HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-25, Page 7a,i
!TAN, 25, 1,900, T BRUSSBLS POST,,
Ileac They ere Petted 81111 4tN•etl for 119'
Irlmblet11a11te Melee.
Dog -tellers bates a good time in
Perla, Under the impression Limb na-
ture hits not provided the right, kind
of oval for a dog, the. dog-iovors - or
fashion-love18-o1 Parte bav0 loitered
e new indnelry, the providing of
clothing for ladies' pets, Some very
interesting end r•,uggostive teas about
this industry 'are colleoted by Goo
"Oue clients belong •to the ver
highest clamps of society," said one o
there Parke an dog -tailors, "We r
Gently had a very. remunerative orde
from the daughter of a diplomat i
Parte for a set of gels clothes for he
dog to match the liveries et her Path
Met lackeys, She. was about to b
married, and as she entered the res
donde after the 8eremeny her ° time
the; top of the grand etairease. The
doge were to be waiting for her a
were to be dressed In their liverie
and each was to have a bouquet o
orange-tblossgms attached •.to it
Even this was exceeded by anotbe
bride, who ordered for each of he
half -do -on dogs a reguiar bridesulaid'
costume of white faille embroldere
with lace and garlanded with' orauge
blossoms. White satin slippers wow
also made to measure for each fou
footed pet.
One ate) further have theselovers
fashion gone in making their dogs an
excuse for fresh display. Sets of fin
linen must now be provided, for th
soolety dog, No self-rsspeoting ani
peal would think of possessing less
than half a dozen undergarments of
line lawn, if be is in health, and of
silk or surah if he is subject to colds
A dozen embroidered cambric handker-
ebiefs must be added to doggie's equip-
ment if he is troubled with watery
A further trial awaits bink in the
shape of boots of leather or rubber,, as
the case may be. Bracelets and toe -
pins, perfumery and fancy soaps, ivory
tombs and brushes make up the dog's
toilet necessaries.
Surely if a fashionable Parisian dog
could speak, be would explain [bat his
foolish friends lead him the life of a
Log in the worse 801158.
Among the honors which van be won
by oitizeus of France is the right to
wear a tiny bow of red ribbon in the
buttonhole. The Legion of Honor was
founded by the first Napoleon as the
reward of distinguished services to
Prance in civil and military life. The
order of the red ribbon, which carries
with it the right to a pension, in cases
of poverty and old age, is not for men
The first woman who wore it was
Virginia Glusquisre, who served as
oantonniere under Marshal Junot in
Portugal. Many alters have been like-
wise honored, but only one woman has
ever worn both the ribbon of the Le-
gion and the military medal of the
same order.
Juliette Dodu is still alive. When
the Franco -Garman War broke out in
1870 she was employed as a telegraph
operator at an office in a frontier
town. An invading army corps speed-
ily took possession of the place, and
as the German staff wished to send the
Crown Prince Frederick immediate in-
formation of the advance, a despatch
was given to Juliette to transmit.
She was scarcely twenty years old
art the time, but she was shrewd and
intelligent and perceiving the import-
ance of the telegram, she transmitted
other words, and secretly destroyed
the dispatch.
The poor girl's stratagem was soon
discovered, tor no answering message,
came from the prince. She was arrest-
ed and sentenced to be shot.
But the next day, before the drums
beat for the execution, the prince bim-
self arrived. He heard the story, and
struck with admiration, ordered Tuli-
ette's instant release, and with chival-
rous courtesy, complimented her upon
her courage.
