The Brussels Post, 1900-2-8, Page 7w • 0; , • e .0.. IFgo‘ £!t 1P00,¶1JJ4J 1. a RITSSELS POST. ONE GAVE RELIEFt • atturnes or 0 tense Plato .Lerese Ib e line to a Weititie 'Otte Normal It. The (stover Ruesian vielielet who ohairmed all Ms Waives at a Bala - more reoltal, was not Oa blame Sor the ineident, Altholigh tile llama bes gine with eentething that eoeltels Lke • eneeze, euti eade e "kat'," yet the outbeeek cannot be traced to that emeree. It was Wavle the reettlt ea the cold w-aether, end, peobably, a dirauelite When the cough atartee, elm lady who found hereelf the un- fortunate victim of It wee AO IlloPtined as (meld be. She know it wee disturb- ing the eedienoe aud feared that it • miget give pain to the performer, he would have givem worlds Le have it IAN>, but the cough wept on with all the regularity of a plow of clock- work. I3ut there was one Good Seinaria tan in the audience, toad thie. Good Seallaritan happened to have a box of cough deeps in her pocket, She had been to a comma betore, and, knew what a good, strong, heelthy cough can do to a sonata in 0 minor. Her fellow woman with the irritated ton - • sat far from her, almost. at the other side of the large room—but that made no difference. She musit have a cough drop, and must have it right away, That noise met be stopped. She could not get up and carry the drop Lo the cougher, That .would make the disturbance worse them IL was. There was but one way to do. The cough drop must be sent down the Mao. So she serepped it up in a piece a paper, asked her neighbor to mass it on, and thus started its an its mils - e'en or peace. There ws a seal's, tiere was even a eumber of preeeptible tit- ters as it made its way slowly from ene lady to another. Some of them tnstated on unwrapping the little bun- dle and making a special study of the drop, and more than one came near laughing out in meeting when thee' found what buedela they were bearing. But, in spite of all obstacles, the cough drop reached its goal, and at gnat did its work. A more grateful woman lban the one to whom it was sent did not sit In the hall, and no one enjoyed the recital more than the Good Samari- EAMAGOSTA'S aMPENDING DE- STATICTION. Eamagosta and Rhodes are probab- ly the most wonderfully preserved of mediaeval cities. Nothing in Eurepe can be compared with them. Both contain examples of the very finest Go aiCarchitecture in their old cathee drals, churohes, palao a, ford lea:lona It is a pity they are not more known to the travelling public; perhaps if they were some effort might have been made far their preservation. Fame gosta is fast disappearing, thanks to the enterprise of the few natives who still inhabii its ruins. Port Said maa be said to be built out or its stones, carried across to Egypt in little two - masted lighters at a very profitable rata. /The priceless old carvings of angels, saints, lions, and what not are roughly knocked off Lo render the stonesquare, and perhaps to avoid alareneug the good people of Port Said. • The mere complete destruction of tbe oity now contemplated is another matter. It is proposed to build a small harbor for coasting steamers within the sh‘allow, %axles, port oe an clone times. To effect this the great' watts oe the city, which stile steno in the most perrect preeerhation, as 11 abandoned but yesterday by the mar tyred Bragadisio and his brave cone panions 0t031 years ago, ere to be uti.izad. That is to Ku, their mater- ials are to be taken for the purpoee of forming a new tway wall for the brainway to ran upon and connecting the landing stage beyond the north tarn extremity of the city with the vil- lage of Vatrosha, which lies about a mite and a leaf to the south. From this letter a tramway to Nieosia is to be run. It seems a terrible evidence of pov- erty, both material and sentimental, that a country like Cyprus should be unable to affoed to retain meth a mar- vellous mediaeval monument as the old city of Pomagosts, a possession which in the future must certainly attract the art -loving tourist and the artist. The beautiful old sea castle associated with the story. of Othello and Desdemona, with its four round towers, on which the lion 01 St. alark still stands sentinel, with the proud inscription of the Foscarini giving a date which seems almost incredible, eonsidering he absolutely in tact con- dition of the buildings, must be. blast- ed amity as ballast for a dock tram- way by English engineers. • THE MUI,E MILITANT. TLe mule eeed for the mountain artillery has special training for stability. 