HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-18, Page 8TQ I BRUSSELS POST JAN, 18, 1900 Best Friend owes his speedy i'9- eoVery t0 the grout tomo infiuenoe of ;,;,1,100,1% l' �iA1ipBIG ,t , «f,,v;,v'TONIIG g k a pure port .wine with Peruvian Bark hi pro- portions preaoribed by the Bngllst and French pharmacopoeias. Sold by - 0, A, madman, Druggist, Optician, Bookseller, &o. For Ilirivrorm‘ Watoll your etouls rind if any signs o! Ringworm get a bottle of our remedy. Ringworm quickly epreade if not attended to! Two applioatioue of our remedy is guar• auteed to pure. k'or Lice Whether on Poultry, Cattle or other stook, we have what will fix am. You oaa have any quantity you like. Por Sb,cep Tie If your cheap have Tioke let us show you what we have that will dispose of them, not expensive either, G. A. Deadman, flruggfst and Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & B. Trains leave Brosoele Station, North and South, as follow; Gotta SoOTO, Gomm Nonma, 111z0rese 7:19 a.m. I Mail 2.10 p.m Mixed,......,9:45 a.m. Magmas 10:17 p.m oral dos stems, A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith hell prent it. Co. Comma, next week. HORSE Fair on Thursday, Feb. let. ARB you a member of Brunets Public Library ? FOBRTRDivieiOO Court will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. W. F. STEWART received a oar of Man• Robe. wheat and a oar of corn this week. PATalarro concert in Brueeele on Fri- day evening, Feb, 2nd. Keep the date clear. J. G. Stone is Chairmen of Brussels Sohool Board for 1900. He will fill the bill nicely as he i9 a tiptop worker. AN award appeal in cooneotion with a ditch to be run on the 7th line of Morrie will Dome np for hearing before Judge Motion in the Council Chamber, Brae. eels,an Thursday, 25th in t ,, at 10 a. m, Tts week John Walker sold a fine upright Dominion piano to Isaac Far rend, 2nd line, Morris, and the home will now be in better position than ever for the entertainment of the young people who often congregate there. ANNUAL DINNEll.-Leiut, 001. Varooe and officers of the Huron Battalion will give their annual dinner at Hotel Bed- ford in the town of Goderioh, on Wednee- day evening of next week. The members of the0o. Council and others have been invited to attend. throng FRIENDo.-Following are the ofliaere of the Brussels Ooanoil of Ohosen Friends, which were installed by P. C., Wm, Blaehill :-P. 0., R. Johnston ; 0. 0., S. Hoggard ; V. 0., J. J. Ball ; Re- corder, S. T. Pinm ; 'Preps„ I. R. Brewer ; Prelate, H. R. Elliott ; Mar- shal, A. Bird ; Warden, T. Smith ; Guard, D. McNichol ; Sentry, G. Mo - Nichol. PUBLIC, LIBRARY. -At the annual meet• ing of Braesela Pobiio Library, D. Robb, Public School Inspector, wag elected President for this year and J. Irwin, Beeretary. It was agreed to make a reduction to mobilo eebooi pupils in this locality to induce chem to become readers and they will be given the privilege of a member's tioket for 10 cents, entitling them to 10 books. There were 217 members on the roll of the Library last year and 3,400 books were taken out. In another column we give a list of new books added recently. HIT. SOME 09 HIS BEST FaIENDs.-In attempting to slap at the Editor of TEE Pose, who was honored with a 7 year term as Reeve of Brueeele, the Herald man reokleoely maligns many good men who 000apied seats at the Council Board daring the same term and did good work, wbo will not thank him for his "tornado" of misrepresentation. It is rather amus- ing how eloquent he waxes, yet never knew be was potting hie head in a halter. If he is through with no the next chapter might be dedicated to the past 7 years of his own life so as to show the marked contrast. We are satisfied to allow the ratepayers to settle the question as to the competency of effine holders. PATRIOTIC/ CONOEET•--At a meeting, called by Reeve Thomson, held last Mon- day evening, in the Connell Chamber, it wag deoided to hold a Patriotic Concert in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, Feb. tad, program to omelet of vocal and instrumental selections, a Patriotio ad- dress and an addreee on South Africa by Mr, Anderson, of Johannesburg, Africa, who spent 14 years in that mnoh talked of land. The program committee non- eiete of W. R. Kerr, J. Irwin, F. B. Scott, G. P. Blair and Alex, Roes ; advertising, Counoillor0 Gerry and Fox and Bryden ; decoration, R. Leatherdale, A. Straohan, P'ootmaster Farrow, J. Ferguson and J. Ballantyne. Further partioulare will be given next week bat everybody should keep the date free. CHEERY Woltbs.