HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-11, Page 7h(� Id. °*'p in 2 sr In td s. e a JAN, TAN. ?II U)OO, ,'HE BRUSSELS SELS PAST, 1f11PNNESE RIM GIRLS, the wol'ldt at large Weenies bet. nuai.nted with the charming 11l - Lobe girl; also beooxlos butter ap- ted, though her existolnco oat* Mardi° Japan would be ianpos- She alight be transplanted, but uld nob remain a gelshe girl. ere iter talent, vivacity and ve awepb all before ncr and y is thought to be aomplete ' her infectious wit and gay- ob it of insipidity. Onoto Wat- riling of her, suYe: "A popu- late. Is -called to several hawses course of a day or evening. She ego only 25 sen for bait an but she;generally reoeives three this amount in tips ends •fees the.gueeta. Of course, the regu- ea and geisha bousoa pay her a airs eatery, according to her obit- . But this salary; is usuallyvery 11. Her ohief duty Is to amuse. A geisha 'HSI: be highly accomplished. While ne by any means a musician, she must bo 'able to perform on the samisen, koto, tzuzumi, a drum, and other mus- ical instruments She 'dances, an ' aIka. on the lightest subjects; and al - /rays holds l-grays,holds herself. in (readiness to en- ettain her ,guests, aecording to their tliood. A witty geisha, one who is a °food talker, pretty; and. graceful, will o1 lack employment at any time and ls'neraliy makes a very good living. While it is not at all necessary for far to arouse mirth, her object must 5 to beguile the time that is irksome ..•to her guests. Thus it often happens iN that one feeling depressed will send 'y far a geisha' girl• She will have taut enough to study the tempetr of ,per patron. It might be necessary for: her 'to laugh and chatter, sung and dance, file. On the other hand, she need only talk very gently and sympathetically td him or to engage him ,n some in- teresting conversation, or she may not have to dor more than merely' by her presence remove the sense of teneiL- neas and -depression. The more mag- netic her personality, Lhe more like- ly- is abet to suceeed. She studies her roles t horoughly, amdr seldom is at a loss. lo fact, for lull 000nsions she usually has a little programme of her own, which her guest or patron never would have suspected, for the geisha 9 a natural actress. Her taste in ess is exquisite and her movements comparable in grace. her is a delight erely to watch an accomplished eisha as she moves, and few would aspect ,that every movement she Ores is the result of many hard hours of study. Of course, f speak here of the more accomplished and re - finned, geisha, for by no. means do we find the geisha girl in general alto- gether obnt'ming. The geisha hast not her parallel the world over, for unlike other women of her class she always retains her natiee •modesty and graze. A successful geisha, besides her good looks and graceful manners, must show good taste in dressing herself, and also in the arrangements of her hair. An - cording to a Japanese idea the har- monious colors in her gowns blend in an unsurpassed way. Moreover, every- thing about her dress is "smart.' Her hair is exclusively dressed and adorned with kanzashi, jeweled pins, when she can afford thorn, and natural flowers, poppies being thea favorite. The style of dress off the geisha differs in each dist riot. She will teachi'and play any number of odd! and pleasing games, a.ld thus beguilel your time. IL is not always an easy matter to enter service in a geisha -house. Be- fore e fore doing sot the girl must apply in f+� person for a license at the Metropoli- tan Police Board. Here she is warned of the temptations of the new life she wishes to enter. IP she still persists she is then) put through an examina- tion, and .should she trip in the catech- ism the license is refused. The class of geisha called the, taki- wnke has bolo money and ability, but being unfamiliar with locality and rules pertaining to the profession, she puts herself in; charge of s• geisha of established reputation, and, agrees to share with hart her earnings. The very young geishas aro called the bang-yoku, on, half -Lees, and they are permitted to charge bat hull that charged by Lha older ones, They gen- erally run between the ages of 13 to 15 years, and are bound to serve from five to seven years. They are, in tact, but apprentices during the time of sorvioe, and have, to be instrurtedt.111 all the giesha accomplishments. By the time they have learned all the arta of the profession, their time ex- pir-es, and they are at liberty to go where they will. The life of the hang- yoku is very' hard during the term of A u servieo; las she is .forced to perform e most Inetnial' work, particularly if 4 she shows herself prone to "tea -grind- ing" or is a "stay-at-home." 