HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-25, Page 5f a
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ANI. 215, 1900
peat, 1',8, BOOTT. Brussels,
11, IYfoQR11Oi EN.;-
► Issuer of Marriage Magnate. 01.
ileo at Grocery, Turnborry toot Brussels,
. Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Noxa door
North of the Standard Bank, Donlon' and
Children's Bair cutting a opal
moms Ms FOB SALE. , -,THE 1JN•
a reli has severalg od fi r no for
gale and to rout, easy tense in .Tpwnsltips
of &foals and Grey. F 8. 80CTT,Brneseln
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
w 4L.roN, UNr.
-TB Aomori OF -
==•V;-aGaT: S, OATm7,
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
Osr1OE AT JawELBY BTouo.
i No Witness Required,
T. FLETCHER, Brnsoele
L, O. M..
Academie graduate of London Conserve,
tory of Music., also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario,. ie prepared to rewire
a limited number of pupils for ioitruotion
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form in. the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
i. Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Baron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Auction.
ear. Funds invested curl to loan, Collec-
tions made. Office in Graham's Block, Arun-
1' • Eta,. will sell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and teas cbargee
than any other Anationeer to Bast Buren or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at tbls office or by
personal application.
Graduate of B. 0. D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad.
nate course at Henkel's School, Chicago, in
drown and bridge work. 1St -Prices same as
to sorrouadtng towns. - 21•
04100 over A. B. SmIth's store, Brussels,
u • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary college, 1s prepared to treat all die•
eases of domestloated animals lin a compet-
entmanner. Partioular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. 0a110 promptly at-
tended to. Oflloo and Infirmary -Four, doors
North of bridge, Tnrnbery et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Chloe -Stewart's Block
1 door North o t Central Rotel.
Sollaitor for the Standard Bank.
Oonoitor, &o. Office over Stand-
: �,. and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels,
.�'• Money to Loan at lowest rates.
• . (Formerly. of Cameron, Bolt &
Oameron) Barrister and Solioltor, Goderich
Out. Ofloe-Dumtlton street, opposite 001-
borno Hotel.
Ill. U„e. 111.,
Licentiate of Boyal College of Physicians
mud Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Ool-
lege of Phyelolaue and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of Women and Children a special-
ty. Nine years' experience. (Bigg and 009•
idene°, opposite English church, Brussels.
ill, D., O. mt.,
Trinity 'University, Fellow Trinity Medical
00110g0,MOmbnr College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont, Licentiateofthe Royal 001.
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid=
wlfory, Edinburgh, t3•T°lophoue No,14,
Reeklence-Mill street, Brussels.
01100101AN, 0naONON AND 110000CnEUR,
••rt' rl� (Succea0or 10 Ur,17, Il. ilalbno,00b)
lit. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. 001. Now
.�. York 1 M D 0 M Vfotoria University, Toron-
to meeone hf Ontario College Of attention paid
to diseases of, women, eye, ear, none and
throat. 11.11
M. 0. O. M..
Graduate Of MGM Collagge, Montreal, &„
&o., All spoolaltyy work eatiefuotorlly treat-
ed. Office upetaire in the Stratton Bleak,
Wilco hours, a to 12 a. al„ and 7 to 10 p, m,
epeoialiat work, stall as for eye, car, throat,.
&o,. in the aloe at his residence, Elisabeth
street, from 2 to 0 p: in. All medtoines will
bo diepeneed personally by the Dr, or, under
his direct Supervision,-;
An agency for the sale of mining )ands
will be opened by the Outeri° Govern.
meat at Sudbury,
Hon, Hugh John McDonald has aooept,
ed the Lieutenant•Ooloneloy of the Win -
Mpg Light Infantry, a new regiment
now lasing organized.
M Dtti ci tletvs,
fa tifoi'uMte,
Narita, -.-Winters- Roads are °usenent,
-Wood 10 being shipped in large quanta
Mae and I0gt are arriving at the mill. -
Our gobbler' hoe left us, Will not epmg
one comp and mend our oboes and keep
ue from going• barefoot 7 Oar dress.
