HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-11, Page 88
lost—The best Soap le not always the
me that mate the most.
2a—Nor the hind that Nils the
Bra—Nor that Which la perfumed the
4th—The hest Soap is that Whiole
cleanses eesily, Itegpe the skin healthy,
cote the kW and is pleasant te 1100.
We believe we have this ideal Soap.
No matter Whether. in the bedroom or
kilmhen we are of the opinion that this
is the beat 8ottp. The °eke 10 large and
the price is small, only 5o" but never
mind it is not boo cheap to be goOd and
once used you will never be without it.
Try a oaks and gee it we aro not „correot.
Do not wash with common Soap, it does
not pay, especially at this season of the
year when 1018 so hard to keep the okia
soft, We can •give you a Macao of 25
kinds of Soap.
G. A. Deadman,
lOrilelgiet and Graduate Optician,
Brussels, Ont.
0/TTL.fE;,.., •
Vogt' few oattle, it would eeem, are
exempt from Roe, espeeielly al this Pe,
son of the year. lased Powder to ream -
mended and if you get it good it le very
eatisfaotory. Wo have a splendid ex.
tiole which is more than all sellers of
insect powder can say as there is much
that is very inferior. It may be pure
and at the same time no good. We buy
only one manufacturer's grinding and if
not good we know who to blame. We
have also
Little's Sheep Dip,
that 10 recommended for this purpose,
and from the many testarneniale we re-
ceive it must be all right. 11 18 in large
quart sane and is largely diluted with
Water before tieing. 11 15 cheaper now
too. You are safe in using either far lice
on any stook when bought at
Drug & Book Store
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
aprou8 7:10 a.m.! Mall 910 p.m
Mixed 0:45 a.133. 1 Express ......10:17 p.m
stb3s glans.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
Anfaith he'll prent it.
BDSINESS has been lively.
Time up the Patriotic Oonoert.
A few oases of scarlet fever still hang
about Brussels.
Tem Daily papers are eagerly sought
after for the war news.
Tan new School Board will assume
°files, on Wednesday at 11 a. m., of next
EINIRON °minty Council wilmeet in
Goderich on Tuesday 28rd inst., at 3
o'olook p. m.
I. C. Rianaries hes secured the services
of another good harnes' maker in the
person of hlr. Cameron, of Bayfield.
Esse Seems Farmers' Institute will
hold its annual meeting in Brussels on
Wednesday, 17th inst. Sessions in after.
noon and evening.
EAST Hums Agricultural Society will
hold its annual meeting in the °outwit
Chamber, Brussels, on Wednesday of
next week at 1 o'clock.
Moue than the wicked stood on slippery
plaoes last Taesday evening and the up-
sets were very numerous. Everything
seemed greased when you onee got a
De. Lamenene, M. P., who is the D.
D. G. M. of this Masonic Dietriot, will
pay an official visit to St. John's Lodge
A. F. and A. M., Brussels, on Wednes-
day, 24th inst. Dr. Landerkin's home
is in Hanover.
A. Room of new books have been
added to the large and excellent oolleotioo
on tbe shelves of Brussels Public Library.
Reading tiakete are now being issued for
1900. Every resident shonld take advan-
tage of this Free Library.
Reeve Tometree, 0ounaillor Fax,
Trustee Ross and W. Innes did the
"greed" Friday evening of last week by
inviting the members of Melville Church
Board of Management to the Bartliff
Restaurant to regale on oysters, oranges,
&a., after their meeting was over.
pleaeed to hear a number of people talk. bred roadsters, the same to he Mad a is
etablee, Brussels, on Tneaday. Deo. 130011,
ing up a Patriotic Concert, in Brussels at 2:30 o'olook. Thie will afford intend.
to be held about February lst, proceeds ing pen:hinters a good opportunity to
J41 SO 11, 1313 S ti
A 'MUM% Well heown Brasselite wilt
wed in louden on the 21th,
• DathaliTYNit is now fully Metalled
Istinthe gooey recently °coupld eby
• NOOD Odd Pellosve [no counting on
te fraternal mit to Western Mar Lodge,
Brunetti, in the near fature.
ALP. 13altkelt will attend the 00
Poultry Show at Seeforth eettt month
with 80018 of hie flue birde,
A, Tomo, D. D. G, al., of Winghamt
will buten the angers in Western Siete
Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. E., Broesela, on
Thursday of that week.
R. Room is driving Jas. O'Leary'a
string ot fast horses.
Nam Monthly Horse Fair will be held
in Brussels on Thursday Febuary let.
