HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-25, Page 17 g f 0 tt Eei,ew for `The Post Vol, 28. No, 29 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1900 VV. H. KERB, op, New Ferguson While C4j8etaeg. Olc� �. Advertisements, W, ]owe :—Ohairmau'a address by T, n dtraghan ; Underdraining , by A. Ger, diner, of 112pIiillop ; 'Apple denture°, by A. McNeil, of Walkervtlle ; "Feed .and ogre of dairy cattle", by T, H. Mason, of $taffordvtlle, In, the eYyntng, nom• miming at 7.50 in addition to a good melee( program there will be' epeeobse by the ohairmari and Meagre. McNeil and Maaoi on "The eooial Bide 00 .farm life" and "Some National Problems' , A sleigh load of Ooneervativea attended the Convention in Brunetti on Friday neat, Mines C. Harms and Morrleon return. `ed to Spry after, spending a mouth's holidays at the Eormer'a home here,. .'grown & Berner(' are having•the Mot- ,ria lights put into the eluding rink which will make it more pieseent for skaters. D. D. G. Ila. Tipling geve Montana. Lodge, No. 177, an official visit and in-prLitraevti ataliaa the folbwingoiiigera:—Geo. $pot• N. G. ; Andrew Brown, y, G. ; J. A. Barnard, Seo. ; Geo, Barnard, Treas. G. Paniin, Warden 1 John Douglas, 0, Gf. •I Geo, Leolcin I. G, We are sorry to hear of Dr. Brent J. HazIewood',ilinee. He is now in PAAts• burg, Haneae, and has been ailing for some time MA took were°, Hie y Faherleft on Saturday for Pltteburg, Brent is e, general favorite among the boys and we all wish him epeedp re. oovohn John Fortune, of this village, keeps a p Ehe cow showed algae Early thio mouth K going dry and at times almost failed to give any milk, Mr. F. Grid in wait for the mysterious Y Gauen of the Groable and to hie surprise legcaue ht hie tpot he oowndbng needless g g as to say that pig and vow don't ohm any more. Fratt,—Jnet before noon on Wedneelay fire f John fier9988 dleoovered Howl.* street, and and steble e lire was too far advanced to be put out with Peat of the contents was got ont, but sumo straw mad hay wee destroyed. By bardwork and the use of some blankets, Mr re e"vv`ie's'stable adjoining, although several times was Bayed, Lose about dear. $40. The aquae of fire is not gaits- James Ferguepn and wife, 9tlt °On aid Mrs, 13roadfoot, of Manitoba, were plaiting with D. Ferguson and family at Tenwater: Next Bummer Chas, Wheeler, Ir„ 4tG line, wilt enlarge and improve hie reeideuoy, adopGhag modern mathoda be the addition. We are pleased to report that 1111es Belle Strachan, who has been ill, is r00veriOg gaffe short and will be fully restored we hope shortly, Thursday evening of )vet week a large ; aomp8nyof young people spent an enjoy able time at the residegoe of Jere Fer u-' K son, 9th con. A load -same from Moles• worth end another oornpany from At. wood, making about 40 in ail Jno. Hill left on Monday afternoon 00 a visit to hie eon at Clinton and his daughter; Mr. (Dr.)Rivera, of prdJton, Mr. Hill well dseres a holidayas h. Ms been m hard toiler tar mnay8 year while farmin on the 10th eon. . We are a gR glad to state that ho health has greatly in improved and we hope be may be spared for mos este to sn o the 'tante of hie y enjoy labor, L100ataz $coixxx.—Ov FridayeveningCollege, of feet week s musket and literary pro. gram we presented at Tnrnbull'a school hotel, 15th coo., in conettiov with the Literary Sacristy of that community, President VV. Kreuter occupied the ebair most eatiefaotorily and each performer did ry theirpartwell. Following was the solo ; harmonise selection Harddress r Wilt. "Rejected" Y Cantilena,' Miens Wilbsie and Jae. " Harris and 0. Turnbull ; reading, Hugh Stewart ;nog, Wm. McAllister ; violin, Jae. Campbell ; reading, Jno, Hislop ; recitation, Mise Fannie Heade° ; dialogue harmonica, letter",Harvey Wilteie; Pi 9 W was a yo g s I ne can ; song, It I was as Young as I nae to be," George Wilde ; remitation, Jas. Perris ; violin meth, Jae. Campbell ; faros "Selling the donkey"; Bang, W. Maynard ; quartette, "Good Night." The financial proceeds amounted to $5.20 which goes into the treasury of the Society. A debate will be bald on Thursday eveniagot this week on the toplo "Resolved hatIntemperanoe has oaaed more misery than war. Jae. Harris and Oliver Turnbull are the cep• Minaret the respective audee and will be aeeieted by a number of yang men of the locality, Thie is a good move and ebnald be heurt•ily supported by both old ae well ae young. , Quite a number .of Morrieites