11 18 his duty to help oarry 'to high and difficult places the seen..pouader aorew guns, This screw gun is so otellee because It IS in iNvoi parts, each weighing,75 or Melba. Each half le entrusted to a mule, and the two parts are joined Leveller in a second, The cheringe is brought On the beck of auother 01010, aild others brieg the ammueiition, , The mule has many advantages over the horse in the present campaign, asoeetalty because he has the reputa- tion of being able to hang on to a precipitous pathway where a horse could not be made o Venture. Ee- cept in mountain climbing, be carries ordinarily about Webs., although, if well fed, be setnetimes ran she &OMB. He not only is much freer from disease than the horse, but his skin is so mach thieker that the pestiferous African iesects eannof Itttke life an additional burden to him. Helene half so fussy as a horse aboet What he eats or drielee, Hie ilineal rations in South Arleen are lelbs. of grata or 201be.of oat hay, with hale an ettece of rook pale that, however, 14 whorl threes aro geed, and if be bets to work ilong nn ahort ralieee he is as eheerfel and oonteilted about 'leutrpoesilble, Put bli kers. on him, end haVe a white borse to lend the proacseion, and he will go anywhere. Canada and. Englan no -so THE SERVICES, CANADA ,fIAS ogRED FOLJeY APPRECIATED A Prominent, itreeitvine nesetees pays lc Tribute te ine Geed work Canstillan In England. Prom the Brookville Reorder. One of the mot mreceeseul bus men in Brockville, 111 Mr, Tho Nappy, the well known*Perth st THE DEACON'S PROPOSITION. In de Now Year, said the colored deacon, dal; Is rackin' to'rde us ez fas' eit, a race nose cm A throe -mile track, we mus' all turn a double -somersault on a new leaf. We =isn't take nut - tin' er de ale year into it. We mus' lel' evelet'ing dat reentle de ole year behin' us. Right whar 1 is w-simmilif you kin lea've yo' sins, an all do ole - yew(' motey whet you fin' in yo' doze. Doe't kettee'back one dime—Prow ever nickel right acme beah, on de flo' tromple on ft I trontple it down tinder 'ye' feet, en go yo' ways, bran' new eti shinin" I This lag proposition wns not re- enencled to wil4 alaerity, but several brethren complied, literally spurning the !Annoy with their feet. Suddenly the &neon whispered to. one oP tlit‘ brethren: Deer Willialest, (Ines a Over dollar in dal -11118, en le teelefaryfre er (0 .1448 en it. El you hit., ii one ine' lirk darel gwi no ter be tremble in dis mrolinebouseti NO LOVE F01 TRH sow, est Astierlean Tolle of TM le Trealmet V 'sequels. gri. 10 tne actuate of ae interview, C W,•Glitieufee, ON American mereh ok Johaneeeberg, wee hats jute, tureed from Mouth Africa, PM: 'Tile 'Deere inalsted that all 0150015 Ovoid joln their foreee Laing'e Nair or IMMediatelY leave Tranavael. TO this ro ing 020 4.-tO eon rehi.tents and men:hallo ebj.0 We were at a loss to know what do. We hated to give us, our no we bated Lo gave fits OUT busines We finally came te the oonolus that the iseet 0011145 to Pursue Wo be to leave at ones, so 1113 Merriam our stores and homes, and after be made to give up half of our sleeks a war tax, WO /eft Johannesburg Durbn.From tee latter place telegraphed to Co onel 'Letve, American Consul al Cape Town, advice. , He advised us to return Johannesburg without fear, and, we were Amerioan ei Lone, we Wo be protected. . We did so. 