HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-1, Page 5FEB, 1, 1900 ril,fg 13$USsU1S POST IHISINESS CARS, Tt/fO3'EY TO LOAN AT 0 FEE 111, emit, Tr',B, SCOTT, Breseela, W• H. Mo011ACEEN— Bee et Gr000ry, 1,'urooboory btroeIsom of Marriaeit pBrussels.t, -14 N, BARRIaTT—t �U• Toneoriat Arttot, Skop—Next door North of tho Standard Jlank, Ladies' and Ohlldron'e hair nutting a specialty. ARMS 10011 SALT.—THE UN• nnne100110 bee several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townehipe of Morrie and Grey, F S. SO OTT,Dru000la M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, imeont11 OP— PiANO AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- roomieNOB, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, Oyr1OB AT JEWEL= STORE. I3rNo Witneea Required. T. FLETCHER, Brnoseie MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L.. O. M.. Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Undo, also Member of tbo Associated a limited number rot pupils for fordinoto ruoiioa on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils 201 the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario, ALEX. HUNTER- Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Pobho, Land, Loan and. Insurance Agent ; Auction. eer. Funds invested and to'10na. Collec- tions made. Office in Graham's Block, Bras - Bela. AUCTIONEERS. F•S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION-- • nun, will sail for better prices, to better mon In lees time and lees obarges he wont charge Auctioneer T in anduorlore persalwaysabo arranged rr oo ed at this office or by DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (POBMEnwr of szaron1nl DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0,D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad - nate coarse at Basket's School, Ohiaago, in crown and bridge work. larPrioes. eam0 as in oarronnding towns. 21 - Office over A.R. Smlth'e store, Brussels. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK— Er • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary0ollege, is prepared to treat an die, eases of domesticated animals tin a compet- entmanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. call promptly at- tended to. 011100 and Infirmary—Four: doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., Bru°e010. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. wM. SINCLAIR— Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, &o, Office—e tewart'a Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, 'G•F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, LA• Bolloitor, &o, Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, MG. CAMERON— • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiob Ont. Office—Hamilton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. M.,' Licentiate of Royal College of Pliyefolane and Surgeons, Rlugoton ; Member of the Col- lege of Physloiaie and Surgeons et Ontario. Dtsomooe of Women and Children a special- ty. Nino yeare'.experience. Office and res- idonce, opposite idnglish churoh, Brussels. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 111. D., C. 1114 Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member Collage of Physician(' and Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Pbyoiciane and Lioentiate of Mid• Wlffery, Edinburgh. 11"Telopboue No.14, Roeidenoa—Mill street, Brussels. DR. WM• L. HOLMES, PB20I010113, elin000N AND AOa nsououl, (Successor to Dr.1G, 0. Eulbtlelsch) M, D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Ool., Now York • M D 0 11 Viotoria University, Toron- to ;. limber of the College of Physiolan0 and Burgeons of Ontario. Spooial attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nolo and throat. 10.01 D. F. SMITH, M. D. O. M., Graduate o1 McGill College, Montreal, &., &o, All opoolalty work ealiefaotortly treat- ed. Office upstairs in the Stratton Bleak, Office hours, 9 to 12 a, m,, and 7 to 10 p, m. Speolalist work, enol as for nye, ear, throat, &o., in the onlcooat his residence., Elizabeth street, !rem 2 to 0 p m. A11 medloinoo will be dispensed porabnally by the 1)r. or under his direct supervision, A Grand Trunk brakeman named D. Walker was run over and killed on the track near St. Henri. The directors of the Rioheliou & Ont. aria Navigation Company have appointed Thos. Elenry, Of Montreal, General Traffic Manager of the oyetem. ish icl ichlst 13 Lie the Wm. Sims ie ganfined to hie homq with an attack of lumbago. Reeve Carter left on a month's visit to b )010000 0entre0 io the U. $. Memo. Heffron Bros. Ion pnrohaeed the bntobering bneisese of Janne Cum. Mg, dame Ooleloogh ham sold 43 agree in Grey township, near