Maker lee hie retired with her .fortune
made. Another oplendid opening for 010
right party, -Building material ie mov
Mg at the Metho•fiet ohurob,-A. OIo.
Clelland le slowly pu'liug back to health
we are pleaead to state.
Gr ters'itt.
Court Gilpin left te attend the 0, A. 0.
at Guelph.
Thoe, Ootberwood, of Dakota, an old
Howiok boy woe In towo renewing old
aotjaalntano0s and visiting the, eoenea of
bis obildhood,
99 oars of etoelt, were shipped from
Gerrie elation during 1899 besides stook
shipped as settlers effeote. Tbie is an
fnoreasoof 18 over the previous year,
Jae. Ring bag moved onto the farm he
recently purahaeed from Richard Gra-
barn. Mathew Bbarpin has paroheoed
the house And property vacated by Mr.
Ring. ,
The adjourned annual meeting of the
Gorrie Free Library wag as usual, very
poorly attended. The Librerian'e report
showed that 1902 books had been read
from May let last until Deo. Slat. The
following, were elected a board of manage.
ment for the ensuing year :-J. R. Wil.
limns, A. Doan, M. E. Cummer, John
Donaghy, Jae. Leech, N. MoLaoghlin,
Thos. Nash, Tae. Armstrong and Robt,
Copeland, W. A. Irwin was appointed
auditor. Immediately after the publio 1
meeting the Board of Management met
and elected tbe following officers •-
Pres., J. R. Williams ; Treas., N. Mo.
Lau7hlin ; Seo. and Librarian, Wm.
Mode ; Auitor, R. Copeland. A large
number of new books have been added to
the library,
Vol clinic.Erapllone
Are grand, bet Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy. Baokleo'e Aroma Salve,
oureo them, also Old, Running Sores and
Fever Sores, Ulcera, Boils, Felons, ComaWarts, Oute, Bruises, Barna, Scalds,
Chapped Houde, Ohiibiai°e. Best Pile
ours on earth, Drives out Paine and
Aohee. Only 25o a box. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, Druggist.
BnareI00 PnnTr.-Wo take pleasure in
clipping the following from the Wallace -
berg Herald, of Jan.4t11, having reference
to a former pastor of the Methodist
church at Blnevale:-On Tuesday even•
ing,. Deo. 26th, a number of the residents
of Port Lambton aeeembled at the
Methodiet parsonage and after spending a
pleasant time and partaking of an excel.
lentluncheon, presented the pastor, Rev.
J. W. Pring, and lady, with the following
address, a000mpanied by a well filled
To Rev. J. N. Pring and Lady,
We, alew of your friends, being desirous
of expressingour appreofaiion or your un-
tiring labor for our welfare as well as to
show the feeling of cordiality we have to -
verde you, ae our pastor, have taken this
opportunity of assembling here thin evening
to express our gratitude to yon. Daring the
time that yon have been with ns we feel
that you have soared no pains and have
shown by 1000 efforta that you considered
no labor, however tiresome, too great, that
would have a tendency to improve us
spiritually, and tbongh at times it may
have seemed like up hilt work yet your
energy has not Bagged in the least, but you
have shown by your strongdatermtoation
that yonI
would do Oral da in itua peonr
anion improve the marts and Bort Lat con•
dation i tbe inhabitants We reatt of Port Lambton
aeon -
10 bo o pastor
that he cordial
you oon-
ttnue Lobo our pastor EhaG the ocrdtal feel-
ing existing between pastor and people
may, if possible, still inoreaee and may you
see still more plainly thatthe seed whish.
you have sown may bringforth fruit more
abundantly to thehonor Maim, who, In His
Divine Provirlenee aunt yon amongus, and
now, to show you, in more than mete words
that our appreciation is airmen. I take
pleasure, in behalf of the donors assembled
hero, in presenting you with this 1)01300,21ot
that its Intrinsic yalue expressos the esteem
we have for you, but we give 1t from our
hearts 0e n. slight token o1 that esteem.