'When we ref untied we reeeivei scene neje° which other foretell received, to leave the city and storms tbe border wiehin forty-eig hours. The plus was in an upro and excitement was at lbs Mig Men, women and cseldeen, In th mad race to reach the railroad s tion, left behind a/1 that they pease ad—jewellery, clothing, and even t food which they had but a few m merits beeore iareiu ly packed for u during the long journey which I'. before them. This fat al mista caused much'inisery. Not one of e two hunerid ptr ons the t were Lrow ed together like cattle In the' co oar wbieti was prodled for us 11 anything to eat during the tweet Sour hours' ride in a blineing ral sto ne There w, no room for wens with babes in their arms to sit dow and rest, not even a coat to she ter them from the raging tempest. "The train was held up, and stoPP many Hines. As we passed elarou ione and hamlets we ware greet with hisses and jeers. At Elandsfo Lein we were threatened with t sjainhok, and at Soksburg we r ceived it. The fight which ensued ov its use proved to be sorious. Cor ishman, whose name was Wilson, w smoking at one of the windows whe he received a blow over the head th laid him upon the floor senseless. managed to grab the sjambok fro the hand of the Leer civil an who e it and prevented him from doine ,u M ther damage. The ram was allowe to go on, but not until after the ea sengers were aesaul.ed and robbed. "‘Ve reaebed Lorenzo Marquez, Delagoa, late at night. We NS ere sen aboard a vessel beuad for Cape Tow After a voyage of three days w repelled our destination. The hard ships we endured were frigb ful. L'ur hag the three days on the water w lived on crackers and coffee, bein unable to get anything else." ANIMALS AND MIRRORS. Moe 04 grocer, Mr. Noppy 10 an English by birth and the estocees he achieved in business Imre, hes en ed kiln for some years past to make Ifni:met holaday trip to tbe Motherl In a menet cox:worse-than with 8 Prieede in the Bank of Montreal, oently, Dr. William's' Pink Pillh Petted to be mentioned and Mr, .11 py, said that if the pine effected in wrest as rearvellene ae one that oome under his notice, he was not s prised that they were so frequen the theme of conversation. Asked er by a reporter of the Reorder give the story, Mr. Nefeay readhy molted to ao so, and we give it ln in his awn words. "Don't disappointed wben I tell you that Male did not occur in this cOuntr said Mr. Nappy. "As a iontterolii it occurred in England, and came der my observation on the occasion two visits made to that country. D ing the slimmer of 1898 I paid a It to my old home in England, a while there visited William Ledger 'relation of mine, living at 45 Film liam Street, Dont:ester, In Ledge family was a little ggirl, Lilly, 1113 six years of ago who was absolut helpless with what the doctors .8 was St. Vitus' dance, but really see ed to 108 10018 like paralysis. Thisolt wets one of the most pitiful sight el/ler saw; more helpless than a n barn babe. She eould not nueve a sin limb and if the head were turned to side or the other it remained in th Position until someone °hanged Tbe poor ohild had to be fed a lookee after like an infant, and the doctors had not been able to anything to relieve hr, recovery w not thought possible. Indeed, I so to the child's gasedmother that thouget its early death would be reliee not only to the, ohild, but its parents. This was the conditi of the child when X left for Caned Agaiu in the summer of 1199 Ima a holiday trip to &gland and to m amazement when I vseited my frie Ledger I found Lilly as bright a active a child as one would find an where, with absolutely no trace the trouble that had made her helpless burden the year before. told her parents I had never peeled to see her alive again a asked what had effeeted her our ''Dr. Williatns' Pink Pills," said t father. , He further said that r turning from work one night, found in the :house a little book de cribing theeills, left during the da and after sreading it decided to u thent in Lily's case. t After supp he bought some of the pills and ga the first to the child that night. I a few days they saw they were hel ing her, aud in less than two month time there was not a child in th neighborkood, brighter, healthier o /nose active. I have • heard a grea deal concerning what Dr. William Pink Pills have clone in this country but this case eoming under my ow observation is as near a miracle a we rein look for in these clays, an showe why Dr. Williams' Pink Pill are so much talked about every where. