HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-18, Page 44 TBE ARUS.SELS P08,T g mo xa Moot TITURSD4Y, JAN, 18, 1900. TIRE lIEL1O(:iRAP11 DESCRIBED. How 00001.01. 1V111te FIatltes Deapatalles 00 Gcae.•tri hailerTwentY Allies Away. The heliograph, Which is being, put to Snob effective u0e in South Arvin by both Briton and B or, is a modern adap- tation ds -tation of one of the oident forme of sig. nailing apparatus known to military 8010000, ileliographing, as the name implies, le eon -telegraphing, and General White's eignal men, in deepetcbing news trona sorely pressed Ladysmith aro using the same device, only in more perfected form, that the winked small boy with a bit of "looking glees" in hie grimy fiat employe to eared the attention at hle fellows morose the school room by flash- ing the 0nn in their eyes. The sending` apparatus oongiste of a mirrormounted on a trippod andhung on both. horizontal and.vertioal axis with adieeting aarewe admitting of minute obangee of plane. With tbie mirror the eon's rays are flashed for miles, direoted by pains taking adjustments into the field of vie. ion of a receiving telescope also tripod. mounted. The node is similar to that need in electric telegraphy. Flashes, long or short,represent dote and dashee, and the Morse or any other oode, inolud. ing ciphers, oan be readily used. The heliograph has been called the trump card of visual signalling, for it possesses the four cardinal military vir• tun—portability, rapidity, range and secrecy. The helograph is extremely portable, weighing with ite stand no more than a eoldier's rifle. It possesses a curious virtue of secrecy, beoaaee bo people stand. ing even at a very abort distance from the point on which ite rays are directed its signals are invisible. But this fact will chow how needful it is to have the sue rei'ieoted full on the distant station ; and to insure, this the heliograph has to follow the sun ea it travels through the sky. The two mews mentioned, one giving a vertical movement and the other a horizontal movement to the mirror, about its oentre, effeat this, and the screws can be manipulated by the signal. ler while in the aot of sending without interruption to the message. The range of the heliograph is enormous with a etroug sun and clear horizon, and ie therefore, admirably adapted to South Africa, In 1883-85 campaigns a helio- graph signal service extended north— Orange river to Molopole—a distance of 429 miles. One of the great virtues of the heliograph ie its ability to pierce haze. Col. Keyser, who was in 1880 with the besieged garrison at Kandahar, reported that he opened communication with the advanced guard of the relieving force, ander Sir F. Roberts at Robat, a distance of 48 miles, and communication were keptupfor several hours on a hazy day. Morris Council Meeting. The members of the Municipal Coun- cil elected for the-ourrent year viz., Wm. Iebister, Reeve and Messrs. Code, Car- diff, Jackson and Shaw Oonnoillore, met pursuant to Statute at the Town Hall, Morris, on Jan. 8th, and subscribed the necessary declaration of office and quali- fication, the Reeve occupied the oheir. Moved by Code, seconded by Cardiff, that Wm. Clark be reappointed Clerk, salary 9130 00. — Carried. Moved by Shaw, seconded by Jackson, that Jno. Watson be reappointed Assessor, salary $70.— Carried. Moved by Cardiff, seconded by Code, that M. Bleak and R. Johnston be re -appointed Auditors, salary $8.00 each. —Carried. Moved by Cardiff, seconded by Oode, that Geo. Hood, be appointed member of the Board of Health and Dr. MoAeh, Medical Health officer.—Oarried. Moved by Code, seconded by Cardiff, that R. McMurray's offer of 93 for some tim. ber South of the river on sideline be- tween lobs 10 and 11, con. 4, be accepted. -Carried. Moved by Jackson, seconded by Shaw, that the Clerk be inetraated to send for one Assessor's Guide and seven copies of the Municipal World.