An incident so honorable to both
sides in the midst of a fierce and
bloody war deserves long to be re-
"I refuse absolutely to grow old,"
said a bachelor maiden of thirty the
other day. "If I cannot stem the
rush of advancing years, I can, at
least gracefully accept the inevitable
and turn my attention to the care and
furtherance of such ,charms it has
pleased a beneficent Providence to be-
stow on 1218. With the added years,
one is apt to accumulates flesh, and
all who grow stout as they advance
along life's 'turnpike should bear in
mind the solemn warning of the ob-
esity circular that fat Is fatal,'
'With the aid of regular esterase
and judicious food, any tendency to
superfluous avoirdupois may be over-
come, so beware of anti, -fat concoctions
and follow the rules and regulations
laid down by hygiene, t Walk regu-
larly and at a lak pace. Exerci
Is a foe to exeosaLve flesh, Gymnas-
tics night and morning are desirable,
the swinging of olubs especially so.
Above all, eat in moderation. One
should never leave the table with the
feeling of repletion, 'I couldn't eat
another mouthful,' we bear too often
exclaimed. Sufficient is not too much company at the age, of 21 years, Mr.
and one shoulei never exceed the form Cox at onto brought to bear on the
based u'Fon the war in the Transvaal, l i EGOTISM,
the armoured train being attacked, by I . No, indeed, declared the Independent
Ile' Doors, and defended by tjle colo- F
mate and British soldiers withMaxiam young Thins, 1 wouldn't marry the
guns, best man on earth,
' The members of (be Pfreneb preeBeer I Xou needn't be afraid, replied. Che
Conceited Qa4 I'm not gting to pro
committee, attar three weeks' until.- pees to you,
ing work, euceeeded In raising the►
magnificent sum of six thouseud i
Pe ntla or two hundlQd and forty , � �� INI t! 1?N N6
A Queensland newspaper describes 1 f� JY9 N6
Mr. Stager's uppearanee in rile put I
Healthy, happy gills often beceriio
languid and despondent, from no apparten
cause, in the early days of their woman
ry I Last Week Cause or Comment,
hood, They drag along, always tiled, neve
hungry, breathless and with palpitating
hearts after slight exercise, so that to m
rt seems that over hI5 disaeurse 1 Durham Brows s Letter .Published
the revsrened gentleman gets ver ex,
cited and tears run down his "Wither
ed obeeka," One or dlany Such Cneoe in Kenmore
,The reports concerning the health o tq's K dnry rtlix ►tett Known TI
itrown'S Statement.
Of the Boer un "Long m's Unnntutons Uerrob.,tlon of
r remarkably variable remarks the.1
ly walk up stairs is exhausting. Some
times a short, dry,cough leads to'the fea
that they are going into collsnlnptio
Doctors tell them they are anemic—which
means that they have too little hived
Are you like that ?
More pale and analnic people have been made bright, active
laud strong by Dr;, Pink Pills than any other medicine.
Mrs, M. N. Joncae, Berthier. Que., writes :-"My daughter aged fifteen has
been restored to good health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She
was very feeble,her blood was poor and watery,and she was troubled with head-
aches, poor appetite, dizziness, and always fell tired. After using four boxesof
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills she is enjoying as good health as any girl her age,
and we are glad to give the credit to your grand medicine. Mothers will make
no mistake if they insist upon their young daughters taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
- Th o
t 1 There
e g Toe, are 1
Loudon Globe. One day be is eon- Kenmore, Jan, 15 -No 114110 common
it has been caused here by the publtca
pletely hors de combat and
Do .not take anything that does notbear the full name "Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People." It is an experiment and a hazardous one to
use a substitute. Sold by all dealers or post paid at 5o cents a box or six
boxes for $2.5o, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,Brockville.
The [toys on. the Battlefield and These on
Thor 'ray to the Uape-All itrltatn
Looks to Deeds or Bravery.
Last year the Transvaal exported
4,555,015 ounces of gold and nearly 40,-
000 tons of coal.
The Arab and Hindoo traders' in the
Transvaal are reported to have been
shamefully ill-used by the Boers, ,
Measles broke out in the Boer camp
at Donkerpoort, seventy men being
down with the complaint.
Natives on the western frontier ace
case the Boors of outraging their wo-
The Town CouneIl of Cape Town has
passed a resolution cuspending the!
meal duties.