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills f are just a valu ble in the cue of ehildren a with adults, and puny Belle one would soon thrive and grow fat un der this treatment, which hes no equal for building up tbe blood ahd giving renewed strength to brain body and nerves. Sold by all dealers on sent. post, paid at 50te a box ,or six boxest for e2,10, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville Ont. Do not be persuaded to try Something else said to be "just as good,"' !nee mas ret man has abl- end. eine 18- 011- 119 - any had ur- tlY 141t to con- vse- be the Y," aet un - of vie- nd , r's out ely aid m- ild s ew gle ne at it. ad as do as Id 3.a to on a. do ad nd Y- 01 a x- nd 0. he e - he 3., se se er ve P- a 1. a' a ds A PARENTAL REPROOF, jedediah, said Farmer Corntossel, lemma see tbat seethe' book o' your'n. The boy handed it over and his fath- er turned the pages till he had gotten a little ways through the book. Then he rested the volume on his knee, and said: This book °outline 'bout all the weeds thee amount to mule, doesn't it 'Bout all, was the answer. Well, lemma test you. Lamm° $ee 11 you've been studyin' proper. What does t -e -r spell I dont believe there is no seoh word. Pass on to the next question, said the father, gravely, What does y -e -r spell? There ain't no each word as, that, neither, Jedediah, you ain't studyina right. You're tangle' round cube roots an' past participles, when you orter ba geltin' up to date. Vf you'd been studyin' dialect literatoor, as you should, you'd know Mae t -e -r Spelt to and 1.-8-1 Epp It, you. Jedeldinh, 8 must say I'm kind o' disappointed, 14 le haa. ant ye- fer- a t 1110 eria to wee, See. ion uld ded Ing itS1 We for the Idt to as uht I he ars be 11 ht ht, els ta- 08. be o - se 'AS ke h, d- al ad Y- 11- 1 - ed LTI3 0 - he e- er n - a. at 10 r - E11. - flow the Fernier Record 1141-1r Refloat lel In the Liiiier. I saw a performing monkey the °thee day, says a writer in London News., Ile went through many 'tricks very successfully. Toward the end of the performance he was ordered to put on his cooked hat before a hand mirror—which he did. Re WaS next Loll to set It straight, and he tried on hir general's headgear repeatedly, ae different angles, causing much laughter. When all was over, and the organ man, lliS belpers, anetbe two monkeys were. preparing to de- part, I saw that "the general" had possessed himself of the little mir- ror, and was studying his own count- enance with great delight. He had placed the glass oa the top of the bar- rel organ, and he bent over it again and again—griateoing energetically. He afterward picked up his mIrtor, and toonteinitplated himself earnestly and contentedly at different angles. His taco had been profoundly sad—like the faces ofenost monkeys I have seen —but. now the wrinkles smoothed themselves out, and he nearly smiled' Why is it that dogs hardly ever re- gard a picture as anythieg but a flat surface with patches of color cloLted over itt In al/ toy large canine 00- 4uainta00e I know but une clog who sees that portraits are likenesses of people' As for his own refleotion in a glass, a dog generally mistakes it for an enemy, end "goes" for It 1 Later, when knooks on the nose and absence of scent have done their part in con- vincing hitn of Ms mistake, a dog Will look mildly, not. to any iosiLsfully, at the mirror. Sometimes it is as if dogs resented their reflections ail earl - eel ures ol themselves. Unlilce the dogs C000ro, a Greek cook, to whom a devoted menet' &di - meted fourteen years of afIection. One of his teatimes eves to tiontemplate his reflection, for hours at a time, and quite dernUrely. lle Outlet' himself ep- ee:lite 0 looking -glass above a chest of drawers for his express purpose. Ile died this summeromd his owner Was utterly cliseonsolate. Coceee knew his name, mane when called, and wee the joy of his Greek mistress, Perhaps. London sweet y, or the