'l titer being entertained by the Pial geisha a guest usually has a hill pre- -3,i to. him by the tea house,whioh °t ho asides with the heed, of the house, throwing in an extra tip for the geisha personally. The charge is usually 25 sen n half hour. Time is =neared by the burn- ing of a joss -stink, which takes about half an hour. For a full evening's • al y= estimate entertainment ileo eoutimr joss-sticks about Tileigeisha is very extravagant, field l tt delights in adorning, herself with ex- pensive elotbes ands jewels. Beautiful J B a ful co b m s rings, u�r oa s hair ) 1 t , izs x g, p n.• I all add1' d to the list of her ox e�naoa. P , 1 . :~ I fltu � she seldom L to o dPln hA J anything, W n loft u g. after 'her dross iR accounted for. though a great manyof the ar g g m aro most wusaLfish, giving largely from their earnings to their t families, in some eases being the main or sole sup. port of a Large funnily. They aro as generous ae extrava- gant, and seldom refuse the petition of a .beggar. Wheni publio subscrip- tions are raised, the gaieties offerings make a large item always. During. ' f to late war with China they. gave i 9 largely' of (heir earnings to the fund. How to be Healthy In Winter. Winter is' a trying time for most people -especially so for delicate ones, Colds, la grippe and pneue monis find them easy victims. Do yon catch cold easily' It shows that your system is not in a te- condition to resist disease, You : will be' fortunate if you escape pneumonia. Nature is always fighting against, disease. The right kind of medicine is the kind that helps Nature by toning up 'tile system and enabling' it to resist disease. Such a tonic is only found in Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. By buildinge up the blood and strengthening the nerves these 1 pills reach the root of disease, restore health, and make a people bright, active and strong .e CERTAIN. - Dashaway-Not, if I order any teethes from you, I want to be sure beforehand that you wotl't dun me, I want this understood,Can you 9 sug- gest nn wayto avoid -kis R Y t Tailor -Well, you might pay me a deposit note, and Lite rest when they are delivered. Mrs. R. Doxsee,Gravenhurst, Ont., writes :-"I believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life. When I began their use 1 was so weak that I was scarcely able to be out of my bed, and showed every symptom of going i(1•t° a decline. '1 was pale, emaciated, suffered from headaches and nerve ex- haustion. 1 used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor a couple of months, and they have completely restored me." Sold by all dealers or post paid at 5o cents a box or six boxes for $a.so, by addressing. the Dr. Williatns' Medicine Co., Brockville. BUBDNISPLAGUE DANGERS A FRENCH WRITER ON THE DIFFI- CULTIES OF DISINFECTION. 11. Destro Dentes That the Plague Germ Isles A fycr High 1 Days to the Open Ale In 011tcr Than Indian Atmospheric Cnedlttons -Of I leg Inutnnees of longer Llfe. The position taken by the New York Board of Health in refusing to permit the docking ,of the bubonic plagued- infested steamship J. W. Taylor or the landing of her cargo, of coffee at New York, is sustained by the con- clusions reached in an article in a re- cent number of the Revue des Deuz 11londes. The writer of this artiole, M. Destro, has made an exhaustive study of the bubonte scourge on the basis of the latest soientifio data ob- tainedduring the recent outbreak pf the disease in India and China and he devotes particular attention . to the manner in which the' bacillus is con- veyed into the human system and to the manner in which it is transported froni ono country to another..In the discussion. of this last branch of the subject his remarks might be taken to apply to the case of the Taylor. M. Desire, denies that the life of the, plague bacillus is only eight{ days and that at the expiration of that time all danger of infection is past. The+ great uncertainty as to the length of Limo in which the bacillus will retain Rs vitality li i ao a t and vi ulenae is o f t y r one of the great difficulties i` the' s t d ff oulliea n of gway an intelligent e gent. quarantine ageinst the disease, ho says. It true that under certain conditions THE GERM QUICKLY DIES. Sunlight