-During the peat few weeks at renewal edbearlptioae come in WO have been oheered by hind wards as well as dollars, A subeoeibee in Galt gays "We caouot get along without Tae Post for the local news". -From Van• oo0vor, "I always look anxiously for THE Poe/ as it like a letter ram home.- Pa f Vancouver is a smart go ahead plaoe, but 01 dear 1 how it does rain eometimee". ..:From Calgary, N. W. T., "We alwalye welebme Tiiii POST, It 00mee t0116 aea letter from home, A good apple busi. nese 000ld be done here at remunerative pri008 if they were only packed better and Barrels properly ventilated", -From B21996vai0, Mao., "Fine weather ; not too cold, but chilly for 90me of as after the Greenway Government defeat. We will have to matte the best of it for a while", From Minidoka, Idaho. In asking for ohaege in address enbooriber adds "Pleasa do so and, oblige me ae I cannot get along very well without Tun Post" GORItIE wante a Hookey matob with Brueeele. Oar boys will likely oblige them. Musess. 0LE00 & Dames shipped a oar of cattle from Brueeele on Thursday of thie week. THE Band ioutrnmenta and uniforms are to be called in for inepeoiion and held by the Council until reorganization has taken place. A CERTAIN Brneeelite who occasionally chastises hie wife is advised to let up on the unmanly busineea or he will likely find the law after him. East Huron Oonservalive Convention will be held Friday afternoon of this week 'in Brussels, Busineee, the election of officiate, nominating a candidate for the Oommo08, eta. A =HMG of representatives interested in the running of the annual Farmers' Excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, will be held in the Dietriot Passenger Agent's office, Toronto, on Tneeday of next week. BPRING sittioge of the Assize Conti for the Oonnty of Huron will. be held in Goderioh on Monday, Marah 19th, for the trial of emotions with a jury before Justice Faloonbrige, and on Monday, May 28th, for the trial of non -jury oases before Chief Justice Meredith. Tan Canadian railroads have decided to refuse to alloN oluba orsooietiee to ran excursions over their linea on public boll days, snob ae May 24th. Tbe railways find they get as mnoh tramo as they oaa handle at their own rates, without con. 2801009 pertain eeotione for special ex. OOCOione. J. Y. 8. Knox and H. R. ' o Elliott, o f Brussels ; and Wm. Spence, of Ethel,are entitled to the Veterans' badges in eon neotion with the 1866 Fenian invasion, serving at Goderioh, Owen Sound and Patio respectively. They will 0010e in for recognition at the hands of the Gov- ern rille0. overnmeoO. CRINA WEDDING. -Monday evening of this week Samuel Hoggard and hie good wife, of Graham's enrvey, celebrated the 20th anniversary of their marriage. Tbe oompany comprised 30 or 40 relatives, friends and neighbors and a very enjoy- able time was pat in by all. After a fine supper the evening was pleaenntly Spe20 in social ohat, 010830 and express- ion of congratulatory words to the host and hoeteas. At a seasonable hour the company departed leaving a number of china eo0venire of the anniversary and wishing Mr. and Mre. Hoggard the good things of this life even to see the Golden Wedding. They have been reeidente of this locality for the past 20 years and are highly eeleemed. Ton POST extends its beet wishes. Dn uOTORo' MEETING. -The Directors of the Grey Branch .Agricultural Society met in the Town Hall on January 171h, President 8peir in Ole ;hair. Present- Mesera. Warwick, Scott, Evans, Robb, Niohol,MnCraaken, McKinnon and Milne. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by W. H. MoOraaken, seconded by R. Nichol that Grey Branoh offer the Riding Sooiety 9250 to bold the East Huron Fall Fair at Bruesele.-Carried. Moved by P. Scott, esoonded by Jas. Evans that W. H. Herr be Seoretary Treasurer for this year,-Oarried. Mov- ed by R. Nichol, seconded by J. D. War. wiok that F. 8. Soots be an Auditor in dividing money belonging to the Grey Branoh and Eset Huron AgI. 800ietiee.