attended the ,East Huron Farmers' Institute meeting et Brussels on Wedneedaypf neat week, Lou, l5olimier, 2nd line, trimmed the top off the thumb on hie right bend in the turnip pnlp0x recently and has had sore thumb etnme, Quitea number from this township wjll go to the North West next Spring, oGare and oEhera an per hem as settlers. as permanent eatElers, There will be a good repreentatiov of Morrie people at the Patriotic Concert in Brunelle Friday evening of neat week i' Y weather and roads are favorable, It is a good move of the Towi ebi Connell to pub. up a horse shed at the Hall. The building will be 20x00 I-st : and tenders will be received up to o'ctnok on rob. 12th, Oliver Turnbull, 15th eon, die poeed of a yovoq thorn' bred boll to George Mo• Donald, tat coo, It was sold through an bred. in Tnz POST. The animal is well bred. The Belleville Weekly Sun, of Jan. 18,abandon says :—Rev. A. R. Maunder, of Albert aoou ,ed the p' pulpits of the Methodist church on the Rawdon °trona on Sunday last. Notwithstanding the somewhat inclement weather immense gatherings were at each appointment and all were well pleased with the ability and earnestness of the speaker. Hie aubjeat "Missions" was ably handled—seldom by older is illusbr bec)rof theand an bundant o refnb et evidence was Iandtrzeal 1 the noble an appeal. A widespread welcome awaits him to talk on missions or kindred , aubje0te. Speoial reference) should be made to the touching pathos with which he referred to the Indian mieaiams fields of reBritish Colombia. The contributions were in exaars is of former years. bril- Haut edur s predicted for him and be is looked upon 8e one of the 0001105 stare of the Methodist "ohproh. Jno. Lawson • Guide, Jn . annon e, o ne feeble Watchman, Peter Gardiner ; Oat- .aide Wetohmaa Fred. Born ^ 1 e reeen. , P tative to Grand Lodge, Jno, McDonald Lodge is in health o nd't'on with over y i i 100 members on the roll. Meetina are g a held on the third Wednesdayof each ' r da On Theraday evening of this weal Rev, Mr, Raley; of Kitamaat B. 0• will giveen addre e " '' a' ' ' a cry Mies.Ona In the 1 Methodist church, Begged,. There were 205persona T t w e pe ons at the lkaf'ev diet Sabbath suborn lest ` bbat aft a Sabath er. noun and 221 at Melville same hour, These good rea0rda a are a shoot as In g place lace the size of Brussels with three meetingat 11 " Sante ' the am time. The Home Oh p r le the name of a congregational paper published by he U, P. gongregation of Walton, Out, The initial number oame a to band -nger flying It tea white winged messenger flying throaglt Ghe armmunity beuriig some• thin of nothing pre d to aP stied gIvrng but egk upon ',Cast thy bread the waters for w or thou abalt find it after many dhya," Rev O. lYl. nee is the l pastor, At the annum l diet Social niopmugnet of the baeMetle U of Toronto Chaster Massey advocated the setting apart of one montb'ineach year, a sort of Lent, -during withal the ohgroh people should souls' engagements and similar plenums to devote all their zeal, aver gy and ability to the furtherance of the he work of winning souls for Christ and at etirring up enthusiasm in His ranee. The suggestion, which took the form of a resolution, was endorsed by all present, and the aabeme will reeive the assistance of the General Sapperinbendent, Dr. Car. man, who e8onded the resolution. Local—G, B. King, $T,qO per doze—E, Bart, House to d ze—E, Taal, Local Prot. Dorenwend, Tired eyes—G. A. Desdmav, farm for sale—W. 11. Sinolair.mqutfi, Canadian' Express Op.�A, Sculley, Ta Ooitraotpre—Walton A, 0,17. Customers Co who are P B Participating—J. •.� T ki. Mae Minnie O&M is int with scarlet fever. , Gerge Oaeomore,.8r., held big amnion gala 00 Tueday afternoon, Ray. Mr, Hall, wife and amble, of Bai. t gtave,,veited int the ma0ee leaf week, Rev. Mr. Malcolm and [refer, of Tee• water, visited at the manse last week, 3 Mtse Jemima Ja01teean has returned from New York after a vwit to her grater, James B005890 has tebaraed from Prince Edward where he has been vielbio5 since Obrtetmae, Quite a number from the vilinge abend- ed the Bone of $outland convert un Wong m o Tuesday evening.08 The s0bol ohtlaren are preparing for a grand concert to be given sometime in Fee, The annual meeting r e. g of the BIwale a reabyterian chane? was held sed y eventn5 the 16th met. Tlole woriCll,ton �+ o +� �' � ���� tiro, Mies Wood, of Stratford, is visiting at Wm, Wood's. da etihomeeonepeat Satarday and $un• Stewart e vieiting very Joseph °rte the $0010 non., meat and • A other third Oonservater Friday quer in 8. received the treat, and The press Wingbam.