HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-8, Page 5•
, 8, 1900
T.[ ,B,BrU8810L8 POST
4-TAt Sea. . F, fl, SCOTT, Bruteels.
• leaner of Marriage Liaenees, Of.
flee at Grocery, TnrnberrY ttroet, Brussels, •
LU} Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next; door
North of the Standard Bank.. Deafen!' and
Childrou'Shair putting a eve01a04y,
Darier:Nan line sevoral good Fmine for
Vale and to rent, easy ten me in Townehipe
01 dibrrle and Grey, F 8. 800TT,Bruaaele
Tssuer of Marriage Licenses,
WAtTON, oNT. •
axevssexas, oxer.
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
iii' No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Bruseele
L. O. M..
Aaademlo graduate of London Ooneerva•
tory of Maple, also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for fnstruOtion
on the piano, prepare pt
the Prieipal'Form thonservaory of
Clerk et the Fourth Division court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Insurance Agent ; Auction -
and Ineu g
ser. Fa e. invested and to loan. onnee, Ante -
hone made. Office in Graham's Block, Ante -
"- • nun., will sell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and lose obargos
en any Auctioneerr ID Haat or charge anything Dates Huron
can always bo arranged at this office or by
personal application.
(ronlifursir or BaAFo0Tn)
Graduate of R. 0.13 8„ Toronto Poet Grad -
nate course at Beakel'e School, Chicago, in
Drown and bridge work. tat -Prices same as
in earrou0ding towns, 21•
OHlae over A. R. Smith's store, Bra/teals.
!! • Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die-
easea of domestt0ated animals 110 a coronet -
eat manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dontietry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four; doors
North of bridge, Turubetry at„ Broeeele.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Pubiie, &o, Office -8 tewart'e Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solloilor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, At. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Lotus at lowest rates.
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrlater and Solicitor. Goderioh
Ont. OIBce-Hamtltnnstreet, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
M. D„ O. 11„•
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col.
logo of Phyaiciauo and Burgeons of Ontario.
Diecaseoot Women and Children a 'uncial-
ty, Nino years' experience. Office and roe -
Mance, opposite English church, Brassele.
M. D., C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Median)
College, Member College of Pbyetoiane and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wiiery,Edinburgh. aS-Telephoue No.14.
Reeidonce-M111 street, Broeeele.
01111010198, Vino=ON AND ow:ow:Bmon,
(Successor to Dr. F. IL 1Rnlbtlelacit)
M. D, Bellevue Roapital Med. Col., New
YorkM. D 0 M Victoria IIniverelty, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Pbyelolans and
Surgeons of Ontario. 8peoial attention paid
to dlseaeon of women, Dye, ear, nose and
throat. 19.11
M. D. 0• M.,.
Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &„
&e, Ail epoolaltyy work eatlofaotorily treat-
ed. Office upstairs in the Stratton Block.
O0lee hours, 0 to 12 a, in., and 7 to 10 p. m.
Specialist work, eaoh as for oyo, ear, throat,
&o.. in the officio at his residence, Elisabeth
Street, from 2 to e p m. All medtoince will
o all the Dr. or under
be di of tU ere n b
his direct eupervielon, y y
Stineo&'s Bank at Hamilton hae Sae.
Lark Harbor, Newfoundland, was de.
vastated by a tornado and twenty home
were blown down, including the <matome
station and the reeidenoo of the oaetomo
olfloere. Threw echoonord were wreokod.,
111)i5trict et ta,
Qrt'laobbq,-Following are the ofilelals
for Wroxeter for 1900 and salaries attaoh•
Brethauer, 480aes0or, salary, 920
J. 1, Bleak, 900190tor, 925 ; 0. Smith and
Jae, Forsyth, auditors, 94 eaoh j John
Harvie, D, Floher 1,44 Jphn 17amer,
tenooviewere ; Aline Annie Voeburg, bell
ringer, 926 ; 11, It Smith, poandkeeper ;
J, Brethaner, truant oflfoer. Library
Board -Rev. 0. V. Lake, Rev. R. S.
Anderson and l','Q, Diokeon. Board of
Health ;-11' eve, Clerk, Dre. Brawn and
Smale and W. 9. MerLeroher,
Giron• Ids.