The authorities at Pietermaritzburg
attach no significance to the news that
the Boers are raiding and burning
Northern Zululand.
An office has already been opened in
Cape Town in which Ultlanders may
register claims against the Transvaal
and Free State. They will amount to
a big bill when complete.
Mr. end Mrs. Rochlort Maguire re-
main at Kimberley perforce, enjoying
what a local paper calls the siege de
Trooper Jones, of the Natal Mount-
ed Rifles has caused much amuse-
ment by dyeing Ms white horse brown
with permanganate of potash, so as
not to be shot.
An Englishman, who has arrived at
Pietermaritzburg from the Trans-
vaal, states that the Boer force on
the Rhodesian frontier is certainly
not more than 400,
The Cape Mounted Police, who were
obliged to retreat from Colesberg,i are
till join the New South Wales Lancers
an order which bas been received by
them with delight.
The armoured train was introduced
at a theatre in London in the Am-
erican melodrama "In Old Kentucky."
Oa the other hand, Sir., Sutton Vane's
Delay, bearing the patriotic title "Send
Her Victorious," not only boasts an
armoured train, but also is directly
As announced some time ago, the
retirement of Mrr, A. ;G, Ramsay from
the offices of President and General
Manager of the Canada Life Assur-
ance Company look effect on the llst.
of December. The Board of Directors
at their fret meeting of the year, held
yesterday, on proceeding tofill the of-
fice of President elected the Cice-
PresIdent, letr. ]8, W. Gates, of Ham-
ilton, to that position. Mr. Gates,
however, on account of his advanced
years and impaired health, felt com-
pelled to decline the distunotion, and
the Kon. George A. Cox was unanJ-
piously elected as President of the
It was but just and fitting that the
Directors should turn to the man
who (luring these forty years had lab-
ored with Mr, Ramsay to make the
eompny the ma,gnilicent success it is
to -day. Starting int as. an agent of the
ter quantify, business that tireless energy and he -
'Cleanliness and neatness go hand
In haul in the care of the person, anti
one rennet be too particular as re-
r i gards one's appearance in that respect.
Thera ia'muohh truth in the Spanish
proverb that 'x10 woman is ugly if she
tt is well .dressed,' There ie more in
the feet that the slovenly girl, no mat-
ter how great her beauty, is never an
attractive' object, and, as one grows
older, one's inclination is to tall off in
those little scrupulous niceties that
glorify oven a plain woman. Whole-
some and Sweet we can all be, even
thongs -:nature has not given ns a Ore-
blab profile or the turves of Venus,"
ometablo 19111 which have ever been
characteristic of the man, and to whiter
his position in the world of finance le
to -day largely due. Discouragement
and fatigue which would have daunt
MI a lass courageous spirit catty served
as an 10Oent1Ye t0reater effort
there was a prospect 0t securing busi-
nese. Psrsonal convenience. was not
oousitlerecl-it was tbo welfare of the
company that was at stake, and ae a
result nt his faithful, energetic ser-
vice the business grew and, prospered.
As time [vent 13y the company, recog-
nizing the devotion of Mr. Cox to its
welfare, gradually increased his ierri
tory,until t eMbraeed all Ontario east
of Toronto and came to be recognized
' as the company's most important
,brunch. In 1002 his wise counsel and
great experience in insurance matters
won for bim a place on, the Board of
Directors of the company, which he has
eines 000upied. 1
While the Senator's keen judgment
and wile experience in investments
have given him a commanding place in
finnneial circles, it is his recognized
position i;t the insurance world of
Canada which causes not only the Dir -
mots of the company but its thou-
sands of policy -holders to turn by
common consent to the than, who is
best fitted to maintain its 'prestige
and ao0tin1.1 the honorable, conserve -
1 len peticy which has made the Candia
Life Assurance Company almost a
national instil u!ion.
When in 1851 Mr. Cox, first became
connected with the company as its
!mil agent at Peterboro',118 business
in force amounted to only, 03,500,000.