—Carried. Moved' by Jaokeon, seconded by Code, that the printing for the current year, es outlined by the Clerk, be given to the Herald for the sum of 930.—Carried. Moved by Code, seconded by Jackson, that a horse shed be built on the grounds at Town Hall, size of the building to be 20 x 60 feet, the Clerk to advertise for tenders for building the same. Plan and specifications may be seen at the residence of Councillor Cardiff on and after the 15th inst,, tenders to be opened on Feb. 12th, at 3 o'olook p. m.—Oarried. Ao• amine were ordered to be paid ae follows: M, M. Cardiff, balance Councillors fees, $9.50 ; Munioipal World, blank forme, 98.70 ; Wm. Iebister, Inspector's fele re Garniee draiu,$16.00 ; W. Clark, nomination expenses and posting finan- nial statemente, $5.00 ; Corporation of Hallett, expenditure on B line, $27.48 R. Wright, gravel, $15.98 ; Municipal World, Assessor's Guide and copies ordered, $6.25 ; Jas. Irwin, balance print- ing oontraot, 98.87, advertising oontraot Garnier drain, $1,25';. Geo. Kerr, over - cheap in assessment, 48o ; Jno. Mooney, remission of taxes for Parr, Miekimmone, Fleming, Bailey and Wiley, $4.47 ; Jno. Mooney, :Collector's salary, 985.00 ; G. W. Proctor, gravel, $2,00. Bylaw No. 1, 1900, duly read and passed. On motion of Cardiff and Shaw the Connell then ad- journed to meet again on Feb, 12th. W. Craintt, Clerk. 19po0al hlvingolistio Berviooa are now being held in Viotoria 010001 Methodist church, According to the Registration books kept by the town clerk, 61 birthe, 50 deaths and 10 marriagee is the record ter Goderiob for the year 1899, Goderiob Organ Co, ebipped two oar loads( of organs to the Motherland the pant week, and there are now more bande employed in the Co'e works than at any time in its hietory. At their msetiog Maple Leal Lodge, A. 0. U. W., by a moot enthusiastic vote, donated 910 to the Central Patriotic Fund forbenefit of our Oanadiaa the volunteers to South Africa. The brickwork of the additionto the knitbiag factory wee oompletsd last week, apd the whole of the work will be done in a few dept. The new wing will not be opened bowever, until the end of March or the beginning of April, 00 00 eopnt of the difficulty of heating it. Wben the machinery rune in the new part tbirty employees will be added to the present staff, Colin, third eon of D. McPhail, Elgin Avenue, passed away in the ally of Cleveland, U. S., at the early age 0128 years. The deceased, who was a fisher. map, had been unwell for a month, when. be entered the city hospital as a patient on the Gob of December, Be was suffer- ing from a severe cold whioh did not yield to the usual treatment, but devel- oped into pneumonia of 1 eerioue form, and on Saturday hie relatives were tela• graphed for. On reoeipt of the mese. age on Saturday hie father started for Cleveland ; reaching there on Sunday morning, when he found his son beyond recovery, and he passed away that even. log. G ttsdet-ieht. Munro, the barber, bas a gold fish on exhibition in hie window, and its pretty hues attract muoh attention. The other day Mils Farrow lost a gold ring while walking around the Square. 