HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-18, Page 5Inzv, 18, 900
_ . •
' YC luttrosiaLH X'O.5'X
Cont, F. S. BOOTT, //easels,
e Iaauer of Marriage Lteen800, 01.
five at Gr000ry, TNrnberry street, Bruaoole,
Tonsorial Artist Shop-Nextfloor
North the Standad Ban,Las' n
Cbildrou's hair oetting a Bpeolalty,
oEnerellnn has several good Farms for
pale and to rout, easy terms, lA eTownahipe
of Morris and Grey, F B. 1300`11,Bruseole
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
mast/ aF3i7T.+S.
anaANo E
Ismael of Marriage Licenses,
• Orsmn A8 Jnw11LOY Bron,
eir'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
L.. O. M,.
Aeadomto graduate of London Qoneervn-
tory of Mario, also Member of the 10000110011
Mualciaua of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number ot pupils for instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Prinolpal's ors in the Oontcrvatory of
Brussels, . On Levitt,
clerk of the Fourth DivIalon court,.
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Publio,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ;Anotion-
eer.. Funds invented and to loon. Ounce.
Mons made. Office in Granain'e bleolr,lirus-
nun, will sell forbetterpriced, to
bettermen in lees time and less chargee
hes eon t charge anything T Datessanduorriers
Can always be arranged at tine oflloe or by
personal appltoation.
(PO0tlet= or 80080080)
Graduate of 10, 0.1) 6., Toronto ; Poet Grad-
uate oonree-at 0aekol'e School, Chicago, in
Drown and bridge work. tRrPricee same ae
in surrounding towns. - 21 -
Office over A. 10. Smith's store, Brussels.
V • Honor. Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals tin a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Oalia promptly at-
tended to. Offioe and Infirmary-Pour;dcor0
North of bridge, Turaborry et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor,-- Oonveyaneer,
Notary Public, &o, OAloe-S tewart's -Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor far the Standard Bank,
s ,
VI • Solicitor; &o. Otilee over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brnesele.
Money to Loan at lowest setae,
(Pormerly of Cameron, Holt. &
Cameron Barrister and Solicitoreo eriob
Ont. OtIlce-Hamdtoa'treet, poette Oa -
borne Hotel..
at. is,, E. nL,
Licentiate of Royal College of Ph eiolane
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member o! the Col-
lege of Pllyeioiane and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of Women and children a special-
ty, Nino years' experience. OIDoe and tea -
MOWS, opposite 0ngliell oburob, Brussels.
O. ;10.,.
Trinity University,Follow Trinity Medical
0o11ege,Meinbor Cllege of Pbyefoians and
Surgeons Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lioeatiato of 11111-
'011007 Mid-
larTelephone No.11,
ltes deuce-Mf11 street, Brussels,
ruvracIAN, 000011ON AND A000130nellit,
(8uccossor to Dr. F. IL Malbliolsch)
1,1. D, Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., New
York ; I,1 D 0 M Victoria Uuivereity, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Pkysioiane and
Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid
o o�uo ries of oilmen, eye, .ear, no9 and
m. D. C. M,.
Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &.,
&o, A11 specialty work oatietuatorily treat-
ed, 011ioo upstairs in the Stratton Block,
Mee hours, 0 to 12 a, in., and 7 to 10 p. m,
Bpeoialitt worlr, snob as for eye, ear, throat,
&o.. in Ilia ennui at ids reettlonee, Elizabeth
street, from2 to 6 p in, All medicines will
be dispensed personally by the. Dr. orunder'
hie direct eupervlsion,
The milling firm of A, MoyerRc.'Oo,,
Listowel and Palmeteson, are dissolving
pertuerehip, The Listowel hnsfnete will
probably be taken over by, W. Moyer,
end the Palmerston business by A.
Moyer, who has resided in 'het town for
eomo part,
V1) z'oxte tet,=.
Rev, Mr. Lake le holding revival ser.
vices at Salem for a taw weeks,
Darling Bros„ of Treherne, Man„ tor.
needy of tole piece, are visiting in town,
Art, Robinson loft for Bdengrove, near
Walkerton, where he has Beamed a situ.
anon ae a teacher,
The officers for the Literary Soleil
for the next 'term are, -Pres,, Thou,
Brown ; Vioe•Pres., Mrs. Spottou ; Seo,.
'!'roar., Thos. 4. Gibeon.
8, B. MalCelvie ie about to wind up
hie bueinees in Mildmay ae ho hat rented
Ole mill there, He will take over the
briefness of MaKelvle& Hemphill and
run it.
