HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-2-1, Page 4(! X¢ r xt e1$ VOL rL.fURSD4.Y. FEB, 1, 1900, HURON CO. CCUN&/L; (Continued frgm last week.) w0DN5e5A'r. Council met at 10 a. m., the Warden in the ohair and 018mber0 all present. The following apphi:etiane for the position of auditor were read and laid on the table ; N. Robson, J. 0. Morrison, (,leo, W. Holman and A. H. Cochrane. The preaeutblent of the Grand Bary at the December Sessions was eent to Property Committee. A communication from the South Huron Ferment' Institute, asking the Council topurohase a eteam roller, seas sent to Road and Bridge Committee. A oiranier askinga oontribntion to the Patriotio Fend ; a request from the Ou. tario Rifle Association for a subscription ; the yearly statements from the Collegiate Inetitates of Clinton, Goderich and Sea, forth, were read and sent to Special Com- raittee. Report of Trustees Association was read and sent to Eduoatioo Committee. The Bank statement of County and accounts and a Dumber of accounts were sent to Finance Committee. School petitions were read and referred to Education (Committee, from Samuel Cook and others, Henry Brier and otbere, R. J. Draper and others, Jno. H. Govier and others, S. Shepherd and others, Wm. Weber and others, Jno. Ball and Others, Wm. Hiles and others. epeoter, 1 eepor and .Mwtron, $637.60; physician's salary and appliauooe, &o„ 9210,19; repairs to buildings and turns. tore, 090.79; provisions end clothing, 91,718.99 ; fuel and light, $705.73 ; books, stetionory and postage, $15,25; Bending inmates to frionda, and bringing bask abseondore, 919,00; supplies for stook AO farm, $136.53 ; on capital ao00gnt, $408,07 ; incidental exponeee, $293,80 ; total $4,006.8.4, Wet. Cone, Inspector. 1919098180 080950 19ee080. No, of'inetrgmente registered foe 1899, 4042 ; total fees therefor, $4401.65 s Ale. instruments enoopied, 37 ;No. of pateute registered; 2 ; total fees therefor, 02.80 ; No of deeds, 1320 ; total fess therefor, $1044 95; No. of mortgagee, 1014 ; total fees, $1068,85 ; No. of diocbargea of moot. gages registered, 1094 ; total fees there• for, 9560.60 ; No. of wills registered, 213 ; total fees therefor, 9452.85 ; No, of leaves registered, 3 ; total fees therefor, 00.30 ; No. of abstracts registered, 1165 ; tutal fees therefor, 9910.90 • No. of aearelise, 1075 ; total tees therefore, 9377.00 ; No. edechacioe liens, 7 ; fees therefor, $1.75 ; other instrumento, 389 ; fees, $404.05 ; Feee earned not received, $048.48 ; gross fees for year, 95089.55 ; gross nmonut for preview) year, 85841.21; oflioe help stud $60.09 tor stationery, 91039.19 ; amount of surplus of groan income paid to Co., 91113.13 ; amount of surplus for previous year, 6020 65 ; amount paid to Provincial Treasurer, $584 91 ; Net amount received by Regietror $2932.- 32 ; No. of mortgagee where amount ie not stated, 17 ; No. of mortgagee where amount 1e 91,000 or coder, 484 ; No. of mortgages where amount is 92,000 or ander, 248 ; No. of mortgagee where amount is over $2000, 242 ; No. of mort Proceeding of Arbitration Committee, gages where amount ie over 95000. 23 ; of wbioh Judge Masson was chairman. Eighteen petitions from different „parte of the County aeking the Council to in- crease the license fee for hawking and peddling, were sent to Special Commit- tee. Moved by Torrance, seoonded by Connolly, that the Warden and Clerk memorialize the Legislature to so amend the Municipal Act that all municipal councils be elected for a term of two years, said elections to be held at the same time and place as elections for County Couneillors, and also that the Clerk Bend a oopy of each memorial to the Clerks of the different Counties in this Province, with a view of having their eo.operation in the matter. Sent to the Special Committee. The Council then adjourned to meet at 4p. m. Treasurer's statement showed the cash balance on hand at close of the year was $306.33. The