is particularly fatal to it. Ac- cording to the Japanese scientist, Kit- usoto, one hour's exposure to the ac- tion of the sun will destroy it. When it becomes dried in the atmos- phere, even when not exposed; to the sun, it soon loses its power of propa- gation, or, in other words, its viru- lence, and experiments made by the scientific commission sent by Ger- many to study the plague in India, showed that under favorable atmos- pheric conditions in that climate the longest life of the microbe was eight d -Unfortunately, M. Dastre says, this statement of the German scientists applied only to exposure to the at- mosphere and to the climatic condi- tions of India. In Europe observa- tions show that the midrohe will re- tain its death -dealing power for eigh- teen days, and that it will retain life for .a month -that is, of course, in the atmosphere, but when not exposed to the direst action of the sun's rays. When the microbe is wrapped) in lay- ers of cloths or imbedded deep to the dark and more or less moist parcels of a ship's cargo, the duration: of its life and power for evil is wholly uncer- tain. The only thing positively known is thatit may be, very long. 1 Grassi is quoted by M. Dastre as citing the caseof a bubonic epidemic which broke out in the convent of St. Jenn .D'Acre i,n 1829. In thee case the dis- ease originated in the opening of cer- tain boxes of clothing whiele had be- longed to persons who hnd died of the plague, and had been nailed up for two years. "This doubt, as to the duration of the ntiosobe's lifo, unfortunately ex- ists," x-iata " says the writer in the Revue.. "Aa long as we rennin in ig uoranoe on this essential fact the erection of quarantine barriers t;gninst the in- troduction of the scourge cannot be seriously uncertain -no A recent instance of the vitality of Um bubonic microbe under favorable condnitions is instanced by M4 Destro in the outbreak of the plague In Op- orto, Portugal, July last. The City of Cork came from Bombae, where' the lresl ileacs has raged so furiously, load- ed with Indian hemp, It is a month's voyage from Bombay le Portugal, but 111e Corp did not go dirent to Portu- gal. She went first to London, re- maining there several days, and it was between St`s WIdI'iKS AND TWO MONTHS from the time she was loaded i,n Born - bay before she discharged her cargo In Oporto. In precisely the number of days nesees5ory to the Ineubation of the disease under n I u do ordinary lcondi rions - tr'Onl five to right, M. Desire says --a number of the stevedores who look f the bales of hemp from her hold were c down with Lha bubonic plague. At t .01 first the disease was not recognized. It was not until it hnd made consider- able progress tihat Dr. Jorge, the bac- teriologist at the heat) of the nunli- citlal hygienic laboratory of Oporto, formally announced the presence of the soourga. Another 'ur:0118 in- stance of the transportation of the plague over many thousand leagues of sea is found by the Revue's writer In the case of the two steamship cooks who died of the plague in a London hospital in October, 1990. Before :mil- ling from Bombay tbey each bought in a I•ISndoo shop a neakoloih of bril- liant colors. When they reached London they decorated themselves with their purchases, which they had not worn until then, and started out to stun the town with the gor- geous neckwear. Five days later both were down with the plague and both cases proved fatal, though, owing to the perfection of London hospital management, the disease did not spread. Si ill another curious outbreak of the disease, M, :Dastre says, was that which broke out in October, 1808;. in a Vienna laboratory, and was stamped out in a nearby hospital before it spread to the city: In 1897 a 'scientific commission was•sent to -Bombay by the Austrian Government to study the bubonic, plague. Dr. Hermann Hul- ler headed it, and he collected several specimens of the plague microbe and brought them under proper cultiva- tion, to the them, In- stitute of Vienna for experimental purposes: For nearly a year he con- ducted, these experiments with rate for victims. One Clay the young man who had the oars of the inoculated rat s fell 111. His ailment seemed to be an attack. of influenza complicated with pneumonia. It had none of the out- walrfl characteristics h of t o bubonic plague of Bombay, and Dr. Muller was deceived at first, yet it was none the less the bubonic plague r h a pure and sample, end in its most deadly form - the form which