Thos. Hemphill d: Son are having a
mew abaft put into the oat meal mill and
a larger fly -wheel, When oomplete the
ohange will give them more power for
the oleotrio light.
A aeries of special meetings are being
held in the baeement of the Methodist
Alfred Murton will nonduat a skating
rink on the mill
pond during the remain:
der of the season,
Wm, Mahood, Russel Cook and Rol.
son Dunlop have all returned to Toronto
to resume their studies of medioino at
the University.
On Sunday Rev, David Rogers, of
Bluevale, preached the annual Mission-
ary Bermone, at Mayne appointment in
the morning and in the Methodist ohuroh
here in the evening,
On Saturday, 81h' inst., the hand ot
death deprived James Speooe. of New-
bridge, of a loving wife, and hie two
young eons a mother's tender care, Mrs.
Spence had not been strong for some
time, and while they were making pre-
paratione for to lake up their abode in,
their new home in Listowel, enc was
stopping at a hotel in that town, where
she suddenly took a turn for the worse
and enocumbed on the above day. The
body waS taken to the home of her father
John Bvane, of Garvie, from whence the
funeral took place totheGorrie cemetery
on Monday afternoon. The sympathy of
the oommnnity is extended to the bereay.
ed relatives and friends.
P0EB1NTATZON. - John Darrooh, who
has wielded the biroh and taught the.
young ideas how to oboot in the Lakelet
school for the past' 14 years, hae given up
the teaching profession and will here.
after devote his attention to his farm.
Daring bis years of service in that eohool
Mr. Darroch has been among the most
successful teaohere in title county,
many pupils having graduated to higher
institutions - Prom under hie tutorship,
Jost before severing his conneotione with
the school, the pupils, as a token of their
appreciation of hie eervioee in their be.
half, presented him with a very nicely
worded address and mognifioeet plush
chair. They also remembered hie family
and presented 'Mrs. Darroch with a
beautiful calendar, and their little son
Arnold with a nice oup and cancer.
An Enterprising Flim.
There arelew men more wide awake
and enterprising than G. A. Deadman,
who spare no piling to secure the beet of
everything in their line for their custom.
ere. They now have the Agenoy for Dr.
King's New Dieoovery, whieb surely
onreeConsumption, Coughs and Colds.
This ie the wonderful remedy that to
now produoing so much excitement all
over the country by its startling onre0.
It absolutely cares Asthma, Bronobitie,
Naneea, and all affections of the Throat,
Chest and Lungs. You can teat it before
buying, by calling at the above Dreg
Store, and get a trial Bottle Free, or re-
gular size for SOo and $1.00. Guaranteed
to pure, or pries refunded.
Revival meetings are being conducted in
Blyth Methodist ehurob.
Our former townsman, Peter Perves
has been re,eleoted a member of th
Teeewater council.
Rev. T. B. Oonpland, of Londesboro,
preaohed Missionary sermons in Illyt
Methodiet church Sunday.
Miss Chamberlain, who baa been th
eMoient aeeietant in Blyth poet office for
the past two years, has resigned.
The following offioers of Blyth Monthly
Fair aesoaiatioo were eleoted for the
ensuing year :-President, 0. Hamilton ;
Vioa•President, A. W. Sloan ; Secretary.
Treasurer, B. Herrington.
Jou. McGill was appointed Aeeeesor
for 1900 at a salary of $40; J. H. Chellew
and Wm. Campbell Andibors at 87 enob.
Council meetings will be held on the first
Tuesday of each month in industry Hall,
for which $55 rent will be paid.
Following are the officers of the Y. P.
S. O, E, of St, Andrew's 0haroh, Blyth
-Pres, W. J. Scott ; Viee•Pree., Mies
McElroy ; Seo., Mies Tena Logan ;
Treas., Daniel McGowan ; Sep. of enve-
lopes, Mies Dila Anderson ; organist,
Mier Jennie Habkirk.
Chief duetioe Armour Saturday made
an order committing Charles T. Tanner,
formerly a private banker, of Blyth, to
the jail of Lambton County for refusing
to Gnawer 8ue0tione on an examination
ae to hie financial poeitton and the die.
poeal of oertain property.
The annual meeting of the Morris
Branoh Agricultural society was held in
the Orange ball no Wednesday of last
week. Treasurer Metcalf presented hie
report, Which woe =opted. The oflroere
elected were :-Prep., J. B. Tierney ;
Vioe•Pree., Joseph Carter Sud Viae.