net expenditnre was 91212.12 less than amounts estimated. Standing Committees for 1900. The first named on esob Committee i0 chair- man : Executive - Messrs. Holt, McEwau, Herr, Haye and Torrance. Special-telesere. Herr, Holt, MoEwan, Haye and Torrance. Finance-Meeere. Cook, Miller, Ma• Lean, Stuart and McInnes. Education -Messrs. Miller, Cook, Mo• Lean, Stuart and McInnis. Road and Bridge -Messrs. Bowman, Snell, Patterson, Connolly, Cbambers. County Property-Meeere. Snell, Pat - tenon, Bowman, Connolly, Chambers. Equalization -The whole Council. Warden's Committee-Mesere. Holt, McLean, Patterson and Bowman. Henn of Refuge -Memo. Snell, Mc- Lean and Connolly. CO. C0110119e10NER'e 19192081. Aoaording to instructions I had plane and epecifieations for proposed bridge near Wiogbam and after advertising re- ceived a number of tenders for same. Have also provided plans for a proposed residence for jailer end they are here for examination. The resile and bridges ap- pear to be in a safe condition at time. A statement of amounts paid and orders leaned is herewith appended. Jac). Ar8LE0, Oommioeioner. JAILER'S REPORT. I herewith submit to you the number of prisooere confined in the Co. jail at the present as follows :-Robt. Wallace, Tookeremith ; Jno. Parker, Mitohell ; Jno. Wilson, Hamilton ; Thoe. Foley, Toronto ; Chas. Alexander, Montreal ; all of the above vagrants. Chao. Mit- chell, Toronto, trespass on G. T. R. ; Harry Weatherald and Mary Wells, Goderioh, insanity ; Jas. Doyle, Stephen, larceny. JOSEPH GRIFFIN, Jailer. total mortgages, 1012 ; aggregate amount of snob mortgagee, $1524,837.72. Jae. D. O'Cononcn, Aotieg Registrar. REPORT 01 T10 PHYSICIAN OF 819E 19000E 00 BEFOGS. Daring the past year there has been many ohengeo among the inmates and altogether there have been 107 enrolled. Among the new ones is no idiot, two con• eumptivee, one of which died. I made 74 visite during year. There have been two epidemics of la grippe, one prevail- ing at present, with which 68 have been 0r are effected. During July, Aug. and September a severe form of dysentery went through House, nearly all being at- tacked with more or less severity, but by diligent search and vigilance the cense oonld not be discovered, Extra sanitary precautions were adopted and it is slowly disappearing, but not without loss. The accommodation ie becoming less and lase and those who are compelled to sleep in the basement are certainly hard to be kept warm and comfortable though the weather has been most favorable, besides owing to so many cases neceseitatiog partial isolation, crowds other roome. There were 13 deaths in the past year. The average age of 12 of the deceased was 77, one having reached 101.. One in• mate was sent to jail as a dangerous lunatic. Some remedy must be f000d in the very near future, partionlarly so if no restrictions are to be made as to who shall be admitted, for reoent infect- ions Oa8ee compel them to be separated from the rest and thereby lessen the space for the remainder. 3. W. Seem, Physician. REPORT OF CO. PROPERTY 00113190TER. Your Committee beg leave to report as follows :-Save exaroiued jail end found everything Olean anti in good order and number of prisoners agreeing with jailer's report. Regarding report of Committee on insurance, which we find eatisfaotory, and recommend the same to be printed in the minutes. In reference to the peti- tion of Mayor Wilson, of Goderich, rela- tive to the Co. taking °barge of Court House Park, we recommeed no action. We examined grounds at jail and found they bad been nicely levelled. Jailer ask ed for a euitab'e fence but we recommend no action at present. Examined Registry office finding everything in proper shape with exception of office. We reoommend that it be whitewashed. Recommend the pnrahase of 15 feet of hose for use at Court House. Examined different roome in Court House finding them clean and neatly kept, think Caretaker