To -day, at the close of the 00051 su0e
oesstul year in its history, its busk-+
ne88 in Cerus stands at over $70,000,000,
or tweenty:lwo Limns greater than 111
It will be it matter o1 congratula-
tion tot those so fntox•ostert in the rame
pangs welfare to learn that Senator
Cox will arrange to give a large share
of his personal attention to the eon -
duet of its affairs, and that he will
have the active assistance and co-op.
oration of ills son, 11ir, 1 W. Cox, l he
Assistant General Manager, who rias
already heel sixteen ,wears' expedience
in elle company's se)'vlee.
n never ex- than of a letter lamed by Durham
ptcted to get better; the next he Brown, rn $he paper[ last week Mr
pops up smJlLng on the tof g Blown rs one of the mosU'ex . b
op a nei h- per -
' 'booting eminence; he 1s again dis makers in Itbe country, his cheese
abled, and again make a marvellous boxes, while modals of good workmate -
recovery. In the matter of variable- ship, bang Iturned out, in remarkably
ily his health bids fair to rival that quick time. He has the rsputatlonof
of the Pope; and the Pope, -though not being able to driveane-anti-a. quarters canon, is, nevertheless, a very 'big inch nails at the rate or five hundred
gun," and above an Eminence. int eighteen minutes, and keep it'up
On three occasions a l'renehman has steadily,
been commander-in-ohief of the 13ri- Mr, Brown is an enthusiast about
fish army. The first was Armand Dodd's Kidney Pills. He cannot say
Frederic, or the Duke of Schonberg,oL, Andhe means
ovaryenugh wordin odtheir it,aver'H[s Abother flap
Nebo fell at the Bettie of the Boyne; thoroughly believes in Dodd's Kidney
Pills, ;having seen how they
affected Durbam. Durham Brown's
loiter, as published ]ash week, is,cor-
rebated by ,tiffs brother and all who
kw m,
er people in Kenmore know
Many Other
trnoom personalhiexperience the ,value of
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Whether for Lhe
two formerly Incurable and fatal mala-
dies, Bright's Disease and Dialbetes, ur
tor any of the other former' of Sidney
Disease -Rheumatism, Heart Disease,
Dropsy, Urinary and bladder Com-
plaints, Female Troubles, Blood Die-
orders-]Dodd's Kidney Pills are eon-
sidered infallible, Dodd's KidneyPills
is the only medicine that, everl'cured
Bright's Disease or Diabetes, and peo-
ple here have a wonderful faith in
Watch, 'Young Studley began life as ;them.
a draper's assistant in Berwick.
Mr. George Ferrer, a miningma I A despatch from the Riviera an-
g' pounces the death of Manlie Garibeltli,
;nate, has given £500 td the Natal' a son of the late General Garibaldi. 1
, irregulars to provide medical and 1
other comforts. Can Catarrh Be Coracle
The War Office has given instrue- Shephard G, Frost, Chatham, N. B.,
tionsLo the military authorities t
osixi f
writes • "For a number of
years 1
India that all time -expired mens- el 1 ndeheadache, and haveyrtriiedamand
British units serving in that country remei.Les during that time, but Withy
era to ba retained with Lhe colours
until tattler orders, out avail. At last I heard of your'
medicated air treatment and procured
The Rev. W. J. Underwood,. late of a C'a'tarrhazone out lit. Within twen-
Pretoria, who spent tan years among ty-foar hours my headache disappear..
the Boers, says some very unkind ed and has not since returned. and in
things about Boer morality in a short time 1. have been complete-
eral, and President Kruger- in par- ly cured of Catarrh. 1 recommend
Catarrhozone as lht safest and ch. ar-
Heeler. For instance, he says, that est care for Catarrh. Ona bottle did
the President lives in a house that the trick for me." Catarrh -o -zone is
was a present from an adventurer sold by all druggists. Trial outfit sent
to whom he had granted a certain for Den 'cents in stamps, \r,C. Polson
monopoly. This man was afterwards s` Co„ Kingston, Ont:, Proprietors.
convicted of a erimival offence, and
sentenced to eighteen months' im-
prisonment, President Kruger open-
ed the prison doors for his friend, and
sacrificed the judge, Justice Brand,
who resigned because of this soandal.
