HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-11, Page 5• JAN, 11, 1500 BUSINESS CARDS, -n/rONEX TO IOAN AT 5 PER ,111• gent, V, S, 80OT"l, Brasaels, I3, MoOEACKEN— (• Januar of Marriage Lioouags. Of, lloo at 0recory, Tnraberry Meet, Brussels, "p N. BARRETT LA. Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door North of the Standard Bank, Ladioo' and Obildren'e hale cutting a apoolalty, jhiARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• n1AnstUNEn has ooyoral good Forma for Pale and to rent, easy tonna, in Townohipe of Morris and Grey. F S. 1300T1'. Brusoole OR M. M RISON Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, SRTTSSFJ7.,^a, OTT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: • INenRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFITOP AT JEWELRY STORE. ta-No Witnees Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. 0. M.. Academie graduate of London Consorve- toryotMusic, also Member of the A nordista,' Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number oe.pupilo for ioatiuction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupila for the Principal's Form iu the Conservatory of Music. Bruno's, Ontario, ALEX. BUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Com t, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Auction• eor. Funds Invested and to loan. Onlleo• Mons made. Office iu Ornham'0 Sloolr,Brus- sels, AUCTIONEERS. S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION- -L. • EBB, will call for better prices, to bettor men, in leas time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or an alwoways be arrage nged at thisa and office oor by Personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FonxtanLY OS 0EAY0RTn) DENTIST. Graduate of R, 0.1D S., Toronto ; Post Grad. unto course at Haskel's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. 43 -Prices same as in surrounding towns. 21 - Office over A, H. Smith's store, Brussels. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK— vi • Honor Graduate o1 the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all din - eases of dolneatioatod animals in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office andlnfirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnbel•ry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM. SINCLAIR— IIarrieter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Publto, &c. OOao—SEcwarfe Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand. ard Bank, Solicitor for Village of Bruseols. Money to Loan at lowest rates. M• G. CATvfERON— (Formorly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor,' 6odorioh Ont. Oalee—Hamilton street, opposite Col- bornHotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., C. ll.,' Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, 'Uneaten ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surcoonn of Ontario, Dfoeaseo of Women and Children a special- ty. Nino yoare' experience. Office and res- idence, opposite English church, Brussels. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C, 711, Trinity University, Follow Trinity 11odioal College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh, It -Telephone No.14, Reeidonoe—Mill street, Brussels, DR. WM. L. HOLMES, PAYoICIAN, 0000000 AND A0000enl:IIn, (Successor hi Dr. F. 19. IGalbdelsclt) M. D, Bellevue Hospital Mod, Col., Now York ; M D O M Victoria University, Toren - 00 ; Member of the College of Play sleuths and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid to diaoaseo of women, pyo, oar, nose and throat. 19.01 fs D. F. SMITH, M. D. O. M.. • Graduate of McGill College, Mention', &., &o. All specialty work eatlofaotorily treat. ed, Oieee upotatre in the Stratton Klock. Office hours, 9 to 12 a, m„ and 7 to 10 p. m. Spoolallot work, snob esforpyo, oar, throat, &o,, in the office at his roil -Blanco, Elizabeth street, from 2 to 0'p m, All medicines will be diaponoed personally by the Dr, or under his direct supervision. The Minister of Militia has approved of a grant of $150 to officers appointed to the epeoial eerviae foroa for South Africa towards defraying the expenses of their outfits, and an advance of pay, $60. Men and horses will be moved at once from the place of enrolment without waiting for the completion of the quote. iiIiStr'cci