Annual meeting of Howiok Mutual Ia•
saranne Co. on Friday afternoon of this
week. ,
The ninth anneal meeting of the
Bowiok Sabbath School Union will bo
held in the Methodist church, Gerrie, on
Tuesday, 27th suet,
Ao 9.'0011 of Albert Willits was driving
out of town the horse became unmanage.
able when opposite Isaac Sanderoon'a
residence. It ran es far aa the railway
where it ran against the 10.14 train that
Was jastfirming, and horee,;oatter and
boy were thrown down the steep em•
bankment. Fortunately the boy eeoaped
uninjured ; the borae reoeived some in.
A Pairiotio Concert will be held.
Farmers' Institute meeting on Wednes-
day of thio weak.
There is a little squabble on hand over
town High eohool affairs.
County L. 0, L. of North Perth held
its annual meeting in the Orange Hall
here on Tuesday.
O'art Royal Oak, Canadian Order of
Foresters, donated $25 towards the Can.
adian Pairiotio Fund.
.$11,000 of stook of the proposed fermi.
ture factory has been subeoribed, leaving
94,000 yet to be token.
L'etowel Chair Company booked their
first order.. John Leslie, of Winnipeg,
the moat eaten i e furniture e v tare dealer in the
West, placed an order with them for a
oar load of wood seat obaire,
The family of William Boguee, of this
town,received a telegram oa edoea9
of last
week from Detroit, notifying them.
that Mr. Bogner' son, Robert, had died
suddenly there. •Mrs. Bogaes and Baugh.
ter, Mies Mary Bogaes, at onoe Jett for
Detroit, George Rogues, of Woodetook,
accompanying them. The deoeaeed bad
oboked•to death in a fit of eoughing. He
bad not been in good health for some
time. He was a barber by trade, but was
managing a livery business at the Gime
of hie death.
PETER LILLi00 DEAD. --Word readied
here last week of the death at Seattle,
Wash., of Peter Lillioo, formerly a pri.
vate banker at Listowel About 8 years
ago be went to Seattle, where he lived
with bits eon, R. E. Lillioo. Deceased
was troubled with a cancer, but through
the nee of a'plaater this bad been remov-
ed, and his wife had just finished dress
ing the wound when he said he would
like to lie down for a few minutes.
This he did and in a few minutes peeved
sway. Death is thought to have been
due to heart disease. Up to the time of
hie death Mr. Lillioo had enjoyed re.
markably good health. He was about 62
years of age.
An Enterprising Firm,
There are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than G. A. Deadman,
who spare no pai0e to secure the beat of
everything in their line for their many
customers. They now have the agency
for Dr. King's New Discovery, whiob
Barely corse Coneemption, Ogeghe and
Colds. This ie the wonderful remedy
that is now producing so muoh excite
meat all over the country, by its many
startling cares. It absolutely puree
Aatbma, Bronchitis, Naneea, and all
affections of the Throat, Cheat and
Lunge. You can teat it before baying by
walling at the above Drag Store and get
a trial bottle free, or regular eize for 50o
and $100. Guaranteed to cure or price
Revival servioee are in progress in the
Methodist church.
W. T. Thomson was in Detroit last
week attending the funeral of his brother.
R. K. Hall, of Lietowel, formerly of
'Atwood, expeote in a few days to be the
poeoeeeor of one of the Fenian raid
Dr. E. E, Harvey, formerly of Atwood,
has been reappointed ohairmaa of the
Norwich Public School Board for the
current year. The Dr. takes a lively
intereet fn eohool affairs in that town.
The local Independent Order of Odd.
fellows have taken the initiative in mak.
ing arrangements for a pnblia concert, to
be held on the evening of Thursday, Feb.
15th, 1900, in aid of the National Petri.
oti0 Fund.
The annual meeting of the Rime
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
was held in Atwood on Jan. 16th. On
motion made and adopted, A. K.
Baker was called to the chair, wbo after
a few well timed remarke called upon the
Seoretary to read the auditor's report
which showed that the company had
policies in force on the 31st December
amounting to 91,882,304.00 with an an•
assessed reserve of premium notes to the
amount of $182,528,00, being a large
inoreaee over previews years. Total
receipts, $6,971.20 ; total losses, 91,310.66 ;
Dost of management, $317, including
printing, postage, stationery, statutory
aeseeement, Ifoodae fee, eto., leaving a
balance in the hands of the Treasurer of
$6,343,53 with 9124,16 to collect. The
auditors' report was adopted. The retie.
ing directors, Jae. Donaldeon, Thee. E.