IL is also stated tbat a few years
ago a member desired to obtain from
the Parliament a concession, and in
order to convince than of its utility
he gave to each of his co -members a
carriage worth over £.t0. When, lilr,
Kruger was asked about it, be said,
"Why shouldn't a man be allowed to
give a carriage to his friends if be
the second, the Marquis de Rudigoy,
who was commander-in-ohief of the
British forces in Spain derbies: th0 war
of the Spanish succession, and the
third, Field Marshal ,lean Louis Lig-
osier, who 111 1740 became commander-
in-chief in the Austrian Netherlands.
Sir Evelyn Wood, notwithstanding
that he is well on the way towards
seventy, is an enthusiastic cyclist. t
ILord Wolsely is a non-smoker and
almost a teetotaller. He makes it a
rale never to sit up after 11 o'clock
at night.
.Quartermaster Harry Studley, of
`Berwick, has obtained from the ranks
the honorary rank of lieutenant in
jthe Royal Highlanders, the Black
A queer little fellow indeed was
Tommy Dick. Why, he would give
away the last marble he had, if a boy
wanted it. Ile would run on errands
all day long and never grumble. He
would always give the best place to
somebody else, no matter who, and
feet so honestly glad in seeing other
folks having a good time that hereal-
ly forgot all about himself. Don't
you see he was a very queer little fel-
low? But, somehow, everybody liked
to have the "queer little fellow"
around. Grandma always smiled' all
over her face when she saw Tommy
coming, Aunt Lois, who was a very
busy woman, used to say; "'Well, now,
you've coma just in time, Tommy,
Run and.-" When Tommy went to
spend the day with grandma or Aunt
Lois, the folks at home ail missed him.
Ore would say: "Now, if Tommy were
only here I"
Von see, Tommy was one of the un-
seltisl3 helpers. And whet a tiresome
world this would be if there were not
a good sprinkling of such people)
Are there any Tummies at your
house ? It wouldn't do any harm if
there is more than one, you know, In-
deed, half a dozen boys and girls with
the spirit of Tommy Diok would make
home a very pleasant plane. Don't
you Lhtnk so?
hamsters Should Examine.
We would direct the Attention of in-
vestors to the advertisement of the
Sun Savings and Loan Company, To
ronto, They are offering safe, end
.pratfttible investment: for your sur-
plus funds. They want agents in al
unrepreeenied districts.
My path In lite is nut strewn witi
rosm remarked the beggar.
Then hero's a cont, said the kind
hearted old lady.
He that sips of many arts drinks of
none. -Fuller.
La TOsoallfs, 100. 1ib1LIANoE OIoAR
r AGTORY,hie creat
Each one sees what he carries in his
heart. -Goethe.
Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets, All
druggists refund the money if it baile to cure.
55c. It. W. Grove's signature is on each box.
1.' a distinct darer et no teed !tyrant
wht1h makes CB YI,..ON Lead p"'""ifes,.
nyary ono that has ono* trle!11t earn k.gels,
25, ,1.Or 40, so &Poll
EThat every citizen of C;anaci t
could read this advertisement,
'—' - _ -- Fortune knocks at every mall's
door at solve time. Now it is knocking at yours.
Eo yo I� bow you may live in easy cir000letn800S, earning bl
tme ll {/ money honestly and hnnoralriy the rest of your liVo
without leaving home. The first applicant froth
each town or country district will get this unparalleled chance, Capital not fumes,
sary, for start. For full particulars address enclosing two cent stamp.
EASTERN DISTRIBUTiNG CO,, Belleville, Ontario.