- Carried. Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, Jan. 27th, at 2 p. m, WEDDING BELLe.-Tho Cavalier Co. Republican, of Jan. 11th, gives the follow- ing interesting amount of the marriage of Mies Laura E., daughter of Harry Dun. ford, formerly of Brunelle, and a niece to E. 0. Danford, of thie plane, to A. Mo. Ferlane :-"At the bride's reeidenoe, yesterday afternoon, at preoieely 3 o'olook, occurred the marriage of Mise Laura Edith Danford to Alexander Mo. Farlane. Tbe bride was attended by her sister, Carrie, while the groom was` aoeieted by Herbert Welsh. Rev. Mr, Dougan pronounced the words that link• ed these two lives together "anti) death do no part." The bride is one of Cava. tier county's most estimable young ladies and is beloved by all who have the pleasure of her acgaaintanue. She came to this oounty with her parents, Harry and Mre. Danford, who settled in Har- vey township, when bat a mere child and has grown to womanhood in oar midst. Tbe groom is also among the early settlers, acquiring a farm in the early days in the same township, which be has improved until now be hag a Dom• fortable home into which to take hi0 bride, and all their friends wish them a long and prosperous journey through life. The pre0ente were numerous and of a emotion.] kind, the sort that a young couple have use for when just starting oat. After the ceremony a 00mptuooe dinner was partaken of with relish. The geode present were:-Robt. and Mre. Work, Alex, and Mre, McLean, Hon. Henry Motes)) and daughter, Annie, of Hannah, Thos. and Mre. Brown, Joseph and Mre. Webster, Peed. and Grierson, Time, and Mre. Danford, A. E, and Mre. Lindsay, John McFarlane, a brother of the groom, from L'ortagn-la.Prairie, Angus MoPhereon, Herbert Wale], mire, Walker Hlamilton and MIS. McFarlane, mother of the groom, and Mies Katie Moffarlanc, a sister." Tun POST exteude hearty (ongratulation's, It, you bsoe not 80110 your enbeorlp• tiou mount for 1899-1900, do it to day. You have fear aholetie Patted tel ceder, e x dreee order, draft or oaeh and Tyr Poor oes not mind which you send, >t A r ;w 13rneselit09 attended the Patriot. in Oouoert at Belgrave on • Thursday eveuing of last week and enioyod the program, tepeoially the addreon of Kr, AndKereon, wbo epeot 14 year's is Africa. Tanasnar noon of Ohne week the Canty dian Express enemy for Brueeele passed into the bands of .f'v. Ooueley, who will oquduct it for the future, If is ofiiee will be in the Leoltie block. J. T, Roes has been the agent for the past 8 years and T: Fleteher had it before that. Mr, 0oneley wag in Mr. li'letoher's employ and oonsequently'knows the duties by experience. TAB Pose is not Betting the gauge as to what the ex.Reeee should oontrib010 to the Patriotic Fund. He 'should be guided in this by hie love for the eaaea, Those who are so righteously iodigoant over loot tveek's item should tarn up the Conned minutes of a former year when the official decapitating process was pot into praotiae in town and lied out how town monies were sneggied by at 'Neat one of the appointees. IT IS doubtful if any "perm Meet int. provemeot" in the town has eerved a more generally useful purpose than the "town pump and the 010 atm." The respeotive Couuoils who eat at the Beard in the "7 lean years" have muob to be thankful for in this acknowledgement by a bumptuoue fault finder. The marvel ie how the town managed to jolt along before hie arrival. Bow sad and broken hearted the 0oun8ile of those seven years will feel einee they know now that they were n. g. and yet the ratepayers eleoted the peeve 5 years by acclamation in suc- cession. L. 0. T. M. -At the last regalsr re- view of Riverside Hive, No. 315, Bro. eels, the following olflaere were installed : Peet Lady Coin., Mrs. W. F. Vanetone ; Lady Com., Mrs. A. MoGgire ; Lt, Oom., &Ere. P. Ament 1 Record keeper, Mre. N. MoLauohlin ; Finance keeper, Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; Chap•, Miae J. Ritchie ; Mistress at arms, Miss T. Garry ; Segt., Miss L. Leatherdale ; Phy., Dr. Mo. Naughton ; Sen., Dire. McGregor ; Picket, Miae Oolvin ; Organist, Mies J. MoLaooblin. At the conclusion of the boeineee a very hearty vote of thanks was voted by the ladies of elle L. 0. tl'. M. to all wbo ea kiudly helped with the Oo000rt on Friday evening. This Hive io gruwiog and is well officered, K. 0. T, M.