—J. poeed G. Etliotts pnrohaeer. The oongeo1100with John Captain, Whitman aging Dingle'', Ethel gation eels Mise vited Concert day is a We Laird taken Mrs. veryg soon r`astizu'e week pion The o'0 uok Leadbu;•V. John live $undaged at home. Mina M. E. Rue ie vieiting in. Beaforth. FrankHaaokwell is at present nursing James H, Stenzel, of Toledo, Ohio, hie parents, 12th On. A eleighlomd of young people spent pleasant evening 0.t the residence McKay, 10th con., prey, Wm. Keil hevingdie used of his East of Leadbary, disposed going sunny South in the Spring. of oar young folks of the MoKillop, attended the entertain. in No. 2, Grey, Met Friday evening report having a good time. Is of ro o 14th an- the `bard the teat 0. ban• week has of Mon Ex. in die• here. Mr, is the in ;, H. Man• Allan dale• Brea- in- Fri- have of been will neat atm. (esti- irare. 1.80 fol- Bros, are, doing a rushing business in the ohoppigg Ifne, Thome Cumming Is making K g prepare• Hone to build an addition to his house, "°r, Cerrothere of Monorleff, hes o a chased the property belonging to J a, Wilson 4b J °Mo' Grey. y Mere h J. MoIie and daughter have a returned home from an extended visit with friends in Peterborough. ky Mie Lyda Mitchell who has been un der thes acre 00 Dr. Iargieon for acme time is able to be around 0.gam. l:rsttnbrooLi, R, Mitchell and Mise Ella, of Brod. began, were in the village on Sunday. last erebaae e no on ervice tin ofKnox church minion at Ethel Wednesday to attend a training eohool being a mieaioaary to ith Brit e intentione o Columbia. _ Otha era her of Edwfollowing 10ended ard Garrowoearefers her resident old settlers are npassing over byone majority anent ma actin now, in this ne o• y not manyremain with as. One of them, in the person of the lata Mre, Ed. ward Grrrow, passed away on Friday, the 12th 1081,, at the ripe ase of 82 y°ora. Mrs. Garrote, whose maiden name was Rebeoa Kay, flee born in the North of Ireland, of Scottish ancestry, on Febru- ary 2nd, 1818, but in early inlep*y re• ins moved to Glasgow, Scotland, where she resided until her marriage, in April, 1842 to the late Edward Garrow, a native of Stirling, Scotland, who pre•deoeaeed her. ape Glasgow the newly married 000510 America, intending to settle in in New Jerey, but by thence were diverted operations. first to the city of Buffalo, thee but a small place, thence 800088 the Niagara home river to the hen all important village of Chippewa, on the 0anndle aide, where they remained a year, rpm00105 to the Grey, township of North Dumfries, Waterlooy' county, whereremoval nthey remainedanti'thea Calder wag to the homestead, in the township of Maitland McKillop, adjoining the North-western town boundary of $eeforbb, where bath died, At that time there was no $ea• feeln forth, nu gravel made in the country, no railways. Most of the flelde now ao or- have derly and well cultivated were they either virgin forest, or as their ebnod stump have R Y p proved, bili recently realairoed. Al Goma though not of the earliest settlers, Mr. and Mre. Garxow had to sedate many of week. thepioneere' privatione until the clear- "in was enlarged and new buildings, to 5 g replace the old log affairs erected. Poor P old des fled l0 hones 1 what warm sad old P gMr. stead of scorn, the rising abetter. gene generationVerily it will knew whet It owes to these old houses Bethel, and their heroic inhabitants, would m.ke poiaEmente of them H not eh01008 at least semi -sacred is platen. On the evenin of her tate hue-wmoverometaken band'a funeral, in Angnst 1894, Mrs. to Gn row fell and never united roke bra herthigh bone, her to P y K homestead CII CS KOH vet iwS. The Methodist century fund now totals 000,000.uta RegularmonthlySabbath morning... Next Sabbath eveningthe subject at Melville a " i Ende ver will be Lassos for Simon and na.'r Knox eb rob Toronto, a church, h a formally annsons the resignation of Rev. Dr. Parsons foraApril let, Father Dixon, of from died died suddeviy on hie way from hie fioee his house to the oburoh to say Mass, 'Jephtbah a vow' was Rev. Mr. Abey's Met Sunday morning and in the evening the text was "Dome and ass," St. John 1. and 46,Jas "'roe Baptism mea Temptation of our Lord,' will be the topic of 8t, dohn a Yonag People's Society on Thursday evening of