HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-25, Page 44 CN (1,45.111s$41$ ,cfst. THURSDAY, JAN. 2t, 1900. Tan jeleiclal Commission appointed by ebreOliterio Goverxineont to enquire iulo the alleged bribery in South Ontario held court at Whitby and examined the oherges against the prudent reported for bribery on behalf of wfv. Celder, the Coueervative oediciate, who was unseat. ed alter the general election. The oene. missions were judges Oaler and Fergn. eon, Meesrs. Loun t, Q. 0,, aud Ferewell, Q. 0., acting on behalf of the Crewe, The result And the penalties teed were as follows Thomas E. Barker, fined 4800 or eix months, and diequalifierl for eight years. Lewis Luke, fined $200 or six menthe, and disqualified for eight years. Jamul McGrall, Austin MoOrall, John Meant% Arthur Stapleton, Patrick Shearhan, John Shearban, and William Hayes, each fined 4200 and are diequali. fled for eight yeare, The halt nerved parties found guilty of accepting bribes in South Ontario in March, 1898. Tbey will also pey the exists of the ease, in default of wbioh they will be imprisoned for one month each. Now that the ball bee been set rolling let it go on until every boodier and briber in the land receives bis deserts. Tbe Ontario Government deserve credit for their action in this: matter. Clerk County of Huron. Mr. Lane ie a native of Bidderford, Devonshire, England, where be wee born in 1855. He game to this °Gentry with his parents and settled in Soarboro', county of York, in 1861, afterwards re- moviog to the township of Aahfield, Huron county. He received a fair edu- cation in the Public: School and Goderiob Wet. Lam. High School, and was engaged in farming for eome years. He wee appointed to hie present position in 1891, and for eight yearn previously be had bFen clerk of the township of Athfield. Mr. Lane married Mise H. Stewart and their family son. sista of three promising sons. In addition tot disobarging the many duties of bis office as County Clerk Dlr. Lane takes a great interest in the Hortioultural Sortie ty and bas a warm side to curling and owling on the green. Presbytery of Maitland. Presbytery of Maitland met at Wing- bam, Jan, 16, 1900, Mr, Miller, Modere- tor, Mr. MoLennan, Clerk, pro tem. Auditors reported Treasurer's books ore• fully aud cerreotly kept. Estimates for the year palmed, the basis of assessment for Presbytery Fund being six cents per family. Tbe following brethren being present sat se oorreeponding members, Rev. Jobn Buobannan, late of Presby. tery of Barrie ; Rev. Mr. Mr:Ribbon, Ottawa, and Rev. Mr. Burton, West• roineter Presbytery. Messrs. Befoliabb and McLennan were appointed to draft obituary of the late Rev. Duncan David. son. 1.1r. Stewart, Oslo. Maxwell and their representative elders were appointed a Committee to consider circular re Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund and report at oext :nesting. Rev. John Buohanuan and Rev. J. P. Blannes hav- ing presented Presbyterial certificates bad their names planed on appendix toll of Presbytery. Tbe oall to Mr. Barnett from Whiteaburch and Laugaide having being declined, Mr. Hell was authorized to moderate In a oall in these congregations when they are ready, Duff's °berate, Walton, was reported having been declared variant. Congrega- tions are urged to ountribute liherally to Horne Minions. The Committee ep. pointed to or:wider Manned Aids to social worship reported :—(1) That theprinoiple of tbe Mann] Aide to social worship be approved (2) That the imitation of the Anglican forme be disapproved ; (3) That the Manual be revised to make it Presby terian in form and spirit, by omitting alternate and responsive readings by introduoing a Bible reading for each $ab. bath day dealing with the fetch:mental dootrinee and truth of the Word of God, the several parts be noted and the Scripture message to be eppended. That psalms end hymns imitable for the several services be suggesied in the Man- na'. The report was reoeived and adopt. ed. next meeting will be held at Wing. barn, on March dth at 10 a. m. Jon° Mahlon, Clerk, Lueknow, Jan. 19, 1900. A. rieveu.yeat.old sen Of D. le. Gulp)), is dead from the effects of a horse's kick. Peter edoliachren, of East Caleclon, wen probably fatally ornebed by a thresh, ing engine falling on him, Robert Mei Sheriff of the Comity of Wellington, diad at midnight on Fri- day, aged 71 years, at the farolly reoi. donee, Guelph. The funeral an Monday, Mre, Min O'Connor, of Fieneilten, W8,8 becineathed $10,000 it/ Oath and 26 aura of latd in Wilmington, DelaWare, by Miss Julia Nelson, en faint. 