HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-18, Page 7f"4
JAN, 18) 1fOO
T AI, B R• U S
;low tat, Normal lilacs A•Y4ir1111lieis
alien;;; l:e Dihtrillt7tre,
Prof. Huxley gave the foliowln
Cable of what a full grown plan
a/touid weigh, and how his weight
,Boole be divided;
,Weight, 151 sounds, made cep ilius:
binsales andtheir appurienanoas, 08
pounds; skeleton, 24 pounds; akin, 10
1-2 poundal fat, 28 pounds; brain,
0ennrlsi'ihoruolc vlaoera, 81 1-2 pouada;
abdominal viadera, 11 pounds; blood
which woald drain from body, 7
This man ought to consume per diem,
been beees,eale S,QOJ gsten..i bread, 0,-
000 grains; reek, 7,040 grains; potatoes
8,010 grains; butter, 004 grains; water,
22,40) grains,
His h +:)t•1 r hpuld beat 75 tithes a min-
ute, and ho should breathe 1,5 Limes a
m.a,al,e. ,tit 4q nl,nr8 lie would vitiate
1,730 ,obis tent of ;pure air to the ex-
tent of 1 per cont; a man, therefore,
of the weight mentioned ought to
have 800 outlio feet. of well ventilated
Ile would throw off by the skin 18
ent1088 of water, 3X) grains of so til
matter, and 420 grains of oarbonie acid
every 24 flours, and his tonal loss dur-
ing, the 24 haura would be six ,pounds
of water, and a tittle over.. two pounds
of other matter.
The inhabitants of the planet Mara
if there are any -witness every night
8 spectacle the like of which the as-
tronomers tell us, may be seen no-
where else in the universe. They
have a moon that rases in the western'
sets in the east, and that goes through
all its ;ceases in a single night. This
moon, which is called Phobos, is ouly
about seven males in diameter, and Is
less than 4,504 m_Jes distant frons
Mars. Prof. hall, who d.scovered It and
its companion, Deimos, in 1877, found
that it revolves around the planet in
7 hours and 38 minutes, and as the
planet itself rotates in 24 hours •and
37 minutes the moon makes a little
more than three revolutions while the
planet is rotating once. It is this rap-
id motion that gives Phobos its unique
distinction. It moves toward the east,
the direction in which Mars rotates,
but it goes so fast that it disappears
below the eastern • horizon and reale-
pears above the western three Limes
while Mars is turning over one time.
Thus the Martians have a new moon,
a crescent moon, a half moon, a gib-
bous moon, a full moon' and a new
moon again all an one night.
In the case of the earth and its moon
the conditions are reversed.The.
earth turns over onits own axis about
27 times while the moon is going
around it once. The motion of each
Is toward the east, but the more rapid
movement of the earth makes the
moon appear to be moving toward the
west. That it is really going east-
ward is shown :by its rising from 45
to 5D minutes later every night and
by the daily change of its position
among the stars. .
A ease was reported the other day
of a New York woman who for over
thirty years bad been in the habit of
drinking five quarts of strong black
tea daily, and who as a consequence
became almost blind.
Seeing in a medical journal that the
drinking of tea was fast assuming
the proporLious of a craze, a doctor
whose specialty is nerves was con-
is it true," the physician was ask-
ed, " that people drink more tea than
is good for them 8"
"I shouldthink it is," was the re-
ply. "1 have patients who assure me
that the tea drinking they are com-
pelled to undergo while paying after-
noon calls, niegtlentty amounting to
a dozen sups in a few hours; has re-
sulted in the contraction of a habit
they are now quite unable to give, up.
In the oulpatieut department of
the hospital with whioh I am 00nueot-
ed the 'tea tippler' is getting to be
as common as the gip tippler. I had
one under my notice a few days ago
'a pont woman_ She trembled as if she
had the ague and declared that, al-
though she knew that it was the tea
that had wrecked her nerves, she
could no more give up the habit than
the habitual drunkard could foreswear
' The numbers of enemata and dys-
peptic women, and white, puny -£aced
children is alarmingly on the increase.
I never ask what is the matter with
them. ' Why clo you drink so mimic
tea a is •my fiest question. 'A cup of
tea livens me up so,' is the igeneral
The doctor in question did not de-
nounce tbe use of tea, but .its abuse.
