HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-1, Page 7• Ifsa Weonwere...*,, 1900. ..ustaxitv%. o8 fiEAL4T EOMCOP MIL Wilistrr *bald Mr Host$t UIUJI.tPCOPle Cult EluVit. Many pereone regard the winter *Wee Pe an unfortunate visitatiofl. maaidereti both unoonafortable to the body and harmful to health. Thie en error, Cold is a Meat PQtent agent fOV the restorafien and Preeervation of nermal aeternY On the Part of the organs of the human body. It Is a wise plan of rrovidetwo which giVeti U5 a change o seaeone. The winter eold comas aa a tonic to repair the in- juries done by tee enervating' heat of eunainer, Suinreer, it is true, has many Wlee uses in the matter of health. It ineuees outdoor bee, rids the seetem of poisons through coeloue perapiration, end through the scorch- ing rays of sun 'destroys germ life, Winter iu the great beacer of the system. It stineulates activity in ev- ery organ. When old attacks the surface of the body the blood is itet into more free circulation aa a means of bodily warmth. It it4 through the teirculation of the blood that the hu- man anatoray is kePt M a state of re- pair When the food has been digeet- ed and converted into liquid form it Le taken up by the blood and carried the rounds of the system, for the par - pose of repairing the waste. places. When the cold causes increased oirou- lation it also brings about more per foot nutrition. Man% face and hands illustrate how weatherproof the body becomes when exposed to air. Continued activity in circulation of the surface, caused by the air coming in contaot with the sicin, tends to nourish and thicken the skin. Thus map's skin grows thioker In winter just as animals are supplied with a double eoat of fur. The say ages who dwell bareheaded in the open air; are seldom if ever, known to be afflicted with bald heads, while, with the civilian who'ehields his Scalp from air, baldness Is prevalent. The Indians who, if not now, in for- mer days, roamed our western borders, practically without clothing to shel- ter their bodie.s, became, through long exposure, so inured to the cold that It gave them but little discomfort. NEEDLES ANT) PINS. It Is curious to trace how little by little our ordinary conveniences, such as needles and pins, thimbles and orochet-hooks, came into use, and were adapted to the daily needs of feminine work and fripperies. The first needles were probably made of fish - bones, carefully sharpened and pierced, and even before they. were invented women pierced holes m the skins and fabrics they manipulated with little bone skewers, and passed fine Lhreads - of sinew through Lhe Loles thus. made. This method is in use among some American Indian tribes to the present day, and Lhe sewing produced is re- markably neat.. There were a great many needle -makers in Paris in the thirteenth century, but when Louis Quatorze, was Xing they had all disap- peered. Needles were than made entirely by hand, and were consequent- ly expensive, but by some means the needle manufaeture got transplanted to -England, and to this day there is no present, more valued by notable Frenchwomen than a stook of Lhe best English needles, not simply bought as such, but selected here by someone who knows what needles ought to be. The small case or =skit in which ladies kept their preolous needles was fre- quently made of gold, and even, set with jewels, and very often attached to the chatelaine which even dames of high degree wore at their waists. Paris pins had a great reputation in Mollere's Lime, about 1656, but the win makers disappeared before the end of that century. England had even then become the home of the Industry, but a few were still made at Laigle and Euge les, in Normandy, though the only way of ranking them popular with French ladies -was by selling them in English wrappers. There were then as. many varieties as we have now, including black pins for mourning, which,how- :ever, It was said, wi were less used n 1723 than in previous years. Pinoushions have quite a literature 01 their own. The earliest seem to have formed the tops of boxes, which were often very valuable, and made to contain jewels. They belonged far more to the dressing -table than to the work basket. Gabrielle d'Estress, in 1599, had a portable pincushion made to hang to her girdle. It