-Tbe Maooabee Conoert last Friday evening was a great 0000008 both as to attendaooeand program and was thoroughly enjoyed. R. Leatherdale was chairman and introduced the following excellently rendered musical and literary bill of fare :-In00rnme0tal piano solo, Mies Jean MoLauohliu ; solo, "Fight a4 your battles," Mies Lyda Crooke t instru- mental duet violin and piano, Ewan m D. a P and Mare, C}. Thomson ; solo, "1f we should meet again," Miss L. Sample; so,o, "This and that," Mies Rankin ; reading by Sir Knight Gilpin ; solo, "In the Shadow of the Rookies," Jae. Thom - eon ; solo, "Jost break the news to mother," Mre. M. Ames ; instrumental medley, R. Williamson ; solo, "Boom.ber honor is purer than gold," Mr, Beattie ; Bolo, "Davy Jones," A. Rose ; reading, J. J. Gilpin ; duet, D. Ewan and Mre. 'Thomson ; Ladies' Drill in which the following ladies took part :- Misses Thurso. Gerry, Jean MaLAnchlin, Rankin, Jean Ritchie, Lizzie Leather. dale, Mre. S. Carter, Mre. P, Anent and Dixs. MoGgire ; eoio, "Tell them I've gone," A. Ross. Two tableaus, one by the ladies and the other by Sir Knights Carter, Rart, Griffith, Anderson, Btawert Bean, Bartbff, &o. "Tenting on the old camp ground,' followed by the National Anthem brought the fine program to a oloee. Considerable disappointment was felt et the non -arrival of Messrs. Trace ler and Townsend, who were announced to give addresees but wired their 'obi). ity to get bare. A vote of thanks was paned to all who took part ou motion of H. L. Jaokoon and A. MOGoire. The Hall was packed almost to suffooation and the Maooabee Order is to be congrat- ulated on the 0510889 of the evening. Business Locals. Ogen for hides and sheep skies. A. doRaIB, Brussels. RAW Fuse. -Any quantity of raw furs wanted by A, doyenne, Bruesele. GOOD cutter for Bale or would exchange it for wood. Apply at Tag POST. COMFORTABLE bougie, with seven good rooms, to rent. Apply to R. Leatherdale. HIDES WANTED, -Wm, Blsebill is pre- pared to pay the higbeet Dash prion for bides. Call and eee him. SAwsroowo done on abort notice by an experienced band, Satisfaction gnaran• teed. Hoene WILLIAMS, Brussels. A BIG 00022. -No. 1-A eet of Bingle harness at coat to every parobaser of a cutter, No, 2-A set of team harness at Dost to every parohaser of aset of sleighs. No shoddy faotory harneee ae some call it, but genuine leather and all hand Sewed. Harness must be cash. Ewan & Inose, Brussels. GEtre, I wish you to know that I do choice eaw dressing and no other at dif• ferent prices oa0ording to state of eaw. I wish you to know there le to be no ellf. feeing, didkering, bantering or grumbling, concerning prices whether bargain is plotted or hot. Yours for business, T. McGregor, Saw Gummer and Filer, Brussels, Ontario. d 5rlghtfal Blander Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, ant or bruise. Buoklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cares Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcera, Boile, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Beet Pile ono on earth. Only 25o a box, Cure guaranteed. Bold by G. A, Deadman, Druggist. 138008I169 IN 0LOTRING.-D. 0, Roes has purchased a stook of Ready made alotbinat g, a low tate on rho dollar, and bag paeeed them into stook. I3dyers will find this a rare opportunity to get their 0npplfe0 ae Mr. Rose wishes to clear the stook ont in January, Good, well made Suite at a figure that will surprise you. flail and eee them, W.NrEn.-Butter 20o ; also raw fox fare. No. I prime fox 94 50. Wingham snipe more choice table butter thin any town of ite WOO in banada, thanks to you good butter makers. In answer to the nemerou0 totters from merchants of the oorrounding towne rago,eting us to band. le their butter, we have to refuse, as it le taken in too peomi9ott0nely, came 9400 being paid for good and bad alike. 0. KING, Wfnghaln, finer 2N Once 7ne.