has now Dome to be known as the pneumonic. Three days after he was attacked, on Use 28th of October, the man died. By this time Dr. Muller had fully reoogaized the nature of the disease. He attended his unfortunate servant to the last, and took every precaution he knew to prevent the spread of the disease. He personally disinfected the sick room and every article that had been anywhere near the patient. BUT HE WAS TOO LATE. Ono of the nurses who had been in attendance upon the patient was stricken. On the following day an- other nurse and a sister of charity wbo had visited the siok room were down On the 31st of October, tbo third day after the first patient's death, Dr. Muller himself was attack - .ed. The moment he recognized in himself the fatal symptoms Dr. Muller shut himself up in his room to die alone. While he still had strength he wrote farewell .letters to his family, directing that his body be burned to avoid all danger of spreading the dis- ease. lie also requested tbot a priest stand in the street before his open 'indow and give him absolulion. Two nays after he was attacked he died. One of the nurses died soon afterward. The other nurse and the sister of charity recovered. dere the minia- ture epidemic stopped. It is well established, according to M. Destro, that the plague is spread from rats to other animals and to hu- man beings by the fleas; which are on rats as well as dogs. ; To get the plague one muat.oither be inoculated or breathe the germs into the lunge, where they aro conveyed by attaching themselves to Lhe minute particles of dust that float in 1115 atmosphere. An inaeel, such as a flea or a mosquito, M. Metre says, ono inoculate n Person n with its bile, as was established by Simond, who shut up insects which had 1 brei in content with an infected per- son in lightly closed boxes in whicls were perfectly healthy rata and mice. Tho rats and mite invariably contract- ed the disease. In the case of a hu man being, a slight abrasion of the skin is a sufficient port of entry for the microbe, but the worst form of the disease is when tihe bacillus la breathed into the lungs and produces the pnrumoniao form, which in about nine cases otlt of ton is fatal, and is particularly dangerous to those in at- tendance on the sufferer. 131. Dastre mikes the assertion that this terrible form of the bubonic plague would Roselle! exterminate the human ratio if it onus got a good start were it not for the feet that the life of the mice robe in sunlight and in ordinary at- mosiherle Marro nh ' n a is very short, and in can r. a quence, the phoumonino mini Of the plague is quite rare as ompared wilt the disease spread hrough inoeulatlon. REPAIRING ATLANTIC CARUS. S. Taut. Wrote lisdtu'etx•al lite 1101151, of ills Sea Ilitee llgltly,. The reoont death of Capt. Samuel Trott,whose reputation es a eons mender in the cable service extends to all English-speaking countries, serves to call attention, to the won - (Jarful perfection to which cable -lay - Mg and cable -repairing has been brought within the last -twenty years. It was said of Capt. Trott that he knee the bottom of the Atlantic and the position of every cable 1p It as well as a cabman knows the etreel8 oe a city. On one oogaslOn a steamer in laying en Atlantic oable was over-. taken by a storm, and had to abandon a Length 0f cable worth many thous- and .dollars, One day, many years. afterward, Capt. Trott, who happened to be in the locality, thought hs might as well pick the cable up. He stop- ped his fillip, grappled and recovered the broken end, and steamed on to- ward home within an hour. On ar- riving in port he presented the cable to the company to whLcth' it belonged, declining to acoept any remuneration for his work. 11 used to be consider- ed absolutely impossible to pick up cables during the months from Octo- ber to May, but Capt. Trott proved the error of this idea. In the middle of the winter of 1876 he sailed from Lon- don to Nova Scotia, repaired the direct cable in a gale of wind and a blinding snow storm, and was back in the Thames again in'lide of thirty-five days.. As he steamed up the river the whole of the amazed marine popula- tion, who had seen him go to sea, turn- ed out to cheer hire. Naturalists say that a single swallow will devour 6,000 files in a day. , 'R Bliuoii- AKERS Vouch for the Staternent of A. • Bong, of 10 Leslie Street, London. Rab to Work Ten floors it Dny--gar. fared With Dad:sohe Severely- DOddPl Blaney Pills. Platte a New 11.10 of 