Mo0roath an efficient officer. We examined pro- posed plan for new residence of jailer and recommend uo notion at present. Jae. SNELL, Chairman. TRE tee,, after conefdOring the gneetion, neemh mend that tee be inoreaoed to $00 and that the By law b9 so atnendsd. We also advise that 80 effort be made for better enfor5ement of Bylaw ; that a fiat of licensed peddlers in Berm), 9)9P auction' eery, be posted up or publlehed every year ae a matter of information ; and ,that we ooneider the Loglshtturs should grant legislation permitting Go, Councils REPORT OS THE INSPECTOR OF VIE 8O0SE OF 8.00000. Gentlemen, -The Ioepector of the House of Industry and Refuge for the County of Huron reepectfnlly presents the following ae his report for the year ending 31st December, 1809 :-Total No. of lomatee admitted since opening of House, 180 ; No of inmetea on 1st of January, 1889, 84 ; No. admitted daring the year, including 1 readmitted, 22 ; No. of deaths during the year, 13 ; No. absconded daring the year, 2 ; No. die. abarged during the year, 9 ; No. of ia• mates in Hoose let January, 1900, 82, males 52, females 30 ; No. admitted dor- ing year 1899 from rural monioipalitiee -Townships-Ashfleld 1, Colborne 2, Goderich 2, Stanley 1, Ueborne 3, Hay 2, Hallett 1, Howiok 1 ; total 13. Towne and Villages-Goderiob 3, Clinton 2, Sea - forth 1, Exeter 2 (including 1 re -admitt- ed), Blyth 1 ; total 9. Cause of pauper. iem-Old age 13, sicknese 3, injury 1, weakneae of intellect 1, epilepsy, paying patient 1, paralysis 1, destitution 1. Nationality of inmetea admitted during 1899 :-Eugland 7, Scotland 4, Ireland 2, Canada 6, Germany 3. No, of days board of inmates, 30,606 ; No. of days board Keeper's family and help, 1,095 ; average number of inmates during 1890, 83.85 ; with Keeper's family and help added, 86.85 ; total expenditnre on Hones and Farm, $4506.84 ; value of provisions and fuel on head 1st Jen., 1899, 91046.- 51 ; ten per Dent. for depreciation of im• plemente, $64.48 ; total expenditure, 05,617.83. Dedoot expenditure on Hones, implement shed, &o,, on capital account, $408.07 ; unexpired insurance, 921.00 ; provisions, prodnee, new olothing and fuel on hand, let Jan., 1900, au per in• ventory, $1206.83; produce sold daring 1899, and other reeeipte, $249.17; received from paying patients, $97.60; total 92072.57. Amonnt expended for edpport of inmates, $8,545;26 ; average eapeneo per inmate per day, 11.58 oente ; average weekly wenn par inmate, 81.06 mote. The expenditnre fn the Hodge and Farm account) ere ae follows -Hired help for Hoose And 'Parra, 906.00 ; stook, team and implements, 985.00 ; ealtrias- ]n. to vary tbe rate in deeling with resident' and nun•reaideut applioaote for peddler's liaenee. W. H. Kenn, Chairman. 500008100 cowman, A petition wag presented from 14 rate• payers of township of Hallett ; also a similar petition feom 0 retopay'ers of part of township of Goderich asking that,i arbitrators be appointed to adjudicate in the formation of a anion eohool between these townships ; also two petitions, properly signed, against having arbitra• tion being one from eaoh township named. We recommend that arbitration be grant, ed and the following gentlemen named at; arbitrators, viz ;-Judge Maeeoa and Inspectors Robb and Tom, A petition from Jno. Barr and 27 others, townsblp of Hallett, East and West Wewanosl] aeking that arbitretore be appointed to ajudicate in the formation of a new union school between the said townships ; alert counter petition from W. Hiles and 30 other ratepayers requesting that there be no arbitration in the matter. Reoom• mend that atbitration be granted and that parties named in former arbitration mentioned in this report be the persona appointed. We recommend that a By. law be passed in accordance in esob ones. 