commemorative of the Fenian raid. Jae. Irwin made the presentation and Mies Rebecca Spence and Miss Jean MoLauoblin pinned them on the breasts of the '66 veterans amidst rounds of applause. Mr. Spence sang "The Red, White and . Blue" capitally and the oborus went with a regular roar. This concluded the first part of the program. The Male Quartette eaug "Hail to the Northland" in gond voice. "The Queen's Letter,' a solo by Mies Lizzie Sample elicited a well deserved enoore and in reaponee "Amer - boa Looking On" was given. Miss Brook recited Tennyson's "Revenge" a most appropriate selection at a patriotic gathering and accurately and pleasingly presented. "Hail Canada, Fair Canada," was the title of the excellent solo Mae Spence, of Ethel, gave and responding to aheartyencore sang "This is Love," A quartette, "Beautiful Flag" by Mre. A. Smith, of Marton ; Mies Minnie Stewart, W. M. Sinclair and D. Stewart pleased the audience a0 well they de. manded a return and the last verse wail. given the second time. Alex. Rose eaog in good style "The widow of old Windsor Hall" and was reoalled singing "Her Majeaby," a fine Bolo breathing out loyalty. At this stage a eubecription was taken and so generous was the response. that the sum total of the even, ing amounts to $230,00. Mort appro. priute was the last eeleotion of the Male Quartette, entitled "Home Sweet Home" and was rendered in a most satiefaotory manner, Reeve Thomson proposed e hearty vote of tbanke to all who aesieted in the program, B. Gerry seconding the motion. Thin was followed with a vote of thanks to the chairman on motion of Postmaster Farrow and H. R, Elliott. The National Anthem brought to a close a most saoneeefnl and enjoyable program in which each performer acquitted them - aloes admirably and the audience went away well pleased with the concert and its financial results. • Mies Jean Mo. Lattanzi, mod T. A. Hawkins ae acoom• pp -nista rendered the best of 'service. Mre. Smith was on the program for a Salo but her throat would not permit of her singing which wee regretted as she is a line vooalist and a general favorite. W. Grewar, D. M. Boots and Goo. Beet, aired in the Qaeen'e uniform, discharged the duties of ushers with neatness acid dispatch, Bruesol3 did her part well in CURLIaG,—Two rinks. of Brussels curl- ers went to Wingham on Wednesday to amide the supremacy of °labs in District No. 3 in connection with the Western Tankard competition. Kincardine faulted to Brnesele ; Wroxeter to Luok. now ; Lnakoow to Wingham thus leav- ing Wingham and Bruseele the only contestants. The match was a close one being undecided until the laot end. Our rinks won by 8 shots and will now he en- titled to play in the finals at St. Marys for the Tankard. This was the first game of the season for Brussels. Oar rinks were W. F. Scott, Dr. Twaddle and D, 0. Ross with A. Carrie skip ; and J. Hewitt, G. N. Gordon, W. Thom son and J. T, Rose skip. The tee oan be located very aooarately by not a few of the eight, above mentioned stone twirlers. Mae. BLoomo'es n DEAD.—Atter an ill• nese of about 48 hours, Mary Dunlop, reliot of the late John Bloomfield, died at her home, Maple street, Brnesele, on Thursday of last week, about 8 o'olook, of heart failure. She was unooneoione the most of the time ebe was ill. De- ceased was born and married in Co. Antrim, Ireland, going to Grenook, Soot - land, 26 years ago, Mr. Bloomfield died there in 1876 after an iilneee of 6 menthe. The family with the exception of two SODS who still reside in Sootland, Dame to Canada 14 years ago and the most of that time has been spent in Braeeele and locality. 