diplo- matie world, hes not forgot ten the winery that belonged to llle daughters 'of a Ministee to the Coen oC St, James. • The bird woke the young ladies tinily by peeking their Aped This was one wny of "kissing good inornillg." , LOST IN THE SHUFPLE. Cabby, to g.ent who has boon) dining aut—'11re Vero, This is your 'mine—get out—be careful, the seem, C4 en 1—Yesh I Th ash allth but womb my feet f 11AVE VOu TASTED CEYLON (l1SEEN TE,? efor more dellsl us then J'emm held MAY lo Lund Padget', PIOTURP,S FROM THE BATTLII FIELD, A superetitian, welch has a touch o reverenee in it, is very common in th. Army. No soldier will, if ee can het 1,11 it, wear anything the shape of uni- form or accoutrements valaith has be-, WAR. SIMS ON' GaZAT LAICOS, reeolutioe lets been adoptt;d. al Weshingtee lea the Howie ealleee 14990the Seeretery of State for infoteneLlen relative to the status of the agreelaellt; between Great Drilaie end the United StaLea, W111011 prteseined the United States froze building, arming er Main - Caitlin more tban one war vessel upon the great lekete, The "SALADA" Tea Company are •. Doth w introduaing to e Cartedian and Amerieen publios a Ceylon 'Green Tea w uth s meeting with great favor 1 from Japan Tea 111011614, 11 15 aline • tar in flavor to Japan Teu, but Is more • gel/elms and,healthful, being entirely yea from entering, and although o lees, e dearer 111 priest+ la more eoononaicel te use, as' one ipound ot, Ceylon Green tee will go as, far aa one and three- quarter pounds of ,Tapan Tee, "SAL - ADA" Green Ceylon teal is [told only in half-PoUnd lead paoketa at 20o per ,paeket- An, yes! he sighed, a man can for- got many things in five years, Yes, she replied, but it would be disastrous if you were to do it. longed te a dead comrade. In the Ti- rab CaMPa'grl ,a Gordon Highlander who had Mat bla helmet In oise fight went bareheaded rather than wear the helmeb of a deed comrade, wh'eh hed been picked up undamaged. His meta n at last insiated thet he inward .ar the helmet, and the lad obeyed, protesting that the act would get him, hill d in tit next engagement. It so happened that In a little brush with the tribesmen on the following day, he w ts the only Taft& of the Gardena to be tit, and he won shot fatally In the right luug, just es.thet forraer wearer of the helmet had been. After that tbe superstition was strengthened In the mind of the. men tenfold, an I no at - was tondo, where a similar lose occurerd, to Insist upon the aufferer mak'ng good his loss at the expense of the dead. In the frst Nile criMPlign roonY of the be ttelions wore provided with the tenet vill inous shoe leather, and, long 1,cfare they reached Abu Klee hun- dreds of mon in the Desert Column had to tie their hoot soles on to their feet. In one e. -tee where a young solder was ilmost mniesh.ng bare foot, the ser - "emit' gave b'm pai1 of boots which w re only sl glitly worn. The young protested, almost witb tears in his eyes that his own boots were good enough; but the SffrgeatIt was obdur- .t» and elaistel on his wearing them. ED, d'dbut next uterning he told the u-romant will a great show of indlg- mitten teat bia rew boots lied been etolen during the night, and he hnd to 1-01111 the cam,paign on his own ern gmen tn rh, boot soles. The feet wen the loots which hod sheen given him be'd belonged to a Cern- red, who hell been killed, and, to avoid weneng them. ho .hnd dug a hole in the desert seed and leveed them ne, hod a comfortleas mareh for the rest of the earorta'rrn, and suffers from tender feet to-cley in coneequenee; but h,e. teems bee!: alive, whieh he alleges would not have been the case if he leel gene Into entinn at Abu Him or IVIetnmneh in the other fellow's boots. DRAPER'S CASE. Sensation In the Ottawa Valley Listriet Caused by Dodd's Iticlney Pills. l'isred Reuben Draper, of Clarendon, of Gravel Pr(netpla Upon )110011 11 dins. KItIncy le Act -Why Gravel Is arable by Doiltre MI Hwy Pills. Clare/mon, EQ., Jan. 19.