HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-31, Page 8We desire bo "thank Our
Petrone for true 4110 Inge
tlhriebmae Madge gale siker°
has ever had,
0 A great may people know. our place of business se a good
- • ' Drug Store and buy everything they need right here. To
is a reminder that we appreciate their patronage very
'much. There are, however, a number of other people who
do not know us at all. To them we, extend a
to give ilea call. Come in and see what a fine stock we
carryand what a first-classplace we have. We can read-
ily convince you that we deserve a share of your trade,
and we take this opportunity of asking for it,
rata], Etivs gems.. •
A chiefs among ye takir' notes,
Am' faith he'll prent ie.
lefeneregyeelioree Fair Thursday of next
Rzzvz'WILxoN will occupy bbe chair
at the head of the Connell for 1904,
Sensual) School report and looai and
Dietriot news on pages 4 and 5 of this
weeks ieene.
8eenir shipping has been considerably
iirterfored with by the irregular running
of freight trains.
Jona Written sold :a fine Dominion
piano to Station Agent Milbaneen, of
resettle, last. weekSneeze) today than yesterday -The
ronteNerve-daily by mail 61.00 agr. Wtete for (Mobbing offers,'
Eusauna Oheeee Factory will hold its
annual meeting on Saturday afternoon of
this week at 2 30 o'olook in the Council
Do not forget the Herold, Jarvis Con-
cert on Friday, Jan. 8th. Tickets for
admfoeion are within the reaoh of all 26a.
Reserved 350.
MRs, Lures DUDLEY had a pair of geese
.oien Tuesday evening and if the party
dose not bring them back it will be made
iotereeting for them as they are known.
Ie. ie very seldom that the pabNc in and
about Brueeele are given an opportnnity
of hearing such a renownedsinger as
Harold Jarvis. We tenet all will take
advantage of the opportunity and hear
hi re.
WHAT ie the date of the general elect
tion 2 Few know ; but all the readers of
The Toronto. News will get fell and fair
eporte of the campaign. The News daily
y mail $1.00 of year. Write for clubbing
Tits junior hookeyiste ofRrnesele have
a rink cleared off on.tbemill dam and
celery rare sport.
THANKING our many Friends for their
liberal patronage. Wishing you. all the
Oompliments of the season.
Goo. Tnesteos, Braude.
IT ie said that D. Ewan & 0o. have
ordered a eieem engine and will run e
planer and oatmeal other machined in
oonneotionwith his oarrioge shop.
Tan programoie for the Jarvie-Fax
Concert has-been reoeived which we most
say ie excellent.' Mr. Jarvie' second, num-
bee ie the celebrated Bong by Dibden,
"The Bay of Bigamy". January 8th.
LAST week E. 0. Danford, of Brussels,
purchased a Heintzmen Oabinet Grand
piano from Be Leatherdale & Son:
Peter McArthur, of Grey, wee . the
purchaser of a Palmer piano from the
eame firm.
Mortione papers report yesterday's
markets -The Toronto News to -day's
quotations. Which is worth more to
you 7 One dollar brings The News daily,
be mail for one year. Write for Webbing
Waal;your morning paper is costing
you $3 00 or $4.00 a year, you are paying
pr etty heavy for the privilege of reading
yesterday's newe. Yon can get the news
down to the last minute in The - Toronto
Newt. "$100 will bring you The News
daily by meal for one year. Write for
olabbing offers.
P. Aram shipped a epan of herself, a
gnaetity of oats and other neoeesariee to
s lumber damp life to Northern Ontario
where be has a timber limit and eaw
mill. Walter Biehop accompaniedthe
oar. Mr. Ament bad the misfortune to
have a team drownedin a little lake op.
there recently. One team broke through.
the ice and a second span was brought to
their regime when one horse of each team,
was loot, strange to say.