P. AMENT's factory shipped the fittings
for the Bank of Hamilton building at
Blyth on Thursday of this week.
A. good supply of dry wood has ooree
into town during the past two weeks and
green wood deliveries will follow.
LATHES' parasol found on the North
gravel road. Owner may have it by pay.
ing for this notice on applioetion to Tee
Tug annual meeting of Brussels, Oriv.
ing Park essoeiatiou will be held at the
American Hotel on Monday evening,
29th inst., at 8 o'olook.
Gemeoz Base shipped a aer of hoes on
Monday and Messrs. Beaker & Yanstone
forwarded a oar on Tuesday. Brussels
market leads in the hog business.
A. COIBILET was in Lucknow this week
taking stook for D. 0. Rose, in oonnection
with bis purchase of ready made Mobb-
ing, &o. The goods were brought to
poll tax. It's a little astonishing at this
season of the year bow many of the boys
belong to the Fire Brigade or the Winn.
tears, to say nothing of those who have
not seen 21 yet.
JNO. GEOINCUI, it prominent Conservative,
of Port Elgin, and E. L. Dickinson, of
Wingharn, are announced es the speakers
at the Nominating Conservative Convea•
the to be held in the Town Hall, Brue•
eel_a onFriday afternoon of next week.
BIG LOADS.—Last Saturday George and
John Whitfield, 12th eon , of Grey,
brought two good sized loads of stove
wood to Brussels. The first load
meaeured 49 cords and the second 39 for
which they received 914 48. It Boon
°ante up.
Messes. Hewers & 5100RE, horse dealers,
Brussels, disposed of 10 horses on Friday
and Saturday. Five heavy animate
went to the farm of a Frenchman near
Montreal and four of the other five were
cavalry heves gent to Seaforth for ship.
meet Eastward with a carload being
made im there.
DISIIISSED —Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Sage. of Walton, was summoned before
A. Hunter and Geo. Baeker J. E"s, char.
ged with selling Manor to minors. After
hearing several wituesees the ease was
dismissed, the boys °Miming the liquor
was got from a bottle in a sleigh. La
specter Miller conducted the nee.
BALE or Goon Hoeses.—Thos. hicLauch-
110, the well known horsemen, announces
a sate of three heavy draught imported
Clydesdale stallions and six standard
J, T. GAMOW will MSS his appeal
againet the deoleion unseating him in
West Huron, and the case 18 eet down
for hearing at the eittinge of he court of
Appeal beginning Jan, 10111,
Mummy is going to get theinselves
into a bot box if tbe liquor [whimt to
minors ie not stopped ellen off. All the
warnings given do not appear to Wye
the effeot so more eevere meaeures will
bays to be taken.
THE little kielt.up peoposed, on the
quiet, by Borne of the Maul Oonserratives,
aid not eventuate owing to the Municipal
eleotioa not panning out to sada Cense.
vainly all the offloiale are still wearing
their heads the 80010 08 in 1899.
Teo right kind of advertising pays. In
last week's Pose there was an advertise..
ment of e. strayed oollie dog. On Monday
Mr, Mothardy, near Bentryn,came to
Bruseele and secured the animal from
Gordon Mooney, receiving the information
as to the whereabouts of the canine
through the columna of THE POST.
33se HURON BATTALION.—The under-
mentioned effroers having left limite,
their 1101530 078 removed from the list of
officers of the active militia : Provisional
Seooud Lieutenants J. F. Spooner, J. M.
Keine, J. R. R. Boone. Provisional
Lieutenant J. MoCarter, having absented
hirneelf from the annual training of his
oorps, is removed from the list of officers
of the active militia.
Hamilton paper says of a eon of J. 8.
Smith, formerly of Brunetti :—In James
Street Baptist church reoently a number
of young men of the pastor's Bible °lase
met to give a hearty farewell to their es'
teemed friend, Jemes C. Smith. Mr.
Smith, formerly of the Royal Canadien
Dragoons of Toronto, and now of the
gond Canadian contingent, was a valued
member of the olase. On behalf of the
boys Rev. J. S. Gilmour wihed him a
safe journey and felt iore that he would
still continue the good. work he had
started with them. Mr. Gilmour im
pressed upon him the necessity of a
sincere and earnest Christian life as an
example to his comrades, and as a means
of influencing them for good. In area
elusion, Mr. Smith was presented with a
bracelet watch as a token of friendship to
Hoceey.- -Friday evening a meeting of
those interested in hockey wee held at
D. 0. Ross' store. The following officers
were elected e—Hon. President, Dr. Delo
Naagbton ; President, J. N. Gordon ;
Manager, G. B. Matdellan ; Seo.-Treas.,
Ira Gerry ; Capt., Geo. Irwin; Managing
Coin., G. B. McClellan, Geo. Irwia,
Dune. 11cLauohlin, Frank Raabe and R.