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste,
and agreeing with the most sensi'
tive stomach. Used by physicians
in the treatment of all throat and
lung troubles, and if results
count for anything—allnost no
limit to the good it can doe
Slniple bottle hailed to any nddrees on receipt of re
cente to cover postage.
Angier Chemical Co.IltiVri , Toronto
Mammon is the largest slave holder
in the world. -Saunders.
08,10008601 and Stetngthen..
They who forgive most shall be most
forgiven. -Bailey.
W. P. C. 11007.•
Carbolic Dlainfoctante, Soaps, Olnt.
Ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent inteoti•
ous diseases. dek your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lista mailed tree on application.
F. C. CALVERT & 00,,
N sic
and other PRODUCE, R UCE to ensure bast et rasa!
ee eo n
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited',
Cor, west -Market & Colborne SL, Toronto,
Sa ea a 0asln e—Naw tmpartedoapdnq,t
erion 800 OAR gt, -BAOECvEEdL . t 0t 60.,pIT11ern
HARRIS LEAD, zrra� e
LEAD, u000ER, 88858
Wholesale only. Long Dle6anae Telephoee1790.
Lmg tl Ooou making
week. prompt. Lake positions muklne SW tt .
wank. Wdce gotquiok tor McKinnon
and f , To nto .
enaee. ger 11cKlnnon BuI1dInB, Toronto.
ROIMMON SENSE 11Lt8 Roaches, Bed
IvJ Bugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all
Druggists, or 351 Queen W. Toronto.
permanently curet
Ta sono for ourFoci®ti' In m Em o,0.h stomae3
complete 10EET anSICCIALRAT
are equipped toL
suppply every MUSIC
TEAOHEIt In Canada
haley, Royce
ee fills,
108 Yoii a S1 ,
Carters COLD OCHE 10,, 0,000 es a jiffy. P, dro
The retrospect of life swarms with -
lost Opportunities.—TaylgT. THE DES MOINES INCUBATOR -Boat and cheapest
• O. Rolland, sole agent for the D,ntotou. Send lot.
stamp for catalogue. 373 St, Paul Street, Montreal
Comeau* Co., Agents, Montreal.
"Pharaoh '715 " Faygo, of Granby,et.
V o Oboe A"enufooluraz,
Days of respite are golden days.
FOR oven pipTY YEARS
used by :nether, for their children teething. It soothe,
the child, soften, the gum,, allays sato, ?urea wind
radio, and is the boat remedy for alerrhusa 10o. a but.
de. Sold by11 rlruggisto throughout the soda. Be
sure and a. k for"him, Winslow's eoothies Oyrup,
To bear is to conquer our fate. -
Deafness Cannot be Cored
br local applioattese, so they tenant reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way t.0 cure doatnoss, and that is by constitu.
lona' remedies. Deafness la caused by 0, in,
flhmod martini= of the mucous ilntng of the
Eustachian Tube. 1* hen this tubo 10 1500111.
hearing, en and whenlit hi entirwend i000d deafness
s the result, and unieo the ltiflanii latipa ottn
be token oat and this tube adored to its nor.
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine 01008 out of ten are mutest by Oa-
tnrrh. whleb 10 nothlna but an inflamed oondf.
the of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Husdr,+d Dollars far any
rose of Deafness leansed by catarrh) that ear
net bn onred by Nail's Catarrh 0tere, Sand for
aeulsrs, free.
CTIIOVOT & 00., Toledo, 0,
Bald by Droggiats, 700,
• Hall's Family P.ille are the best.
Opposition inllemes the enthusiast,
never converts bim,-Schiller.
The "Balmoral," par Fradany, Bus A bo�'yn
Hotel Carslak!
e Eo,,yoae Plan. aoama
ir0n. 51 day ap Opp.
3,0,0. Btatiou, Montreal. Geo, 0ar01aka
AVENUE PI0USE_-F miii-11o1eeigo010. 51.05
ST. JAMES' HOTEL--OPPoeito0.r,BTupat,
evil way, Rlrnt•olaso Connnerolni Hodes. Medan lap
, r0r0mente—Rates moderate.
