HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-1-11, Page 1Renew for `The Post,'
Vol. 28. No, 27
W. 1-1.KERI.2, Prole.
New Advertisements,
Loaal-G, E.
ba m -Jae
Her gen
Boa -G. A.
Locale -L O.
Local -Ewan
Payu Jae•
Gountp Oounoil-W.
Old eight--Mal,T,
Spring PrintsJ.
Spring Printe
•moetip meeting
. .Annual'5
Tine New Year-MoKlnnon&
Ohmage of buei00es-Mie.
cert •
& 00. Ballantyne.
s & pe.
•Miae Florence' Buohanan of Brussels
in town for a few days,
Mr. Acheson, of Roxboro' took the
fp Duff's ohurah last Bubbatb:
Moore read the official notice to
congregation relative to the pulpit
-' "---
i'a ir' •
Andrew Whaon, of $crow, le visiting
on the Sri On.
Andrew Noble, of Dakota, 10 v18ittng'
brother, Jae. Noble, 16th eon,
James Robinson and wife, 10th coq:,
vteitmg rolattvee near St. Mary's..
Morrie Paterson and Mre. Fitzjobn, of
are visiting Daman Taylor
Rev. D. B. McRae held a prayer
at Bethel on Wednesday even•
of this week.
Mn Currie, a student of McMaster
Toronto, bad charge of the
at Bethel Sunday evening.
Diphtheria has appeared among the
'lithe employ of Hatay Fogel, at
lumbering Damp on the 17th oon.
Mr•, Geo.. Hudson and children, of
have been spending a few days
her brother, Wm. Kelly, 14th eon.
It doesn't require practice to enable
elderly gentlemeoof the 8rd eon., to
an 8 foot ditch, to rid theweeivee
an infuriated animal: •
Goo Yxerec-Alex. Perris 12th con,,
881 boucle of peas from 9' ores and
yards of land. This aa good re-
and ie not often beaten,
The mono' meeting of Bethel Sabbath
wae to leave been held last Tees
evening, bat wae poeponed until
week on sonnet of the inclemency
the weather. •
Miss Mary Grerar, 9th 00n., is home
nn extended visit of several menthe
the home.oI Wm. MoNabb, 18th con.,
she waited onirs. McNeb in her
and subsequent dash,
D. L. Beechen is attending the Kin
High 8ohoot in the prosecution
hie advanoe studies: Ha is a good
and we wish him the 8000008 he
Two sleigh loade of young people
the comfortable home of Damian
tad can., on Thursday even.
last week and spent a most eD•
time. They Were royally enter
Donald Campbell, 16th con., purchased
barn from Thuell Bros., 6th line of
and is moving it to his farm
it will be rebuilt on an enlarged
with atone etabliog uuderoeatb.
Newsome,. Brunets, has the
At the mutual aohool meeting in Union
8: No. 12, Grey and Me$illop, Robb..
was elected trustee for the neat
enaceeding Alex. Baohanap, who
reelection. Wm: Dnnoaneon
6 cordo of dry wood at $1.40 and
McAllister 10 cicada of green at G1
Mies Lamont is the teacher:
building boom is not over yet at
Duet end of the 16th 00n., judging
the preparations that are going for.
for next year. Donnan McKay is
the material on the ground for a
barn also Wm. Manu, and Alex.
boundary,Intends uttiu upa
bciok housMrs. Lucas has tbe
on the ground for a stable and a
under the store sad dwelling
MEN or Weren't -George and Wm.
of Oarmunook, and Thos , of
have been visiting Jno. K.
their brother, 9th eon., and Wm
near Molesworth. The five of
4 brothers: and a mangle, had a
taken last •Baturdey afternoon in
None of them are very deli•
Mr. Brown from Minnesota
down the scales at 245 ; ',Jots"
be is familiarly called, weighs 210 ;
158 ; Wm., 176, and ex Councillor
is good for 232(:, or a grand total
} P ounds for the five.
eveniog.an interesting debate
held in Smith's school on Country
City life. The affirmative wae lead
H. Stewart, assisted by Alex. YRill
the negative by P. A. MoArthnr and
Hogg. The President was in the
and gave decision in favor of the
Next Tneaday 0ve0ieg the
•will be "The Warrior vs. the Stites.
B. R. Orerar, A. Lamont and D.
will eupport the soldier and 0.
E. D. McIntosh and R. Beechen
look atter the interests of the states-
Miss Jessie MoLauohlin gave an
selection last Tuesday
and Alex. Yuill Bang two songs.
Mr, Cerrathere and fami] otthe16tb
eon:, intend moving next week near Melee-'
Misses Viola and Flossie BnEwell, Of
Toroeto are visiting with the Calder and
' g
MoLaoblan families.