—Quite a eeneation W59 nausea ILI this place and .11rouguullt 1114 ULtaWil Vaeley, by the pUSlIcatioal 01 Itetibect Draper s ca 0 in .he neavspapers last week. Mr. Drop. 4r Ls win, known about here and in Grist(); and has bad many enquiries as Lo his cure. There seems to be a unevereal surprise that Thecld s leidnee b Picts elleuld be able to cure a trouble like Gravel, which 18 siluated in the e.,.5 Bladder. Therefere the following ee- planation is in order. It Gravel is directly the result of kid- ney de:Order, Itis eaused by the foil - ere en the part of ibe kidneys to do their duly. truer fat, to disLolve the gritty eartittles that oome to them true the blood. These gritty par. 0 tildes pass to the bladder and ell ng to the walls of that cavity, accuraulat11 - Lag, finally, in little balls or "stones.' C Docid's Kidney Pills, by restoring Lhe kidneys to proper health, cut off the pr eupply of this sedireene and the 13:ad- der aud urteary owes, recovering strength on the removal of the cause of irritation, throw ate the gravel al- ee of ready deposit ed. Mr. Draper had only been using the Po pills st week wben he was rid cie 1:1 a bean. In a few days he pa: sed an - alone winch„he t y 5, IS is large as I other entailer one. He has re eine I both, and many peep* of tee neigh- borhood have seen them. Tbere is, therefore, no room to doubt that Decld's Kidney }ills de actually mire Gravel as well ns I he other kieney eases for which they are fernous. The n case has aroused wide. interest and friends for Dodd's Kidney Pills, cere (141.,r discovered on all sides. AV Ideal Treatment for Catarrh Mr. Robert F, Gray, of 259 Clarence street, London, Onto says "I believe Catarrbozone will produce a posttests Cure for Catarrh. After using it a few times relief was am assured fact. The disagreeoble dropping in the throat: soon lessened and, the nasal Paesages became tolerably free and the breath became less disagreeable. Cat- arrhozonef is an ideal. treatment: and I hope it will fled its way into the hands of many affected ones." Cat- arrh -o -zone is a guaranteed mire ler Catarrh and Asthma, Sold every- where. Trial await sent for 100 in slumps by N. C. POLSON Es CO., King- ston, Ont., Proprietors. Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other, as many a man can testify. La Toscana, 100. Te God we owe fear and love; to our brothers JUStieD Sod charity; to our- selves prudence and sobriety. " Pharaoh 100."P'ZI:g.t:LIZ' Harold, said the dear girl, am I the only girl? Harold groaned involun- tarily. Am the (icily girl you ever told she was the only girl you loved? TO 01110.11 A C01,11 TN ONE DAY 'nice Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. An druggists refund the money 11 10 falls to cure, pe. a. W. Grove's vgaature le on each box. -- Dasherly—How's tbat young doc- tor getting along in his profession? 'Flasherly—Splendidly 1 He's discov- ered three new diseases elready. Please take the note, the debtor wrote, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS nits. wt./este:we SOOTHING SY11.131 lind been Used by mothers for their obildren teething, It soothes the child, softens the gums, ellen bale, our. wind eolith and la the best remedy for dhirrInvit 25e. a hot. tie. Bold by all druggists throughout the world, Be sure and a k for " Um. Winslow's Soothing Byruys ' He—Ah, that Miss Rockingbam bas a face that looks as if it might have been cut out of marble. She—Yes; I have often noticed her stony stare. O'KFEFE'S %nip MALT LLOYDVAM9rige/T Mat, mane, Harduppe—You advertise that you uy books. What'll you give me for his one? Denler—We don't want nything less than a whole library. arcluppe—Well, this is iny whole brary. STATE Og ORto, CITe Lit ToLKDO, Lue,s t o Tl'ret NtLjtx;e1:r.';11.3!-firrTikoefslli!' gr;'Ng 0., doing bu A ill the City of '1'.1 od0, ;...nty anti Stute oft/resell, and tba said ern,. 11 pay he 111,1 of 0 ‘Ilf 11 Ll N Pne,) 000. ARS for 9(011 and every 0,50 of CIATelatIi / vannot e cured by tho 1150.01 tit,' AMA RRIT QURE. FRANK T. 011I. Sworn to before me ern, .u.crb 0,,im esence, this 6118 day of liererribor. A D. ISIM . - .A. W. 1.LE AS, .X, HEAL. darn Public RaliMortlarrh Cara fs taken Internally, and M dire I lv thn blood and n1000115 surfaetie thoeyst,ru. Pond for lt et ltn nlala. Irce, If, J. Cii 0,11u,Y Rs 00., Toiado, 0. 