Gibson and Robe. Cleland, were re•eleot•
ped. J0139 A. Turnbull and John 11, Code
were re.appointod auditors. After acme
further dieooeeion, and a hearty vote of
thanks to the chairmen for bis admirable
oonduat in the chair the meeting adjourn.
ed. The board then met for organization.
The old board were all reappointed; viz.:
J. R. Hammond Pres. ' Jas. Donaldson
VieePreo. ; Robt, Cleland, Sec.•Treae.
Application for inenranoe were received
and aocopted amounting to 677,610. A
oleins was presented from "shoo. Reed for
damage to barn by lightuiog' 911.82 cost.
Moved by D. B. Grieve, seconded by S.
McAllietor, that Mr. Reed's claim be
Bottled at 97,54, being two.thirde of coat,
in accordance with of the company. -
Carried. A claim was ileo preeeIted 'by
L. Luque for damage to roof by are at 98,
On metier' it was adjusted et 92. 00
motion of S. MoAlltetorand D. 13, Grieve,
the Seoretary.Treseurete oalery was
Oxed at 9150 for•the ()tweet year. Meet,
ing adjourned till Tuesday, March (1th,
Monthly fair will be held at Blyth on
Tneeday,February 19111,
During the past year there were regi01.
wee with T. W. Scott, village olerk,16
birthe, 16 ruorriagoe and 10 deaths•
Mise Mary Bitch, who oonduoted a
dreoe•making bueineee in Blyth for the
pact two yenre, was married last week to
James Laidlaw, a prosperous young
farmer of Morrie.
At the adjourned meeting of the mem
bare of Blyth public library, the, Trews.
urer'e Statement was presented showing
a balance on hand of 952. The follow
ing directors ware elected.-R»v. A. Mo.
Lean, Rev. W. Penhall, Alex. Elder, A,
W. Sloan, A, E. Brodwin, 9 Creighton,
Jae, Smith, J. 8, tlabkirkand Dr. Cooke.
At the closes of the annual meeting the
direotors mot and appointed the follow.
ing offroere.-President, Jae. Smith ; Seo.,
Dr, Tait ; Trees., D. B. MoKionon ;
librarian, R. R. Douglas.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of hie splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not toting where Stomach, Deer,
Kidaeye and Bowels are out of order. If
you want th•'eequalities 'and the 8000000
they bring, use Dr. King's New Lite Pills.
They develop every power of brain and
body. Only 25o at Deadman'e Drug
Woarnv MAN HONORED. - On Monday
evening, January 15th, a large number of
the ratepayers and friends of ex Reeve
MoPhereou gathered at hie home and
09001 a pleasant evening. All the mem-
bers of the township Ooauoil and officials
were present. The object of the gather
ing was to present Mr. McPherson with
a puree of money as a slight recognition
of the high'eeteem in which he is held
throughout the township. Mr. Monier.
son had been Reeve of the Township for
some 18 years and the ratepayers felt
that they could not permit the occasion
of hie retirement to papa without some
alight token for bin large g g number of faith.
fol yenre of service to the township
Reeve Cruickshank made the presentation
and John Burgess, Township r
g w tp Cie k, read
the following address :-
To Inn. McPherson.
DRAB Srn,-We, on behalf of your old
triende and neighbors and also on behalf of
alarge number of the ratepayers of Turn.
berry, take this opportunity of calling on
you to express to you our sincere evmpathy
lo your severe affliction from the sanious
disease now affecting your eyes, which hag
caused your eyesight to become so dim that
it le now of lntt"e use to you. At your age
we cannot expeot a great deal from medi-
cal aid, but as we have 00ma medical men
wbn are specialists on theeye, a reference
to Some of them might give you some re-
lief and brighten your We hereafter. We
[hall all earnestly hope that should you
decide to have an operation performed on
your eyes that the Lord Jesus in the great
loving Lundeen and tender moray wi I give
you strength to bear it, and that you may
be greatly benefitted thereby. We under-
stand that this affliction cat the principal
cause of your resigning the honorable posi-
tion you have held [o long in 'this munici-
pality with honor to yourself and Batista°.
thin to the .ratepayers. Wo desire to ex-
press to you our high appreelatlnn of the
very warm interest you have always taken
in municipal affairs. Your careful and
Prudentmanagementof the bueineee and
yourooatant attention to its affairs have
been an honor to yourself and a credit to
the municipality and to show you our ap
predation of your excellent work we doeiro
to present you with a alight testimonial as
a small aoknowledgmont of our regard and
esteem. And now that you have severed
your relation with municipal affairs, we
hope and trust you may be long spared to
enjoy goodhealth and 10at rest in your old
age which ie our reward whits here, for an
honorable, well spent and. God fearing life
in the past.