Jae. Johan, Ord eon., bas purnbased,
it is said a farm' neer and
will remove to :It next 8 tin
P g'
Tamae Butz was ro:elopted trustee of
8, 6; No 1:• T. Al000k suppltee 12
cords of wood at $t 50, per cord. . r
N. M. and Mrs. Richardson and deem
ter, Mies Ana, spent New Year's holi
days with friends et Hensel and Seaforth,
Mum Bertha' Ball 'intends going to
Britieb Columbia where her sister has
spent several years: Mks Bertha in-
tends leaving next week for the o mat.
We with her a safe and pleasant journey.
Onnrauorr -James Hamilton; of Tow
ser,,North Daknta,eeude no the following
relating to the late' Mrs. Leiooh, formerly
Kate McDougall, of thie loo,li'y :-Mrs.
Leach, at the tiros of her dealt, was jnat
in her prime, being bub 85 years of age.
She name to Dakota in 1891, nearly- nine
yeare ago, and after her coming taught
for event' berme In the public sohools of
thle State. As a teacher she was meet
oapable and efoient ; her work was
thorough and eminently euocessfnl, and
by her methode .arid uniform Inndoese
she won the love and •rse eo of -alt herY
pectis. On Thanksgiving Day of 1698
ebe was united in marriage to Frank W.
Leaoh, and the alx•years of her married.
life were all that weld be desired, years
. of the utmost harmony and happiness:
1'o her buebend and children ohs was
thoroughly devoted, yet not more so than
to her home, where all were made wet.
oome and where hospitality Was liberally
dispensed. She was the friend of all,
menially of the aged, and through all
the trials of life she retained a cheerful
and buoyant diepositioo that endeared'
her to the hearts of those who today are
mourning her untimely end. Her illness.
was of short duration. About 7 o'clock
on the morning of Deo. 24th her efokness
commenced whish terminated in her
death at 8.80 on the same day. The
Deese was the arrival of a still -born child,
The funeral services were held in the
Presbyterian ohurob, of Towner,•on the
following Tuesday, after which the re•
males were raid to rest in God's Acre,
there to await the morning of Renee.
tion. The deoeaead WWI a member of the
Presbyterian ohurah ; an earnest Oleic:
tiara and a faitbfat and diligent church
worker. She adorned the doctrine° of
her Lord and Saviour Jesus Obriet by a
pure life, a meek and lowly spirit. She
leaves a hnebond, Frank W. Leach, and
three children, Duncan, Willie and Alex-
ander. Besides these she leaves three
brothers and three sisters, Peter ilio•
Dongall:and Mre. Wm. Brewer, of Brus•
eels, Ont.; Alex. and Sarah McDougall
and Mrs. James Lymburoer, of Towner,
North Dakota ; and James McDougall, of
Langdon, North Dakota. To these a
host of friends in this community extend
Christian sympathy in their sad bereave. -
Townshi Council met last ¥onlay'
All the officials of 1890 were re•appoult-
' ed except Mr. Stewart demand.
R ,
At the Ethel Cheese i,tWtory lasering
Huh Ounnin hum wee re•elooted Sales,
g s
nun and Treasurer ; :loots Kreuter was
agate chosen Secretary ; and the old dir•
eetore, Jno, Br,wn Wm. Memnon and
J. K. Brown, had (Wile so well they were
again ro•apgmntad. Mr. Barr • will get'
OOo, per, hundred for manufacturing
oboe. Ethel factory 1s giving a good
a000pnt a itself,
Amara MEET/DM-HI the annual meat-
ing of the members of the -Ethel Public
Library held on Monday evening the
following .officers were elected :-Pres.,
F. F. Freeman ; Seo. and Librarian,
Mies R, Spence ; Treas., H. F. Ma.
Alitater; Managers, Wm: Spence, 0.
Bernath, Dr. Ferguson,' L. Dobson, G.
Imlay, J. Cofer and G. Dobson. It w
decided to leave the fee at 25 ata, per
family for the year. Just think of it,
dear reader, you have over 1,000 of the
beat books to choose from se often 00 you
wieh and all for auob a small sum. Will
you not assist to increase our member,
ship ? Joist now and have the pee of the
books for a whole year.
Mies MnrtbaBoeman s sutNew Year's
with her eieter, Mrs, R. G. Vincent, iu
Mrs, M, M. Cardiff arrived home last.
8a,esda from Toro to where elle wentg
y p
to visit her eon, Millard et the' General
Will. Boob wae elected trnetee in 8,
Si No, 8. Harry Bosman _gets $2 00 a
eord for the 2 foot wood supplied for the
school homee.