On Deo. 4 last Harold Jarvie sang in
St. John, New Brunswick, the following
ie taken from the !'Boo,, of the 4th' inst. :
Before Harold Jarvie had finished bis
first number at the first Jarvie-Emily
oonoert given in the Opera House last
evening be had won his audience to a
mac. The remark that wae on every
one's lips was, "The greatest 'singer St. School Trustees, nominated were D..U,
John has heard for many ayear. - From Rees,NR. Leatherdale, Jar. Tomball and
hie first number to the last his eeleotione M. H, Moore. The latter retired allow
were listened to with breathless atten ing the re•eleotion of the old members. -
tion, and encore after encore was demand- A short 'program of epeeohafying wee
ed. Harold Jarvie hae a stage presence gone into with Mr. Sinclair in the chair.
that commands-illat'anteattenl9Qnn. Over 6 out of 11 candidates were absent when
cies-feet-high, and with ehouldere"tfiaT trifled' upon, .the epeakere being Menses.:
might be envied by a $eronlee, with erect Wilton, Plum,Beaker, Oober, and Damee
bearing and handsome countenance, be for the Connell and D. 0. Roes and M. H.
looked the very ideal that the goddess of - Moore for the BOhool Board. - Mr. Roes
preeented a good showing for the School
Mating that the change from 4 to 6 rooms
was made without extra' rate. $600 were
paid in feesandwithadditional grants
supplied the funds necessary. All the
Entrance class passed and 24 candidates
in higher room, with te most emoiont
staff of teaobere and careful management
good progress should continue,
W. H. Kerr, Co Oonnoillor, referredto
some County Ocanoil mattere ouch as
bridge building, addition to Ronee of
Refuge, Co. Council Aot, &e., and pro.
posed that a Business Mene' Aseooiation
be formed in Brussels to advance local
interests and moved, seconded by Reeve
-Wilton,tbat a committee consisting of J.
Leokie, B. Gerry, Geo. Thomson, T.
Farrow, A. 0. Dames, end F. H. Gray
be appointed to draft Bylaws to be pre-
sented to a public meeting to be called
later. Motion curried W. H. lierr's name
being added to committee,
Meeting wars brought to a Diose after
the polling places were stated for Monday.
Robt. Rose, engineer on the "Walloon-
a ,` t'earner running from Duluth to
Iontreal, ie home on a visit. The vessel
interiog at Owen Bound. Mr. Roes
had the forefinger of hie left band in-
jured or short time ago and had tohavea
lace c4 tbo bone removed since doming
m He le a eon of William Rose,
n"Deoember 911 Mre. Samuel
n, of Bt. Mary's, passed away to
rd, aged 60 ,yeare, She' had
dent of that town for the past
Her illness wee of six weeks'
Orir:,o,,monia beiom to oonae
. OffiresOMbied on Nov. 14th.
dren George, of Milwaukee, and
o St, Mary's, survive. '.Deceased.
*rester to Mre. Jno. Forbes, of Brae -
ASSETS -OVER w�exlIm�rnia 1.407M
-Thle Bank advaaoes mousy on Farmers' Bale Notes, in largo or
email amounts and for long or short terms, to salt lbs ouetonter.
you may
i or
atone ems
t Of Notes t lam n
draw the ul au
Y maya
th t
end for
t he
u you with a Y
draw smaller amounts W
traits your aonveelenoe. Intermit ie charged only for the nem•
ber of deter you take the money. Notes left for oolleotion
reoeive our beet attention.
-Notes myrbe left for sarisXxxi so only for wbioh no obarge le made
SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received
and Highest BenleI:ntereet allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balance.
1SrEvery oonveelenee afforded oustomere living at a distance,
Business Locals.
ORexene, '15, 25, 80, 40, 50, 60o. per
doz. at W. A. Grammes.
RAw Faze-Bigbeet pride paid for raw
fore. A. COunLHY, Brussels.
HeNeeonz walnut eideboard for sale at
great rednotion, . Apply to Mne.' W. M.
Snial Arn, Brussels.
Henna A. Matobelt oommenoee a epee•
lel olearing tale in Ready Made. Clothing;
Shoea and Underwear today.