icly , tele Ito. 81.'Andrewei church is adverti•lllg for a precentor. .b;dward Watson and James Coming made a byelues0 trite to Montreal. John A: Taylor, M. A., of Dutton [ligh eohool, watt a visitor with Blyth friends, Blyth monthly fairs will tide year be held on January 1,6th, Febrary 13011, March 0th and March 27th, The voting on the bylaw to build gran. olithia sidewalks in Blythtook place on Irotion day.Tbe vo'e wee ia sll one, befog 86 for the b low and -19 against.. Arhie MoQuarie, eon of cue 09te0m• ed 00wneman, Hugh McQuarrie, has 00• listed for'servioe fn South Myles. Ito is a member of the 13th Field Battery, Winnipeg. Rot ert 13. Taylor, of Portage la Prair• ie, is'vioitiug in our midst. Mr. Taylor purposes remaining with Ontario Priende for six weeks and when he returns will take book a oar or two of good horses. Gorrite. Many of our oitizens are advocating in• corporation for our village. While stepping out of the bus Mrs. Russell had the misfortune to fall and injure herself. Mrs. Russell and Mies May Jardine, who have been visiting in Pennsylvania for the past two months, have ,returned home, At the annual meeting of Gerrie Pub lis eohool Edward James was elected rte trustee instead of P. P. Ayleetv0rth, re• signed. Art. Gamble, who has been in the em. ploy of Found Bros. for the 1041 three months, has left for his home in Port Hope, Meeting() of East Huron Farmers' In etitu'e for the dismission of Agricultural and kindred subjects, will be held in Gerrie on Jan. 10th at 1 30 and 7.30 p. m. At the last regular meeting of Court Delight No. 1695 h 0. F., the following offioere were elected for the ensuing 101 w :—C. R., Jos, Wray ; V. 0. R., R S, Clegg ; R. S., W. A. Irwin ; F. S , R. 11oGrath ; Treas., Wm. Mose ; Chap., M. E. Oummer ; S. W., Rov. Dobson ; J. W., W. J. Clegg ; S. B., W. Collies ; J. B., J. King ; Court Deputy, T. Nash.. On Tuesday afternoon of last week the grim reaper, Death, again threw hie shadow over our village and claimed for 1118 victim Mise Della Barber, youngeot daughter of George Barber. Deemed had been suffering for some time from that fell destroyer—consumption—and although her death was not unexpected it nevertheless brings Borrow to those who loved her. Her remains were laid in their last earthly resting place Thurs. day afternoon. Remarkable Rescue. Mr. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III, makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lunge ; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was hopeless viotim of 000enmption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought is bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted by the fleet dose. She continu- ed its use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own house work, and is as well se ever she wae.—Free trial bottles of the Great Discovery at G. A. Deadman'() Drug Store. Only 50o. and 6L00, every bottle guaranteed. • A.0 %V noel. Widdis Jackson is home from Manitoba for the Winter. After four months ownership George Loohhead has sold his general store busi- ness, stook, to W. R. Erskine, the origi- nal owner. David and Mrs. Seller, 14th con., cele- brated their wooden wedding on New Year's day by giving a grand party to about thirty of their friends. The Council of Etna for 1900 is made up as follows : Reeve, Jas, Donaldson ; Councillors — S. S. Bothwell, Wm, Wherry, Wm. Coates and Thos, Smith. The friends of 13. W. Ziemann, mer- chant tailor, recently of Atwood, and now of Preston, will be lorry to learn that his shop in Preston was entered by burglars Friday morning and 0300 worth of gents' furnishings stolen. There were upwards of two hundred present, including members with their beet girls at the annual supper of the local Canadian Foresters on the 27th Dec., in the Town Hall, and it was a very enjoyable affair. Following are the officers of Court Lansdowne, Atwood, C. O. F. for the ensuing year :—C. R., Cameron ; V. C. R„ Coughlin ; F. S., Gordon ; R. S., Fullerton ; Treas., Longmire ; Chap., Johnston ; S. W., Sanders ; J. W., Brown ; S. B., Henry ; J, 13., Peebles ; Court Physioians, Drs Kidd and Langrill. Alex Struthers has sold his 1.00 acre farm on the 12t11 con., to Henry Smith for $4,000. Itis a good stock farm but the buildings are only fair. Mr. Struthers has bought Wm. Sweeton's 100 acre farm on the 10t11 eon„ paying there- for 64,500. Good barn on this place. The annual congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church was held on Deo. 30, to hear the auditors' report for the past year, and transact general business. The meeting voted J. A. Hume, the Sec.