A cup of tea about an boar and a
half after luneh he described as "con-
torting and benefioial" but it should
not exceed one cup, oe at :mgst two
small ones. Above all tea should not
be taken an an empty stomaob.
It is very desirable that the con-
ditions under whioh food may become
poisonous should receive more mac -
tical consideration than they do. A
Well-known physician has called at-
tention to some glaring defects in the
location of food storerooms, which are
worthy of altentlon, In house eon-
etruction the position of the pantry
is too often treated as 02 minor im-
portance. In some houses the space
under the stairs or some equally uhe
suitable and inadequately lighted and
ventilated plane is thought good en-
ough for the purpose. In a great num-
ber the pantry is a small offshoot
from the house, the ceiling, floor and
walls often being damp owing to
faulty conat-nutioe, in sonic of these
Watters are rendered worse by the
Water taps being plaoed therein with-
out any 1n'ovision being made for car-
rying away the droppings from the
tap or overflow from vessels Into which
the water ..le ]'un. One of the most
frequent entries in his !woollen
notebook is
"def et'
tl iVea'
i -
mint," permitting of. soakage`of Pave -
into the soil underneatb, Not.onle is
the eon thea rendereda good breed-
ing ground for pathogenic' microbes,
• it also supplies those conditions ree
aluis;te for. inereased virulence,
Just as the lightbuoy'is a signal
of danger to sailors, and the red light
to railway men, so has nature equip-
i' ped individuals with danger signals
of one ;land or another whoa their
'physical condition isnot quite right.
it may simply bo a tired feeling, a.
- light ecJlcl,iveal nese of the museles,
fickle appeti▪ te or some other sign --
slight at first --which indicates that your condition is not a
healthy one, If the clanger signal is not heeded; serious re-
sults will follow and a complete collapse may occtur. In nine
eases out of ten the direct cause of the trouble is impoverished
blood, o1' weak nerves. You need 'something to Imtlee yon up
—to make your blood rich and your nerves strong. Dr. Wil-
liams Pink'Pilis is the only medicine that can do this promptly
and effectively; They strengthen from first dose to last.
Mr. John Siddons, London, Ont.. says :-" I can speak most favorablyof
the virtue of Ar. Williams' Pink Pills. They prove invaluable in strengthen-
ing ing and toning up the system whendebilitated. Having used Mem torsome
time past [can Speak most favorably of their beneficial results. As an invig.
oratorof the constitution they are all that they claim to be."
Sold by all dealers or post paid at so cents a box or six` boxes for
$2.5o, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co,, Brockville.
Not a Failure Blots Ibis Iteeord or the llrur
Whom "Tnntusy Atkins'. 1 ills
SWnpUty A,leu AI.y Ku ear -]bury n
Fent ,.r Ucurrhl.Iti#` and Individual
Br very to His 4• ,,,!it•
Few military men have so complete-
ly, won' the admiration of their fol-
lowers as has Field Marshal Lord.
O'rederick aleigb Roberts, who sailed
yesterday from England on the IlunoI-
tar Castle to take supreme command
o2 the British forces in South Africa.
Fewer stillare the commanders who
have enjoyed so large a measure of
their soldiers' love as that which the
English and Indian armies long ago
gave to "Bobs," "Little Bobs," or
"Bobsy," as he is variously known in
their terms of endearment.
This feeling for their hero is almost
teat of a family for its head. There
is something patriarchal about it.
"Tommy," be he Briton or.Indian,
clearly loves a hero, but when he finds
a man who combines moral and phy-
sical courage of a high order with brit-
Nancy, dash and modesty and a keen
personal regard for the comfort of the
man in the ranks, "Tommy" sti eight -
way falls down and worships. And he
has been doing that before "Bobs" for
to I these many years.