01,Cett:tv.. Walter Carling loftier St. Paul, Minn, wbere be hen se:gored a eithation ie book keeper. lOOsIvilte & Merrieon installed as allay- lene gee gloat in the skating rink at Ales Coq. J. A. Stewart made the putchase of a baodeome little pony 10 Loudon dee ether day. Wm, Sanders, of the 4Ib conceselon of Stephen, had a very valuable ow break her leg by alit:ping on the ice. The brick mirk an the Luse power /louse is finished. It is expected that the plant atilt be in running order withiu four or five weeks. Jarese Wettoott, of Coulee, Mao, is ehaking hands with his many old triende here, He will return iu stew weeks with a carload of limo% The oaae of Bowman vs. Berry, which hoe aroused some interest emoug borse. men and °there in this neighborhood, came up st the London Winter Assizes. This was en action against Thos. a, Berry, of Eleoesle for 41,000, damages for alleged breach of warranty of a etallion, and for the return of the put. oealte money. Air. Berry maintained that be had not warranteeci the horse aud tbat be wee perfeotly sound when aced. When the ease was molted, coneentjudg. ment MO entered for the defendant by which the plaintiff') withdrew the oath and paid the meets of the Court and of their Solicitor', the delendant paying bis own. Meredith & Co.'(London,) for the plaintiffe, Collins & Sianbury, (Exeier,) for the defendant, Trowbreciere. W. Wakefield bee moved on to tl e farm cf Mrs. R. Johnson. Bliss Jennie Sutton, milliner, has re- turned home from Embro for her holi. days. Cottage prayer meethige, preparatory to speoial meetings, ale being held from week to week. Miss E. Alma Vernon, uho has spent the last few menthe in Toronto, arrived home on Friday. 'ibe members of the 0. 0. P. held their annual oyster supper at the home of Andrew Duke on Friday evening. Miss Bettie Jackson and Miss E. F, McCormick have gone to Toronto, where they will attend the Presbyterian Ladies' College. Rev. FL E. Kellington, who has been spendiug a week with hie parents' here, returned to Nile, accompanied by bis sister Maud. George Adepts has moved into the house formerly occupied by hie brother Fred. Mrs, R. Johnson has moved into the bones recently vacated by George Adams. James Heath, of the 4th con., was un. ited in matrimony to Mies Lydian Holtz. men, of Carrick, on Tueeday, 9th inst. Upon their return home they were ten. dared a reception at tbe hcme of the groom's father. We wish the young couple many happy years of wedded life. R. H. Green suffered a heavy loss teat week, in having to destroy a valnsble driver. The animal had been severely Molted, and while Mr. Green was dress- ing the worinde the animal drew its fore- foot unexpectedly away, fraoturing the leg. The animal was immediately dee. patched. 131.1 rte. E. Livingstone slipped four carloads of cordwood to London. Miss Annie Straugban, daughter of Thomae Strongbox, of East Wawanosb, bas taken the position of assistant 111 Blyth poetoffice. J. P. and Blre. Atkinson, of Melita, Manitoba, were the guests of Postmaster and Mrs. McKinnon. Mr. Atkinson is a brother of litre. McKinnon. John Phillipe, who conducted a ewe metal bleokemithing business in Blyth for several years past, has moved to lot 41, con. 18, Hullett. Mr. Phillips pur- chased this farm from emelt Armstrong Met Spring. Claris Vier oe, who was the Blyth agent for Frost & Wood implements during tbe past year, has removed with bis family to Blitehell, where Mr. Vance will act as agent for the Blaseey-Harris implements. Joseph Stotbers will open out in the bakery business in the bonding, corner of Queen and Drummond streete, until recently used by A. 0. Dickson as a lew ofiioe, AMA oven will be built and everything got into shape for business at onoe. Mrs. &others and cbildran are stopping with Dungannon friends. Building operations in Blyth and vioinity will be brisk next Spring. 