Signed on behalf 01 Committee of Council,
Josh BVRGEBs, Clerk,
Mr. MaPhereon made a euitable reply
and thanked the ratepayers for their gift.
On the evening of December 22nd lest
Mr. and Mrs. McPherson celebratedtheir
golden wedding, when a large bomber of
their friends gathered at their home and
spent a most pleasant evening. Mr. and
lire. MoPhereon'e friends made them a
present of 920 in gold and also a number
of eeefal artiolee in furniture, etc,
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob
lite of joy. Buoklen'e Arnica Salve cures
them, aieo Old, Running and Fever Sores
Ulcers, Boils, Felone, Corns, Warts,
Cute, Bruises, Borne, Scalds, Chapped
Hondo, Chilblains, Best Pile euro on
earth. Drives out Paine and Aches.
Only 25o a box. Sold at G. A. Dead.
man's Drag Store,
The Patriotic Oonoert raised 9130.
• Legislation will be asked for to grant
a loan of 910,000 for the eotabliehment
of a foundry here and aiding a factory.
Dr. Agnew hae opened an oMoe in
Stone Block, over Bugg's hardware
Miee Glendenning left here for Sioux
City, Iowa, where she intends residing in
the future.
A former Wingliam yooug Iady'Mise
Bessie Parker, daughter of Oonduotor
Parker, of Beath London, formerly of
the L. H. & 13,, who hae been on pro.
bation as a nurse at Fort Wayne Mich.,
hoepital, has graduated and been accept.
ed on the staff.
F. G. and Mrs. Sperling celebrated the
thirtieth anniversary of their marriage,
when a number of their friends gathered
at their home and a very pleasant even•
ing was spent.
The annual meeting of the Preebyler•
ian oharoh wee held on the evening of
the 29th ult„ at whioh there was a good
attendance. Wm. Holmes, Alex, Camp.
bell and D. Stewart were elected to the
Board of management for three years.
Geo. Cline was appointed Preoontor at
the game salary as before, 9200. Miee
Carrie Fisher, organist, 975. D. Stewart
and R. A. Graham were elected Auditors.
The nominations for Elders were -Peter
Campbell, Jno. Linklater, Jno. Mowat,
Jao. Holmes, J. A. Cline and D. M.
Gordon. From time five will be elected
by ballot by the congregation. It was
deoided that a Dopy of the Presbyterian
Record for 1900, should be eeaured for
each family, and 160 eubooriptione will
be paid out of the church funds. Daring
1899, the congregation contributed in en.'
velope and plate collections, 92061.37
and for obnroh sobemee, 6178 45, a total
of 92239 82, The Young People's (Murrill
Debt Fund contributed 9361,10 ; the W.
F. 119 S. raised 954.85, the Ladies' Aid
9192.08, and Sabbath School 912091, the
Mission Band927,81. The total opntri•
botious amounted to 921186 65, Membore
added during the year, 17-4y profe08ion
of faith 6, by oertisoat0 12, Re11u0vele-
by death, 0 ; by gertifloate, 8 ; otherwise,
4. Preeent membership 872, The
members deceased during 1899 were Dire.
Thou, Elliott, Mrs, T, Leslie, John Dick.
nen, Mrs. P, Anderson, Ellen Halm, Mre,
T, H. Rose. At the cioee of the meeting
the Jarboe eerved refreshments and a
social time woe enjoyed. .Tbe olluroh is
evidently prosperous ander the panto al
ware of Rev. D. Perris,
The knitting faotory f, hamming,
Goderioh w tote a new G '1', R. depot.
A Goderiohito is after the man who
sells 9 of a cord of wood for a cord.
The Ieneiogto'furniture factory riper.
woven have been worsting till 9.30 9, m.
earth day for the past two weeke.
Chas. Woatberaid, son of Tho.. Weath-
erald, of town, 08 a member of the second
Canadian contingent and ie now on his
way to Swath Africa.
No. 1 company haw made an early
start in ite annual drilling. Drill le be
ing held two nights a week, Mondays and
Fridays, at the oratory.