- Treas. of the church, an 100(00se of $10 in salary. From the auditors' statement we learn that $920.50 were collected from the pets holders for the year 1899, and 6133 collected on manse account ; collect. tions, $881.98 ; tea meeting, $128.25 ; by will of late Robert Young, $100 ; bank account, 6630, eto., making total receipts from all 5000000 for year, 62,063,54. Ex- penditure : Rev. Mr. MoLecd's stipend, 31,000 ; paid on Manse debt, $200 ; and other incidental expenses, malting in all, 62,362,54, less 664 83 on hand. Aesets, $129.70. Liabilities, promieeory note, 3110 ; promieeory building, $300 ; total, 6410, or $280.30 excess of liabilities over ascots. The ahuroh is working harmon• iously and showing encouraging progress in every department for the year. At the annual meeting of the Elma Cheoto Co., held at the factory en Deo. 80, the following Directors wpm olooted for the ensuing year James Donaldson, jr., J. A. Turnbull, Jae, Mitchell, Thos. Dickson and 13. S. Ballantyne, Tho Directors eabsog ueutly nut and appointed Thos. Dickson, President, and Jas. Mit- chell, Vice President, and aro advertising I now far tenders for the Seorotary. Treasurership 218. Looblload having reaigued the office etvipe to advanced years and in health, There are a number of applicants for filo poeitiou, From the annual report for the peat year we glean time figures : Total reeeipte, 643,089.54, inoludipg 084,034,21 for 340,071;1 Ibe, cheese, et an average price of 10 1/100 ' ler ib. for season, Total expenditure, 48,080.04, less 3720.14 Doth on hand ;. Paid patrons for .milk, 690,401,60 ; paid for manufacturing cheese, 61,808.79 ; paid for mauufaoturing butter, 6750,27 ; assets, 1,032.14 ; liabilities, 01,7000 00 ; excess of liabilities over mete, 6607.88 ; average lbs, milk to lb. oheeee, 10 90. • Bl0urt rely$ Iron Nerve t, Was the it of hie a endid health. W e resu pi Iodominablo will and tremendous energy are not found where Stemmnb, Liver, Kidneys and Bowele are out of order. If you want there qualities and the aim. eerie they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills They develop every power of the brain and body. Only 25o, Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. lit MATUIDIONrAL.--A very pretty home wedding took p toe on Wednesday eve„ Deo. 27th, at 5 o'oloak, at the home of the brlde'a brother, Hugh Riohmood, 12th eon,, Elmer, in the presence of about 70' gueete, relatives and intimate friends of the contracting couple, Miss Mary, daughter of George Riobmoed, end W. H. Stewart, Principal of the New Ham• burg Publio wheel. The mystic) knot was securely tied by the Rev. D. Rogers, of Bluevale, a former pastor and friend of the family. The bride was gowned in a very pretty travelling snit of navy blue lady's cloth, trimmed with Dream satin and Mae, and parried an exquisite boquet of roses, hyacinths and smilax. The ceremony was followed by the oongratu- latione of their friends, after which the bride and groom led the way to the din- ing room where an elaborate supper wee. corned the company. Then followed games, music, and later an intermit pro gram was participated in, and tbue the joyous bells tolled the hours off. The bridal gifts were exoeptiooally beautiful and costly. The groom's present con- sisted of a handsome uprigbt grand piauo and a set of furs. Among the other gifts were a ten dollar bill from her brother, A. E. Richmond, city editor of the Buffalo Daily Oommeroiol, and Mre. Richmond, and a large -Family Bible from her father. Among tbegees a pram ant from a distance were : R. and Mrs. Gray, W. D. and Mre. Gray, S'ratford ; S, Gray, D. D. S., of Ridgetown ; Jae. A. and Mre. Gray, of Wallace ; A. E. and Mre. Riahmond and Miss Jennie Riob- mond, of Buffalo, N Y. ; Robt. Stewart, of Bluevale ; Rev. and Mrs. Rogers and Mies Lily, of Bluevale ; Mrs. John Jack- s ,n, of Cum000k, Oct., and others. After spending a few days with Mr. Stewart's friends at Bluevale and Wing - ham, the young couple left