11 was a Christmas preempt from her father. The old Oonnoil adopted' the sugges- tion to light the face of the town °look, and itis hoped the job will be done with. out unnecessary delay. Mre, Garrow, mother of the Hon. 7, T. GarrOW, died Friday afternoon at the homestead, near Seaferth, ab the adveno. ed age of 85. She Wail one of the early pinions of Baron County, and was held in high esteem, Edward Hall wag brought tip for aeu• tante, charged with store breaking and theft, and having nothing to urge in hie defenoe he Wag sentenced to six Monate hard labor in the Central on earth charge, the sentential to ran oenotirrerttly, E..A*to wel. Mayor Watson is to bo complimented upon the progressive program set forth in hit inaugural address. R. Stoddart, of the High school tench- ing etaff, was off duty last week witb an attack of the mumps which appear to be prevalent in town. Thos. Forbes, jr., has removed to town from Hanover, with the intention of go• ing into parbnerehip with hie. brother, Edwin, in the chair faotory bueineee, which 1e now ander way. 0. S. Clarke, who. some years ago, was manager of the Bank of Hamilton here, has been promoted from the Berlin agency to themanagement of the Van. couver, B. 0., branch of the Bank. EI.niA DISTRICT L. 0. L.—The annual meeting of the Elma District L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall and the fol- lowing officers were elected for the en• ening year : H. Willoughby, W. M. ; T. J. Wilson, D. M.; 8. S. Rothwell, Chap. ; W. Welob, Reo.•Sea. ; J. E. Allan, Fin. - Seo. ; R. Stanley, Treas. ; T. J. Spronle, D. of 0. ; A. Faulkner, Lecturer ; G. Glenn, Dep. Lecturer. The annual meeting of the Listowel and South Wallace Agrionitural Society was held in. the Town Hall an Wednes- day afternoon of last week, there being but a small number of members pres- ent. A. St. George Hawkins was ap- pointed to the chair. The financial statement showed a baleen on band for last year of 979.20. The total receipts for admission to Fair Giounde and other grants, private donations, eto., amounted to 9715.20 and the expenditures of the sooiety of about $440 prize money, note, printing, officers' aaleriee, etc , left a bal- ances of $45.71. The officers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows —Henry Hemsworth re-elected president, Hy. Goddard first vice president, Hy. Zion second vioe president. Directors : C. Tabbeuer, Jas. Perrin, J. F. Wilson, S. M. Smith for Listowel. Jae. McLeod, Alvin Kennedy, Wallace. Robb Hardy, Wm. Hewitt and Robt Pirie for Elma & Grey. Honorary Direotore: Mrs. A. J. Collins, Mrs. 0. Tabberer, Mrs. R. Barn. ford, Mrs. J. Vaokleek, Mrs. J. W. jack - son, John Watson, J. W. Scott, J. W. Meyers, A, St. George Hawkins, Tboe. Male, Ohas. Alexander, J. Vankleek, A. J. Collins and T. Mundell. Auditors; A. J. Collins and T. Male. The ruled were amended in a few respects and the date for the next fair was fixed for Tiles. day and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th, 1900, The meeting then adjourned and the direotore met. On motion Wm. Binning was appointed Seo•Treaeurer at the same salary as last year. The Sea, was instructed to get estimates on the probable ooet of refitting np the building in the Driving Park grouade. On mot• ion the Board adjarned until Thursday evening 27th inst. at 7 o'olook. The oftleittle for Elan. Township for 1900 are :—`,Phos, Vellarten, Clerk ; 112, Harvey, Trees, ; W, Winer, Annear ; Jae, Pasoan, Qotlootor ; A. M, Sweeten and `. 0, Ratcliffe, Aaditore,. From the auditors' etaterpeat et Elma 4gl. Soolety this information is gathered Total reeeipls for year 1809, 9840,25, including Government grant of 9910 ; oap0nditgre, $504 53 including 9366 95 paid for prizee 1890 ; l ubilitlae $8276 aeeete, 91,506.72, Al the last Fall Fair there were 1.207 entries. The following offioere were elected for the aiming Year Pres, Y, Coulter ; let Vioe.Pree., A. Ford Stevenson; 2nd Floe, $.; Ord Vioe; John Graham; direotore, W. 0, Hewitt, J, W. MaBain, H, Ronpeuborg, Join) Cowan, Joe, Horn, Tbomee 7liokson, Thos. Smith, S. Peters and 3, B, Hamil. ton, . jr, ; Seo..Treae., John Morrieou ; Auditors, T. Fullarton and A, M. Sweeten Honorary direotore — al lee Lizzie Graham, Mre. A. Stevenson, Mies Maggie' Dickson, Jim, B. Hamilton, sr., T. G. Ballantyne and 'Jae,' Duncan.. Tneeday and Wednesday, Sept, 25111 and 26th, are the