4 atoms and 2 daughters survive. Thos. ie away to England with a ship. meet of hordes, having gone on Jan. 18611, and will not likely learn of hie mother's cloacae° until he arrives home. Mtn. Bloomfield was a hearty woman for het 71 years. Slid wag married at Bally- money, Ireland, on May 6th, 1858, The funeral was. held on Sunday biter. noon, Rev. R. Paul oonJuotiOg the ear. vioe at the bouee and grave. Interment wee made at Brnesele demetery. De. °eased Was greatly attached to her child. ren, carrying to ouch a 13130oe,4gt inane the concert and the ootnmitteee have rea.op to .bake bapda With themselvea, . The only thing .that appeared 10 be in the waY of a greater SitcomWee that the Halt was not large etlongb as eoaree of tioketa could bave been sold, no doubt, had acs• oommodation been at the disposal of the committee, Bonnie and surroundings did themselves credit, The money will be forwarded tat the clone of thin week and tho a whe,have not paid nut kindly hand the amount to Mr. Gordon, Treasurer, at the Standard Banif, go as. not to delay the forwarding, - People We Ku0vv.. J. J, GIlpin is on the sick list this week. D. Roes is on the slots list with la grippe. Mies Mamie Sample is visiting at W Ingham. Robb. Rose, of Kincardine, Wile in town on Thoreday. Mre, Brothers and Sydney are holiday- ing at Stratford.. Will. Sample is home from London for a brief holiday visit. Mre, S. Beattie is home from Durham. after a stay of three months. Mise Annie Mitohellhas gone to'Poron- to where she bas taken :a situation. Mies Maud Andereon, of Oheeley, is visiting Mies Jean MsLauablin. Mre. Jas. MoLanuhlin, of Wingltam, ie visiting in town with old friends. Miss R. Spence, of Ethel, vielted Mrs. F. S. Scott for a few days Iasi Mr. and Mise Livingston, of Manitoba, .were vieitiog at J. Putlood's, John street. Gus. MoLanoblin, of Wingl.'m,ie re. flawing old friendships in aLd around Breesele. Mts. A. Smith, of Wiarton, isvisiting her fatber,.D Stewart, and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Thomas Danford hue gone Boat. ward to vi -it relatives and friends. We wish her a pleasant stay. Mines Nellie Laird and Alioe Davies, of Ethel, spent a few days with Mies Jean MoLauoblin during the past week. Garfield Backer was called home from Stratford Bueinese Calleva na iitg to the intim illoeee of hi. brother Harry. Leslie, the little son al Tuompeon Snider, bee been quite ill during the past week with convulsions bet is some batter now. Miss Melville, Mies Mabel Hartry, Will, Laatherdale and 0. Saunders, all of Seaforth, spent Sunday' at R. Leather. dale's. Mr. and Mre. Switzer, of Cavalier, �e North Dakota, are vieitiog at Geo. Bee. ker's. Mre. Switzer is a cousin of Hr. Backer, Jno. Ferguson McCrea left on Monday for Ottawa where be will interview the Government relative to the emotion of a public building at Roseland, B. C. Mre. Tufts and Mre. Stewart, former. ly of Brussels, are visiting at Loa Angeles, California, bat will go to Hannaford, North Dakota, about the end of March: Mies Ethel Creighton is visiting in Hamilton before attending the Millinery Openings at Toronto. She will return to her position at Grand Valley for next season. George Miller has gone to Wingbam, where be will : learn the barbering bad. noes ander the direotionof Alf. Sebastian.. George is a good steady youth and we. wish him success. 8. H. and Mre. Hallman, of'Winnipee, former residents of Brussels, 18 or 20 years ago, ate visiting relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. Mre. Hallman 'slater to Mre. R. Leather - dale. a dale. Mrs. D .vid Rose was palled to .Mo. Killop un Tueeday owing to the serious illness of her brotber.in•law, Mr. Ma - Clore, who, bad been poorly for some time. He died the same evening, aged about 70 years. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon. Business Locals. -$ r, ND4 R.a 134X1C OF 04X..,4 . 3.6%'.4=7.. 10.- 6310 P 2.072. HEAP OFFIO. E, '• TORONTO CAPITAL PAID DP (One Million Volute) , (11,000,0 RESERVE FUND •• ,9600,000 . Amides nei al feint, uebeC Manitoba,ilnffedSfabesr('X891and. s riff � � ,e t. i?'rfd'eiMehl,S. 'kiflatlit':atdw. A General Banking Bnsinesg Transacted. Farmere' Notes Dlsoonnted. Drafts Isanid and Oolleotions made on all paints. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depoeibe of 91,00 and upwards, BPROUL ATTHNTION e1VON TO Tap COLaEOTroN OF FARaoee' $ALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Onetomers liviug at a distance. J. N. GORDON, Acme AQENT. Rosgoi.—Io Trowbridge, on Jan, 31st, Mary, relict of the late John Rob - eon, aged 69 years, 3 menthe and 9 days. CALnwnLL,—In Hallett, on January 29th, James Caldwell, jr., aged 26 years. Siusa.—In Elmo, on Jan, 26th, Mrs. David Smith, aged 68 years, 10 months and 10 days. BALLS; At Donegal, on Jan. 26th, Mary Alioe, daughter of Mr, and Mre. Oornelia Balis, aged 3 months and 11 days. .6.7.7C'1.I0ST S11=51.SATURDAY, FEH.lOtb: Horses, cutter, harness, robe, &o., at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, at 2 "Woolf. Jae. Sharp, jr., prop. ; F. S. Scott, allot. WEDNESDAY, FEE. 14T11.—Farm Stook, Implements, &o. Lot 34, oon. 12, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 &cloak, Sharp. Alex. Hird, prop. ; F. S. Scott, auo. FRIDAY, FED. 16.—Sale of timber, Lot 12, oon. 16, Grey. Bale at 3 o'olook an premises. Kreuter & Ritchie, Propte.; F. S. Soon, Auo. TUESDAY, Feb. 20.—Farm stook, im- plements, &o., at Jot 1, con. 7, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 12 o'clock. Jas. Ire- land, prop., F. 8. Scott, auo. Tannentx, Fan. 22.—Farm stook, imple- ments, &o., N a Lot 25, Con. 6, Morris. Sale,noreeerved, at 1 o'clock. H. Mooney, Prop..; F. 8. Scott, Ano. WANTED, at onoe, a. good servant girl, Mre. G. A. Deadman. Raw Funs.—Any quantity of raw furs wanted by A. 000SL8Y, Brussels. ColIFouxanno house, with seven good rooms, to rent. Apply to R. Leatherdale. Ronan to bent on Frederick street, Brnesele. Apply to REV. R. PAUL or Tan PO4T, BAWFIDING done on short notice by an experienoed hand. Satisfaotion gaaran• teed. HUGH WmzuMs, Brnesele, Mons WANTED.—Wm. Blashill'is pre- pared to pay the highest cash prioe for hides. Call and see him. 131w filer McGregor bee a quantity of choice saws filed and for sale, and oan give a bargain. Will take any same in exchange. T. MoGregor, saw Gummer and filer, Brnesele, Ontario. WANTED.—Ohoboe roll better 225, also raw fox furs, choice fox 94.60. We have a few mantles to olear-910.00 ones for 96,00,.-$5,00 for 92.60. Also a few fur lined capes. G. E. KING, Wingham. BORN. OonoLEY.—In Jimmie, on Feb. 2nd, the wile of Mr. Andrew tiousley, of a daughter. WATooa. In Hallett, on .January 31st, the wife of Mr. Wm. Watson, of a SOD. SFEIRAN —In Grey, on Feb. deb, the wife of Mr. Geo. E. Speiran, of a son. 8RVSS£:LS JA<LJAR=TTS, Fall Wheat ......,.... 60 Barley 33 Peas 58 Oats 26 Butter, tube and rolls .. 17 Eggs per dozen 15 Flour per barrel.,,4 00 Potatoes (per bus) 26 Apples (per bag) 1 00 Hay per ton 6 00 Hides trimmed 7 Hides rough 6 Salt per bbl., retail.:1 00 Sheep skins, each 80 Lamb skins each 26 Hoge, Live 4 35 Hoge, Dressed........,.. 5 26' Wool 8 60 36 68 25 Mortgage Sale OF VALUABLE] Village Property. Under and pursuant to the powers of eels contained in a °attain Mortgage tbere will be sold by Public Auction at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS, on Wednesday, Jan. 14th, 1900, at 12 o'clock, noon, by F. 8, Soott, auotionoer' the followiog valuable village property, namely Tho South Half of Lot100 in the said village of Brussels, having a frontage of 41 feet 8 incites, more or lase, on Turn. berry etreet, together with the party walls on the North and South aides of the said } of an acre of land. The above property will be sold =Meet to two mortgages, portion.' late of which will be given at the time of sale, Term 0-10 per gent. down and the balance within 110 days without Interest. For further ppartiooiare apply to the nue.. tioneer or to DIOXuNBON & 008,56138, Ven- dor's Solleltore, Goderioh. F. S. SCOTT. Auctioneer, Brussels., THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.. HUUNTER, LIOENSEI3 AUC- oo En for the County, ltx er- A, THE yy P Mime of over 14 years, guarantee knowledgetisos l of who to sell want Will r bntee era °ail on. If you want to sell or buy a farm call on me. Money to loan at 42 per cant. WOOD WANTED. Wo are prepared to make contracts for 1,100 cords of hard and soft wood, to be de- livered at the Brussels Salt Works. Par- ticulars may be bad there. THE COLEMAN SALT COMPANY. 