14 by Drneglats. 75c. aM'tTnmlly PilIs nre the beat Mr. Smith do you went me to adopt 111110081 dress? No, my deer, but Pa like you 1 o wear irrational dress at ra- tiona prices. MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. o "Balmoral," Fres Bus ta11t otel Carslake, Ole .. Station, Moo real. 0.1. &M 1 " ale &0,a., R('001(5, ENUE NOUSE—DrA-Fag:,47,2 1,0r der. . JAMES' HOTEL—gLPTIotti;Li)6.11 lway. FIrst.riltha Cummereial ko,lst Modern ha: yements-Ratea moderate. ..-- '1xontle—You can get oven with 1210 peying that 7 you OWO me. Bor- vs.—Even 1 Iia 1 that wonid be d. A GENEROUS DREAMER. ST Limpy Leggett—Ah I Can it be I Rai It iS I pro Mrs. Vera Plane—What ia the met- ,0 ter, my poor 11111212 Are you ill e by Linapy—It is the lovely vision I saw To in my dream I The angel fece of my od benefactress shines down upon me I You geve me food with those snowy hands in that precious dream, you know. Mee. Plano—Well, Pm very sorry, bet all I have lo the bouts% is a toll 'Web). Llrapy—A oold potato! Heavens I Well. truttlem, 1(1111 be generatm with you. The vision of the dream eat gland. Bring on your cold potato. W. P. C. 110018. CALVERT'S Cart/011e Disinfectants, Scene, Dint. /Dent, Toot!. Powders, std.; have been aw.trowl Me medals and diplomas for superior eseellonee, Their regular use prevent turbot'. ono diseases. Ask your dectier to obtain supply. Lists mailed Woe on appliCatioll. Fe C. CALVERT a CO., RDANCHESTEIR, it NOLAND, .elterzt ki12.6, .19 ,2.4 4c, apaus 464i:k en". /"'"a de;hyri Lag eAfe/P.-ka,,d AV "7 4 4014/114a4.16 UNLIKE ANY OMER DE CEYLON TEA 1.eac104pa0c,50 5051500 ll,sl h, 09(30 11,4 18(3,1111 oslu k1/ge .2s,3s \AI0••••.•••Wal.,...1••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••141•101••••••••.4.0•1. EDEs1RE ''c.huterveearcly tc2"alld of 2:Tineant -t Fortune knocks at every mall'A door at some time. Now it iS ken:Peking at Yours. WESHOW YOU how you may live in easty'circernetences, eerningbig money honestly and honorably the rest of your three Without Jeaving home. The first applicant frsite each town or country district will get this unparalleled chance. Capital net flues. eery, for start, For full particulars address enclosing two cent stamp. EASTERN 0ISTRIBUTING CO., Belleville, Ontario, NEURALGIA, ScIATICA, NIUscULAR, I N FLA M M Alf° NT, COOT, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATIC PARALYSIS, ASTHMA o .r etechoci Is sum and has cured thousands—some prOnoUnCed insoluble. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. .Addrrse TheSWISS-AMERICAN CO., Windsor, Ont., Canada ured ANGIE PETROLEUM ENULSION .A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and lung troubles, and if results count for anything—almost no limit to the good it can do. Sectiple bottle !bailed to any address on receipt of so cents to cover postage. Angier -Chemical Co. LE,Vd74;°. Toronto Say, I never heard two men hold such exactly opposite views on the same point. Who ere they? Pro- fessional medical experts. usic Teachers Wanted To send tor tee cOmplete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We aro equipped to supply every MUSIC TEACHER In Canada Whaley, Royce a Co., ISO Tongs St., TORONTO, ONT. carte,.. COLD CURE 10c. Cures in a 110y. P. Elo Cormatia k On., Agents, Montreal, Tap_ DEO MOINES INDUEATOR-Beet an -0 orleapeet hchht fRoVOTgegouir53731Sf?.ritatVatith,7=11 3". Catholic Pmyer 80.00, Rosaries, Cru- cifixes, Scapulars, Religious Pletures, Statuary, nod Church Ornaments, Educational Works. Mail orders receive prompt attn. 0, 411. SADLIER & 00., Montreal. W lNEED-Poren n 'aterManker, also good M e. ,J'nirlDrAlhlaman.prinaootitio with pod oolua"eeeiy. e.ae 66 cea 8V0111, 11.811,1,montrehi. . HARRIS rErD2r,00mm0PER7811a455 Wholesale only. Long Dietence relephonettAlt WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. MINA, Hales. Barristersone,,removed to Wealey Bldga., Rieb. mond 131. W., reroute. Sausage Casings—Mirg'ert:gdt: arias. Hog 00,thige-rell181e goods altight prlea. PARK, BLACKWELL tt 00., Toronto, yobbos SENSE KILLS R01,01103, Bed U Rugs, RAM and glee. Sold by all Druggists, 01 581 Queen W, Toronto POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES,, and other PRODUCE, to ensure beet regales optli1101 to The Oawson Commission Co., Limited, Der, Wast -Market & Oolborne Bt., Toronto, - NE um • IN , permanently cures Catarrh of nose, an throat, etomnob and bladder. 