Walton, to Wm. Barrett. It is reported that James Logan has purchased Taman'o Brickyard pear Godorioh. Joseph Stothere b11.0 hie new oven mom. plated and woo ready for bueineoa iq hie new stand on Friday, T, W. Soots hos purchased from Alex, Eider the lot on Queen otroet . on which stood Mr, Scott's grocery store that was destroyed by fire two weeks ago, The price paid Woo $550. Daring the peat few days men and horses have been at work clearing away the ruins of Blyth's late fire. Confider. able ixoavating has oleo been dojo and everything is being got into shape to re. build early in the Spring. God erich . R. W. MoKenzie left on a trip to Ohio. ago. Miss Bertha Farrow, of Cannington, is visiting her parents here, Frank McLean is home from Stratford nursing a rheumatic limb. , We learn that Mr. Campbell will again offer for election to the town council, Mies Emma Campbell has the position of stenographer in the office of Prondfoot & Hays. Dr. Turnbull, formerly of Clinton, baa been in town making preparations to re move here for the practice of his prefer• cion. Charters Alexander, whose one was an - der enquiry by police magistrate Seager, Mo been tient to goal as a vagrant, bio sentence to run till the 10th of April. We learn that H. Ross, M. D., iotendo to become a member of the Meiinal fro, ternity of Goderiob shortly. Dr. Rose 00m0 years ago attended Goderiob Col- legiate Institute. Although a young man he bae a large practice in Auburn. The following gentlemen have been ap• pointed Justine of the Peace and have taken the oath of office : John N. Kerol- ghan, Benmiller; Wm. Bailie, Dungan. non ; Chas, J. 8, Naftel, Goderiob town. °hip ; Wm. Hill, Benmiller ; John Var. Doe, Colborne township, That Throbbing slcadache Wouid goiokfy leave you, if you need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thonoaode of enfferera have proved their matchless merit for Stott and Nervone Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build upyour health. Easy to take. Try them. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. W Warman - Jas. Gilmore arrived home from Moose - jaw last week bringing hie bride with him. John Pelton and family left Wingham on Monday morning of last week for San Jose, California. The friends of Edward Sherman will be sorry to bear that it has been found necessary to remove him to the London hospital. Town Clerk Ferguson hoe been con- fined to his home by illness this week. We hope he may soon be able to be around again. On Wednesday afternoon of last week a twelve year old daughter of J. Huff. man was seized with convulsions while in the school room. B. and Mre. Harris were in Capao, Mick., last week attending the tonere! of the former's sister's child. The child was burned to death. Mies Alba Chisholm, of Wingham, wee one of the promising young lady singers wbo took part at a Recital at the Toronto Conservatory of Mueio. Ed. Congas, teaoher, wbo bas played book so cleverly on Wingham football team, bad hie shoulder injured while playing hockey at Ripley last week, W. 0. Stuart ie one of the viotime of the slippery otreeta and sidewalks. Oa Tuesday of loot week be fell, breaking the sap of one knee. The accident will lay him aside for a while. Mre. A. W. Webster received a tele. gram on Monday, Jan. 22nd, summoning her to Toronto on account of the serious illness of her eieter, Mre. J. Bodes. She left by the first train Tneeday. A two mile skating contest was held in the Wingham rink on Wednesday even- ing of last week. Harley Davidson, of Toronto, won first money, and John Campbell, of Parry Sound, loon eeoond money. Liteto w el. The Listowel chair footory will begin running this week. The promotero of the Lietowel Furni- ture Company hove been aotively push- ing their oobemo and are meeting with gratifying emcees. The pupils of the Listowel Publio eohool wish to add their quota to the Patriotic Fund and are circulating sub. ,goription Bata in the different rooms for that purpose. Morrie Field Rogers Oo's officers and employees and the Lietowel Choral So- ciety are organizing two separate ethernet] of raising money for the benefit of the Patriotic Fund in aid of the several Canadian Contingents in South Africa. Silas Leslie, of Balder, Manitoba, is in Ontario on e. visit to his father, Wm. Leslie. He will spend a few weeks here with his brothers before returning to the West. Mr. Tonne hos been ten years in Manitoba and has been engaged in font- ing. arm• rnWin. G. Inglis bas told his farm of 100 sores being lot 23 on the 7th eon. of Elms. HO brother, Walter, purchased 16 soros off the rear of tho farm and the balance of 84 acres watt sold to E. T. Greenaides