16 REAL ESTATE. 4 50 so ARGE FARM FOR SALE.— 75 L 640 aoree, complete eeotion, near 7 00 Southwest boundary of Manitoba, Over 100 711 acres under cultivation. Fine two.etorey 6 house coating over 61000. 8 miles from raitt- way; river Souris passes through farm; near cheap coal supply. Price $4000. Apply to JNO. D. RONALD. 70 65 25 4 60 5 60 13 .'ARMS FOR SALE, 100 aoree in the Township of Howick, be- ing Lots 16 and 16, Con. O ; 80 aoree are Bleared and 20 acres in bush ; bank barn with atone stabling underneath ; and frame house, with cellar. A .good thriving . orchard. Farm is situated 3 miles from Wroxeter; r Also 00 aoree in the Township of Tnroberry, AUDITORS REPORT belnaN,20acrifof Lot7, Ora a barn and in grass, 20 aoree of hush ; frame baro and _OF THE— log house ; a good eprine. For further par• tioulars apply to ALEX. HIBLOP, VILLAGE of BRUSSELS 28'6 Wroxeter P. O. EVIAMElzzz£r. B0NNETT—SAVAO!.-At the Methodist parsonage, Wroxeter, on Wednesday, Jan, 81st, by Rev. C. V. Lake, Mr. Thos. Beneett, of Molesworth, to Mise Jamey Savage, of Howlett. SPOTTON—CATnEna .—Ab the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Howiok, on Wednesday, Jan, Blot, Mr. Wm. J. Spotton to Mies Charlotte (lathers. LAIDLAw.—BLAOK,-,--On Jan. 81st, by.Rev. F. J. Oaten, Ph, B., at the regi. donee of the bride's father, Mr. Jae. Laidlaw, Morrie, to. Mise Mary, daughter of Mr. Thos. Bleak, East WaWanosb. 91=07. Brahmilsan,—In'Bruoeels, on Thursday, Feb. 1st, Mary Dunlop, relict of the tate John Bloomfield, aged 71 years. AL000it.—In Morrie., on Feb, let, Bus. annab,daughter of 18. B. Alotok, aged 5 m0nth8 and 11 days. STmwsor,—Io Listowel, on Jan. Mb, Edward Stewart, in hie 89th year of big ago. Li,'L10o,--In Seattle,' Jan. 28r4, et the family residenoe, 1611 Third avenue, Peter Lililoo, aged 62 years, FOR THE YEAR 1899. RECEIPTS. Carib on band $ 4079 91. Countyrate, amount levied 245 56 Consolidated amount levied 2955 62 School account, amount levies 1505 96 Government 811 grant 145'00 Townlhips Grey end Morrie 7 00 School loan, 1 amount levied 497 50 Bo-lawcue No. By-law amount levied157 84 Proceeds By-law 'No.15, 1809 16c811 SinkingDog tax 0840 1908 0000 J. P, Snag 500 Licensee . 355 42 'Rents 279 00 Mlsoellaneous 58 80 Sewer account 22 20 Borrowed from Standard Bank 0500 00 Taxes collected to 81st Deo, 1899 1890 77 Total 9 20741 7777 EXPENDITURES. County rate • $ Paid Ooupons and Sinking Fund , School Board &ohool Loan Coupons and Sinking Fund., Sewer account Sinking Fund mortgagee Salaries Printing Oharity Fire protection Street Bghtiog Ronda and. bridges Miscellaneous Law costs Sidewalks Town Holland hay Beales Loan to Public Library Balance oath in Standard Bank Total 240 70 1800 62 171014 446 80 1636.26 1900 00 088.60 78 04 8 75 780'50 400 00 698 86 159.27 55 25 7622 56 52 200 000 2526 28 $ 20747 77 BALANOE' SHEET, Balance County rate - $ 240 00 Ooneolidated account 1498 00 School aeoounb 149 79 School Loan a000nnt 397 70 Sinking Fund account 1867 00 By-law No. 15, 1809 aoeount 141 69 Total 9 4170 10 By oaeh In bank 8 2525 28 Ainounb due Local a000nnt .,. 1050 82 Total $ 4170.10 ASSETS. Cash on. hand - $ 2525 28 Mortgagee on real estate 0204 81 Town Rall .2000 00 Piro Department 400 05 Public Bohool - Band instruments and bay scalae875 00 Taxes uncollected 715 28 Doe runt on bay scales 4000 Debentures under By.law No,.20, '99 5899 05. Public Library. Loan 200 00 Amount' to balance ,. 