50e e 510 box. Write for penman., rim tadlan Catarrh Cum Co., 146 BL Jannuest, Atootreal. Dyeing I. Weaning! For the very hest send your work to Che "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING DO." Look for agent fulmar town, or send dlreot, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. WE ARE OFFERING TO INVESTORS .p.0,14took, gmarenteeIng large ill'ithientia; also aoIa stalluent stook payahe in monthly Meath, dralVing ea.b dividend , half yearly. 1441ea wanting safe and proth ltIw Investment should oorrespond with The Sun Savings and Loan co., Toronto. Money lamed on favorable terms; agents wanted in unrepresented dis Mote 1 write us. Farmers intending to Se.e6 Corn Note This. Mineral Extract prevent cretin from pioldng 05 corn when planted. 1 1111 11 acres of corn last year 08 0(3 Macro (AM and had tho seed all mime and had not one stalk deeirered by crows. I also chain it as good ite a heavy coat of 111111111111 for Malting corn crow rich, feeling th well pleased with It that 1 hare taken the ngenuy for it. 'Partnere who wish to buy only a midi box shoal sond. in their orders nut later than fob. Lt, cmall box *0101( 21 bushels. price 92.60; largo box eolora05 bashels, plum 05.00; win 1. 00,d for 44:50 if o.derml by 'Feb 15011. term., cohh wait order'. So orders taken after March 100, in order to get them all packed and shipped before 4,11 151 directly at 0.210, ond 0.21..10. for ehiPltin,. livery bo 0(0:M001 guaranteed to give Satisfaction or 1 400" "fm"11,11 0.9541 KAUFMAN, Fergus P.11, Ont. Odorless WANTED. ;hien or women M all parts of Canada to handle oar Undo. Liberal eons. 1111840t1 or selary end exeliudre to,. ritory to eeho GOWN dna. ly up4o.100e .aa great sellers. Pith tioulnrs Automatic Steam Cooker Co. 203 College Street, TORONTO, Michigan Land for Sale. On 0000.5 0000 FeRININO I.01108-821E11A.0 xseu,. Oltenia. 511,1 Ort1WfOrd Countlee. Talcum, foot. Oa biathlon Central, Deirch 11 Maukinec and Loon Lake itaiirAtile 01 prichm caning Win $2 tO $S 084 tiVoTorlialOg 14(71 reasonable terms. APO; to " 18. MOTIVCOEllgfigNITheigelUUr1).tlerdh ae inion Lhii mAIL e aTEAMSHIPS Porttnnd, Mo., to Liverpool, to Halifax. Large and fast Steatners VanCouver, Dominion, Cambrornan. Rates of pahsage First Cabin, $50 upwards ; Sewed f1a1,ln,030; 51018850, 52280 and tr:3 BD, for further information apply withal egoista, or DAVID TORItANCE & 00., General Agents, 1181 taacrament BL AiEunre.1, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 5 Closet. The Above Cut RePresents Oho Of tile Moat Useful Inventions of the Age In the Way of an indoor Ol000t Ali who have usecl this Closet pro. Inonnce it absolutely odorless and medical men claim it to be perfectly sanitary, Hundreds have been sold during the pagl year and have given entire entisfaetiote For Catalogue al priC0 list write to The Odorless Crematory Closet Co., Handlton, Ont. GRATE FU L—COM FO R NG. 1 CO BREAKFAST—SUPPER, .0/18. 5 ANNETT, Manager, JOHN J. 05411/, Supt. and Trees Toe Canadinn Heine Saiety 7 BaLER h Esplanade, Forouto Opp. Sherbourrie St., Nigh Mass Water Tube Steam Rollers, for Ali Pressures, Duties slid Fuel. 10ant &Amy ar moi a farm or other prOterty In SiBriu FOR Dihhc.RIOTIVE CAT/1(00011. I...numeric, 'the Carden of Canada, or OX., Chang My. 'Town 00other prop Thy- for Same If so, - itle.•4r11/ Littlit ON MAMMA 1111,. Kanto To., you will nee Hine and mercy hy writing to tailor MA Dr Propartins we have al, imod mai partlettlara. Jean% RelOr OROS :Tit ,--4M,W.)-414'4:,'1(°;,'KbreklAtiare. 00: tz (VIM 0, Piatigger -ot The Women Stool lilstate The Wilson Tubbable; (00,e.11.100, 18 00,110 810(11 istuloo, 0811 al Toronto, vbere Sollare may he nes worh ler