Bartliff. Last Winter Brussels held its
own with tbe best olube it met and a
good strong team will be put on the ioe
this season. Matches are expeoted with
Atwood and the Seaforth Collegiate
009018 10 the near future. A.D. Duncan,
now in Winnipeg ; 13010. Gerry, at In.
dian Head, N. W. T.,
and Duna. Ma-
Leachlin, laid off witha. lame knee, will
be missed from their places this year but
some of the juniors are corning players
and with practice we expect will obaee
the pack with a winning gait. The out-
door rink ran by Masers. McKay &
Meadows will be utilized.
WESTERN ST/R.—The following ars the
office bearers in comeation with Western
Star Lodge, No. 149, L 0. 0. F., Brus.
eels, for the arrant term ;-2, N. G., W.
A. Grewar ; N. G., R. Johnston ; V. G.,
S. T. Plum ; Rea. -Sea., Alex. Ross ;
Sony. Semi. Wilton ;Treas., F. S. Scott ;
Warden, F. Lambie ; Ooo., P. M. Scott ;
0. G., Win. Martin ; I. G., W. C. Smith;
R. S. N. G., R. Henderson; L. S. N. 0,,
J. W. Blashill •, R. S. V. G., Wm. Thom-
son; L. S. 7.G" Geo. Best ; R. S. 8,
Jae, Thomson ; L. 8. S., Fred. MoOraok.
en Chaplain, R. Leatherdale, The
Degree Masters are A. McGuire and F.
Gamble and the orgauiet, A. Rose. D. D.
G. M. for this District ie Tipling, of
Wingham, and the District Secretary is
A. McGuire, of Brussels. There are 78
membere ou the roll of Western Star
Lodge. There is a earplug ot about 9500
in the bands of the Treasurer. 976 40
was paid out during the year to sick
brothers aud special relief and donatione.
There is no more enthusiastic 5,0. 0. F.
member in Brunie or locality than the
new incumbent in the Noble Grand's
chide. The Degree Team have their
work down fine and 000 put a candidate
through with neatness and despatch.
nual auditors xeport of the Brussels
ohaese faotory of which W. W. Harris is
the energetia proprietor, shows that
99,116 22 were the reoeipte for the past
year. Average price received for cheese,
10.2490 ; pounds of milk received, 968,192 ;
average pounds' of rank to pound of oheeee,
10.80; paid patrons, per 1000 poupde, for
milk,97.58 ; Wilt of making, per 1000
pounds milk, 6188. A. II. Cochrane was
the auditor. The 82 largest perorate
received the following amounte exceeding
9100.00 t—Jaa. Elliott, Grey, 9265.98 ; T.
Strathem, Grey, 924300 ; 12. J. Mo -
Arthur, Grev, 9228 66 ; Jas. Turnbull,
Grey, 9227.41 ; J. Cunningham, Grey,
9204.80 ; Jas. Straelistn, Grey, 9204,81 ;
Jno. Straohan, Grey, 9201 45 ; J. Omar,
9182 50 ; J. Bowman, 9163.82 ; S. Oald.
bick, Morrie, 9157.78 ; Mrs. W. Hogg,
Grey, 915405 ; Walter Yuill, Morrie,
9102.86; W. Forrest, Morris, 9148.89 ;
Jno. Oardiff, Grey, 9145.70 ; 0, Smith,
Wee, 9141.98 ; Forsyth, Morris,
9188 28 ; Jae. Cardiff, Grey, 9185 87 ;
31. Flatt, Morrie, 6128.11; II. Lamont,
Grey, 9124.86 ; Jas. Damian, Morrie,
9122.51 ; A. Smith, Grey, 9121 62 ; R.
Armstrong, Morris, 9119.20 ; Wm. Ames,
Morris, 9116.60 ; J. McKinnon, Grey,
911261 ; Id. Dookett, Grey, 9110.82 ; Jae.
Sharp, Morrie, 9110 75 • A. MoDonald,
Grey, 9109.10 1 A, Bradshaw, Morris,
9108.88 ; 8. Beer, Morrie, 9106.84 1 N.