this week, Rev. Dr. William Patrick, of Dundee, $outlined, has accepted the Prinoipalehi - of Manitoba (Presbyterian) College, 8510• eeedinq the late Dr. King. The Board of Managers of the Central Presbyterian church, Hamilton, has de• oided to resign as the easiest way of aetthe the trouble over the organist. The Bible Society collectors are eveia l bo their work for this year bat several books ere out yet. Will the persona dela. es early as this Y P one$blawork kindly attend toJ it IG bine been decided to hold the biennial iov of the Epworth Leagues o[ O 0 London the London Conference, ab Stratford, on Feb.18.14, is the gem Covveation that was to have been held in Clinton. Ata meeting of he Guelph Presby tery Rev. D. Fletnher, of ea h street cherub, Hamilton, was nominated for Moderatorshi bly, to be bald in H 1 lax 091 the eeoovd Wedvesda of Jane next. Y "The Baptism and Temptation of Jeeps" will be next Sabbath's lesson iu rue 6odey schools. 18 months' atadY of the lute of Ohrist has been arranged in conte ofhter. be eo no. with the International lessen of'shins. See notes of lesson on Singe 3 of this bases. "Be thou perfect before Me," Gen. 17- 1, wse Rev. Sao. Holmes' text teat $ab• „ bath morning and in the evening "Come are heavy jsdes and to Me I will give you The reverend gentleman is a good preacher Wl»=teettn. movement is on foot to establish furniture factory in Wingham, N. Gri baihes beenelected leote fee' O from ouventiouart gresele MoDonala M. P. attended in Arthur, M Mullen of "last Y honor of Jae. MOMnlen 51 P.P. E. Kent, formerly of Winghern, the travelling representative firm of John Cox & Sen. of wholeeaie varnish manutaotnrere, has commenced hie duties. following from the Clifford has referred to one well known J. Elliott, V. S. has of his bneinee and property K Cranetou, V. B., who has been assistant for some time, following Officers were pleated the Ho01tey club.—Free„ Clegg ; Manager, J. H. Chisholm Chas. Skeatee ; Secretary, ; Tree., Geo. Hannah ; Committee, Jos. Hudson, II. Chambers, Alex. Alderson. - _ Mise Jo 'toes fe 111 with thgrip a this week. Edith Deadman ie on the si0k Hai t is b1 week. Glen Coseley is oleic with Grip this week• Mre, D. Moore is visiting relative near Toronto, Mien Lizzie Ross is on the eiok list this week, Mies Lillie Gunner, of Listowel, is visiting Mrs. eo K. Roes. Thomsen was laid op with to grippe g ei daring the peat week. Seymour Service, of I. Sooltil, is vieit- ing bis sister, Mre, F. S. Scott. N. ateB.. Mre. Garry and Meryl, of Wroxeter, were in town o Friday. Mre, McGuire, of Pererboro' was visit. bug her sister, Mre. D. C. Rose, this weak, Mrs. Jacobs, I of London, is visiting Rev. G. J. and Mre. Ably at 81. admit" reaGory. Mre, Oaoper, sister to Mies Frannie, orbast week d at Toronto o Thursday D, A, and Mre. Lowry are visiting rew this week, combining bneinese ant d pleasure. Mrs. Wilson , of Molesworth, wag visit. ivy her dpaug ool war, Mre, M. H. Moore, dee• ing the pet week. Dr, McNanghten has quite recovered From hie illneee and is able to attend to his practice as usual. Will. Duncan, 4th line Morris, will learn the barbering parlor. business in R. N. Barrett's tonsorial arlor. Mrs, J. J. Gilplo has been bothered with her throat and to receiving medical attention for it wbiph is pruduotive of Fe- lief• The "Stratford Beacon' says "Dr, Davidson, dentist, of Breesele, and well known in Stratford, has removed to Woodstock. Jno. Long, agent for the Noxop firm in Brussels, was is Ingersoll for a few dela this week visiting the firm he is en• a ed g K with. • has been Rpqui quite during the past week with pneumonia but will 0000 be all right Gv.•es-, Jno. Bryan spent Sunday on the 4th. Jaa. Mann will build a new barn next eeaeo, A wedding is hilted at on the 12th eon, before long. Mies Bella Habkirk, of Blytb, le visit. at he home of Duncan McLemohlin. Peter Ritchie, 14th con., is away to Fergae cru a holiday visit for a few weeks. Jae, Jackson baa bis machinery all moved to hie new farm neer Teeewater, $, Wright, of Hentr n ie busyactin Y gettingLase hie stook of wood for next summer's John Savage has been busy hauling briob for 8 new hon±e from T. Bennett's kiln. Mies McTavish, teacher of S. S. No. 6, was the guest of Mise Maggie The G.laat week. P R. bridge gang are at pies• re-baildin the over the river at Henfr n. bridgeMise Y Hear Ball, 10th ao., be been feeling poorlyweek but is bettefor r age ain, Mr and Mre. Stevenson, of Henfr n returned from Detroit where the Y been for the past two mrntan Miens Biaok and Heudere0n and Mr, of Davof pdker cmneh, 145 ural at the G h coq., his Last week Reeve Turnbull, 41h con-, urcGaead m Ehoro' brad bull, 10 months from Jae. Spate, 5th lino, Morris, Speir keeps good stook. 