15(11,. London, Ont„ Jan. let. -The brooln- makers of this city are as industrious and make as much money as the aver- age broom -maker in this country. But the way the business has been going 01 recent years necessitates that the men work very hard. Competition) is rife in broom manufacturing as in most linea to -day. A Bong, of 10 Leslie Street, London Weal, broke down under the strain. He was working the regular ten hours a day, but a broom -maker has to work very fast and very steady, Bong's back gave out. He continued to work tit his trade, however, though it was 0011- tinuar misery; Only those who have suffered with backache know how disabling and painful the trouble is, 1 It is wonder- ful how every movement of Lhe body Seem' to jar oa the back. It is as if the back were the centralint from whinit ad the muscles radiad. The reason of this is that baokaohe is not backache at all literally. Back- ache is kidney ache and every move- ment of the body, shakes the disorder- ed kidneys to a greater or less ex- tent and keeps them in a constant state of irritation. To cure baokaohe you must use Dodd's Kidney Pills, as Mr. Bing found out. Ha writes; etroubled a very I have been with 'severe pain in my back and 1 conclud- ed to take some Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have done so and I find they have cured me. I have to work ten hours a day at broom -making and now I am a new man. I highly recommend them to any ono for backache. I do not feel the pain any more or has it since returned, u "I remain, yours truly, "A. Bong." She -1 can eynspathize with you. I was married once myself- He - But youweren't married to a woman. Have YOu Catarrh ? IL you are troubled with Catarrh and want to bs cured, use Cietarrhozone, which is a guaranteed cure for this di?tresaing, disease. There is no .mys- tery about Catarrhozone, though its effect ss magical. Ointments and snuffs cannot reach the diseased parts and have thus proved useless, but Catarrhozone is carried by the air yen breathe directly to the tui_=eased parts, Where it volatilizes, killing the germ life and healing the errs spots. It cures by inhalation, No danger, no rink, sold by all druggists. For trial onlfit send iOc fn .(tamps to N. C. I'OL SON & CO., Box 518 Kingston, Ont, In Paris there is awine shop for every three houses. POR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS, WINSLOW5 0001'11IN0 S\'TtiP has been used by ,00tlmrr for their children teething. It soothes the child, softens the Rama allays Pale, res wind collo, nod I6 Lite hot remedy Lor Marvin. 280. a hot. 0lu, Sold by all druggists tln•onghola the world. Be sura and n k for" Mrs. Whitlos's 5oothmg Syrup. The potato disenso threatens to be serious in Ireland this season. " 0, Thyne, of Granby, Quo, Pharaoh 1 QCa Ikf.0tar. t. • Oi 4 nr Mau Opals are fatal to love and bring discord to giver and receiver. La Toscana, 10o. u trio Y,,MCIGAR ur Cereal Coffee Wealth Drink, Puro,Wholesomo, Boorish. io, 15o 10., orpgibe. for Sio. Renee h equal tot18bofe A needle factory in the East makes heoR01(t`'O0Ftl OO e, 151QrJCti es8.,,Torssto, g`i 70,000,000 needles every week. Agents wanted in every loealityt AN EXCEPTIONAL YOUNG MAN. Said ho, Pretty miss, Pray giro nee akiss, T1s for ono --only one, that Irmo. She lifte:l her eyes, And exclaimed in surprise. Why, the other chaps )always want twe O'KEEF.E'.S. dJgtatpg9g1nMALT LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENT RAL AOSNT, 1 am writing for posterity, said the poet, And 1 am laking In plain sew- ing for a living, said the poet's soul- less wife. TO maw A (104D es ONE DAT Take J.axativo Broma Quinine Tablets. A.1I 0ru i late relend the money itis tails 10 euro. P c. 31. W. 0 rove'. etgaeture is on . sash box. I Hit the target if you can; if you mise it he a man; Of your mark or gunbe muta- t ]Frankly own you couldn't shoot, -r. r-- Deafness Cannot be Cured by local Reellaalfone es they 'moot reach tha diseased porton afbile oar. There In only ono way to euro deafness, and that le by cenobite. Clonal remedies, llentneso Is caused by en in, finned condition of the mucous- lining of the btustaohian Tubo: P hen dols tube la indent. ed you baro a rumbling mind or imperfect hearing, end when Itis entirelyolesed dearness to theresalt, and unless the inflammation 044 bo taken ons and this tube restored to its nor. m•rl condition, hearing will be destroyed tar ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by Ca. tarn,,. which ie nothing but