3. G. Moser, Joseph Stotbers and Heffron Bros, will build a union brick block, and brick residences will be ereoted by Chris. Johnston and Wm. Hallaban eI East Wawanoab, and John Wheeler, of Morris. Adam Wettlaufer will furnish the bride for all the buildings. The annual meeting of the Blyth Cheese and Better 0o. was held at the Commercial hotel on Saturday, 13th itet. The following officers were elect- ed :—Pres., C. X, Taylor ; Vine Pres., D. Nicol ; See., R. B. IdoGowan ; Treas., 00. Diming •' directors, Walter 'McGowan and R. Marshall. During the season 487,858 pounds of milk were received at the faotory •, pounde of cheese manuface, turd, 44,429 ; average pounds of milk per one ponni of °bane, 10.99 ; total money reoeived, $4,879,49 ; average price received par pound for cheese, 94o ; cost of hauling, mennfentaring and other ex. perigee, 41.98, List Wood has been coming in pretty freely. 13. Brook was re•eleoted Oboirman of the Public School Board. 13. G01318 able to be at his store again, batting recovered from hie relent illness. 0. A. Kelly bee opened a harness ebop in oonneotion with bis implement agenoy, Main street, Beet, DC Howe is mane, ger. 7e. S. Howe is doing business as pro. pristor at bis old stand we Wallace street, having porohesed the barber shop, latterly run by Thos. Ward. The young led who delivers milk for .1. Philp nearly lost the sight of 00110E11N eyes a day or two ago by acaidentally striking it with his whiplash, wbioh was knotted. Six sleighloade of Atwood Preeby laden °berth Sunday School pupile and friends drove over to Listowel on a reliant Saner. day, and apparently enjoyed themselves Mime:eget y. A. B. George, of the Lietowel restau- rant, was united in marriage on Wedmore. day of lad week to Mien Cleneentina Homeward?, who Until recently hes beet in the Millinery depattMent of Therdp, litU8S,ELOS POST 000 pule, Jaen. The ceremony took Owe at the reeidenee of tbe bride's:Meter, Mrs. Delimit), in Tilbury, Rev. Mr. Diett eon tying tee knot, The happy (Maple will return to hewn After their wedding trip. Gereetteritele. Thirty young men were appointed at St Paten 118 ushers for thie year. The Public. School Board will pay e3,45 per gord for cordwood now being deliver- ed, the ligheet prime ever paid by the Board. It is said that the Appeal 00 the West Huron e'eatiou, :elicit wile potpooed oo the 17th, beoettee the evidence) bad not been printed, will not be heard till fix menthe from ditto. Win. Marlton hae the tel of Dyment's tug laid and almost all the frame in posi• tion,and the keel of the tog for Marnand auleiokson, of Owen Sound, is also ready for the frame, The Central Prison bailiff was in town on Monday of last week and took Chao, johnston, oommitted for one year for boree stealing, and Edward Hall, Fix menthe for shop breeking, from the Co. sail. The 201h Century Club, a floodebing sooiel organization composed of young titan, Owed now dithers thie vreek for the current term, as follow '.—Pres , A. Clark ; Vioe Pres., A. Duff; Seo., F. Munro Treas„ Fl, Spence. Managing csommittee, L. McDonald, W. Green and (Theater Morrieb, Eleotion of officiate resulted as follows for the Age Society for 1900 :—Pres„ I. Salkeldor., end Vies Presidents, Dr, Clark and jou. Beek, all re.eleoted ; Direators — Goderioh township, Jae. Connolly, Chas. Hertel and Tboe, Wel- lie ; Colborne, Col. Varooe, J. T. Gold. tborpe, W. le. Young; Goderiolt town, Robe BffoLeae, J. 0. martin, W, T. Blarney ; delegates to the Fairs Assooi. ation, Feb, 21 and 22, in Toronto, Dr. Clark tied Jae. Mitoben. Fair will be held Rept. 18 and 19. The following gentlemen were declared office bearers of the Driving Park Asso. with power to start the organization Pres , Dr. Whitely Vice Pres., Ed. Alt. rill ; See., W. 1,. Horton ; Treas„ Wm. Proudfoot, It was agreed that the dock of the Goderiob Turf Associntion should be 55,000, of which 02,000 should be at once issued, and Wro. Proudfoot was in - Minded to apply for the necessary act of inoorporation. 11 18 expected that the Goderich branch will be organized in time to joie the Ontario association, so that this town may be placed on the Summer and Pall meets. GOLD 13.II1711i11.