With never a failure in his record,
Lord. Roberts has many a feat or.
generalship and individual bravery to.
his credit. That tor whioh'he is most
famous is his march from .;Kabul to
the relief of Kandahar in 18d4, while ago and ability, Three horses were
shot under him daring the earn -
England was on tenterhooks of an-pitign.
elms,as to his safety, 02 fl he tells At Iil•odadtmg' he won the Vistoriv
us himself that he found his advance C' - '
to Kabul, in the previous year, a far al
Leaving India in 1898, after two terms,
or nearly eight years, as commander
in -chief, at a farewell banquet in Cal-
cutta he strongly urged upon all oft
cers the necessity for showing sym-
patby wi h soldi rs ane t eir famili's,
and of e:ving rffeat to orders in a i.b-
ertil and in elligent spirit.
On the same o cnsion he showed hie
faith; in his system by saying that if
the time of trill should ever roma
not only on her troops, her fortd and
her guns, but on the loyalty of her
foundatories end the affection of her
subjects. Hs always gave the ored.t
of pis victories to the men under bis
One of his names among the ,people
who honored him only se.ond to their
sovareiga in the parade on the occa-
sion of her diamond jubilee, two and.
a. half years ago, is that of the "sol-
diers' general" No mai leader in
England stands higher in the hearts
of the British nation, and in the judg
meat of European critics his ability
ranks witb or nbov that of Lord Woel-
seley, his oommander in chief.
After passing through Eton end
Snndburst, Frederick Roberts, then
nineteen years old, obtained his first
commission as a second: lieutenant in
the Bengal artillery, on December 12
1851. Going at once to India, be
learned from his father mart about
Afgbonistan and the ,campaign
through which General Sir'Abraham
Roberts had just passed, thereby lay-
ing the foundation of the knowledge
wlrih he later put to such good use.
Hu soon afterward obtained a staff
appointment, and, discovering the
value of Hindustani, sat to work to
acquire the language with the assid-
uous thoroughness cbaraeterislin of
all bis doings.
]3r went through the mutiny in 1057
and 1858, from the siege and rapture
of Deihl to the relief of Lurknow,
winning diot'n'tion through ;bis cour-
- -a um when ne 85W rwo. bepoys.
more dile iuult task. His successful Trying off the nolors, Dashing after
mavdmaat of a body comprising a out them, he slew ane, and, seizing the
stsndnrd, brought it bark in triumph.
ten trtousand fighters - _British and Jia would have lost bis life had not
Indian -eight thousand camp ecelow- a musket missed fire wi ila its mnszle
erg and twenty-three hundred horses was pressed against his body.
and, gun mules through d.Lti,ult, Los-ivIn one of his earliest engagements,
file territory in three weeks, With the gwnhile, @eaiwadinsg drivers to limber up a
toss of only one Brttisb surlier and a
dozen natives, is considered by oom-
petent entice the most remarkable ac -
and the wound was not. mortal only be•
cause a leathern pouch which had slip-
ped around to his bark, received the
nievetneut of its kind to modern
force of the impact. He left the mu-
tiny es a brevet major and with a
medal with three deeps.
In 1859 he married Miss Bews,
daughter of Captain Bews, of the Sen•
enty-third regiment. She entered
thoroughly into his work, and her
sympathy has greatly aided him. This
lady and two daughters now comprise
his family.
In 1820 ba became a regimental oap-
tain,. After quiet admin:stratave work
he won a medal and clasp in. the Um-
m-beyta , campaign in 1849.
He joined the expedition of Lord Na-
ples. o[ Magdala to Abyssinia in 18.8.
As assistant quartermusler general ha
superintended the embarkation of the
entire expedition. no was ttr:co, men.
tinned for his servires, and Lord Na-
pier selected him as the besfrer of, de-
spatches which announced the entire
success of the expedition. Thus he
won another medal and was brevetted
oo one; in tbeo 1J A t 1-
R yl r 1
As a reward for his services with
the Looshai expeditionary force in 1872
he was made a Military Companion of
the Order of the Bath.
He qualified; as a colonel in 1875 and
re,ceivecl an appointment as perman-
ent quartermaster general, with the
local rank of major general.
Lord Lytton offered him the com-
mend of the Punjnub forces in 1878,
when he became a major gantral of
the army: Then, in 1879, hereceived
the command of Eastern Afghanistan
froso Kabul to Jamrud, It was in the
war whish broke out soon afterward
that be first began to attract the gen-
eral cal
Aublio attention, on ethical
in enthuaiasnl over
During the campaign be was mention-
ed eight
in_ the mosh despatches.