an inflamed condi. , tion of the mutons surfaces, We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eatarrhl that can not be oured by reel's Catarrh Cure. Sand for 010,01 08, Be.fr P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0• ' Seld .bybrnggiete, 750. Nail's Family Pille are the best. lS1lRt°,'7F1 h� 000 distinol aavar of lis o p trhlo l molreo CL YLO7r TEA Lead poclrages, 00058 sae. that h„onno trlo,1 1 want l�?seta, CEYLON b i+ 0,O, 3O„10, 611 4t•l?OO UNLIKE ANY OTHER " STOVE r V EAT) E j» And Lots More Coming, Buy An - OXFORD TRIPLE HEATER. And Keep the Whole House Warta.... Tt h ne powerfy! ae s furn,0e--burns 38111, wood -hoe 180 hot air pipe,, ae well es the omallp pipe t0 otrouh,tthe heat all through "11, Konno and 100s in- terior tubularru06loh circulate,tho air fully, keeping na oim wn 'ntIo all over. Bee them at our dealers' in any lo• Salley, THE Gurney Foundry Co., Limited, TORONTO. Ohl well, remarked Missam, after his fifteenth unsuccessful shot at the birds: Live and let live is my motto. .e. MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. The'/ Balmoral," Free Bus s c.P`U0: Hotel Carslakef Erm dirpp. em 01810, 8tption, Montreal. 0,0, Carsin00a Co,,oProp's. AVENUE HOUSE=MaGtn-ceuege A.em,n. Family Hotel rates $1.50 per day. ST. JAMES' HOTEL- OppoOifn O.T,li.Deput, two Luse, from 0. P• pmvemeRailway.-Rat gee Commercial .l House. Modern Ism pravmneut.-Rates moderato, Re -'-Man has a perfect organ of sp''ch. She Welt, so bas woman, He -Oh, no, she hasn't. Hers is made withouti stops. TV. P. C, 1005 CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Clint. meat, Tooth Powders, etc„ have been 1 awarded 100 medals and diplomas for supofior excelleuee. Their regular neo prevent iu(aoti. sus dlsoases, Ask your defiler to obtoin o simply, -Lista mailed (res on application F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER, - • ENGLAND, Music Teachers a s We To send lor our complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We are equipped to supply every MUSIC TEACHERIn Canada Whaley, Royce D Co., 168 Yonge St„ TORONTO, ONT, X xr'A t e a,ar foo E'e FOR THE Lan�Llid ISz Weary I had been a sufferer like a great many other women with a disease pe- culiar to my sex. 1 tried everything I could read or think about to help me, but was getting worse instead of better. My condition was terrible-] was losing flesh and color, and my friends were alarmed. I consulted a doctor of this town and he said I would never get better; that I would 'always be sickly and delleate, and that medicines were of little use to me. Bearing what Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills had done for others I de- termined to try them myself, and to- dsy I weigh one hundred and forty pounds, while before I weighed only one hundred and eighteen pounds, and I now have a constitution that is hard to beat. I have not suffered any pain in months and earnestly bole that Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills will reach every woman suffering as I Sincerely yours, MAY COLE, Simooe, Ont. Price 500. per box, 5 boxes for 59.00, et druggists, or if not obtainable at your 'druggist, mailed on receipt of prion by Sam. Williams & Co., Toronto. Rook of Information Free. Carters COLO GORE 100, Cares In a jiffy, P. Mo Commas A Co.. Agents, Montreal. THE DES MOINES INOUBATOR-Beet and obeisant • O. Rollad, sole agent for 100 Dominion. Scud Sot. stamp for outal0gue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal Catholic Pravfir B8805, Rosaries, Oru. .f °algae, Soapulers, Religious Pictures, Statuary, awl 011000h Oreamontn, R u a f nal mks. Mall orders receive prompt n • Lion. D. & J SADLIER&00,Montreal, • 7V44.47\ h. / r ANGIER? S PETROLEUM EMULSION A most efficient substitute for cod -fiver oil, pleasant to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and lung troubles, and -- if results count for anything -almost no limit to the good it can do. Sample bottle mailed to any address on receipt of to cents to toner postage. Angier 'Chemical Co. tE 1;� d�nte° Toronto g SausageCasings-New tmporrationn finest English &heap and Am. erloan Hu Sag lig, B it i r 1 ¢00 . g d a try hk rise PARK BLACK r p 0 1-I.L "oo , A ., Toronto. X.af,�permanently curs � Catarrh of nose, �./ et throat, stemseh d bladder. 