•'-•18e9800, Ewan ti± Inuee purebeeod a 1oneignwent o£ mit. tem that had been s fit to another 1o0al • i n'butbeing twalothere a Om puttee ardoed 9Q9 and will be able to give their 01Btomere the advantage of the good baying. If y010 want a good cutter save money by deal- ing ealing with Alvan & 18028, Lawns rind gentlemen, eee Prof. Dor. enwend'e beautiful Wiga,Tnnpees, 'Renee, Wavy and l',o,p Fronts, thw;tuuee is every 'Jongtbend :shade, to, His Hair Goode Styles when properly adjusted pro- taut and ornament the bead, eaten and beautify the expression of the faoe and 000sequently tone up aged appearance. Prof. Dorenwend lame for this season many new and pretty Designs. He has added a number of New York, London' and Paris pattern's. Wednesday, Jan. 31st. Br1I080ie Sehuo1 Board, The regular meeting of the Publio 8ohool Board war held in • the Board Boom lam, Friday evening, All member° present. The minutee of the last regular meeting were read and passed. The fol. loving Recounts were read and on motion of J. G. Skene, esoonded by W. le, Van atone were ordered to be paid :- N. F. Gerry, glass $0 90 Jae. Fox, supplies 7 48 R. Ross, Seo,•Trooe, postage, &o2 42 Moved by J. G. Skene, eeoondod by W. Blaehill that the Principal be authorized to procure a new map of North America. Carried. Moved by W. Blaehill, seconded by Jas; Turnbull that the Statutory meeting of. the Board be held at 8 o'alooft ;loathed of 7 o'olook on Wednesday, Jan. 17th. Carried. The Board then adjourned. STATUTORY dI801120. The Statutory meeting of the School was held in the Board room, Wednesday. All members present except W. F, Van - atone. Meson. Ross, Blastoff! and Turn. boll having been re•eleoted and having signed the declaration of office the Board for 1900 was organized; with J. G. Skene as chairman on motion of Jas. Turnbull and W, Blaehill. W. F. Vanatone, A. Coueley and J. K. Skene constitute the Educational committee and W. Blaehill, D. 0. Roes and Jae. Turnbull the Pro- perty committee, Moved by D. 0. Rose, esoonded by A. Cooley that Inspector Robb tie re- appointed member of the Public Library Board for three yearn. -Carried. Board then adjourned Wm. Giddens, of London, Ont., drop• ped dead while walking on the etreet. The Laurentian, the first of the trans. porta, will Bail from Halifax for South Africa on Saturdaymonolog. Manitoba Liberals have protested six seals in the repent provincial elections, while the Conservatives protest four. MORN. MoDoNALn.-In Grey, on Jan. 7th, the wife of Mr. Donald McDonald, let oon., Grey, of a eon. BAENAoc-MaLBon.-At the Presbyterian Manse, Molesworth, on Jan. 8rd, by Rev. Geo. Ballantyne, Mr. Edward Barnard to Mico Catharine McLeod, both of Wroxeter. LBwle-WYNN.-At the reeidenoe of Mr. W. W. Borgeea, photographer, Mitohell, by Rev. R. Whiting, B. A., oo Deo. 26011, Mr, Daniel Lewis to Mies Annie Wynn, both of Blnevale. MOFARLANE-D029000. - At Langdon, North Dakota, on Jan. 10, by Rev. Mr. Dougen, Mr. Alexander StoPar. lane, formerly of Broesele, to Miss Laura Edith, eldest daughter of Mr. Harry Danford, a former Brusselite. �•__._.._ 92£9_ STBWART.-In Atwood, on Jan. 8th, he, Stewart, aged 29 yeare,9 months and 4 days. 11..17CTxOTS m..mJ07- FRIDAY, Jet. 26. -Farm stook, 40., Lot 2, Con. 15, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Wm. Smith, Prop,, F. 8, Scott, Ano. JANUARY 30TH. -imported Clydesdale stallions and standard bred roadsters. Sale at Brussels at 2:30 o'elbok. Thos. MnLaaoblin, prop. ; F. S. Soott, ono. m o'VSS7-7TaS 71¢.[iRK3=7TS, Fall Wheat 55 60 Barley 85 86 Peas 55 66 Oats 24 26 Batter, tubs and rolls 18 17 Eoge per dozen 15 16 Flour per barrel4 00 4 50 Potatoes (per bus) 25 Apples (per bbl) 1 50 Hay per ton6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed ' 7 79 Hides rough 5 5 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 70 Sheep skins, each 30 85 Lamb skins eaoh 25 26 Hoge, Live 4 00 4 25 Hoge, Dressed 5 00 5 25 Wool 8 13 T0001610, Jan. 16. -Hoge advanced 12}o per cwt. at the Western oattle market to. day, but ohoioe cattle were 25o to 50o per ewt. weaker, Export cattle were in poor demand ; otheroattle were fairly steady.. Sheep and lambs were weaker, the aver- age quality of cattle was good. The ran was large, 65 loads, made up of 1,000 cattle, 2,000 sheep