A new firet.olaae second band emitters
stall in stook. Also a number of new
ones letb.' Call early. D. EwAN.
STILL THEE Go. -Four • cotters moved
out this .week np to Thursday and only a
few left, N. S. MoLanohlin, Brussels.
Go to Harty A. Matabett'e for Wreathe
in Shoes and Clothing, be ie olearing out
a epeolal purchase at low p01086.
always afforded him a great pleasure to
rend of the doinge of the Connell. He
advised the electors to keep their good
men et home and not allow them to visit
theW they if the did not wish to lose
them, He then called upon Mr. Iebieter
to give an account of his atewardebip
during the past year. • He reviewed at
some length the roads forming our
Boundary in particular the road creasing
the "prairie' on the.. West boundary
leading into Wingham to wbioh he
thought same hepatring.ehoald be done,
He aloo outlined what re known ao the
Lamont drain. In closing be thanked.
the electors for their 'rapport in the peat
it they eaw fit to return him for the
Reeveehip he would do air be had done in
the past -bis very beat. Mr. Shaw was
the next epeaker, he referred to the
internal workings of the township and in
Wetting said he thought a movement
higher was, ars a .rale, a good move and
believed in changes. Thought there was
as good men and better oat of the Donnell
as in it bet hardly felt himself big.
enough for the Reeveebip and would
contented be with the old position as
Ooaooillor. Mr. Code, Mr. Taylor and
Mr. Jackson on turn took the platform
and referred to their doings in the.
Connell and if re•eleoted wonld do their
beet for Morrie. liar. Cardiff withdrew
his nomination thus leaving the old
°outran anioterrnpted to manage the
Municipal ship for the e000ing year. A
vote of thanks wee given to their old time
veteran ex -Reeve who eo ably filled -the
poeition of - ohairman and the meeting
was brought to a conclusion.
Despite stormy weather and bad roads
there wars quite a good representation at
the township nomination on Monday.
The oabdidatee nominated were :
For Reeve-
Robt, Livingstone,' by Jno. Dunbar and
Thou. McDonald. '
For Oonaoillore-
The nomination meeting for Brateele
was held in the Town Hall on Monday
evening, Barrister Stoolair officiating ars
Returning Officer in the absence of. Clerk
F. S. Scott, whose eye ie still troubling
him. Nominations were made as fol-
lows :-
For Reeve -
B. Wilton, by W. H. Kerr and A. Beaker.
N. F. Gerry, by A. McGuire and EI. Be
Mr. Gerry has since retired allowing
Mr. Wilton the seat by acclamation -
For Councillors -
B. T. Plum, by W. H. Mo0raoken and
Geo. Muldoon.
Wm. Ainley, by W. 0. Smith and H. L.
E. Ewan, by W. 0. Smith and H. Dation.
Alf. Seeker, by M: H. Moore, and J. Long.
R. Thomson, by H. James and R. Down -
R. Henderson, by P. Scott and H. L.
Jno. Caber, by P, Soottand W. H. Kerr.
Watson Ainlay, by A. McKay and W.
O. Smith
A.. C. Dames, by D. 0. ,Rose and H.
Meagre. Cober, Watson Ainlay and
Dames have einoe resigned but es six
aaudidates:for four ofaoes still were in.
the field an election will be necessary.
music might have Mermen for her ohm
and Mre. Jae. Cardiff, of Grey, and pion. Mr. Jarvie bee a voice of very rich.
oat highly esteemed by the Dom- quality, a tenor reheatowithout any an•
ty, certainity, just as fall round and ensile.
ea FRxoNna Nomination and flout in the lower and middle registers, a0
f5oere in the Ohosen Friends,` it is in the Wier, Hie vocalization and
merle, for 1004, took plana on enunciation are welt nigh perfect. In
aod resulted as follows :-P. mezzo Yoko passages it was ars smooth as
ark ; C. C„ Dr. Toole ; V. velvet, while in fortissimo hie voles than-.