On his march to Kohut, i 187'0 hile
in command of the Durum Valley
forth, he fought 4L fierce nail bloode.
battle tlo
at .P
, winning a,
Limes. A special bronze star was ger-
m to each of the men participating in-
tbe march,
Itis rapidily completely battled the,
enemy in Lhis own country, and.enabl-
ed Roberts to administer
11311 CIIUSId1Nti BLOW
whioh ended 11111 campaign. HIS tee -
.ties then, taken in conjunction with
the foresight end caution ouurauteris-
tic of the man, no less than his that'
in dealing with all'nround him, augur
well for tee fulfillment of the lir,tldh
nopee whioh are counting un his skal
to .counterbalance tine extreme mobil-
ity `et'the Boer tortes, trom whion the
British have sintered most heavily in
the present war.,
Upon bis return to England after
that campaign he wee Unwired by the
government of India aim by both
houses of Parliament. The Queen
summoned ;ilio 10 Windsor. The muni-
cipality of London presented to him
a sword and the freedom of the city, a
rare gift accorded to comparatively
few sten. Ueiversillcs, the clement
trade guilds and rotumercial bodies
Vied with one another in giving de-
grees, privileges, banquets and addres-
Bet that was only one episode in a
brilliant career, and many of those
best qualified to judge; believe that
Roberts' moist valuable services to the
empire wore comprised in the arduous,
Unobtrusive labors by which be re-
modelled the frontier defences and 'vir-
Welly remade the Indian army, bring-
ing it to his present high efficiency.
Moro than once his reforming opinions
Were so opposed to general notions at
the time that they made Slim tlia
ject attack, and oven ridicua,
he attack to them, and later was vie-
dicat+int 1'
bytheir h r adoption.
Mu f
Mimic. his ,aces,, as n saner,;;
and as a 'builder, was due ilea only to
his eemorkable magnetism, but to his ill cant victory at Charnsai before
close toaoli with tho mon in tea reeks, his capture of the capital, "Thence he
bed to retire to Sherpur cantonments,
where bis fereslgtt had led to the
caustruotion 01 a strongly latrancll-
ed pob4Uon for just soup as emer-
matey. Throughout the winter 11e
Mold the place witb a aeries oll 7,000,
against 100,000 fierce tribesmen,
awaiting the arrlyal of re•lufor e-
Ments, with the .aid of wbt 17 he
P4'0;111413' recaptured Kabul, and was
ready to mu.eh to Kandahar when
the neteesity presented Item,.
150 4SI21G TO A.PPL4tJII,
In Wast Alrl.at' the nut.ves bies
when they are astooished;le the New
Hebrides whoa ;bey sea anything beau
412u1. Tile f3usutod applaut a popular
0511101' in the assemblies by hissing
Jinn, Thr J manna), again, pbow their
reverenee by a hiss,
To Cure Catarrh and Stay Cured
T'oa noel use the host up -to -data
Blinn 1881 to 1885 be was lay coin- Rnti most approved method of treat -
mend of Che Madras Presidency trews0Ui" neat This can only be bad lu' Cater
and h1s latest fighting wap with lite iDzons ivhlah gores by Inhalatia 1 and,
Burmah expedition, in 1840. He was is slu•a to rea�alt;'lhe right spot, Treat-
commandar in ebief of Lilo foroos in meets requiring the .use of sprays,
India front 1885 to 2890, and then was douchss• slip fa maims its, are ea thing
nu.o,.°dad, largely an his .recornoienda of the past, and the medicated Mr
tion, by General Sir George White, treatment sup rse.tes these all, There
now h leagured to Ladysmith. le no Jaeger or rick i i using ,Catarr-
Sitlue his return to England. Lord eaemhozouo, It is both pleasant and ef-
ltoaer4s has been eommaider of the able
to t, Foy in any ease of brit-
faroas in Ireland. Ile was enticed to Catarrhte Throat, Fetid Asthma, 1 t stillirall
andtral Per sad at all
the peerage as Baron of 7iandaliur,in druggisl•S. For trill; 051211 send 10e, in
Afgbainietan, and of the city of Water' stamps to N. t", POLbON & CO., Box
d In 1892.
bforus F1d.nL1NGS 1ZE0
ARDI\G THJ 518 Kingston, 0 1.