and lambs, and 1,800 hogs. Considerable cattle were left no. cold. Export cattle -The market was off, and trade Blow ; a few picked lots gold at 94.75 to 95, and 94,25 to 94.30 for medium exporters, llntobere' cattle- This branch wee 250 to 50e per cwt. weaker than last week ; trade was very dull and stook was diopoeed of slowly, goantitiee remaining unsold ; choice heifers and eteere and around 90.50 to 98 90 per owt., while good cattle Bold at $8 to 98.50 per esti, ; rough and medium wows sold all the way from 92.26 to 98 per owt. Export bulls -Demand was weaker and prioee were hot so trim as last week. Feeders held firm, and in good demand, at 98.60 to 93.80 for heavy feeder', and $3,25 to 98.60 for stook weighing 800 to 900 lbs. 8toekere, de. mond falx, and steady prioee of, $2.76 to 93 for animals weighing 500 to 700 lbs„ and 9$ to $$.25 for animals weighing 700 to 800100. Balls, fair trade, at 94.25 to 94,60 for heavy, and 98.25 to 94 for light, Milch oowg»-About 20 mil0h . 'T4,VD,4RD ,13✓1,N. ' QF C4X .D64, 01, 9;+ S86H9 9.167^ HEAD OFFIQS, - TORONTO CAPITAL PA30 17P (OM) bullion Dollars) RESI11WVA FUND - Apenedef inv ail gririafpai points in Ontario,,Qlteben, Manitoba, Unftc 91,000,009 $000,000 tGea &England, erkl'.91,149 save ; ,, (;enoral Banking. Bnein009 Transacted. Partnere' Notes Discounted, Drafts 7050, :1 and Colleotions made on all pointe. SAVINGS (SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards. SPRODUL ATTENTION GMVOS TO 511 OrnmeoT10N.. 01, Famine' BALs NOTES, Every facility afforded Onetomere living ata dietanee, J, N. GORDON, Ammo Acme. cows sold at 950 to 950 ; demand firm.: Sheep and Jambe -A large run of 2,000 ruled the market dull et slightly weaken- ed prices of 93 to 93 50 per owt, for ex- port ewes ; 94 to $4.50 for lambs, and 94 50 to $4.60 per cwt. for picked ewer' and wether°. Hoge firmer at 94 629 per cwt. for seleot weights of 160 to 200 lbs. natural weight, nod 94,129 for thick and light fate ; the run was moderate, and the trade firm. 19osoi o, Jan. 1L -Wheat easy ; red and white Ontario quoted at 6390 to 649o; ROM wheat, 68990 ; middle freights, 6790 North and West, and Spring East 64o ; Manitoba No, 1 hard on traok Owen Sound and Goderioh, 72o and g. f. t , 77o. Flour very fiat exporters bid 92.55 per bbl. for round Tote of straight roller in buyer's bags, middle freights, and holders ask 82.05 ; Bingle care for looai nee aro quoted at $2.90 to $8 in wood, middle freights, Miff feed scarce and firm bran is quoted at 912 to 912 50, and shorts at 914 to 914,50 West. • Corn easy. No. 2 Amerioan yellow quoted at 40o on track Toronto, and mixed at 3990 ; Canadian corn dull, at 389c on track Toronto. Pepe steady : oar Tota 5790 North and West, and at 58990 East. Bar. ley quiet ; prioee steady ; oar lots of No. 2 middle freigbte, Bold at 880. Rye, de• wand light ; oar lots 490 Weeb, and 5090 East. Oats, demand for oats fair ; prices trm ; white oats, 259e North and West ; 26o middle freights, and 2690 East. Buckwheat easy; oar lots Fleet 49a asked, and West 480 asked. Oatmeal -Rolled oats in bags on traok Toronto, $3.28, and in wood 98.35 per barrel, WOOD WANTED. Wo aro prepared to make contracts for de- livered rat bite B neelse Salt Works. beFao''. oculars may be had there. THE COLEMAN SALT 0014PANY, NOTICE ! Tenders will be received by mall until Feb.1010, or at Leadburyy until boon on Feb. 12011., for 4000 feet of 8 inch rook elm, 141oot long 1 and 2,200 feet of 8 inch oast, 10 feet long, to bo delivered at the Olorles reeidenoe, near Winthrop, .Also tenders for 4 abut- ments for bridges, one near Leadbury the other at Winthrop, to be built of either atone or oomont, Said abutments will be about 8 or 0 feet high, with wings. Tenders to be. 90 mnoh per outdo yard if of Dement, Owen Sound oomont to b0 uaid, ` If of atone, to bo first-class and average size. Tenders to be roceived by 3190, 0, MORRI90)9, 27.4 . Winthrop F. 0. REAL ESTATE. LARGE FARM FOR SALE. - 040 Mores, complete section, near Southwest boundary or Manitoba. Over 100 nares under ooltivation, Fine two•etorey house ooeting over 01500. 8 miles from rail - Way ; ail -way; riy0r 9011rle 'passes through farm; near cheap mai supply. Price 54000. Apply to J140. 