Lien's Ieepeotor. Miller . has, been
quite poorly 'during • the past week but
We hope he will soon be restored to his
old:time vigor, . -
Rev. Mr, Husking, of Fordwieh. •vill
preach at Jdhneton's; Ebenezer and B u8+
sale on Sunday next. Colleetiona of the
day for the Educational Fund.'
Alex. Oonnon and Hugh Hanare
here from Manitoba. The former went
West last Spring and the latter two
yeare age, Hugh may not go bank single.
Messrs. Hanna live at Midway. They
were former reeidente of the 6th of
To the l+ldttor of Tun POST:.
DEAR EDITOR, - in reply ,to Mr,
Foreyth'5 letter of last week allow me to
say that I have no knowledge of how
much mons was taken' in at the Enter-
tainment in S. 8. No. 4, nor how it was
expended. When Mr. Henry's dispel.
. tionm of the money was and gave 1t I wrote
him feta statement gave it to the
preen as I got it. I had no reason, nor
have I yet any reason, to. believe that the
statement Was not absolutelycorrect but
as that point may yetbave tbe establish.
ed in court I prefer to have nothing more
, to say on the.matter at present,
WEDDING BxLLi,-A pretty and inter.
eating wedding took place at the home of
James Coulter, Morrie, do Wednesday
evening, Dee, 27th, when hie third daugh•
ler, Mies Lizzie E., wae united in mar-
riage to W Fitzsimmons, of Weet Ete.
eoari. The. ceremony was performedbyby
Rev. 0. L. Mills, of Blytb, in the pres
enee of about 60 invited guests. Just as
the strains of the wedding march were
being played by Miss Annie Hamilton, of
Blyth, the bride, with her father, entered
the parlor and took her place under a
pretty aroh from the centre of which
hong a horse oboe anointed by a floral
wreath. She looked partionlarly lovely
in a dress of French muslin with pearls
and lane trimmings and Was attended by
her slater, Clara, who we eoetamed in
white organdie. The groom was sop-
ported by his brother, A. A. Fitzsimmons,
of Forest City Bueioesk College, London.
Immediately after the ceremony a happy
reoeption took plots. The doeament
being signedand this part of the pro.
gram was completed, the. company ad-
jonroed to the dining room, where a very
taety, repast was prepared for the
onoaeion. When ample justice wee done
Rev. 0. L. Millegave s toast *birth ' was
responded to by Dr. J. A. Tanner, of
Loudon, .and 0. Hamilton, of Blyth.
The resents were cost] suitable and
much admired. Guests were present.
from Loudon, Mondale, Wingham,
Blyth, Bruaeele, Walton and Leadbury.
The happy couple left on the afternoon
train the following day, amidst showers
of rice and
home ear Tborodaie.fatione, for their
ell CHIMES, 8.
Mre. Henry is on the afok list but we
hope she will soon he oonvalaepent.
M a Annie Smith who halt been at
Detroit, is visiting under' the parental
roof: She l a daughter hear tot Smirk,
Weare pleased to- that Alf re l
Noe, of Wingham, ie improving <a hale
from hie etrokeef paralysis and is new.
ablate speak a few words:
Fred. MoOreeken•and family. movoi
into their new brick residence tits week,
We wish them many happy and roeper.
one years in their new home.
Principal Cameron "wae 'nettle. t,i
teach last Friday owing to a 'throat
Y q
trouble. ' He resumed hie work on Bien.
day bowever being ooneiderablybetter.
A. MaFarlane, of New York, ie visiting
hie sister, Wee. (DO.) Snider. ID ie
several years since they met so the visit
will be more than ordinarily a pleasant
one. •
Dr. McNaughton has been on the sick
list this week owing to a shake up he re•
.oeived by attempting to get into his o« t-
ter when his horse was too anxious to get
Wm. Newsome and wife, Queen etreet,
arrived home last week from au extended
visit of several months with relatives at
Chicago. Mr. Newsome was not very
well's portion of the time but ie 001•
eiderably better now w0 are pleased to
& lune.
Valiant ne.
0, Morrison,
F ]etcher.
G. Skene.
A. 8traahan'•
.' 8
ev ej s1 q sermonie on rage 0.
The sync elietio eervioae re aril] •
a in
Pr;gl•ees In the Methodist
et ohpron
Preabyne meets •fn Wing,
Hain on Tuedny of next week, 16th inst.
Next Sabbath evening the to Ic o[
Maiyille Endeavor will be "in the far
The annual meati); of Melville churdh
'will be held en the eveningof Mona yr
.20ib lust,
Last Sabbath. morningRev. T, Home
oontipua the eusjoot "The needed Re
viva]' and in the eveningreached a
New Year discourse from the preached
let us go hence.'