, a ,g. tliott ; Rec. and Treat., H,-dered, out in vibrancy end parity that
R. Brewer ; Prelate, S. T. Plum; ,Mar- stirred the very soma of hie• listeners.
':ehal, Samael Haggard ; Warden, Mrs. B. His first number waa the recitative and
Dark ; Gre rd, Andrew Coseley; Sentry, arin, Lend hie Your Aid (opera Queen of
John E. Miller. The Chosen Friends' Sheba), Tbe. recitative of this number
meet the leer Monday in esab month in being done exceedingly well, every word
the Bl bill Hall. 'There are about 60 being spoken moat clearly and the spirit
enembrn of the words well.oxpreeled, For an en-
core he Bang the Stein Dong in a hearty
JIu Fax rdly Heade an :a drat etaeeon Eashiou. The Scotch eeleotion, Standard
in these per,te as he'has a first clava on the Braes o' Mar, was rendered with
record qct Tee ger and heatoriet. .good effect and with good pr000noaiation
Many, mmn�v times has Jimmie Fax of the words, sighing too often abased
played on the happy er e of a t t in Scotia for their
p by those no o g
Guelph andieuoe, bat never before with home. The encore, Bid Me to Live, by
eooh unqualified a0ooeee as rewarded his Hattonwas a gem. The pathetio Irish
efforts That'aday evening: Guelph Hex- ,ballad, Rory Deelin ; was the next nem•
std.. James ,Fax -the inamitabie-Fax- _ her and to this be had to respond with
ho in hie varioae and varied ohnrantere 0 Dry Those Tears, by Del Riego, a most
always brodgbt down . the hoses, se a eympatbetia ballad. Perhaps no num-
comic amgee hae few equate. He pleases
bee raised the audience to a perfect storm
everybody,-¢tratford Beetoon. of app+abee like Mr. Jarvis' rendition of
On ;Wednesday, Deo. The. Death of Nelson, One felt the spirit
n, a marriage wee of patriotism bot in his breast as be
balm', the reeidenoe poured forth in tbundorone tones Nee
,wi]0lleeilieEtleanor,, gores leer message. Afton Water wee
lateRev. J. L. Kerr, given ars 011enoore,and was sung admit -
g W, A. Matthew', ably. Hie last eeleotion, Boye Will Be
of Oanningbou• The Boys, from the opera of Ma Piokwiek,
toted by Bev. W. E. brought out an e0oore, a eaored eeleotion,
brother of the bride,' Face to Face, which wae given by epeoial
eeley Oosene,paetor request. It received the religions raver.
✓ ob, the contract. en0e from Er. Jarvie that it treaded, and
ng their place to the acted as benediotion to a magnifloient
adding march "Loben• programme.
\\Mre. 0. E. Turnbull..
ywtlattended by her two - CHORDS 4.IIII tES-
n Cavanagh, of
e e C h v g,
ire Eva Gilpin, of Mies Lawrence, of Viotoria University,
grIvan away be her Toronto, gave an address at the Epworth
., of THU POST. League last Sabbath evening.
or pgh, of Owen Last Sabbath morning, despite the
. 9 ...Ae page in old etoreny day, 22 members were received
see her travelling into. the Methodist oharob; en profession
ith wbiee Bilk of Penh and 5 by letter. A reoopbion
oongrabula- service will be held next Sabbath for
to dinner thole not present last Sunday.
ere and good A Watch -night service will be held in
eppineee and the Methodist oburab Theredfer night of
atthewe took tike week oommenoing at 10 o'clock,
home in the Rev, R. Paul, Rev J E. Hunter and the
resents Were pastor will give addressees and the New
to nature and Year will be weloomed in,
at r0epeot and In Melville aburah Net Sabbath morn.
bride ie held, .ing Rev, Poo - Roes' topic was eA visit to
fes was' handsome up-. iiethiebcm to gee the Cbristinae Alice"
m the :Metltodiet°batoe, Lake 2-16, The evening theme wall
all heave Woe a valued "The three stare mad the child," Nuts.
in the Sunday 24-17 • Matt. 2--2; and Rev. 22-18. The
pworte League
1I001000 TOWNSHIP.