dates of the Fall Fair of 1900, ,&twoou, The Methodists talk of building a new oburob. Atwood ie making a move along the line of the Patriotic Fund. W. T. Hoar has taken a position on the staff of the Orangeville Poet. Elms Conncil granted the cum of $5 in aid of the Hospital for sick children, Tor. onto. John Dickson is banding a fine briok reeidenoe next Sommer, ooeting about 92,000. The tender of 11. S. Pelton for general printing for the township of Elma, $80 was accepted. A jolly oompany enjoyed a pleasant evening at the Greeneide home on Tues• day evening of laet week. The tender of D. G. Anderson for the SecretaryTreaenrership of the Elma Cheese Co. wee accepted by the Directors, salary 995. The following'o6.raere have been elected in oonneotion with L. 0. L , No. 680, Atwood, for the ensuing year ;—W. Mutter, Wm. Graham ; D. M., Wm, Moran; Chaplain, A. Thompson ; R. S., H. Mitchell ; F. S., B. Graham ; Treae,, R. May ; D, of C., H, Brown ; Lecturer, Geo. F. Thompson ; oommittee, W. Thompson, R. J. MOKee, Y. Coulter, T, Fullerton, R. Morrison. The election of officers for 1900 in con. section with the Publio Library resulted ae follows :—Pres„ D. G. Anderson Vioe-Pree., Rev: P.A. McLeod, B. A, Seo., R. S. Felton ; Treas. sod. Librarian, 3. A. Mftcheli ; Directors, John Boger, Rev. E. A. Fear, Alex. Cameron ; G. F. Thompeon, J. W, MOBain, W. P. Forrest, Dr. Kidd, Rev.. Mr. Farr, Dr. Langrill • Auditors, Time. Ftlllarton and W. 11, Erskine ; book Com,, Rev. Mr. McLeod, 3. W, Manain, R. S. Pollen, Rev. Mr. Farr, D. G. Anderson, Erneet Smith, John Boger, Jelin Knox, Rev. Mr. Fear, mo W. F. Forrest. On tion 3, A. Mit. obeli was .re•appointed Treasurer, and Librarian at a salary 01 926 and 95 for tent of Library oaeee, Velemea par• Wined dating year, 282; volumee in Library at date, 1,043 ; total member. ehip,140, Grey Council Meeting. The Ooanoil eleot for the Townehip of Grey, for the year 1900, met at the Township Hall, Jaunary 8110, 1900, .at eleven o'clock, e. m„ aaoording to Stat- ute. All the members were present, vie James Turnbull, Reeve ; Robs, Living- stone, James McDonald, Inco Lake and Adam :Turnbull, Councillors, and all. baying eubeoribed the declaration of qualification and of office the Reeve took the °hair and the Oounoil was organized. Minutes of last, meeting ,were read and passed, and the appointment of offioere was proceeded with. Moved by Robb. Livingstone, seconded by James Didion- ald, that Wm. Spence, Clerk ; A. Pilo McNair, Treasurer ; and Anthony. Ray - mann, Aaeeeeor, be all re -appointed for the year 1900, at the same ealariee es last year.—Oarried. Moved by Jae. MoDoaald, eeoonded by Adam Turnbull that Alex. Stewart and Jae. Livingstone be reappointed Auditors at the same salary ae last'year.-Oarried. Moved by Janes McDonald, seconded by Isaac Lake that Thomas MoFedeean be ap- pointed a member of the Waal Board of Health for the ensuing three years, and Ghat Dr. Ferguson be Medical flealth officer. — Carried, Moved by Robert Livingstone, seoondedby Iaaao Lake that John Roger be re -appointed Township Engineer to carry out the provisions of the Ditches and Watercourses Aot on the same terms ae last year.—Oarried. Severaloommnnioatione were then read. and ordered to be filed. ' Moved by Iaaao Lake, seconded by James McDonald that the sum of $5.00 be even ted to the Hospi- tal for sick children.—Carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded by Robert Livingstone that George Oliver be paid the sum of 9768.00 on aontrant of Gov. ernmeat Drain No. 2, and extension as per Engineer's Certificate. — Carried. Moved by Robert Livingstone, seconded by Iaaao Lake that the Reeve be author. Ned to take legal steps to have the fence on the side road at lot 5 non. 9, removed from off the road allowance.