Richardson, Grey, 9105,10 ; E. Smith,
Grey, 9108.88 ;Jno. Lake, Grey, 9108.45;
D. Creme, Grey, 9101.28 ; D. Moltuah•
lin,Grey, 9100.06. What is wonted to
Mke UM or any other factory go with a
bound is to double the number of patron.'
and thereby control a better p1108 00 the
market in [hipping Car lam Ma Harris
bas managed the bushes well and Will
timoodoonbt be worded hearty sopped for
DAM °Mullet, Wttlee repulsed an 05
91959111 of the Doer heroes so Ledyetnith,
both eldee auffering beavily, Neither
Boller nor Methene have edvenotad yet
but big battles are expeoted. See report
of Oenediang Ilret moll of fire, page 3,
,tstattlitional Lecal on page 1.)
to aid in the National Fund for our
soldier boys or families. Let everybody
take hold of this matter and with a long
pull, a strong pull and a pull all together,
do oarselves oredit by a goodly gift.
Further particulars will be given emit
To 00170000 THE HOTELS.—Henry Tot-
ten, of the License depertmeiat, acting on
the instruction of Hon. J. R. Stratton,
has issued a cannier letter to the theme
impactors throughout Ontario drawing
attention to the neaeseity for radical
obaugea in the sanitary 000dition of ma.
ny of the hotels in the rural distriote and
smatter villages and townie. It is declar-
ed to be exceedingly desirable thet hotel
premises, both as to cleanliness and aon•
venience, shoald be kept in the most sat.
isfectory condition possible, and the
needed improvements would not be burd-
ensome in the case of even the smallest
hotel. Any undue negligence on the
hotelkeeper's pert should be reported to
the commietioners, and snob action tak-
en as the circumstances warrant. A
copy of the foregoing circular has been
sent to the secretary of each of the Com•
menial Traveller's assooiatione, and the
members have been asked to communi-
cate to the department any suggestions
for improving the condition of hotels and
more adequately providing for the nom.
fort of travellers.
Mmeoe—Turecw. — Oa Wednesday
evening, Dec. 29, a very happy event took
seoure stook at fair prices.
Commonice.—The following is a copy
of a resolution passed by Brussels A. 0.
U. W. Lodge to Mre. 12.4. McArthur, Oth
con., Grey, in connection with the recent
decease of her husband wbo was a mem.
ber of the Order :—
Mrs. B..7. McArthur.
DRAIN Menace—We, the members of
Brunets A. 0. W. Order, feel it our
duty to express to you our deep sympathy
in the removal by death of your husband,
oar late Bro. E 4. MoArthnr. While we
miss him from our ranks we know the
vacant chair in your home will often re.
mind you of the loved one gone, never to
return. Haman sympathy may not go
far enough to assuage the grief but where
humanity fails we are are glad to know,
ars you also do, that the Great Healer and
Helper comes to us and says "I am the
Itesurreotton and the Life, &o.," and
through Him we hope by and bye to have
these severed friendehips remnited in a
land where the blighting band of death is
unknown. Yours in simere [sympathy,
W. H. Kenn, W. H. hiloOmeme,
Recorder. M. W.
Business Locals.
Cent fur hided and ebeep BMUS,
A. Comma Breseele,
Raw Funa.—Any quantity a raw fun
wanted by A, tOoosege, Brussels,
Goon gutter for sale or would exchange
11 500 wood. Apply at Tag POEM
COMFORTABLE house; with seven good
rooms, to rent. Apply to R. Leatberdale..
them Wamen.—Wm, B1eb11l ie pre.
pared to pay the highest cash prioe for
bides, Call and [see him.
Beweremot done on abort notice by an
experienced hard. Satisfaction guaren.
teed. Merl Wyoaosas, Broseels.
COMFOBTABLE dwelling to rent over
Downing Bros, and A. Oarrie's [dares,
suitable for small family. Apply to L 0.
ion o
of th
No s
I lei
of 1
00 REM111).—Thie reward will be
by the uudersigned for interest tt inn
will lead to the arrest and omelet -
f the party or parties who are guilty
e theft of some of the Wm celuloid
re on the plate glass in my store
I. C. 'Ioannina.
BIG Oreen.—No, 1—A. sett of single
see at cost to every purchaser of a
er. No. 2-0 set of team haenees at
to every purchaser uf a get et sleighs,
Noddy factory barmen ea some call
tit genuine leather and ell band
d. Harness must be cash Ewen &
a Brussels.
ENT8, I wish you to know th it I do
oe 5100 dressing and 00 other at dif.
ot prioee aocordiug to state of saw,
eh you to know there is to be no dif.
ng, diekering, bantering or grumbling,
erning prices whether bargain is
ed or len, Yours for business, T.