'ever J. ache Mbee ears E rmonof Ge mat reachY and Henfryn ap• next 8mbbath. Mr. Garbutt e good preacher,. the 5th b con next Spring twhere 6he will conjunction with his father, work the "sntheme Larkin, 1 O atb Rev, Mr. in the' of nab 1 m, occupied the pulpit the Presbyterian church last Sabbath and gave two excellent die. courses. Rev, Mr, Howson, of Olintou, presehed missionary sermons in the Methodist church her lest Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Russell took his work at Clinton. Sunda the band of the 33rd Bat• Y talion drove over to Goderioh and took part in the funeral service of the late dDr.er Shannon, which was conducted under military anepioes. Monday evening a couple of loads of young folks from town drove over to the home of Mr. Layton, and spent a vase galea of and returnin playing games, °bug• g' ed home in the '*wap ours o' the moring,' all safe beyond s few aceta, by may of attempting up- este, atter a vary enjoyable sleigh ride. HOCKEY. — Last Friday night the hockey lemma of Seaforth and Harriet00 met on the rink here and played a hot game, In the latter half one of the Sea- forth team wits laid off by a blow in the arae a maat n and walked off thee la rristomans wiceidl not ing the home team to claim the victory by 3 goats be 2. Last Friday evening a number of young people took poseeasimn of the home of Wm. II0.le and for a few Guars made wi th and The ,timetw0.a ipleaeanbiyn ape 61 playing games, &a., and all dispersed about 1 a. m•, voting that the Hale family know how to entertain visitors even when by surprise. The annual meeting of the McKillop Friday evening bertha InsuranceCm was held See.• + NI orr1 e. Townehi Connell on Fe 12th. P p'• Mise Mary Woodrnn visited for a aoWill.le gf Wilson, 5th line, eeks in left for Chicago noste on Fridaymorning of last weak. Julia Sharperne p ieat pressor visiting her •eieter and brother in St. Thomae. Jae. Bowman, Go, Councillor, is attend- week he Go. Council at Godericb this Jos. Robb and iamb' let line, have y' been on the sink list bat we hope they will soon be better,the Mies Gibson and Mre. Taming of Bluth, were venting Ehe MooveY ami me anti other friends in this lo0alit y' Rev, 0. C. Keine, o! Pine River •our. Gaut, preaohe3 at Jookeon s Ghuroh Inst Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Penhall taking Mr. m. Shoe work.the movie $to WWalton 9th ab con leintends re- g 0 about tot Mazob, Fear Bros• will work hue farm heving rented it for a term o[ years. Rev. Jas. E. Hunter, of Bervie, w$e this visitweek while retunder the urning If from Torontoeat." where he bad been attending a oburoh Etbae1. will probably send aFebruary,ent y good to tbePatriotia Concert at on Friday, Feb. 2nd. I . Speuae, of Ethel, has been to 000tribate a solo at the Patriotic to be held in Brussels on evening of next week. Mise Spence good vocalist. weloome to our village James and the good wife. They up their residence in the home Spence ar. The latter bas poorlyohlate but we boa she take change for the better, INexamnxz.-Tuesday of a alio meeting, under the will a hastld Heron Farmer's in the Town Hall afternoon session opens at and the proganrn will be ea �A���� CABINET L! T P/T Q 1 OS. �%0Ott r1 i AT ��� HARTS PHOTO. gALLERY, &trettort stock. a helpless cripple,.. Confined to the now house for the balance of her life, a die. aster which she bore as she bore all alae Davudeou, of trouble and affiiotao, with earpae8105 under fortitude, it being said of her that never about roe during her long illness] did she utter a complaint or a peevish word. Thus he has phased away in the ripeness of 0908 the faithful and lovingwife, the tender herr and deeply a8aotionae mother,the firm and and sincere friend, leaving bhind, to menta. those that knew her, Covin and tenderg memories, which will nob soon fade. non. Theriga,children are the Hoo. Jae, city surviving fel Garrote, of Goderiob ; John, of Victoria, British Columbia ; Edward, of Webwood, school Ontario and Robert and Janet who redact Press. on the old homestead. The remains ere were laid to rest in the Maitland bank the cemetery. 