for their home in New Hamburg. The bride will be greatly mieaed in this locality both in tooial and church circles, where she wee, in more or lees demand. Ae organist and Bible class leader in Jubilee church she has rendered faithful service and hor plane will be difficult to fill, Mr. Stewart is to be oongratulated in his ehoioe, Peers Iorth. M. J. Stapleton, of Toledo, Ohio, was speeding a few days at Jae, Keehoe'e. Weddioge are all the go just now. Some of the young baoh-lora will be left if they don't gm a move on. On the afternoon of New Years day the puok punobere of Stratford and Seaforth met on the rink here and played a friend• ly match. The score resulted in a victory for the home Team, of 6 The holiday display made by oar grocers, butchers and Dry Goode mar• chants was very brilliant and many were the compliments bestowed on the window dressers. What's the matter with our snow plow ? Snake fences on to high walk make rather awkward going We think the rule of "every mac sweep before his own door" would be a good cue to adopt here. We regret to hear that W. J. Shannon, of Seaforth, has had to resign hie peel• tion as Secretary -Treasurer of the Mo- Killop Muted Fire Insurance Co., on ac. count of ill health. Be has faithfully performed the duties of his office for nearly 26 years, Friday evening of last week the teachers of St, James' Sunday school gave an entertainment for the children of the school 113 Cardno'e Hall. A very pleasant time was spent, a large gather- ing being present. The eleotione here passed off very quietly, M. Y. McLean heading the poll, with. 207 votes. The following are the Councillors for the ensuing year, with Jno. A. Wilson as Mayor : Jae. Beattie, Noble Cluff, Alex, Davidson, Jas. Gillespie, A. P. Joyut and M. Y. Mo• Lead. On Sunday morning Mre Patrick Hughes, of this place, wae found by some neighbors lying on the floornear the bed, but the vital spark had fled. The old lady woo about 74 years of age and was living alone, her husband having died some four yearn ago. The remains were interred in St. James' cemetery Tuesday morning. L.iteto w el. Robert Bogen, who is somewhat of a sport, succeeded in bagging two foxes in the swamp West of the town within the past week, The Listowel Band on New Year's night made its usual tour of the resideu• an of the Mayor and Councillors eleot, also oallinglon tome of the unencoeseful candidates. The anniversary servioes of, the Bap. tier ohuroh will be held on Sunday, Jan. 14th. Rev. Mr. Gilmour, of Hamilton, will conduct the eervioesat 11 a. m., and 3 and 7 p. m. Thos. Forbes, Mill street, who has been seriously ill with an abeoese in the throat, continues quite low, The gather- ing has broken once or twice, but so far hasonly brought temporary relief. Charles Livingstone, of Seattle, Waehe spent a day or two in town, paying a short visit to hie brother, John Living. stone, jr., and his dater, Mre. J. W. Soott. It ie nearly a quarter of a sen. tory since Mr. Livingstone left here for the Went. During a part of the time he resided in Honolulu, but for number of years he hat been located at Seattle. Oa Now leer's morning W. E. Cloth- ier, foreman of the Banner office, and Mise Ida Morrie, late teacher in Listowel Public Bohool, were united in marriage. T J JiRoSSEL$ POST Begin the. New Year night. ! On the beginning of the New Year people usually turn over a new leaf, and try to improvoon the previous years. If you have been buying goods on credit you should turn over a now loaf at once and buy at a oath store. Stores doing a credit business mark their goods' at a credit price, and although you get 5 per Dant. off for hash you are still paying toe much for your goods. This store le conducted on a strictly mill basie, both iu buying and Belling. It ie not an experim001 with us, We heve boon doing it for thePast nine years andd have everything in first class working r e e order. A great many people broke away from the credit etc a last year and have tried our snob system, and are delighted with the change. When you think of malt- ing a change call and see our mammoth stook and we will be pleased to show you what we can do for you. Our stook -taking sale is in full swing and bargains like these will be given in every department :- -Ladies' Corsets, long waist, very