An extreme rigor is sure to arm
verythi.ng against it. -Burke.
fly7 / °ter baK✓Lde I W
Rooke, Rosarlaa, Oru
Catholicto Prayer_ alfixoa, Soapularea 4 r WM, SUTTON
Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Chnmh Ornaments \ de' / rvf-area• COMPOUND 00.
Educational work,. J.
orders resolve prompt attars ' �oapai .K-IFB+,r,Limited,
0. & J. SAnt1ER & 00,, Montreal, - -J'-- +"'.-•�-'' TORONTO.
Mille, AMID 3I Hates,
tBoWesley 1314 removed i
mond et. W.. Toronto,
Dyeing 1 Cleaning!
Por the very boot seed your work to the
Look for agent in your town, or seed direct.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Asbaston Cada,
Pi1ro Onverng,
Lukrloadag n.te,
th eaeos, etc,
Bears Important News to His Fel.,
low Citizens,
Toronto, Jan. 5. -Here tea a letter
we hope every one of our readers will
peruse: --"1 am 00 years old. Have
been troubled for tour years with.
what I tbought was Rheumatism -
stiffness in the muscles of my legs,
later to the arms. Soon the stiffness
changed to soreness. Went to Hot
Springs, and came back a little better.
Was a moderate drunker, but quit us-
ing liquor altogether, and carefully
regulated my diet. One day S got
wet and then the trouble was worse
time ever. Had to lay off for three
weeks. Have had similar attacks at
Intervale ever since, oath one worse
than Ile predecessor. Had headache,
pain in the small of the back, urine
dark, scanty and soatdtng.. Began
using Dr. Arnold's English Toxin
Mlle a short time ago, and am already,
wonderfully improved. Feel tenth;
dent they will pure mo, and I sball
give than the chance end report. I
have not felt eta well for yenta as I
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Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills file noir medicine
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Maim 11, ere sold by oil dr0gg,.l,, nt ?to, box: ample
size 20o, 00 Mel. 001.9p01/1 nn nicotined piles b' Tau
Arnold °hernieal 00., 1,101404, Made Life Ruliding,
43 King stroetwcaa, Toronto.
tiiilchigan Land for Saio.
O 000 11012E5 0000111045180 LA808-4R03NA0
t Ivaen, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Tide per,
foot. On Miohigou Central, Detroit A 31aokivao and
Ulm ke Railroads, at prime ranging from 02 to al
.Prow Acre.
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will be golden NO
reasonable terms, Apply to
it. M. PIBRCE, A •000, wont Ray Oity, Micb,
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etnlmeet cloak payoblo in monthly instalm •uta, drawItt
cash dividend., half yearly. Parous wanting bate aid
profitable Investment should eorreapond with the Sun
8.ringgaand L,ao Oompuny, Toronto; money leaned on
fsvcrablo terms; agents ranted In uarepraeected dio-
Dias; write us
Dominion Lin BTEAN SNIPS
Portland, Me., to Liverpool, via Halifax.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Cambroman.
Rates ofp ,sago; -Fires Cabin 050 upwards; Second
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For Purther information apply Wawa! agents, „r
DAVID TORRANO'E a 00 , General Agents,
I? St. Decrement St. Noun al.
486, R. ARNETT, Manager.
JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. and Treao
The Canadian
Heine safety
B R Yls"
Esplanade, Toronto
Opp. Oherbourne St.,
Nigh Class Water er Y'tabo Steam
Dollars, for All Pressures,
Duties and Fuel.
Toronto Eleotrle Light On, Lomitod,
n r The `t ltnton Co., 1 Imhad,
The Masser !Lurie Co.,et lc;smiled.
i101U U'1 OU The Wilson Publishing do Limited
1AU od Toronto, whore hollers may hewn serials