The annual Sunday school entertain•
. meet will be held in the aohooi room of
8t, John's church Thursday evening of
nest week, There will be a sleigh ride
for the children before, the program Isom-
menses at 7 80 o'clock.
At the service Il the Methodist church
Tuesday evening "Nations and their
Rulers" was considered. Eev.1. Helenas
B, Gerry and W. a: Kerr spoke on the
eubieot.Y Wednesday evening after the
pastor's address Miss Broogave an
earnest exhortation.
Tuesday evening, in connection with
the Week of Prayer bogies in Melville
Y p Mu
.dress o, Elder io Strachan gave an ad
(tees on "Nations and their Rulers,"
Wednesday, Elder A. M. McKay spoke
on •'The ohurob Univerea'," and p on
Thursdayeveningthe subject ie "Homes
and Schols," Re. Mr. Rose to give the
addreee. Friday evening "Prayer for
Foreign Minima."
QuunnooLr Tx& -The second Quarterly
Tea, given in the school room of the
Methodistahoreh ee Deo. 28th, was. a
very enjoyable one. A splendid program
was givers a8 follows :-Opening hyena
and prayer by Rev, Mr. Peel ; B. Gerry,
chairman ; solo by Ira Gerry I recitation
Eva Snider; solo by Fred. Gilpin ;
reading, Mies Minnie MoNaagbton ; solo,
Mies Maggie Beattie ; address, Rev. Mr.
Holmes • violin and organ, H. L. Jolt
son and Mise Sample ; recitation, Mise
Nora Maunders ,• chores by six young
ladies ; address by Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of
Walton ; solo by Mrs. (lieu.) Tiffin ;
reoltation I solo, Tae. Thomson. After
the program a substantial tea wae served.
Those who staid away missed a treat,
Last Sabbath morning Rev: Jo. Roes,
B. A., preached in Melville church from
1 Peter 1-15 end 16, subject, "Personal
Bolineoe." It was 1. Divine requirement;
IIA possible attainment, (a) By true
views of the awful nature of indwelling
sin ; (b) An eager reception of Divine
truth ; (o) Daily de`vont and loving eon.
temptation of the porky and majesty of,
Christ; (b) 'true and entire dependence
upon Divine help. The evening suijeot
was "False IRefuges" or "Slaughter of
the King. of Laokleh," meaning security,
Josh. 10•42 dm. Among the fames refuges
were (1) Unaffeoted sincerity ; (2) lee-
roaohable life O Christian Profession ;
(4) Christian servioe; (5) The merciful•
nese of Ggd-; (11) Godliness. of friends ;
Christ is the only ample refuge.
a .
l t •
Jil].8 1,Ct Hy eLV .
'. meet serious
°erred. The
bakery, which
gather with
tinware, T.
groceries, Heffron
Bank of Hamilton.
once not known
be heavy.
non's Dry goods
both were
doubt brick
the frame buildings
' Detroit.
W. J. Duff
On Tusedey.
Joe Hudson,
Rev. D. Rogers'.
Ken. Messer
atter his holidays.
Mr. and
at Geo: MoDonatd'e.
epee Alice
atter the vacation.
Mise Lottie
visiting at
L. B. Duff
tend a Shorthand
Miss Laura
of her friends
Mies Clara
visiting her
Mies Mabel
visiting ber
Ray. W.
last Sabbath
Mise Dente
Mev D. me
F. 0. Neal
ald have returned
their otadiee.
M Mise Al a
Mies Sharia,
ing her aunt,
come residents
good quantity
The annual
tactor will
Jose b Bennett's
be better.
.1531...v tea.
morning about6 o
fire in.Bl'yth'e _ history
fire started m Mr.
wee totally consumed,
1: G. Mosier's hardware
W. Soott a boots,
Bros: botcher
at present. Loss
It was a close call for
eters end Bell's
saved by bard work.
blooite will take the
of oak th
shoes and
ebop and
of 1ne0r
place of
Leek to
of corn
. is
to at-
is visit.
have be-
at 1
ill with
a men
stone house.wall
of 1020
i XoKlilop.
The McKillop Finanoe Minieter has
$2,0ow to loan on mortgage at S°/v. •
TOWNSHIP Oootialt,-Couoail met In,
Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on Monday 8th.
All the 'members present and took the.
deolaratiou of office and oath of gealifl-
cation before Clerk. Minutes of former
meeting read and adopted. All the old
officials were re: appointed. Amount,
for Election olerk's and collector's ealar.
tea, clerk's fees in i Drainage By-laws
'township of Grey and clerk of Grey fees
in Drainage Bylaw amounting to $864.28
were paid. A Bylaw appointing officiate
with eateries wae passed and signed.
the editor of "SeatorthElan" was offer•
ed 040.00 fur Township printingexlepl
election Supplies. The Clerk was anth•
orized to advertise for 4000 feet of rook
elm and 2000 feet oak for covering bridges
and the building of Oman:eine for two
bridges ou North road of either stone or
aement. Council ,adjourned to meet in
Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on Monday 8th
day of Feb. at 2 &cloak p: M.