—Carried. Moved by.Jjames MoDoeald, seconded by Adam Turnbull that the following neonate be paid :—David Stewart, gravel, $6.80 ; Robert Docket, gravelling on side road 5, ubp. 5, 920.00 ; John Elliott, gravel 96.08' ; Robt. Menzies, gravel, 64.20 ; Win. MoKelvey, gravel, 91.28 ; George Oliver, part payment on oontraot of Government Drain, No. 2, and extension, $768 00 ; James A. Bell, part payment as inspector of Govern- ment Drain No, 2, and extension, 9160.00 ; John Howard, gravelling on side road, 5, con. 12, 937.00 ; Geo. Speiran, gravel, 98 00 ; Hospital for Siek Obildren, 95 00 ; Alex. McNair, making financial State. men, 97.50.—Carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull, eeoonded by Robert Living- stone that the Clerk be instructed to ask for tenders far the Township printing for the year 1900,—Carried. Oounoil then adjourned to meet again at the Township Hall, on Tuesday, 6th day of February. War. Speen, Clerk, Spectacles —0F ALL BINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optioal methode at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. BRUSSELS Loan and Collecting -- -"'g•• Agency. The undersigned is prepared to attend promptly to all 13usi- nese in this line at very reason- able rates. Money to loan. Insurance risks written. Conveyancing carefully at- tended to. Books posted and accounts collected. l Satisfaction assured in every transaction. Headquarter: for llieyeles or Itepaiirs. A. COUSLEY, BRD88BL8, The Standard Bank of Canada. 1VIoney Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollen and under homed by thio Bank, payable at par at any ohartered'Bank in Canada, with the exoeption'of Branches in the Yukon Die.. triol. RATES: Under $10 $10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 50 $0,08 0.10 0.12 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BiRUSSBLS DON'T BUY ANY ARTICLE IN TUB Harness Line until you call and see , what you can do at DO ALD SON' S. A PDLL LINtil.OF Robes, Bruehes, Combs, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bells, SLB., At Lowest Living Prices. Single Harness from $7.50 up GOOD VALUE. Just received a complete line of Woollen and Rubber LAP RUG -S, Eliglish Kersey illaiikets and Fine Robes. These 0,00 a cboine lot and will be sold cheep. Jno. Donaldson, The Harness Maker, Brussels. To the Frost ! Wm. 61as�ll, BUTCHER, Invitee the Pablio to see his stook of Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork Headcheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked Ham Pressed Beef Side Pork Tripe Corn Beef 'Pressed Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c. Our prices are right. Orders called for and meat delivered to any part of the town. Your patronage solicited. CASH FOR HIDES. Wm. Blashill. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Eetimates Furnished for ell kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, McLEIOD'S System Itenovator -AND oTIIrn- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AiND ANTIDOTE JAN. 18, 1900 a Mram.„, al& 411=0. STRICTLY ONE PRICE, THE LOWEST, JANUARY BUSINESS! aP We are looking for a big January turn -over, With the three coldest months of Winteret to come there is bound to be a big demand for heavy goods. Stocks all over the f3tore are ready for all demands that may be made upon them and there will be manya bargain for careful shoppers in Winter stuffs that we want moved out before the stock-taking.You'll ll g etyour money's worth and more buying anyof these : o g y 3' g Dress Goods for :ULUaryr.. Dress Goods buyers will cave some money here in January. There is many a line of seasonable and attractive Drees Stuffs that we would like to sell the last of them before the month is out. Here are some of them : Dress Goode at 140- New Fancy Plaid Drees Goods, bright checks, small patterns, suitable for obfldrea's wear, 86 inches wide, regular price 250, January price 140. Drees Goode at 150- Heavy Tweed Spillage, 80 "inches wide, warm, heavy, serviceable materials, regular 20o, January price 15o. 20 pieces only, Fancy Dress Goode, worth regular 600, 75o and 91 per yard, for January Belling 25o. 10 only, fine Dress Costumes, no two alike, very fine goods, all dark colorings, regular 50c, 600 and 750. 