of Atwood. The price paid for the 100 sores woe $5,600. R. K. Hall, of this town, expects in a few days to be the poseee0or of ono of the Fabian raid medals. Mr, Hall w0a in native service during the Fenian raid, being a member of No. 6 company, 83rd battalion, at the time, bia company's headgnartero being at Exeter. Ile wag probably ono of the youngeot defenders of Canadian soil who went to the front, being eoarooly 15 years old. The Lietowel Business College -had its examinations in the typewriting depart. mint, Mr. Van Whittle, representative of total number who warm ,tried, only throe failed, either in the matter of speed, ee- gara0y Of worlf, 0r np13.t0050 of arrange. Ment, oto. The maximum epood waw 47 wards per minute and the minimum 36 words to the minute, TOO diplomas and silver and gold medals awarded *bia week. Gorrie. George Brown, of the Albion Hotel, is to have an sleotrio light pinged in the he o e idled. a. Boy. Mr. Tuckey, of Ethel, aooupied the pulpit of the Methodist ohurob on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mine Tboniaon, of Clinton, and Mies Cardiff, of Bruseelo, were visit- ing at the pootot13loe. Trustees of the Gorrie Publio School. have accepted toe tender of R. E, James for 80 cords of hardwood at $1.50 a cord, Mies Jennie Roos who has been the guest of Mise Mae Knox for the past month returned to her home in Laogoide. From the report of the Sooretary of the Gorrie Free Library we glean the follow ing facts :—No. of books in library, 1679 ; value of books in library $1288.21 ; No, books added during the past year, 132; No, issued since May last, 1502. Atwood. Mrs. Jno. Knox is visiting relatives at Iggereoll. John .Edgar hos opened a butcher bun,. nese to Atwood. Miss McGregor, of Peterboro', is vial,• ing her Bieber, Mrs. (Dr.} Kidd. Wm. Spencer, of Milverton, boo taken a situation in the Atwood flax mill, Mies Belson, of Guelph, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Heyd. Mre. D. G. Anderson and daughter, Gladys, are visiting the former's parents at Innerkip. Evans pianos have been placed in the homes of Jas. W. Ferguson, Wm. Moran and Robert Campbell. Alex. Mitchell met with a naaty 0oof- dent Wednesday morning of last week. As he was leaving bis home he slipped and fell, his right hand owning in mon• twat with s piece of sharp glees which in• flioted an ugly wound, regoiriog several etitohts to pull it together. A frog has taken Winter quarters in Jamee Struthers' gellor'and bae proven bimeelf to be, so Jim gays, a very reliable barometer. It there is to be a thaw, his frogebip make merrily and mons, ingly at least 24 boors in advance of the change. As an indioation of the reverse of a atoms, Mr. Frog is silent, not a croak ie heard, and moreover be makes himself mane. Wroxeter. There is some rumor of a new firm going into the dry goods and general store business here. Mies E. Allan and A. W. Robinson, have been successful in passing the Normal School examinations. John Bray had quite an experience when be lit a match in the night and also hie night robe, rabid] blazed up, bat was quickly extinguished without serious damage. At a meeting 01 the Library Board a committee was appointed to see what arrangement Goold be made towards the further accommodation of the books of the library, also to enquire the moat of eetabliebing a reading room in connection. The library was inareaeed this year by the addition of 197 volumes, making a total of 4,000 books. Daring the past eight motto 2,400 volumes were issued and we are pleased to note that Jon than one half were fiction. The resignation of that old library veteran, T. B. Sanders, from the board ie ranch to be regret- ted. For over 30 years he was the lite of the library, giving his time and experience for its benefit, and it is almost entirely doe to hie untiring 'efforto that to -day Wroxeter has one of the largest libraries in the County of Huron. The new members of the board are Rev. Mr. Lake and F. V. Dickson. 8polu's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends bia winters 00 Aiken, 8. C. Weak nerves had canoed severe pains in tits back of hie bead. On using Electric Bitters, Amerioa's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. He toys this grand medicine is what hie country Heade, All Americo knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, gorillas the blood, tones up the stomach, strength. ens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle; nerve and organ of the body, If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 500. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Exeter. Crows have already been seen in the neighborhood. This is sorely a sign of an early Spring. Wm. Jeokell, London Road, is in a vary lop'state of health and the end may Dome any moment. H. Dyett, Leadville, president of the American Mining Co., visited S. A. Popeleton last week. John Dearing and daughter, of Silver- wood, Mich., are spending a few days in and around Exeter. Chas. Stewart, of Lumley, killed a snake abont a week ago, whish is a very rare ocourreooe this season of the year. Geo. Manson has leaned the South half of Messrs. Wood Bros.' block and will move his shoo stook therein about Mars] let. Hanford & Elliott shipped a carload of horsee to the Old Country on Tuesday of last week, Mr, Elliott going with thaw. Mien Jannis Gould, who has been visit• ing relatives and friends in Detroit and Pontiac, Midi., returned home Monday evening. Mre. Raid and daughter who have been visiting at Riobard Gidley'e, left Ton. day evening for London when they will make their home with Mr. Parkinson. James Parkinson and family left last Thursday for London, where they will make their latare home. They have the well wishes of their many warm friends here, The patriotism of our citizens and surrounding country woo loyally man - Rested on Monday and Tuesday nights of let week When the entertainments in. behalf of the Red Cross Society Fund wore given, On Monday night the opera house was so completely filled that hon. draft were unable to proton° seats, it was therefore decided by the managing Qom. mince to repent the entertainment on the Remington. Type -writing Company, Tuesday evening, when another good Toronto, oonduoting them, On$ of the Radians attended, Tile annual meeting of the County Loyal OranRa Lodge pf Soatb Heron will be heldioa the fire* Tuesday in February, The annual 001sgregOti0nal ohurob meeting of Coven Presbyterian tbsrob woo held on Tuesday evefliug, Jan, 23rd, in the basement of the ohurpb. 11+'ordwileh, The 13owiok Baptist ohurob on the 2nd concession held a grand entertainment of ea11oimun 'Owe, etc. The congregation of Trinity ohurgh as. rambled et the °psoioes residence of Win. Wade and presented his daughter, Mre. Hamilton, with a beagbiful Wilton Fog rocking chair me a token of their appreoi. ation of her services as organist, As Wesley Johnston W0, getti135 ready to accompany tho hockey b.tye to Wroxe• ter, hie bone beoame unmanageable and dashed off at break neck speed, throwing him out of the cotter Jn front of the parsonage, He received a bard tall and his book is badly bort. Lex elan. w. David Henderson was stricken with paralysis last week, Guderioh and Luoknow will play the &ret Hockey matob of this season in Lorne rink on Feb, 2nd. James Lynne, of this village, and John MoOharlee, of Huron, attended the Go. Council at Walkerton last week. Rev. G. H, Raley, of Kitamaat, B. C., addressed a meeting in the interoets of mieeion work on Friday evening loot in the hiethodiet obnroh. Luoknow. A eonoert is t0 be given on Feb. 8th, for the ben,flt of the South African Con. tingeot Fund under the anopioes of the Y. W, 0. T. U. eoaiety, Two eohool boys stood in front of the "Sentinel" otfloe the other day dieoussing the century question. Says the 20th century boy : "It I had a piece of piper I could show you its a minute that this la the 20th oretury." Says the 19th century boy : "It you had brain I should show you without paper." An Euterprlaing Firn,. There are few mon more wide awake and enterprising than G. A. Deadman, who spare no pains to seoure the beet of everything in their line for their many easterners. They now have the agency for Dc. King's New Discovery, whish throb? cures Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Thio to the wonderful remedy whish is now producing so much excite - mein all over the country, by its many startling ouree. Itabeolntely aorto Asth. ma, Bronohitis, Nouse, and all affeo• tions of tbelTbroat, Cheat and Lungs. Yon wan teat it before baying, by palling at the above Drug Store and get o trial Bottle Free, or regular size for 50a and $1,00. Guaranteed to para or pride re- funded. Clinton. John Hill, of Brussels, is visiting his eon, 3. W. F. RumbHill.all has been suffering from an attack of bis old enemy, lumbago, Caotelon Bros. were shipping large quantities of batter to Eastern markets last week.' George Sharman, aged nineteen, died at his grandmother's, Mre. Holmes, Prin- oeaa street. Fra,.k Bowers has had several hemorr- hages thin poet week and i0 now in a aerione oondition. Mre. Passmore, who makes her borne with ,firs. John Ioimee, of the Huron Road, has been quite ill. Wesley East, one of our local stamp oolleotors, gathered 2000 stamps of the one and two denominations in