Pres,, Win. Pattereon; direotore, George
Taylor, Wm, Jaakeon, John Shortreed,
jr„ T. W. Sloan," Riobord Corley, M.
Lookhart, R, Faris, Wm, Moon, John
Sberrltt, Wm. Mason ; auditors, A.
Elder, J. M. Hamilten. otes of thanks
were tendered the auditors for their ser.
aloes during the past year.
8nntous Frus.-•-Tile most deetraotive
fire in the bietoey of Blyth 000urred on:
Tuesday morning of last week. Shortly
after six o'olook flamee were seen burst,
ing through the roof of Joseph Stothere'
bakery and 10onfeotionery store. The fire
alarm wag eaunded and the brigade and
engine were soon on the scene doing duty,
but the flames had made quick headway
and SA the larrouudiog stores were alt
frame buildings it was soon in evidence'
that a big oonflagratlou would take plaoe,
The engine and firemen worked nobly,
4treame of water were poured in the fiery
furnace, but of no, avail. The flames
went South to the Bank of Hamilton and.
soon destroyed that building, On the
North, Hetfron Bros.' bite er atop wag
the Arab to 50, and then followed J, G.
Moese'a hardware and tinware store and
T. W. Soott'e Vinery and elioe store,
'line post of9oe and lkaoltinoon dr Qo's
01 010 were saved by the liberal use of wet
blankets, The Central hotel on the
opposite side of the :greet ought fire
several times but In every case was 44�ulok•
iy taut ant. All the wiodoweon theNorbh
0108 01 Wm. Belle brink livery were
deabroyed by ilre mod the plate gleam
windows in J, H, Obellew'e fureitnre
store were °rooked with the heat. How
the fire originated le n mystery but it is
supposed to have etarted ftenc the oven
at the bakery, The total lose by the fire
is estimated between 830,000 and 840,000.
Mr, Stotbere will be the heaviet loer,
he. toeing etore,elook, residence, furniture
and clothing, The other merohen10
saved email portions of their etoeke.
None of those burned out can ray yet
what their total lose will be, hitt the in.
ourane0 ie a0 follows ;--.Joseph Statham,
6000 on building and 6859 on stock and
contents of house; Hellion Bros., .050
on building and 0ontente; J. G. Moser,
$600 on building and $8,000 en stook
T, W. Soot, $4,500 on stook ; Dr. Carder,
6600 on building ooaopted by Bank of
Hamilton ; A. Elder, 5050 ou building
m:opied by T. W. Scott. Mr, Stothere
and family o00upied the residence above
and in rear of the store and the faro had
such progress when they were
awakened that they bad not time to save
anything Mrs.Stotbere and children
making their eao0pe in their night r,,bee
and Mr. Stotbere in a pair of pante and
one soak. Manager Bennett euooeesfnlly
removed all the bank stationery and the
bulk of his 1pereouat effeobe before the
fire bad made numb progress in the bank,'
losing only his library and some pictures.
The big bank cafe dropped right. aide up
into the cellar and on Wednesday an ex.
pert from the Taylor Safe Works,
Toronto, arrived and opened it. The in-
terior and contents were not injured by
the tlre-everything being taken from the
safe in good order. The majority of
those burned ont have found shelter for
the present. Heffron Bros. will occupy a
portion of John Mollillan'e produoe store
on Dineley street ; Mr. Moser the ofd
Standard office on Queen street ; Mr,
Soott the etore formerly occupied by A.
Taylor, corner of Qaeen and Drummond
etreebe ; the Bank of Hamilton will have
teroporary quarters in their new office on
the corner of Queen and Dingley streets
until its completion ; Mr. Stotbere ie not
yet located owing to there being no build -
loge in town with an oven. All the
burned oat manhunts purpose rebuilding
early' in the Bpring and intend combining
together and i
a building 'a n
g g union brink
blook. The morning was cold and frosty,
but that did not prevent the brigade from
doing good work. No brigade could have
done better work than was done by Blyth
brigade on Tuesday morning.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave yon, if you need
Dr.King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matobleee
merit for Siok and Nervone Headaches.
They make pure blood'and strong
nervee and build up your health. Try
them. Only 25o. Money back if not
oared. Bold by G. A. Deadman, Drug•
The annual meeting of the Biuevale
Presbyterian congregation, was held
in the church on Tuesday evening, Jan.