Jac C. Mooing, Clerk.
k1ATartroaiL.-About 50 gueete anent-
bled 'at the oemfortabte home of Frank
Morrison, 000. 10, on Wednesday of this
week to wituess the tying of the nuptial
bow between hie estimable daughter,
Miss Need, and Robert A. Jelly, hard•
ware merchant, of Shelburne, by Rev. A.
0. Tan, of Wnitoo, at 11.80 a. m. Mies
Kerr: of Clinton, performed the duty of
bride -maid, and the groom waa supported.
by Mr. Madill, of Shelburne. The bride
wore a very becoming costume Of Dream
corded silk, trimmed with lane end
pearls, and Carried a haideome-begot
of enteral flowers. Choice presents in
silver, linens, china, glassware, sta., were
ample proof of the high esteem in which
the bride is held. The wedding repast
was rich in quantity and quality. The
health of the bride was proposed by Rev.
A. 0. Tiffin and responded toby ex Mayor
Guinn, 0! Beeforth, for the bridal maple,
holiday tiv sit speeches.a
hefriends Afterat Toronto,
Midland and Owen Bond they will settle
in their home at Shelburne where they
begin married life with the beat wishes
of many relatives and friends. Tu'o POST
throws a pair of editorial slippers after
Mr. end Mrs. Jelly and hope that all the
sweetness of life may be their portion.
K 0. T. M. 00N0ERT:-]friday evening
of this week a Free Genoa will be given
in the Town Hall, Brussels. The pro.
gram will oonsist of vocal and intern -
mental Mee, literary selections and
addressee by Deppty Supreme Qom•
menders Trneeler and Townsend., The
Lady Macoabee Drill and Tableau will
be enj"ysble features. A welcome ex•
tended to all, but oh'ildren muet be ao.
oompanied by parents. Doors open at
7:30entertainment at 8.
Wnrs WANTED. -From a letter received
from Henry Soott, of Glichen; N: W. T.,
we glean the 'following ;-He is still mi -
joying (?) bachelors' hal"but,has develop -
ed into quite a housekeeper ah.. ugh bis
health has not been as good as usual.
Re says be bas a decent hones of
three rooms, kept clean by e: ebbing
ono a week and washing dishes after
every meal and cap bake bread that, is
bard to .beat. Splendid weather; warm
and dry, with little 50ow at time of
writing. Mr. Scott says he would come
Eaet.il the dootors did not thluk differ.
entlY, TEE POST hopes to hear of non -
tinned tm.provement in health.
Johaetoo, a young man who formerly .
lived, at Wingham, bet lately of Luok•
now, appropriated an. overcoat and a snit
of clothes belonging to a fellow boarder
at the McGarry hones,. Lnokuow; and
then went to Dungannon, where he got a
horse and otter from J, H. rMedd,with
the expressed intention of going to Blyth.
Instead of goingthere be went to Gode-
rioli and was rrested there by Thos.
Gundry, On Saturday morning he was
arraigned before Judge Masson on the
two obargee of the theft of the clothes
and the sEeslfua of the boxes, and cutter.
He leaded and was to a
year in the iCentral Priem
charge, the sentences to run ooneurreutly.
Johnston is a good-looking young fellow,
and has respectable family connections.
Meetings of the Gast Huron Farmers'
Institute, for the disonssion. of Agrionl-
tura' subjects, will beheld as follows •-
Gerrie, 'Tuesday, ;fan. 16 ; Broeeeele,
Wednesday, Jan. 17. Gerrie meeting.
Afternoon session at 1,30, Chairman's
addreee ; T. McMillan, Seaforth, under-
draining ; H. Glendenning, Manilla, hog
and export baoon trade ; A. Elliott, Galt,
why we should keep more sheep. Even.
ing session at 7.80. Chairman's address ;
H. Glendenning, Mentha, poultry for the'
export trade ; A. Elliott; Galt, the ohang-
ed oondition of Agricultural. Musical
program. Brussels meeting. Afternoon
session at '1.80. Chairman's address ;
T. McMillan, So forth Odra and a to
' PP
Dation of manure;H. Glendenaiog,
Manilla, weeds on thfarm; A. Elliott,
Galt, the baoon hog and bow to feed him.