A2i'. Peppers--.I1'uil i've forgotten as
Were Lord Roberts small ono; 1 to much as you ever knew, Mrs. P,-1
g' know 11, John, You always were the
need any personal incentive to 1k.: out most forgetfal man I ever saw.
hie sense of duty, there cou,d be no
tioubl of it in his present command.
Bastily despatched to Cape Town as NRS. w,xs, (SIVB SOU1'711,1.0 STOOP has been
Governor Of Cape Colony had coin- used by mother, fur Mon children teething It notlie.
mender oe the ferias there, he arr•ved tae ehtid, ,uric,, the gown. utlul'e Iola, ,area wryt,,4
vol;o, end inho 4e+tggist,y for dwrrf) 25( o hut•
just after the battle uc Majuia 411 t tin. 5t4 I,yY al drugght, Uunugbout 15,,, born,: po
when !)ears gad bean dac,ni ell,, "A ,sure mida 4 tor" 8173. WW.'uws bow -lung syrup,
peace, alas!' without hone:,' he re-
cently said, "to which may be earl- Ifullolth. my boil'; you have'been put -
bated the recent stats of afta:rs in the Ling on weight! Laa't help it, doctor's
Tran.vnal. He was sentnionedba k orders. Said i was on'y to drink at
to England lifter less than twenty meals, Got to eat such, a rtooce of a
four hours in Cape Town: lot of meals, don't you know;; ,
H mai created a Military Knight el ;
the Grand Cross of the Bath and a . La Toscana, 0J___4..a',alettix R ClOalt
baronet in June, 1881, in re, (ignition of
_ look
his dietingui:h -d cervi es in India
In Ilie present campaign his only
She -Do you think I. am good tenougli
son was killed at Tugela River, and to .feed? Love is wo s,u's whole ai -
bis nephew, Colonel Sheraton, at ly o e e_ is
Glen„oe, hence, and, raturally, she overlooks
Hi, famous charger, the white Arab -less bets in the game than man does.
Vonolel, whieh carried )aim from Kabel : --
1c Iar'ndattar, and through :ih•jubileo;.®f K E FEI L
$ RzlrtDov NIALTparade,tlied last year 'showing to the Un,:orxteu and sir, tuthei,e,
las; that offertion for him which ha LLOYD WOOD, Toronto. GENERAL AGENT,
inspires in everything living that
comes In contact with him. Ida -That family in the brownstone
mansion is very eco,:omieal. I hear
Mu -Extremely! Why, they actually
hive their last winter's furs made into
m.fflers for their footman and coaoh-
��.7T3,� 7Y{
One Man's
Idea of What is
Onrleant Grown, or ltoona0re, ITna Oared
of ttlietunallam and Ihteitnelio-9 ys
it 1s illi only 10 Meet enue,,tl the
HCUiclno That Cured mJnt-
Dudd'a Hlklnry rill, Do
Even Mitre Tl.nn 25:
Ululated- for Them
Kenmore, Jan. 8.
Far some time past I Lave, contem-
plated waiting ,.o11cerning the merits
e8 the well known and wonderful wed-
ieine, Doddas ]Sidney Pills, but
.Uhroagh .m glbst have failed to ao om
_Nista what 1 now tenet my duty. Dur
in,g the last winter I was ire.fuently
troubled with tame bark, so much so
t•~I,(at 1 was nnaIUe at times ,'to stoop
wiGhnat a great (Jeal of pain and exer-
tion. I experien-ed other well-known
symptoms peulidr to Kidney trouble.