11. and the 100 aorea oppoeite owved by Mr, Shaw, Darin E lith aoou few been rather the weather b iG be able to et again vita Gooden and we hoe q yP wtlloonteIa, to improve. cold friends, ip Detroit, was renew• old friendships in Grey and Tome y' It in 10 years afnos be was home he notices many important improve- He ie a son of Geo, Sbielelab in the Mr. Sl!eib is a reports of the straits and reports a anomie. season for 1899. Sobjeot for the Debate in Smilie'e Tuesemy evening was Pulpit ve. On account of two of the speaks on the affirmative declining to take platform A, Yaill was supported by McKay and F. Molntoab, while the was upheld by D. McDonald, M Hogg and N. . Riobardton, Denis. was given in favor of the affirmative. debate will be held next weak, but a entertrinment will be held on evening when election of offi• will take place. All are. weloome. Edward Collie, of Heetryn, has re. home from a visit to hie brother- Spokane Wehington and also visited and Victoria, B. C„ going via the Pacific Railway ; the round over 4,900 miles, coating him exactly ear, Collis was very favorably im• with the thrift and enterprise of low Yankees as evidenced in Spokane unshed openly mbli to in aalt its orme for appalling in these towns ae he witnessed with own eye. It is a common 00ourreae Jatnee, British Columbia minere to oome retreat, to Seattle and spend a year's earn. let in a atingle aught in one of thea leve. Posen. *o , Mzeoii a,—Th9 annual mest• Tee of the BFivet Corners 0baeoe Paotory noon, held on the 18th inst. in the factory, ing the auditor's report we lean Holmes figures for the pet season : -Total Mre. milk received, 1,172,712 ; Ibe. ahem with 105,549 ; average Ibe. bright to lb. cheese, 11.11 ; total receipts, ; exenditure, 510,658.16 ; 17, o Gaud, $18.22 ; overage met Morrie, lb. of tbeeee, 1.22o. ; average cost of ago per. Ib. including mint hauling, Souris, I average 50100 for osaeov, 9,060, of !b, ere Riobmond, tha Seo,•Treag., of Ile had held thi9 post ever ick the {Mowry wee built, and it goes and saying thee he was a faithful and Samuel Wherry teas appointed ed 1 Traaeurer, Robb. Roe ; Com. glad James Grit*, Thos. Smith, John coveringni0ei it. t Auditor. Thee. Hammed. ell meeting. Messrs. Moons Forsyth, Smith end y'nd Y a number t West next of d rasa with thereto Spring and are baying now with that ob. l sot in view, y g It is exported that Millard, eldest son ben Councillor M. K. Cardiff, , who brae been at the General Hospital, Toronto,gompeny, may be brought home this week it able to staid the journey.9919 Miss Lizzie Laudlaw, of Beget Man. ie visaing her abler, Mre. Geo 80 Jwife eon, 8th lune, David Laidlaw and wife of the lama plane are also visiting at Ooauotlter Jackson's. George Kelly, 85h line, is hauling material for the erection of a new briak residence to be put up next season, Mr. Kelly bad re bee hauling brick from Brunets last Saturday. The many friends of Mr, and Mre. Robb, 1st line, extend to them their eymballty in the death of their 4 year old eland, Myrtle, The funeral took plebe on Wednesday of last week. Demean Ashton, of the 1st con., has gone to London to attend the collegiate Institute in that 0it3. He 000.8 800001- ponied by Frank Garvie, of the Sad, ing who expeote to epend the Winter there. ing. One day last week, as Henry Perdue, 2nd con,, we leading a oolt out to scene water, the animal kicked striking Mr. Perdue on the leg and breaking it just be. the knee. A0 Mr. Perdue is DOW in her hue 70th year. and ism deolinung state of this hie r oobut verle hopes are euterbained Y has We regret to report the death of for the 7 year old so of Alex. tat line, whose illness of soar- ohuroh fever, Was referred to In last week's at He passed away on Saturday. it #anarat'took plane on Monday atter- Rev. D. Rogers, of Blaevale, tsk• part the service at the house and Rev. J. Thursday at Brunets cemetery. Mr, and there Peered are deeply sympathised in their boreavemsnt. Jae. was a Toronto boy. rest Arminian.