—A number of business and professional men of the town, to gether with some from Windsor, Toronto and Woodetook, rot in the office of Garrow & Giurow on Tuesday of last week, for the purpose of forming a com- pany to develop and operate for mineral claime situated in the Lardeau Distriot of British Colurabla, whittle is famous for its deposits of riob ore. The serfitoe assays in this region run higher than those of the Roseland ores at a depth of a thousand feet. Tbe company ie to be oalled "Tile Huron Gold Mining Co., of British Oolembie, Limited." The offi- ors are Hon. J. T. Garrow, Pres. ; Geo. Acheson. Vice Pies. ; S. P. Halls, See.. Tress, Head offices, Goderioh anti Ross. land, B. 0. Deeen OF DA, 6138100N,—Dr. J R. Shannon died on Thursday night, Jan. 19th, of typhoid fever at tbe age of 81 years. His death caste a gloom over the entire community, as he was prominent, well-known and respected. He was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, an Catifellow and Lieutenant - Surgeon of the 88rd Battalion, a member of the Collegiate Institute Board, and allied to ail the local industries, having done much to oast in the promotion of all the leading institutions of tbe town. For two years Dr. Shannon occupied the chair as Mayor. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon under supervision of the military. He loves a widow, daughter of Hon. A. M. Rosa, and two children. The British Columbia Provincial Government have deolared their intent. ion of so amending their alien exolueion lave ae to hereafter permit Amerioane to hold olaims purchased from Canadian loontore. Such a conoeseion quite etais• flee the Americans ab Atha, WINDERMERE'S GOOD WORK. A Clipping from Stratford Herold Stating good work 'lone by the how Dry !lot Air Rosplini —It 18 wonderful 111.118 effect A very favorable testimooy of the good being done in the Windermere hoepital of this city, is the report Mr. Patterson, 0. M, 112. D„ V. S., R. 0., V. S., 82 Bleary street, Menthol, gave The Herald of the benefit his wife received at this institution in a few days. This gentleman and his wife had been scouring the oeuntry for a considerable period of time visiting various' Banked= institutions, but met no enociess. They picked up the Stratford Daily Herald in Grand Rapide, Michigan, and there saw at amount of what the Windermere was doing and decided to give it a chance, They 001118 10 Stratford from Battle Creek very dem:etiolated, as they were abont diaoouraged of snows. Three treatments were atiminietered during tbe above stated time, and Mrs, Patterson ie now nn entirely new woman. When the mine the was, awarding to statements, almost helpless, and when seen at the station by the reporter she was smart and well looking. Dr. Patterson said he <meld not speak too highly of the Windermere and Dr, Beady. TheBusiness Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete and practical train- ing in all breeches of Commercial work, at, considerably leo than regular retort. Foe full information apply looting or College over Post otnee, e L. HARrr, LISTOWEL, PRINOVAL, The Standard Bank. of Canada, Money Order For amounts of Fifty Dollare end linear Wetted by tbie Bank, pueblo at par at any °bartered Bee* in Canada, with the exception of Breeches in the Yukon Die. triote RATES Under $10 . . $0.08 $10 to,20 , . 0.10 20 to 80 0.12 80 to 50 . 0.14 J. ,N% OORDON, Ageol, BRUSSELS DON'T BUY ANY ARTICLE IN TRIO Harness Line until you call and see what you cian do at DON.A. D SON' S. A PULL 'LINE OP Robes, Brushes, Combs, Trunks, 'Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bells, &c., At Lowest Living Prices. Single Harness from $7.50 up GOOD 17ALIJE. Jut received a complete line of Woollen and Rubber LAP RUGS, English _Kersey Blankets and Fine Robes. These are a choice lot and will be sold chesp. Jno, Donaldson, Tbe Harness Maker, Brunets. To the Front ! Blashull 5 BUTCHER, Invites the Public to Hee bit stook of Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork Headcheese Breakfaet Bacon Sausage Smoked Ham Pressed Beef Side Pork Tripe Corn Beef Pressed Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c. Our prices are right. Orders called for and meat delivered to any part of the town. Your patronage solicited'. CASH POR HIDES. Wm, Blashili. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles a500 -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR -SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Saeh of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at f3hort Notioe. Estimates Furniehed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMENT, McLEOD'S System Renovator 005080— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveriebed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplegeness, lesthita. don of the Heart, Liver Compleiet,Nenr- aegis., Lose of ib/emery, Brouohithe 0013. C111411011, Call Stogie, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinery Mottos, St. Vitus' Deno, Female Irregularities and General De. Witty. LABORATORY OODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manutiioturor. by JAL For primed, Orimeli. poura"orammausugavaawssasAmeo. Pllmii 1 Skate grinding attended to with neatness and disps,teb, 31 wee sharpen gores 011pP81/8, Oslo' sore, bread knives and other edged toole in eento-clate style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to ire a Workmanlike manner. Sable, faction assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on M01 Street, 13RIMSULS. Spectacles —OP ALL BINDS -- Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. BRUSSELS Loan and Collecting '–'4"0111P -Agency The undersigned is prepared to attend promptly to all Busi- nese in this line at very reason- able rates. Money to loan. Insurance risks written. Conveyancing carefully at- tended to. Books posted and accounts collected. KWSatisfaction assured in every transaction. Headquarters for %Voles or Repairs. A. OOUSLEY, BRUSSELS. JAN, 25, 1900 HMR GOODS Prof, Dorenwend, oiv rofioNro, IS COMING. Ole win lie at du-, morion Hateli Brussels, Nook, In, 11, THIS WINTER, VISIT OF '1900 5 ein prepared th show a larger variety of Now York, 1.4ondon and Perin Style than ever offered to abs public before. I obeli bave Ladies' and Gents' Wigo, Toupeo, Bange, Wavy and Plain Froute, lewitobes of ell long heir in every length end ehnde, etc. LADIES, my goods are reoognized 88 the STANDARD OF PERFBOTION and thole use protects thebeed and produoes 16 younger expreseion to the hum. Volitional', are You stalO ? ' I int ita you to my Show Rooms to demonstrate the oomplete 01100008 of my Art Coverings in Wigs and Toupees, worn on over 56,000 heads. They are light in weight, strong and most natural in appearance, and a proteotion to the bead against Draughts, Colds, Catarrh, Nenralgia, etc., and give a younger and bandeomer expression to the face. Please Remember Day and 0010— American Hotel, Brussels, Wednesday, Jan. 31. oftEN INEpoi /011P EE e.„ CHANGE OF BUSINESS, Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c,, from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that 'cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public. Grocery Stock Fresh and up.to.date. A Specialty TEAQ made of The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery. '" CHINA AND GLASSWARE We take no second place. BAKERY Continued as usual and Satisfaction assured. • The patronage of the public solicited and our part to merit a continuance of your trade. we will 'do MRS. BALLANTYNE, BRUSSELS. Mril•••1111MM a ca ROSS' CLEARANCE SALE! The Town and Country is Talking about Gus Successful, Wonderful Sal e. We never sold so many Suits and Overcoats as we are doing at present. AND WHY? Because we have added Another Stock of Men's & Boys' Suits & Overcoats 1 11 Z.V" to our already big stock of Clothing and selling them at prices that is satisfying all who see them. The wonder is—How can we sell such good goods for so little money ? drop like this in prices always brings the people, and so it will be necessary to come early for the choicest Suit and Overcoat. XVI ALIN "W Ma AUNT Wants a Suit, an Overcoat or an Ulster we want to see that man. We also want that man to see our Clothing. ....+••••••*amemwook OUR DrawDt Crokwdse yandou pHold Them. Door. on't make Us Rich. ITICES Harmonize with' the Times, Are Down to the Bottom and Below the Lowest. $111110.01MMINno, We have stctrted our ilinnual Clearance Sale. Our StO076 mast be RecZuced this Month, and you will have Me bene- fit of the Sacrifice. MONEY BACK IP YOU WANT IT, 1MM g CHAMPION CLOTHIER, ee