7). RONALD, 1 OR SALE IN ETHEL VIL- Le011.-The property of the late John Elilott, eeusfeting of a solid brink house, With frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and d sore of land, ail in first-class condition. If not sold will be rented. Pos- session at any time. For pa-bl001ars apply to Woo. 9PENan, Ethel; ALEX. PATTER0ON, Galt ; or 1)n,I/ rmanY, lilt. Forest. 201f Eesti' Buono, N. Y., Jan. 16. -Cattle -Tbe offerings were about 5 loads ; the LUNE FARM FOR SALE. BE demand Was light and prices generally 1' MG Lot 29. N t Ooo, O. Morris towoebip, lower. Calves were in moderate supply, eontaiuing 98 acres of ¢rot-alaes land, There light demand, lower ; choice to extra =siren house bion, orchard pad good ware - were quotable97.60 to $7.75. Sher' and 55601, nut{ farm h well 5ouoe s' ley" are q p 45 aoree In Full wheat ; oe sores el Say and As uorea pueturo. Poesaesioa could bo given lambs -The offerings were 25 loads ; the demand fair ; both n ebae and lambs P offered desirable about kindsyesterday's d on prioee ; lambs, ohoioe to extra quotable at 96.10 to 96.20 ; good to aholae, 95 75 to 98 ; mixed sheep, 0130109 to extra, 94.• 60 to 94.75 ; good to °bolos, 94.25 to $4.• 50 ; wether°, 94.65 to 95 ; yearlings, 95 to $5.25 ; big one, 93.50 to 94.25. Hoge -The general trade wag fairly active on. the basis of 94.80 to 94.85 ; bogs not good enough for packers and tight hogs at once,- Farm ad oiva the vio' Brae. i 1 In a 1 g Ie For further merle Be , Mare.. NGON 1 a price, form,; Ba., mite to J4IDtB8 LIYiNG1TON M. P., 'Ballon, 22-01 FARMS . FOR SALE. — 100 aore0 in the Township of Howiek, be- ing -Lots 10 and 10, Oou. 0 ; 80 acres are cleared and 20 AVM in Mum ; bank barn with stone stabling underneath ; and frame house with 001161. A good thriving orchard.. Farm is situated 8 miles from Wroxeter. Also 50 acres in the Township of Tnrnberry, being North Half of Lot 7, Oen. 4; 80 mores were in poor demand, but good weights in grass, 20 acres of hash ; frame bairn and sold readily at the prices ; heavy were log house ; a good spring. For further par - quotable 94.85 ; mixed, 94.779 t0 $4.80 • 01ou1175 apply to ALEX. HI8L0P, Yorkers, 94.70 to 94.75 ; pigs, $4.50 ; 28.9 Wroaotox P. 0, roughs, $4.15 to 94.30 ; stage, 93 40 to .� $3 60 ; the total offerings were I6 loads. WINDERMERE'S GOOD WORK. A Clipping front Stratford herald Stating good work done by the New Dry Hot Mr Hospital - 7f 18 Wonderful In 108 effect. A very favorable testimony of the good being done in the Windermere hospital of this oily, ie the report Mr. Patterson, 0. M. Al. D., V. S., M. R. O., V. B., 82 Bleary etreet, Montreal, gave The Herald of the benefit his wife received at this inatitntion in a few days. This gentleman and bis wife bad been texturing the oonntry for a considerable period of time visiting various sanitarium inatitntione, but met no soma. They pinked np the Stratford Daily Herald in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and there eaw an mount of what the Windermere was doing and deoided to give it a chance. They name to Stratford from Battle Oreek very down -hearted, as they were about discouraged of 8000000. Three treatments were administered during the above stated time, and Dirs. Patterson is now au entirely new woman. When she Dame she wee, according to etatemente, almost helpless, and when Been at the station by the reporter she was smart and well looking, Dr. Patterson said he aoald not speak too highly of the Windermere and Dr. Ready. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Pev Ur. -All persona indebted to Jae. Ballentyno, grocer, aro asked to make prompt settlement MMI the same. as 10 per cent, will be added after Feb. let for col- lection. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Huron County Council. The 0onn051 of the ()aunty of Huron will meet in the Council Obamber in the town of Goderioh on TUBSDAY, Bard INST., at 8 o'olook p.m, W. LANE, 1)ate d January 8011,1800, Clerk, A IITJNTEB, LICENSED AGO. a Marmot tor the County, Bxper. iouoe of over 14 years, andknowledge of who to cell to, Will guarantee eatisfaotlon, If you want to sell or buy a farm oats ou me, Money to loon at 41 per cent, DURHAM BULL COMING 8 years old for sale, °hoop, Took 166 p511 a ud Seafarth, Otiatou and 15.70814. Pbfek, level, well 906700084 and a good handler ; very quiet, quick and sure, O. TU10NBULL 25- Lot 10, Con,15, Grey. ANNUAL. MEETING. Tho Annual Meetin g of the Hrnesele Brit, tog Park Aesooiatinn for the election of 0511. cora, the roeeiying of the report of the Drr- aurora for the past year and Binh ether bask u000 a0 may bo lawfully brottgbt before the nnMo ,ley evening, Jaat the nuary 5501i,•i1g00,, at 8 O'clock, 1. S. 0001"T, SBorotary, Herba�eum. There ienothing like it. All animate get about one•£lfth more nourishment out of any kind of food, fatten one•Af011 faster and weigh about sae.fifth' more than others the ealuo size if their food ie seasoned with HERBAQEUM. If you want your animals to thrive well, worst well and look well, feed them HERBAGE UM. Coat of Herbageum for grown animate, 10. per day; for golte, oalves and sheep,'.. of a'oent ; pigs proportionately. .4 Ib. bag, 60c. Per; Herbage= come to Fox's Drug Store. T.i'IARM FOR SALE. --TELE UN - 8.. doreigned ofYere -hie farm, Weet .Half Lot No. 10, Clon, 4, Orey 0ontaining 00 aorso, more or leas, For pariloulRrs as to price and terms ap1.1ly to: 8140)3, ROHBRT902, Brusaols2.0, on the premises, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on min street,Brus Bele. Tke 33ou8e 1e a comfortable one, 50011 fitted u .with cellar, hard dud soft water, &o. There is also a good stable.. Fruit trees in garden over one.quai•ter noxaof land. For prise, tarns, 45, apply to H. FINN, Propprietor, or-W..H, SEit46 of THA Posty. 18-t1 FARM FOR BALE. -150 ACRES 0oneteting of the South i and South 4 0f the North, of Lot 80, Oon.2, Bast Wawa - pooh. This is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water.. Itis situated about 8 mhos from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. - A largo part of It to under grass, Buitdiuge and ie000e aro in a fair state of repair. 27aeyterms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 31-tf 0. F.131,4110. Barrister, Emmett. PE SALE OF A A GOOD muff. -The "Whitefarm," lot 7, eon. 2, Grey, 100 60000, 14 miles from James. town (gravel road) must be eold, under the will of the late owner, Good baildinge, or- chard and never failing water supply. The land is olean and in good state of cultivation, 6 aero° of Pall wheat now in. This le a de- sirable propertypand a ob eap bargain can be on toA HUNTEly to R Brru Brussels, WHITE, Jamestown, NEW TERM NOW OPEN. w..a.7~:r>HtWw aaaa,+t4bun,Rryss+,.6r4 r :u LEnterlfas SooilDllo0'ossible. CENTRAL-: J EL. ,1650 at r LL Stratforei.Ont Ol§ A school offering advantages not to be found elsewhere in the Dominion. Catalogue Free. W. 1. ELLIOTT, Principal. HAIR GODS ! Prof. Dorenwend, OF TORONTO, IS COM/NG. He will Se at the- 4inGrican Wednesday, sant 31, THIS WINTER VISIT of 1900 I am prepared to show a larger variety of New York, London and Paris Styles than ever offered to the public before. I shall have Ladies' and Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of all long heir in every Length and shade, eta. LADIES, my goods are recognized as the STANDARD OF; PERFECTION and their ase protects the bead and produces a younger expreaeion to the face. Gentlemen, are you Bald? I invite you to my Show Rooms to demonstrate the oomplete 0000850 of my Art Coverings in Wige and Toupees, worn on over 56,000 beads. They are light in weight, etrong and most natural in appearanoe, and a protection to the head against Draughts, Colds, Catarrh, Neuralgia, etc., and give a younger and handsomer expression to the faoe. PUUBSO Rcmonlbor Day and Date - American Hotel, Brussels, Wednesday, Jan. 31. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. .Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c,, from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public. Grocery Stock Fresh and up•to.date. A Specialty p �4 1 h. wade of The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery. '"CHINA AND GLASSWARE We take no second place. B KA R- l ,.,'pY R.I. Continued as usual and Satisfaction assured. The patronage of the public solicited and our part to merit a continuance of your trade. we will do MRS. ALLANTYNE, BRUSSELS,