12660 90 Total 8.07170 94 LIABILITIES. Consolidated debt $ 82200 00 Schoot 7500 00 Royal Stone Pavement Oo 794 68 Local Impruvemenb Sower debt 1008'78 Local Improvement, Sidewalks -8527 61• 'Total $ 87190 01 'uTE, the underelaned, Auditors of the nor. poratioa of the Village of Brueeels for the year 1809, having examined theoo aouuts of the Treasurer and Collector and all Vouebors and other a000unts of the oorpor. alien have to report the same oorroot as nor foregoing statement and the balanesleash,01.1 hand in Standard Bank to be 92515,28. W H,Mod)in0KEN, 1 Audltora. J. Y. S. EIRE, treason!, Jan, 80111,1800. SM1III's TTER DAT ul`\ CHILBLAINS Can be oared for 15o, and we van do it, For Coughs Golds ou s �Clo s g Our White Pine and Tar le a moat valuable remedy and we could for• nigh many teotimoniale, as to the general satisfaction given by its use, 260, PER ROTTL.E. . Our Baby's Ooug Syrup So useful in Croup, Whooping Cough, &o,, cannot be beaten, Satis- faction guaranteed •or your money back at Poz's Drug Store. t ' Agenb Dominion Exprees co, Money Orders sold to all' parte of the world. - FIRST CLASS FARM FOR 1' BAI,E.—Lobl 17, eon. 9, Township of Grey. 100 ueree more or less.- Situate 48 LOMB 1rOm;B,ueaels and 2 miles from village 01 lathe'. All cleared excepting 6 pores of hardwood bush, Buildings and ranee In good repair. Good wells, All ball plowing done. Price and tering of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLAIR 20.81 Barrister, &o., 010008els. "TOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— A.: LAGS; The property of the late John Elliott, consisting of a solid brick house. with frame kitoben and woodshed, good etabfe and acre of land all in first -claw condition. If notaold will 120 rented. Poe. ebselou at any time. For partioulare apply to Wm. SPENCE. Ethel; ALE8. PATTERaoN, Galt ; or Dn, MoHnnvar, Mt. Forest, 2081 TINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE- INo Lot 29. N 8 don. 0. Morrie township, containing 98 acres of drat -class land. There is a house, barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farm is well fenced. There are 85 aures in Fall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and 46 aoree pasture. Possession could be given at once. Farm adjoin° the village of Brus- sels. For further particulars ae to price, terms, &a, write to JAMES LIVINGB'2ON, Id, P., Baden. : 22.10 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill street,Bruesele. The house is aeomfortable one, well fitted up,with cellar, hard and soft water, &o. .Thre is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden : irioe over %& e.,one-quarter l acre of land. For { orW. , 60 apply to B. FINN, Peoprietor; or W. H, HERR of THE Poem, 1841 rAo M1P'OR eting rSALE.-150 A E.-1} 0 a CRSoad of the North 1 o Lot 38, Oon.2, East Wawa - nosh, This isan excellent stook farm,being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 milds from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildings and femme are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11.11 G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. DEREMPTORY SALE OF A Goa PAnu,—The "White farm," lot 7, 000, 2, Grey, 100 aoree, 1t miles from James- town (gravel road)must be sold, under the will of Me late owner. Good buildiage or- chard and never failing water supplyy. 1Pho land is clean and in good state of cultivation, 6 aoree of Fall wheat now in. This is a de- sirable property and a eb eau bargain eau be had. Apply to JOHN WHITE, Jemeetowu, or to A. HUNTER, Brussels, Exeoutors. 181f SATURDAY, FEB' Y 10TH, WE WiLL PAY 200. BUTTER And wFORill Wind up Our Sale of Winter Goods,. Overcoats, Suits, &c. Cash and One Price. P. S.—A. B. Smith is still the Champion Clothier:, having gone to the two Colleges on the _6th Con, .Morris ; twice won the Championship forninst Billy Morrison's tavern, Belgrave, fin- ally graduated on the old cricket ground in Clinton. Any one that got the better of A. R. had to be 20 lbs. heavier. Go on young men, old men, fat men, lean men, to A. R. Smith's. You will get. Bargains for the next week in all kinds of Cloth- ing that will fit a giraffe up to any ordinary sized elephant. ii