'Phe reports of luepectore Robb and Tom were examined and passed and request that they be printed in minutra, omitting visite to eohoole. Report and aeuount from Judge Masson re arbitration at Loodeeboro' referred to Finance Cern• mittee. Regarding motion ae to Board of Co. Examinere we reoommend that Mr. Cheswright,of Seatorth, and S. J. Boyd, of Exeter, be the examiners for 1900, ROBT. Damen, Chairman. This report was amended in Council by eubstituting the name of J. H Cameron, Brussels, for that of Mr. Chas. wrigbt. CHURCH CRIMES. MISSIONARY CONTRmUTIoN9.-The fol- lowing figures, ehosving the cootribotioes for mieeiona by the various Methodist ahem:heel in this section, will be of interest, and are taken from the Anneal ➢iiesioisary Report, recently issued :- 4200 36 74101 4444 2l0 21 Goderich, NFt Victoriortha 88 Clinton, Batterbury 8t Ontario 8t 5189 85 F.beneeer 20 72 Snaroo 13 62 813th 100 73 Jackson's 40 40 Beaforth Dungannon 144 75 Crewe 23 00 Nile Ebenezer 28 24 " 8beppardton 528 89 37 Beomille Eethel 53 00 Balis 11900904 Auburn 70 40 Westfield 130 51 Donnobronk 05 48 205 79 1i 37 Walt) Betbel 12 3594 174 77 Providence 11 92 80 85 SG 58 Londoeboro 127 49 %inborn 32 71 120 20 Tuckeremith- Tnrnere 02 05 Alma 22 21 84 20 Hayfield21 • Ce]e'e 18 75 • Bethel 45 0500n 03 00 Vnras 03 70 •' Goshen Brucefiold 17520709 151 40 Oxeter, ilOnlo 8t 255 87 James 8t 287 99 Henoall 83 Bethesda 53 0381 sexemith 81 08 188 52 %ipOan 15 25 Chieelhmot 20 85 • Hillegreen 8 90 51 00 Brus Winghamaele 704 80 9812 ordwioh 100 04 Corrie 187 59 Wroxeter 00 50 81uevale 120 72 Ae15eld- Blake'e 40 52 El42 aokett'e 19 00 Zlon 314 81 114 71 The amount contributed in Clinton is larger than that raised in any other place in the London Conference, London City and St. Thomas alone excepted. In the ooeferenoe bounds are euoh towns as Windsor, Chatham, St. Marys, Stratford and °there.- Holmaeville 175 72• 141 10 140 40 107 75 REPORT OF EXEOIITIVE COMMITTEE. In reference to motion of Meeere. Cook and Miller that Geo. Hill be paid 920 in full for all claims for damages, &o., don ing building of Summerhill bridge. Recommend grant to Ferment' Institutes be made of 925 each, 915 to eaoh Publio Library ; 925 to each Agricultural and Horticultural Society bolding Faire dur- ing year 1900 ; 95 to Rifle Association ; Patriotio Aseo. 9200 ; Prisoners Aid Aseo. 910 ; 33rd Batt. $600 to be divided to privates attending annual drill ; 910 for purchase of flowers at Court House ; $25 to eaoh Teachers' Aeso. We reoom. mend that Co. Clerk subeoribe for oopiee of Municipal World for each member of Co. Council and Clerk and Treasurer. Amounts to be paid to different Collegiate I0911105es, Seafortb, $2155.35 ; Clinton, 92172 95 ; Goderiob, 91474.25 and we recommend that these sums be paid by Treaearer. We have examined the six tenders for 00. printing and find the Goderioh Signal the lowest and recom- mend it to be given to Signe I, Have ex. mined papers before ae from Police Magistrate Seeger in reference to coin mittal of Louie Leteon to Industrial Home. The cost will be 91.50 per week, P. HOLT, Chairman, SPECIAL COMMITTER REPORT. In reference to motion of Messrs. Tor- rance and Connolly milting that Legis• latera be memorialized to amend Aot so that municipal Councils could be elected for two years inetead of one, to rub con- °arrent with Co. Connell terms. We reoommend the same and advise that a copy of this recommendation be forward- ed to the membere of the Legislature for Heron Go. Io the matter of circular from Galt aeking for endorsation as to more effective cattle guards on the rail- ways. We reoommend that this Court. oil endorse tbe memorial. Regarding a ietition from Lambt n Go, re removal of ndigents from jails to House of Refuge your Committee reoommend no action, In reference to a large number of pati. Won, representipg nearly 600 names, 061110g that the annual license for Hawk - ere and Peddlars trading in the Co. he inoreaeod from $25 to 9100 and that the law be better intoned, Your Commit• WINDERMERE'S GOOD WORK, U0S S Is the best place to get your Gristing done, We have the best Chopping rig in the County and we are' satisfy, ing everybody who comes. ■.fir �./ --- First-class Flour in MILL • Exchange for Bost Brands of Good Wheat, . Manitoba Flour for sale, as well as Ontario Flour of first quality, and our popular Mixed Flour gives great satisfaction. It makes an excellent family Flour. Oatmeal and all kinds of.Mill'Feed Always on hand. Best Dry American Corn. A Clipping from Stratford Gerold Stating good work done by the New Dry 1101 Air hospital - It Is Wonderful Or Its effect. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal. R. - Ross., MILL STREET, BRUSSELS, The Toronto & Collingwood Railway Company is applying for inco*poration. Mph. Girourerd,a hotelkeeper of Ste.' Cunegonde, was handling an 'jemmies - cent light when he received a shock and Pp dra d dead. CABINET PHOTOS. $1 per doz. AT HART'S PHOTO. GALLERY, Siretlon Block. The Business Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and practical train- ing in all branches of Oommeroial work, at considerably lees than regular rates. For full information apply teatime of College over Post Mee. L. HARTT, LIS'rOWEL, PRINCIPAL. A very favorable testimony of the good being done in the Windermere hospital of this oity, is the report Mr. Patterson, 0. M. M. D., V. S., M. R. 0., V. S., 32 Bleary street, Montreal, gave The Herald of the benefit his wife received at this institution in a few days, This gentleman and his wife had been scouring the country for a oonoiderable period of time visiting various sanitarium institutions, but met no success. They pinked up the Stratford Daily Harald in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and there saw an account of what the Windermere was doing and decided to give it a chance. They came to Stratford from Battle Creek very downhearted, as they were about discouraged of 8200006, Three treatments were adminietered during the above stated time, and Mrs. Patterson is now an entirely new woman, When she came she wee, according to etatements, almost helpless, and when seen at the station by the reporter she was smart and well looking. Dr. Patterson said he could not epeak too highly of the Windermere and Dr. Ready. The body of le. Thomas wag found in the Welland Canal at look 3. The boxes of shoolate sent to troops by the Queen have been distributed to the wounded soldiers at Wynberg. Thos. O'Mallery, a well•to.do minder carter of St. Baenrnom itted suicide by cutting hie throat with a razor. The Quebec City Connell has passed a resolution of sympathy with Lord Duff• erin On the death of his eon Lord Ave, The Pomeranian, with the west. ern mounted rifles bound for South Africa on board, sailed tram Balitux at 5,30 beelock 90 Saturday afternoon. Spectacles -OF ALL mum - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latent Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRIISSELS. The Standard Bank of' Canada. Morey Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollere and tinder isened by this Benk, payable at par at any °bartered Bank in Canada, with the exoeption of Branobee in the Yukon Die - Wet. Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Soie• sore, bread knives and other edged tools in np•to date style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Salle. faction assured. RATES r Under $10 . . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . . 0.10 20 to 80 . . 