— We regret to 'tear that A. the Robertson, formerly of the 5th line, was seriously injured a few waste fernery while returning to big home near lowing Man., from the mill with a load milk chop. A runaway team, the property cheese Itobet•t ISay, a Yormer reel ent oC all calved, towuehip, overtook 1Or. Robertson 801.79. jumped into the sleigh striking him P l g injuring him severely, It was fear. ton he was Welly injured but we are Mester 10 stet+ Mr. Robertson le now re. Foremen, and we hoe will soon be Jas. Ache. y' P ._ north, when the auditor's report and • flnanoial statement were read avd other fe ate o trnnsamted. Ona of the leading features of the meeting was the passing of a xeaolution of appreciation of the 08001000 of W. J. $Gannon, who has for so many years a faithfully o. has gad the duti09 of SsoretarytreaeurBO of the and of a practical type. President Clark and Mre. Clerk have stetted oat on a tour rood the world in they scribe of the Christian Endeavor. The sailed from San Fravoieoo for Japan early thio week. After epevding some time in Japan they will Obi Corea for a week and then proceed to Chine.. The Evangelistic services are still in progress is the Methodist church. Fru- day Elgin, of last weed add. es, George,n of Port Elgin, Save a good address, taking as his subject "The contest between Elijah and the prophets of Bob,"aIt was 0. young peoples' service and was well attended. Rev. William Savage, of Guelph, has started on a lecture tone through the counties of Simone, York, Grey and Bruoe. He will not return before Spring as he will be unable to fill hie engage- in lege time, having 500809890 leotures to deliver. Good fora man in his eighties. Rev. Mr. Raley, of Kitamant, B. O. who is in Ontario seeking health, offered to spend four days in Wingham Datrioa this week addressing pubiia meeting% bat the Epworth League Exeontive thought the notioe too short. Wingham Dietriot ral has undertaken to support Rev. Mr. evening, Raley in he mission field. noon Next Sabbath the Communion will be city. dispensed at ,Melvilleohurob. Rev, D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook will reach at the P at 2,80 cervica on he after- p. at 2,30 o'elontc, The pastor will p„ the Sabbath services and the opening service on Monday evening will be pluton, by the annual oongregational week, meeting, The Central Methodist authorities, authorized the offer of"58,100 will Mre. F. D. Hamilton for the resi4enae bu dkureb arrest, now oo0apied by Mr. will the H. S. Consul, the intention to use the residence ELS a parsonage, ea for it out of the prooeede of the °d Oeutury Fund. Mrs. Hamilton a0• he offer. It is understood the tot trnnsf90 of the propertywill take (Rev.) about the let of May. member The 18th annual provinoial convention told the 31. M. 0. A. of Ontario and Quebec officer. be held in the Central Methodist tiring Woodotook, from Feb: 8 to 1l of speakers are George Mo - P g Prest tint 0f the local branch and Fleto Edward atiOrd who. ie at present re- tee, in Stratford. Mr. Halogen will the over the conference of actors, & ireatore and business men, and Dr, Fletcher will eprs i 4n the subject, 1h can the spirited purpose per• the again we nope. Jno. Roddik, an old and well known path a tof homee with phis clGrey, ar titis mak. t daughter, er Mre Ballantyne, in town now. D. ve G. M., Dr. Lnnderki0( M. P., of Hanover, paid an °Motel visit to St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. 141., Brussels, on Wednesday evening of this week. George D. Lamont, formerly of Bens• b m Batik at ndard ea 8rentfmrd toromo e pthet /leahe d eine, Toronto. His many old friends here will be pleased to hear of his manes. Fred. Burgess, late of Winnipeg, formerly of Brussels, bas purchased the well established photograph bushiest] of Horace Foster, of Clinton. We wish him success. The Clinton people will find bim a good oitizen. Nathan J. Austin, who is making his home in Brussels this Winter, ie an ofd soldier having spent 4 years i n Co. D. of the 9th 21, Y. Cavalry daring the war be. tween the North and South. He draws a pension of $6.00 per month. Wednesday's Stratford Herald gays "Mre- G. A. Powell and her daughter, Mise Ethyle, who ie to sing at the Cant- Methodist choir concert to•marraw arrived here yesterday after. and will visit with relatives in the 'W H. Kerr, of Ta Per u o ,bee been ea, tpd, of G with Han. J, , lber, lea M, p„ O lit orfah,ane H, address t e of Orediton, to give an adores at the of the Stavly Libras Building, on Thuredey evening of ne The Tamil of J. Leckie of Torovto • Y ' , ` move to Ilrn095,0 nest •8prm5 and d the BR ms now op Summer m edbn?helr oomfortsble P Y S. 80rtt. They be welcome visitors and wo hope Mr. wall find time to take a well earn- holiday. Dr. Rolling, the Warder of Huron 00. 