METROPOLITAN CAPITAL. -Paid up 7$1,000,000
RESERVE FUND , 7$1,000,000
Llreatora H. J. M00R3),
6Ey. R, H. R'A1{!1>}N, D. A„ Vipo Preotdent,
0• LIAeaRY, W000, nitAneHAw, 0, ID, ahto0X0ON, R, P•
OR •
- EN AE MAN til
ROSS- G mit �
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' No Discounted. ..
54 WV ° A dart DEP-aaaerma
Iuterest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Dame of $1 and apwarde'
G. k'. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Adam Turnbull, by Jno. B. Smith and
Jeaee Wilbee.
Wm. Fraser, by Those McDonald and
Jae. Dunbar.
Jno. Grant, by A. G. liiehop and Jae.
Wm. Work,. by Jae Lindeay and D. W.
Lorenzo Frain, by A. G. Bishop and J.
K. Baker.
delegates did not reach Brnesele until
the Convention Wee Over Owing - t0 the
avow blookade and late trains but the Dr.
gave a brilliant address at the evening
meeting as did A, Hislop, M. P. P., and.
Mr, Campbell. Meeting oloead with the
National Ahem. East Heron will give,
a good account of herself • when election
day comes. Further referenda will be
made to the Convention in next issue.
President Duff 000upied the obuir in the
BE1.00t1-P0Aneom-At: the reeidenoe of,
the ,bride'eparente, on Deo. 23rd, by
Rev. 0. P. Wena, B, D , Mr. A. W.
Beacom, of Hallett, to - Miro Mary
E., daughter of Mr. and Mre, Robert
Pearson, of Grey township.
Donn-DAIIS -In Barrie, on Deo. 23 d,
by Rev. E. B. Chestnut, Mr. Samuel
Dodd, of Barrie, to Mies Ella, eldest
daughter of Mr. and. Mre, James
Davis, of Morrie.
JAox-Pops.-At Mt. Forest, on Wednes-
day, Deo. 23rd, by Rev. W. G. Han-
na, Mr. Geo. Jack, of Wroxeter, to
Miee Jennie Pope, of Hawick.
LtTT-JAMIae.-In Corrie, on Tbureday,
Deo. 24th, by Rev. E. A. Hall, Mr.
W. H. Litt, to Mise Flora James, all
of Carrie.
MATTHEWo-Bc0U; Ab "Rosbholm," the
rreideuoe of the bride's mother,
Brussels, on Wednesday, Deo. 50th,.
by Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Blenbeim,
brother of the bride, aasieted by Rev.
T. W. Dolene, Mr. W. A. Matthews,
bardwsre merobant, of Oannington,
to Mise Emilie Elleanor, daughter
of the late Rev. J. L. Kerr.
MoMeenezr-HAnnIe.-In Tarnberry, on
Wednesday, Deo 28, by Rev. L. Per-
rin, B. A., Mr. Arobibald MoM iobael,
of Wroxeter, to Miea Mary E., eldest
daughter of Mr. Wm. Harris,
PRAcocx-MOONEY. - At Spring Brook
Farm, Weyburn, le. W. T„ on Deo.
15, by Rev. G. H. Peacock, Mr. 0. H.
Pea000k to Mise Jennie, eldeet,
daughter of Mr. and Mre. Henry
Mooney, formerly of Morrie, Out., all
of Weyburn, N. W. T. ,
Sawren-Boz0rm.-Ia Grey, on Dee. 31,
by Rey. el. .W.Omens, . Mr. W. H.
Satter, of Brneeele, to Mise Kate,
daughter of Mr. and Mre. Charles
Rozeli, of Grey.
The Reeve was deo1sir
ed elected by
aoolamation. A platform meeting was
then instituted with Twp. Clark Mo.