Evening Session at 7,80. Chairman's
addreee ; H. Glendenning, Manilla, the
best graeeee for pasture ; A Elliott, Galt,
earth worms and their relation to the
farm. ?logical program, A11 are eon.
dially invited to attend these meetinge
and take part in the discussions that we
may learn from the experience of each
other. All have mnob to learn and all
have something they can teach. The.
Btraohan, President ; Geo. Rood, Sears.
131 -neva le.
McPherson hoe
received n curled
of Wingham,
has returned
Mre. MoGeoree spent
Duff has returned
code, of Trowbridge,
Jos. Leeoh e,
hae gone so Toronto
Snell entertained
New Year's evening•
Graham, of
sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Moliwain, of
aunt, Mrs Andrew
1. West exohanged
with Rev. Mr.
is visitteg
Forrest s ill.
was visiting
and Mine Maggie
to Toronto
Coope is visiting
of Grand Bend,
Bina Neal.
and Mee Dora
of Walton.
mill yard is
of saw loge.
meeting of Walton
be held next TOeeda
bet we lidpe they
A. Colter is on the eiok lief.none
Mrs. Jas. Spence le not improving in
Dilworth is visiting in
Moine this A.
Quite a number were entertained at M.
Henry's on Friday evening.
Geo. Bernath and wife, of Dakota, are
visiting at C. Bernath's bare.
S 8. Cole ie busy hauling toga from
the White property, 13th eon.
A large quantity of wood baa been de.
lived in the village during the past week.
Geo. Mitchell entertained a large no m•
For of his young Eroeode on Monday eve-
Mrs. D. 0 Rose and eon and Miss Liz•
zie Rose, of Brussels, visited at 8. Ames
on Tuesday.
8. Hunter, of Milverton, end Mies L.
Sharpe, of Morrie, are visiting at R. Dil.
worth's this week.
We congratulate II. L. Harrison,
y harness maker here, now of
Southampton, n the occasion of the ad•
vent of a eon.
Wm. Beatty'e deter an away from
bks G. T: R. depot but had only gone a
ebort dietnoe when it was eanght by D.
Badgley and no damage was done.
Mr. Walker, who has leased the farm
belonging to Jae. Laird, has arrived with
his family. Mr. Laird will not move to
the village till the last of the month.
W P. Fraser, our fashionable tailor,
has had a very buoy season and if you are
getting a suit you will do well to have
make it as he is capable of giving
you a good fit:
Herbert Fogel is home from Sebring.
vine for a vacation where he has been
employed in cheese and batter making.'
He has had three years experience and
will be ready for n. good position next
Spring. '
WEDDING BELLe.-Oita of the most en.
joyable weddings. held for some time wae'
that of Wro. Bremner and Miss Kate,
seooaa aaaghtor of Robert Parana, 4tb
oon., Grey, which took place on Wednes-
day eveningof last week. There Were
Rave J. guestspre ti t and at
am 0 o'clock
bow. The bride was attended by her
sister, Mise Belle, and 8, Campbell
steadied the groom. Both ladies wore
oream lustre, the brides trimmed with
Whtta eats), satin east, bridal veli,
wreath, &c,, and she looked °harming ie.
dead. Mies Belle Miller played the
wedding marob, Wedding gifts. bespoke
the popularity of the contracting parties.
The Wedding soccer wae a feast of good
and the wedding oaks Wae an extra
good one. Moja, games and social chat
an eve0ieg long to be remem.
bared, the guests repairing to .their
homes with the expression of
many good wishes for the future pros•
of Mr. Bremner and bride m
which True PonT.heartily jmoos. Guests
were present from Wingham, myth and
oounbry round. Mies Mabee line
solos wore' very headily re- the
Rumor sage that as retina this
Wedding gathering another wedding or the
was arranged 0E which particular',
will be given later, w
Peoj)le we Talk About.
George Rogers is on the sick list. ,
Mies O'Leary is visiting at Beatortb.
Roes Beattie ie in Durham with his
Mies Beryl Patland is home from
Mise Jennie Edwards is home from
Will. Stewart has bean bothered with
the ague,
Mee. T. McCrae moved to Seaforth on
Tuesday of this week..
We had a.pleasant gall from R. B. Mc•
Lean, of Kippen, on Thursday.
Mies Dunbar, milliner, retnroed to ber
home ie Guelph last Wednesday.
W. and Mee, Ronde were visiting the
Brandon family, near Belgrave. Mile
Wm. Heiste and family have removed
to Kincardine whore Mr. $sista is em.
W. W. Harris is visiting at Rothsay
where Mrs. Harris and children are heti-
Jac Beattie, of Durham,. and Roland
Beattie, of Wingham, spent Sunday with
relatives in town.