We trust that you will not consider it an in-
trusion to taking you bysurprise and I a
suro that we will not forget
rget very soon the
pleasant time we have enjoyed this evening.
Sigurd in behalf of your many friends.
Ata Obristmae entertainment held in
Becher school house, on Deo.• 21st, the
Rev. J. W. Pring, of Port Lambton, was
made the recipient of a beautiful up.
bolstered atady chair as a Ohrisimas
present from the Methodist Sunday
school and Epworth League of that plane,
of wallah the rev. gentleman le pastor.
Will. Baer hae left for Nanaimo, B. O.,
where he baa a good situation ahead of
Walter H. Manning made a collection
for the National Patriotic Fund among
the Organ Factory employees, raising
over 960,
D. A. Forreeter, who is etftll•feeding
about one hundred bead of cattle, hae
sold sixty of them dor present delivery to
S. R. Smith. Fair Broe. and Rnneford
Bros. each sold the flame quality,
Madame Wall went down to the Home
Oh Monday afternoon of last week and
gave an excellent contest of vont and in.
etiumental maeio in her usual sweet and
pleasing style. The mesio was moll en-
,loyed by the inmatee, and they are very
At the meeting of the Phblio School,
B. J. Hoover woe elected chairman, J.
Onnninghom, Secretary. The'report of
Prinoipal Lough recommended the sink.
Mg of an artesian well W. J. Cooper
was re•eleoted ottretaker. The eotimateo
to be submitted, Dail for $8100,
H. Pennebaker, who is employed in
the yard et the Organ Factory, met with
a peculiar aooidant. He was using a
want hook, when it Blipped, and the hen.
dle flow up, striking his noes add outting
it open ae glean ae if split with a knife.
A doctor bad to emit over.
Mrs, McLeod, of town, met with a
earl aooident on Sunday afternoon, as
she was returning from Sundayoohool,
Blipping on the ice and breaking her leg
at the thigh. On a previous maiden she
bad the miefdrtuneto break her arm by
falling in precisely the same way,
On Friday evening the Ladies,' Aid So•
May of Rattenbury St. oharoh, entertain-
ed their' husbands, their aweet•bearte, the
runtime of the ohoir, abd their wives
and hnobaods,in a very hospitable and
exceedingly pleasant manner, Tea was
eorved in the leoture room of the dumb,
alter witioh an informal program, chiefly
of musk, was rendered.. - -.
Seale t2 Hoover, of the Clinton Marble
Works hoe been diseoived by mutual
ooneen , and the business will be mum.
ed by J, f3, Boyer. For this ssaeon Mr,
Seale will still retain iiia oonneotion
with the business ae salesman,
Fair Broe,, having diepoeed .of their.
saw mill maohloery, will tear down the
buildinge00 bong in nee in 0onneotfon
tberewitb. Wm, Deride, who was for
years their bead eawyer, hae aooeptod a
similar position with Doherty & 00„ and
will take ottarge of tbe saw mill to be
run ig oonneetiou with their establish.
Horace Foster bee diorama(' of
p his
photographing bneineee to Mr. Bargees,
late of Winnipeg, This anaounoement
will take our resdere by ourprioe, and
will be the oause of very general and
ienoarn regret, For' 19 years be has
been engaged in his present business,
and hoe applied himselfso closely there.
to that he finds it necessary to engage
in eome other lie i
e wh ori !tot o
i.s Son-
fining, Re has taken an interest in Oho
Williams Shoe Co., of Brampton, and
loaves therefor ae goon as he 000 wind up
his affaire here. His removal is a depict,
ed lose to the town, and while everybody
will wieh him Flu00000, they dislike very
=oh to see him go away.
Word watch..
The Royal Templar° of this plane are
preparing for a grand "Open Temple" on
Monday evening, dem. 29th.