Joeepb, eon of Judge Doyle, hae been
promoted from hie position in the Bank
of Hamilton al Oheeloy to a higher one
in the branch at Owen Sound.
A. E P. Jackson, of the Bank of Oom•
mem staff, hae been transferred to
Woodetook. He made many friends
here, and hie removal ie much regretted.
Bie place ie taken by J. G. Bourne, who
comes from Woodetook.
A. MoD, Allan left for Montreal Tues.
day of last week to inepeot a large quant•
it, of trait previous to ile shipment to
Pavia for the Great Exposition. It will
be Mr. Allan's duty to see that only good
fruit is sant forward, and he will thus be
made reeponeible for the excellency of
the Canadian fruit exhibit.
LAY-OAnfsnos.-Wedneeday afternoon
of laet week at 1 o'olook a quiet wedding
was solemnized at the residence of the
bride'e mother, "The Maples," Miss
Margaret Gale, third daughter of the late
Hon, M, 0. Cameron, being wedded to
Harry Morrison Lay, late of London,
Out , son of the late Horatio Nelson Lay,
0. B., Inepactor General of Chinese
Customs. The ceremony was a performed
by Rev. Jae. A. Anderson, B. A„ in the
presence only of immediate relatives.
The bridesmaids were the three little
o'ecee ofhe bride,Adine and Mona na il-
son, of London, and Margaret Galt, of
Goderioh. The bride wore a grey cheek
tailor-made travelling dreee, with hat to
matoh. Mr. and Mrs. Lay left on the 2.-
30 p. m. train for a trip to the Stales.
The bride wag one of Gaderlah's mast
popular young ladies, and the hearty
good wishes of a hoot of friends go with
her. Mr. Lay has been appointed mane.
ger of the Bank of Oommeroe branch at
Cloeleigh, Yukon Territory, and will
leave in about a month to amine the
duties of hie position.
Might have proved a serious lose to the
town 000arred Sunday night when the
factory of the Goderioh Organ Company
was discovered to be o0 fire. The watch•
man dieoovered the fire at 9 o'olook in the
finishing room, and at onoe gave the
alarm, and turned ono the factory fire
Bose. The town fire brigade were 0ome-
what slow in getting o the ground, and
thea diaooverel that they had not 'a lad•
der long enough to reach the third•story
wiudowe. Efforts were made to 000flue
the flames to the upper flat of the new
building, and in this theflremen were eno•
easeful, but not before the roof and a por•
tion of the upper walla had fallen in.
The floors, which were almost water-
tight, ware flooded to the depth of six
inches, which prevented the fire from
reaching the lower floore. The finished
stook in the upper flat is u complete loan,
and the other floors, oontaining the
action, oase trimming, and stook rooms,
were damaged by water. Fortunately
they were able to Save the machine' and
oase room with slight damage, and the
manager stated that they would corn -
mance work within a week as soon as the
loss eau be adjusted. He estimates the
lose at 925,000 ; pertly covered by in-
surance. Several foreign ehipmente
ready to be eeot out next week are a
total loss, and they are behind with
No light To Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive must
keep her health. If ehe is weak, sickly
and all rnn down, elm will be nervous
and irritable. If she hae oouetipation or
kiduey trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, akin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Eleotrio
Bitters is the beet medicine in the world
to regulate thestgmaglb liver and kidnoye
and to purify the blood, It given strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skip,
rich optoi,lexi0n, It will make a good
looking rhnrmjng woman et e, rundown
invalid. Ouly 600 at G. A. Deadmen's
Drug Stole,
The Court of Appeal hae adjourned
Bine die the hearing of the Woet lduron
and North Waterloo election appeals.
Y a wan' afford to follow the. above
ibju00tion and then Ball on
Who is clearing out the balance of a
Bankrupt Stock of
Hats and Caps.
at unheard of Low Prices,
You can get a good Cap 10
for the small sum
Eery one of them must go so call early
and make your choice.
Canadian Express Agent.
Enter as Soon as Possible.
, ', 1 ,
cc. Uyr1
A eohool offering advantages not to be
found elsewhere in the Dominion.
Catalogue Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita
tion of tile Heart, Liver Complaint, Near.
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitio, Oon.
somption, Gall Stenee, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseaeea, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregulatitiee aid General De
J. 312. MGLEOD,
Prop. and Mannfaatnrer.
Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyee tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
Spring Prints
P. K. & Ginghams
All Spring Goods at
Old Prices at....
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Of fine Groceries for the Obrietmae Season is now being shown by as, every
article being bright, olein and fresh, and as quality is the first essential we have
taken Special ogre to select only the !heat goods for your inepeotioa. A look through
our store will show you that our stook of Fruits and Table Delicacies ie very oom'
plate, and if you have a eingle thought of 000Domy we nsk you to examine our goode
before purahaeiag and whatever you select in
or anything dee for table nee, you can rest asoured, we will do our beet to please you
and give your orders' our best attention.
Oysters by Dish or Quart. Fine Stock of Confectionery.
Ce Ha 13ARTLIFF, onoe sR.
Quick Buying Cha Ices this Week,
Our desire to make February a busy month ino fires all the de ertmente
tbrpughout file eto a to make extra Wrong for ttlie week's gawk selling, 4.p keen and
thorpugh examination of Stooks has brought to the endue many seasonable lines
that meet he Bold,before the Spring trade Bete in. The following list tells of the
qwhen youulok sellingget pricebore,s we hive put on many of them. Othere will be on the ooantere
Ladies' Aetraohan Capes, 25 inches long, worth $15.00 for 910 60.
hadies' Goat Capes, 27 iuobes long, worth $10 00 for 96 98,
Ladies' Aetraohan Jaohete, alone glossy purl, lined with quilted satin, regular
price 980.00 for $25 00.
Ladies' Aetraohan Jnokote, large gioaey Ourl, lined with mercerized odium,
worth 925 for $20.
Ladies' Cloth Jackets in Navy, Brown and Blaok, at $4, 94.8Q, $6, $6 and $8.w
All et half price.
Astrachan Caperinee worth $8 00 for 96 95.
Oaperines, combination of Thibet and Electric Seal, long in front, two heads
and ten tsila,.very etylieb, worth 920 for 915.
Heavy Tweed Drees Goode, 40 inobee wide, worth 25o for 19o.
Up to date Dome Goods in fancy weaves, worth 50o for 36o.
Blank Blister Crepooee, worth 91.50 for $1,10.
Melee Meters, high storm millers, tweed lining, worth 95 for $3.95.
Men's extra heavy Frieze Meters, Rigby Waterproof, high storm Dollar, heavy
tweed lining, worth 98 for 96.
Ladies' Far Lined Capes, in navy, black and myrtle, trimmed with oppoe00m.
worth 920 for 914.95.
The Business DON'T BUY
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and practical train-
ing in all branches of Commercial work,
at considerably lase than regular rates.
For full information apply
moms et'College over Post o1S0e,
Pomp Works I
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch.
I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Ma-
sora, breed knivee and other edged tools
inop•to date style.
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner. Satin•
faction assured.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
Line aatil you call and See
what you can do at
Robes, Brushes,
Combe Trunks,
Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bells, &c.,
At Lowest Living Prices.
Single Harness from17.50 up
Just received a complete line of
Woollen and Robber
English Kersey Blankets
and Fine Robes.
These are a choice lot and
will be Bold cheap.
Jno. Donaldson,
The Harness Maker, Broeeele.
-1SteaDrV•oQotraieFrtl..b'ii.tfed.lf'iib'1te:ca id"zLecErtl.lYr7t: -U••Y�.'NfO"e.
Are You Thinking of
�p ,t�
Buying ap��Range
�•or Cook
p,q�Stove ?
lyet.,J''t�lqq•Ulf.J•'..Y•'CJ'V'J"r�J"l..>zitulJ `lJl..rzliV•'V''I.JlJ I.>r
Gurney's Imperial RAN
They save more Fuel
A e 008001 Work
Regulated }Than any other of their cIass
Also a large display of Baee Barnere,
Coal and Wood Heaters.
If so you should see aur
Seven of these Ranges
sold since the Brussels Pair.
Wilton & Turnbull
A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete,
for $50. It takes 26 inch wood.
The hest is always the Cheapest.
You will save your money by calling on au
When It Comes to
We have something to say of special interest to everyone
who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a
.Parlor Suite,
Bedroom Suite,
.Extension Table,
Dining Chairs,
Anything, Everything that is desirable.
We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs
and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten.
Picture Framiu attended to carefully and large
stock of Mouldings to select from.
You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at
.t WN,%li( •',Jail! i�1431'WZs%l .'il(