Intoeh in the obair and a fall review of
townebip work wee given by the oandi
dates in the order named. Wm, Work
deotived re election owing to not having
the time and retired in favor of L
Frain. Tbie let the Councillors into
nffioe by the easy method by acclamation
Mao and allappearedto bo well satisfied
at the olmplimentary treatment at the
hands of the electors. W. H. Kerr epoke
fora short time ars to the good work dont
by the Council and oleo referred to County
Counoil matters of the past year.
Owing to the bad atate of the roads a
mach smaller gathering of the electors
than usual aseembled mt the Townobip
Hall on • Monday to reinstate the old
Connell 0r to make the 000eaeary prtpora
Mona . for the election of others more.
worthy of their confidence. A most
pleasing feature of the occasion wee the
reappearing of a once familiar and =oh
respected Reeve in the pertoo of Henry
Mooney, of Weyburn, N. W. T., who at
present le paying a. visit to hie many
Wendt! and aoquelntanoee in thislooe'ity.
At the elope of the nomination hoar .the
Clerk read the names of those nominated
es foliowe
For Reeve- Nominated by -
Charles Iebaeter Charles MoOrae
James Resosell
Arthur Shaw
Mark Cardiff
W Hs Armstr o
For Ooonoillore
Thomae .,>d_ Jae. Sharp
{W. EC Armstrong
f Jee. Rowell
jCharlee Mo0rae
(R Proctor
• T. S. Brandon
W, B, Wilkinson
John Watson
T.13, Brandon
Arthur Shaw
George Taylor.
George Jackson
Murk Cardiff John Mooney
At the ologe of the annotmoemente
Haney Mooney wag unanimously voted to
the obeli,. He thanked the eleotore for
the honaroonferred, was very pleased to
meet hie old time eleotore again. Re.
famed to the nptioeeble change It the
township and was glad to note the
proeperity of the sante and bopoti ibis
ssrnal of Jia.,,, .e an "Life" will be would long onntinue, Tlibnglt removed
A well attended and entbueiaetio Lib -
oral Cosventiou wee.' held in Seamier
Town Hall, Wednesday afternoon for the
East Ridiog of Huron. Deepite the very
heavy roads, on account of .the now
storms. there were abort 100 certified
delegate0 present, every municipality
being represented in addition to soothe of
other Liberals M. Murdie, vice Preoi•
dent, 000npied-the obam in the absence of
Preaident Daff, who was delayed by late
train. The et ,mmitbos on or edentiale wag
Barrister Sino•air, W. M. Robinson and
and W, Wilson. Reeolotion Committee,
R. Miller, Thos. Streoban and J. Leckie.
Short•epeeohee were made by Mibobell,
W. H. MoOrtOalten, and W. H. Kerr after
whiob Arob. Campbell, the able and well
known M. P., of West York, gave it floe
adheres on the good work done by the
Liberal. Geveenment in the past 7 yeare.
Hon. Dr.. MacDonald, the clever repre
eentative of the rifling, and Deputy
Speaker of the Comm -ma, wee theUn-
animoue aboioe of the Convention a8
standard bearer for East Huron and.
hie election is metered. Tbe follow•
ing reeolobion was adopted. Moved
by J. Leckie, veaonded by James
Edgar and resolved that we the Liberals
of East Heron,' in convention now as-
sembled, desire to record our admiration,
esteem and effeetfon for our honored
leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and oar en
bounded oonfidenoe in the policy of which
-he is the brilliant representative and
elle et Bn
treats sed one feeling g
with the way in which thepeople of
Canada have at every Liberal - gathering
shown their obprociation of• hie noble
character, his simple minded patriotism
and devotion to thebeat interests of this
Dominion, And be it forthe. r resolved
that we are 'inspired with feelings of
pride and gratieuation that the Banner
Preview) of this, Confederation elands
foremost in the world an being free from
debt tinder ibe honorable tied able ad•
ministration of onr late lamented and
reteemed leaders Sir Olivet Mowat and
Hoa. A. S. Hardy, and one present gifted
and esteemed leader the. Hon. G. W.