is described as ,being of fine gold, set with diamonds, en- amelled purple on one side, and( on the other with flowers, and having four large pearls, one at eaoh corner. The shapes ot many of these quaint pin cushions have Intely been revived and mounted in silver for dressing table ornaments, ;WOULDN'T ACCEPT THE .1110N. IA lawyer tells the following story :concerning 1 olieot1 something of a wag in his way, wtth whom he had long kept an account, When the lat- ter was finally made up the bill, most- ly for trifling services covered several pages oe foolseep, as the items enum- eratod the Most trifling details, When the client called to settle he refused to enter tbe office, but; stood in the doorway, holding one end oil the voluminous documentin the direetion -of his legal adviser with the request that he would lake the money and receipt it,` come in said the lawyermese cm- dia fly Not quite, implied the elient; I know a thing or .tiVO new, You'd charge me rent if 1 did. HARDLY SPEEDY ENOUGH. Grace, dear; remarked the enxious recither, do you think thaf young man is fast? 'rase ndeed, reaponded the daughter, rettesuringly ; but be won't get awey, mother. A bachelor says that widows W0013 not because ot the loss of a husband, but because of the laek oe ono. Any a tterapt to elebrevato "1900," observed the professor, will be elmoill sure to ooine to miught, The Woman who painia her clwelre and the man who dies hie Whiskers fool only one peraon, Perfect Health can be yours. Do not try experiments with your health. If you are not well use only a medieine known to. cure. Dr. William& Pink Pills are not an experi- ment. They have cured thousands of, eArli people, who had tried common medicines and failed to find health. Some of the cured are in your own neighborhood, Mr. F, Mission, Defeat', Man., writes 1 -Iran speak in the highest terms of Dr. VVilliams' Pink Pills as a medicine for rebuilding the systole. Previous to using the pills I was suffering from headaches, loss of appal it's and extreme nervousness, which left Inc in a very weak condition, The leaet work would fatigue me. I can now say, however, that I never felt better in my life than I do at present, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Similar ettlferers -and there are many -will find it to their great advantage to use these pills." Do not take anything that does not bear the full name "Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People," It is an experiment and a hazardous one to use a substitute, Sold by all dealers or post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5o, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, STORIES.FROM THE WAR, LETTERS FROM SOME OF THE BRAVE MEN AT THE FRONT. Tlie Iris» Brigade Were First on Top of the Ifill-Inetances of Boer Treachery -leillyamith Is a Dirty Place -New Ilse for 100 ostrich. .. Private Francis Burns, Royal Irish Fusiliers, writes from Ladyemith as follows: "We went for the Boers at 5.30. When within 1,000 yards shot and shell began to fly about us. 'There is no mistake -they can shoot 1 Dead and dy- ing were all around, but we lose all feeling in battle. Up the hill we went with fixed bayonets, but the cowards would not wan for us, but ran like sheep. They put up a flag of truce and our general would not let us fire on them, when we and the cavalry could have slaughtered the lot. The dead were on top of each other. It was terrible. The two officers of my com- pany were shot. The papers say the Dublins were first on the top of the hill, but it was the Royal Irish -it does not matter, anyhow, for we are all Irish. Tell ray mother England's firat battle was won ;by the Irish bri- gade. " We have had five days and nights of misery. The world will never know what Irishmen did those fearful nights. We came through a place called the Devil's pass. All it wanted was some fire, and It would have been hell. We are now in Ladysmith. The Boers fire on our hospitals, and do things a sav- age would not do, but the day of reek - ening is coming." BRAVERY AND TREACHERY. The ,son of Mr. E. Lunn, Wakefield, England, writes as follows :-" I was in company with a sergeant in oharge of some wounded Boer prisoners. One of these VMS lying on a stretcher, and was being carried in when he whipped out a revolver and aimed