Trinity oburoh Sunday eobool held its
meeting and the reports of the
teachers andotBoers ebowed the school
to be in a prosperous condition. The
following offiaere and teachers were ap•
pointed:-Saperinteadeot, W. Watters ;
A -evident Superintendent, Time. Goggin ;
Beoretary.Treasurer, Ieaao Gamble ;
Teachers, Adam Spence, William Wet.
tiers, Thomas Goggin, Mre, Wm. Goggin,
Mrs. Robert Gamble and Mre. Murton.
A meeting for the re•organization of
the hookey team was held in L. la„
Hooey'e hardware store. gaits) a number
of the boye showed their interest in,the
game by attending the meeting, and
there ie every proepeot of potting a
strong local team into action this eeseon.
The following offtoere were elected :-
Pres., Jos, Wade ; Seo. -Tread„ W. J.
Johnston ; Man., Jas. Loren ; Com., L.
G. Hooey and Jno. Walkey ; Capt.,
Burt Young,
-The annual meeting of the Howiok
Agricultural Soolety was held in the
Townehip $all, Gerrie, on Wedneeaay,
10th inst., the President, John H. John.
don, in the their. The minutes of last
annual meeting and the Directors' meet-
ing daring the past year was read and
adopted on motion of Robert Edgar and
Robert Hardiog, Treasurer Wattere
presented the Auditors' statement, show•
i0g a balance of $222. It was certified
by A. Mo:ardy and Dr. Spenoe. The
annual report was presented, showing
that 9254 86 had been paid out as prize
money for 1899, and that there were 110
members for the same year. The follow-
ing officers were eleoted :-Pres., John
H. Johnston ; Vioe Pres., Robert Bard•
ing; Directors, Alex. Robertson, ar., Jae.
Bell, Ed. .Coining, Wm. Weir, Wm.
Evans, Joo. Stewart, Ino, Bretbaaer,
Robert Edgar and Wm. Daae ; Auditors,
A. Maonrdy and D. Spence. The Dire°.
tore appointed Wm. Watters as Seo,•
Trete, for 1900.
Story ur a slave.
To be bound baud and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich., cella bow a slave
was made free. He says : "My wife
bat been so helpless for five years that
ebe could notturn' over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Eltotrio Bit.
tare, she is wonderfully improved and
able to do ber own work." This en.
pt. erne remedy for female dieeaoee quick-
ly curet nervousness, sleeplessness, mel.
anaholy, headaohe, baokaohe, fainting
and dizzy spells, Th10 miracle working
medioine is a godeend to all weak, sickly,
ran down people. Every bottle guaran-
teed. Only 500. Sold by G. A. Dead.
man, Druggist.
(Intended for last week.)
Rev. Mr. McPherson, of Halifax, N. S.,
000upied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
oharch here the past two Sabbaths. He
is a splendid preaoher.
alD. McLennan and family, of Brussels,
arrived here last week and will now be.
come residents of Seaforth. We extend
them a oordial welcome to our town.
Tuesday uigbtof last week the hockey
teams of Seaforth and Goderiob met 00
the rink here and after a hotly contested
match the home team came off viotoro
with a score of 8 to 5.
On Saturday night, while playing
hockey on the rink, Harold Broadfood
poinded with another young man and
had a severe gash inflicted in hie leg
which will inoonvenience him consider.
ably for some time.
PATnloTro McETINo.-On Monday after•
noon of this week a apeoial religiose
service was held in Oardno'a Hall, when
prayer was made for the British troops
in South Africa. The meeting opened at
1 o'clock and continued until 2 p. m.
The atoree and other places of bneineee
were closed for the boor and as a dim -
(meow the Hall was packed to the doors.
Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins opaled the
meeting and presided throughout. The
following minietere, with him, occupied
Beate on the platform :=Rev. Mr, Russell,
Methodist Munch, Seaforth ; Rev, Mr.