Andrew Holmes, motion foreman, has
exohanged hfe homes in Wiugham, for
Christopher Thornton's house in the vil-
lage, and made a second exohange with
Alex. Messer.
:An entertainment will be given some
time in February, the prooeede of whioh
will be used to buy new maps and other
neoesearies for oar school. Teacher, A.
MaEwan ie managing the affair.
Onazen MOUT/NO.-At the annual meet.
ing of the Blnevale (Meese and Butter
Company, held in Ibe Foreetere' hall
on -Friday, January 5th, the following
board of Direatore were eleoted: John R.
Mister, Jamas Elliott, W. 3, Johoeton, J
Dimon! and T. E. Powell. Robert Max•
well, formerly a direotor, resigned and
Mr. Powell was elected in his plane. All
the others belonged to the former board,
The meeting was very well attended and
this is the second time in 21 years that
the Board t
rd ofDirectors eo oc a
wa elected by
aoolamation. At the aloes of the general
meeting the direotore held a meeting and
elected John R. Dallier as president, J.
Burgess ae Secretary and Wm. Messer as
Treasurer. Robert Maxwell, who retir•
ed as a director bad been a member of
the Board for 21 years. He was tender-
ed a hearty vote of thanks. The number
of pounds milk received at the faotory
were 1,681,785. Average pounds milk
to a pound of Cheese cold, 10 79-100 :
average pries oheeee Bold, 10 80.100 cents
per pound ; average cost of drawing
milk, ineuranoe, ealariee, renewals, eup.
plies and repairs and all other incidental
expe0eee 1 91.100o per pound. Ao
djourned meeting was held in the
Foresters' Hail on Friday, Jan. Otb.
The business before the meeting was let.
ring of milk routes, oontlrniing bylaws,
TuI3Nts171tns Dov oro. Minubea of Conn,
it meeting held in Magnire'e Hall, Blue.
ale, January 8th, 1000. no membere
s11 present. The members having sub-
oribed their deolaratione of qualifioation
nit of oflioe took their,yeeata. The
minutes of last meeting were reed,
pproved and signed. Oomtnunigatione
ere read from H. Brouse, 'Toronto, re
ebentores ; from the Sielt Children's
oopital Truet, Toronto, re eubeorfptfon ;
oro Joseph Wrigly, Clerk, North Dem,
ries, re railway cattle guards ; ales from
Porterfield, Clerk, hl. Wawanosb, re
dvioe on deviation roads, Mr. Moe.
rove -Mr. Copeland -'Chat Bylaw No.
for 1900 be paused for the appointment
road oammiseionere.--carded. Mr..
opeland-Mr. Lovell-That"By-law No.
for 1900 be passed for the appointment
auditore for the onrrent year at the
me eatery as heretofore, -•- carried.
1. Moegrove-Mr, Diitobell-That Alex.
oBwen and Douglas Fraser be appoint.
anditOre.-parried. Mr. 1'Iitobetl_
r. Moegrove-That Bylaw No. 8, 1900,
paned, appointing John S. MoTavieh,
gasser, for the current year at a salary
855 and poetage, - Carried. Mr.
Itahell -Mr, Moagrove-That Bylaw
o. 4, 1000, be paeaed appointing Gavin
itson a member of the Looal' Board of
ealtlr for three years ; also appointing
Toole Medical Health Oflioer for the
trent year, and also appointing John
matt, er„ Sanitary Inspector for the
'rent year, -Carried, Mr. 810851ove
Mr, Miboball-That ohr Reeve ,be in,.
noted to go to goderlab re deviation
ads, -Carried, A petition wag tails be.
fore the Council from John Wylie and' 07
Other ratepayers, asking that a Ay.iaw be
passed to remove dog tea in title martial
polity, Mr. Lovell-liac. Mitobef--.That
the oenelderatlon of this By law be left
ever to next npeating,- Carried. Mr,
Musgrove -Mr. Lovell -That the audi'
tore report to thie Connell at the meet-
ing to be held Feb. 121)1 next. -Carried,
M e
r, Mo grove --••Mr, Copeland -That the
(Mork he lnetruoted to ask for tenders for
the township printing for the entreat
year from the proprietors of the Wing
ham Times and Advance newepaper0;
tendere to be received up to noon, Feb,
12th.-Catried, The following annoounte
were passed and 0hegnes issued :-J. J.