at an officer near. The sergeant was carrying his gun on his shoulder with the barrel in treat of him. Ere quickly dashed the revolver out of the Boer's hand., clubbed his own rifle as he would a striking hammer, and dashed the pri- soner's brains out where- he lay. He was not satisfied with ono blow, but had three, and beat the manes head to a pulp. The captain did not see what the prisoner had done, so order- ed the sergeant's arrest. k mitered@ slipped out of the marching line, ask Ing to be excused, saying be thought the sergeant's eiroumstances needed some explanation, and told the cap- tain how things stood. The captain gave the order for the sergeant's release, congratulating him, and thanking him for saving his life." TEED LANCER AND THE OLD BOER. ! The same writer continues :-"I saw a 'Lancer who pitied an old Boer be- cause of his grey hair and whiskers. The Lancer said that when he pushed him out ,pf the way he could not give him the thrust becaurie at the moment he thought of his old father. Well, the Lancer got five yards or so past him, when the old boy aimed and fired at his preserver, but tbe bullet miss- ed. A comrade who saw -the aot rode heel: and thrust the, Boer through the heart with his lanais, giving him a sec- ond thrust to make sure." ONE 'VERSION OP THE BOER. Mr. X. Et Lams, mining engineer, who has been a resident in the Trans- vaal for some years, writes as to the Boer character The average Boer is a lazy, dirty, Ignorant slave-driver, He is considered very industriotis and ihrifty. My knowledge of the Boer - and it is not a meagre one -does not bear but this idea. Few • aolas of the sail,' as they 111te oall themselves in the Transvaal, will tempt work in a mine, beconae tradesmen or methane ies, or accept any work ite wage-earn- ers. They prefer to lis and lee about on the Dim ' Dims, mills, etc, and as a consequence they are test being push- ed out by other nationalities --even 1 coolies -who rout. or buy the farms 1 and work them as they ought to be T - worked. Tho Ileer hates progress lend olvilmation, told slime the discovery of the goldfields ancl the influx of for- eign capital, his only ambition has been to keep the Ditlender at work, and to fleece him for all th'at is pos- sible." • LADYSIVIITH AND ITS DUST. Wriees a private of Sir George White's force:-" Per all the dirty, filthy holes, commend me to Lady- smith. Nothing but dust storms, day in and day out. In fact I ate more duet than rations. The last night we lay there was a beauty. We struck camp in the afternoon, bivouacked out at night. About six p.m., the wind seemed to oolleot to give us a parting salute. It blew something awful the whole night through ; roofs were blown off houses. All the tins had been col- lected and placed in stacks. These commenced to have a race across the camping ground in the night, chased by helmets, boots and light articles, such as blankets, waterproofs, besets, ate., in tbe rear. In face, It sounded as if the devil and all his legions wore having a night% jollification at our ex- pense. OSTRICHS AS DECOYS. private E. Dunn of the Grenadier Guards, writing from Orange River, says :-" The prisoners seemed struck with us. They thought we were a lot of boys, and did not want to fight, and were crying to go home. We have got a novel way of catching their scouts. We have got some ostriales tied to a rope on the bill, and we get just over the crest. Of course they see the birds and they think there is no one about tell we have got them." BEAUTY ACQUIRED. It is a curioue fact, but in many capes it seems indisputable, Lhat two persons, living many years together assume a likeness in facial expression, features and most certainly in char- acter, bat more so from the point of features. No doubt it Is fur this self- same reason that ladies procure the services of pretty and lady -like nurses for the bringing up of their infants, who, not possessing beauty by heredity, may attain it by the simple method of constant impressionable contact. SAVING. • A. -Doesn't it cost you an enormous amount to keep up that yacht of yours ? 