two days. While Mayor Jaokeon was walking np from the station, he happened to Blip down on the ice, and made a n0e0y out in the book of bio head. Fortunately it was not serious. H. Footer, who lately Bold out his pbotograpbic baeioesa here, expeots to leave for Brampton this week to take oharge of the shipping department of the Williams Shoo Company. Dr. Tomball, formerly of Clinton, who has just returned from a year's worse of study in the hospitals of London, Berlin and Vienna, has decided to locate in Gode• rioh. This was his second course in Eor. ope. J. E. Cantslon attended the tenth annual tournament of the Hamilton Gan Club, Thursday 18th, and tied with C. A. Young, of Springfield, Ohio, and J. Stroud, of Hamilboo, in the grand handi- cap in which the prizes aggregated 5600. The let prize was $125, 2nd $85, and 3rd 565. These were thrown into one pot and each took ono -third, J. E's puree amounting to $91.66. The entrance fee was 515 and there were forty-three competitors. Mr. Cantelon'e money amounted to nearly $125. Doing so well in euoh a large and strong company plane 111r. Cantolon among the host 1173. Keen 211010 is the Province. A Erigbttul 10lpuder Will of en oanee a Itorribte Duro, Sold, Cut or Braise, Buoklen'o Arnioa 84.10e, the hoot in the World, will kill the pale and promptly heal it. Cares Ohl Serer, Fever Scree, •Ulcera, Boils, Folooe, Corns wadII i a Skirt Eruptions. Boat Pilo mire on earth. Only 254 a box, Cure guaranteed, Sold by G A. Deadman, Druggist. l)IS'I'RIBU'l'ION OF SAMPLES OF SIGN GRtIn. To the llditor of 'Pus rows; Dear Sir, -Under instruction of the Hon, Minister of Agri0ultnre another dietribubion of sample packages of the beak and moat pr0dnttive sorts Of oerealo, &o., is now being made from the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. The dia. tribution will consist, ee heretofore, of samples of oats, Spring wheat, barley, field pease, Indian corn and potatoes, E50)1 sample will weigh three pour 'a The quality of the seed' will be of the beet, the vorietieo true to name and the packages will be eent free to applicants, through the mail. The object in view is the improvement of the character and quality Of the grain, &o., grown in Cana- da, an effort widely appreciated, and the oboioe of varieties to be sent out will be confined to those which have been found to succeed well at the Experimental Farms. These samples wilt be Bent only to those who apply personally, lists of names from societies or individuals cannot be considered. Only one sample of one sort can be sent to each applicants, hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat or barley, Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent any tiros before the 15th of March, after which date lists will be closed, so that the samples asked for may all be Bent out in good time for sowing. Parties writing will please mention the sort of grain they would prefer and should the available stook of the variety named be exhausted, sonic other good sort will be sent in its place. Lettere may be Bent to the Experimental Farm free of postage. War. Sammons, Director Experimental Farms. Ottawa, Jan. 22nd, 1900. Canadian Ne woo. Hamilton's Patriotic Pond is abont 800 short of $10,000. Roeslaod has raised $2,500 for the Patriotic Fund. Mrs. Blair, wife of the Minister of Railways, is eiok with pneumonia. Alex. McNeill, M. P., has subeoribed $1,000 to the National Patriotic Fund. Blackleg has broken out among the cattle in the Glenvale district. A veter- inary surgeon vaccinated the animals in the affected district. The Dauphin Press, of Mon., Jan. 160b says :—The very madden death of W. W. Ogilvie ie deeply regretted. In his home and the city of Montreal, his lose will be keenly felt and Badly deplored. Through- out Manitoba and the Northwest, he will be almost as greatly mused and as sin- oerely mourned. As head of the great milling firm with which he was connected, hie name has been literally a household word in Western Canada. Ho was one of the pioneer wheat buyers in this country ; and to him is largely owing the fact that the product of Manitoba's wheat fields owes its reputation. It was be who introduced into Canada the roller ayetew of milling, which our hard wheat regnires, and by means of which the floor manufactured from it has achieved snob celebrity. He has built op an im- noose milling industry, and dies the largest individual miller in the world. The farmers of the West bear general testimony to the honorable and liberal character of his busineee methods. Hie large investments in the West, in the shape of his mills and numerous elevators gave him a strong personal interest