Mrs, 0. H. Bartliff hoe been under the
dootor's care, but we .hope she will soon
be' convalaeoent.
D. M. Seca, insarsnce.agent, is away
at Stratford and Perth Co., representing
the Great Northern,
Mrs. Moliague, of Teaewator, is visit.
ing at her father's, Thos. Friendship,
John street, Brussels.
Gare. Basher and Lorne Pringle lett on
Monday for Stratford Business College.
We wish the boys einemThe
W. A. Crich got a tumble on the icy
sidewalk the other day and gave his
right hand a bad bruise,
John Tamin, wife and children, of
Godericb, were visiting at John Carter's,
Mill street, daring the holidays,
•Fred. Gilpin retrned to the Dental
College at Toronto ou Saturday alter
spending the holidays in Brussels.
W. B. Watt and Mise Mabel, of Salem,
were guests at Melville manse recently.
Mr. Watt is a brother to Mrs. Ross.
Chardon Mooney and wife, and Alias.
Glare 0rawford, of Brussels; were visit•
ting Joeepk Smith, 6th line of Diode:
Foreman MoKay, of Beaforth, was in
town aesisbfng Foreman Mooney drawing
the tubing at the Enterprise Salt well.
Mies Ethel Creighton, milliner, is
home from Greed Valley :for her boli•
days, Sk0 wag naoompamed by Mies
Bteveneoh, of Arthur.
Mies Tburea Garry and Blies Lizzie
Leetterdale•aeaistedthe. Wingbam Ludy
Macoabee Degree team in their drill ex.
0000009 in that town recently,
Welter J. Wake, a, former Bruseelfte,
now of Chatham, is no longer a bachelor.•
Life' bride' is a resident of Chatham.
THE PORT extends congratulations.
Thos. Bloomfield leaves on Friday to
Coke charge of the ehipmenb of horses be.
iongg111g tb Geo. Turnbull, of 'Seaforth,
for Ltvsr col Be expecte to bo awayber
or six weeps, 'Toni has =teed th
htinO nunriO 1110 Eimno,
The annual meeting of the Grey
Brnob Agricultural Society was held in
the Oonnoil Chamber on Wednesday
afternoon, 10th ince„ President Jas,
Spate in the obair.
Minutes of last annual meeting read and
ceased o0 motion of F. 8. Sett and W.
H. McCracken.
Treaeurer Stewart presented the audi•
tore' statement, showing a balanus of
$630.01. It was certified to by F. 8.
Soott and A. Streobal'. This was
Election of oBoers resulted as follows ;
President -Jae. 8 err ;
p ,
Vice President -J. D. Warwick, V. S•'
ts-Jno. Brown, Raba. Global,
• Juo• MoKinnon, P. Scott, Wm. Mo•
Gavin, W. H. MaOraokeo, D. Milne,
Geo. Robb and Jas. Evans,
Auditors -F. S. Scott and A, 'Meehan.
A meeting of the Directors will be held
in the Couuoil Chamber at 1 p. m, on
Wednesday, 17th Inst. Be prompt: .
Old age is a matter of years. •
Old sight is a question of glasses.
If you find difficult in reading
y y g'
while for distance your sight 18
good, you require old sight
Old sight shows itself at about
A competent Optician should be
Consulted. ,
We examine eyes free and guar-
antes satisfaction.
5I ort -1'e•
Bad colds area common aomplain6.
Implement agents aro on the war. path
Joe Sellars was vieitiog friends at
Mss Annie Canlelon is visiting in
Lambton Count y.
Inc MoOal, near Ripley, was home
for a short visit.
' F. Centel/1n and Mies Lottie were visit-
ing at the Nile for one week,
Provisions are being gathered for the
Misses Fleming, of Sunshine.
Andrew Eakmier, of Stratford, is visit-
ing his brother, Lon., of the 2nd.
A •big fire wae seen West •of bare early
on Tuesday morning of this week.
Tuesday evening of this week was a
wet one again spoiling the roade.
Mies Minnie, daughter of Samuel
Walker le visiting relative's at Tupper.
;ills, Ont
Henry Clark, who resides in Manitoba,
is visiting his brother, Wm. Clark, town•
ship °leek.
R. H. Carnegie proposes buying or
leasing a farm in the near future.
What does that mean Robert ?
A grand party was bald at the home of
Arlan Spit 40b Zine, a few evenings eke.
A pleasant time WAS spent by all'.
Adam Wettlanfer, of Blyth, has sold
the neoeeeary briok for a new brink
reeidenoe for. Joseph Graeby, Gth lige.
Harry Sellers, 8rd. eon., is alightly in
disported being near the doctor's are.
We hope soon to see him fully reoovered.