13. -Yes, but my wife cannot run up any bills while the is on ife A SISTER SAVED. • Sickness Banished -Health Restored, Gentlemem-Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pins have done my sister so much good that in grateful apprecia- tion I told. Mr. Tully, the druggist, would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. eery sister, 15 years of age, caught a vio- lent cold--sinoe then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemia her blood had no vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be_ came extremely nervous, so much so state of oemplete physical and nervous or excitement, and IL was impossible for her to get restful' sleep, she lost ber appetite, her heart became very weak, palpitating so violenLly that she could hardly breathe at. the sligh- test exertion. When she oommeneed taking Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of oomplafe physical and nervous prostraLion. Her. blood was twenty with no more strength thant water, Slime taking Dr. Ward's Bleed and Nerve Pills she has been ra'plelly mend- ing, her reppetite has refurncsd, sbe sleepwell her nerves are stronger, ane her beart meined strength so that it is able to fulfill its funotions Prior to taking Dr. Ward's Pills she' had taken many medicines without any special benefit. Dr. Ward's Rlood and Nerve Pills are minutely the only medicine that has done any good. Be.. fore taking them she was getting weaker, her heart and nerves 'toeing stiength daily. Since she had began taking them she has daily dnd eon- tinuouely gained health and strengtb. • CLARA ELLIOTT, 36 College street, Onl.. Anording to reports from India, the aale of ehildeen by atarving 'parents s becoming common,. Over 3,000,000 yeople are working on Government. 'end works. Probably 00 person living ever saw a Motets of Cupid that looked as hough the lit tie follow had good cone. son sense. VALMED AT $00,000, Tim fluiele Of Ferolit °woe the World , pieei ExpeltelYe Piste, The Shall -M -Shah, of Fa41e/24k kip0 of kings, the present ehlter f Persie, owne the World' eestlieet pipe. It is the Kallian, or elate ;pipe, and is need Me special oeuasions. It ie valued at e400,000, and Is ernamented with dia- naoads, rubles and smaragelites. Tbe long, enake-illee el em and the bowe are ef Pere gold. The sultan of Turkey ale° possesses pleas of great value. In 1802, when the Priii108 of Wales was on a visit to Turkey, he was invited by the sue - tan to smoke 4 narg11110., an Oriental pipe, in whith ale SnaOke Passes through water, The pipe was studded wit/3 diamond", and was worth $15,- 000, Ibwas given to the prince as a Memento of his visit to Constantinople. Another pipe, made entirely of ;neer- echatim and amber and belonging to Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, is re- ported as costing $3,000. WOULDN'T BE OBSTINATE. We've come ter tell ye; pardner, an- nouneed the spokesman of the Vigi- lance Committee, that every cuss in town 'cepin' yourself has agreed that It's time fer yer ter light out, Ef that's ther case, gents, replied the facetious bad man Pll move ter Make it unanimous. Men of mature years have much to be thankful for because of the failure of the majority of their youthful plans. IN OTTAWA VALLEY Reuben Draper, of Bristol, P. 0., Reports 1hat Ile is Cured of Gravel by Dodd's Kidney Passed a Large Moue One Week After Commencing DothIP* Blueley PlIIe- 'Il.w Completely Free From This Trouble - teeensinends DodsPe KIdneylPIHs te All Sufferers From Bladder Complaints. Bristol, P.Q., Jan. 22. -The people on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River are fully alive to the boon they have in Dodd's Kidney Pills as is wit - missed by the large number whp are publicly testifying- to the merits of Dodd's Kidney Pills in the press. One of those is Mr. Reuben Draper, of Clar- endon, near here. Mr. Draper was troubled with that painful and dangerous bladder com- plaint known as gravel. Dodd' Kid- ney Pills cure Gravel, and when it Is remembered that a surgical operation was formerly the only means of assail- ing this disease, the value of Dodd's Kidney Pills is apparent. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills were recommended to Mr, Draper, and he tried them, with com- plete success, as tbe following letter will show. Jan. 8, 1900. Dodds Medicine Co. Gentlemen, -About three years ago I was taken ell with what I thought was gravel. I was suffering great pain sO I sent for a doetor, le0,3 gave me some medicine and said he would call again. He came twiee more and charg- ed me fifteen dollars. I was a little better but not well. A short time af- ter I had another attaok, so I tried another doctor with about the same result, only I was getting weaker all the time. Then a man advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, for he said they had cured his mother. So I thought I would try them, and in just one week I passed a stone as large as a small beam and in four days after I passed another about the size of a grain of barley. This gave me great relief and I commenced to feel bet- ter and to gain strength. That Is two years ago, and Ihave not had any trouble that way since. 1 have the stones still In my possession and can shohe them to anyone who doubts this story. Hoping this may be' of some benefit to someone suffer- ing as I did, I am your truly, REUBEN DRAPER. The Duke M Argyll is seriously ill at Inverary, Scotland. Had Catarrh Since Childhood But Ca- tarrhozone Cured Him. Ulric Breault, of Sweetsbang, Que., "Since childhood I have been agficeed with [ethane:1 of, the throat end 'EOM end never, knew evinet. re - pelf meant till I tried; Catarrhozone, / we nerves commetele curea me, and 0 have not one. eingle symmone of Catarrd now. I ca n heartily ref:cm- /ma Catarrhozone for Catarrb, and would/ advise all sufferers, to get an outfit at otee and be oared' tuerI was." Catlairrir-a-zoine la sold by all drug- gists. Trial outfit sent for. 10e 10 stall:one qv N. C. POLSON & co„ Kingston, Ont.; Proprietors. P. D. Blaokmore, tbe famous novel- ist, is clea,d. Reassaisa La Tosoana, 10o. DE-Atimmgl,ait 'The daatb of tba Duke of Teak is reported at Surry. Si Pharaoh 100.0 Pan:$0, orgy, QU.e. London has 10,000 professional must - clans, TO IMRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A11 druggists refund the money if It Stile to mire. lc. 111. w. Grove's signature is on molt box. All the street car lines in Troy, N.Y., are tied up by,, a strike. VEGETABLES, Did Yon buy those attars of mine at a olgur store 1 he asked. Oertaial,y, she reolied. Where did you think I botight them? I Wattle% certain thai you didn't get 010,in Itt your Omen crooer'e. Roc ornt. Piniv YEARs pos. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP ha been used by mother' for their ehIldren teething, It &Mlles bbs uhild, softens the gum& allays 'Mini mime wind collo, end to the best remedy for Merriam Mo. a hot. Ole, Sold by all (eulogists throlebout, the world. ac eute &h ter Malting Swop, Tile student who takes up medloine finds it far more pleasing than tak- ing It down. O'KEEFE'S WI% MALT ttleratee end Strengthen., LLOYD W OD, Toronto. amnitaz, AGENT, A girl is invariably in love when she refers to the twilight as the gloaming. poorness Cannot be Cured by loato scalloatiowe as they 05111101 rein% the diseased portion of the ear. There le only one way to cure deafness, an& that le by constltu. Lionel remedies, Deafness le caused by an In, dented condition of the moons lining. of the kustitehlan Tube. When tide tube is 'idiom. od you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when Die entirely °lased deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken on and this; tube restored to its nor. mal oondition hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine Olsen out of ton are mused by Oa. Owl". which In nothina but an inflamed oondi. ion of the mucoue etttfeces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafneee Moused by catarrh) that osn not be oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for oirOdlaga, free. °MENET & 00„ Toledo, 0, Bold by Druggist., Mo. Bali's Family Pills are the best, He -You have stolen ray heart. She -That's a nice thing to say after you, have been begging me tor six weekS to accept it. MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. •••••••• The "Balmoral," Free Bus mat Hotel Carslake, grzr: dPa18;:o07; G.T.R. Magas, Mentreel. Geo. Ordslake 500., Broths AVENUE 10 US E—V.