Gregor, Saw Gummier and Filer,
Feels, Ontario.
N apology is dos we feel to some
our numerous customers for
iug kept them waiting so long for re -
it in harness during the busy reason
ate, but as we have note secur the
ices of another good herneee milker
trust they willlive Po tut Cher arouse
cam plaint in elate d ireotion.
purchased a stock of Ready made
lung, at a low epee on the dollar, and
passed them into stook. Buyers
I find this a rare opportunity to get
ir supplies as Mr. Ross wishes to clear.
stook out in January. Good, well
tie snits at a figure that will surprise
te Call and eee them.
• ne Ornernes.—Mesers. Ewan &
nee purehaged a consignment of out-
s that had been Bent to another local.
, but being no snow there the above
riles got them at a reduced price and
11 be able to give their customers the
vantage of the good buying. If you
nt a good cutter save money by deal -
g with EWAN & INNEs.
Watiene.,13atter 18o Cash, 20o Trade.
I kinds of produce he.aled. It you
nt the money we do not care to know
ether it goes to swell your Bank
count or pay your store bill in your
n town. It's the butter we want.
ut say farmers 1 What's the Hose of
chop into 94.00 hogs in the faoe
20o butter Peed the sows, they're
eateet dividend producers. Learn
om the Boers, mobilize your forces
here moat efficient and you hunters pay.
g peddlers for collecting your fax and
ink just as the farmers pay their 2 or
per dna. for gathering eggs. We are
ying 94.50 for No, 1 prime fox.
G. E. KING, Whigharn.
BOARD OF HEALTH.—The following is
the report of the Board of Health ot Brue.
eels for 1899, J. A. hicNaughton, Mediae,'
Health Offioer ; F. S. Soon, Sect. ;
Alex. MeLauchlin, Sanitary Inspeotor ;—
Tbe oontageons diseases were, scarlatina
and the lumber of oases, 26, no deaths ;
place at the reeideme of Vim. Hem= , and typhoid fever, of which there were 8
8114 Parolees avenue, London, when his duration of attach from 7 to
step daughter, cMies Maggie Tallow, peo•
ond daughter of the tete Michael
was united in marriage to Wm, 13. Minot,
formerly of Brussels, The bride, who
was given away by her stepfather, looked
charming in a minima of Blenheim cloth,
trimmed with white brocaded satin and
pearl trimming, and carried a baguet of
white roses and chrysanthemums, and
was attended by Mises Minnie Oeboroe,
who also looked becoming in cadet blue,
with white satin. Miss Edna Pearl
Oatapbell, ot Ivan, niece of the bride, was
Maid of honor, and looked sweet in pale
blue silk, with lace and pearl trimmings,
and earned a basket of roses and smilax.
The gram was supported by Walter
Noyes. .The nuptial knot was tied by
Rev Dr, Johnston, in the pregame of
a number of relatives ad friends. The
presents were numerous and wetly,
Showing the high esteem in which the
young couple are held. The groom's gift
to the bride was a fine gold chain, set
with merle, After an enjoyable evening
Was spent, Mr, Mad Mee. Milloy were
driven to theie home mead themes of
rise end good wiebee,
JAN, U., 1900
ST4X7)48,1) 134,YE 04X41).4.
=Wroth-IPT,aMP-E=3o 5.072,
CAPITAL PAID TIP (Qoe Dollen) 91 000,400
RESERVE VEND - 1600,090
itgenoior in all prinoipal pointe in Ontario, quottoo, Manitoba, United States & Eft9fanff.
Forasims Dita.aveze.
A General Banking Beeineee Transacted. Fanners' ,Notes Dieoounted.
Drafts Etna Oolleotione made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on depoeits of 9100 and upwards,
Every facility afforded Onstomere liviug at a dietetics,
bullet weighing 1,250 to 1,8001W, were in'
moderate demand, at 98 to 98,25 per
cwt. ; feeding bulls at 92.26 to 92.75 per
cwt. ; stook bulls at 92 to 92.25, and light
weights at 91.75 to 92 per mt. Sheep
and lambs—Prices held fairly firm, there
beiog considerable demand, eepeoially for
Iambs; prices were steady at the follow-
ing quotations t—Sheep—Export ewes,
per owt., 93 to 93.50 ; do. bucks, $2.50 to
92.76 ; sheep, Webrs', each, 92.50 to
93; Maxi, per ewt., 94 to $4.50 ; lambs,
picked ewes and wethere, $4.50 to 94 75 ;
lambs, each, 93 to 98.25 ; bucks, Par cwt.,
92 to 92.50. Hogs advanced 129 par mat,
all round, to4,4.50 for select weights of
160 to 200 lbs. natural weight ; 94.129
for light fate, and 98.879 for tickle fats.