Moffatt, gravel, $1 ; 11', MoOlellabad, drain
iu 1301more, $14,75 ; Elliott Bros„ tile,
818.88 ; '1'r0aanrer, Wingham, work on
bottudary, $5,70 ; Geo, Maeon, stationery,
88e ; H, B. Elliott, printing, 810,76.;
14lunioipal World, papere, 55 75 ; S. Roue
Robertson, grant to 8, O. Hozpltal, $5,.
The Oommit'ee of Qouooil appointed to
Mahe.arrangemonte for the presentation
of a imitable testimonial to our ea Reeve,
William McPherson, have decided to
make the presentation at his residence on
Monday evening, Jan. 16th, at 7 o'olook.
Mr. Copeland -Mr. Lovell -That this
meeting do now adjourn to meet in Ma.
guire'e Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, Feb.
1210, 1900 ar •
0 tied.
Spain's Greatest Need.
R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
epende hie winters( at Aiken, 8. O.
Weak nerves had caused severe pains in
the book of his head. On using Bleotrio
Bitters, Amerioa'e greatest Blood and
Nerve Remedy, all pain goon left biro.
He says this grand mediotoe le what his
country needs. Alt America knows that
it aures kidney and liver trouble, purifies
the blood, tones np: the etomaob,
etrengtbene the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every mneole, nerve
and organ of the body: If weak, tired or
ailing you need it. Every bottle guaran-
teed, only 50o. Sold by G. A. Deadman,
A hockey team ie being organized in
town this Winter.
Arthur Pybee, who has been in Mani•
toba for the past two years, was in too
renewing old acquaintances.
Atthe last regular meeting of Court
Gorrie No. 57 0. 0. F. held in their hall
the following ofdoers were elected for the
year 1900 :-0 R., J. S. Found ; V. 0.
R„ N. McLaughlin ; F. S., Wm. Mose ;.
It. 8., D. F. Jardine; Treas., T. D.
Edgar ; Chaplain, Rev. A. Forney ; S.
W. Joe. Arden; J.. W., Isaac Sanderson ;
S. B., Jas. Manger ; Auditor, N. Mo•
Laughlin ; Court Deputy, Jno. Stewart.
At the last regular meeting of Tent
Gorrie No. 265 R. O. T. M. the following
offioere were elected for the ensuing
year :-Com„ W. T. Daue ; L. Com.. W.
3. Gallagher ; R. & F. B , J. S. Found ;
Chap., R. Ashton ; Physician, Dr. Tuck;
Sergeant, J. J. Montgomery ; 110. at A.,
2nd M Barber
B. Laird Seuttinel,nE.
Galbraith ; Picket, W. P ire; ,Auditors,
A, D. Strong and W, J. Gallagher.
The annual meeting of the Howiok
Dietriot Orange Lodge was held in New.
bridge on Taeaday attetn000 of last week
and was well attended. The next annual
meeting will be held in Fordwicb, The
following ofileere were elected for the
ensuing year t -W. D. M„ M. Dane ; D,
D. M., 11. Bride ; D. Chap„ John Gregg ;
D. R, 8., R. Carson ; D, F, S, J. Bar.
per ; D. Treas., J, Faille ; 1). Leot., 11.
Last week we had to roma the very
sudden death of Mr0. Jae. Spence, wlte
of ex'Oonaolllor Speuoe and daughter of
John Evans, of alis village. Mr, and
Mrs, Brume bad just moved to Listowel
and had not yet got into their new
residence when the messenger Dame.
The remains were brought to her father's.
residence op Sabbath afternoon from
whence they were token bp the Gerrie
Oemetery on Monday afternoon and laid
to rest. She leaves a family of two eons.
The bereaved family and friends have
the sympathy of all in their sad and cud
den bereavement. The funeral was n
verylarge one.
Pomp Words I
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch.
I also Sharpen Morse Clippers, Me -
sore, bread knives and other edged tools
in up -to date style,
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner. Satie•
faotion moored.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
Photo. Studio.
Life -like Photographer
Now is the time to get your Family
Group taken. Groupe taken with great
anomie at our studio.
We are equipped in all Lines of the
art. Cabinet Photos. 52.00 per dozen,
other sizes in proportion.
I wish you all a
Happy New Year.
Spring Prints
P. K. & Gin hams
All Spring Goods at
Old Prices at....