Musgrave, of DfiolCtliop ; Rev. Mr. Shaw,
of Egmondville; and .Rev. Mr. MoPher-
eon, of Halifax, N. S.,all of ••yhom took
part in the program. Short but stirring
patriotio a dreeses were given by Rev.
Mr. MoPbersou and Rev. Mr. Russell.
The music was farniebed by the united
choice of the Methodist, Episcopal and
Presbyterian churches who rendered
some very ab010e seleotione, together
with the audience, The meeting was
brought to a close by prayer and singing
the "National Anthem," The oolleotion
taken in aid of the Red Cross Fend
amounted to 9117. Sympathy for the
British oause in South Africa is not
wanting among the reeidente of Seaforth
and vicinity,
Tuoxnnetljon AoBir8LTunAL BnoIETY.-
The annual meeting of the members of
the Tuckers/111th Brandt Agrfoniturai So.
ciety was bold in the Commercial Hotel,
Seaforth, on Wednesday, 10th Met,
There was a fair attendance. The
flnaaoial etatemo11 ithowe the society to
be in a very favorable partition. There
ie oaeh'in the troaeary io the monist of
$880, while the entire liabilities only
amouht to: 91,200, and the valuable
ilroperty whish the Sooioty owns on
Goderigh aired ie worth ooneiderably
snore than thie, With the aid which 140
been BO J)gllerouely voted by the munioi•
palitlee of Seaforth, ',2pakoren1Itll and
l!foRillop, the Society will be abls'to greet
the new hall daring the Doming season
end with a smart push on the part of the
dirootore, booked up as they ehould be by
the people, a good ebow Dan be made next
Pall, and the Wieldy may be placed In a
better and prosperous position than it hue.
been in for years. `Phe following gffieere
and direotore were elected ;-.W. G.
Brgadfoo(, Taokeramith. Prop, ; D. D.
Wilson, 8eafort)1, vice Pres, ; directors-
Geo, Stile and 81. Broth.; lak,' tlorth
Jas. Evapoand Wm, alufntoe3, MoRii•
lop; Jas, l', MoMiohael and Jno, Staples,
Pullen; Jno. T. Diuksonand Goo. Dhle,
uokeremitb, The fuilowiug honorary
directors, to work with and aid the raga
lar board, were also appointed :-John
Ellie and ,John Weir,: Seaforth ; Alex.
Gardiner and John G. Grieve, MoRillop ;
Thea. McMillanWm.
11 and Ryan, Hallett
Y ,
G. P, .Cresswell and Robt. Charters,
Tuok'eromith, Tboe. 0. Hays was 08•
e va sy. o owing the parsimony And
eongratulatione of their :donde, the
bride" party drove to their owh 1917ee
Where it 1110 supper awaited them. The
pregents were many and neolul, 091110 of
which dame from distant friends, Mr,
and Mre, 73owman will live in Chester.
ileld, taking with them tbe genial good
wiobea of their large °kola of Mende for
their future happiness sod prosperity,
2tentitricable Demme,
Mrs. Miuhael +Curtain, Plainfield, Ili„
makes the statement, that aha naught
poll, whiob nettled on her lungs ; she was
treated fora month by herfamily physio•
inn, but grew worse. He told bor (bat
aha was a hopeless vietint of ponenmp•
tarn and that no medioine could ogre her,.
Her Druggist suggested Dr. Ring's New
Dieonvery for Conanmptioo ; she bought
a bottle end to her delight found borealf
benefited by the first dose, She °potion.
ed its nee and after taking six bottles,
Mond Herself sound and well ; now does
bar own housework, and 0e as well evershe
was, -Free trial bottles of this Great
Discovery atG. 4. Doadman's Drug atom,
appointed Seo.•Treae„ and J. 0. Rode Culy 500 and 91,09, every bottle go'.'n„
and A. Young, auditors. 1 teed.
lit n1arek'e. Iron Nerve
Was the result of hie splendid health.