in the Weet'e progress and prosperity, which he has never 10511011 opportunity for pro. rooting. He has not been content merely to make money out of the West. He has returned a large percentage of the wealth he made here, to the people of the West in the form of charitable donations which were always given as nnoetenta. tiouely 0e they were given generously. The Winnipeg general hospital, in particular, will lose in him a most valved friend and princely donor. Mr, Ogilvie was It Canadian of the very beat type. He had all the energy whish en. puree semens, end all the good.hearted- nese which makes thongs nngrndged by others. Hie career is a bright example to the young men of Canada. Spring Prints P. K. & Ginghams All Spring Goods at Old Prices at..., Agent for Parker's Dye Works. SKENE'S. THE VERY CREAM Of fine Gr000ries for the Christmas Season is now being shown by us, every artiole being bright, Olean and fresh, and as quality ie the drat essential we have taken speoial care to select only the finest goods for yonr inepeotion. A look through oar storm will show you that our stook of Fruits and Table i)elleneies is very cum• plate, and if you have a single thought of economy we ask you to examine our goods before parohaeing and whatever you eeleot in CURRANTS ICINGS RAISINS CHOCOLATES PEELSEXTRACTS, SPICES FIGS SHELLED WALNUTS & ALMONDS I or anything else for table 000, you can rest assayed, we will do ons best to please you and give yonr orders our beet attention, Oysters by Dish or Quart. Fine Stock of Confectionery, 0. H. SARTI,J F'F. Qt20676Ff. McKTNNON & Co., Winding Up Our Year. We have just completed stook -taking and have balanced up for the year, and the result shows subetantiaf progress, Our oath sales during the past year are the largeot in the history of this store god we do not intend to let this year lag be• hind, as we are in better shape to serve oar oUtomere than ever, baying taken time by the forelock and placed large orders for new goods before the advance in prioee, They are now coming forward and will be Bold at old primps, notwithstanding they have advanced from 10 to 25 per cent, over last year's prices. We have just received our New Prints, Ginghams, Bhirtinga, Cottonadoe, &o , and this is the way we are going to sell them --New Prints 34 Inches wide, fast colors, good value at 10o, our special price 5o.. —New Ginghams in bright colors, worth 80 for 50. —Oxford Shirtings, last colors, worth 12}o for 10o, —New heavy Shirting, Indigo blue, worth 150 for 120. —Oottonadee in Stripes and Chetah, worth 16o for 12io, -Heavy Cottonades now worth 30a for 25o. --Flannelettes in dark and light colors, worth 7c for So. —Bleached Cotton, yard wide, soft finish, worth 8o for So. M'KINNON & CO., BLYTH. •IanIIibf..tt'1iaolory'rlfi7`tlos"afaCRoa0'rJ.Ef'tLeJf68'J"tY.T"0aG ..re You Thinking of Buying a Ilange or Cook Stove ? If so you should see our Gurney's Imperial RANGED Seven of these Ranges sold since the Brussels Fair. They Baer more Fnel } Do bobber Work q Than an odor of their class Are easier Regulated 1 Also a large display of Base Bathers, Coal and Wood Heaters. A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete, for $60. It takes 26 inch wood. The heat be always the Cheapest. You will save year money by calling on as Cftl.gg'pL.tYi7apicaoRGCS`U•O'"et.,ti•iSa4"U$'1't'..IYIIIugsLM1' acultt'm.Y Gag Wilton & Turnbull 't. k:,ktZ:i"'SeetV`Z5Z9INIZi .J"J''L1r'C..tt:, f.J''4.tR_J'•t..YV galp When, It Comes to Furniture We have something to say of special interest to everyone who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a .Z'arlor Suite, Couch, Bedroom Suite, 'Sideboard, .Extension Table, Rockers, Dining Chairs, E*X091TETELICS, Anything, Everything that is desirable. We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten. Picture Framing attended Mtoouldicarefngsutolly and Iarge select from. You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at JNO.^ WALKER'S. cztgetsizt3 vUL S'9 aL�pfthzt */*l ti .',i 4 Ewan & Imes A WORD Sleighs and ABOUT Cutters. • POR THE COMING SEASON. Nearly 50 to -Choose from, aII the runners of which aro the very best 214D GROWTH Hi0EORY —Not Elm of Oak as is generally used. We have more Gutters to show in our Sale Rooms than ono be found in any other town in Ontario. Our prioe0 are VERY LOW this season, notwith- standing the great advance in the pride of all material used in the construe- tion of them, One look through our Sale Rooms will oonvinoe the most skeptical that we have the only shop in this part of the country where you man get both Choice, Price and Value. OUR HARNESS ll Oheper Ewan In nes Carriage Builders, Brussels.