EAsT lineVAL0, 17. Y., 4'an.9. —Cattle—
The offerings were 16 loads ; the market
wee et a decline of 10o to 150 from yester-
day's close. Calves 'were in moderate
eupply, light deinand, and quotable
to extra on the basis of 98 to 98.25 1 good
to choice, 97.60 to $8. Sheep and lambs
—The market was dull and 10c lower
although the offerings were light, only 12
loads; choice to extra lambs were
quotable at $6.25 to 96.35 ; good to
&Mae 96 to $6.25 ; sheep, choice to
extra, '94 to 94.50 ; good to choice, $4 to
94.25 : the oloee was about steady.
Hogs—The general demand was active
and prices 290 to 5o higher after the
opening, which was slow ; medium and
heavy were quotable at $4.579 to $4 60 ;
Yorkers, 94.529 to $4 579 • pige, $4 50 to
94.55 ,• roughs, $8 90 to 8'4 ; stags, $3 25
to 83.50 • the offerings were all cleared
up excep't oar of lights.
14 days. Deletion of contegeoas diseases
was by placard only, but does net pre
veat members of infected bougies mixing
with healthy persons on the street, 8un•
day sobool or ahurah, 50 18 the duty of
the Sanitary 'mentor to see Ruth per.
eons remain on their own premises due.
ing the period of isolation required, after
Buffering from any of the infeations or
contageous diseases. There were no
prose outione during the year, but there
should have been at least 20, it Sanitery
Inspector wag given authority by Board
of Health to sot in suoh oases Allah
Mut be done to insure [Way. Animals
in the village are as follows : Horses,
124 ; cattle, 119 ; hogs, 55 ; ebeep, 11 ;
total, 809. As to horses and cattle no
compleint can be made. Offal matter
disposed of in proper time, As to Mtge,
too many kept in some pens and in too
doge proximity to dwellings. The eard.
tary oondibion la good. The gewerttge
oaten' is moat eon) plate where buildings
are Mom together, OS 010 Turnberret
street. Other parte of village are fairly
well .Nended to with respect to water
closets and cellar draining,
-Momm,iv .
ButtWEn,—In Morris, on Deo. 80th, the
wife of Mr. Fred. Brewer, of a
OUSIMIN08.—In Molesworth, on Deo. 24th,
the wife of Mr. Thos. Cummings of
a daughter.
PAT ITT.—,6.11 persons indebted to jas.
Ballantyne, grocer, are asked to make
prompt settlement lot the some as 10 Per
oent.will be added after Feb, lat for ool-
Senwsna--Rimmose—At the residence
of the bride's father, on Deo. 27th,
by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Wm. H.
Stewart, (former teacher in S. B.
No. 1, Grey) Prinoipal of Public
school, New Hamburg, to Mies Mary,
seoond daughter of Mr. Geo. Riob.
mond, of Elma.
jema—Moemeoe.—&t the residence of
the bride's parents, oon. 10, Malin.
lop, by Rev. A. C. Tii3ln, on January
1083, Mr. Raba A. Jelly, of Sbel.
burne, Ont., to Miss Amelia Maud,
daughter of Mr. Frank Morrison, of
azaT 1,46.4,_76=Ts.
Fall Wheat
Barley ., ....
Butter, tubs and rents
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel4 00
Potatoes (per bus) 25
Apples (per bbl) 1 60
Hay per ton . ... 6 00
Hides trimmed .7 79
Hides rough 6 5
Balt per Mal., retail..." 1 00 70
Sheep [him, each 80 65
Lamb skins each 25 25
Hoge, Live 4 00 4 10
Hogs Dressed I 00 5 00
Woof 8 13
We aro prepared to maks contraete for
1000,cords of hard and soft wood, to be de-
livered at the Brussels Snit Works, Par-
ticulars may be bad there.
. 41, 010140015500 the °aunty, Exper-
levee of over 14 yeara, and kuOwledge of who
to sell to. Will guarantee saisfaction. If
you want to sell Or buy a farm call on me.
Money to loan at dfpsr oent.
Huron. County Council.
The Council of the County of Huron will
meet in the Council Chamber in the town
of Goderich on TVESDA.Y, 28r4 INST., at 3
o'clook p.m. ‚0.5.40010.