-kyoaolf4,19,,,r Per day, ST. JAMES' NOTEL--agogalT.Eep . Dot, from 0. P. Esilwey. Firebelas Oommarciel Roue& Modern provements—Rates moderate. The opinions of a child may be of no value, but they are at least hon- est. W. P. C. 1008. CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants'. Soaps, Dint. fsnwearled11:11Irr Powders, etc. have been edale and diplomas'for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent !Meat, one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain supply. Liete mailed tree on application, F. C. CALVERT 8e CO., MANCHESTER, • • ENGLAND. Music Teachers Wanted To send for our complete GREET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We are equipped to ePhAAErn CanadaWhaley, Royce 8 Co., 168 Tango St., TORONTO, ONT. HARRIS LEAD, COPPER, BRASS. Wholesale only. Long Mamma Talophone1720. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. UNLIKE ANY OMER E0.1 h!gtr'itirtlitttgr011sititdraiirlIt'oClIr CEYLON TEA Lead packages. po, 40, 0 469° d ea dritilail si a And v:tt:t 1 sCe emelt .......,.........----„-...—..---.........-,.... Fortune knocks at every man'. D door at some time, Now it is knocking at yours, WE SHOW YOU how you may live in easy circumstances, earning big money heneetly and honorably the rest of your lives Without leaving home, The first applicant front each town or country district will get this =wasted Chance. Capital not mute*, address encTClo°shulaingt e twrveo cnt stat nv. Spry, forEstart. For ll prticul EASTERN DISTSIBUTINO CO., Belleviiie, Ontario., f ,EaSairs NriaiiikiniMal•FAIIMMESIMP heumafis NEURA1,4101, MCIATICA, MUSCULAR, in ri.omMAronv, Qom., Lome/kw), RHEUMATIC PARALYSIS, ASTHMA 0 ir Malted lo sure and has clued thousands -some pronounced incurable. Writs at Mice. Booklet and Proof on request. Address TheSWISS-AMERICAN CO., Windsor, onit., Canada Cured seems. ace nssaaasessonal 1 naligasoCiy•261,01E.SM ANGIE MS PETROLEUM EmuLSION A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the iaste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and Kong troubles, and if results count for anything—almost no limit to the good it can do. Siniple bottle Moiled 10 any address on receipt of ie cents to cover postage. Angier Chemical Co. Os Conrssimaisto Life Ruddier, Torono Agmeeminon. Carters °SoLo?.7.11Ekt, THOME MOINES INOUBATOR-Beet and cheapest • 0. Ronami, sok scent for the P01111111011. Send 301, stamp tor estate's... PM St. Paul Street, Montreal Cathollo Prayer gooks, Rosaries, Ore. affixes, Scapulars, ;tensions Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornaments, Eduatiostal Works. Mail orders receive prompt ratan+ usu. 11, J. WIDMER & CO., Montreal. REPRESENTATIVEWANTED i° 7°I,, town. Large income — Ple position -Pay prompt. Like posasanteitions makIng 1,11 r 'met. Write quick for particulars and farldish Wer - 011009. sot rIcKinnon Building, Toronto. LAw 1111118, Male* Hales, rwizer.,ty removed mond Elt.SY., C01011311 SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rate and Mice. gold by all Druggists, 01 381 Queen W. Toronto. Sausage Casings—Nov Imported°. finest English Sheep and Am- erican Hog Cosium-roliable goods at right pries, PARK, ELAOKWELL & CO., Toronto. Permanentlf cares Catarrh o none, X we fas; me throes, etenumb and bladder. Nle & el a hoo. 31,11,for partiattlare, The Indian Catarrh Cure 0o,148 St. James•st., Montreal, POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES, eas other PRODUCE, to ensure best result. consign to The Dawsos Commission Go., United, ow, West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto, A TCRONTO MERCHANT Bears Important News to His Fel- low Citizens, Toronto, Jan. 5. -Here is a letter we hope every one of our readers will peruse: -"I am 39 years old. Have been troubled for four years with wbat I thought waa llbeuma Clem - stiffness in the musette of my legs, later in tbe arms. Soonthe stiffness changed to soreness, Went to Hot Spriage, and came bath a little better. Was a moderate drinker, but quit use ing liquor altogether, and carefujly regulated my diet. One day I got wet and then the trouble was worse than' ever. Had to lay off for three weeks. Have had eh:oiler attacks at intervals ever since, each one worse than its predecessor. Had headache, pain in tha small ef the back, melee dark, scanty and scaldieg. Began using Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills a short time ago, and am already wonderfully improved. Feel oonfie dent they will ours me, and I shall geve them the chance and report. I have not felt so well for years as I have since I began using your pills. 