50e a it a box. Write for particulars, The Indian Catarrh Cure Co., lib 8t. James41„ Montreal. COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Ruts and Mico. Sold by all Druggists, or 381 Queen W. Toronto •O 'BEAVER BRAND.' need Water- < neverh 011 &,e guaranether Water- ether proof, Aek t r It.take no other, Bo -• � vnr Hubbnr Olothlug Oo., MuaErea4 tl PRESEN ATiVE WANTED in son town. Large' 00tomer 001-Pleataer woob.1 Pay prompt. Like amnion, mnkirg S/0 per work. Wrno quick for_particulars and furnish refer - ewes. got (UK Innen Block, Toronto, TORONTO Cutting School offer, special advantage. to all desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's Garments. Writs for particulars, 113 Yong, at„ Toronto. WILL instantly relieve a tickling oough Dr. Draw's compound Syrup of Lloorlse-ask De gglst( for it -neat hyranl0 en receipt of 350. arysen Modloal Dispensary Montreal's POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLES, and other PRODUCE, to ensure best malls consign to The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Oor. Wont -Market & Colborne St., Taranto, HARRIS LEAD, C® ,MorsagPe LEAD, COPPER, BRA55, wholoealn only, Long Distance Telephone172e. WILLIAM ST,f TORONTO. Dyeing 1 Cleaning ! For the very bast sand your work 1, Mo 11 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or send di Mot. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, 'Quebec. Cheapest and Beat Covering In the World. Mica PIPE LITER Covering Steam and 1001 nod Cold Witter aPiipes, Cold Storage Piece.For partloulars apply to MICA BOILER COVERING CO., Limited, Toronto, Montreal, and London, Eng. iff MSii AIL STEAHIPS Portland, hle., to Liverpool, via Halifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, • Dominion Cambroman. Rates of aseogo -Pint Guhin 011 wards` Second Lnhirr,530 (tooninge, 521.10 dnte50.p ' Nur turther,nfunnat on apply intent ngentI, or DAVID TORR. 17 81. Sacrament General Montreal, CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. 1 nl'0itr0itAryn 1855. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort. gage Corporation, Paid.n $ oo p Capital, - • '�2 ,600 D , Reserve Fund - • - 1,200,000 Head OJfioe-Toronto 8t., Toronto. Branch Oftloos-Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 0,0 DEPOSITS IiROEIVED, Interest. allowed. DEBENTUR148 I08VED for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 1 years, with Interest coupons attached, MONDLENT en seaway of real Cage meaM Oovan,mouE nue 0lunlolpnl Bands oto. For further particulars apply to J. HtI0liseseT MASON, Managing Director, Termite. LA W Mills, Mills A Halos, Barrieters,eto.,removed to Weel cF�'., ronto.h- mond B4 e'., Toronto. R O O F I H CROOFINGand Sheet Metal Workse ROOFING SLATE in Blnok, Rad or Oran. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We swung Public and ITigh Sobonls Toroutol• Rooting Felt, Pitch,Ooal Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE ((See New City Build, lags, Toronto, done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Ooe Mem, eta Eetimaioe turnlohotl Inc work aomplete or fo materials shipped iet,e ,DNats°13, aane&wenrSnTeento Michigan Land for Sale. Q0130 R 0 AORRS 000D FARMING LANDS-AENAS f Bien. Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title par. foot. On ,lfiehigoo Central, Detroit a Mhwhlnaa and Loon Lake Railroads, at prince lunging from 82 to 85 per euro. These Lands are Close to Enterprutng Nor rowns, Churches, Scheele, eta, and will be told on oe0 reasonable terms. Apply to R. 01. PIERCR, A cut, Weat Bay Otty 01110. Or J. W. 0110'X5, \Vhitremore, 011001, Manufacturers Corning toti Tonto WIL0 FIND) VERY DESIRABLE FLATS, Steam Heated, Steam Power, Elevator and all convenience8. Teem BUILDING, 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. BREAKFAST -SUPPER. To Manufacturers NORTNEY STEAM PUMP. -6 x 4, 7 inch stroke, in good working order,capac- ity about 200 horse power. Price $75. FEED WATER HEATER --6s horse power, in good order. Price 525. ONE No. 3 STURTEVANT FAN 24 inch, in perfect order. Price $o5. M1� ONE No. 4 BUFFALO FAN -- 27 inches high, upright discharge, in excellent or der. Pricy $35' r WIL80N S. FRAM TR Adelaide West Toront Tau , 73 , a JAB. R. ANNETT, Manager, JOHN J. MAIN, Bust. and Trois The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER Ut Esplanade, TorontoOpp, Sherpourno St., Nigh Class Water Tube Stearn Boilers, for All Pressures, Dulles and Fuel. 5050 FOR DES! C 1 R IPTIVE R A7 LOOUR. Toronto Electric Light tin., Limited. Thu T Baton CO.. V ata l .nnppfjpprnpppQ�Iho Manefly [[Pie i, en.5The Gutta et RobberAhMfa Co. The Wilson Pub:lnbing 00 Llodted. f An of Toronto, where boiler. may he aeon working,