Dated January 8011,1000. Clerk.
years 015 for sale, cheap. Took lot
Prize at Seirforth, Clinton and Bayileld,
Thiolt, level, well quartered and good
handier; very Wilk, quick and IBM
Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey,
25 4 .
A-. Le,.' -'Tho property of the late jolin
oonaistieg of a solid Wok house,
with frame kitoheu and woodshed, good
stable and 4 mere of la,nd, all in first -elan
condition. If not sold will ne rented. Pos-
session at nay tiine. For im Oculars (WIRY
to Waz. SpEurla. Ethel ; Aunt. PATTEneon,
Galt ; or Dn., MoRminvity, Mt. Forest. 000f
The Annual Meeting of the East Huron
Agricultural Society Will oe held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, ou WEDNESUAY,
JAN. 1701).1200, at 1 9. m„ tor the 9000000 of
receiving the Directors' and Auditors' re.
ports ; the electiou of Ofilears and Directors
and the transaction of other business. JAS.
FERGESON, President ; D. STE WART, Rte.
There isnothing 1570 11. All aninutlo
get about ono fifth more eouriehment out
415 any hind of food, fatten one•fifth
to,stor and weigh about one.ilfth more
than others the samo SiZe if Oar food is
seasoned with
If you want your Animals to thrive
woll, work well and look well, feed them
OM of Ilerbageurn for grown animaie,
lo. per day ; for colts, calves and sheep,
9 of a oent ; p135 proportionately.
4 lb, bag, 60c.
For Herbageum come to
The Annual Meeting of the Brussels Driv-
ins Park Association for the election of offt.
oere, the receiving of the report 01 0110 Dip
motors for the past year and such other Mud.-
ess 105 010? be lawfully brought before the
meeting. wP1 be held at the American Hotel
on Monday evening, Januar. 20th 1500, at 8
woloox. F. B. scola.e,
Tenders will be receive.) by Mail until
Fob . 30013, or at Leadbury until 00001 00 Feb,
051.00, for 4000 feet of 8 heti rook elm, 14 feet
bong; and 2,200 feels of 8 inch oak, 1.0 feet
long, to be delivered at the Olerk's residen cm,
neer Winthrop. Also tenders for 4 abut-
ments for bridges, one near Leadbury, theotherab Wiothrop, to be built of either
atone or cement. Said abutments will be
about 8 or -0 Peet high, with wings. Tenders
to be so much per cubic yard 1505 cement,
Owen Sound cement to be used. 51 01 stone,
to be flrst-11000 and average size. Tenders
to be received by 4040. C. MORRISON,
I 27-4 Winthrop 9, 0.
Fox's Drag Store.
1. offers 1118 farm, West Half
Lot No. 10, Con. 4, Grey, containing 50 gores,
more orlon, For particulars se to priest
and terms apply to
Brussels 9, 0, on the premises,
040 sores, complete seetion• near
Southwest boundary 00 Manitoba. Over 100
acres under oultivation. Vine twostorey
laouee °opting over 81001 8 miles from rail-
way ; river Souris passes through farm;
near cheap coal supply. Prion 9(000.
Apply to JNO, D. RONALD.
LA_ 011 00111 street,Bruosels. The house
is a comfortable one, well fated up, with
cellar, hard and soft water, ,kcs. There is
also a good stable. Fruit tress in garden
over one.quarter acre of land. For pries,
080100, 00. apply to H. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. KERR of Tara Pon. 18.101
L Consisting 01 0105 Routh a and South a
of the North a of Lot 80, Con .2, East Wawa -
nosh, 7110815 en excellent Mock farm, being
well impelled with good spring water. Otto
situated about 9 miles( from the thriving Vil-
lage of Myth. A large part of it is under
grass. Buildings and feneee are in a fair
55005 01 ronair. Easy terms of Payment will
be given. For all information apply to
1141 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
_L ciao imam—The "White farm," lot 7,
son. 2, Gray. 100 wares, 13 miles from James-
town (gravel road) must be sold, under the
will of the late owner. Good buildings, op
chard and never failing water suPPIY. The
land is clean and in good state of cultivation,
5 moms of Fall wheat now in. This is a de.
eirable property and v. aeon bargain can be
bad. Apply to JOHN WHITE, Jamestown,
or 00 8., H. ONTER, B russets, Executor& 18tf
1' me Let 29, N Con. 6, Morris township,
containing 98 acres of Ilret-alass land. There
is a house, barn orchard and good ware-
house, and 50.7121.18 well fenced. There are
85 acres in Fall wheat; 15 scree in hay and
45 metes pasture. Possession could be given
50 01100. Farm adjoins the village of Brus-
sels, For further partioulars as to price,
000010, 00,, write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
M.P., Baden, 22 -ti
var. 3IE'v, ocaor o.