11. LEWIS, 477 Yonoo St., Toronto, Dr. Arnold's teettoi Toxin Pins, the only medicine on moth that cures green by killing the genus that mum it, ore sold by all drirista, at 711e. bog; eamirle ViA).bare310ent &Metal, Tirlitg1LTIrfle'lluiirat2,2 42 Elm Street West, Toronto. 474 f, xer 1g; t/ SP -ea, 144 -fig a.41€1/".' OPU/r4/ a41414S-(4€4/ 4441t4tet4 4,7tv,14/91, igerente„44.1,- teeerfeh -Ile, frefirre', TORONTO Cutting SohOol offers opeaiol advantages to all desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting and Pitting Gentlemen's' Garments. Write for particulars. 113 Tango St., Toronto, ROO FING and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE, in Black, Rod or Green. SLATE 131,ACEBOA.RDS (We smell' Public, and Nigh Sehools,Torento). RoolingFelta'iteh, Coal Tar, eta. ROOFING !MLR (See New OltY 11,1115, logs, Toronto, done by our droll, Metal Clellings, Con Placket°. Estimates flamidled for work aconVte 00 10 materiels ehipped to ony partet the country, hone IBM C. DUTHIE& SONS, Adelaide &Widmer 8 te,,Toranto Oliespost and Met gowning 1;1 the World, Mica PIPE GAZER Cove,ring Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Oold Storage Pipes Kitchen MAWS, ete, Nor particulars apply to MICA BOILER COVERING CO., Limited, Toronto, Montreal, and London. Bea Engineers' SUPPLIES Agnates goods, Plpo Covering., Lahrlosting Ode, Creased eta. WM. SUTTON 110310085 00. Limited, TORONTO. Michigan Land for Sale. ig 500451105 MOO FARMING LANDS-AREINAO 1 Imo, Neiman. and Crawford Conntlae, Title per, feet. PIA atiolilgan Central, Darren 0 Maelduce and eon Lake Railroads, at Mies' Innggit ffOre wn 10.0 0005 These Lands are Close to Megirleing ort Towns, Churches, Sehonlh, atm, and will be sold on ost reeaonable terms, Apply te R. M. FIERCE, Agent, Wool By City, Micas 0, 3,31, 01.151.15, Whittemore, Minh. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. ISCORPORAMIth USW The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort. gage corporation, Paidam Capital, - $.3,60o,000 Reserve Fund - • • 1,200,000 Head Office -Toronto Bt., Toronto, Branch OfFloes-WInnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 11.0 DEPOSITS REOHIVED, Intereet allowed, DIBIENTURPS 18817ED for 1, 2, 0,1 or 6 years, with tnterest coupons attaehed. MONET LENT on anUrIty of real estatemortgeges Government and Munlolpal Bonds, eta, For further particulars 0,500 10 3. HERBERT MASON, Atomizing Director, Termite. BEAVER BRAND '" mesokiAtisstA never hardens & I. gueranteed. Water. proof, Ask tur it,take toolbar, Be. Ter Rubber Clothing Cou Montreal, Dyeing 1 Die ning 1 For the very boot send your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.° look for Iffr011t ID your town, or send direct Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, cluebec, WE ARE OFFERING TO INVESTORS special atoek, guaranteeing large armada; slim en stalment stook payable in monthly nalialteente, nto ll ptltdolirirvI'a'stlail'ellg.MPe:rrzres'p:11retalf4 A' 1 ki.lag. and Leon CompouY, Toronto; pteney loaned to fovoroblo terms 5 agents Canted In O.S.prisseuted die - Mats ; write us. Dominion Line 72.1 Portland, Me., to Liverpool, via Halifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Rates of passage 0-08rst Cab5e,450 opirards ; Second Cabin, 086; Steerage, 312,60 Ind SD efl, For further information apply telt:nal agents, or DAVID TORRANCE 1000., ci.ocend Agent& 1701 Sacrament M. MontroNI, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. BREAKFAST—SUPPER. (r) Odorless Closet. Tho Above Cut Repreeente One of Aim Most Useful Inventions of the Age In the Way of an indoor Mont All who have used this Closet pro- nounce it absblutely oclorras and medical men claim it to be perfectly sanitary, Hundreds have been sold during the pael year aftd have given entire satisfaction. For Catalogue and price list write to The Odorless Crematory Closet Co., Hainliton, Ont. JAIL R. ARNETT, Manager, aeon J. 8418, Supt, and Tram The Canadian Heine Safety 0 BOILER Esplanade, Toronto Opp. Sherbotirne St., Nigh Class Water Tuba Steam Boilers, for Ail ProSsores, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALMUIL Toronto Madge Itch CO., Limited The T. Resin Do. Limited, RefefenCeS{R: It174,°01;!"gigIVAti,am Tim Wawa Publishing do., bounce (AU of Tarred°, where boilers may lio mon wotkloo