1 ulo was affected with Rheumatism
in my rig.bt leg and hip to an extent
that i wln- mi tan;':v, white at my
work, suffering agonizing pains in the
parts axle tem may were: oaring the
8umnfar months consists of cheese box
making .and this required me to be
seated driving naLs. Prey sus
to taking Dodd's Kidney Tills
I Was forced to look to ;the
Invention of a machine to nail
covers on, which 1 named J ack in a
Plinth. After taking one box of Dodd'e
1Stdney hats I found an improvement
in my condition and before I bad fin-
ished six biomes I found myse.f nailing
in the natural Way and Jack in a Pinch
was discarded, I was able to Sit up 01
my chair as of old and drive, five hun- The It Balmoral,” Free Bus 0081°n;
deed one-and-arla;warter-inch nails le.Buronmm Pta,,. nooma
eighteen minutes. My brother and 1 Hotel Carsh8o,., rrom alaear u opa.
worked together, and if necessary be G:r.R.stntion,Mnn,renL Ge(,('snlakoat:o„;'rope.
throcan ugh
testify to the cure I have received AVENUE NOUSE-blear; cmtega Are, ao
through Dodd's Kidney Pills, Familyhotel rat. 51.50
In conclusion I would say that par darn
Dodd's Kidney Pills are ali' and' even' ST. JANIEB' 1' ROTEL.e7ile;ree 0.7.55 Dent,
nt, blooks from C. P.
more than t8 claimed for them, if Railway, l irstalo,a Onn,lewnnl House, Modern ]tin
this is of any benefit to the proprietors pr5,omenl,-Antos moderate.
use of it as they may deem advisable. Olrl L'iwyer-linty ore you getting
Wishing them continued success, along? 'Young Lawyer -I have one
I remain, client, Old Lawyer - Is' be wealthy;
Vary sincerely, Young Lawyer -He was.
DURHAM BROWN, W. P. C. 1006.
TO P8HH A :'01,14 IN ONE DAY
T.+ke Laxative ammo Quinine Tablets. ,111
druggte•e refund 1 h money If it fails to euro,
W, Grovo's i+gaatnre is on each box.
Do you think, dear, you would love
me any better if my 'hair were some
other color? I don't know. What
other colors have you?
"Pharaoh lOQ "PiCL'o5Gneby, Q.”'
Cigar 8imutacturer.
.Eight sections at the Paris Univer-
sal Exhibition of 1900 will be devoted
to "tbe history -of the religions of the
world, with the belief of all the known
races of men, past and present."
Deafness Cannot ne Cured
,y local application,, as they cannot reach the
Lsea,ed portion of the ear. There 15 only on ,
was 'n pure deafness, end that lo by eonottte.
'tonal reined lot. Denrneat Is canned by an in.
flamed condition of the mucous Ening of rho
Ima[aohb,n Tube, a hen this tubo is Infiniti.
•d Yeu have a ran nbfng nand or imperfect
hearing, and when it la entirely °toned dea[nost
a the result, oral utile,,, the ieflnmmattan 01111
he :•ken Ont rind [his tub- restored to its nor,
tont condi; Ion, hearing will be doarroyed f r
over; hire cater; out of ton are rause i by Ca•
Earth w' !oh Isnnthtne bile an inflamed condi.
to of the mucous gur•a°es,
'75 will give One Hundred Dollars for arty
case of ))earnest lammed by catarrh) hat Dan
nut he cared by Ra 1'a Catarrh Oure. Send for
drool .rt, roes,
F.7. CHENEY a 00., Toledo, 0,
3,Id by Om ggiets, Tdc.
Ha Ira Family Pills ore the best.
One's sense of sight mar 'be first-class
Whose hearing may be weak,
For many sue the mountain' pass
Who cannot bear its peak.
in any way they are at liberty to make
,Chocolate is atilt used as money in Oarbollc Diai efcrut nts, soaps, Oint-
1nOht, TOO81' POWd078, 6tC„ 111185 been
certain parts of the interior of South awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
America, as also are cocoanuts and
eggs. According to Preacott the
money e£ the Aztecs consisted of quills
full of gold dust and bags of chocolate
grains. Before the introduction of rain-
ed money into Greece, skewers, or
spikes of iron 1tnd copper wore used,
sic being a ciraahm or handful. The
small, hard alae;; known as the eow•rie`' S r p.
is still used in parts of India and
Afrion in place of coin. Whales' teeth Whaley, Royce
are used by the Fijians, red feathers G� q oil co.,
by soma of the South Sea Lanni-LLees Wanted 1611 Yon5o 81,
en salt i
u parts ofAbyssinia,
p Et �r1�'r;
In 'dN '�tD
parts of India cakes of tea and to TORONTO, ON7,
China pieces of silk pass as aurrrney. POULTRY, BUTTER, ECUS APPLE
Oxei still 101.07 the cli•eulnting mad- and Allot PRODDO)1, to maim heat cella condi la
ism among many of the 'Lulus and Tho Damsel; ConuniSsloo Co., Limited,.