special, 25c, —Ladies' Corsets, steel filling, trimmed with lace, long and medium lengths, colors pink, blue and drab, good value at 75o, sale price 60e. —Ladiee' Cloth Jackele, new styles, one quarter off. —Four Ladies' Jackets, left over from last year, half price, —Tweed Dress Goode, good patterns, worth 60o, for 35o. Tweed Dress Goods, heavy, worth 30o, for 19o. We are offering epeoial in Ladies' Aetrachau Jackets and Capes, Men's Fur Coats and Fur Cape. You will always find special bargains in all lines at stook taking time. M'KINNON & CO, BLYTH. The ceremony took place in the Method• ist Ohuroh in the presence of it few intimate friends, Rev. Mr. Irvine tying the knot. The happy couple left by the 8 o'clook train for Calgary, N. W. T., where Mr. Clothier has eeoered a luora• tin situation in the Gazette office. A rather serious and what came near- ly proving a fatal accident happened to W. H. Helms on Thursday of last week. He was at the station here seeing a friend off, and had got on a passenger coach, which wee some dietanoe' from the platform. Supposing that the train would draw up to the platform before' leaving, he remained in the oar until the train bad started. When he found the train was not going to stop he attempted tojump off and in doing eo fell beneath the oar wheels. In hie struggles to free himself from his perilous position he was struok by the steps of the ooaob, re- oeiving an ugly gash across the forehead also a nasty eoa!p wound. Fortunately the train passed on without drawing him beneath it. Hie escape from more 0001000 injury was almost miraculous. , Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica salve, cures them, also Old, Running and Fever ooree Uloere, Boils, Fe'one, Corns, Warta, Onte Bruises, Burne, Soalde, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Beet Pile ours on earth. Drives out Paine and Aches. Sold by G. A Deadman, Druggist. Urex. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following ie the report of S. S. No. 1, for the month of December P. S. L.-0. Armstrong, 322 ; V. Armstrong, 318 ; G. Bielby, 225 ; J. Farquharson, 123. 4th. --W. Switzer, 535 ; A. Dielison, 512 ; E. Hollinger, 510 ; E. Blake, 437 ; E Rozail, 421 ; N. Fralick, 402 ; J. Bielby. 313 ; G. Blake, 252 ; D. Davidson, 206. Sr. 3rd.—F, Davidson. 319 ; T. Bielby, 302 ; A. Oak• ley, 300 ; L. Diokson, 282; B. Davidson, 265; 01. Cardiff, 263, W. Stevenson, 111 ; Jr. 3rd.—W. Glassier, 852 ; M. Dark, 328 ; J. Rands, 303 ; W. Farquharson, 246 ; M. Ronde, 219 ; J. Hoggard, 165 ; G. D.,rk, 132. Sr. 2nd,—B. Dark, 477 ; A. Gordon, 482 ; M. Hoggard, 409 ; Alf. Glassier, 359 ; A. Glassier, 286. Jr. 2nd.—L. Blake, 391 ; H. Rozell, 330 ; L. Grant, 379 ; E. Oakley, 376 ; T. Dark, 842 ; J. Stevenson, 217. 2ud Part.—Jas. Dickson, 442 ; Jno. Diokson, 424; F. Oakley, 272 ; B. Stevenson, 263 ; R. Craig, 281 ; F. Lawson, 228 ; F. Al. cook, 206 ; A. Dark, 40. Sr. let.—F. Aleook, L. Switzer, Jno. McCallum, S. R. CRERAR, Teacher, The Ontario Government bas oontrib- uted $500 to the Red Cross fund for the second contingent. A fire in Berner it West's dry pods store in Montreal Wednesday did damage estimated at 330,000. Rev. J. G. Sheerer, of Hamilton, has decided to accept thejField Secretary ship of the Lord's Day Alliance. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of airmen is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mioh„ tells how such a slave wan made free. He aoye : "My wife has been eo helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. Atter using two bottles of Electric Bit. ter(), she is greatly improved and able to do her own work.". This supreme re. may for female diseases gniokly ogres nervousness, eleepiesenese, melancholy, baekaohe, fainting and dizzy spells, This miracle working medicine it a god- send to weak, sickly, run down people, Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Droggiet. Brewer's Photo. Studio. Life -like Photographer Now is the time to get your Family Group taken. Groupe taken with great 0000088 at our s'udice • We are equipped in all linea of the art, Cabinet Pbotos. 