Indomitabie will and tremendone energy
where Stomach, Liver, 'Kidneys and
Bowels are out of order. If you want
these qualities and the guessed they bring
use Dr, Ring's New Life Pills, They de.
velop every power of brain and body.
Only 25o at Deadman'e dreg store.
The annual meeting of the patrons of
the Newry factory will be held on the
the 27th list, at 2 p. in.
Mise Fanny Adams left on Tneeday
of last week for Toronto where she has
sectored a good situation,
Principal Anderson entertained the
eenior °lasees of hie department at his
home on Tuesday evening of last week.
Among those from this locality who
attended the Dairymen's Oonventiou in
Stratford last week were : W. D. Angus,
the Miasma Morrison, S. Bennett and R.
B. Ballantyne.
The annual .meeting of the Donegal
cheese factory was held Saturday after-
noon, 13th inst. Following ie the Sec.
rotary's report from April to Oat. 31et,
1899 : Total Ibe. cheese made, 164,777;1;
total receipts, 916686,34 ; lbs. milk re.
oeived, 1,821,123 ; cash paid patrotse,
814,609.00 ; paid for manufacturing,
91,977.34 ; total expenditure, $16,686.34.
average lbs. milk to make 1 lb theeee,
for season, 11.052. Average whoieaale
price per lb. 10.088 ole. Average test
for season, 3.544. The Donegal factory
ie alwaye in the front rank.
At Hopewell Methodist church, Man•
°beater, Va., on Dee. 27, 1899, by Rev.
Mr. Roddiok, Mise Eva M. Hastings,
daughter of John Hastings, formerly of
Atwood, wee united in marriage to Wal.
ter S. Bowman, a prosperous young
bneineee man of that oity. The bride
was attired in cream cashmere trimmed
with ribbon and lace and parried Mlles of
A. M. Patterson, of Galt, was visiting
f ienda here..
The Molesworth Cheese and Butter
Co. held their annual meeting on Satur-
day 13th Met., to hear the report of the
eeaeon'e make. The old directors were
all re•eleoted. The total receipts were`
928,119:99total cheese, 289,286 ]ba. ;
total milk, 8,118;370 Ibe. ; average price
of obeeee, 8,67o. per 1b. ; average number
lbs. milk to make 1. lb. of cheese, 10.77.
The Synod of Montreal passed meas -
urea in favor of deaooneseeo in the church
and giving women votes at the vestry
A ten-year.old boy named Edmund
Depatie, reeiding at Point Bt, Obarlee,
was killed at growing of the Grand
Trunk in this towo.
Photo. Studio.
Life -like Photographer
Now is the time to get your Family
Group taken. Groupe taken with great
moms at our studio.
We are equipped in all linea of the
art. Cabinet Photos. $2.00 per dozen,
other sizes in proportion.
I wish you all a
Happy New Year.
Spring Prints
p g
P. K. & Ginghams
All Spring G-oods at
Old Prices ,at,,..
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Of fine Groceries for the Christmas Season le now being shown by as, every
artiole being bright, Olean and fresh, and as quality ie the first essential we bare
taken special care to eeleot only the finest geode for your inspection. A look through
our store will ebow you that our stook of Fruits and Table Delicacies is very Dom•
plate, and if yon have a single thought ofeoonomy we ask you to examine our goods
before porohaefng and whatever yon eeleot in
or anything else for table use, you Dan rest
and give your orders our beat attention.
Oysters by Dish or Quart.
assured, we will do our best to please you
Fine Stock of Confectionery.
first shipment of Spring Prints
has just arrived.
No doubt it is early in the season for
these goods but they are wanted.
Anticipate your wants in this line
and call and make your selections.
February Patterns and Fashion
Sheets to hand.