I4nifirs, 1 Oar, Weet-Market & Oolherne Sc., Teronto,
exeellenoe. Their regular use prevent infect].
Mus diseaee0. AAlt your deafer to obtain a
supply lists mailed fres on application.
67A440ISE1;TE11, . • ENGLAND.
To gond for Dur
complete SHEET
and SP1i01AL HATE
are etiolated ed to
e pA
supply Eftln overyeeesle
TEAGHBDin GsnadudA
'}iflra'°'d.0 L"' Gt letea7t 641Li
eitiv fr
� Vit,
II a g��(Pf�
,.darp�v lty4st
kae a70511n 0ha0ase lte oownlrwht,hnahkCEYLON
EA Lead packages,
Fe, 30, 10, 50 &bag
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste,
and agreeing with the most sensi-
tive stomach. Used by physicians
in the treatment of all throat and
lung troubles, and -- if results
count for anything almost no
limit to the good it can do.
Sample bottle mailed tis any address on receipt of to
cents to cover postage.
Angier Chemical Co. Li!'°^ Toronto
Sausage Casihgs_•New impurrarione Snot
4'aright Sheep Ain. Hog 0a.bgs—roanlie 700, teB
PARE, BLACK WELL A 00., ----Toronto,
ILL instantly relieve
DrDrig 'D•reawn's -mB 5Egbnd Syurlup ore! LlooCrl7,827oak
eryaen MatlloaPDlpmnsaPray,M.atrPano>e
PUSIMUN StSae KILLS Roaches, bed
1,1 Hrrga,Rats and AfIce. Sold by all'.
Druggists, or 581ueen W. Toronto.
Q r hien
1 had been a sufferer like a great
many other woman with a disease pe-
culiar to my sex. I tried everything
I could read or think about to help
me, but was getting worse instead of
better. My condition was terrible -1
was losing flesh and color, and my
friends were alarmed. I consulted a
doctor of this town and be said I
would never get better; that I would
always be sickly and delicate, and that
medicines were of little use to me.
Bearing what Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills had done for others I de-
termined to try them myself, and to-
day I weigh one hundred and forty
pounds, while before I weighed only
one hundred and eigbteen pounds, and
I now bare a constitution that is bard
to beat. I have not suffered any pain
in months and earnestly hope that
Dr. Ward's Blood. and Nerve Pills will
reach every woman suffering as I
SIncerely yours,
MAY COLE, Simooe, Ont.
Price 50c. per box, 5 boxes for 42,00,
at druggists, or if not obtainable at
your druggist, mailed on receipt of
price by Sam. Williams & Co„ Toronto.
Book of Information Free.
Bears Impoitaut News to MIs Fel.
1078 Citizens.
Toronto, Jan, 5. -Here is a letter
we hope every arso one of our readers It i;
peruse: -"I nm 99 years told. ;lass
been troubled for four yore with order, Price 835,
what I thought was Rheumatism- S. FRANM WILSON,
all flness in the meanies of my legs, TRUTH, 7,1 Adelaide West, Toronto,
later In tbo terms. Soon the sliffnces
changed to soreness. Went to ;dot JDs. 11, ARNETT, Manager,
Springs. and ennui bank a little better. JOHN J, MAIN, Supt, and Treats
'Was a moderate dilater, but quit us-
tng liquor altogether, and carefully
regulated my diet. One day I got The 0 l` a,Upan
wet and then the trouble wee versa
than, ever. Had to luny off for three i� pyO r� Safety
weeks. Have bad similar atlaeks at dlehitey
Carters 005(1 MIRE 100. Cure, lea 1114,. P. bit
Corning Q Co„ Agent,, Montreal.
THE DES MOINES 1NOIBATOR-9estand(heapesl
0.Rolland, ,ole agent for the Dominion. Send 355,
gamy for (meatuses, 973 Sc. Paul Street, Montreal
Catholic Prayer Books, Rosaries,Cru.