6 end 7 yards in an end, for January selling 80c. 4 endo only, Ladies' Costume Cloth, in Blaok, Navy, Myrtle, Green and Tor gaoise, 60 inches wide, regular pride 65o, January price 43c. For Impure, Weak and Impoveriebed Blood, Dyapepela, S1eepleeenees,;Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nen.. algia, Loee-of Memory, Bronobitie, Con. sumption, Gall Stonee, Jaandioe, Kidney and Urinary Dianne, St. Vitae' Dance, Female Irrogularitiee and General De- . LABORATORY, DObilityOERICHI ONT. S. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by Jae, iron, Arnalet, Araeeele, Black Dress Goods. Some specials from the Black Dress Goode for January. 3 pieoee Black Orep1I0008, bright fin- ish, very suitable for skirte, real value 75o and 90o, for January selling 60o. 2 pieces only Brooaded Black Drees Goods, bright finish, neat patterns, reg. ular 60o, for January selling 480. Heavy Black Goode, rough, hard finish, suitable for skirts, regular 75o, for January 500. Mantle Goods for January. Wo have sold more Mantle Goode this season than ever before: It will pay us better to sell what we have in stook now, even at a lose, than carry them into next season. That's why we are quoting prices like the following for January. 3 pieces heavy Nigger Head Mantling in Brown, Navy and Black, extra value at 91.25, for January selling 91 00. 2 ends Fawn , and Blue fine quality Beaver Mantling, real value 91 59, for January 91.10. 1 piece heavy Curl Black Mantling, good value at 91 50, for January Belling 91.10. lien's Goons for January. We have some epeoial January prime in Men's Goode that are worth looking after. They'll save you a little money, Very heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, Bold all over at 50o and 60o, the balance of our stook for January, 40o. Men's striped Shirts and Drawers, all pure wool, fine quality, regular price 750, January price 55o. Men's Cape at 300-- About 00—About 30 Men'e Caps, odd lines, heavy Winter weights, goods that Bold at 40o, 50o and 600, to clear January at 80o. Lathes' Underskirts. 25 only, Ladies' Skirts made of heavy Mercerized Farmers' Satin, bright new goods, worth 91,75 each, for January selling 91.25. NEXT THURSDAY it next week. We commence our first sale of Whitewear and Cotton Goods. More about J. FERGUSON & Co.. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. D. C. ROS CLEARANCE SALE! The Town and Country is Talking about Our Successful, Wonderful Sea. We never sold so many Suits and Overcoats as we are doing at present. AND WHY ? Because we have added 1 1 Another Stock of Men's & Boys' Suits & Overcoats 1 1 to our already big stock of Clothing and selling them at prices that is satisfying all who see them. The wonder is—How can we sell such good goods for so 'little money ? A drop like this in prices always brings the people, and so it will be necessary to come early for the choicest. Suit and Overcoat. NY° `—w Wants a Suit, au Overcoat or an Ulster we want to see that man. We also want that man to see our Clothing. 01111 Draw Crowds and Hold Them: Don't make You Poor. Don't make Us Rich. FillcEs Harmonize with the Times. Are Down to the Bottom and Below the Lowest. We have started our ,Annual Clearance Bale. Our Stock, niust be Reduced this Month, and you will have the bene- fit of the S.cterifiee. MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT Ir. is rMap M CHAMPION CLOTHIER.