Rose in whom this Convention le inspired
with the almost oonfidenoe in hie
great ability, boner end integrity.
Three rousing cheers were given for the
King, Dr. MaaDonald and Me,
Campbell and the Demise tion
a was clotted. De. MacDonald and Wing.
t ham, Float Wawanoob and Tnrnberry
MOFFAT -In Tnrnberry, on Tuesday,
Deo, 2208, Robert Mrffat, aged 88
yeare, and 6.menthe. -
LAnoea AND OoNmanooN.-I eolioit your
vote and influence for reelection to a seat
at Brneeele Council Board fornext year.
Thanking you for past support and with.
log you prosperity.
I am, Yours Truly,
As We
Bogliogin, 3.904
TUzenas, JAN• 5. -Farm stook, im•
plements &a., Lot. 82, Oen. 8, Grey. Bale
unreserved at ane 1 O'olook. H. Wolfe,
Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano.
Fol--moowo.2,E:.s4.A. v7,E4:=r5,
Fail Wheat 74 75
Barley ... .... .
5 36
seas 65 66
Crate ....... 25 26
I3neter, gibe and rolls .• 15 18 16
Eggs per dozen
Plonr per cwt. " 4 00 5 00
ota tone (Der bus.)
Appiee (per bbl.) 76 1 00
Bay per tea 6 00 7 00
Salt per 1bl,, retail...,, 1 00 70
Hoge, Live. 4 75 5 00
Wool r..,/�J 15 16
Hides trimmed ...d.• •6 bin
Hideo rough 5 6
Lamb skins eaoh25 80
Sheep skies, earth 25 25
ed t 8 bbeth a in t eat dlsranoo from bio old township a
Oard.s to Electors.
HoUMID and .lot for Bale. Apply to
. JOHN B:AI6T,Bruseele.
AnonT 25 cords green hardwood want.
ed. G. A, DSAIIMAN, Brussels,
Rleel,emitbing. Apply to GEORGE
EOSMIER, Jamestown. -
'VI 24th, tietween Jae. Eorgeson'e seiner
on etb eon, of Grey, and Ihnere18, Pinder-
will please return to Jno, Hollinger, 1010.
eon. of Grey, and reoeive a reward,
M ONEY TO LOAN -$25,000.
We havethe above amount of pri-
vate funds to loan an reel estate mortgagee
at 41 and A per tient. Etter terms of re -pay -
m eat and Geste- of loan moderate,
Barristers, &e., Goderieb.
Pigs for Bale, oonsietteg of 1 hog and
o sows, one month old. For prices apply
at Bodmiu Lime Werke. It, S. N10B011
8016, Proprietor, Belgeave: P.O. 221f
BARRISTERS, somI n 0 , •500610 318
P13130.1W. PnoUDFoom, IS. O. 16, 0, Here
. G. F. Brum.
Offices -Those formerly 000upied by Dears
Onnieron & Dolt,
GODIDRIOn,. 0500010.
LADIae AND GIENTLRBtON.-I aril oaedi•
date for a seat at Brueeele Council Board
for 1904 and I take this memos of aolicit•
ing your highly esteemed aid on Election
Day ars I will not be able to see you per -
soapily. If among the ohoeen . the wel-
fare of oar village will be my object*.
Thanking: you for last yeare support and.
whiling yen the season's compliments.
At, the advent of the NeW Tear we
desire 10 exprtse'.tbe eiucero wiole.
that for one Rud till it may contain
306 happy and pr00p000ne days. We
elan WWI at this time to tbahk ihoee`
byt air patronage and
De of
have made 1908 0
da ptt
the moot euooeeefal years' in the
history of our bueineeg. We fNI
appreciate the foot that a very large
parer of the increase ie due to the
hind verde of onr ouelomere whose
farther patronage we hope to merit
by endeavoring more and more t0
make tbie a drug store to which every
- one Dna Dome with abeolate cont
deuce in, the quality Rf-;;R eeier the
oeref�t,l et of ire eervioe and the
trs sdl, bleneee of ile prices.