We are looking for a big January turn -over. With the three coldest
months of Winter yet to come there is bound to be a big demand for heavy goods. Stocks
all over the store are ready for all demands that may be made upon them and there will
be many a bargain for careful shoppers in Winter stuffs that we want moved out before
the stock -taking. You'll get your money's worth and more buying any of these :
Dress Goods
for %Tanury.
Drees Goode buyers will save some
62 money here in January. There is many
36 a hoe of seasonable and attractive Dress
Stuffs that we would like to sell the last
of them before the month is out. Here
are Berne of them ;
Drees Goode at 140—
Nees Fancy Plaid Dress Goods, bright
checks, small patterns, suitable for
7 00 ohildren's wear, 86 inches wide, replar
price 260, January price 140.
4 50
Toronto, Jan. 9.—Trade at the Western
cattle rnaelteb today was 'brisk, stook in
all branches selling out nt fair prices.
Hogs advanced 129 cents per cwt, all
round. The quality of cattle on the whole
was gooa ; the total receipts were '1,000
cattle, 2,600 aheep and lambs, 2,000 hogs.
Export. cattle aotive, stock being in good
demand at firm prices of 94.75 to 96,129
per cwt. fob choice heavy steers, and 94.26
to 94.75 for lighter weights. I3utohers'
cattle in good demand, especially choice
fat stock ; good 1,000 to 1,100 pound
heifers sold at 94 to 94 25 per cwt. ;
medium to good at 98,25 to 98.75, and
'nferiore ea loW as 92 60 per met, Feeders
scarce, and sold et prices ranging from
98.25 to 98.40 for light, and from 98.60 bo
#0.80 for heavy. Stockers showed some
improvement, and light offerings sold
readily at fair prices of 92.25 to 92 90 per
cwt. for lighter weight's, and $8 to 93.25
for heavy stook. Miloh eowe—A modem
ato demand at $30 to $45 prevailed ;
offerings were light, Bulle—iintohers'
Drees Goods at 150—
Heavy Tweed Settings, 80 inches
wide, warna, heavy, serviceable materials,
regular 20o, January price 15o.
20 pieces only, Fancy Dress Goods,
worth regular 60o, 75c and 91 per yard,
for January selling 26o.
10 only, fine Dross Costumes, no two
alike, very fine goods, all dark colorings,
regular 60o, 60o and 75o. 6 and 7 reds
in an end, for January selling 80c.
4 ends only, Ladies' Costume Cloth,
in Blaok, Navy, Myrtle, Green and Tor.
quoiee, 50 inohee wide, regular price 66o,
January price 480.
Black Dress Goods.
Some speoiale from the Bleak Dress
Goode for January.
3 pieces Bleak Oreponne, bright fin.
ish, very suitable for skirts, real value
75o and 90o, for January selling 60o.
2 pieces only.Brooaded Black Dross
Goods, bright Muth, neat petterne, reg.
ular 60o, for January selling 43o.
Heavy Black Goods, rough, bard
finish, suitable for skirts, regular 750, for
January 60a.
Mantle Goods
for january.
We have eold o Mantle Goods
this season than ever before. It will pny
us better to sell what we have in Meek
now, even at a loss, than carry them into
next geason. That's why we are quoting
prices like the following for January.
8 pieces heavy Nigger Head Mantling
in Brown, Navy and Blaok, °etre value
at 91.25, for January selling 9100.
2 ends Fawn and Blue fine qnality
Beaver Mantling, real Vain 91 50, for
January 91.10.
1 piece heavy Curl Bluth Mantling,
good value at 91.60, for January selling
Mon's Goods
for Jami
We have some special January prime
in Men's Goods that are worth looking
after. They'll save you a little money.
'Very heavy fleece lined Shirts and
Drawers, sold all over at 500 and 60o, the
balance of our stock for January, 400,
Men's striped Shirts and Drawers,
all pure wool, fine quality, regular price
75o, January price 55o.
Men's Claps at 80a—
About 80 11812'13 Claps, odd lines,
heavy Winter weights, goods that sold at
40o, 50o and 60o, to clear January at 30o.
Ladies' Underskirts.
25 only, Ladies' Skirte made of heavy
Mercerized Permits' Satin, bright new
goods, worth 91,75 each, for January
Bolling 91,25,
it next week.
We commence our first sale of Whitewear and Cotton Goods.
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ON & Co.