0.12 30 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS SHINGLES FRED, ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. DON'T BUY ANY ARTICLE IN THE Harness Line until you call and eee what you clan do at DON..LLSON' S. A FULL LINE OF Robes, Brushes, Combs, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bella, &e., At Lowest Living Prides. British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND•— North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT man Single Harness from $7.50 u GOOD VALUE. Just reoeived a complete Line of Woollen and Robber LAP RUGS English Hersey Blanket Brussels Planing Mills 4.1180 boors and Saab of all Pat terns on hand or made to order et Short Notioe. Eetimatee Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Mater al Guaranteed, P.AMENTI and Fine Robes. These are a choice lot and will be sold cheap. Jno. Donaldson The Harneee Maker, Brussels. McLEOD'S System 11033.040,t0 --IND 021119R— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOT For Impure, Weak and Impoverish° Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleepleeeness, Paipit tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nen algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Cot Gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidn, and Urinary Diseases, Bt. Vitus' Dana Female Irregularities and General D bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONi J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and,Mannfaotur Sold by Jai, Fox. Drnggt.t, Brussels BRUSSELS Loan and Collectin --•"011P- Agency. The undersigned is prepay to attend promptly to all Bu nesein this line at very reaso able rates. Money th loan. Insurance risks written. Conveyancing carefully tended to, Books posted and accoun collected. tar Satisfaction assured every transaction. or Iiena u rt s I for Bicycles es I n y or Repairs. A. COUSLEY, 18RUSSEL8, 'En. 1, 1900 ‘P 1 A1imp USI 'Strictly One Price, The Lowest. s at- Customers Who are Particx a tin g in our Stock -taking Clearances are getting some wonderful bargains, in fact people who came the first day have been here every day since. The two Bargain Counters of odds and ends are still loaded with useful goods from all over the store at very little prices. Every days we are adding to the Counters Stock -taking Discover- ies that must be converted into a little bit of money before inventory day. ismemsmommommommonok Friday da • Morning These Go on Salo 6 only Ladies' Fine Black Beaver Capes, all this season's imports. 4iooe, real value $6,00, to clear at $3 00 6 only Ladies' Jackets, all good cloths, in green and blank, worth an high as 98.50 each, to clear at.. 2 00 3 only Ladies' Tweed Jackets, worth regular $4.00 each, to clear at.... 1 20 1 only Ladies' Black Goat Cape, with blank Oppose= Collar, worth regular 911 00, to clear at.. 8 50 25 ends Fancy Dress Goode, worth - 50e, 60c and 75o regular, to clear at 26 3 ends Tweed Drees Goode, real volae 250, to clear at 10 2 pieces 'Plaid Bleak Golf Cloth, very suitable for (Japes, real value $1.25, to clear at 50 3 endo China Silk, colon, Black, Nile Green and Strawberry, real value 25o, to clear et 10 10ieoee Fano Silk Ribbon 3 inohee wide, oolore, Bronze, Myr tle, Strawberry, Grey and Pink, real value 200, to clear at 5 3 pieces Corduroy Velveteen, shades Black, Fawn and Brown, real value 45o, to olear.at ,... 25 10 only Ladies' Wool Tam, fa Bleck, Cardinal and Navy Blue, the 500 kind to °tear at 25 • J. FERGUSON ce CO. Dry Goods and Groceries. t CHANgEOF BUSINESS. l' Having purchased -the stock of. Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c., from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public. ' Grocery Stook Fresh and up-to-date. IN CHINA AND GLASSWARE A Specialty TEAS A made of 1 .CJ t1 The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery. We take no second place. BAKERY Continued as usual and Satisfaction assured. E The patronage of the public solicited and we will do ,a our part to merit a continuance of your trade. L.r- I. Y MRS. BALLANTYNE, 3• BRUSSELS. r. 5""'..•!0"'"•"B•.Yt'"""'BI.5'"a.d'tl.t ...,t""'tit.....J'_ A r;: J".4. SPRI NCS P PRINTS. Our first shipment of Spring Prints has just arrived. No doubt it is early in the season for n• these goods but they are wanted. Anticipate your wants in this line and call and make your selections, February Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand, - ts in A. STRACHAN.