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Of fine Grooeriee for the Christmas Season is now being shown by as, every
article being bright, clean and fresh, and as quality is the first essential we have
taken epeoial Dare to select only the finest goods for your ioepeation. A look through
our store will show youthat our stook of Fruits mid Table Delicacies is very Com-
plete, and if you have a Bingle thought of economy we ask you to examine our goods
before purchasing and whatever you select in
or anything else for table use, you can rest
and give your orders oar beet attention.
assured, we will do our best to please you
Oysters. by Dish or Quart. Fine Stock of Confectionery.
0. H
Our first shipment of Spring Prints
has just alri'ved.
No doubt it is early in the season for
these goods but they are Wanted.
Anticipate your wants in this line
and call and make your selections.
y Patterns and Fashion
Sheets to hand,
Extract. Lemon and 'Yanllla, per bottle, 51, 10o, 15o, 25o and 850 ; Sold
Medal Baking Powder, loo eine o v ' Forest
f o o , e r 2y ; Baking Powder, 0} pound
sealers, apepfal 200 ; Good lied Salmon, 2 tine for .250 ; 10 bars Soap, 50 size, for
25o ; Good Toilet Soap, per oalte lo; Laundry Star0lt, 1a pound packages, worth 10o
for 7o ; Good (lora Starch, 7a packages, 6o ; Choice Mixed Pickles, in bottles, 12r,a ;
Eddy's Matobee, per box, 10o ; Good Japan Tea, 20e per pound or 8 pounds for SlJc ;
0hoioe Japan Toa, our own importation, worth 80o for 25e ; Blue Ribbon Tea, black
and mixed, 25o, 400, G0c and 60a ; Saluda Ceylon Tea, blank and mixed, 260, 40o and
50o ; Re Cleaned Currants, in 11 pound boxes, very apoolal, 26a ; Choice Selected
Volenoia Raisins, 8 pomade for 25o; Orosee & Ble, kwell'e best Lemon Peel per
pound 200 ; Women's Wearing Shoes, now worth 81.25 for $1'; Men's Heavy Shoes,
extension ogles, epeolal $1.50 ; Men's Heavy Rubbers, 2 buckles, high out, oloee
fitting, $1.50 ; Men's Heavy Backe at 40o,' 8Qc, 75e and $1.25 ; Men's Lesgings at
$1 25, 81.50 and $.1.55' Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoos, at 51.25, $1,50 and 51,75 ; Men's
Fine Dongola Shoes. at 61.50, $2 and $2.50 ; new Prints, fast colors, worth 100 for
Iso Men's Heavy Ribbed and Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 25o, 400 and 50o ; Men'e
Top Shirts, made of windproof moleskin, very epeoial Soo; Men'e Heavy Wool Socks,
ribbed tops, worth leo, 2 pairs for 25o ; ]lice's Fine Dogskin Coats, worth $20, for
515.95; Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, worth $25 for $21 ; Ladies' Aetraohan Jaokete,
worth $85 for $20.06,
Are You Thinking of
Buying adargoorCook Stove ?
mon_} ut}uJryutJezii�eu✓eleu
If so you should see our
Gurney's Im erialRANGED
Seven of these Ranges
sold since the Brussels Fair.
They cave more Fuel
Do Are easier Work
ted }Than any other of their elm
Also a large display of Bee Burners,
Coal and Wood Heaters.
A 6 -hole Steel Range, furnished complete,
for 850. It takes 26 inch wood.
Theheat ie always the Cheapest.
Q f Yon will nave your money by calling on ns
Wilton de Turnbull
When It C07726.9 to
We have somethingto of special say p ecia
I interest to everyone
who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a
.Parlor Suite,
Bedroom. Suite,
Extension Table,
D 'tin Chairs,
PO ,'4, ,ifls'ibs 'ev
Anything, Everything that is desirable.
We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion
and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten.
Picture Framing attended
k Mou
to ldcarings
selectefully and large
to from.
You will -make no mistake if you select your furniture at
Ewan & Innes
A WORD Sleighs and
Cutters. • .
Nearly 50 to Choose from, all the ranters of which
are the very best 2ND Gioowri • BIOICORY
—Not Elm or Oak as is generally used.
We have more Cutters to show in our Sale Rooms than oan be found in any
other town in Ontario. Our prices are VERY LOW thie Beason, notwith-
standing the great advance in the pries of all material used in the construc-
tion of them. One look through our Sale Rooms will convince the most
okeptioai that we have the only shop in this part of the Country where you
Can get both Choice, Price and Value.
OUR E[ARN•J SS tllanslevar.Oheaper
Ewan t4 nes
Carriage Builders, Brussels.