1900, ue a brother -un -law to Oro. J. Holmes. The Dr. bee been a of the Co, Connoil 18 years all and will make a fireb.olees presidia He etmtee thmt he purposes rg from the Co. Cougoil ate the oboes the year. We are pleased to hear teat Russell er el , deet roe of d bo 010 1 80 of lye been promoted to men Benj. Al of os,, whng Departmgut of icago Allen Cos, wholesale ewelere Chicago. ben b l i it a 50, Or. been with the firmforleo in years. Bagnall the Mate Is also in ening house in Material Den0.rE. 'Walton. Alma Cooper is vieiting at Dr. Arm. trong'e, Arnie Calder is now a patient in the Toronto Hospital. D. and Oise Belle McGill, of Biyth, sandayed in town. Mina Annie Ferguson is on the eiok ei0k Het this week, Mre, D. Waghorn ;is spending a few weeks with friends in Kirkton.menta Mise $herritt, who has been vibitiug at Mr. Neal's, left on Tuesday for Tara, Alex. and Mrs. Smith, of Seaforbb, are visiting friends in Walton and vioinity Mr. Leatherlaod, of Seafortb, preaobed in the Methodist (hurrah last Sabbath, Some of our residevte enjoyed a sleigh- party to the North on Friday even. George Christopher's residence was the of an enjoyable party o Friday evening. Mise Jennie Ferguson is visiting at auntie, Mrs. Thos. Cardiff, in Grey, y, 0000 week. poop Rev. Mr. MoKibbon, of Ottawa, who °enduot supplied the pulpit of Doffs Church pubiio the past two weeks, left this week. followed Services will be held in the U. P. on Friday at 6,30 and Saturday 2.00 ; 5ominuuioo service On Sabbath Stretford, 11,00, to $nine of our amateur epontere took on in the debate is No. 2 Gray, on Seyfert, evening. The Literary society being is booming. pitying Rev. D. Forret and family left for 20th on Monday. We hope hat a canted from mioieerial labor will result in formal speedy recovery of his voice, plane The auditor's report of Walton Cheese for past year contained the fol. of information : Total pounds of will received, 81,518 ; total pounds of oborob, made, 41,9711 total amoaut re. Amongthe $4,194,07, patrons receiving 53,• Lagan, Good Fos note forh The • P P acct snare. Dr. fo110w W. arm the ourrere for Wal- siding A, 0. U. W. for the current term :— preside Workman, Thos. Archibald 1 d Robb, Archibald ; Overeer,a ' , Merry M. Moore ; Iieoordor, R. H. Fprga• "How r' tit Canadian les this his Co, ),tnadian Money toted. Manager's ' NOTICE I Express Cot via format's the Wroxeter. negative J. Richard Miller is visiting at bis home ion here. No The "Star"has opened up in the Hemp- literary bill block. Thoreday Wallace Lagkie is se home on a few earn day [holidays. M14fre. L. Brown left for Toronto on turned y morning. at Minnie Hemphill is vieiting Seattle Moods eods at Stratford et preegnt. Northern N, White and wife visited at the trip, home near Harrigan on San. 5100. day pressed Jno. Davide0n, who has bean on the the tolt list out again. fohe past two weeks, ie able to and Wm, Shoemaker, wife and family tent moved on Tuesday to Nebraska. We bio waab them summers. for G. Barnard, atter seeing the nine light down by the Eieoteia Light do., has tinge bis hones wired. Aa A lord of sports drove over to Harris• ing on Wednesday to attend the opening wee the pork faobory. The boys report From a very enjoyable time, these T. and Mrs. Malloy, of Howiok, both Ibe 90 years of age, are yet quite hearty. manufaatured, Tueeday of neat week Mr. M. walked milk town,e distance of for miles. 510,576.98 ray meeting let Friday balance he pruneipal part of the program per. the debate which was threshed out cheese the following sabjast was, "Which 19 1.46o. means of greatest service to bis noun, per Statesman, Poet or' Warrior." The resigned. wee Pp held by Mrs. Spotter eine° David Rae ; the Poet by Mise Elide without end Thos. Gibeon, jr„ and the officer, by A, Munro and Mies Alberta 8e0retaty The Statesman proved to be tile mien'', aerviae. Little, MR. A. GOUSLEY day been appointed Agent of at Btueeele, Ont: otnan In 7,eckids Moen,Mies your goods to be shipped Expree Co„ the all rail route. Orders sold to all parts of Office, i Montreal, 7LD SIGHT AND r.� ^�1 ✓LD A�7rE supplied • bad )ld ago i8 a'natter of years. ton )ld sight i8 a question 0f glasses. of f oa find dii)i0u14 117 read' leaving y y g, for distance your sight is over 00d, you require old sight On to sight shows it801f at about nightal,t g Orty. was 00111petent Optician should' be by the insulted. try, 7e examine eye free and guar• Statesman ntee satisfaction. and Allen tl, Warrior MRS. T. P'LETOHERI Smabe, 81EAD17A6Ii 07'1'1014E, greatest tnanaer, Wm, Neal ; R8081050, tu0pte every d°partthen out,