Geo. Cardiff WOG in Toronto. for a few
y ports his brother,
Billiard, improvingC a little being able
to Bit up for himealnow.P
A. B. Coohrene is away to Toronto do•
ing duty ea auditor of the Canadian •
Savings and Loan and Building Aseooia•
tion, This is Mr. Cooltrane's third year
at this Jab, certainly a good rosommend.
At 8. B. No. 9' Wm. Skelton wae sleet-
ed trustee, seconding Peter Jeokeon
who declined reelection. The wood
supply went to W. Shelton at 51.50 per
cord and Alfred Batton supplies the 0e•
dor at $1.00 per cord.
Jno: Roth, of Portage•la•Prairle, lldao„
le visiting hie deter, Dire. V. Sellers, 8rd
line, It is Oaten 'years dee Mr. Hill
left Morris with his brothers to seek hie
fortune i0 the West and as a matter of
foot lie sera many changes' 10 Morrie,
On Friday evening iasta sleigh load of 'Railway,
young people from the Ween end of 2nd
epeeb a Very enjoyable ening at
home of T. Farrand. Soma exoelletlt,
musk was rendered by the visitors and
evening soon paeeed, the young
people returning to their homes in the
wee ma' 'aura of the morn.
Btassels cheese Factory.,
The annual meeting of the Brussels
Cheese FeotorY was held i0 the Connell
Chamber, Brunie, 00 Monday, Jan, 8th.
Jae, Turnbull wae appointed to the
chair and A, ]3. Ooohrane secretary.
The auditors' report was presented and
adopted on motion of Jas. Straobao and
Jac* Sharp•
Moved by John Strsoban, seconded by
Jae. Btreclean, that the old committee be
re•appmnted, viz., Jas, Turnbull, John
Cardiff and Jas. Fergueon.-Oarried,
Moved by Tae. 8traebapi semens( by
N. Flats. that A. 51 Ooohraoa he re•
appointed auditor. -Carried.
for1900forHtris offeredotote io tont tos
for. every 5 tons over to drop. 50. per
hundred 1 also to pay the ineuranoe on
$1000 the Yat of Jetta and $1000 extra
the let of September, .
Mr. Hartle offer was accepted on
molien of Joe. Sharp and Jobn•Mason.
W W. Horns was appointed salesman
on motion of John Cardiff and. John
Other items oP interest oonoerninq the
factory may be read elsewhere In -this
Canadian a31it nt Ne w a.
new glees factory at Kingsville
started operations 0siog natural gas.
The new glass factory at Kingsville
stetted operations using natural gas.
The medals for the veterans of 1866.70
are now being prepared for distribution
at Ottawa,
The Spring meeting of the Ontario
jokey Olnb will begin on May 24th and
will last nine days.
Three children of Thomas Brown, of
Baysville, were drowned while skating on
the Lake of Bays.
William Newsome, of Wyeville, n
octagenarian, is in jail for attempting to
cut hie wife's throat.
William Campbell, of Chatham, County
00art Olerkf was kilted by telling from a
C. P. R. tram at Milton.
A0•Woodetook a laborer named; Cooper
was injured by the caving in of a sewer
fn which he was working, and diad from
his 1831rie0:
Toronto, London and Hamilton coot.
aliets have organized a oompany with
5200,000 capital to erect a oorn starch
tactory'at either Kingston or Prescott.
Tho.Ottawa Improvements Commie.
cion has deoided'to spend 085,000 of the
Government's grant on a new iron
bridge across the Rideau River at the
foot' o5 King street.
General Manager 516318 of the Grand
Trunk, visited Qeoboo and heard a nems
of requests for butter railwayseem,
odations for tbe•oityy He was entertain,
n,o nt 1n"nheni. h., el,,, tinowi n! MreAn.
Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits,
rockery, Glassware, &c„ from my son I intend to carry
ra the business in a way that cannot fail to be both leas-
arable and profitable to the public.
t. Biosc
J Stock
Fresh and ix •to•date,
of TE. .S.
The Choicest Fru its
and. Con'rectionery.•
We take no second lace,
, things
Continued as usual and
Satlsfaetton assured, finestin
`^s---- •
Solomon Rodei, of Bright, was killed
by a stump falling on himi '
Heavy snowfalls and elides have blots.
adsd the line of the White Pass.& Yukon
and traffio to the KKlondikeatid
northern diaries i0 Suspended labile,
Mise Olive Boole, Of Louth TOwasliip,,
went out of the hose In apparent good
health. •She dropped ineoneible in the
yes], and died in0half an hour aftsr five
haled, narrfad loin the finnan.
The patronage of the public solicited and
p • P
part to merit a continuance of your trade,
ill R S. R A L LAN 1 N
We Will do