.. r
WitelEINNON& Co.,
MedalExtract Lemon and Vanilla, per. bottle,: En, 10a, 15o, 26o and 65o ; Geld
Baking Powder, 100 size for 5a ; Forest Oity Baking Powder1 ound
eealere, veinal 20e ; Good Bad Salmon, 2 tine for 25e ; 10 bare Soap, Pyo sage, for
25o ; Good Toilet 8pap, per cake to ; Laundry Starch, in pound paoltagee, worth 1Qo
for 7o ; Good Corn Starch, in packages, 6o ; Choice Mixed Pickles, in bottles, 12ko ;
Eddy's Matches, per box, 10a ; Good japan Tea, 20o per -pound or 8 pounde for Seo ;
ahoioe Japan Tea, our owe importation, worth 30efor 26o ; Blue Ribbon Tea blank
and mixed, 230, 40o, 60a and 600 ; Salads Ceylon Tea, black and mixed, 25o, 400 and
50o ; Ea cleaned Carrants, in 3pound' boxes, very o peoial, 25o ; Choice Selected
Vale of
n a Raisins, 8
pounds for 250• Orme
ao ell
Lemonn Peel.perpound 200 ; Women's Wearing Shoes, now worth 91,25 for 91; Men'e
Reavy 811008,
extension soles, special 91.50 ; Men's Heavy Rubbers, 2 buckles, high out, 01000
fitting, 91 50 ; Mon's Heavy Spoke at 40o, 00c, 750 and $1.2$ ; !fen's Lec in o at
$1.5, 91 50 and 81.85 ; Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, at $1.26, 81,50 and 81.758 Men's
Line Dongola Shoes. at 91.50, 92 and 92,50 ; new Prints, fast colors, worth too for
7}0 ; Mens Heavy Ribbed and Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 26e, 40e and 50o ; Men's
Top Shirte, made of windproof moleskin, very apeoial 60o; Men's Heavy Wool Socks,
ribbed tope, worth 18o, 2 pairs for 2511; Men's Fine Dogekin Coate, worth 920, for
916:96 ; Ladies' Aetraohau Jackets, worth 925 for $21 ; Ladies' Astrachan Jackets,
worth $85 for 920.95,
Are You Thinking of
Buying a Pfainl 0 or ?
••�ry�,�,}�pp��••�q,��p• y,�g��_G�-�}���••ry,�•��'y } �}�••��yC�Q0�0C�� S�trOV�,,B�•
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If so you should see our
Gurney's Imperial RANGED
Seven of these Ranges
sold since the Brussels Fair.
They ease more Fuel
Do better Work
Are easier Regulated
Than any other of their glad
Also a large display of Base Burners,
Opal and Wood Heaters.
A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete,
for 850. It takes 26 inch wood.
The heat is alwaye the Cheapest.
y ^y
Youwillsave your mmo�ne^y� yby �calling on us �^y r ^p
S-1,.. <•oJrib.l�'rti il"L'.+9"iei ,EitY�"M.li't1..4Y '>bib'ryi ii ofgef'ta•l9"r8kr'td•IR
Wilton & Turnbull
When It Cornea to
We have something to say of special interest to everyone
who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a
Parlor Suite, Couch,
Bedroom. Suite, Sideboard,
Extension Table, Rockers,
Dining Chairs,
Anything, Everything that is desirable.
We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs
and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten.
Picture Framing
Mtoouldincarefgsuto frolly and largemselect .
You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at
�..�.:�`�aZr :��"X71;:5'9"'lGG.:��L".�"�"°e;L,:✓'
Ewan Innes
A WORD Sleighs and
ABOUT Cutters. . O
Nearly 50
to Choose from, all the runners of which
are the very best 2ND Qltowoil HIOIioaY
-Not Elm or Oak as is generally used.
We have more Cotters to allow in our Sale Rooms than oan be found in any
other town in Ontario. Our prides are VERY LOW this season, notwith-
standing the great advance in the prime of MI material used in the oonstrue-
tion of them. One look through our Sale Roma will convince the moat
skeptical that we have the only chop in this part of the country where you
oats get both Choice, Pride and Valve.
OUR HARNESS than ever.
Carriage Builders, Brussels.