Religious Pictures, Statuary, and °lfVito ch Omim enu,,-
Rduoattoaal We k., Mail orders receive prompt anon.
tl0a D. &J. SADLIER & 00., Montreal.
par 0%104417 Olt*
Catarrh of note,
Ile threat, stomach
end bladder. boo A Ili a box. Write for particutara, 7.14
Indian Catarrh Cure Oe., 146 SE, Janeeaia M,atrcoL
t+-.t:bcW0 ii,v 11 &N w)uur-town,
Large Income-Plonspntyusition-P3y prompt. I rpuritans nuking$tweek. Welteqtek for Felimdars 504 furnish ruler.enc..
sol 1xeKlnnoa bock, Toronto,
Mille, MITI. a Nalco.
Barrtstsrs,oto., removed
to Wesley Bldgs., Riob.
mond SE W., Toronto,
tl e�ssr11ss5 LLEE'AD,,CCUPPER, BRASS?
wbole,sle only. Long Dietaries Teleplw0e1720,
WILLIAM ST., 70001170.
Dyeing ! Meaning!
For the very best acus your work to the
Look for agent hi your town, or scud dime.
Muntreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Michigan land for Sale.
O 000 50600 0000 FARMING LANDSreARI2,NAO
Seco,. Oghiga,v and cal, D r l Uounai.. Tttie par•
fret. On Michigan Central, D:'roh a Mrokinao and
Loo,, Lake Railroads, 4 prise, ranging from 85 to 113
rorwnee. Thee LSadpla000Ol,ondt\orBbnrpW oon
rsonoble tenon. Apply Noo0w
R. 81, 81BRCE, Agent, West Bay City, Molt..0, 2. W. 00151[8, {Whittemore, Meta
oE60a o Line sTEAPdsI1ps
Portlaed, Mo., to Liverpool, via Halifax.
Largo and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Cambroman.
Rota, of passage: -Vint Cabin 315a upward,; Smond
Cabins 3135; Srteeregn, 825.50 sad }.3 5a,
Bar further tnfonnstion apply w 101,35 cgeota, or
DAV114 TORRANCIE k CO., General Agents,
17 86. Sacrament St. Moulted.
Coming to Toronto
FLATS, steam mato, Steam Power,
Elevator and all oonvenienoes,
TRUTH AVILDING, 7; Adelaide St, Went,
To Manufacturers
NGRTME'S STEAM PUMP. -6 x 4, 7 inch
stroke, in good working order, mono.
ity about 000 horse power. Price $78,
FEED WATER NEATER --6e horse power,
in good order, Price 485.
ONE No. 3 STURTEVANT FAN -24 inch,
in perfect order. Price teas.
high, upright discharge, in excellent
Late.i'vale ever Since, each one worse
than its predecessor. Had headache,
pain iu the emelt of the back, urine
dark, scanty and snaldinn. Began u.t t Esplanade - de
Mlle a short me ago, and are already Opp, Sherburne 8t
1115(015 Dr. Arnold's 79ngltsh 'Coxiu
, troronto
wonderfully improved. Peel sone-
dent they will cure u o me, and I shall ` Nigh Class brittle,' Tube St0A111
give diem the chance and report. T
have 'not felt do well for years as 1 l$oliors, for All Pressures,
have Mame 1began
icing your 74115, l
II, LEWIS, Duties and Fuel.
477 Stange St.,
serve POR bLC
Dr. Arnold'e 1;nkii�h 'toxin ribs the noir tnod1eine { Toronto 51 eettle'Light CO. Ltmfted,.
.en earth that dorm igaa,
a b killln the germs 1+ tti1
7 g or ng thatn€ The T. Raton C
e 1sn it are Mol - 1 1 !
g tl rr Llo. Glenne*ei0.t , d by ell aerate, nE.7tc, n lynx; snmrlq i'�t�oP) rQ P The Mr<npryH0.rris Co ' Ll
za 2 0. or tent est• nits n•f rsoeipt of pvPoo to 111q IIUI 111�� T`
'Arnold lthumicni On i'hnitnd Canada Llf( dldld1'i
, 1 The Wilton multi
utt sL ng Ob., ander{'
42 King Street Webb, 5.oronto, tAh OS8eoute, whore hailers May