62 00 per dozen, other sizes in proportion. I wish you all a Happy' New Year. H. R. BREWER, ARTIST. THE VERY CREAM Of fine Groceries for the Christmas Season is now being shown by no, every article being bright, clean and fresh, and as quality ie the first essential we have taken epeoial Dare to select only the finest goods for your inspection. A look through our store will show you that our stock of Fruits and Table Delicacies is very Dom• plate, and if you have a single thought of economy the nek you to examine our goods before purchasing and whatever you select in CURRANTS IOINGS RAISINSI CHOCOLATES PEELS EXTRACTS, SPICES FIGS SHELLED WALNUTS & ALMONDS • or anything else for table nee, you ons rest assured, we will du our beat to please you and give your orders our best attention. Oysters by Dish or Quart. Fine Stock of Confectionery. C. H. BARTL/FR, GROCER. NOT YOUR POCKET BOOK, Not merely your pocket book that we want, but we want to give you a big parcel for a small portion of the contents of it. We are making the following special quotations in order to reclaoe ozi,r stock LADIES' MANTLE S Lathes Fur Capes Different Lengths & Sizes,'1 that were good value at $2,50 now $1.98 « tr 4.50 " 3.69 " 4,75 " 3.95 7.50 " 6.48 " t that were good value at $9.50 now $8140 " 8.50 " 6.75 7.50 't 5,95 ti If In order to procure these goods you must come early as the stock will soon be picked over, and you will find it more difficult to get just what you want. We have still a few Men's Fur Coats, and we will make you special quotations on them. Inspect our goods and be convinced of what we are doing. I. F. cAllister's ETHEL. Destiny Changed. The"Slater Shoe" is closely watched dur- • ing the process( f manufacture. Every shoe undergoes a carvfill examination after leav- ing the hands of er.cll operator, The slig11tevt flat% in the leather or work- manship–a stitch in ssed–a slip of the'knife, only discernible to all expert condemns the shoe that started toward the "Slater" goal to the o rdinary, sold. to whoever buy � � —rG-`g nameless, unwarranted army ( Cfuotoea1 n.. The "Slater Shoe" is mad.: in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes and styles. Every pair Goodyear 'Welt- ed, name and price stamped on th 1 soles $3.50 AND $0,00. III�I 1tA , lv AUERS=` 'i inti )r04 Downing Bros , - Sole Local Agents The Standard Bank of Canada. McLEOD'S System, nenovator TESTED REMEDIES Money Orders SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished For amounts of Fifty Dollen and under Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleepleesness, Palpita• issued by this Bank, payable at par at tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. any °bartered Beek in Canada, with the algia, Lose of Memory, Br000hitie, Oen- exception of Breeches in the Yukon Die. gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney Griot. and Urinary Disenaes, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jas. Fox. Druggl.t, Brussels. RATES Under $10 $10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 50 $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 J. X. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS Spring Prints P. K. & Ginghams hams All Spring G-oods at Old Prices at.... Agent for Parker's Dye Works. SKENE'S. When It Comes to Furniture„, We have something to sayof special interest ec p to everyone who has a home to provide for. Whether it is a .Parlor Suite, Couch, Bedroom Suite, Sideboard, .Extension Table, Bookers, Dining Chairs, T oJama Anything, Everything that is desirable. We handle the Doherty, Thomas and Dominion Organs and Pianos. Our prices cannot be beaten. Picture Framing asttendedtockof Moto carefully and large uldings to select from. You will make no mistake if you select your furniture at [ JN ®,WALKER'S. Ewan & Innes A WORD Sleighs and ABOUT Cutters. • • FOR THE COMING SEASON. Nearly 50 to are rhChooseo frobestm, all2Nthen GRow'E runners of hich very HIOwRORY —Not Elm or Oak as is generally used. We have more Cotters to show in our Sale Rooms than can be found in any other town in Ontario. Our prices are VERY LOW this season, notwith- standing the great advance in the price of all material need in the construe - tion of them. One look through our Sale Rooms will convince the most skeptical that we have the only shop fu this part of the country where you can get both Choice, Price andeVRlue. OUj.� HAR i�TESC/ 1e Selling Cheaper v .1.0 a. 1V 1J iJ than ove. Ewan, & Innes Carriage Builders, Brussels.