Drug Store,
Buil:for sale red in color' and -brad
from let prize stook. Lot 20, Om 12, Grey.
J, D. MoNA1R, Proprietor, Oranbrookl. O.
Grey Branch Agricultural
The Annual Bleating of the-. Grey. Branch
Agrionitural 8octety will be sold in the
'Pawn Elan, Bitumen., oft WEDNESDAY,
JANUARY 10th, 1009, at 1 o olook p. m., for
the purpose of electing officers and direc-
tors for the current your and for the trans-
action of other business.
W. H. 2.31616, JAB. BPEIR,
East Huron A gricultural
Annual Meeting of theEaet;]IuroeAgrloul-
iural Society will be held In the Town Hall,
Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20th, M01,
at 1 o'alook p. m„ for the purpose of °tees•
fns officers' and direotore for the - onrront
year, readying the annual reports and the
t, animation of other bueiuose
W. H. EBBE, .JAS. 1131I0G290N,
5eerebary. President:,-,;...
For the Erection of Addition to the
House otIternge-In the County
of Enron. -
Scaled tenders for the erection of an ad- •
Anion to the Renee of Refuge (Minton,will
be received by me ou or before- Otto .2511 day
of January, 1004. Tenders must specify for
the whole work and mast be accompanied
by a marked cheque for 30 ger cent. of the
tendered pride, Ohequo of accepted tender
retained, others returned, The Council is
not bound to accept the lowest or any ten-
der, Plana and specifications may be aeon
in my oiRoo at any time. - 24-8
W. LANE. 00. Clerk.
Dated at Goderiob, 32nd Deo„1000.
The Holiday Season is almost here
the Year. -
o all
The ,dost Joyful �
o: the Electors of Brussels :
Having been nominated for Oounoiltor
for the year 1904I take this opportunity
of solioitiegyour vote and ir:fleenoe, and
eboald I be eluded I pledge myself that I
will nee my beet energy to promote the
iutercet and Wellfare of the town. Wiab.
leg yeaall a happy N••w Year.
p •
Poore Raeottally, e
for the honor conferred 09001 mein 1902,
I eek for a repetition of your favor - in
next Mondey'o Municipal eleet'on in ask
ieg a Heat se Councillor toe Brueeele' for
nest year. Font beet intereete will being
aim. Hoping that 1004 will bring you
much prosperity. Yours Reepedtfully,
Lagers Alin GnNSLnfinte-You honored
ma with election to the Donnell Beard.
last year and I endeavored to do my duty.
I am a oaudidato again and if you tee fit
to return me the advancement of the
beet inteeeete of Breteesie will stili be my
aim, Wishing you all a Happy New
Yours Sintarely,
el. T. PLUM.
NATURALLY the mind turns to the Christmas Gifts,
What shall we give -something useful ? Noth.
more appropriate ro riate for Ladies than a New Dr
•a-�.'retty Waist, Nice pair of Gloves, ,.
Dainty Neck Ribbons Shoes, Hosiery.or Umbrella.
For Gentlemen
a Perfect Fitting . Snit•of Clothes, a Warm Dressy
line Pair'oes Shirts, Neck Scarf,
Overcoat,. FS b
Gloves, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, or Underwear.
For the House
We'have jut:t Placed in Stook a Beautiful Assort-
ment Covers `
meet of Fancy Table, FineTable Linen. Table
Napkins, White hite Q Hilt Lace Curtains and Fine
• s,
-One case of Ladies' and: 1 case of Gentle-
men's Shoes will be _cleared at Cost Price
on Friday and Saturday. '
The balance of our Underwearfat Cost Price
hit tllhit,'le'llllilille'll�llllhl, hlll,av ' -, ...